RF exposure test report


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                                         TEST REPORT
                              KCTL |nC.                              Report No.:
                  65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu,                         L             L
              Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea                 KR19—SRFO160—C         K          ' L
          TEL: 82—31—285—0894     FAX: 82—505—299—8311              Page (1) of (10)

      1. Client

           > Name                        : Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
           + Address                     : 129, Samsung—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677,
                                           Rep. of Korea

           + Date of Receipt             : 2019—07—25

      2. Use of Report                   : —

      3. Name of Product and Model                       : Notebook PC / NP950OXCJ

      4. Manufacturer and Country of Origin : Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. / Korea

      5. FCC ID                                          : A3LNP950OXCJ

      6. Date of Test                    : 2019—09—09 to 2019—09—1 1

      7. Test Standards                  : 47 CFR Part 1.1310

      8. Test Results                    : Refer to the test result in the test report

                             Tested by                                 Technical Manager

                             Name : Kwonse Kim              R         , Name : Jaehyong Lee


                                                   KCTL Inc.

        As a test result of the sample which was submitted from the client, this report does not guarantee the
        whole product quality. This test report should not be used and copied without a written agreement by
        KCTL Inc.                                                                                 .


                   KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                 KR19-SRF0160-C
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                              Page (2) of (10)

Report revision history
         Date                                           Revision                                    Page No
     2019-10-14                                       Initial report                                   -
     2019-10-18                                         Updated                                       4, 5
     2019-10-21                                         Updated                                        4
     2019-10-23                                         Updated                                       5,6

This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KCTL Inc. This document may
be altered or revised by KCTL Inc. personnel only, and shall be noted in the revision section of the document.
Any alteration of this document not carried out by KCTL Inc. will constitute fraud and shall nullify the document.
This test report is a general report that does not use the KOLAS accreditation mark and is not related to
KOLAS accreditation.

Note. The report No. KR19-SRF0160 is superseded by the report No. KR19-SRF0160-C.


                         KCTL Inc.                                        Report No.:
              65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                              KR19-SRF0160-C
          Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
      TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                                            Page (3) of (10)

1.         General information ......................................................................................................4
2.         Device information ........................................................................................................4
    2.1.        Accessory information ............................................................................................4
    2.2.        Equipment Approval Considerations item ...............................................................5
                 5.b) of KDB 680106 D01v03 ..................................................................................5
    2.3.        Worst-case configuration and mode .......................................................................6
    2.4.        Test setup diagram .................................................................................................6
3.         RF Exposure .................................................................................................................7
    3.1.        FCC Regulation ......................................................................................................7
    3.2.        Test Set-up..............................................................................................................8
    3.3.        Test results..............................................................................................................9
4          Simultaneous transmission .........................................................................................10
    4.1         Simultaneous Transmission Configurations ..........................................................10
    4.2         Simultaneous Transmission Analysis ....................................................................10
5.         Measurement Equipment ............................................................................................10

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                   KCTL Inc.                               Report No.:
               65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,              KR19-SRF0160-C
           Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
       TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                            Page (4) of (10)

1.        General information
 Client              :   Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
 Address             :   129, Samsung-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677,
                         Rep. of Korea
 Manufacturer        :   Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
 Address             :   129, Samsung-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677,
                         Rep. of Korea
 Factory             :   SESC (Samsung Electronics Suzhou Computer)
 Address             :   No.198, Fangzhou Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province, 215021,
 Laboratory          :   KCTL Inc.
 Address             :   65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
 Accreditations      :   FCC Site Designation No: KR0040, FCC Site Registration No: 687132
                         VCCI Registration No. : R-20080, G-20078, C-20059, T-20056
                         Industry Canada Registration No. : 8035A
                         KOLAS No.: KT231

2.        Device information
 Equipment under test         :   Notebook PC
 Model                        :   NP950XCJ
 Frequency range              :   110 ㎑ ~ 148 ㎑
 Modulation technique         :   AM
 Power source                 :   AC 120 V (Output : 19V/3.42A)
 Antenna specification        :   Loop Coil Antenna_Flat type
 Software version             :   19H1
 Hardware version             :   REV1.0
 Test device serial No.       :   1C9C91ZM800006D, 1C9C91ZM800019D
 Operation temperature        :   10 ℃ ~ 35 ℃

1. Certificated module is mounted in the EUT as following.
▪ Applicant : Intel Mobile Communications
▪ Contains FCC ID : PD9AX201D2
▪ Model : AX2201D2W
▪ SAR test report number : KR19-SPR0027

2.1.      Accessory information
  Equipment         Manufacturer           Model          Serial No.      Power source              FCC ID
  Smart Phone       Electronics Co.,     SM-G960N        R39JB06Z70            DC 3.85 V     A3LSMG960KOR

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                    KCTL Inc.                                   Report No.:
               65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                   KR19-SRF0160-C
           Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
       TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                                 Page (5) of (10)

2.2.      Equipment Approval Considerations item
          5.b) of KDB 680106 D01v03
                      Requirement                                                   Device

A)     Power transfer frequency is less than 1 ㎒.             Operating frequency is between 110 ㎑ to 148 ㎑.

       Output power from each primary coil is less than
B)                                                            Maximum power is 7 watts.
       or equal to 15 watts.
       The transfer system includes only single primary
       and secondary coils. This includes charging
                                                              The transfer system includes only single primary and
C)     systems that may have multiple primary coils
                                                              secondary coils.
       and clients that are able to detect and allow
       coupling only between individual pairs of coils.
       Client device is placed directly in contact with the
D)                                                            Yes.
       Mobile exposure conditions only (portable
E)     exposure conditions are not covered by this            This device is portable condition. (Refer to PAG)
       The aggregate H-field strengths at 15 ㎝                The aggregate fields were measured at distance
       surrounding the device and 20 ㎝ above the top          < 15 ㎝ / 20 ㎝ following FCC guidance provided in
F)     surface from all simultaneous transmitting coils       a lab KDB enquiry.
       are demonstrated to be less than 50% of the            All measurements are significantly below 50% of the
       MPE limit.                                             limit.

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                   KCTL Inc.                               Report No.:
               65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,              KR19-SRF0160-C
           Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
       TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                            Page (6) of (10)

2.3.      Worst-case configuration and mode
          Mode 1              Test case                           Description
                                             EUT position : Clamshell
                                             Charging from EUT to Phone
  Power Sharing mode                         EUT position : Clamshell
                                   2         Charging from AC Adaptor to EUT
                                             Charging from EUT to Phone

1. For the radiated test, test case 1, the EUT can operate power sharing mode when battery level is
   over 30%. The test results are not different between fully charged status and battery level 30%
   status (EUT), test were performed fully charged condition.
2. In case of client device, each battery status was investigated then lowest condition is reported as
   a worst result.
   Battery status: 1% ~ 20%, 40% ~ 60%, 80% ~ 100%
3. For the power sharing mode, test results of case 2 is worst case, so this test report described test
   case 2.

2.4.      Test setup diagram

                                   2.4.1 Test case 1 & 2_Charging Phone

Test case 1, EUT did not be connected to AC Adaptor in above setup diagram for the test.

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                   KCTL Inc.                               Report No.:
               65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,              KR19-SRF0160-C
           Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
       TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                               Page (7) of (10)

3.        RF Exposure
3.1.      FCC Regulation
This document is prepared to show compliance with the RF Exposure requirements as required in
§1.1310 of the FCC rules and Regulations.
The limit for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE), specified in FCC §1.1310, is listed in Table 1-1.
According to FCC §1.1310: the criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate the
environmental impact of human exposure to radio-frequency (RF) radiation as specified in §1.1307(b).

Table 1 – Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
       Frequency Range          Electric Field       Magnetic Field        Power Density       Averaging
                                  Strength              Strength                                 Time
             (㎒)                                                               [㎽/㎠]
                                    [V/m]                [A/m]                                  [minute]
                                (A) Limits for Occupational / Controlled Exposure
           0.3 ~ 3.0                 614                 1.63                      *100             6
           3.0 ~ 30                1842/f                4.89/f                   *900/f2           6
           30 ~ 300                 61.4                 0.163                     1.0              6
         300 ~ 1 500                  /                    /                      f/300             6
        1 500 ~ 15 000                /                    /                        5               6
                            (B) Limits for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
          0.3 ~ 1.34                 614                 1.63                      *100             30
           1.34 ~ 30                824/f                2.19/f                   *180/f2           30
           30 ~ 300                 27.5                 0.073                     0.2              30
         300 ~ 1 500                  /                    /                      f/1 500           30
        1 500 ~ 15 000                /                    /                       1.0              30
  f=frequency in ㎒,      *= plane-wave equivalent power density

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                   KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
               65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,               KR19-SRF0160-C
           Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
       TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                            Page (8) of (10)

3.2.      Test Set-up
3.2.1. Description of test setup

  1) Testing was performed with a calibrated H field probe.
  2) Measurement was performed on each side of the EUT as described per below table.
           A             B                C                D         E               F
         Right          Left            Back             Front  (Keyboard,       Bottom
                                                                Touch pad)

  3) Testing was performed at the distances and different battery level as indicated on test result
  4) Measurement procedure was performed per FCC Guidance.

3.2.2. Operational correction factor

  1) WPS condition
    The EUT need to be charged more than 30 minutes before it can be full charged.
    Operational correction factor = 30 min / 30 min = 1.000

3.2.3. Support equipment
           Client device                          Model                             FCCID
              Mobile Phone                      SM-G960N                       A3LSMG960KOR

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                   KCTL Inc.                              Report No.:
               65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,             KR19-SRF0160-C
           Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
       TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (9) of (10)

3.3.      Test results
 3.3.1. Test mode 1: Wireless Power Sharing (Test case 2)

 - H-field measurement results
                                                H-field Measurement [A/m]
 Frequency        Distance                                                                         Limits
                                                        EUT sides
       [㎒]          [㎝]                                                                            [A/m]
                                 A          B          C          D           E          F
 0.110 ~ 0.148       0        0.033 4    0.031 9    0.043 1    0.195 6     0.344 0    0.105 0       1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       1                                                     0.270 9                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       2                                                     0.213 8                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       3                                                     0.178 6                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       4                                                     0.157 0                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       5                                                     0.136 7                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       6                                                     0.122 6                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       7                                                     0.106 0                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       8                                                     0.086 2                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       9                                                     0.077 3                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       10                                                    0.073 4                  1.63

 - Corrected H-field measurement results
                                                H-field Measurement [A/m]
 Frequency        Distance                                                                         Limits
                                                        EUT sides
       [㎒]          [㎝]                                                                            [A/m]
                                 A          B          C          D           E          F
 0.110 ~ 0.148       0        0.033 4    0.031 9    0.043 1    0.195 6     0.344 0    0.105 0       1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       1                                                     0.270 9                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       2                                                     0.213 8                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       3                                                     0.178 6                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       4                                                     0.157 0                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       5                                                     0.136 7                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       6                                                     0.122 6                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       7                                                     0.106 0                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       8                                                     0.086 2                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       9                                                     0.077 3                  1.63
 0.110 ~ 0.148       10                                                    0.073 4                  1.63

 Operating duty factor is based on averaging time of §table 1.
 Corrected H-field measurement results = Measurement results(A/m) x 1.000

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                        KCTL Inc.                                      Report No.:
               65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                          KR19-SRF0160-C
           Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
       TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                                       Page (10) of (10)

4             Simultaneous transmission
According to KDB 447498 D01v06, When one of the following test exclusion conditions is satisfied for all
combinations of simultaneous transmission configurations, further equipment approval is not required to
incorporate transmitter modules in host devices that operate in the mixed mobile and portable host platform
exposure conditions.
   a) The [Σ of (the highest measured or estimated SAR for each standalone antenna configuration,
       adjusted for maximum tune-up tolerance) / 1.6 W/kg] + [Σ of MPE ratios] is ≤ 1.0

     b) The SAR to peak location separation ratios of all simultaneously transmitting antenna pairs operating
        in portable device exposure conditions are all ≤ 0.04, and the [Σ of MPE ratios] is ≤ 1.0.

Test exclusion condition a): The sum of the same evaluation positions.
         Σ of Highest Reported SAR(WLAN + Bluetooth)          Σ of SAR Field measured
                                                          +                                                      = < 1.0
                               𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡                                   𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡

4.1           Simultaneous Transmission Configurations

        No                                                             Scenario
          1             WLAN 2.4 ㎓ Main + Bluetooth Aux + Wireless Power Sharing
          2             WLAN 5 ㎓ Main + Bluetooth Aux + Wireless Power Sharing
          3             WLAN 5 ㎓ Aux + Bluetooth Aux + Wireless Power Sharing
          4             WLAN 5 ㎓ MIMO + Bluetooth Aux + Wireless Power Sharing

4.2           Simultaneous Transmission Analysis
   RF                     2.4 ㎓        5㎓           5㎓       5㎓                             Summation                      Limit
         Position                                                      Ant.1
Exposure                  Ant. 0       Ant. 0       Ant. 1   MIMO
                           [①]          [②]           [③]     [④]      [⑤]       [①+⑤]   [②+⑤]       [③+⑤]       [④+⑤]
    SAR        Bottom     0.752       1.078        1.162     0.885    0.087      0.839   1.165           1.249   0.972     1.60
                           SAR Ratio [Summation/Limit]                            0.52     0.73           0.78    0.61

 H-Filed       Bottom                Wireless Power Sharing                                       0.105
                            H-Filed Ratio[results/Limit]                                          0.06

                  Ratio Summation [SAR Ratio + H-Filed Ratio]                     0.58     0.79           0.84    0.67     < 1.0
When the sum of ratios of all simultaneously transmitting antennas in an operating mode and exposure condition
combination is within the 1.0 the additional equipment approval is not required.

5.            Measurement Equipment
     Equipment Name                    Manufacturer                  Model No.             Serial No.             Next Cal. Date
      E&H Field Probe                         narda                  EHP-200A            170WX81015                20.02.08

                                                    End of test report

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

Document Created: 2019-11-06 17:17:01
Document Modified: 2019-11-06 17:17:01

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