LTE Test Report 4


Test Report

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Band 26/5

                                  Plot 7-282. Radiated Spurious Plot above 1GHz (Band 26 - CLOSED)

                                     Plot 7-283. Radiated Spurious Plot above 1GHz (Band 26 - OPEN)

                                        OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                            829.00                           MHz
                                              MODULATION SIGNAL:                           QPSK
                                                            BANDWIDTH:                      10.0              MHz
                                                               DISTANCE:                       3              meters
                                                                      LIMIT:                 -13              dBm

                                        Ant.      Antenna Turntable                                               Substitute                 Spurious
                    Frequency                                       Level at Antenna                                                                                  Margin
                                        Pol.       Height  Azimuth                                               Antenna Gain              Emission Level
                      [MHz]                                         Terminals [dBm]                                                                                    [dB]
                                       [H/V]        [cm]   [degree]                                                  [dBi]                     [dBm]

                      1658.00             H             -                -                 -69.85                       3.61                      -66.24                -53.2
                      2487.00             H             -                -                 -67.72                       4.25                      -63.47                -50.5
                      3316.00             H           105              237                 -61.58                       5.83                      -55.75                -42.7
                      4145.00             H             -                -                 -69.37                       7.66                      -61.70                -48.7
                      4974.00             H             -                -                 -69.83                       8.56                      -61.27                -48.3
                                 Table 7-19. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 26/5 – Low Channel - CLOSED)
                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
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                                        OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                            836.50                           MHz
                                              MODULATION SIGNAL:                           QPSK
                                                            BANDWIDTH:                      10.0              MHz
                                                               DISTANCE:                       3              meters
                                                                      LIMIT:                 -13              dBm

                                        Ant.      Antenna Turntable                                               Substitute                 Spurious
                    Frequency                                       Level at Antenna                                                                                  Margin
                                        Pol.       Height  Azimuth                                               Antenna Gain              Emission Level
                      [MHz]                                         Terminals [dBm]                                                                                    [dB]
                                       [H/V]        [cm]   [degree]                                                  [dBi]                     [dBm]

                      1673.00             H             -                -                 -69.84                       3.62                      -66.22                -53.2
                      2509.50             H             -                -                 -67.72                       4.33                      -63.39                -50.4
                      3346.00             H           105              229                 -57.21                       5.92                      -51.30                -38.3
                      4182.50             H             -                -                 -69.10                       7.69                      -61.41                -48.4
                      5019.00             H             -                -                 -70.09                       8.56                      -61.53                -48.5
                                 Table 7-20. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 26/5 – Mid Channel - CLOSED)

                                        OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                            844.00                           MHz
                                              MODULATION SIGNAL:                           QPSK
                                                            BANDWIDTH:                      10.0              MHz
                                                               DISTANCE:                       3              meters
                                                                      LIMIT:                 -13              dBm

                                        Ant.      Antenna Turntable                                               Substitute                 Spurious
                    Frequency                                       Level at Antenna                                                                                  Margin
                                        Pol.       Height  Azimuth                                               Antenna Gain              Emission Level
                      [MHz]                                         Terminals [dBm]                                                                                    [dB]
                                       [H/V]        [cm]   [degree]                                                  [dBi]                     [dBm]

                      1688.00             H             -                -                 -69.54                       3.63                      -65.91                -52.9
                      2532.00             H             -                -                 -67.57                       4.47                      -63.10                -50.1
                      3376.00             H           102              235                 -58.98                       6.05                      -52.93                -39.9
                      4220.00             H             -                -                 -69.28                       7.75                      -61.53                -48.5
                      5064.00             H             -                -                 -69.63                       8.59                      -61.04                -48.0
                                Table 7-21. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 26/5 – High Channel - CLOSED)

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
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                                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                                        836.50                                MHz
                                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                                    QPSK
                                                        BANDWIDTH:                            10.0                 MHz
                                                           DISTANCE:                             3                 meters
                                                                    LIMIT:                     -13                 dBm

                                Ant.         Antenna Turntable                                                         Substitute                      Spurious
        Frequency                                              Level at Antenna                                                                                                       Margin
                                Pol.          Height  Azimuth                                                         Antenna Gain                   Emission Level
          [MHz]                                                Terminals [dBm]                                                                                                         [dB]
                               [H/V]           [cm]   [degree]                                                            [dBi]                          [dBm]

           1673.00                H              134                 341                     -59.34                            3.10                          -56.24                     -43.2
           2509.50                H                 -                  -                     -58.43                            4.02                          -54.41                     -41.4
           3346.00                H              149                  55                     -51.96                            6.03                          -45.93                     -32.9
           4182.50                H                 -                  -                     -59.41                            0.00                          -59.41                     -46.4
           5019.00     H         -          -          -58.38           0.00             -58.38                                                                                         -45.4
                  Table 7-22. Radiated Spurious Data with WCP (Band 26/5 – Mid Channel - CLOSED)

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
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rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

Band 66/4

                                 Plot 7-284. Radiated Spurious Plot above 1GHz (Band 66/4 - CLOSED)

                                   Plot 7-285. Radiated Spurious Plot above 1GHz (Band 66/4 - OPEN)

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
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                          OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                                       1720.00                                MHz
                                MODULATION SIGNAL:                                    QPSK
                                                 BANDWIDTH:                             20.0                MHz
                                                    DISTANCE:                             3                 meters
                                                              LIMIT:                     -13                dBm

                         Ant.         Antenna Turntable                                                         Substitute                      Spurious
 Frequency                                              Level at Antenna                                                                                                       Margin
                         Pol.          Height  Azimuth                                                         Antenna Gain                   Emission Level
   [MHz]                                                Terminals [dBm]                                                                                                         [dB]
                        [H/V]           [cm]   [degree]                                                            [dBi]                          [dBm]

    3440.00                H              209                  95                     -67.38                            6.28                          -61.10                     -48.1
    5160.00                H                 -                   -                    -69.49                            8.98                          -60.51                     -47.5
    6880.00                H              192                 353                     -65.34                            9.42                          -55.92                     -42.9
    8600.00                H                 -                   -                    -64.89                            9.62                           -55.27                    -42.3
   10320.00                H            -          -          -62.58            9.56             -53.01                                                                          -40.0
                                   Table 7-23. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 66/4 – Low Channel - OPEN)

                          OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                                       1745.00                                MHz
                                MODULATION SIGNAL:                                    QPSK
                                                 BANDWIDTH:                             20.0                MHz
                                                    DISTANCE:                             3                 meters
                                                              LIMIT:                     -13                dBm

                         Ant.         Antenna Turntable                                                         Substitute                      Spurious
 Frequency                                              Level at Antenna                                                                                                       Margin
                         Pol.          Height  Azimuth                                                         Antenna Gain                   Emission Level
   [MHz]                                                Terminals [dBm]                                                                                                         [dB]
                        [H/V]           [cm]   [degree]                                                            [dBi]                          [dBm]

    3490.00                H              341                 149                     -68.27                            6.47                          -61.81                     -48.8
    5235.00                H                 -                   -                    -69.54                            8.97                          -60.58                     -47.6
    6980.00                H              178                   3                     -66.49                            9.23                          -57.26                     -44.3
    8725.00                H                 -                   -                    -65.13                            9.59                           -55.53                    -42.5
   10470.00                H             -          -          -62.08            9.43             -52.65                                                                         -39.6
                                    Table 7-24. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 66/4 – Mid Channel - OPEN)

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
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                          OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                                       1770.00                                MHz
                                MODULATION SIGNAL:                                    QPSK
                                                 BANDWIDTH:                             20.0                MHz
                                                    DISTANCE:                             3                 meters
                                                              LIMIT:                     -13                dBm

                         Ant.         Antenna Turntable                                                         Substitute                      Spurious
 Frequency                                              Level at Antenna                                                                                                       Margin
                         Pol.          Height  Azimuth                                                         Antenna Gain                   Emission Level
   [MHz]                                                Terminals [dBm]                                                                                                         [dB]
                        [H/V]           [cm]   [degree]                                                            [dBi]                          [dBm]

    3540.00                H                 -                   -                    -67.88                            6.45                          -61.43                     -48.4
    5310.00                H                 -                   -                    -69.87                            9.09                          -60.78                     -47.8
    7080.00                H              224                   7                     -65.50                            9.17                          -56.33                     -43.3
    8850.00                H                 -                   -                    -64.44                            9.57                           -54.87                    -41.9
   10620.00                H            -          -           -61.77            9.55            -52.22                                                                          -39.2
                                   Table 7-25. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 66/4 – High Channel - OPEN)

                          OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                                       1770.00                                 MHz
                                 MODULATION SIGNAL:                                   QPSK
                                                 BANDWIDTH:                             20.0                MHz
                                                    DISTANCE:                              3                meters
                                                              LIMIT:                     -13                dBm

                         Ant.         Antenna Turntable                                                          Substitute                     Spurious
  Frequency                                             Level at Antenna                                                                                                       Margin
                         Pol.          Height  Azimuth                                                          Antenna Gain                  Emission Level
    [MHz]                                               Terminals [dBm]                                                                                                         [dB]
                        [H/V]           [cm]   [degree]                                                             [dBi]                         [dBm]

    3540.00                 H                -                   -                    -67.88                            6.45                           -61.43                    -48.4
    5310.00                 H                -                   -                    -69.87                            9.09                           -60.78                    -47.8
    7080.00                 H              224                   7                    -65.50                            9.17                           -56.33                    -43.3
    8850.00                 H                -                   -                    -64.44                            9.57                           -54.87                    -41.9
   10620.00                H         -          -         -61.77           9.55             -52.22                                                                               -39.2
                          Table 7-26. Radiated Spurious Data with WCP (Band 66/4 – High Channel - OPEN)

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
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rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

Band 25/2

                                 Plot 7-286. Radiated Spurious Plot above 1GHz (Band 25/2 - CLOSED)

                                   Plot 7-287. Radiated Spurious Plot above 1GHz (Band 25/2 - OPEN)

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
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microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                          OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                                       1860.00                                MHz
                                MODULATION SIGNAL:                                    QPSK
                                                 BANDWIDTH:                             20.0                MHz
                                                    DISTANCE:                             3                 meters
                                                              LIMIT:                     -13                dBm

                         Ant.         Antenna Turntable                                                         Substitute                      Spurious
 Frequency                                              Level at Antenna                                                                                                       Margin
                         Pol.          Height  Azimuth                                                         Antenna Gain                   Emission Level
   [MHz]                                                Terminals [dBm]                                                                                                         [dB]
                        [H/V]           [cm]   [degree]                                                            [dBi]                          [dBm]

    3720.00                V                 -                   -                    -68.50                            6.90                          -61.60                     -48.6
    5580.00                V                 -                   -                    -69.37                            9.06                          -60.31                     -47.3
    7440.00                V              151                  73                     -66.17                            9.26                          -56.91                     -43.9
    9300.00                V                 -                   -                    -63.28                            9.40                           -53.88                    -40.9
   11160.00                V            -          -          -62.13            9.46             -52.66                                                                          -39.7
                                   Table 7-27. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 25/2 – Low Channel - OPEN)

                          OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                                       1882.50                                MHz
                                MODULATION SIGNAL:                                    QPSK
                                                 BANDWIDTH:                             20.0                MHz
                                                    DISTANCE:                             3                 meters
                                                              LIMIT:                     -13                dBm

                         Ant.         Antenna Turntable                                                         Substitute                      Spurious
 Frequency                                              Level at Antenna                                                                                                       Margin
                         Pol.          Height  Azimuth                                                         Antenna Gain                   Emission Level
   [MHz]                                                Terminals [dBm]                                                                                                         [dB]
                        [H/V]           [cm]   [degree]                                                            [dBi]                          [dBm]

    3765.00                V              327                 294                     -68.86                            6.94                          -61.91                     -48.9
    5647.50                V                 -                   -                    -69.56                            9.17                          -60.40                     -47.4
    7530.00                V              259                  23                     -64.53                            9.31                          -55.22                     -42.2
    9412.50                V                 -                   -                    -63.09                            9.50                           -53.59                    -40.6
   11295.00                V             -          -          -60.54            9.49             -51.05                                                                         -38.1
                                    Table 7-28. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 25/2 – Mid Channel - OPEN)

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
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                          OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                                       1905.00                                MHz
                                MODULATION SIGNAL:                                    QPSK
                                                 BANDWIDTH:                             20.0                MHz
                                                    DISTANCE:                             3                 meters
                                                              LIMIT:                     -13                dBm

                         Ant.         Antenna Turntable                                                         Substitute                      Spurious
 Frequency                                              Level at Antenna                                                                                                       Margin
                         Pol.          Height  Azimuth                                                         Antenna Gain                   Emission Level
   [MHz]                                                Terminals [dBm]                                                                                                         [dB]
                        [H/V]           [cm]   [degree]                                                            [dBi]                          [dBm]

    3810.00                V                 -                   -                    -68.46                            7.07                          -61.39                     -48.4
    5715.00                V                 -                   -                    -69.28                            9.04                          -60.24                     -47.2
                                   Table 7-29. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 25/2 – High Channel - OPEN)

                          OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                                       1860.00                                 MHz
                                 MODULATION SIGNAL:                                   QPSK
                                                 BANDWIDTH:                             20.0                MHz
                                                    DISTANCE:                              3                meters
                                                              LIMIT:                     -13                dBm

                         Ant.         Antenna Turntable                                                          Substitute                     Spurious
  Frequency                                             Level at Antenna                                                                                                       Margin
                         Pol.          Height  Azimuth                                                          Antenna Gain                  Emission Level
    [MHz]                                               Terminals [dBm]                                                                                                         [dB]
                        [H/V]           [cm]   [degree]                                                             [dBi]                         [dBm]

    3720.00                 V                -                   -                    -58.51                            6.90                           -51.61                    -38.6
    5580.00                V        -          -          -60.37           9.06            -51.31                                                                                -38.3
                          Table 7-30. Radiated Spurious Data with WCP (Band 25/2 – Low Channel - OPEN)

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
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Band 41 PC3

                            Plot 7-288. Radiated Spurious Plot 1GHz - 18GHz (Band 41 PC3 - CLOSED)

                               Plot 7-289. Radiated Spurious Plot 1GHz - 18GHz (Band 41 PC3 - OPEN)

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
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                      Plot 7-290. Radiated Spurious Plot 18GHz – 26.5GHz (Band 41 PC3 – H - CLOSED)

                      Plot 7-291. Radiated Spurious Plot 18GHz – 26.5GHz (Band 41 PC3 – V - CLOSED)

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
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rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                        Plot 7-292. Radiated Spurious Plot 18GHz – 26.5GHz (Band 41 PC3 – H - OPEN)

                        Plot 7-293. Radiated Spurious Plot 18GHz – 26.5GHz (Band 41 PC3 – V - OPEN)

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
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                          OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                                       2510.00                                 MHz
                                 MODULATION SIGNAL:                                   QPSK
                                                 BANDWIDTH:                             20.0                MHz
                                                    DISTANCE:                              3                meters
                                                              LIMIT:                     -25                dBm

                         Ant.         Antenna Turntable                                                          Substitute                     Spurious
  Frequency                                             Level at Antenna                                                                                                       Margin
                         Pol.          Height  Azimuth                                                          Antenna Gain                  Emission Level
    [MHz]                                               Terminals [dBm]                                                                                                         [dB]
                        [H/V]           [cm]   [degree]                                                             [dBi]                         [dBm]

    5020.00                 H              312                 203                    -72.82                           10.88                           -61.94                    -36.9
    7530.00                 H                -                   -                    -69.32                           11.13                           -58.19                    -33.2
   10040.00                 H                -                   -                    -68.56                           11.99                           -56.57                    -31.6
                             Table 7-31. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 41 PC3 – Low Channel - OPEN)

                          OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                                       2593.00                                 MHz
                                 MODULATION SIGNAL:                                   QPSK
                                                 BANDWIDTH:                             20.0                MHz
                                                    DISTANCE:                              3                meters
                                                              LIMIT:                     -25                dBm

                         Ant.         Antenna Turntable                                                          Substitute                     Spurious
  Frequency                                             Level at Antenna                                                                                                       Margin
                         Pol.          Height  Azimuth                                                          Antenna Gain                  Emission Level
    [MHz]                                               Terminals [dBm]                                                                                                         [dB]
                        [H/V]           [cm]   [degree]                                                             [dBi]                         [dBm]

    5186.00                 H                -                   -                    -73.05                           10.74                           -62.31                    -37.3
    7779.00                 H        -          -          -69.47           11.44            -58.03                                                                              -33.0
                             Table 7-32. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 41 PC3 – Mid Channel - OPEN)

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                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
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                                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                                      2680.00                                 MHz
                                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                                    QPSK
                                                        BANDWIDTH:                            20.0                 MHz
                                                           DISTANCE:                             3                 meters
                                                                    LIMIT:                     -25                 dBm

                                Ant.         Antenna Turntable                                                         Substitute                      Spurious
        Frequency                                              Level at Antenna                                                                                                       Margin
                                Pol.          Height  Azimuth                                                         Antenna Gain                   Emission Level
          [MHz]                                                Terminals [dBm]                                                                                                         [dB]
                               [H/V]           [cm]   [degree]                                                            [dBi]                          [dBm]

           5360.00                H              335                  36                     -71.54                           10.70                          -60.84                     -35.8
           8040.00                H                 -                  -                     -69.62                           11.16                          -58.46                     -33.5
          10720.00                H                 -                  -                     -69.35                           12.59                          -56.75                     -31.8
                                Table 7-33. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 41 PC3 – High Channel - OPEN)

                                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                                      2680.00                                 MHz
                                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                                    QPSK
                                                        BANDWIDTH:                            20.0                 MHz
                                                           DISTANCE:                             3                 meters
                                                                    LIMIT:                     -25                 dBm

                                Ant.         Antenna Turntable                                                         Substitute                      Spurious
        Frequency                                              Level at Antenna                                                                                                       Margin
                                Pol.          Height  Azimuth                                                         Antenna Gain                   Emission Level
          [MHz]                                                Terminals [dBm]                                                                                                         [dB]
                               [H/V]           [cm]   [degree]                                                            [dBi]                          [dBm]

           5360.00                H              335                  36                     -71.54                           10.70                          -60.84                     -35.8
           8040.00                H                 -                  -                     -69.62                           11.16                          -58.46                     -33.5
          10720.00                H                 -                  -                     -69.35                           12.59                          -56.75                     -31.8
                       Table 7-34. Radiated Spurious Data with WCP (Band 41 PC3 – High Channel - OPEN)

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7.8              Frequency Stability / Temperature Variation
Test Overview and Limit

Frequency stability testing is performed in accordance with the guidelines of ANSI/TIA-603-E-2016. The frequency
stability of the transmitter is measured by:

a.)       Temperature: The temperature is varied from -30°C to +50°C in 10°C increments using an environmental

b.)       Primary Supply Voltage: The primary supply voltage is varied from 85% to 115% of the nominal value for
          non hand-carried battery and AC powered equipment. For hand-carried, battery-powered equipment, primary
          supply voltage is reduced to the battery operating end point which shall be specified by the manufacturer.

For Part 22, the frequency stability of the transmitter shall be maintained within ±0.00025% (±2.5 ppm) of
the center frequency. For Part 24, Part 27, the frequency stability shall be sufficient to ensure that the
fundamental emission stays within the authorized frequency block.

Test Procedure Used


Test Settings

      1. The carrier frequency of the transmitter is measured at room temperature (20°C to provide a reference).
      2. The equipment is turned on in a “standby” condition for fifteen minutes before applying power to the
         transmitter. Measurement of the carrier frequency of the transmitter is made within one minute after
         applying power to the transmitter.
      3. Frequency measurements are made at 10°C intervals ranging from -30°C to +50°C. A period of at least
         one half-hour is provided to allow stabilization of the equipment at each temperature level.

Test Setup

The EUT was connected via an RF cable to a spectrum analyzer with the EUT placed inside an environmental

Test Notes


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Band 12 Frequency Stability Measurements

                           OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                            707,500,000                          Hz
                                                       CHANNEL:                                  23790
                               REFERENCE VOLTAGE:                                                 4.27                           VDC

                              VOLTAGE                      POWER                TEMP               FREQUENCY                     Freq. Dev.             Deviation
                                (%)                         (VDC)                  o                  (Hz)                          (Hz)                  (%)
                                                                                  ( C)

                                 100 %                         4.27               - 30               707,500,282                       282             0.0000399

                                 100 %                                            - 20               707,500,246                       246             0.0000348

                                 100 %                                            - 10               707,500,014                        14             0.0000020

                                 100 %                                                 0             707,499,940                       -60             -0.0000085

                                 100 %                                            + 10               707,499,988                       -12             -0.0000017

                                 100 %                                            + 20               707,499,918                       -82             -0.0000116

                                 100 %                                             + 30              707,500,007                         7             0.0000010

                                 100 %                                            + 40               707,499,769                      -231             -0.0000327

                                 100 %                                            + 50               707,499,863                      -137             -0.0000194

                        BATT. ENDPOINT     3.45       + 20     707,500,196         196                                                                 0.0000277
                                      Table 7-35. Frequency Stability Data (Band 12)


Based on the results of the frequency stability test at the center channel the frequency deviation results measured
are very small. As such it is determined that the channels at the band edge would remain in-band when the
maximum measured frequency deviation noted during the frequency stability tests is applied. Therefore the
device is determined to remain operating in band over the temperature and voltage range as tested.

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rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

Band 12 Frequency Stability Measurements

                                                                               Frequency Stability


                                Deviation (ppm)






                                                                                        Temperature (°C)

                                                            Figure 7-8. Frequency Stability Graph (Band 12)

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Band 13 Frequency Stability Measurements

                           OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                            782,000,000                          Hz
                                                       CHANNEL:                                  23230
                               REFERENCE VOLTAGE:                                                 4.27                           VDC

                              VOLTAGE                      POWER                TEMP               FREQUENCY                     Freq. Dev.             Deviation
                                (%)                         (VDC)                  o                  (Hz)                          (Hz)                  (%)
                                                                                  ( C)

                                 100 %                         4.27               - 30               781,999,848                      -152             -0.0000194

                                 100 %                                            - 20               782,000,201                       201             0.0000257

                                 100 %                                            - 10               782,000,136                       136             0.0000174

                                 100 %                                                 0             781,999,833                      -167             -0.0000214

                                 100 %                                            + 10               782,000,106                       106             0.0000136

                                 100 %                                            + 20               781,999,981                       -19             -0.0000024

                                 100 %                                             + 30              781,999,817                      -183             -0.0000234

                                 100 %                                            + 40               781,999,727                      -273             -0.0000349

                                 100 %                                            + 50               781,999,587                      -413             -0.0000528

                        BATT. ENDPOINT     3.45       + 20     781,999,970         -30                                                                 -0.0000038
                                      Table 7-36. Frequency Stability Data (Band 13)


Based on the results of the frequency stability test at the center channel the frequency deviation results measured
are very small. As such it is determined that the channels at the band edge would remain in-band when the
maximum measured frequency deviation noted during the frequency stability tests is applied. Therefore the device
is determined to remain operating in band over the temperature and voltage range as tested.

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Band 13 Frequency Stability Measurements

                                                                               Frequency Stability


                                Deviation (ppm)






                                                                                        Temperature (°C)

                                                            Figure 7-9. Frequency Stability Graph (Band 13)

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Band 26/5 Frequency Stability Measurements

                           OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                            831,500,000                          Hz
                                                       CHANNEL:                                  26865
                               REFERENCE VOLTAGE:                                                 4.27                           VDC
                                          DEVIATION LIMIT:                   ± 0.00025 % or 2.5 ppm

                              VOLTAGE                      POWER                TEMP               FREQUENCY                     Freq. Dev.             Deviation
                                (%)                         (VDC)                  o                  (Hz)                          (Hz)                  (%)
                                                                                  ( C)

                                 100 %                         4.27               - 30               831,500,270                       270             0.0000325

                                 100 %                                            - 20               831,500,222                       222             0.0000267

                                 100 %                                            - 10               831,499,864                      -136             -0.0000164

                                 100 %                                                 0             831,500,015                        15             0.0000018

                                 100 %                                            + 10               831,499,857                      -143             -0.0000172

                                 100 %                                            + 20               831,499,852                      -148             -0.0000178

                                 100 %                                             + 30              831,500,042                        42             0.0000051

                                 100 %                                            + 40               831,499,903                       -97             -0.0000117

                                 100 %                                            + 50               831,499,991                        -9             -0.0000011

                        BATT. ENDPOINT     3.45      + 20      831,500,053         53                                                                  0.0000064
                                     Table 7-37. Frequency Stability Data (Band 26/5)

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Band 26/5 Frequency Stability Measurements

                                                                               Frequency Stability



                                Deviation (ppm)






                                                                                        Temperature (°C)

                                                          Figure 7-10. Frequency Stability Graph (Band 26/5)

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Band 66/4 Frequency Stability Measurements

                           OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                            1,745,000,000                        Hz
                                                       CHANNEL:                                 132322
                               REFERENCE VOLTAGE:                                                 4.27                           VDC

                              VOLTAGE                      POWER                TEMP               FREQUENCY                     Freq. Dev.             Deviation
                                (%)                         (VDC)                  o                  (Hz)                          (Hz)                  (%)
                                                                                  ( C)

                                 100 %                         4.27               - 30             1,745,000,067                        67             0.0000038

                                 100 %                                            - 20             1,745,000,097                        97             0.0000056

                                 100 %                                            - 10             1,744,999,983                       -17             -0.0000010

                                 100 %                                                 0           1,744,999,979                       -21             -0.0000012

                                 100 %                                            + 10             1,745,000,347                       347             0.0000199

                                 100 %                                            + 20             1,745,000,162                       162             0.0000093

                                 100 %                                            + 30             1,744,999,932                       -68             -0.0000039

                                 100 %                                            + 40             1,745,000,038                        38             0.0000022

                                 100 %                                            + 50             1,744,999,786                      -214             -0.0000123

                        BATT. ENDPOINT     3.45      + 20     1,744,999,569       -431                                                                 -0.0000247
                                     Table 7-38. Frequency Stability Data (Band 66/4)


Based on the results of the frequency stability test at the center channel the frequency deviation results measured
are very small. As such it is determined that the channels at the band edge would remain in-band when the
maximum measured frequency deviation noted during the frequency stability tests is applied. Therefore the device
is determined to remain operating in band over the temperature and voltage range as tested.

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Band 66/4 Frequency Stability Measurements

                                                                               Frequency Stability



                                Deviation (ppm)






                                                                                        Temperature (°C)

                                                          Figure 7-11. Frequency Stability Graph (Band 66/4)

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Band 25/2 Frequency Stability Measurements

                           OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                            1,882,500,000                        Hz
                                                       CHANNEL:                                  26365
                               REFERENCE VOLTAGE:                                                 4.27                           VDC
                                          DEVIATION LIMIT:                   ± 0.00025 % or 2.5 ppm

                              VOLTAGE                      POWER                TEMP               FREQUENCY                     Freq. Dev.             Deviation
                                (%)                         (VDC)                  o                  (Hz)                          (Hz)                  (%)
                                                                                  ( C)

                                 100 %                         4.27               - 30             1,882,499,839                      -161             -0.0000086

                                 100 %                                            - 20             1,882,499,897                      -103             -0.0000055

                                 100 %                                            - 10             1,882,500,056                        56             0.0000030

                                 100 %                                                 0           1,882,500,181                       181             0.0000096

                                 100 %                                            + 10             1,882,500,192                       192             0.0000102

                                 100 %                                            + 20             1,882,499,955                       -45             -0.0000024

                                 100 %                                             + 30            1,882,500,051                        51             0.0000027

                                 100 %                                            + 40             1,882,500,067                        67             0.0000036

                                 100 %                                            + 50             1,882,500,057                        57             0.0000030

                        BATT. ENDPOINT     3.45      + 20     1,882,499,962        -38                                                                 -0.0000020
                                     Table 7-39. Frequency Stability Data (Band 25/2)

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Band 25/2 Frequency Stability Measurements

                                                                               Frequency Stability



                                Deviation (ppm)






                                                                                        Temperature (°C)

                                                          Figure 7-12. Frequency Stability Graph (Band 25/2)

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Band 41 Frequency Stability Measurements

                           OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                            2,593,000,000                        Hz
                                                       CHANNEL:                                  40620
                               REFERENCE VOLTAGE:                                                 4.27                           VDC

                              VOLTAGE                      POWER                TEMP               FREQUENCY                     Freq. Dev.             Deviation
                                (%)                         (VDC)                  o                  (Hz)                          (Hz)                  (%)
                                                                                  ( C)

                                 100 %                         4.27               - 30             2,593,000,166                       166             0.0000064

                                 100 %                                            - 20             2,593,000,280                       280             0.0000108

                                 100 %                                            - 10             2,592,999,853                      -147             -0.0000057

                                 100 %                                                 0           2,593,000,123                       123             0.0000047

                                 100 %                                            + 10             2,592,999,808                      -192             -0.0000074

                                 100 %                                            + 20             2,593,000,020                        20             0.0000008

                                 100 %                                             + 30            2,593,000,086                        86             0.0000033

                                 100 %                                            + 40             2,592,999,929                       -71             -0.0000027

                                 100 %                                            + 50             2,593,000,420                       420             0.0000162

                        BATT. ENDPOINT     3.45       + 20    2,592,999,779       -221                                                                 -0.0000085
                                      Table 7-40. Frequency Stability Data (Band 41)


Based on the results of the frequency stability test at the center channel the frequency deviation results measured
are very small. As such it is determined that the channels at the band edge would remain in-band when the
maximum measured frequency deviation noted during the frequency stability tests is applied. Therefore the device
is determined to remain operating in band over the temperature and voltage range as tested.

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Band 41 Frequency Stability Measurements

                                                                               Frequency Stability



                                Deviation (ppm)






                                                                                        Temperature (°C)

                                                           Figure 7-13. Frequency Stability Graph (Band 41)

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8.0          CONCLUSION

The data collected relate only to the item(s) tested and show that the Samsung Portable Handset FCC ID: A3LSMF907B
complies with all the requirements of Part 22, 24, & 27 of the FCC Rules for LTE operation only.

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Document Created: 2019-06-25 01:54:55
Document Modified: 2019-06-25 01:54:55

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