RF Exposure Info._20190404_v1 - 4788931341-S1V1 FCC Report SAR App D_SAR Tissue


RF Exposure Info

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Head Tissue Simulating Liquids
Head         Parameters according to IEEE Std 1528-2013 / IEC 62209 / FCC KDB 865664 D01
Narrow-      Product                     Test Frequency (MHz)             Main Ingredients
Solutions    HSL300V2                    300                              Water, Sugar
(±5%         HSL450V2                    450                              Water, Sugar
tolerance)   HSL750V2                    750                              Water, Sugar
             HSL900V2                    835, 900                         Water, Sugar
             HSL1450V2                   1450, 1500, 1640                 Water, DGBE
             HSL1750V2                   1750                             Water, DGBE
             HSL1800V2                   1800, 1900                       Water, DGBE
             HSL1900V2                   1900                             Water, DGBE
             HSL1950V2                   1950, 2000                       Water, DGBE
             HSL2450V2                   2450, 2600                       Water, DGBE
Broad-       Product                     Test Frequency (MHz)             Main Ingredients
Solutions    HBBL30-250V3                30-250                           Water, Tween
(±5%         HBBL1350-1850V3             1400-1800                        Water, Tween
tolerance)   HBBL1550-1950V3             1750-1900                        Water, Tween
             HBBL1900-3800V3             1950-3000                        Water, Tween
             HBBL3500-5800V5             3500-5800                        Water, Oil

Body Tissue Simulating Liquids
Body         Parameters according to FCC KDB 865664 D01
Narrow-      Product                     Test Frequency (MHz)             Main Ingredients
Band         MSL300V2                    300                              Water, Sugar
Solutions    MSL450V2                    400, 450                         Water, Sugar
(±5%         MSL750V2                    750                              Water, Sugar
tolerance)   MSL900V2                    835, 900                         Water, Sugar
             MSL1450V2                   1450, 1500, 1640                 Water, DGBE
             MSL1750V2                   1750                             Water, DGBE
             MSL1800V2                   1800, 1900                       Water, DGBE
             MSL1900V2                   1900                             Water, DGBE
             MSL1950V2                   1950, 2100                       Water, DGBE
             MSL2450V2                   2450, 2600                       Water, DGBE
Broad-       Product                     Test Frequency (MHz)             Main Ingredients
Band         MBBL130-250V3               130-250                          Water, Tween
Solutions    MBBL1350-1850V3             1350-1800                        Water, Tween
(±5%         MBBL1550-1950V3             1550-1850                        Water, Tween
tolerance)   MBBL1900-3800V3             1950-3800                        Water, Tween
             MBBL3500-5800V5             3500-5800                        Water, Oil

        Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                                   s     p         e      a          q

        Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
        Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779
        info@speag.com, http://www.speag.com

         Measurement Certificate / Material Test

        Item Name                     Head Tissue Simulating Liquid (HSL750V2)
        Product No.                   SL AAH 075 AA (Charge: 140903—3)
        Manufacturer                  SPEAG

        Measurement Method
       [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.                                                                               |

        Setup Validation
       [Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.                                                                 |

        Target Parameters
       [Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                              __]

        Test Condition
        ‘Ambient                      Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
        TSL Temperature               22°C
        Test Date                     10—Sep—14
        Operator                      CL

        Additional Information
        TSL Density                   1.284 g/om*
        TSL Heat—capacity 2.701 kJ/(kg*K)

                 Measured                  Target           Diff.to Target (%)                                                                  G
         f[MHz]| HP—€‘| HP—e"Isigmal        eps     sigmal Aeps       A—sigma        w   132
          eoo     44e       |22ds|    ons 427       oss8      45        14.9       &      :o                                            |
          gas     443       |2eos|    o.77 426      os8       39        125        §      ::
          eso     439       z203|     oso| 42s      oso|      34        10.1     | §      se                                           |
          ers     485       |2i82|    ose| 42s      oso|      28         77      |&      «s                                            |
          7oo     431       |zi6t|    os4 422       os9       22         54      [8      500                                           *
          7os     428       |2i4s|    ose| 421      oss|      17         0       |       {;'g
          Teb     AB° LOLORL 0801 ML9 MB                      44        Af                600 eso 7oo 7so 800 sso 900 aso 1000 |
          77s     421       |2ii2]    oo1| 418      0.90      08         17                               Frequency MHz                          |
          8oo     418       |2o.as|   oos| 417      090|      0.3        4.0
          ges     415       |2oss|    o96| 416      0.91|     —02        5.6
          #se     41.3      |2o.80|   o97 a1s       091|      05         63
          sso     «12       |2o.74|   oos| 4ns      o.92|     07         7.0     ‘  18 e
          a7s     409       |20e1|    100| 4ns      o%4       —15        64      [z 75
          soo     406 |2o49| 103| 4ns 097|                    22         58      1€ 557                                                    |
          ges     408|      209|       105| 4s      098       28        68        g sgi
          aso     401       |202e|     107 414      099       43        78        § as
           ars    sas       |2020|     110 414      100       39        9.        2 so 1                                                    1       |
          1000    sos       |sois|     i12] 4i3     i01]      45        103       8 +s
                                                                                 | 4001—
                                                                                       600 &0       700   750   800   s&o   900   950 1000
                                                                                 l                        Frequency MHz

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                       Page 1 of 1

         Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                                             s   p       e        a      g

         Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
         Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779
         info@speag.com, http://www.speag.com

          Measurement Certificate / Material Test

          Item Name                Head Tissue Simulating Liquid (HSL900V2)
          Product No.              SL AAH 090 BB (Charge: 140818—1)
          Manufacturer             SPEAG

          Measurement Method
         [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.                                                                            |

          Setup Validation
         [Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.                                                              |

         Target Parameters
         Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                                          |

         Test Condition
         Ambient                   Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
         TSL Temperature           22°C
         Test Date                 20—Aug—14
         Operator                  IEN

         Additional Information
         TSL Density               1.280 g/om*
         TSL Heat—capacity 2.942 kJ/(kg"K)

                   Measured                [Target            Diff.to Target [%)               100
          f[MHz]] HP—e‘|    HP—e"Isigmal    eps      sigmal Aeps       A—sigma             x   74                                           ‘
           zoo     4s7 19e4| ore| 422                 ose|      as       140               .
                                                                                         § . mmmnnmnnmnnnmnmmmmmmmmmmmemmal |
           Tos     4ss |1947| ore| 421                o80|      28       419             as3                                            |
           7so     428 19.s0| ost 419                 o.89|     21       4.9             voE                                            |
           77s     426 192e| oss| a18                 090|      18       7.3             as&                                         |
           soo     2s 1921| ose 417                   0.90      15       47              * &
           ses     420 1910| oss| 416                 o.81]     o8       458             25
           sas     a1.s|t9.0s| o.se|a1s               o91|      o6       sec           |
           smm     Lnatissslosol mas                  os:|      on       m             |   75o 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200
            ars    a1s |1900| os2| a1s omi|                     o4       18            |                        Frequency MAz
           soo |   410      |ie.01| oss|ans          osr|       42       19        |
           ges     408      |i8e0| 097| 41s           o98       46       —1.0
           aso     406      18.79| o%9 414            0.99      21       —04                   m                                                    |
           ars     402      |18.76| 102| 414          100|      28        1.3                  7_5‘
           1000    sao 874| 104| a18                  101|      q6        27               § is                                                 |
           1025    so.7 i8e9| 107           413       103|      39        4.0              2 as
           1050    sas i8e5| 1109           412       1.04      43        52               § so
           1075    sa2      888| 111|       412       105       49        62           | § as                                                       ‘
           1100    sas ta51]        113|    a12       106|      56        73           ‘ 2 «6                                                   f
           t25     sa7      851|    146     411       1.07      59        8.6          ‘ 8 #s                                                       |
           es e f U                                   19|       *        100           |       ‘0'0750 800 sso 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200‘
           1175 sse 18.40| 120| a10                   109|      68       107                                      Prequensy Mz
           1200 sso |i82e| i22| a10                   110|      783      113

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                           Page 1 of 1

          Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                                   s     p      e       a        g

          Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
          Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779
          info@speag.com, http://www.speag.com

          Measurement Certificate / Material Test

          Item Name                  Head Tissue Simulating Liquid (HBBL1550—1950V3)
          Product No.                SL AAH 181 AA (Charge: 140916—1)
          Manufacturer               SPEAG

          Measurement Method
         [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.                                                                 |

          Setup Validation
         [Validation results were within + 2.5%towards the target values of Methanol.                                                    ]

         Target Parameters
         [Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                              |

         Test Condition
         Ambient                     Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
         TSL Temperature             22°C
         Test Date                   17—Sep—14
         Operator                    IEN

         Additional Information
         TSL Density                 1.052 g/om*
         TSL Heat—capacity 3.322 k/(kg*K)

                  Measured                   |Target          Diff.to Target [%]
         f [MHz]| HP—e‘| HP—e"Isigmal eps sigmal A—eps                 A—sigma           10.0
           500     410      ta22]|   110      404 123|          13       —102          ; ie
           1825    400      1826     112|     404 124|          14       45            & 4
           1550    408      1820     115      404 126|          1.0      —£.8          *
           1875    407      |iss2|   117|     4083 127|         o8       81            & 98 N
           1600    406 13.35] 119             40.3     128|     06        75           §3 25                                       j
           1625    404 is40| i.21]            403      130|     o4        —6.7         9 50—                                       i
           i6so    403      is46] 124         4o2      isi      o3        ‘he            7.5
           1675    402      i348] t26         402      143|     0.1       5.4           —10.0
           1700 401 13.50| 128| a02 1834                        01        9        |        son   dete   amto      dano   dev0   2000
           i72s 400| iass| 180| 401 136|                        02        42       |                     Prequency Mz
           i7so    soo      |isse|   is2|     401      isr|    —o8s       35
           i77s    sae      ise2|    185      400      189     —05        29             118
           i80o    so.7     iaes|    .37      400      140|    —06        24              18
           i8as    soe      is.e9|   1.89     40.0     140     —0.9       —0.7         8 5q.
           1850    sae      13.74|   1.41     40.0     140     11          1.0         g s8
           i87s    sas      |ia7z|   i44      400      140|    —183       26           s
           1900    so4      ia.70]   146      400      140     —16        4.1          § £0
           ig2s    sos      iss      i48s]    400      140|    —18        5.9          S hes
           i9so    so2      iss|     151|     400      140     —20        76           & 50
           1975    go1      1301|    15|      400      140     23         a2             lidi
           2000 se|isea| iss 400 140|                           2s        108           TTems     depg   1700     4800    1900   2000
                                                                                                         Frequency MHz

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                               Page 1 of 1

         Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                             s      p         e        a        g

         Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
         Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779
         info@speag.com, http;/www.speag.com

         Measurement Certificate / Material Test

         Item Name            Head Tissue Simulating Liquid (HBBL1900—3800V3)
         Product No.          SL AAH 196 AB (Charge: 140729—2)
         Manufacturer         SPEAG

         Measurement Method
        [ISL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.                                                                         I

         Setup Validation
        [Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.                                                  __]

         Target Parameters
         Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                                      ]

         Test Condition
         Ambient              Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
         TSL Temperature      22°C
         Test Date            S0—Jul—14
         Operator             CL

         Additional Information
         TSL Density          1.054 giom*
         TSL Heat—capacity 3.389 kJ/(kg"K)
                 Measured           [Target     |Diff.to Target (%]
         f[MHz]| HP—c‘| HP—e"|sigmal eps _sigmal A—eps A—sigma               10.0
          1900 406| 125          is   400 14        is        56          075
                                                                          2 so
                                                                          &2 2s>
                                                                          $      0
                                                                           § 25
                                                                          © 50                                                              ‘
                                                                            75                                                              |
                                                                      |        —100                                                       ‘
                                                                                   1900 2100 2800 2500 2700 2900 3100 3300 3500 3700 3900 |
                                                                      |                            Frequency MHz                            |
                                                                      \                                                                     1

                                                                          > 507                                                        "
                                                                          §     is                                                          |
                                                                          €     o0                                                          |
                                                                           5                                                                I
                                                                          \8 25                                                             |
                                                                          ‘ o& 50                                                           |
                                                                                   1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100 3300 3500 3700 3900

                                                                                                     Frequency MHz

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                   Page 1 of 1

         Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                                           s       p         e           a     g

         Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
         Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779
         info@speag.com, http://www.speag.com

          Measurement Certificate / Material Test

          Item Name                   Body Tissue Simulating Liquid (MSL750V2)
          Product No.                 SL AAM 075 AA (Charge: 140729—3)
          Manufacturer                SPEAG

          Measurement Method
         [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.                                                                                       |

          Setup Validation
         [Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.                                                                         ]

         Target Parameters
         Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                                                     |

         Test Condition
         ‘Ambient        Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
         TSL Temperature 22°C
         Test Date       80—Jul—14
         Operator                     CL

         TSL Density                  1.212 glom*
         TSL Heat—capacity 3.006 kJ/(kg*K)

                   Measured                   [Target          lDifi.lc Target (%])   \                                                                    |
          +mhz]| Hp—e‘| HP—e"!sigmal_eps sigmal Aeps Asigma|                         | ., ‘g-g ]                                                          |
           soo     574      |2s.so|   os4e|   sei       oss|      22       413         & so 1                                                       |
           sas     s71      |2403|    087|    seo       o9s|      20       42             25
           eso     sea      |rass)    oso|    sso       o%6|      17       71        | § oo                                                               |
           e7s     see      |ra2e|    oo1|    sse       o%6|      14       5.0         & 25                                                               \|
           7oo     se3      |2s90|    oss|    ss7       os6|      10       4.0         § 50
           7os     se.1     |asee|    oss|    sse       ose|      o8       08            "g-g
           zso |   ss.e     |as.a1|   o8      se.s      o.%s      |_o.6     14       |             600   650   700   750   800   850   900   950   1000
           775     §5.6     |23.20|   1.00     55.4     0.97      0.3       3.6
                                                                                     |                               Frequency MHz                        ‘
           soo     sse      |22e9|    102|     sse      o97|      o0        58
           sos     s51      |z2ea)|   105|     ssa      oss       02        71
           sse     sso      |2274a|   108|     sse      oos       04        78
           aso     sa9      |22ee]    107|     ssa      ose|      0s        84           ‘       fikg o e
           875     sar      |zasi|    110|     ssi      102|      .08       75               $    151
           soo     s44 |z22ss| 112| sso 105|                      41        66           |€ :g
           ges     sa2      |2222]    114|     sso      106       14       76            1§       s
           aso     sa0      |2209|    117|     saa      108       17       a5            ‘ §      as                                                           |
            ars    sas      |2ieo|    119|     se0      109       20       a.7               2    0
           1000    sae      |21.90]   122|     sas      110|      2s       110           &        4s     f                                                 ‘
                                                                                          |_     00—
                                                                                         ‘         600   650   700   750   800   850   900   950   1000 |
                                                                                                                      Frequency MHz                            |

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                                 Page 1 of 1

         Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                                        s     p        e        a     g

         Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
         Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779
         info@speag.com, http://www.speag.com

         Measurement Certificate / Material Test

         Item Name            Body Tissue Simulating Liquid (MSL900V2)
         Product No.          SL AAM 090 CA (Charge: 140710—1)
         Manufacturer         SPEAG

         Measurement Method
        [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.                                                                               ]

         Setup Validation
        [Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.                                                                 |

         Target Parameters
        lT_argel parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                              _]

         Test Condition
         Ambient              Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
         TSL Temperature      22°C
         Test Date            16—Jul—14
         Operator             IEN

         Additional Information
         TSL Density       1.208 g/om3
         TSL Heat—capacity 3.113 kJ/(kg"K)

                  Measured            [Target           |Diff.to Target [%]               s
         f[MHz]| HP—e‘| HP—e"|sigmal eps sigmal Aeps              A—sigma             x    If
           oo      se6 2241 087| ss7            096|       16        4.0              3 is
           es      sea |222a| 090| s56          0.9%6      13        68               § ::
           7so     se1 |2204| os2| sas ose|                11        45               € o
           77s     sso |2ise| 094|     ssa      097|       o8        23               € as
           soo     ss6 |2172] oo7|     ssa      o97|       os        04               r§.sva                                             f        i
           ses     se4 |2ise] oo       se       ose        0s        13                  as                                                       |
           ses     ss.s |aisa| 100|    ss2      o.98       02        2.0                  100
           seo |ssalmasl io ss2 omm                       on         26       |             7so 800 850 9;)0 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200
                                                                              |                               requency MHz
           875 sa0 |2iss| 104] se i 102                   02         20       |                                                                   \
           soo | sa.z 225| 106 | sso 105                  s          13
           ges sas |2117| 109| sso 106|                   —0.9       25                   Paee                                                |
           aso s4s |aio8| 111| sa9 108                    12         a6         w          :s                                                 |
           ars sa1 |2non| 114| s49 1100                   45         4.9        &          :o                                                 |
           1000 sa8 2095 117 s4.8 110                     —1.8       61         §          as
           1025 sae |2oss| 149| s48 111                   24         73       | §          ce                                                 |
           1050 se4 |2081| 122| sa7 142|                  24         as       | §          as                                                 !
           1075 see |20.ze| 124| s47 143                  27         a.8        §          so                                                 |
           1100 seo |20.7e| t.27 s4.7 114                 —3.0       112        O          48                                                 |
           t12s s28 |2o.mi| 180 s46. 115|                 33         123                  100
           1150 sas |206s| 182| sa6 aar|                   ar        ds4                        Teo se seo ggiqu’:i‘zymof se 1100 +180 +200
           1175    sea |2oe4| 185| s45          118        39        14.7         |
           1200    s22 |soss| iss sas           119|       42        15.9

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                     Page 1 of 1

         Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                                          s      p      e      a        q

         Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
         Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779
         info@speag.com, http://www.speag.com

         Measurement Certificate / Material Test

         Item Name                   Body Tissue Simulating Liquid (MBBL1550—1950V3)
         Product No.                 SL AAM 181 AA (Charge: 140826—1)
         Manufacturer                SPEAG

         Measurement Method
        [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCPprobe.                                                                                |

         Setup Validation
        [Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.                                                                 |

         Target Parameters
        [Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEG 62209 compliance standards.                                                            |

         Test Condition
         Ambient                     Environment temperatur (22 * 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
         TSL Temperature             22°C
         Test Date                   27—Aug—14
         Operator                    IEN

         Additional Information
         TSL Density                 1.042 g/om*
         TSL Heat—capacity 3.475 kJ/(kg*K)

                  Measured                   [Target          Diff.to Target [%]
         f[MHz]| HP—c‘| HP—e"|sigmal eps sigmal A—eps                  A—sigma                 16.0 4
           1500    sae 1484 124| sas                   183|     o7        70               ‘:\; 78
           is25    sas 1ass| 126| sae                  135      08        45               § 0 uei
           1550    584 1485 tl28 sao                   136      —0.9      40               $ 4
           1575    s8.3 1ass| 1.80 sas                 138      41.0      56               £    00 $0000009000090
           1600    s82      14.8s|   1.82|       sa8   130      .1        51               5 25                                          f
           1625    sa2 |rass] 134| sas i41]                     1         47         2 «0 7
           ieso    sai |i4sr| 136| sez 143|                     11        42       [   756
           1675    530      14.88| 1.99|         sae   144      412       —3.8     E: ooAnimmnimmmmemenmommmnsmmmmenninnmminmenmami
           1700    sa9 14.80| 141|               sas   14s      12        43       |              1500   1506   1700     1500   1900   2000
           i72s    seo 401| 148| sas 147|                       12        28       |                            Frequency MHz                     |
           T750          M                   [Bea iao| 12                 2s
           1775                      148| saa 150| —12                    —1.9            y66
           1800 | s                  iso|sss is2 | 42 _                   is |             18 .                                     /
           1825                      ns2| sas is2 44                      0.           ‘\ €6                                                  |
           1850                      ms4| sas ase|              as        16           § 2s                                                   |
           1875                      187|        see   is2      —16       3.1          | §
          T900 | 524 |150                    I                  is       is            [3 ®
           1925    523                           ses   is2      19        6.1              3 5
          Toso | 522 [Tew9] Led[sa8 is2 | 20 _ 17                                          & **
           1975    s22 is 11| t66| sas                 is2      <21       a2                   1";‘2
           2000    s21 |isia| 168| sas                 152|     22        10.7         }          ez     ‘606   1706     4805   1506   gote
                                                                                       |                        Frequency MHz

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                     Page 1 of 1

       Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                                                   s       p         e       a        g

       Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
       Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779
       info@speag.com, http://www.speag.com

        Measurement Certificate / Material Test

        Item Name                  Body Tissue Simulating Liquid (MBBL1900—3800V3)
        Product No.                SL AAM 196 AB (Charge: 140903—2)
        Manufacturer               SPEAG

        Measurement Method
       [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.                                                                                       _]

        Setup Validation
       [Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.                                                                        _]

        Target Parameters
        Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                                                        |

        Test Condition
        Ambient         Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
        TSL Temperature 22°C
        Test Date       3—Sep—14
        Operator                   CL

        Additional Information
        TSL Density                1.036 giom*
        TSL Heat—capacity 3.508 kJ/(kg*K)
                Measured                    [Target          [Diff.to Target [%]
        1 [MHz]] HP—e‘| HP—e"|sigmal _eps sigmal A—eps                 A—sigma                    10.0
         1900 sar iss              i4a| sas           is2       ]_o8      5.8                      18
         19so    sae 137 | 148 sas is2 os                                 25                 i     $6
         2000    sa4        i3s    iss| ses           152|      03        0.7                € 2'5
         2oso    sas        i3     188| see           157|      o2        0.                 § 0'0
         2100    sa2        140    i63] ss2           162|      o.        1.                 &0
         2180 sa1 141 168 531166                                |_o0      12                 & *
         2200 s20 142 174| sa0 171                              02        15                   #0
         2eso    s28        143    179|      sao      176|      02        18                      T4
                                    7                                                            100
         ::Zg    :2':       ::i    :‘:‘:’    :ii      :‘:;     'zj:       2;             |              1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100 3300 3500 3700 8900
         2400    524        14.7   1.97]     s28      190|      —07       as             |                              Frequency MHz
         2450    s2s        148    202|      s27      195      o8         36
         2500    s21        150    208|      s26      202|     —1.0       2.9
         2ss0    s20        is1    214|      sas      209      —10        24
         2600    sie        is2    220|      sas      216|     183        1.8      86
         2eso    517|       i53    226|      s24      223|     14         120|      78
         2700    s15        iss    283|      s24      230      16         0s 0| &
         arso    s14        ise    288|      sas      238|     18         os    |€ Z:
         2800    s12        157    244|      sas      245|     20         nb    §    T
         zeso     s11       iss ast|         sae ose|           2         wa                 |§ °°
         2900     50.0      160    257|      s21      2so|      23        4                  |9 45
         zoso     508       161    264|      s21      266|      25        —0.9               g 5.0                                                                |
         000      §0.6      t61    269|       20      273|      27        480|                    7.5                                                                |
         soso     s04       ie3 276|          s19 279|          29        10       |             100                                                       |
         sioo     Lsosl     iea lasal         sie 2ss|          s0        as        |               1900 2100 2800 2500 2700 2900 3100 3300 3500 3700 3900 |
         s1so     soi|      165 289|          s18 201|          32        s         0|                                FrequensyMiz                           |
         s200     so.|      166 295|          517 296           34        .5                                                                                \
         seso     498       167 ao1|          s17 ao2|          45        0.3
         ssoo     497       167 s07|          s16 a08           37        02
         ssso     495       169 ar4|          s15 a14           39        0.
         s400     494       169 a20|          s1s 320|          —40       o2
         saso     492       170 sar|          sia 326|          42        o4
         3500     491       izi|ass|          sis ss1|          4s        06
         ssso     490       172 s4o|          s13 337|          45        0.7
         seoo     48.8      i73 s47|          si2 343|          46         1.0
         seso     487       174 ass|          si1_s49|          47         1.
         3700     48e       irs seo|          si1 ss5s          49         15
         rso      484       176 aee           s10 361|          50         16
         seoo     48.3      177 are           soe ase           52         19
         seso     482       177| s80|         sos ar2|          43         24

TSL Dislectric Parameters                                                                                                                                    Page 1 of 1

Document Created: 2019-04-11 14:46:23
Document Modified: 2019-04-11 14:46:23

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