HAC T-coil test report 1 of 3


Test Report

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                   HAC T-COIL SIGNAL TEST REPORT

                           FCC 47 CFR § 20.19
                            ANSI C63.19-2011


GSM/WCDMA/LTE Phone + BT/BLE, DTS/UNII a/b/g/n/ac/ax, ANT+, NFC and WPT

          MODEL NUMBER : SM-N975F/DS, SM-N975F, SM-N975X

                          FCC ID: A3LSMN975F

                   REPORT NUMBER: 4789067225-S3V3

                          ISSUE DATE: 7/9/2019

                            Prepared for
                   SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.
                     GYEONGGI-DO, 16677, KOREA

                               Prepared by
                              UL Korea, Ltd.
        26th floor, 152, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu Seoul, 06236, Korea

            Suwon Test Site: UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory
                   218 Maeyeong-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
                 Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16675, Korea
                           TEL: (031) 337-9902
                           FAX: (031) 213-5433


Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                    Issue Date: 7/9/2019
Revision History
 Rev.    Date            Revisions                                                     Revised By
 V1      6/19/2019       Initial Issue                                                 Eunji Choi
 V2      6/21/2019       -Updated §8.1., §9.1.                                         Sanghwa Lee
 V3      7/9/2019        -Updated §5.1, §6, §8.1, §9.1, §9.4, §9.5, §9.6, §9.7         Eunji Choi

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UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                                                                      UL-QP-23-10(00)
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Korea, Ltd

Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                                                    Issue Date: 7/9/2019

                                                           Table of Contents
1.      Attestation of Test Results ............................................................................................................. 4

2.      Test Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 5

3.      Facilities and Accreditation ........................................................................................................... 5

4.      Calibration and Uncertainty ........................................................................................................... 5
     4.1. Measuring Instrument Calibration ................................................................................................ 5
     4.2. Measurement Uncertainty ........................................................................................................... 6

5.      Test Procedures for all Technologies ........................................................................................... 7
     5.1. Over the Top (OTT) – For PAG REUSE ...................................................................................... 9

6.      Audio Level and Gain Measurements.......................................................................................... 11

7.      T-coil Measurement Criteria ......................................................................................................... 13
     7.1. Frequency Response ................................................................................................................ 13
     7.2. Signal to Noise .......................................................................................................................... 14

8.      Device Under Test......................................................................................................................... 15
     8.1. Air Interfaces and Operating Mode ............................................................................................ 15

9.      HAC (T-coil) Test Results ............................................................................................................. 16
     9.1. Antenna Investigation – For PAG REUSE ................................................................................. 16
     9.2. Codec Investigation................................................................................................................... 16
     9.3. Air Interface Investigation .......................................................................................................... 17
     9.4. VoWi-Fi Codec Investigation – For PAG REUSE ...................................................................... 21
     9.5. VoWi-Fi Air Interface Investigation – For PAG REUSE.............................................................. 21
     9.6. OTT Codec Investigation – For PAG REUSE ............................................................................ 24
     9.7. OTT Air Interface Investigation – For PAG REUSE ................................................................... 25
     9.8. HAC (T-coil) Test Results.......................................................................................................... 26
     9.9. Worst Case T-Coil Test Plot ...................................................................................................... 28

Appendix .............................................................................................................................................. 29
     4789067225-S3V3-Appendix A: T-Coil Setup Photo .......................................................................... 29
     4789067225-S3V3-Appendix B: T-Coil Test Plots .............................................................................. 29
     4789067225-S3V3-Appendix C: T-Coil Probe Certificates.................................................................. 29

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UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                                                                      UL-QP-23-10(00)
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Korea, Ltd

Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                      Issue Date: 7/9/2019

1. Attestation of Test Results
Applicant Name                    SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.
FCC ID                            A3LSMN975F
Model Name                        SM-N975F/DS, SM-N975F, SM-N975X
                                  FCC 47 CFR § 20.19
Applicable Standards
                                  ANSI C63.19-2011
HAC Rating                        T3
Date Tested                       5/20/2019 to 6/19/2019
Test Results                      Pass
UL Korea, Ltd. tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements set forth in the above standards.
All indications of Pass/Fail in this report are opinions expressed by UL Korea, Ltd. based on interpretations and/or
observations of test results. Measurement Uncertainties were not taken into account and are published for
informational purposes only. The test results show that the equipment tested is capable of demonstrating
compliance with the requirements as documented in this report.
Note: The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the conditions and modes of
operation as described herein. This document may not be altered or revised in any way unless done so by UL
Korea, Ltd. and all revisions are duly noted in the revisions section. Any alteration of this document not carried out
by UL Korea, Ltd. will constitute fraud and shall nullify the document. This report must not be used by the client to
claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by IAS, any agency of the Federal Government, or any
agency of any government.
Approved & Released By:                                       Prepared By:

Justin Park                                                 Eunji Choi
Lead Test Engineer                                          Associate Test Engineer
UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                             UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory

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UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                                                                      UL-QP-23-10(00)
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Korea, Ltd

Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                             Issue Date: 7/9/2019

2. Test Methodology
The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with ANSI C63.19-2011 Methods of
Measurement of Compatibility between Wireless Communications Devices and Hearing Aids and FCC published
KDB 285076 D01 HAC Guidance v05
KDB 285076 D02 T-Coil testing for CMRS IP v03
KDB 285076 D03 HAC FAQ v01
TCB workshop updates

3. Facilities and Accreditation
The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at

 SAR 2 Room (HAC)

UL Korea, Ltd. is accredited by IAS, Laboratory Code TL-637.
The full scope of accreditation can be viewed at http://www.iasonline.org/PDF/TL/TL-637.pdf.

4. Calibration and Uncertainty
4.1.     Measuring Instrument Calibration
The measuring equipment used to perform the tests documented in this report has been calibrated in accordance
with the manufacturers’ recommendations, and is traceable to recognized national standards.
       Name of Equipment          Manufacturer            Type/Model                Serial No.    Cal. Due Date
           ABM Probe                 SPEAG                  AM1DV3                    3137         11-20-2019
   Data Acquisition Electronics      SPEAG                   DAE4                     1494         07-23-2019
  Radio Communication Tester          R&S                  CMW 500                   150314        08-09-2019
         Support Device             Samsung                SM-G955N               R39J40DPK3D         N/A
         Support Device             Samsung                SM-G977U               R35M2000TMW         N/A
              DAC                 Sound Devices            USBPre 2               HB1218172005        N/A
               AP                    Cisco             Air-CAP3702I-A-K9          FTX1902S5JZ         N/A
   Series Wireless Controller        Cisco        WLAN 2500 Series Controller     PSZ173000ZG         N/A
                                                  ProSafe 5 Port Gigabit Switch
              Switch                 Netgear                                      3TL1865A1173B       N/A

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UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                                                                      UL-QP-23-10(00)
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Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                                         Issue Date: 7/9/2019

4.2.       Measurement Uncertainty
Measurement Uncertainty for Audio Band Magnetic Measurement
                                                        Uncertainty   Probe            ci       ci          Std. Unc.
Error Description                                       values (±%)   Dist.   Div.   ABM1     ABM2   ABM1 (±%) ABM2 (±%)
Probe Sensitivity
Reference level                                            3.0         N       1       1       1        3.0       3.0
AMCC geometry                                              0.4         R      √3       1       1        0.2       0.2
AMCC current                                               1.0         R      √3       1       1        0.6       0.6
Probe positioning during calibration                       0.1         R      √3       1       1        0.1       0.1
Noise contribution                                         0.7         R      √3     0.0143    1        0.0       0.4
Frequency slope                                            5.9         R      √3      0.1     1.00      0.3       3.5
Probe System
Repeatability / drift                                      1.0         R      √3       1       1        0.6       0.6
Linearity / Dynamic range                                  0.6         R      √3       1       1        0.4       0.4
Acoustic noise                                             1.0         R      √3      0.1      1        0.1       0.6
Probe angle                                                2.3         R      √3       1       1        1.4       1.4
Spectral processing                                        0.9         R      √3       1       1        0.5       0.5
Integration time                                           0.6         N       1       1       5        0.6       3.0
Field disturbation                                         0.2         R      √3       1       1        0.1       0.1
Test Signal
Reference signal spectral response                         0.6         R      √3       0       1        0.0       0.4
Probe positioning                                          1.9         R      √3       1       1        1.1       1.1
Phantom positioning                                        0.9         R      √3       1       1        0.5       0.5
EUT positioning                                            1.9         R      √3       1       1        1.1       1.1
External Contributions
RF interference                                            0.0         R      √3       1       0.3      0.0       0.0
Test signal variation                                      2.0         R      √3       1       1        1.2       1.2
Combined Std. Uncertainty (ABM field)                                                                   4.1       6.1
Expanded Std. Uncertainty (%)                                                                           8.1       12.3
Notes for table
1. N - Nomal
2. R - Rectangular
3. Div. - Divisor used to obtain standard uncertainty

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Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                         Issue Date: 7/9/2019

5. Test Procedures for all Technologies
ANSI C63.19-2011, Section 7
This document describes the procedures used to measure the ABM (T-Coil) performance of the WD. In addition to
measuring the absolute signal levels, the A-weighted magnitude of the unintended signal shall also be determined.
In order to assure that the required signal quality is measured, the measurement of the intended signal and the
measurement of the unintended signal must be made at the same location for all measurement positions. In
addition, the RF field strength at each measurement location must be at or below that required for the assigned
Measurements shall not include undesired properties from the WD’s RF field; therefore, use of a coaxial connection
to a base station simulator or non-radiating load may be necessary. However, even then with a coaxial connection
to a base station simulator or non-radiating load there may still be RF leakage from the WD, which may interfere
with the desired measurement. Pre-measurement checks should be made to avoid this possibility. All
measurements shall be done with the WD operating on battery power with an appropriate normal speech audio
signal input level given in Table 7.1. If the device display can be turned off during a phone call then that may be
done during the measurement as well.
Measurements shall be performed at two locations specified in A.3, with the correct probe orientation for a
particular location, in a multistage sequence by first measuring the field intensity of the desired T-Coil signal (ABM1)
that is useful to a hearing aid T-Coil. The undesired magnetic components (ABM2) must be measured at the same
location as the desired ABM or T-Coil signal (ABM1), and the ratio of desired to undesired ABM signals must be
calculated. For the perpendicular field location, only the ABM1 frequency response shall be determined in a third
measurement stage. The flow chart in Figure 7.3 illustrates this three-stage, two orientation process.
The following steps summarize the basic test flow for determining ABM1 1 and ABM22. These steps assume that a
sine wave or narrowband 1/3 octave signal can be used for the measurement of ABM1.
      a. A validation of the test setup and instrumentation may be performed using a TMFS or Helmholtz coil.
         Measure the emissions and confirm that they are within the specified tolerance.
      b. Position the WD in the test setup and connect the WD RF connector to a base station simulator or a non-
         radiating load as shown in Figure 7.1 or Figure 7.2. Confirm that equipment that requires calibration has
         been calibrated, and that the noise level meets the requirements given in 7.3.1.
      c.   The drive level to the WD is set such that the reference input level specified in Table 7.1 is input to the
           base station simulator (or manufacturer’s test mode equivalent) in the 1 kHz, 1/3 octave band. This drive
           level shall be used for the T-Coil signal test (ABM1) at f = 1 kHz. Either a sine wave at 1025 Hz or a voice-
           like signal, band-limited to the 1 kHz 1/3 octave, as defined in 7.4.2, shall be used for the reference audio
           signal. If interference is found at 1025 Hz an alternative nearby reference audio signal frequency may be
           used.46 The same drive level will be used for the ABM1 frequency response measurements at each 1/3
           octave band center frequency. The WD volume control may be set at any level up to maximum, provided
           that a signal at any frequency at maximum modulation would not result in clipping or signal overload.
      d. Determine the magnetic measurement locations for the WD device (A.3), if not already specified by the
         manufacturer, as described in and

1   Audio Band Magnetic signal - desired (ABM1): Measured quantity of the desired magnetic signal
2 Audio Band Magnetic signal - undesired (ABM2): Measured quantity of the undesired magnetic signal, such as interference
from battery current and similar non-signal elements.

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          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Korea, Ltd

Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                       Issue Date: 7/9/2019
    e. At each measurement location, measure and record the desired T-Coil magnetic signals (ABM1 at fi) as
       described in in each individual ISO 266-1975 R10 standard 1/3 octave band. The desired audio
       band input frequency (fi) shall be centered in each 1/3 octave band maintaining the same drive level as
       determined in item c) and the reading taken for that band.
                 Equivalent methods of determining the frequency response may also be employed, such as fast
                 Fourier transform (FFT) analysis using noise excitation or input–output comparison using simulated
                 speech. The full-band integrated or half-band integrated probe output, as specified in D.9, may be
                 used, as long as the appropriate calibration curve is applied to the measured result, so as to yield
                 an accurate measurement of the field magnitude. (The resulting measurement shall be an accurate
                 measurement in dB A/m.)
                 All measurements of the desired signal shall be shown to be of the desired signal and not of an
                 undesired signal. This may be shown by turning the desired signal ON and OFF with the probe
                 measuring the same location. If the scanning method is used the scans shall show that all
                 measurement points selected for the ABM1 measurement meet the ambient and test system noise
                 criteria in 7.3.1.
    f.   At the measurement location for each orientation, measure and record the undesired broadband audio
         magnetic signal (ABM2) as specified in with no audio signal applied (or digital zero applied, if
         appropriate) using A-weighting and the half-band integrator. Calculate the ratio of the desired to undesired
         signal strength (i.e., signal quality).
    g. Obtain the data from the postprocessor, SEMCAD, and determine the category that properly classifies the
       signal quality based on Table 8.5.

                                                    Test Setup Diagram

                                            Audio   Coil    Coil                          Probe
                PC                           Out    Out      In                             In


                                    Audio In/Out
                                                                         Coil Monitor

                               Base Station
                                                                           Coil In

              ----- For Cal Gain

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Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                      Issue Date: 7/9/2019

5.1. Over the Top (OTT) – For PAG REUSE
The test procedure for OTT testing is identical to the section above, except for how the signal is sent to the DUT, as
outlined in the diagram below.
The AMMI is connected to an external ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) and the ADC is connected to the Support
Device via USB. The Support Device and the DUT is connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi. Using the DUT’s OTT
application, a VoIP call is established with the Support Device. The test signal is sent from the DASY PC to the
AMMI, from the AMMI to the ADC, from the ADC to the Support Device, and finally to the DUT. To exercise the
license antenna, the DUT was simultaneously connected to an external AP and to a mobile base station. This is
essentially the manufacturer’s test mode method (C63.19 2011 §7.3.3) (C63.19 2007 §6.2.3) but with the audio
wired signal injection replaced by the Wi-Fi connection.

                               Test Setup configuration for EGPRS, HSUPA and LTE

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Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                    Issue Date: 7/9/2019
                                        Test Setup configuration for Wi-Fi

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Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                    Issue Date: 7/9/2019

6. Audio Level and Gain Measurements
No correction gain factors were measured for GSM due to the Rohde & Schwarz CMW500, hosting a calibrated
audio board. Refer to the below table for the gains used to measure GSM.
                           Audio Level             Gain                Gain
      Signal Type
                             [dBm0]                [dB]              [linear]
     Voice 1 kHz              -16.00              27.70               24.27
  Voice 300 - 3 kHz           -16.00              33.55               47.59

No correction gain factors were measured for W-CDMA due to the Rohde & Schwarz CMW500, hosting a
calibrated audio board. Refer to the below table for the gains used to measure W-CDMA.
                           Audio Level             Gain                Gain
      Signal Type
                             [dBm0]                [dB]              [linear]
     Voice 1 kHz              -16.00              27.70               24.27
  Voice 300 - 3 kHz           -16.00              33.55               47.59

No correction gain factors were measured for VoLTE due to the Rohde & Schwarz CMW500, hosting a calibrated
audio board. Refer to the below table for the gains used to measure VoLTE.

The following software/firmware was used to simulate the VoLTE server for testing:

Firmware              License Keys        Software Name
V3.7.30 for LTE       KS500               LTE FDD R8 SIG BASIC
                      KS550               LTE TDD R8 SIG BASIC
V3.7.20 for Audio     KA100               IP APPL ENABLING IPv4
                      KA150               IP APPL ENABLING IPv4
                      KAA20               IP APPL IMS BASIC
                      KM050               DATA APPL MEAS
                      KS104               EVS SPEECH CODEC

                           Audio Level             Gain                Gain
      Signal Type
                             [dBm0]                [dB]              [linear]
     Voice 1 kHz              -16.00              27.70               24.27
  Voice 300 - 3 kHz           -16.00              33.55               47.59

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Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                     Issue Date: 7/9/2019

No correction gain factors were measured for VoWi-Fi due to the Rohde & Schwarz CMW500, hosting a calibrated
audio board. Refer to the below table for the gains used to measure VoWi-Fi.

Firmware             License Keys         Software Name
V3.7.50 for WLAN     KS650                WLAN A/B/G SIG BASIC
                     KS651                WLAN N SIG BASIC
                     KS656                WLAN IEEE 802.11ac
                     KS657                WLAN IEEE 802.11ax
V3.7.20 for Audio    KA100                IP APPL ENABLING IPv4
                     KA150                IP APPL ENABLING IPv4
                     KAA20                IP APPL IMS BASIC
                     KM050                DATA APPL MEAS
                     KS104                EVS SPEECH CODEC

                           Audio Level             Gain                Gain
     Signal Type
                             [dBm0]                [dB]              [linear]
     Voice 1 kHz              -20.00              23.70               15.31
  Voice 300 - 3 kHz           -20.00              29.55               30.03

Over the Top (OTT) – For PAG REUSE
For EDGE, HSPA, LTE, and Wi-Fi, the linear gain levels listed below were used. The results below are based on a
reference input level of -20 dBm0. Granted, the C63.19-2011 interpretation for T-coil audio levels for LTE states
that an input reference level of -16 dBm0 should be used, we, the test lab, opted for -20 dBm0 for LTE due to it
being a more conservative input reference level.
The adjusted gain measurements are based on an external Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC), where the signal
is sent from the AMMI to the ADC, then to the DUT via Wi-Fi.
To calibrate the ADC, three .wav audio files (sine wave, 1 kHz voice, and 300 to 3 kHz voice) are sent from the
DASY5 PC to the AMMI, then to the ADC. The Helmholtz resonator measures the field strength, which represents
the AMMI to ADC input sensitivity. After determining the input sensitivity, the adjusted linear gain values can then
be calculated.
                           Audio Level             Gain                Gain
     Signal Type
                             [dBm0]                [dB]              [linear]
     Voice 1 kHz              -20.00              26.26               20.55
  Voice 300 - 3 kHz           -20.00              32.11               40.30

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Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                    Issue Date: 7/9/2019

7. T-coil Measurement Criteria
7.1. Frequency Response
The frequency response of the axial component of the magnetic field, measured in 1/3 octave bands, shall follow
the response curve, over the frequency range 300 Hz to 3000 Hz.
Figure 8.1 and Figure 8.2 provide the boundaries for the specified frequency. These response curves are for true
field strength measurements of the T-Coil signal. Thus the 6 dB/octave probe response has been corrected from
the raw readings.

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Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                     Issue Date: 7/9/2019

7.2. Signal to Noise
This specifies the signal-to-noise quality requirement for the intended T-Coil signal from a WD. The worst signal to
noise of the two T-Coil signal measurements, as determined in Clause 7, shall be used to determine the T-Coil
mode category per Table 8.5.
Only the RF immunity of the hearing aid is measured in T-Coil mode. It is assumed that a hearing aid can have no
immunity to an interference signal in the audio band, which is the intended reception band for this mode. So, the
only criterion that can be measured is the RF immunity in T-Coil Mode. This is measured using the same procedure
as for the audio coupling mode and at the same levels as specified in 6.4.

               Measurement locations and reference plane to be used for the T-coil measurements

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Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                                                             Issue Date: 7/9/2019

8. Device Under Test
Normal operation                    Held to head

Back Cover                          The Back Cover is not removable

                                               S/N                                        Notes
                                         R3CM503RHKB                                T-coil Test
                                         R3CM40CW54N                                T-coil Test
Test sample information
                                          R38M50ASH7T                               T-coil Test
                                         R3CM506Q8CZ                                T-coil Test
                                          R38M50ASJ7A                               T-coil Test

8.1.           Air Interfaces and Operating Mode
                                                                C63.19                                             OTT Testing Required?         Audio Codecs
  Air Interface               Bands (MHz)            Type                      Simultaneous Transmitter
                                                                Tested                                             Name of Voice Service          Evaluated

                                                        VO       Yes                 Wi-Fi and BT                            NA                      EFR
                             GPRS/EDGE                  DT       Yes                 Wi-Fi and BT                                                   OPUS
                                                                                                                        Google Duo2
                                850 (V)
                                1700 (IV)               VO       Yes                 Wi-Fi and BT                            NA               AMR-NB & AMR-WB
                                1900 (II)
                                 HSPA                   VD       Yes                 Wi-Fi and BT                                                   OPUS
                                                                                                                        Google Duo2
                            700 (B12/13/17)
                              850 (B5/26)
                                                                                                                          Yes1, 3              AMR-NB, AMR-WB
   LTE - FDD                  1700 (B4/66)              VD       Yes                 Wi-Fi and BT
                                                                                                                        Google Duo2               and OPUS
                              1900 (B2/25)
                               2600 (B7)

                                                                                                                          Yes1, 3              AMR-NB, AMR-WB
   LTE - TDD                 2500 (B38/41)              VD       Yes                 Wi-Fi and BT
                                                                                                                        Google Duo2               and OPUS

                                  2450                                          WWAN and Wi-Fi 5GHz
                             5200 (U-NII-1)
                                                                                                                                               AMR-NB, AMR-WB
       Wi-Fi                5300 (U-NII-2A)             VD       Yes                                                    Wi-Fi calling
                                                                              WWAN, Wi-Fi 2.4GHz and BT                                           and OPUS
                            5500 (U-NII-2C)                                                                             Google Duo2

                             5800 (U-NII-3)
        BT                        2450                  DT       NA             WWAN and Wi-Fi 5GHz                          NA                      NA
Type                                                                     Note:
VO: Legacy Cellular Voice Service                                              Ref Lev in accordance with the July 2012 VoLTE interpretatio
DT: Digital Transport only (no voice)                                          Ref Lev -20 dBm0
                                                                               For PAG REUSE
VD: IP Voice Service over Digital Transport
BT: Bluetooth

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Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                                                                                                              Issue Date: 7/9/2019

9. HAC (T-coil) Test Results
9.1.       Antenna Investigation – For PAG REUSE
The testing was performed at the worst case of VoWi-Fi SNR on the WiFi Ant1 and WiFi Ant2 for WLAN
to confirm that there were no unexpected variations between the antennas, a difference of 3dB was used
as the threshold.
WIFI1 and WIFI2 as indicated in antenna specification are written as ANT1 (Antenna 1) and ANT2
(Antenna 2) in this report
                                                                                                                                        Ambient           Freq.
                        Channel and                                                                      ABM1             ABM2                                        ABM SNR                                 Delta
        Mode:                             Data Rate            Antenna             Orientation                                           Noise          Response                       T-Rating
                         Frequency                                                                      dB(A/m)          dB(A/m)                                        (dB)                           (WiFi Ant1 v. Ant2)
                                                                                                                                        dB(A/m)           (dB)

                                                                                    z (Axial)            -0.49             -27.88          -50.14         1.99             46.09         T4
                                                              WiFi Ant1
       802.11g                                                                y (Transverse)             -7.53             -27.44          -50.20                          26.48         T3
                           CH.6               64QAM
Voice Codec : AMR-NB                                                                                                                                                                                         -2.43
                         2437 MHz            54 Mbps
      12.2 kbit/s                                                                   z (Axial)             0.45             -28.20          -50.14         2.00             48.52         T4
                                                              WiFi Ant2
                                                                              y (Transverse)             -7.92             -27.71          -50.20                          29.27         T3

9.2.       Codec Investigation
An investigation between the various codec configurations (Low/High bit rates for Narrowband,
Wideband) and specific parameters are documented (ABM1, ABM2, S+N/N, frequency response) to
determine the worst-case bit rates for each voice service type. The table below compares the varying
codec configurations. A codec investigation was performed on one band of each GSM, W-CDMA, LTE
The highlighted results below were determined to be the worst case codec configuration(s) for GSM, W-
                                               Codec Investigation
                                                AMR-NB (kbit/s)                                                      Band/
         Codec State                                                                    Orientation
                                             FR V1                  HR V1                                           Channel
        ABM1 (dB/m)                            3.75                   4.40
       ABM2 (dBA/m)                          -16.53                 -19.44                   z                     GSM 850
          S+N/N (dB)                          32.43                  35.98                 (Axial)                  CH.190
   Freq. Resposne (dB)                         1.17                   1.55

                                                                             Codec Investigation
                                                 AMR-NB (kbit/s)                                      AMR-WB (kbit/s)                                                           Band/
         Codec State                                                                                                                                Orientation               Bandwidth/
                                         4.75               7.4            12.2                 6.6              15.85          23.85                                          Channel
        ABM1 (dB/m)                      2.40              3.91            4.20             3.95                 5.57               5.25
       ABM2 (dBA/m)                     -37.69             -36.82         -35.77           -34.21              -34.37           -34.30                  z                      Band IV
         S+N/N (dB)                     51.33              52.83          53.15            52.99                 54.36          54.26                 (Axial)                   Rel.99
   Freq. Resposne (dB)                   1.21              1.98            1.97             2.00                 2.00               2.00

                                                                                                 Codec Investigation
                                  AMR-NB (kbit/s)                    AMR-WB (kbit/s)                  EVS nb (kbit/s)                 EVS wb (kbit/s)             EVS swb (kbit/s)                            Band/
     Codec State                                                                                                                                                                         Orientation        Bandwidth/
                           4.75        7.4          12.2       6.6        15.85        23.85           5.9        24.4          5.9         13.2        24.4        9.6        24.4                          Channel
     ABM1 (dB/m)           3.65        4.34         4.51      4.56                      5.34          4.83        4.80         0.05         6.54        5.63       5.09        5.06
                                                                                                                                                                                                            LTE Band 2
    ABM2 (dBA/m)          -34.56      -34.90     -34.99       -30.04                   -34.06         -33.83      -33.55      -32.48       -31.13      -34.29     -33.98      -34.23         z               CH.18900
       S+N/N (dB)          51.34      52.53      52.82        52.58                    53.30          53.01       52.72        47.49       54.29       53.81       52.83       53.22       (Axial)          20 MHz BW
                                                                                                                                                                                                           QPSK RB 1/0
  Freq. Resposne (dB)      2.00        2.00         2.00      1.43                      2.00          2.00        2.00         1.92         1.78        2.00       2.00        2.00
     ABM1 (dB/m)           4.39                     5.25      4.91        6.20          6.28          2.84        4.92         2.35         6.84        6.06       4.58        5.87
                                                                                                                                                                                                           LTE Band 41
    ABM2 (dBA/m)          -28.26                 -28.58       -28.20      -28.27       -25.45         -28.26      -28.61      -28.54       -28.62      -28.58     -21.81      -28.17         z               CH.40620
       S+N/N (dB)          45.29                 45.30        43.52       46.13        46.70          44.60       44.91        43.84       46.63       45.51       44.26       45.18       (Axial)          20 MHz BW
                                                                                                                                                                                                           QPSK RB 1/0
  Freq. Resposne (dB)      2.00                     2.00      1.93        2.00          2.00          2.00        2.00         2.00         2.00        2.00       2.00        2.00

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UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                                                                      UL-QP-23-10(00)
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Korea, Ltd

Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                                Issue Date: 7/9/2019

9.3.     Air Interface Investigation
Use the worst-case codec test and document a limited set of bands/modulations/channels/bandwidth.
Observe the effect of changing the band and bandwidth to ensure that there are no unexpected
                                                                           Ambient     Freq.
                       Channel and                      ABM1      ABM2                          ABM SNR
        Mode:                          Orientation                          Noise    Response             T-Rating
                        Frequency                      dB(A/m)   dB(A/m)                          (dB)
                                                                           dB(A/m)     (dB)

                        CH.128          z (Axial)       3.42     -16.01    -50.22      1.01      31.69      T4
                       824.2 MHz
                                     y (Transversal)    -4.33    -21.05    -50.25                25.80      T3

      GSM 850                           z (Axial)       3.75     -16.53    -50.22      1.17      32.43      T4
     Voice Coder
                       836.6 MHz
 Speech Codec: FR V1                 y (Transversal)    -4.09    -21.43    -50.25                33.50      T4

                        CH.251          z (Axial)       3.18     -17.74    -50.22      1.70      32.66      T4
                       848.8 MHz
                                     y (Transversal)    -4.26    -22.47    -50.25                27.00      T3

      GSM 1900                          z (Axial)       3.35     -19.36    -50.22      1.07      34.37      T4
     Voice Coder
                       1880.0 MHz
 Speech Codec: FR V1                 y (Transversal)    -4.29    -22.37    -50.25                36.12      T4

                        CH.1312         z (Axial)       3.01     -35.11    -50.09      1.61      52.01      T4
                       1712.4 MHz
                                     y (Transversal)    -4.22    -36.31    -50.08                39.82      T4

   W-CDMA Band IV                       z (Axial)       2.40     -37.69    -50.09      1.21      51.33      T4
 Voice NB AMR Codec:
                       1732.6 MHz
       4.75 kbit/s                   y (Transversal)    -4.19    -36.80    -50.08                42.51      T4

                        CH.1513         z (Axial)       2.98     -34.76    -50.09      1.74      51.50      T4
                       1752.6 MHz
                                     y (Transversal)    -4.40    -36.05    -50.08                39.45      T4

    W-CDMA Band II                      z (Axial)       3.41     -36.11    -50.09      1.79      52.17      T4
 Voice NB AMR Codec:
                       1880.0 MHz
       4.75 kbit/s                   y (Transversal)    -4.33    -36.79    -50.08                42.29      T4

   W-CDMA Band V                        z (Axial)       3.36     -33.65    -50.09      1.76      52.19      T4
 Voice NB AMR Codec:
                       836.6 MHz
       4.75 kbit/s                   y (Transversal)    -4.45    -36.58    -50.08                42.30      T4

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UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                                                                      UL-QP-23-10(00)
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Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                                                      Issue Date: 7/9/2019

Air Interface Investigation (Continued)
                                                                                                              Ambient     Freq.
                 Channel and                Bandw idth /     RB                            ABM1      ABM2                          ABM SNR
    Mode:                      Bandw idth                                 Orientation                          Noise    Response             T-Rating
                  Frequency                  Modulation configuration                     dB(A/m)   dB(A/m)                          (dB)
                                                                                                              dB(A/m)     (dB)

                                                                           z (Axial)       0.05     -32.48    -49.94      1.92       47.49     T4
                                                                        y (Transversal)    -6.92    -33.55    -50.01                 31.83     T4

                                                                           z (Axial)       2.16     -33.71    -49.94      1.89       47.79     T4
                                                                        y (Transversal)    -6.15    -33.66    -50.01                 35.32     T4

                                                                           z (Axial)       1.96     -33.26    -49.94      2.00       47.22     T4
                                                                        y (Transversal)    -4.17    -31.94    -50.01                 39.86     T4

                                                                           z (Axial)       -0.03    -33.78    -49.94      1.64       45.50     T4
                                              QPSK          50/0
                                                                        y (Transversal)    -3.49     33.55    -50.01                 37.38     T4

                                                                           z (Axial)       1.51     -33.32    -49.94      1.69       48.73     T4
                                20MHz                       50/24
                                                                        y (Transversal)    -6.13    -33.06    -50.01                 33.65     T4

                                                                           z (Axial)       3.10     -33.37    -49.94      2.00       48.47     T4
                                                                        y (Transversal)    -4.65    -33.11    -50.01                 40.30     T4

                                                                           z (Axial)       1.20     -33.58    -49.94      1.95       46.60     T4
                                                                        y (Transversal)    -5.49    -22.82    -50.01                 36.81     T4
                  1880 MHz
                                                                           z (Axial)       2.18     -34.41    -49.94      1.83       49.00     T4
                                              16QAM          1/0
  LTE Band 2
                                                                        y (Transversal)    -5.45    -31.22    -50.01                 40.81     T4
 Voice EVS WB
    5.9 kbit/s                                                             z (Axial)       0.05     -32.33    -49.94      1.83       46.28     T4
                                              64QAM          1/0
                                                                        y (Transversal)    -4.75    -33.49    -50.01                 34.61     T4

                                                                           z (Axial)       2.69     -22.19    -49.94      2.00       49.52     T4
                                15 MHz                       1/0
                                                                        y (Transversal)    -3.59    -28.56    -50.01                 38.45     T4

                                                                           z (Axial)       2.71     -34.39    -49.94      1.85       50.16     T4
                                10 MHz                       1/0
                                                                        y (Transversal)    -4.20    -34.06    -50.01                 40.85     T4

                                                                           z (Axial)       3.41     -33.81    -49.94      2.00       50.84     T4
                                 5 MHz        QPSK           1/0
                                                                        y (Transversal)    -3.75    -33.50    -50.01                 34.38     T4

                                                                           z (Axial)       3.52     -33.09    -49.94      2.00       50.97     T4
                                 3 MHz                       1/0
                                                                        y (Transversal)    -3.54    -33.69    -50.01                 35.60     T4

                                                                           z (Axial)       4.10     -34.95    -49.94      2.00       48.96     T4
                                1.4 MHz                      1/0
                                                                        y (Transversal)    -3.87    -35.09    -50.01                 42.02     T4

                                                                           z (Axial)       1.96     -32.56    -49.65      2.00       49.15     T4
                                20 MHz        QPSK           1/0
                  1860 MHz
                                                                        y (Transversal)    -6.77    -32.74    -49.69                 32.97     T4

                                                                           z (Axial)       0.83     -32.49    -49.65      1.78       47.11     T4
                                20 MHz        QPSK           1/0
                  1900 MHz
                                                                        y (Transversal)    -5.65    -32.79    -49.69                 35.45     T4

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UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                                                                      UL-QP-23-10(00)
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Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                                                      Issue Date: 7/9/2019

Air Interface Investigation (Continued)
                                                                                                              Ambient     Freq.
                 Channel and                Bandw idth /     RB                            ABM1      ABM2                          ABM SNR
     Mode:                     Bandw idth                                 Orientation                          Noise    Response             T-Rating
                  Frequency                  Modulation configuration                     dB(A/m)   dB(A/m)                          (dB)
                                                                                                              dB(A/m)     (dB)
  LTE Band 5
                                                                           z (Axial)       2.05     -32.58    -49.65      2.00       49.85     T4
  Voice EVS      CH.20525
                                10 MHz        QPSK           1/0
 WB Codec: 5.9   836.5 MHz
     kbit/s                                                             y (Transversal)    -5.93    -32.56    -49.69                 35.94     T4

  LTE Band 7
                                                                           z (Axial)       1.92     -32.45    -49.65      2.00       45.38     T4
  Voice EVS       CH.21100
                                20 MHz        QPSK           1/0
 WB Codec: 5.9    2535 MHz
     kbit/s                                                             y (Transversal)    -6.31    -32.48    -49.69                 38.54     T4

  LTE Band 12
                                                                           z (Axial)       2.15     -33.50    -49.65      2.00       48.73     T4
  Voice EVS      CH.23095
                                10 MHz        QPSK           1/0
 WB Codec: 5.9   707.5 MHz
     kbit/s                                                             y (Transversal)    -4.47    -33.40    -49.69                 36.01     T4

  LTE Band 66
                                                                           z (Axial)       3.14     -32.84    -49.65      2.00       49.42     T4
  Voice EVS      CH.20525
                                20 MHz        QPSK           1/0
 WB Codec: 5.9   836.5 MHz
     kbit/s                                                             y (Transversal)    -4.90    -33.07    -49.69                 32.84     T4

                                                  Page 19 of 29
UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                                                                      UL-QP-23-10(00)
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Korea, Ltd

Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                                                          Issue Date: 7/9/2019

Air Interface Investigation (Continued)
                                                                                                                  Ambient     Freq.
                     Channel and                Bandw idth /     RB                            ABM1      ABM2                          ABM SNR
      Mode:                        Bandw idth                                 Orientation                          Noise    Response             T-Rating
                      Frequency                  Modulation configuration                     dB(A/m)   dB(A/m)                          (dB)
                                                                                                                  dB(A/m)     (dB)

                                                                               z (Axial)       4.91     -28.20    -50.04      1.93       43.52     T4
                                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.64    -31.97    -50.05                 36.98     T4

                                                                               z (Axial)       5.24     -29.02    -50.04      2.00       44.26     T4
                                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.19    -32.82    -50.05                 39.28     T4

                                                                               z (Axial)       5.15     -27.82    -50.04      1.69       44.16     T4
                                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.77    -30.23    -50.05                 37.54     T4

                                                                               z (Axial)       5.15     -29.21    -50.04      2.00       44.84     T4
                                                  QPSK          50/0
                                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.54    -33.09    -50.05                 38.22     T4

                                                                               z (Axial)       4.74     -29.30    -50.04      1.46       44.87     T4
                                    20MHz                       50/24
                                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.64    -33.28    -50.05                 38.69     T4

                                                                               z (Axial)       4.95     -29.14    -50.04      1.62       43.64     T4
                      CH.40620                                              y (Transversal)    -2.70    -33.53    -50.05                 37.87     T4
                      2593 MHz
                                                                               z (Axial)       5.45     -29.05    -50.04      2.00       45.58     T4
                                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.55    -32.12    -50.05                 38.10     T4

                                                                               z (Axial)       4.43     -28.73    -50.04      1.72       43.97     T4
                                                  16QAM          1/0
   LTE Band 41                                                              y (Transversal)    -2.94    -31.93    -50.05                 36.48     T4
 Voice WB AMR
 Codec: 6.6 kbit/s                                                             z (Axial)       5.36     -28.97    -50.04      2.00       44.57     T4
                                                  64QAM          1/0
                                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.48    -31.78    -50.05                 36.67     T4

                                                                               z (Axial)       4.75     -24.16    -50.04      2.00       44.50     T4
                                    15 MHz                       1/0
                                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.58    -32.53    -50.05                 38.89     T4

                                                                               z (Axial)       5.31     -29.24    -50.04      2.00       44.96     T4
                                    10 MHz        16QAM          1/0
                                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.65    -25.80    -50.05                 36.83     T4

                                                                               z (Axial)       5.01     -28.99    -50.04      1.43       43.74     T4
                                     5 MHz                       1/0
                                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.58    -32.34    -50.05                 36.88     T4

                      CH.39750                                                 z (Axial)       5.00     -29.31    -50.04      1.79       44.26     T4
                      2506 MHz
                                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.61    -32.68    -50.05                 37.53     T4

                      CH.40185                                                 z (Axial)       5.21     -28.97    -50.04      2.00       43.78     T4
                     2549.5 MHz
                                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.52    -28.20    -50.05                 36.34     T4
                                    20 MHz        16QAM
                      CH.41055                                                 z (Axial)       4.87     -28.65    -50.04      1.93       41.86     T4
                     2636.5 MHz
                                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.72    -31.06    -50.05                 35.26     T4

                      CH.41490                                                 z (Axial)       5.01     -29.25    -49.94      1.94       42.77     T4
                      2680 MHz
                                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.87    -31.30    -50.01                 35.45     T4

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UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                                                                      UL-QP-23-10(00)
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Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                                                                                                                    Issue Date: 7/9/2019

9.4.        VoWi-Fi Codec Investigation – For PAG REUSE
An investigation between the various codec configurations (Low/High bit rates for Narrowband,
Wideband) and specific parameters are documented (ABM1, ABM2, S+N/N, frequency response) to
determine the worst-case bit rates for each voice service type. The table below compares the varying
codec configurations. A codec investigation was performed for each Wi-Fi 2.4GHz and 5GHz.
The highlighted results below were determined to be the worst case codec configuration(s) for Wi-Fi
2.4GHz and 5GHz
                                                                                                 Codec Investigation
                               AMR-NB (kbit/s)                 AMR-WB (kbit/s)                  EVS nb (kbit/s)                     EVS wb (kbit/s)                   EVS swb (kbit/s)                          Band/
     Codec State                                                                                                                                                                                Orientation   BandWidth/
                        4.75        7.4          12.2    6.6       15.85     23.85      5.9          13.2         24.4       5.9         13.2         24.4      9.6         16.4       24.4                    Channel
     ABM1 (dB/m)        -1.24       -0.22    -0.33      1.52                  2.67      -0.43        -0.03        -0.51     -0.87        3.47         2.53      1.33        1.50       1.67                    802.11b
    ABM2 (dBA/m)        -27.03     -26.82    -26.11     -22.75              -25.08     -29.63       -28.68    -26.16        -25.89      -26.01    -18.13       -26.26      -26.25     -24.39                    CH.6
                                                                                                                                                                                                              2412 MHz
      S+N/N (dB)        40.04      41.78     39.96      41.48                42.22     45.01        46.37     45.31         39.98       47.38     45.19        43.62       44.58       46.99      (Axial)
  Freq. Resposne (dB)   1.57        1.74         1.82   1.77                  2.00      1.13         1.53         1.77      1.96         1.74         2.00      2.00        2.00       2.00                    1 Mbps
     ABM1 (dB/m)        -0.22       -1.04        0.39   0.64        3.64      2.05      -0.54        0.24         1.46      0.20         3.20         3.31      2.30        1.59       0.89                    802.11a
    ABM2 (dBA/m)        -26.28     -29.32    -28.11     -24.78     -25.32   -26.33     -28.42       -25.50    -29.04        -25.39      -26.17    -25.66       -26.31      -26.09     -26.30                    CH.40
                                                                                                                                                                                                              5200 MHz
      S+N/N (dB)        44.18      45.13     45.67      45.36      47.89     45.45     47.12        48.36     48.18         48.08       49.80     50.02        48.30       46.60       47.00      (Axial)
  Freq. Resposne (dB)   1.91        1.80         1.87   1.67        1.92      2.00      1.77         1.74         1.96      1.49         1.53         2.00      2.00        2.00       44.00                   6 Mbps

9.5.        VoWi-Fi Air Interface Investigation – For PAG REUSE
Using the data from §9.4, further testing was performed on the remaining 802.11 modes. The objective of
these measurements is to ensure that changing the modulation, bandwidth, and data rate, whilst using
the worst case codec configuration measured in §9.4, yields no unexpected variations.
                                                                                                                                                             Ambient           Freq.
                           Channel and                             Bandw idth /                                    ABM1                ABM2                                                     ABM SNR
          Mode:                                   Bandw idth                           Orientation                                                            Noise          Response                           T-Rating
                            Frequency                               Modulation                                    dB(A/m)             dB(A/m)                                                     (dB)
                                                                                                                                                             dB(A/m)           (dB)

                                                                      DSSS              z (Axial)                   -0.33               -26.11               -50.15                 1.82           39.96           T4
                                                                     1 Mbps
                                                                                     y (Transversal)                -8.07               -26.03               -50.16                                28.43           T3

       802.11b                                                                          z (Axial)                   -0.95               -25.85               -50.15                 1.94           42.33           T4
                                  CH.6                                CCK
    Voice AMR-NB                                    20 MHz
                                2437 MHz                            5.5 Mbps
   Codec: 12.2 kbit/s                                                                y (Transversal)                -8.73               -25.00               -50.16                                27.27           T3

                                                                      CCK               z (Axial)                   -1.01               -26.63               -50.15                 1.75           42.15           T4
                                                                    11 Mbps
                                                                                     y (Transversal)                -8.20               -28.48               -50.16                                29.11           T3

                                  CH.1                                                  z (Axial)                   0.09                -27.63               -50.14                 1.78           47.70           T4
                                2412 MHz
                                                                                     y (Transversal)                -7.43               -28.28                -50.2                                37.16           T4

       802.11g                                                                          z (Axial)                   -0.49               -27.88               -50.14                 1.99           46.09           T4
                                  CH.6                              64QAM
    Voice AMR-NB                                    20 MHz
                                2437 MHz                            54 Mbps
   Codec: 12.2 kbit/s                                                                y (Transversal)                -7.53               -27.44                -50.2                                26.48           T3

                                  CH.11                                                 z (Axial)                   0.26                -28.20               -50.14                 1.91           46.13           T4
                                2462 MHz
                                                                                     y (Transversal)                -7.77               -27.99                -50.2                                30.48           T4

     802.11n HT20                                                                       z (Axial)                   0.49                -28.97               -50.14                 2.00           47.87           T4
                                  CH.6                               MCS 7
    Voice AMR-NB                                    20 MHz
                                2437 MHz                            65 Mbps
   Codec: 12.2 kbit/s                                                                y (Transversal)                -8.06               -27.48                -50.2                                33.65           T4

    802.11ax HE20                                                                       z (Axial)                   0.02                -26.29               -50.14                 1.78           45.71           T4
                                  CH.6                               MCS 0
    Voice AMR-NB                                    20 MHz
                                2437 MHz                            8.6 Mbps
   Codec: 12.2 kbit/s                                                                y (Transversal)                -7.33               -26.40                -50.2                                33.95           T4

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UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                                                                      UL-QP-23-10(00)
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Korea, Ltd

Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                                                 Issue Date: 7/9/2019

VoWi-Fi Air Interface Investigation (Continued)
                                                                                                       Ambient     Freq.
                       Channel and                Bandw idth /                      ABM1      ABM2                           ABM SNR
        Mode:                        Bandw idth                    Orientation                          Noise    Response              T-Rating
                        Frequency                  Modulation                      dB(A/m)   dB(A/m)                           (dB)
                                                                                                       dB(A/m)     (dB)

                                                     BPSK           z (Axial)       -0.22    -26.28    -50.15      1.91        44.18     T4
                                                    6 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -7.65    -25.09    -50.16                  30.20     T4

      802.11a                                                       z (Axial)       -1.35    -28.88    -50.15      1.86        46.14     T4
                          CH.40                     QPSK
   Voice AMR NB                       20 MHz
                        5200 MHz                   18 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                             y (Transversal)    -9.22    -27.45    -50.16                  33.33     T4

                                                    64QAM           z (Axial)       -1.81    -29.15    -50.15      1.31        46.26     T4
                                                   54 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -9.44    -23.20    -50.16                  26.64     T3

                                                    MCS 0           z (Axial)       -1.25    -18.72    -50.15      1.67        46.58     T4
                                                   6.5 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -9.29    -28.68    -50.16                  34.49     T4

    802.11n HT20                                                    z (Axial)       -1.49    -29.44    -50.15      1.68        46.09     T4
                          CH.40                     MCS 3
   Voice AMR NB                       20 MHz
                        5200 MHz                   26 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                             y (Transversal)    -8.58    -26.47    -50.16                  33.70     T4

                                                    MCS 7           z (Axial)       -1.20    -29.70    -50.15      1.38        46.12     T4
                                                   65 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -8.94    -28.75    -50.16                  26.56     T3

                                                    MCS 0           z (Axial)       -1.00    -27.93    -50.15      1.35        46.04     T4
                                                  13.5 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -9.34    -28.96    -50.16                  28.37     T3

    802.11n HT40                                                    z (Axial)       -1.64    -28.25    -50.15      1.78        45.37     T4
                          CH.38                     MCS 3
   Voice AMR NB                       40 MHz
                        5190 MHz                   54 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                             y (Transversal)    -9.03    -22.89    -50.16                  31.53     T4

                                                    MCS 7           z (Axial)       -1.50    -29.32    -50.15      1.41        46.46     T4
                                                   135 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -8.27    -28.92    -50.16                  29.99     T3

                                                    MCS 0           z (Axial)       -0.49    -29.57    -50.15      1.40        46.48     T4
                                                   6.5 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -8.38    -28.31    -50.16                  33.56     T4

  802.11ac VHT20                                                    z (Axial)       -1.26    -29.18    -50.15      1.54        46.32     T4
                          CH.40                     MCS 4
   Voice AMR NB                       20 MHz
                        5200 MHz                   39 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                             y (Transversal)    -8.44    -28.21    -50.16                  36.03     T4

                                                    MCS 8           z (Axial)       -1.48    -28.51    -50.15      1.22        44.92     T4
                                                   78 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -7.94    -27.93    -50.16                  29.96     T3

                                                    MCS 0           z (Axial)       -1.50    -28.29    -50.17      1.56        45.36     T4
                                                  13.5 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -9.37    -24.52    -50.18                  30.65     T4

  802.11ac VHT40                                                    z (Axial)       -1.12    -29.31    -50.17      1.53        45.59     T4
                          CH.38                     MCS 4
   Voice AMR NB                       40 MHz
                        5190 MHz                   81 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                             y (Transversal)    -8.82    -29.07    -50.18                  34.98     T4

                                                    MCS 9           z (Axial)       -1.52    -30.54    -50.17      1.45        46.56     T4
                                                   180 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -9.02    -29.61    -50.18                  32.61     T4

                                                    MCS 0           z (Axial)       -1.16    -29.47    -50.17      1.79        44.45     T4
                                                  29.3 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -9.38    -26.61    -50.18                  30.43     T4

  802.11ac VHT80                                                    z (Axial)       -1.17    -27.10    -50.17      1.77        46.47     T4
                          CH.42                     MCS 4
   Voice AMR NB                       80 MHz
                        5210 MHz                  175.5 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                             y (Transversal)    -8.49    -26.32    -50.18                  35.19     T4

                                                    MCS 9           z (Axial)       -1.23    -30.52    -50.17      1.41        46.29     T4
                                                   390 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -8.00    -29.10    -50.18                  29.84     T3

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UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                                                                      UL-QP-23-10(00)
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Korea, Ltd

Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                                                 Issue Date: 7/9/2019

VoWi-Fi Air Interface Investigation (Continued)
                                                                                                       Ambient     Freq.
                       Channel and                Bandw idth /                      ABM1      ABM2                           ABM SNR
        Mode:                        Bandw idth                    Orientation                          Noise    Response              T-Rating
                        Frequency                  Modulation                      dB(A/m)   dB(A/m)                           (dB)
                                                                                                       dB(A/m)     (dB)

                                                    MCS 0           z (Axial)       -1.29    -28.49    -50.17      1.21        44.15     T4
                                                   8.6 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -8.10    -28.68    -50.18                  28.97     T3

   802.11ax HE20                                                    z (Axial)       -1.85    -29.14    -50.17      1.64        45.48     T4
                          CH.40                     MCS 6
   Voice AMR NB                       20 MHz
                        5200 MHz                  77.45 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                             y (Transversal)    -8.19    -29.22    -50.18                  36.10     T4

                                                    MCS 11          z (Axial)       -1.46    -29.46    -50.17      1.38        46.58     T4
                                                  143.4 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -9.04    -23.71    -50.18                  29.26     T3

                                                     MCS 0          z (Axial)       -0.96    -28.63    -50.17      1.70        44.62     T4
                                                   17.2 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -8.54    -28.33    -50.18                  30.74     T4

   802.11ax HE40                                                    z (Axial)       -0.95    -29.80    -50.17      1.23        45.92     T4
                          CH.38                      MCS 6
   Voice AMR NB                       40 MHz
                        5190 MHz                  154.85 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                             y (Transversal)    -8.77    -28.91    -50.18                  29.20     T3

                                                    MCS 11          z (Axial)       -1.86    -29.64    -50.17      1.67        45.57     T4
                                                  286.75 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -8.50    -20.57    -50.18                  29.73     T3

                                                    MCS 0           z (Axial)       -0.75    -27.74    -50.17      1.51        45.79     T4
                                                  36.05 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -8.70    -26.47    -50.18                  31.97     T4

   802.11ax HE80                                                    z (Axial)       -1.08    -28.30    -50.17      1.51        45.57     T4
                          CH.42                      MCS 6
   Voice AMR NB                       80 MHz
                        5210 MHz                  324.25 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                             y (Transversal)    -8.61    -27.59    -50.18                  33.66     T4

                                                    MCS 11          z (Axial)       -0.37    -29.74    -50.17      1.28        46.35     T4
                                                  600.5 Mbps
                                                                 y (Transversal)    -8.76    -24.50    -50.18                  32.41     T4

    802.11n HT20                                                    z (Axial)       -1.33    -23.16    -50.17      1.75        46.42     T4
                          CH.56                     MCS 7
   Voice AMR NB                       20MHz
                        5280 MHz                   65 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                             y (Transversal)    -8.75    -26.41    -50.18                  36.22     T4

    802.11n HT20                                                    z (Axial)       -0.94    -30.06    -50.17      1.57        46.68     T4
                         CH.120                     MCS 7
   Voice AMR NB                       20MHz
                        5600 MHz                   65 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                             y (Transversal)    -7.86    -28.72    -50.18                  33.29     T4

    802.11n HT20                                                    z (Axial)       -1.13    -27.53    -50.17      1.62        46.02     T4
                         CH.157                     MCS 7
   Voice AMR NB                       20MHz
                        5785MHz                    65 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                             y (Transversal)    -8.15    -26.75    -50.18                  29.77     T3

    802.11n HT20                                                    z (Axial)       -1.27    -28.95    -50.14      1.92        45.87     T4
                          CH.36                     MCS 7
   Voice AMR NB                       20MHz
                        5180 MHz                   65 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                             y (Transversal)    -8.38    -28.39     -50.2                  30.32     T4

    802.11n HT20                                                    z (Axial)       -1.06    -28.29    -50.14      1.60        46.63     T4
                          CH.48                     MCS 7
   Voice AMR NB                       20MHz
                        5240 MHz                   65 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                             y (Transversal)    -8.74    -26.39     -50.2                  32.93     T4

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UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                                                                      UL-QP-23-10(00)
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Korea, Ltd

Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                       Issue Date: 7/9/2019

9.6.      OTT Codec Investigation – For PAG REUSE
The DUT’s nested OTT application supports range of codec bit rate 6 – 64 kbit/s, thus an investigation
between the various codec configurations (6/64 as Low/High bit rates) and specific parameters are
documented (ABM1, ABM2, S+N/N, frequency response) to determine the worst-case bit rates for each
service type. The table below compares the varying codec configurations.
                                        Codec Investigation

                                   codec bit rate (kbit/s)                         Band/
         Codec State                                              Orientation    BandWidth/
                               6             32              64                   Channel
          ABM1 (dB/m)        5.53                        5.40
                                                                                   GSM 850
         ABM2 (dBA/m)        -21.74                     -23.51        z          EDGE 2 slots
                                                                    (Axial)         CH.128
           S+N/N (dB)        41.49                      41.76
                                                                                  824.4 MHz
       Freq. Resposne (dB)   1.13                        2.00

          ABM1 (dB/m)        6.37           6.50         5.03
                                                                                WCDMA Band IV
         ABM2 (dBA/m)        -28.21        -27.06       -28.24        z         HSUPA subtest 1
                                                                    (Axial)        CH.1513
           S+N/N (dB)        54.35         54.85        52.95
                                                                                  1752.6 MHz
       Freq. Resposne (dB)   1.53           2.00         2.00

          ABM1 (dB/m)        5.88                        6.51
                                                                                  LTE Band 2
         ABM2 (dBA/m)        -30.62                     -29.67                      20 MHz
                                                                                 QPSK RB 1/0
           S+N/N (dB)        53.61                      54.06                      CH.18900
       Freq. Resposne (dB)   1.03                        1.89

          ABM1 (dB/m)        6.56           6.73         6.83
                                                                                  LTE Band 41
         ABM2 (dBA/m)        -25.88        -25.90       -25.79                      20 MHz
                                                                                 16QAM RB 1/0
           S+N/N (dB)        44.56         44.59        41.57                      CH.41055
                                                                                  2636.5 MHz
       Freq. Resposne (dB)   1.42           2.00         2.00

          ABM1 (dB/m)        6.33                        5.76
         ABM2 (dBA/m)        -30.02                     -30.26        z             CH.6
                                                                    (Axial)       2437 MHz
           S+N/N (dB)        51.12                      50.98
                                                                                64QAM 54Mbps
       Freq. Resposne (dB)   1.55                        2.00

          ABM1 (dB/m)        6.43                        6.28
                                                                                 802.11n HT20
         ABM2 (dBA/m)        -27.27                     -28.13        z              CH.40
                                                                    (Axial)        5200 MHz
           S+N/N (dB)        47.69                      48.16
                                                                                MCS 7 65 Mbps
       Freq. Resposne (dB)   1.57                        2.00

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UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                                                                      UL-QP-23-10(00)
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Korea, Ltd

Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                                                              Issue Date: 7/9/2019

9.7.       OTT Air Interface Investigation – For PAG REUSE
                                                                                                                      Ambient     Freq.
                        Channel and   Bandw idth/   Bandw idth /     RB                            ABM1      ABM2                           ABM SNR
        Mode:                                                                     Orientation                          Noise    Response              T-Rating
                         Frequency     Data Rate     Modulation configuration                     dB(A/m)   dB(A/m)                           (dB)
                                                                                                                      dB(A/m)     (dB)

      GSM850                                                                       z (Axial)       5.53     -21.74    -51.10      1.13        41.49     T4
   EDGE 2 slots
                        824.4 MHz
 Duo Codec: 6 kbit/s                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.51    -29.90    -51.12                  38.19     T4

     GSM1900                                                                       z (Axial)       5.39     -23.63    -51.10      1.12        41.99     T4
   EDGE 2 slots
                        1850.2 MHz
 Duo Codec: 6 kbit/s                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.44    -27.31    -51.12                  34.99     T4

   WCDMA Band II                                                                   z (Axial)       5.27     -23.73    -50.10      2.00        51.16     T4
   HSUPA subtest1
                        1907.6 MHz
 Duo Codec: 64 kbit/s                                                           y (Transversal)    -0.23    -31.71    -50.11                  42.08     T4

  WCDMA Band IV                                                                    z (Axial)       5.03     -28.24    -50.10      2.00        52.95     T4
   HSUPA subtest1
                        1752.6 MHz
 Duo Codec: 64 kbit/s                                                           y (Transversal)    -4.83    -22.96    -50.11                  43.94     T4

   WCDMA Band V                                                                    z (Axial)       6.76     -18.69    -50.10      2.00        54.59     T4
   HSUPA subtest1
                        846.6 MHz
 Duo Codec: 64 kbit/s                                                           y (Transversal)    0.18     -28.13    -50.11                  44.07     T4

    LTE Band 2                                                                     z (Axial)       5.88     -30.62    -49.65      2.00        53.61     T4
    Google Duo                         20 MHz         QPSK           1/0
                         1880 MHz
   Codec: 6 kbit/s                                                              y (Transversal)    -2.30    -32.47    -49.69                  41.57     T4

    LTE Band 5                                                                     z (Axial)       5.26     -21.53    -49.65      1.98        52.92     T4
    Google Duo                         10 MHz         QPSK           1/0
                        836.5 MHz
   Codec: 6 kbit/s                                                              y (Transversal)    -2.52    -18.67    -49.69                  41.54     T4

    LTE Band 7                                                                     z (Axial)       5.11     -32.18    -49.65      1.26        51.78     T4
    Google Duo                          20MHz         QPSK           1/0
                         2535 MHz
   Codec: 6 kbit/s                                                              y (Transversal)    -1.94    -31.92    -49.69                  41.32     T4

    LTE Band 12                                                                    z (Axial)       4.95     -33.54    -49.65      1.75        51.17     T4
     Google Duo                        10 MHz         QPSK           1/0
                        707.5 MHz
   Codec: 6 kbit/s                                                              y (Transversal)    -2.83    -33.17    -49.69                  36.28     T4

    LTE Band 66                                                                    z (Axial)       4.83     -31.13    -49.65      1.34        51.22     T4
     Google Duo                        20 MHz         QPSK           1/0
                        1745 MHz
   Codec: 6 kbit/s                                                              y (Transversal)    -2.96    -31.64    -49.69                  35.68     T4

    LTE Band 41                                                                    z (Axial)       6.83     -25.79    -50.10      2.00        41.57     T4
     Google Duo                        20 MHz         16QAM          1/0
                        2636.5 MHz
   Codec: 64 kbit/s                                                             y (Transversal)    -0.13    -31.09    -50.11                  38.42     T4

    Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz
                                                                                   z (Axial)       5.76     -30.26    -49.94      2.00        50.98     T4
      802.11g              CH.6                       64QAM
                                       20 MHz
     Google Duo          2437 MHz                    54 Mbps
                                                                                y (Transversal)    -1.73    -31.31    -50.01                  41.18     T4
   Codec: 64 kbit/s
    U-NII 5.2 GHz
                                                                                   z (Axial)       6.43     -27.27    -49.94      1.57        47.69     T4
   802.11n HT20            CH.40                      MCS 7
     Google Duo          5200 MHz                    65 Mbps
                                                                                y (Transversal)    -0.95    -29.29    -50.01                  39.16     T4
   Codec: 6 kbit/s
    U-NII 5.3 GHz
                                                                                   z (Axial)       5.75     -28.53    -49.94      1.45        48.22     T4
   802.11n HT20            CH.56                      MCS 7
     Google Duo          5280 MHz                    65 Mbps
                                                                                y (Transversal)    -1.18    -28.83    -50.01                  38.56     T4
   Codec: 6 kbit/s
    U-NII 5.6 GHz
                                                                                   z (Axial)       6.14     -28.89    -49.94      1.71        48.54     T4
   802.11n HT20           CH.120                      MCS 7
     Google Duo          5600 MHz                    65 Mbps
                                                                                y (Transversal)    -1.21    -29.57    -50.01                  38.24     T4
   Codec: 6 kbit/s
    U-NII 5.8 GHz
                                                                                   z (Axial)       6.28     -27.27    -49.94      1.44        48.93     T4
   802.11n HT20           CH.157                      MCS 7
     Google Duo          5785 MHz                    65 Mbps
                                                                                y (Transversal)    -1.27    -28.72    -50.01                  37.69     T4
   Codec: 6 kbit/s

                                                  Page 25 of 29
UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                                                                      UL-QP-23-10(00)
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Korea, Ltd

Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                                                                 Issue Date: 7/9/2019

9.8.        HAC (T-coil) Test Results
                                                                                                                      Ambient     Freq.
                        Channel and   Bandw idth/   Bandw idth /     RB                            ABM1      ABM2                          ABM SNR               Plot
        Mode:                                                                     Orientation                          Noise    Response             T-Rating
                         Frequency     Data Rate     Modulation configuration                     dB(A/m)   dB(A/m)                          (dB)               Page.#
                                                                                                                      dB(A/m)     (dB)

      GSM 850                                                                      z (Axial)       3.42     -16.01    -50.22      1.01      31.69      T4        1,2
     Voice Coder
                        824.2 MHz
 Speech Codec: FR V1                                                            y (Transversal)    -4.33    -21.05    -50.25                25.80      T3         3

      GSM 1900                                                                     z (Axial)       3.35     -19.36    -50.22      1.07      34.37      T4        4,5
     Voice Coder
                        1880.0 MHz
 Speech Codec: FR V1                                                            y (Transversal)    -4.29    -22.37    -50.25                36.12      T4         6

   W-CDMA Band IV                                                                  z (Axial)       2.98     -34.76    -50.09      1.74      51.50      T4        7,8
 Voice NB AMR Codec:
                        1752.6 MHz
       4.75 kbit/s                                                              y (Transversal)    -4.40    -36.05    -50.08                39.45      T4         9

    W-CDMA Band II                                                                 z (Axial)       3.41     -36.11    -50.09      1.79      52.17      T4       10,11
 Voice NB AMR Codec:
                        1880.0 MHz
       4.75 kbit/s                                                              y (Transversal)    -4.33    -36.79    -50.08                42.29      T4        12

   W-CDMA Band V                                                                   z (Axial)       3.36     -33.65    -50.09      1.76      52.19      T4       13,14
 Voice NB AMR Codec:
                        836.6 MHz
       4.75 kbit/s                                                              y (Transversal)    -4.45    -36.58    -50.08                42.30      T4        15

     LTE Band 2                                                                    z (Axial)       0.05     -32.48    -49.94      1.92      47.49      T4       16,17
Voice EVS WB Codec:                     20MHz         QPSK           1/0
                         1880 MHz
      5.9 kbit/s                                                                y (Transversal)    -6.92    -33.55    -50.01                31.83      T4        18

     LTE Band 5                                                                    z (Axial)       2.05     -32.58    -49.65      2.00      49.85      T4       19,20
     Voice EVS                         10 MHz         QPSK           1/0
                        836.5 MHz
 WB Codec: 5.9 kbit/s                                                           y (Transversal)    -5.93    -32.56    -49.69                35.94      T4        21

     LTE Band 7                                                                    z (Axial)       1.92     -32.45    -49.65      2.00      45.38      T4       22,23
     Voice EVS                         20 MHz         QPSK           1/0
                         2535 MHz
 WB Codec: 5.9 kbit/s                                                           y (Transversal)    -6.31    -32.48    -49.69                38.54      T4        24

    LTE Band 12                                                                    z (Axial)       2.15     -33.50    -49.65      2.00      48.73      T4       25,26
     Voice EVS                         10 MHz         QPSK           1/0
                        707.5 MHz
 WB Codec: 5.9 kbit/s                                                           y (Transversal)    -4.47    -33.40    -49.69                36.01      T4        27

    LTE Band 66                                                                    z (Axial)       3.14     -32.84    -49.65      2.00      49.42      T4       28,29
     Voice EVS                         20 MHz         QPSK           1/0
                        836.5 MHz
 WB Codec: 5.9 kbit/s                                                           y (Transversal)    -4.90    -33.07    -49.69                32.84      T4        30

     LTE Band 41                                                                   z (Axial)       4.87     -28.65    -50.04      1.93      41.86      T4       31,32
Voice WB AMR Codec:                    20 MHz         16QAM          1/0
                        2636.5 MHz
       6.6 kbit/s                                                               y (Transversal)    -2.72    -31.06    -50.05                35.26      T4        33

      802.11g                                                                      z (Axial)       -0.49    -27.88    -50.14      1.99      46.09      T4       34,35
                           CH.6                       64QAM
   Voice AMR-NB                        20 MHz
                         2437 MHz                    54 Mbps
  Codec: 12.2 kbit/s                                                            y (Transversal)    -7.53    -27.44     -50.2                26.48      T3        36

    802.11n HT20                                                                   z (Axial)       -1.20    -29.70    -50.15      1.38      46.12      T4       37,38
                           CH.40                      MCS 7
   Voice AMR NB                        20 MHz
                         5200 MHz                    65 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                                            y (Transversal)    -8.94    -28.75    -50.16                26.56      T3        39

    802.11n HT20                                                                   z (Axial)       -1.33    -23.16    -50.17      1.75      46.42      T4       40,41
                           CH.56                      MCS 7
   Voice AMR NB                         20MHz
                         5280 MHz                    65 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                                            y (Transversal)    -8.75    -26.41    -50.18                36.22      T4        42

    802.11n HT20                                                                   z (Axial)       -0.94    -30.06    -50.17      1.57      46.68      T4       43,44
                          CH.120                      MCS 7
   Voice AMR NB                         20MHz
                         5600 MHz                    65 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                                            y (Transversal)    -7.86    -28.72    -50.18                33.29      T4        45

    802.11n HT20                                                                   z (Axial)       -1.13    -27.53    -50.17      1.62      46.02      T4       46,47
                          CH.157                      MCS 7
   Voice AMR NB                         20MHz
                         5785MHz                     65 Mbps
  Codec: 4.75 kbit/s                                                            y (Transversal)    -8.15    -26.75    -50.18                29.77      T3        48

The radial longitudinal (x axis) measurements are no longer required per ANSI C63.19

                                                  Page 26 of 29
UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                                                                      UL-QP-23-10(00)
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Korea, Ltd

Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                                                                 Issue Date: 7/9/2019

HAC (T-coil) Test Results (Continued)
                                                                                                                      Ambient     Freq.
                        Channel and   Bandw idth/   Bandw idth /     RB                            ABM1      ABM2                          ABM SNR               Plot
        Mode:                                                                     Orientation                          Noise    Response             T-Rating
                         Frequency     Data Rate     Modulation configuration                     dB(A/m)   dB(A/m)                          (dB)               Page.#
                                                                                                                      dB(A/m)     (dB)

      GSM850                                                                       z (Axial)       5.53     -21.74    -51.10      1.13      41.49      T4       49,50
   EDGE 2 slots
                        824.4 MHz
 Duo Codec: 6 kbit/s                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.51    -29.90    -51.12                38.19      T4        51

     GSM1900                                                                       z (Axial)       5.39     -23.63    -51.10      1.12      41.99      T4       52,53
   EDGE 2 slots
                        1850.2 MHz
 Duo Codec: 6 kbit/s                                                            y (Transversal)    -2.44    -27.31    -51.12                34.99      T4        54

   WCDMA Band II                                                                   z (Axial)       5.27     -23.73    -50.10      2.00      51.16      T4       55,56
   HSUPA subtest1
                        1907.6 MHz
 Duo Codec: 64 kbit/s                                                           y (Transversal)    -0.23    -31.71    -50.11                42.08      T4        57

  WCDMA Band IV                                                                    z (Axial)       5.03     -28.24    -50.10      2.00      52.95      T4       58,59
   HSUPA subtest1
                        1752.6 MHz
 Duo Codec: 64 kbit/s                                                           y (Transversal)    -4.83    -22.96    -50.11                43.94      T4        60

   WCDMA Band V                                                                    z (Axial)       6.76     -18.69    -50.10      2.00      54.59      T4       61,62
   HSUPA subtest1
                        846.6 MHz
 Duo Codec: 64 kbit/s                                                           y (Transversal)    0.18     -28.13    -50.11                44.07      T4        63

                                                                                   z (Axial)       5.88     -30.62    -49.65      2.00      53.61      T4       64,65
    LTE Band 2           CH.18900
                                       20 MHz         QPSK           1/0
 Duo Codec: 6 kbit/s     1880 MHz
                                                                                y (Transversal)    -2.30    -32.47    -49.69                41.57      T4        66

                                                                                   z (Axial)       5.26     -21.53    -49.65      1.98      52.92      T4       67,68
    LTE Band 5          CH.20525
                                       10 MHz         QPSK           1/0
 Duo Codec: 6 kbit/s    836.5 MHz
                                                                                y (Transversal)    -2.52    -18.67    -49.69                41.54      T4        69

                                                                                   z (Axial)       5.11     -32.18    -49.65      1.26      51.78      T4       70,71
    LTE Band 7           CH.21100
                                        20MHz         QPSK           1/0
 Duo Codec: 6 kbit/s     2535 MHz
                                                                                y (Transversal)    -1.94    -31.92    -49.69                41.32      T4        72

                                                                                   z (Axial)       4.95     -33.54    -49.65      1.75      51.17      T4       73,74
   LTE Band 12          CH.23095
                                       10 MHz         QPSK           1/0
 Duo Codec: 6 kbit/s    707.5 MHz
                                                                                y (Transversal)    -2.83    -33.17    -49.69                36.28      T4        75

                                                                                   z (Axial)       4.83     -31.13    -49.65      1.34      51.22      T4       76,77
   LTE Band 66          CH.132322
                                       20 MHz         QPSK           1/0
 Duo Codec: 6 kbit/s    1745 MHz
                                                                                y (Transversal)    -2.96    -31.64    -49.69                35.68      T4        78

                                                                                   z (Axial)       6.83     -25.79    -50.10      2.00      41.57      T4       79,80
    LTE Band 41          CH.41055
                                       20 MHz         16QAM          1/0
 Duo Codec: 64 kbit/s   2636.5 MHz
                                                                                y (Transversal)    -0.13    -31.09    -50.11                38.42      T4        81

    Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz                                                                  z (Axial)       5.76     -30.26    -49.94      2.00      50.98      T4       82,83
                           CH.6                       64QAM
      802.11g                          20 MHz
                         2437 MHz                    54 Mbps
 Duo Codec: 64 kbit/s                                                           y (Transversal)    -1.73    -31.31    -50.01                41.18      T4        84

   U-NII 5.2 GHz                                                                   z (Axial)       6.43     -27.27    -49.94      1.57      47.69      T4       85,86
                           CH.40                      MCS 7
   802.11n HT20                         20MHz
                         5200 MHz                    65 Mbps
 Duo Codec: 6 kbit/s                                                            y (Transversal)    -0.95    -29.29    -50.01                39.16      T4        87

   U-NII 5.3 GHz                                                                   z (Axial)       5.75     -28.53    -49.94      1.45      48.22      T4       88,89
                           CH.56                      MCS 7
   802.11n HT20                         20MHz
                         5280 MHz                    65 Mbps
 Duo Codec: 6 kbit/s                                                            y (Transversal)    -1.18    -28.83    -50.01                38.56      T4        90

   U-NII 5.6 GHz                                                                   z (Axial)       6.14     -28.89    -49.94      1.71      48.54      T4       91,92
                          CH.120                      MCS 7
   802.11n HT20                         20MHz
                         5600 MHz                    65 Mbps
 Duo Codec: 6 kbit/s                                                            y (Transversal)    -1.21    -29.57    -50.01                38.24      T4        93

   U-NII 5.8 GHz                                                                   z (Axial)       6.28     -27.27    -49.94      1.44      48.93      T4       94,95
                          CH.157                      MCS 7
   802.11n HT20                         20MHz
                         5785 MHz                    65 Mbps
 Duo Codec: 6 kbit/s                                                            y (Transversal)    -1.27    -28.72    -50.01                37.69      T4        96

The radial longitudinal (x axis) measurements are no longer required per ANSI C63.19

                                                  Page 27 of 29
UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                                                                      UL-QP-23-10(00)
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Korea, Ltd

Gommunication System: UID 0. Generic GSM (0); Frequency: 824 2 MiHz: Duty Cycle: 1:8 30042
Phantom section. TGoll Section
DASYS Cenfiquration
—Probe: AMIDV3 — 3137; ; Calbrated: 2010—11—20
— SensorSurface: Om (Fix Surace)
— Electionics: DAE4 Sn1494; Callbrted: 2018.07—23
— Phantom: HAG Test Arch with AMCC; Type: SD HAC PO1 8B
— Measurement SW DASYS2, Version 52.8(0,.SEMCAD X Versin 14.6.10 (7331)

T—Coil scan (scan for ANSI €63.19 2011 compliance}/GSM850 ch128 FR V1ly
(transversal) 4.2mm 50 x 50/ABM Interpolated SNR(x,y,2z) (121X121X1); Interolated grid
€1.000 mm, dy=1.000 mm
Signal Type: Audio Fie (wav) 48k_voice_tkttz_tswav
Output Gan: 24 27
Measure Window Start, 200ms
Measure Window Length: 1000ms
BNC applied: 0.16 08
Device Reference Point 0,0,—£3 mm
Agbn Aotre = 25.00 a8
ABMI comp =—4 33 dBA/m
BNC Factor= 0.10 8
Location: 163, —129, 37 mm
ABM2 =—21.05 dBaim
Location: 25,25, 37 mm




             04B =1.000=0.00 4B

Report No.: 4789067225-S3V3                                                                    Issue Date: 7/9/2019

Refer to separated files for the following appendixes

4789067225-S3V3-Appendix A: T-Coil Setup Photo

4789067225-S3V3-Appendix B: T-Coil Test Plots

4789067225-S3V3-Appendix C: T-Coil Probe Certificates

                                                END OF REPORT

                                                  Page 29 of 29
UL Korea, Ltd. Suwon Laboratory                                                                      UL-QP-23-10(00)
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Korea, Ltd

Document Created: 2019-07-11 05:40:52
Document Modified: 2019-07-11 05:40:52

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