Test Report KR19-SRF0116-B WiFi Part 3


Test Report

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                   KCTL Inc.                                 Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                  KR19-SRF0116-B
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                             Page (50) of (62)

2 457 ㎒
   Frequency       Pol.    Reading   Ant. Factor Amp. + Cable     DCCF       Result       Limit     Margin

      (㎒)          (V/H)   (㏈(㎶))       (㏈)          (㏈)           (㏈)      (㏈(㎶/m))     (㏈(㎶/m))    (㏈)

                                                  Peak data
   2 483.621)        V      59.99      32.09        -29.21          -            62.87    74.00     11.13
   7 368.72          H      70.92      35.50        -52.27          -            54.15    74.00     19.85
                                                 Average Data
   2 483.621)        V      46.18      32.09        -29.21        0.40           49.46    54.00      4.54
   7 368.72          H      59.18      35.50        -52.27        0.40           42.81    54.00     11.19

                     Average data                                           Average data

                                     Horizontal/Vertical for Band-edge

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                KR19-SRF0116-B
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (51) of (62)

                                  Horizontal/Vertical for 1 ㎓ ~ 3.5 ㎓

                                 Horizontal/Vertical for 3.5 ㎓ ~ 18 ㎓

                                Horizontal/Vertical for 18 ㎓ ~ 26.5 ㎓

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                   KCTL Inc.                                 Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                  KR19-SRF0116-B
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                             Page (52) of (62)

2 462 ㎒
   Frequency       Pol.    Reading   Ant. Factor Amp. + Cable     DCCF       Result         Limit     Margin

      (㎒)          (V/H)   (㏈(㎶))       (㏈)          (㏈)           (㏈)      (㏈(㎶/m))       (㏈(㎶/m))    (㏈)

                                                  Peak data
   2 483.551)        V      61.89      32.09        -29.21          -            64.77      74.00      9.23
   4 924.17          V      61.08      33.85        -54.80          -            40.13      74.00     33.87
                                                 Average Data
   2 483.551)        V      46.33      32.09        -29.21        0.40           49.61      54.00      4.39

                     Average data                                           Average data


                                     Horizontal/Vertical for Band-edge

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                KR19-SRF0116-B
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (53) of (62)

                                  Horizontal/Vertical for 1 ㎓ ~ 3.5 ㎓

                                 Horizontal/Vertical for 3.5 ㎓ ~ 18 ㎓

                                Horizontal/Vertical for 18 ㎓ ~ 26.5 ㎓

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                   KCTL Inc.                               Report No.:
               65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,              KR19-SRF0116-B
           Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
       TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                               Page (54) of (62)

7.5.      Conducted Spurious Emission
Test setup

        EUT                                       Attenuator                             Spectrum analyzer

In any 100 ㎑ bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally
modulated intentional radiator is operation, the radio frequency power that is produced by the
intentional radiator shall be at least 20 ㏈ below that in the 100 ㎑ bandwidth within the band that
contains the highest level of the desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated
measurement, provided the transmitter demonstrates compliance with the peak conducted powr
averaging over a time interval, as permitted under paragraph (b)(3) of this section, the attenuation
specified in §15.209(a) is not required. In addition, radiated emission limits specified in §15.209(a)
(see §15.205(c)).
Limit : 20 ㏈c

Test procedure
ANSI C63.10 - Section 11.11.3

Test settings
Set the spectrum analyzer as follows:
    1) Span = wide enough to capture the peak level of the in-band emission and all spurious
        emissions (e.g., harmonics) from the lowest frequency generated in the EUT up through the
        10th harmonic.
        Typically, several plots are required to cover this entire span.
    2) RBW = 100 ㎑
    3) VBW  RBW
    4) Sweep = auto
    5) Detector function = peak
    6) Trace = max hold
    7) Allow the trace to stabilize. Set the marker on the peak of any spurious emission recorded.
    8) Each frequency found during preliminary measurements was re-examined and investigated.
       The test-receiver system was set up to average, peak, and quasi-peak detector function with
       specified bandwidth.

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                KR19-SRF0116-B
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (55) of (62)

Test results

       Conducted band-edge / 2 412 ㎒                            Conducted spurious / 2 412 ㎒

       Conducted band-edge / 2 437 ㎒                            Conducted spurious / 2 437 ㎒


       Conducted band-edge / 2 462 ㎒                            Conducted spurious / 2 462 ㎒

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                KR19-SRF0116-B
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (56) of (62)

       Conducted band-edge / 2 412 ㎒                            Conducted spurious / 2 412 ㎒

       Conducted band-edge / 2 437 ㎒                            Conducted spurious / 2 437 ㎒


          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                KR19-SRF0116-B
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (57) of (62)

      Conducted band-edge / 2 457 ㎒                           Conducted spurious / 2 457 ㎒

      Conducted band-edge / 2 462 ㎒                           Conducted spurious / 2 462 ㎒

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                KR19-SRF0116-B
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (58) of (62)

                                               802.11n HT20
       Conducted band-edge / 2 412 ㎒                            Conducted spurious / 2 412 ㎒

       Conducted band-edge / 2 437 ㎒                            Conducted spurious / 2 437 ㎒


          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                KR19-SRF0116-B
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (59) of (62)

      Conducted band-edge / 2 457 ㎒                           Conducted spurious / 2 457 ㎒

      Conducted band-edge / 2 462 ㎒                           Conducted spurious / 2 462 ㎒

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                   KCTL Inc.                               Report No.:
               65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,              KR19-SRF0116-B
           Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
       TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                             Page (60) of (62)

7.6.      AC Conducted emission
Test setup

According to 15.207(a), for an intentional radiator that is designed to be connected to the public
utility (AC) power line, the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on
any frequency or frequencies, within the band 150 ㎑ to 30 ㎒, shall not exceed the limits in the
following table, as measured using a 50uH/50 ohm line impedance stabilization network (LISN).
Compliance with the provision of this paragraph shall on the measurement of the radio frequency
voltage between each power line and ground at the power terminal. The lower applies at the
boundary between the frequencies ranges.

                                                                Conducted limit (㏈㎶/m)
    Frequency of Emission (㎒)
                                                   Quasi-peak                              Average
              0.15 – 0.50                            66 - 56*                              56 - 46*
              0.50 – 5.00                               56                                    46
              5.00 – 30.0                               60                                    50

Measurement procedure
 1. The EUT was placed on a wooden table of size, 1 m by 1.5 m, raised 80 ㎝ in which is located
    40 ㎝ away from the vertical wall and 1.5m away from the side wall of the shielded room.
 2. Each current-carrying conductor of the EUT power cord was individually connected through a
    50Ω/50μH LISN, which is an input transducer to a spectrum analyzer or an EMI/Field Intensity
    Meter, to the input power source.
 3. Exploratory measurements were made to identify the frequency of the emission that had the
    highest amplitude relative to the limit by operating the EUT in a range of typical modes of
    operation, cable position, and with a typical system equipment configuration and arrangement.
    Based on the exploratory tests of the EUT, the one EUT cable configuration and arrangement
    and mode of operation that had produced the emission with the highest amplitude relative to the
    limit was selected for the final measurement.
 4. The final test on all current-carrying conductors of all of the power cords to the equipment that
    comprises the EUT (but not the cords associated with other non-EUT equipment is the system)
    was then performed over the frequency range of 0.15 ㎒ to 30 ㎒.
 5. The measurements were made with the detector set to peak amplitude within a bandwidth of 10
    ㎑ or to quasi-peak and average within a bandwidth of 9 ㎑. The EUT was in transmitting mode
    during the measurements.

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                                     KCTL Inc.                                                      Report No.:
                    65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                                                  KR19-SRF0116-B
                Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
            TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                                                                         Page (61) of (62)

Test results – Worst case: 802.11g / 2 437 ㎒

  KCTL Inc.                                                                         <<Conducted Emission>>

      Model                      :                                                            Standard                  :
      Serial                     :                                                            Remark1                   :
      Operator                   :                                                            Remark2                   :
      AC Power                   :                                                            Remark3                   :
      Temp,Humidity              :                                                            Remark4                   :
               80                                                                                                                         <B_AC>
                                                                                                                                                       Limit (QP)
                   70                                                                                                                                  Limit (CAV)
                                                                                                                                          <New Data>
                                                                                                                                                       Spectrum (N,AV)
                   60                                                                                                                                  Spectrum (N,PK)
                                                                                                                                                       Spectrum (L1,AV)
                                                                                                                                                       Spectrum (L1,PK)
                   50                                                                                                                                  Suspected Item(N)
                                                                                                                                                       Suspected Item(L1)
                                                                                                                                                       Final Item-QP(N)

                   40                                                                                                                                  Final Item-AV(N)
                                                                                                                                                       Final Item-QP(L1)
                                                                                                                                                       Final Item-AV(L1)



                   0.150                     0.500           1.000                            5.000            10.000            30.000
                                                                        Frequency                                                [MHz]

  Final Result
  --- N Phase ---
  No. Frequency             Reading    Reading       c.f     Result   Result    Limit    Limit               Margin     Margin
                              QP         CAV                   QP       CAV      QP       AV                   QP        CAV
                [MHz]      [dB(uV)]   [dB(uV)]       [dB]   [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)]               [dB]       [dB]
    1            0.1965       23.3        9.1        10.0      33.3     19.1     63.8     53.8                30.5       34.7
    2           0.71768       32.2       23.2         9.8      42.0     33.0     56.0     46.0                14.0       13.0
    3           1.42794       24.4       15.7         9.7      34.1     25.4     56.0     46.0                21.9       20.6
    4           3.47979       27.2       13.1         9.7      36.9     22.8     56.0     46.0                19.1       23.2
    5           5.89901       25.0       13.8         9.7      34.7     23.5     60.0     50.0                25.3       26.5
    6           8.50365       25.4       12.9         9.8      35.2     22.7     60.0     50.0                24.8       27.3
  --- L1 Phase ---
  No. Frequency     Reading            Reading       c.f     Result   Result    Limit    Limit               Margin     Margin
                      QP                 CAV                   QP       CAV      QP       AV                   QP        CAV
         [MHz]     [dB(uV)]           [dB(uV)]       [dB]   [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)]               [dB]       [dB]
    1     0.1617      29.8               16.0        10.1      39.9     26.1     65.4     55.4                25.5       29.3
    2    0.71309      36.1               30.0         9.9      46.0     39.9     56.0     46.0                10.0        6.1
    3    1.52963      25.1               12.4         9.8      34.9     22.2     56.0     46.0                21.1       23.8
    4    2.19013      29.8               16.8         9.7      39.5     26.5     56.0     46.0                16.5       19.5
    5    4.10998      21.7                7.4         9.7      31.4     17.1     56.0     46.0                24.6       28.9
    6     7.8303      27.9               16.7         9.8      37.7     26.5     60.0     50.0                22.3       23.5

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                      KCTL Inc.                             Report No.:
                65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,              KR19-SRF0116-B
            Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
        TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                            Page (62) of (62)

 8.        Measurement equipment
  Equipment Name              Manufacturer             Model No.             Serial No.      Next Cal. Date
  Spectrum Analyzer               R&S                    FSV30                  100806          20.07.30
  Spectrum Analyzer               R&S                    FSV40                  100988          20.01.04
Wideband Power Sensor             R&S                 NRP-Z81                   102398          20.01.25
      ATTENUATOR                  R&S                                           31212           20.05.13
                                                       10 dB in
                                                      N-50 Ohm
 EMI TEST RECEIVER                R&S                   ESCI7                   100732          20.08.22
      Bi-Log Antenna        SCHWARZBECK               VULB 9168                  583            20.05.04
         Amplifier                                       310N                   284608          20.08.22
                                 Agilent               8491B-003           2708A18758           20.05.04
    Horn antenna              ETS.lindgren                3116               00086632           20.02.15
       Horn antenna           ETS.lindgren                3117                  155787          19.10.23
        Attenuator              API Inmet             40AH2W-10                   12            20.05.15
                            SCHWARZBECK                BBV9718                   216            20.07.30
       AMPLIFIER            L-3 Narda-MITEQ                                  2054571            20.02.21
       AMPLIFIER            L-3 Narda-MITEQ                                  2031196            20.02.21
       AMPLIFIER            L-3 Narda-MITEQ                                  2000997            20.08.01
      LOOP Antenna                R&S                 HFH2-Z2                   100355          20.08.24
      Antenna Mast           Innco Systems          MA4640-XP-ET                  -                 -
        Turn Table           Innco Systems              DT2000                    79                -
      Antenna Mast           Innco Systems            MA4000-EP                  303                -
        Turn Table           Innco Systems              DT2000                    79                -
    Highpass Filter                WT                WT-A1698-HS          WT160411001           20.05.14
    TWO-LINE V -
                                  R&S                   ENV216                  101358          20.04.05
 EMI TEST RECEIVER                R&S                     ESCI                  100001          20.08.22
     Vector Signal
                                  R&S                 SMBV100A                  257566          20.01.04
   Signal Generator               R&S                   SMR40                   100007          20.05.13
      Cable Assembly             RadiAll           2301761768000PJ           1724.659               -
      Cable Assembly            gigalane                RG-400                    -                 -
      Cable Assembly        HUER+SUHNER             SUCOFLEX 104            MY4342/4                -

                                           End of test report

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

Document Created: 2019-09-11 19:12:19
Document Modified: 2019-09-11 19:12:19

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