Evaluation report


Test Report

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             74, Seoicheon—ro 578beon—gil, Majang—myeon, Icheon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 17383, Rep. of KOREA
                                TEL: +82—31—645—6300 FAX: +82—31—645—6401

                                       EVALUATION REPORT
        Applicant Name:                                                 Date of Evaluation:
        SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.                                   September 06, 2018

        Address:                                                        Test Site/Location:
        129, Samsung—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si,                        HCT CO., LTD.,
        Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Rep. of Korea                               74, Seoicheon—ro 578beon—gil, Majang—myeon,
                                                                        Icheon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 17383, Rep. of KOREA

        FCC ID:                         A3LSMJ610G

        APPLICANT:                      SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.

        Equipment Class(es) :           PCE, DSS, DTS, DXX
        Rule Part(s) :                  15, 22, 24, 27
        Application‘s Statement:        The applicant takes full responsibility that the test data referenced below represents
                                        compliance for this FCC ID.

        Differences                     Some Cellular parts, Bluetooth & WLAN hardware and software of this device are identical
        Brief Description :             to the implementation in A3LSMJG10F. The operational description includes detailed
                                        information about the changes between the devices. The data from that application has
                                        been verified through appropriate spot checks to demonstrate compliance forthis device as
                                        shown in the summary table below.

        Test Reference :                KDB 484596 D01 Reference Test Data vO1

        The detail test data can be found in this documents,          A.

                                                                  ERP / EIRP
                      Licensed EMC
                                                                  Band Edge
                      Unlicensed EMC
                                                               Spurious Emissions

        Reference Detail Seiction

                                                                                    2            0               All sections
                                                                                26. 3G Report         |_   (Exceptfor WCDMA B4)
                                                     PCE                                              |          All sections
                                                                                    LTE Report        | (Except for LTE B2, B4, B12,
                                                                                                      I       B13, B17, B66)
               A3LSMJG10F                            DSS                       Bluetooth Report       |          All sections
                                                     ors                       WLAN DTS Report                   All sections

                                                                                 BT LE Report                    All sections
                                                     DXX                         ANT+ Report                     All sections

   Report prepared by : Kwon Jeong                                            Report approved by : Jong Seok Lee
   Engineer of Telecommunication Testing Center                               Manager of Telecommunication Testing Center

                                                                                                             HCT CO.,LTD

   74, Seoicheon-ro 578beon-gil, Majang-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17383, Rep. of KOREA
                     TEL: +82-31-645-6300 FAX: +82-31-645-6401

                  Appendix A. The Spot check test data

1. Summary of the spot check for Licensed EMC


                    Frequency                        SM-J610F/DS      SM-J610G/DS    Deviation
 Modulation                               Mode
                                                         (dBm)           (dBm)         (dB)
                MHz           Ch.

  GSM850        824.2         128         VOICE          27.07            26.44        -0.63
 WCDMA850       836.6         4183        RMC            17.37            17.99         0.62

                      Frequency           Mod/       SM-J610F/DS      SM-J610G/DS    Deviation
                                        Bandwidth        (dBm)           (dBm)         (dB)
                MHz           Ch.

  LTE – B5      836.5        20525     QPSK(10M)         17.50            17.95         0.45


                    Frequency                        SM-J610F/DS      SM-J610G/DS    Deviation
 Modulation                               Mode
                                                         (dBm)           (dBm)         (dB)
                MHz           Ch.

 GSM1900       1850.2         512         VOICE          29.26            28.44        -0.82
WCDMA1900      1852.4         9262        RMC            22.31            20.95        -1.36

                      Frequency           Mod/       SM-J610F/DS      SM-J610G/DS    Deviation
                                        Bandwidth        (dBm)           (dBm)         (dB)
                MHz           Ch.

 LTE – B41     2593.0        40620      QPSK(5M)         21.60            22.98         1.38

                                                                            HCT CO.,LTD

   74, Seoicheon-ro 578beon-gil, Majang-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17383, Rep. of KOREA
                     TEL: +82-31-645-6300 FAX: +82-31-645-6401


                                                     SM-J610F/DS      SM-J610G/DS    Deviation
 Modulation                               Mode
                                                         (dBm)           (dBm)         (dB)
                MHz           Ch.

  GSM850       2472.6         128         VOICE          -32.42          -37.74        -5.32
 WCDMA850      2539.8         4233        RMC            -43.67          -46.45        -2.78

                      Frequency           Mod/       SM-J610F/DS      SM-J610G/DS    Deviation
                                        Bandwidth        (dBm)           (dBm)         (dB)
                MHz           Ch.

  LTE – B5     2544.9        20643     QPSK(1.4M)        -40.80          -49.19        -8.39

                                                     SM-J610F/DS      SM-J610G/DS    Deviation
 Modulation                               Mode
                                                         (dBm)           (dBm)         (dB)
                MHz           Ch.

  GSM1900      5550.6         512         VOICE          -38.87          -43.79        -4.92
WCDMA1900      5722.8         9538        RMC            -39.10          -41.68        -2.58

                      Frequency           Mod/       SM-J610F/DS      SM-J610G/DS    Deviation
                                        Bandwidth        (dBm)           (dBm)         (dB)
                MHz           Ch.

 LTE – B41     8062.5        41565      QPSK(5M)         -37.60          -38.97        -1.37

                                                                            HCT CO.,LTD

           74, Seoicheon-ro 578beon-gil, Majang-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17383, Rep. of KOREA
                             TEL: +82-31-645-6300 FAX: +82-31-645-6401

        2. Summary of the spot check for Unlicensed EMC

                                                   SM-J610F/DS           SM-J610G/DS             Deviation

                                   Measured          (dBuV/m)              (dBuV/m)                   (dB)
         Test Item     Channel
                                   Frequency    Average      Peak     Average      Peak     Average          Peak

                                   2483.5 MHz

        Band Edge     DH5 / ch78       ~         36.19      65.00      37.29       65.37      1.10           0.37

 BT                                2500 MHz

           RSE        DH5/ ch 78   7440 MHz      46.98      61.09      46.29       60.42      -0.69          -0.67

                                   2483.5 MHz

        Band Edge       ch 39          ~         42.19      51.79      42.27       51.51      0.08           -0.28

BT LE                              2500 MHz

           RSE          ch 19      7320 MHz      49.84      59.84      49.80       60.15      -0.04          0.31

                                   2483.5 MHz
        Band Edge                      ~         51.66      68.98      43.57       57.29      -8.09          -11.69
                        / ch10
                                   2500 MHz

DTS                    802.11b
                                   4874 MHz      48.50      56.79      41.59       53.94      -6.91          -2.85
                        / ch 6
                       802.11n     7311 MHz      50.60      65.90      48.31       60.46      -2.29          -5.44
                        / ch 6

        Fundamental      39        2441 MHz      70.49      93.29      70.73       93.53      0.24           0.24

ANT+    Band Edge         0        2400 MHz      46.80      69.60      48.50       71.30      1.70           1.70

           RSE           39        7323 MHz      46.21      60.13      46.10       59.94      -0.11          -0.19

                                                                                      HCT CO.,LTD

   74, Seoicheon-ro 578beon-gil, Majang-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17383, Rep. of KOREA
                     TEL: +82-31-645-6300 FAX: +82-31-645-6401

3. List of test equipment for Licensed EMC

                                                             Calibration   Calibration      Serial
   Manufacture                 Model/ Equipment
                                                                Date        Interval       Number

                             SCU 18 / AMPLIFIER              04/17/2018     Annual          10094

    Wainwright             WHK1.2/15G-10EF/H.P.F             04/04/2018     Annual            4

    Wainwright             WHK3.3/18G-10EF/H.P.F             04/04/2018     Annual            2

   Schwarzbeck               UHAP/ Dipole Antenna            03/31/2017     Biennial         557

   Schwarzbeck               UHAP/ Dipole Antenna            03/31/2017     Biennial         558

   Schwarzbeck       BBHA 9120D/ Horn Antenna(1~18GHz)       09/09/2016     Biennial         147

   Schwarzbeck       BBHA 9120D/ Horn Antenna(1~18GHz)       10/14/2016     Biennial     9120D-1298

   Schwarzbeck        BBHA 9170/ Horn Antenna(15~40GHz)      04/25/2017     Biennial     BBHA9170342

   Schwarzbeck        BBHA 9170/ Horn Antenna(15~40GHz)      04/25/2017     Biennial     BBHA9170124

                     FSV40/Spectrum Analyzer(10Hz~40GHz)     10/30/2017     Annual         100931

      Agilent             8960 (E5515C)/ Base Station        09/26/2017     Annual       MY48360800

   Schwarzbeck       FMZB1513/ Loop Antenna(9kHz~30MHz)      04/19/2017     Biennial      1513-175

   Schwarzbeck             VULB9160/ Bilog Antenna           09/30/2016     Biennial        3150

   Schwarzbeck             VULB9160/ Bilog Antenna           08/09/2018     Biennial      9360-3368

   Schwarzbeck             VULB9160/ Hybrid Antenna          04/06/2017     Biennial         760

                    MT8820C/Wideband Radio Communication
   Anritsu Corp.                                             02/13/2018     Annual       6200863156

                    MT8820C/Wideband Radio Communication
   Anritsu Corp.                                             02/08/2018     Annual       6201026545

                                                             07/19/2018     Annual         177633
    SCHWARZ                    (100kHz~40GHz)

                         ESU40 / EMI TEST RECEIVER           07/27/2018     Annual         100524

                    FCC LTE Mobile Conducted RF Automation
  HCT CO., LTD.,                                                  -             -             -
                                 Test Software

                                                                                    HCT CO.,LTD

     74, Seoicheon-ro 578beon-gil, Majang-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17383, Rep. of KOREA
                       TEL: +82-31-645-6300 FAX: +82-31-645-6401

4. List of test equipment for Unlicensed EMC

                                                                         Calibration   Calibration
        Manufacturer                  Model / Equipment                                                Serial No.
                                                                            Date        Interval

Innco system             CO3000 / Controller(Antenna mast)                  N/A           N/A          CO3000-4p

                         MA4640/800-XP-EP      /   Antenna    Position                    N/A
Innco system                                                                N/A                           N/A

Audix                    EM1000 / Controller                                N/A           N/A           060520

Audix                    Turn Table                                         N/A           N/A             N/A

Rohde & Schwarz          Loop Antenna                                    04/19/2017     Biennial       1513-175

Schwarzbeck              VULB 9168 / Hybrid Antenna                      04/06/2017     Biennial          760

Schwarzbeck              BBHA 9120D / Horn Antenna                       05/02/2017     Biennial       9120D-937

                         BBHA9170 /
Schwarzbeck                                                              12/04/2017     Biennial      BBHA9170541
                         Horn Antenna(15 GHz ~ 40 GHz)

Rohde & Schwarz          FSP(9 kHz ~ 30 GHz) / Spectrum Analyzer         09/06/2017     Annual          100688

Rohde & Schwarz          FSV40-N / Spectrum Analyzer                     09/27/2017     Annual         101068-SZ

Wainwright Instruments   WHK3.0/18G-10EF / High Pass Filter              06/07/2018     Annual             8

Wainwright Instruments   WHFX7.0/18G-8SS / High Pass Filter              05/09/2018     Annual            29

                         WRCJV2400/2483.5-2370/2520-60/12SS /
Wainwright Instruments                                                   06/29/2018     Annual             2
                         Band Reject Filter

                         WRCJV5100/5850-40/50-8EEK /
Wainwright Instruments                                                   01/03/2018     Annual             2
                         Band Reject Filter

Api tech.                18B-03 / Attenuator (3 dB)                      06/07/2018     Annual             1

Agilent                  8493C-10 / Attenuator(10 dB)                    07/17/2018     Annual           08285

CERNEX                   CBLU1183540 / Power Amplifier                   07/10/2018     Annual           22964

CERNEX                   CBL06185030 / Power Amplifier                   07/10/2018     Annual           22965

CERNEX                   CBL18265035 / Power Amplifier                   01/10/2018     Annual           22966

CERNEX                   CBL26405040 / Power Amplifier                   06/29/2018     Annual           25956

TESCOM                   TC-3000C / Bluetooth Tester                     03/27/2018     Annual        3000C000276

                                                                                                   HCT CO.,LTD

Document Created: 2018-09-07 09:14:47
Document Modified: 2018-09-07 09:14:47

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