A3LSMT720U_SAR_Report_FCC_2 of 2


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                                 FCC ID. A3LSMT720U

Attachment 7. – The Verification of Power Reduction

Per the May 2017 TCBC Workshop notes, demonstration of proper functioning of the power reduction
mechanism is required to support the corresponding SAR Configurations. The verification process was
divided into two parts:

1. Power Reduction Verification for WLAN Antenna

This device utilizes a power reduction mechanism for WLAN Antenna wireless modes for SAR compliance
under some conditions when the device is being used in close proximity to the user’s hand. All SAR evaluations
for this device were performed at the maximum allowed output Power when Proximity Sensor is activated.
FCC KDB Publication 616217D04v01r02 section 6 was used as a guideline for selection SAR test distances for
this device when being used in proximity senor used conditions. For detailed measurement conducted power
results, please refer to the Section 11.

                                                                                                FCC ID. A3LSMT720U

2.1 Power Verification Procedure for WLAN Ant.
The Power verification was performed according to the following procedure:

                                    Power Reduction Verification for WLAN mode
                                                                       Conducted Power (dBm)
    Mechanism(s)                 Mode/Band
                                                                                     Triggered (Reduced
                                                       Un-triggered(Max Power)
 Proximity sensor On     2.4 ㎓ 802.11b (1ch – 11ch)              19.63                      12.65
 Proximity sensor On     2.4 ㎓ 802.11g (1ch – 11ch)              19.24                      12.76
 Proximity sensor On     2.4 ㎓ 802.11n(2ch – 10ch)               19.08                       12.14
 Proximity sensor On            5 ㎓ 802.11a                      17.79                       8.96
 Proximity sensor On         5 ㎓ 802.11n 20 ㎒                    17.54                       8.79
                             5 ㎓ 802.11n 40 ㎒
 Proximity sensor On                                             17.07                       8.52
                               (Except 38 ch)
 Proximity sensor On         5 ㎓ 802.11ac 20 ㎒                   17.12                       8.56
                             5 ㎓ 802.11ac 40 ㎒
 Proximity sensor On                                             17.18                       8.77
                                (Except 38 ch)
                             5 ㎓ 802.11ac 80 ㎒
 Proximity sensor On                                             17.12                       9.10
                            (Except 42,58,106 ch)

2.2 Procedures for determining proximity sensor triggering distances

                                                                                (KDB 616217 D04v01r02 §6.2)
The distance verification procedure was performed according to the following procedure:
A base station simulator was used to establish an RF connection and to monitor the power levels. The device
being tested was placed below the relevant section of the phantom with the relevant side or edge of the
device facing toward the phantom.

The device was moved toward and away from the phantom to determine the distance at which the mechanism
triggers and the output power is reduced, per KDB Publication 616217 D04v01r02 .Each applicable test position
was evaluated. The distance were conformed to be the same or larger (more conservative) than the minimum
distances provided by the manufacturer.

Step 1 and 2 were repeated for the relevant modes, as appropriate
Steps 1 through 3 were repeated for all distance-based power reduction mechanisms.

                                                                                                                 FCC ID. A3LSMT720U

For detailed measurement conducted power results, please refer to the Section .9.

                             Trigger distance  Trigger distance   Trigger distance   Trigger distance
   Tissue simulating              - Rear            – Top            – Left Side       – Left corner
         Liquid                                          Moving             Moving              Moving
                             Moving  Moving Moving               Moving             Moving
                                                          away                away               away
                             toward away from toward             toward             toward
                                                          from                from               from
                            phantom phantom phantom             phantom            phantom
                                                        phantom            phantom             phantom
   2 450 ㎒ Muscle              9             15            10           15        7            8           7           9

   5 000 ㎒ Muscle              9             15            10           15        7            8           7           9

                             Distance Measurement verification for Proximity sensor

Rear side – EUT Moving toward (trigger) to the Phantom

                                                      Distance to DUT Output power (dBm)
                                    14      13      12           11      10      9       8          7           6       5

 2.4 ㎓ 802.11b (1ch – 11ch)     19.57      19.67   19.7         19.67   19.57   12.56   12.68      12.66       12.74   12.62
 2.4 ㎓ 802.11g (1ch – 11ch)     19.28      19.3    19.2         19.14   19.32   12.67   12.85      12.86       12.82   12.8
 2.4 ㎓ 802.11n(2ch – 10ch)      19.04      19.17   19.02         19     18.98   12.13   12.12      12.2        12.12   12.19
       5 ㎓ 802.11a                 17.77   17.8    17.74        17.89   17.73   8.89     8.9       8.99        8.89    8.97
    5 ㎓ 802.11n 20 ㎒            17.49      17.62   17.6         17.45   17.51   8.86    8.71       8.82        8.88    8.87
    5 ㎓ 802.11n 40 ㎒
      (Except 38 ch)            17.07      17.15   17.12        17.08   17.17    8.6    8.56       8.54        8.47    8.48

    5 ㎓ 802.11ac 20 ㎒              17.18   17.12   17.05        17.07   17.04   8.62    8.54       8.49        8.65    8.64
     5 ㎓ 802.11ac 40 ㎒
        (Except 38 ch)          17.09      17.13   17.28        17.26   17.26   8.74    8.71       8.86        8.74    8.76
     5 ㎓ 802.11ac 80 ㎒
    (Except 42,58,106 ch)       17.22      17.05   17.16        17.1    17.19   9.14    9.19       9.02        9.07    9.06

                                                                                                FCC ID. A3LSMT720U

Rear side – EUT Moving away (Release) from the Phantom

                                                 Distance to DUT Output power (dBm)
                               11      12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19      20

 2.4 ㎓ 802.11b (1ch – 11ch)   12.65   12.57   12.58   12.57   12.75   19.62   19.7    19.61   19.66   19.57
 2.4 ㎓ 802.11g (1ch – 11ch)   12.69   12.77   12.68   12.74   12.69   19.18   19.3    19.18   19.2    19.3
 2.4 ㎓ 802.11n(2ch – 10ch)    12.04   12.13   12.12   12.05   12.1    19.03   19.05   19.06   19.02   19.09
       5 ㎓ 802.11a            8.95    9.01    8.89    9.05    8.87    17.8    17.79   17.74   17.81   17.84
    5 ㎓ 802.11n 20 ㎒          8.75    8.69    8.79    8.71    8.69    17.52   17.57   17.64   17.55   17.64
    5 ㎓ 802.11n 40 ㎒
                              8.46    8.54    8.57    8.54     8.6    17.17   17.1    17.09   17.16   16.97
      (Except 38 ch)
     5 ㎓ 802.11ac 20 ㎒        8.6    8.64    8.59   8.5     8.64   17.1    17.02   17.1  17.06 17.04
     5 ㎓ 802.11ac 40 ㎒
                             8.82     8.8     8.7   8.77    8.71  17.26 17.09 17.17 17.27 17.09
        (Except 38 ch)
     5 ㎓ 802.11ac 80 ㎒
                             9.16    9.17     9.11  9.03    9.06   17.2    17.04 17.12 17.04 17.17
    (Except 42,58,106 ch)
Based on the most conservative measured triggering distance of 9 mm, additional Body SAR measurements
were required at 8 mm from Rear side for the above modes.

Top side – EUT Moving toward (trigger) to the Phantom

                                                 Distance to DUT Output power (dBm)
                               15      14      13      12      11      10      9       8       7       6

 2.4 ㎓ 802.11b (1ch – 11ch)   19.61   19.71   19.65   19.53   19.54   12.58   12.68   12.6    12.59   12.6
 2.4 ㎓ 802.11g (1ch – 11ch)   19.16   19.3    19.3    19.22   19.14   12.7    12.67   12.74   12.66   12.84
 2.4 ㎓ 802.11n(2ch – 10ch)    19.13   19.06   19.06   19.01   19.12   12.11   12.24   12.12   12.14   12.2
       5 ㎓ 802.11a            17.84   17.87   17.74   17.82   17.71   9.05     9      9.05    8.86    9.01
    5 ㎓ 802.11n 20 ㎒          17.61   17.62   17.44   17.52   17.55   8.84    8.72    8.87    8.71     8.7
    5 ㎓ 802.11n 40 ㎒
                              17.06   17.13   17.14   17.17   17.06   8.45    8.43    8.52    8.55    8.46
      (Except 38 ch)
    5 ㎓ 802.11ac 20 ㎒         17.06   17.15   17.17   17.07   17.08   8.63    8.64    8.63    8.48    8.46
    5 ㎓ 802.11ac 40 ㎒
                              17.26   17.09   17.08   17.25   17.27   8.69    8.71    8.77    8.86    8.84
       (Except 38 ch)
    5 ㎓ 802.11ac 80 ㎒
                              17.21   17.2    17.08   17.07   17.08   9.02    9.18    9.09    9.17    9.11
   (Except 42,58,106 ch)

                                                                                                FCC ID. A3LSMT720U

Top side – EUT Moving away (Release) from the Phantom

                                                 Distance to DUT Output power (dBm)
                               11      12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19      20

 2.4 ㎓ 802.11b (1ch – 11ch)   12.65   12.74   12.62   12.58   12.7    19.67   19.61   19.66   19.53   19.54
 2.4 ㎓ 802.11g (1ch – 11ch)   12.72   12.82   12.78   12.83   12.79   19.29   19.29   19.17   19.21   19.24
 2.4 ㎓ 802.11n(2ch – 10ch)    12.11   12.1    12.21   12.09   12.24   19.01   19.1     19     19.02   19.16
       5 ㎓ 802.11a            9.04    9.03    8.96    8.91    9.02    17.82   17.77   17.71   17.7    17.85
    5 ㎓ 802.11n 20 ㎒          8.84    8.78    8.85    8.69     8.8    17.64   17.58   17.52   17.61   17.48
    5 ㎓ 802.11n 40 ㎒
                              8.43    8.54    8.59    8.61     8.5    16.98   17.03   17.1    17.11   17.04
      (Except 38 ch)
    5 ㎓ 802.11ac 20 ㎒         8.49    8.52    8.65    8.54    8.57    17.1    17.2    17.03   17.14   17.22
    5 ㎓ 802.11ac 40 ㎒
                              8.82    8.81    8.81    8.69    8.67    17.1    17.16   17.08   17.23   17.16
       (Except 38 ch)
    5 ㎓ 802.11ac 80 ㎒
                               9.1     9      9.03    9.06    9.01    17.05   17.19   17.22   17.06   17.13
   (Except 42,58,106 ch)

Based on the most conservative measured triggering distance of 10 mm, additional Body SAR measurements
were required at 9 mm from Rear side for the above modes.

Left side – EUT Moving toward (trigger) to the Phantom

                                                 Distance to DUT Output power (dBm)
                               12      11      10        9     8       7       6       5       4       3

 2.4 ㎓ 802.11b (1ch – 11ch)   19.72   19.64   19.63   19.61   19.65   12.6    12.68   12.67   12.61   12.62
 2.4 ㎓ 802.11g (1ch – 11ch)   19.25   19.26   19.24   19.24   19.16   12.7    12.72   12.75   12.86   12.76
 2.4 ㎓ 802.11n(2ch – 10ch)    19.06   19.18   18.99   19.16   19.01   12.05   12.14   12.16   12.21   12.24
       5 ㎓ 802.11a            17.89   17.71   17.83   17.82   17.74   8.92     9      8.98    8.92    8.95
    5 ㎓ 802.11n 20 ㎒          17.48   17.6    17.51   17.56   17.45    8.7    8.76    8.88    8.74    8.84
    5 ㎓ 802.11n 40 ㎒
                              16.98   17.16   17.02   17.11   17.12    8.6    8.47    8.54     8.5    8.59
      (Except 38 ch)
    5 ㎓ 802.11ac 20 ㎒         17.16   17.16   17.13   17.03   17.13   8.63    8.61    8.53    8.66    8.48
    5 ㎓ 802.11ac 40 ㎒
                              17.2    17.24   17.17   17.12   17.17   8.77    8.67    8.73    8.78    8.82
       (Except 38 ch)
    5 ㎓ 802.11ac 80 ㎒
                              17.18   17.2    17.07   17.07   17.07    9      9.03    9.08    9.05    9.06
   (Except 42,58,106 ch)

                                                                                                 FCC ID. A3LSMT720U

Left side – EUT Moving away (Release) from the Phantom

                                                   Distance to DUT Output power (dBm)
                               4       5       6        7       8       9       10      11      12      13

 2.4 ㎓ 802.11b (1ch – 11ch)   12.67   12.73   12.72   12.62    12.68   19.59   19.57   19.61   19.65   19.55
 2.4 ㎓ 802.11g (1ch – 11ch)   12.86   12.8    12.76    12.7    12.85   19.18   19.25   19.24   19.18   19.21
 2.4 ㎓ 802.11n(2ch – 10ch)    12.21   12.16   12.18    12.2    12.18   19.12   19.04   19.01   19.05   19.04
       5 ㎓ 802.11a            9.04    8.97    8.87     9.03    8.99    17.71   17.75   17.75   17.78   17.69
    5 ㎓ 802.11n 20 ㎒           8.8    8.76    8.86     8.69    8.71    17.64   17.52   17.56   17.54   17.53
    5 ㎓ 802.11n 40 ㎒
                              8.57    8.57     8.5     8.51    8.46    17.03   17.09   17.04   17.13   17.07
      (Except 38 ch)
    5 ㎓ 802.11ac 20 ㎒         8.64    8.49    8.47     8.54    8.52    17.16   17.19   17.16   17.14   17.05
    5 ㎓ 802.11ac 40 ㎒
                              8.82    8.81    8.82     8.77    8.79    17.24   17.2    17.24   17.26   17.09
       (Except 38 ch)
    5 ㎓ 802.11ac 80 ㎒
                              9.03     9.2    9.01     9.15    9.16    17.16   17.02   17.14   17.11   17.12
   (Except 42,58,106 ch)

Based on the most conservative measured triggering distance of 7 mm, additional Body SAR measurements
were required at 6 mm from Rear side for the above modes.

Left Corner side – EUT Moving toward (trigger) to the Phantom

                                                   Distance to DUT Output power (dBm)
                               12      11      10       9       8       7       6       5       4       3

 2.4 ㎓ 802.11b (1ch – 11ch)   19.57   19.68   19.73   19.55    19.63   12.6    12.65   12.62   12.71   12.74
 2.4 ㎓ 802.11g (1ch – 11ch)   19.32   19.13   19.17   19.27    19.3    12.73   12.69   12.66   12.71   12.73
 2.4 ㎓ 802.11n(2ch – 10ch)    19.09   19.07   19.11   19.04    19.16   12.22   12.07   12.04   12.13   12.19
       5 ㎓ 802.11a            17.83   17.8    17.72   17.82    17.87   9.04    8.88    9.01    9.05    9.03
    5 ㎓ 802.11n 20 ㎒          17.48   17.57   17.48   17.44    17.45   8.77    8.72    8.78    8.76    8.73
    5 ㎓ 802.11n 40 ㎒
                              17.02   16.97   17.13    17.1    16.97   8.47     8.6     8.6    8.51    8.46
      (Except 38 ch)
    5 ㎓ 802.11ac 20 ㎒         17.04   17.03   17.03    17.16   17.22   8.59    8.51    8.54    8.59    8.64
    5 ㎓ 802.11ac 40 ㎒
                              17.25   17.25   17.09    17.15   17.08   8.87    8.78    8.72    8.72    8.77
       (Except 38 ch)
    5 ㎓ 802.11ac 80 ㎒
                              17.02   17.08   17.07   17.09    17.04   9.08     9.1     9.1    9.04     9.2
   (Except 42,58,106 ch)

                                                                                                 FCC ID. A3LSMT720U

Left Corner side – EUT Moving away (Release) from the Phantom

                                                    Distance to DUT Output power (dBm)
                                5       6       7        8      9       10      11      12      13      14

 2.4 ㎓ 802.11b (1ch – 11ch)    12.7   12.72   12.68    12.69   12.67   19.67   19.55   19.57   19.63   19.56
 2.4 ㎓ 802.11g (1ch – 11ch)   12.76   12.85   12.66    12.86   12.73   19.18   19.19   19.22   19.17   19.28
 2.4 ㎓ 802.11n(2ch – 10ch)    12.15   12.14   12.24    12.04   12.07   19.14   19.02   19.05   19.14   19.11
        5 ㎓ 802.11a           9.05     8.91   8.97      8.95   8.98    17.7    17.75   17.87   17.81   17.81
    5 ㎓ 802.11n 20 ㎒          8.75    8.86    8.83      8.73   8.81    17.49   17.63   17.5    17.6    17.52
    5 ㎓ 802.11n 40 ㎒
                              8.49    8.58    8.62      8.53   8.43    17.03   17.02     17    17.11   17.05
      (Except 38 ch)
     5 ㎓ 802.11ac 20 ㎒        8.52     8.6    8.54      8.63   8.66    17.13   17.11   17.09   17.21   17.2
     5 ㎓ 802.11ac 40 ㎒
                              8.85    8.68    8.67      8.73   8.67    17.2    17.25   17.25   17.15   17.08
        (Except 38 ch)
     5 ㎓ 802.11ac 80 ㎒
                              9.04     9.12    9.13     9.17   9.18    17.14   17.03   17.04   17.15   17.04
    (Except 42,58,106 ch)
Based on the most conservative measured triggering distance of 7 mm, additional Body SAR measurements
were required at 6 mm from Rear side for the above modes.

2.3 Proximity Sensor Coverage for SAR measurements

                                                                                (KDB 616217 D04v01r02 §6.3)
As there is no spatial offset between the antenna and the proximity sensor element, proximity sensor coverage
did not need to be assessed.

                                                                                                FCC ID. A3LSMT720U

2.4 Proximity Sensor Tilt Angle Assessment

                                                                               (KDB 616217 D04v01r02 §6.4)

The DUT was positioned directly below the flat phantom at the minimum measured trigger distance with
Top/Left side parallel to the base of the flat phantom for each band.
The EUT was rotated about Bottom side for angles up to ±45°. If the output power increased during the
rotation the DUT was moved 1mm toward the phantom and the rotation repeated. This procedure was
repeated until the power remained reduced for all angles up ±45°.

                   Proximity sensor tilt angle assessment (Bottom side) KDB 616217 §6.4
Summary of Tablet Tilt Angle influence to Proximity Sensor Triggering (Top side)

                              Minimum                     Power reduction status
                               at which
           Band               reduction
            (㎒)                   was
                                        -45° -40° -30° -20° -10° 0°      10° 20°          30°   40°   45°
                               d over-
 2.4 ㎓ 802.11b (1ch – 11ch)    10 mm    12.62 12.72 12.72 12.56 12.72 12.7    12.7 12.57 12.61 12.58 12.74

 2.4 ㎓ 802.11g (1ch – 11ch)    10 mm    12.71 12.7 12.77 12.86 12.74 12.71 12.79 12.76 12.76 12.72 12.67

 2.4 ㎓ 802.11n(2ch – 10ch)     10 mm    12.08 12.23 12.23 12.16 12.05 12.14 12.09 12.07 12.21 12.06 12.06

       5 ㎓ 802.11a             10 mm    9.01 8.96 9.01 8.94 8.89 8.87 9.05 8.93 9.04 8.97 9.03

    5 ㎓ 802.11n 20 ㎒           10 mm    8.79 8.85 8.73 8.89 8.77 8.86 8.72 8.89 8.81 8.74 8.84
    5 ㎓ 802.11n 40 ㎒
                               10 mm    8.42 8.57 8.51 8.46 8.58 8.49 8.49 8.62           8.5   8.48 8.42
      (Except 38 ch)
    5 ㎓ 802.11ac 20 ㎒          10 mm    8.47 8.66 8.48 8.65 8.56 8.55 8.51 8.65 8.47 8.59 8.51
     5 ㎓ 802.11ac 40 ㎒
                               10 mm    8.76 8.75 8.77     8.7   8.79 8.87 8.87     8.8   8.67 8.72 8.68
        (Except 38 ch)
     5 ㎓ 802.11ac 80 ㎒
                               10 mm    9.11   9.09   9    9.07 9.19    9.2   9.16 9.05 9.09 9.01     9.18
    (Except 42,58,106 ch)

                                                                                                      FCC ID. A3LSMT720U

Summary of Tablet Tilt Angle influence to Proximity Sensor Triggering (Left side)

                            Minimum                       Power reduction status
         Band            at which power
                          reduction was
          (㎒)                           -45° -40° -30° -20° -10° 0°      10° 20°                30°   40°    45°
    2.4 ㎓ 802.11b
                             7 mm       12.66 12.7 12.57 12.69 12.64 12.66 12.66 12.62 12.68 12.67 12.71
       (1ch – 11ch)
    2.4 ㎓ 802.11g
                             7 mm       12.68 12.78 12.83 12.72 12.7 12.79 12.66 12.81 12.66 12.76 12.84
       (1ch – 11ch)
    2.4 ㎓ 802.11n
                             7 mm       12.22 12.08 12.12 12.07 12.07 12.22 12.18 12.14 12.22 12.07 12.06
      (2ch – 10ch)
     5 ㎓ 802.11a             7 mm        8.94 8.96 8.91 8.98 8.86 8.97           9        8.91 8.99 8.93 8.91

  5 ㎓ 802.11n 20 ㎒           7 mm        8.84 8.79 8.74        8.7    8.88 8.84 8.72 8.76 8.75 8.69 8.69
  5 ㎓ 802.11n 40 ㎒
                             7 mm        8.6   8.51 8.55 8.46 8.62 8.53 8.45              8.6   8.62 8.56 8.42
    (Except 38 ch)
 5 ㎓ 802.11ac 20 ㎒           7 mm        8.56 8.66 8.66 8.64 8.66 8.47 8.63 8.55 8.65 8.46 8.55
  5 ㎓ 802.11ac 40 ㎒
                             7 mm        8.81 8.72 8.79 8.71 8.79 8.74 8.78 8.83 8.87                  8.7   8.81
     (Except 38 ch)
  5 ㎓ 802.11ac 80 ㎒
                             7 mm        9.18 9.06       9.1   9.15 9.06 9.14   9.15 9.03       9.1   9.04 9.01
 (Except 42,58,106 ch)

2.5 Resulting test positions for Tablet SAR measurements

                                                §6.2                                              Worst case
                                                                  §6.3              §6.4
Wireless technologies       Position        Triggering                                            distance for
                                                                Coverage        Tilt Angle
                                             Distance                                             Tablet SAR
                              Rear              9                    N/A            N/A                 8

    WLAN 2.4 ㎓/             Top Side            10                   N/A             10                 9
       5 ㎓                  Left Side           7                    N/A            N/A                 6

                          Left Conner           7                    N/A            N/A                 6

Note: FCC KDB Publication 616217 D04v01r02 Section 6 was used as a guideline for selecting SAR test
distances for this device when being used in proximity use conditions.

Document Created: 2019-07-11 11:53:16
Document Modified: 2019-07-11 11:53:16

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