HAC Key Feature Letter


Attestation Statements

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Date: October 31, 2019

Federal Communications Commission
Equipment Approval Services
7435 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, MD 21046

                                                 SUBJECT:                       SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.
                                                                                FCC ID: A3LSMJ337P
                                                                                Part 20.19 Certification

To Whom It May Concern:

The following are the model designations and their associated key features for this FCC ID, according to
requirement in the KDB 285076 D01.

We, Samsung Electronics, hereby declare the samples evaluated in this application are equivalent to production
samples. This device features a HAC mode software setting which activates audio gains and shaping during HAC
operation to improve audio performance for users with hearing loss.

                                          FCC ID:                                                 A3LS MJ 337P

                                         Mod e l(s ):                                              S M- J 337P

                                                        CDMA                                        BC10/0/1

                                                        GS M                                     GS M 850/19 00
                 Air Inte rfa c e s
                                                        WCDMA                                        B2/4/5

                                                         LTE                                   B12/26/5/4/25 /2/41

                                                        CDMA                                          EvDO

                                                        GS M                                     GP RS /EGP RS
                Ra d io S e rvic e s
                                                        WCDMA                                HS DP A/HS UP A, HS P A+

                                                         LTE                                        FDD/TDD

                                                         GP S                                          Ye s

                                                         NFC                                           No

                                                   S MS ,MMS                                           Ye s
                Ke y Fe a ture s :
                                                 Blue tooth (BT)                                       Ye s

                                                         WIFI                                          Ye s

                                                   ANT+, MS T                                          No

                                                        VoLTE                                          Ye s
                S pe c ia l Voic e
                                                        VoWIFI                                         Ye s
                  Inte rfa c e s :
                                       P re - ins ta lle d VoIP Applic a tion                      Go ogle Du o

                   P rofile s not inc lude d in he ld- to- e a r mod e :                               BT

                                                                                                                                  HYUNWOO KIM
                                                                                                                                 H/W R&D Group 1
                                                                                                                        Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Document Created: 2019-11-05 05:59:13
Document Modified: 2019-11-05 05:59:13

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