Test Equipment Certified Documents


Test Report

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                                                           m34 4A
                                                        CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE
                                               d215 OlMAl OI&or AON® s7geral 7+
                                                 T: 031645 6900, FAX : 031045 6009
   4 8IAl h 3W &(Certificate No) : 1C—2018—63898
   m & OB1. $(Callbration No) : C—2018—074657                                                                           lolXl(page) : 1 ‘of 2
   1. 212!Z} (Clent
      ~ 21249 (Name)            :    (T)01OI&IAIE
      — 44 (Address)            :    371E OINAl OBQ AOIRE 57842 74
  2. #31J| (Caltbration Subject)                             O s=ws : 166340
      — 21212 (Description)       : CHAMBER
      — MR 81A 2 & N (Manufacturer and Model Name) _1 ¥Z(#) / THR18750
      = 2121 B1 & (Serial Number) : NY—200912201A

  3. 1t 3 @J A} (Date of Calibration)         : 2018.10.30                            II2EOEELR               :   2019.10.30
                                                                                    (The due date of next Calbration}
  4. 2l 8 &2 (Environment)
     — E&=(Temperature) : ( 23.3@%\              1.0 ) C             — 85=(Humidiy) : (     50     4 2      )%RH.
     — i & & 4 (Location)               :   s8l34(On Site Calibration)
  5. 43H@2) ABA (Traceabiity) OField code : 50306(CONSTANT TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDTTY CHaMBER)
     MEEU 2l A@4 Al st (Callbration method and/or brief description)
      871 JJe 82467191 n3 3 A(HCKCS:182—50306)0 (Wel 2014@ RE71@0EFE a30 A3#0) 4s o9 #
      saille ossic as sgs.

      MBOI AEE HEEUHI BA (List of used standards/specifications)

                  1719                                HAsW 2)84                          J0e s              ‘;#\ffj}gffi'}f’                 majl2
                (Description)                   (Manufacturer anq Model Name)         (Serial Number)         next Callbration)    (Calibration laboratory)

                                                                   \(0_         tyz        NONE                   2019/03/23
                                                                                                                                       (2)0l 01 x1 AIE!

     Preciston pewPornTMETeR®                            ireriguge]
                                                      OrTIDEW VISION . ‘ ;                150458                  20190614         majige
                                                                                                                                   *      sasiA

  6. it 3 i 2 (Caltbration result)                        1 MB t T & (Refer to attachment)

  7. 4 & i@5 (Measurement uncertainty)                    1M B t 2} &A (Refer to attachment)
                                                             81214# t 95 %, & = 2 ( Confidence levellabout 95 %, & = 2 )

                2 1 X} (Measurements performed by)                                &2!2} (Approved by)
   Bt ol1       M (Name)             .¥ @ ®                      &.&% (Tite)                     IIsir@)X}(Technical Cal. Manager) (3)
                                                                                  #9 (Name) 4 M &                                                    42)

  91 &R ME =AlAl & 71 2 2 3 & # Xi(International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) & & 9 3 ®@3(Mutual Recognition
  Arrangement)0 MBE @3@!89[7(KOLAS)=RE 20 #= €0r0) mdaaeUlt.

                                                                                  2018. 11. 01

                                            ssea>z e3
                                    Accredited by KOLAS, Republic of KOREA
                                                                                @OIOIXIAIE] C#olXAt
                                                                                       President, HCT Co., Ltd.

M 9l #4M2 G@i7d) HHmeol d94 olde RaCeee, 2C                       o5 mol en wep) wanm abrobe Aez) #1J0
x on 2048 AlOIENIpU/mwwccallab coot4) BME Rior® abtiol 2e BB uC
* #3M0I mEW@zor horg n Amo! Sold sw wal Balol clatsio) Wasiop M @AA0Ke ARoleRe mAAel®ic
                                                                                                                             £—020—02—008 (Rev.02)
         MMIA} dW ®: HCT—R—074

                                                        CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE
                                                  @715 0&A D30 AO®® 573ka 74
                                                    THL : 031645—6000, FAX: 0316456009
  Ad B4 Ad i 3 t ©(Certificate No) :. 1C—2018—57082
  m _3 #i_ $(Calibration No) : _C—2018—066326                                                                       #IOlXI(page) : 1, ‘of 3
  1. ETXE (Client)
     —212!9 (Name)             :    (2F)OOIA]A]E]
     — F4 (address)            :    4715 O|#IA] OBQ oN 578912 74
  2. &3 7| (Callbration Subject)                  O S€HS ; 2880235
     = 2171 (Description)          : HARMONIC MIXER
     = ML3 81 A) 2 & Al(Manufacturer and Model Name) : OML / WR12
     = 21 2181 & (Serial Number)   : M12HWD

  3. ut & @ X} (Date of Calibration)           : 2018.09.27                             RJI2ESO&@X : 2019.09.27
                                                                                       (The due date of next Callbration)
  4. i 3 @21 (Environment)
     — E5 (Temperature) : ( 224@#\               0.1 ) C           — &5(Humidiy) : ( 45             + 20   )OWRH.
     — m 4 & (Location)                :   ~al BE & —Al(Permanent Calibration Lab)
  5. &BH@OI A@H (Traceabiity)                    OFleld code : 40641(RF SPECTRUM ANALYZER)
     REEH Ql AB4 Al t (Caltbration method and/or brief description)
     871 7Dle 275 AME 0 RA7Io| LAEA(HCCS—A125—10641)0] tie} iR Eae 7| se awel SBc] A2 40| it
     ® olalo REEHIS ol8 410| m3 SIde.
     B0 ABI HE@EUI BA (Ust of used standatds/specifications)

                 71718                                RI®EIWassa                           JDids               onmey|                  S8nd
               (Description)                     (Manufacturer am{ Model Name)           (Serial Number)    f:': c:fibr:k‘i;“’)   (Calibration laboratory)

  PSG ANALOG SIGNAL GENERATOR                              AGILENT
                                                           EmeppT=|~             )       M46130629            2018/11/01            (F)otoIALA]E!
     EpM—P SERTEs POWER METER                              "Ei'fif           s            cBarzorse2           2019/05/26            (©)otoIXIAlE]

            Power seNSoR                                   Km‘;&” e N     mMySes30017                         2018/12/19         |Keysight Technologies
                                                           kevsicht 7  NU
            POWER SENSOR
                                                            weassAxt *    MY56370005
                                                                          &                                   2018/12/20         Keysight Technologies

     WR—12 MULTIPLIER SouRCe                                 OmL
             HODULE                                        sitmeX          16041941                          2019/09/27             (RotoIXlATEI
 6. 2 3 B TH (Calibration result)                         1 MB i D & (Refer to attachment)
 7. &E i8 UAE (Measurement uncertainty)                  PMu B d 2} &A (Refer to attachment)
                                                           #!214 8# 91 95 %, & = 2 ( Confidence levellabout 95 %, & = )

        4      * & J (Measurements performéd by)                            &        21 3t (Approved by)

(am','m%m 49 (Name)                 4f 81 xJ                      M N21 (Title) IFi@B@IX(Technical Cal. Manager) (3) %
                                                                                     H8 (Name) 0| & t

 21 & 3 M & = HIAl & 2) at 01 & & #! A)(International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) & 9! 3‘ 3!(Mutual Recognition
  Arrangement)O MBE ®2@!3I(7(KOLAS)ETE So! #e #olo me@neuc.

                                                                               2018. 10. 01
                                           s3e37]7 o8
                                   Accredited by KOLAS, Republic of KOREA
                                                                             eollo|   x]AJE] C £0|At
                                                                                  President, HCT Co., Ltd.

m 0l #4ae sazlel uuameq #u8 ce naohid, 2C on hoi n weP) D HeOlR Pacl BC
x on arnd@arolafifitp?//win.callabcolkootMf 2191 al9or spel0) 2hetLct
x #2140! AMEDMcio horgol woitl Sime wal azjor clats]o| wasio, ds RAAOE HARoleHe RA7} MelELcH
                                                                                                                           £—029—02—008 (Rev02)

                                                         CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE
                                                           @715 08A O&H Aolal® sraua 74
                                                            TEL; 03H645—6900, FAX 031645—6960
  81M W 2 t €(Certificate No) :            1C—2018—57083
  m _3 §i. ©(Calibration No) : C—2018—066327                                                                                  MiOl*I(page) : 1, of 3
 1. °12] Xb(Glient)
    — 212!9! (fName)          :     (F)O1O]AJA]E]
    — F4 (ddtess).            1.    H7I€ O|HA] OHRO oz s78ui2l 74
 2. 487| (Caltbration Subject)                                 O Saue ; 288234
    = 1719 (Description)                       : HARMONIC MIXER
    — RIAESIA) 2 & Al(Manufacturer and Mode! Name)                  : OML / WR19
    = 217] W & (Serial Numbér)                 ; M19HWD
 3. 8 3 @ X} (Date of CaliBration)             .: 2018.09.27                                 RII2EOERUXR : 2019.00.27
                                                                                         (The due date of next Callbration)
 4. m B @2 (Environment)
    — E5(Temperature) : ( 22.3@3\ 0.3 ) °C        — &E(Humidty): ( 45                                   & 3        )3RiH.
    — 2l 3 & + (Location)   :.  uL BR FAl(PermanentCalibration Lab)
 5. &3H@°) AB4 (Traceabiity) OField code : 40641(RF SPECTRUM ANALYZER)
    MEWH 91 AB Al ft (Calloration method and/or brief description)
    471 7i7)e 271 +415 e NA7) o)AE A(HCT—CS—125—406041}0tie} 2714 Re 7| ceayel dlel +240 stt
    €! cfajo| £EBHIE O|8410] ma SI9lR,

    B0 A&BI HEESHI 2 l (Lst of used standards/specifications)

                PBE                                    nasW asaa                               JDi#e              XDIN
                                                                                                                   (The dueEOSE‘
                                                                                                                            date of            n3 7) &
              (Description)                       (Manufacturer and Model Name)              $gefiat
                                                                                                     Homber)        hext Cabbration)
                                                                                                                       e due date of
  PSG ANALOG SIGNAL GENERATOR                                Eaeppr n           >             Mva6130629             2018/11/01             (OEDERE
                                                           Acitent _           2       .17
    EPM—P SERIES POWER METER                                24 x                   /          cBarzo1582             2019/06/26             ()otoIXAE]

            POWER SENSOR                                   Ag:;g;n         h       hh        MY41092450              2019/01/22         Keysight Technologies
                                                           kevsight /                   SV
            POWER SENSOR                                    vaaseA‘ ie
                                                                    ..                       MyS6330017
                                                                                             &2                      2018/12/19         |Keysight Technologies
     wWaR—19 MULTIPLIER SOURCE                               Om                                                                              x
                MODULE                                     St9MS—A                             fSPS{G 1              2019/09/27             (R)otoIAlATEI
 6. T 3 d 2H (Calibration result)                          1 M & l 2b &4 (Refer to attachment)

 7. &E W SHE (Measurement uncertainty)                     1M & dd Dh @2 (Refer to attachment)
                                                               W 214 & °1 95 %, & = 2 ( Confidence level‘about 95 %, & =2 )
              R M X} (Measurements performéd by)                                   «—] &2!X} (Approved by)
(a:m_%m) 4@ (Name)                  Mf 21 XJ                         M ®9I (Tite) Ihnib#@Xi(Technical Cal. Manager) (8) %
                                                                       4# (Name) 0| & #
 F1 & 3 Al = = HIAl & 21 at 2! 3 & #! A)(International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) & # 2! 3 @23(Mutual Recognition
 Arrangement)Ol @8! @+e/Mal7(kOLAS)e¥EI 0) #2 #olo meaneUc.

                                                                                         2018. 10. 01
                                          sze137]7 ol3                                 eqoll ol *]AIE] C £0|At
                                   Aceredited by KOLAS, Republic of KOREA                     President, HCT Co., Ltd.

@0 44ME 527( AUEREH 008 oie natee, E5. 65 Blol ged wep} We dGore Raz ELc
w ol 20B ALOIENORJimw callab coknotMt AALM9) titlobn areio 2hatLdct
x #41M0) Re EEcor Horee anfol mold Siwas w2 @rlor clarsio) wasioh @et aLONR ARojelte mAl?} Ajel®4C)

                                                                                                                                   £—029.02—008 (Rev02)

                 3 T §
             This cartificate may not be reproduced         _,||     xo'l   AQ.'     3—1     A‘l
                 other than in full except with
              permission ofthe issuing lboretoy.         CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE
                                                          DC O|MA OBE MOME srEHa 74
                                                            TBL    03645—6900, FAX    03:645—6969

  4A M it 2 i ©(Certificate No) : 1C—2019—49320
                                                                                                                       ®JO[A)(page) : 1       of 2
   m    §    i      4(Calibration No) :     C—2019—056989

  1. 212) X} (Clent)
       —I1@@ (Name)              :    (7)O1OIA]AIE]
       — F4 (Address)            :.   47E OBIA] OYEO AO|RI@ 578812174
    « 4t 37| (Callbration Subject)              O S=u5 : 278862
      — 217121 (Description)       :. DC POWER SUPPLY
      — X & SA 2 & Al(Manufacturer and Model Name) : KIKUSUI / PWR8OOL
      = 21 2] 91 & (Serial Number)  : REO02047

  3. N 3 @I X} (Date of Calbration)          : 2019.07.18                              AJIRESOE@R               :   2020.0718
                                                                                      (The due date of next Callbration)
  4. m 3 & 3 (Environment)
       ~ EC(Temperature) : ( 23.5 &               0.4 ) C             — SC(Humidiy) : ( 50          4& 4      ) % RH.
       — 2484 (Location)                :   213E Al(PermanentCalibration Lab)
  5. 43HE9) AB4 (Traceabiity)                     OField code : 40108(DC POWER SUPPLY)
       EWE 31 ABA Al s (Caltbration method and/or brief description)
       471 7iE 4R To 427] 9| B EAKHCT—CS—057—40108)0(#2) 71e ee7|clee me) u0) A340] atel ofol]
       9 2EBHIS ol84f0| m3 sIgte.
       REOL AZ& HEEL| 2A (Lst of used standards/specifications)
                                                                                                               A7] 2 3 03 &X
                    J171#                              ARSIA X 84                          J113 &               (The due date of              2372
                 (Description)                    (Manufacturer and Model Name)         (Serial Number)          next Calibration)   (Calibration laboratory)

            DIGITAL MULTIMETER                              ioX                          3146435307                 2020/02714          (F)010IRIAET
                                                          BALLANTINE                                                                      s
        ACTIVE CURRENT SHUNT                                 1e2k                           19289                   2019/08/23          (T)010I4A(E]

  6. 2 B 2t 2} (Calibration result)                        1 2@ af 2} &2 (Refer to attachment)
  7. &B WB (Measurement uncertainty)                       : MB 2 B} & 2 (Refer to attachment)
                                                            ©!81 4& 9t 95 %, k = 2 ( Confidence level about 95 %, & =2)

                 * A X} (Measurements performed by)                                &212} (Approved by)
   ato ol
(affirmation) 4@ (Name)               4 &4#                                        3191 (Title) II@B@A(Technical Cal. Manager) (3Mfi
                                                                                   HQ (Name) "f71 &                                                ce
  #1 d R Al = AlAl & 71 2 9! 3) & 2t Al(International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) &# 2! 3 ®! 3!(Mutual Recognition
  Arrangement)0) BB @30!37)7(KOLAS)@#E) 20 @e #ofo) nBadeUd.

                                                                                     2019. 07. 18

                                             tt=el37|7 ols                     @oll ol zIAIE] CL 0| A}
                                      Accredited by KOLAS, Republic of KOREA             President, HCT Co., Ltd.

m 9l d4ME aaile| auamen dde olle Raciyc 25 65 Syel derel we} wike diPobe Pazk ic
w alettt 8 ALOLS (hpy/wiwcallab coky044l 431491 Al5oL# Stel0) 78 t LC
x dHMo! mE duo wcre®mol wolzl Slece wX @xiol dlatclof #asiop dR AA0 e Azrofahe atA17) RelEUch

                                                                                                                               £—029—02—008 (Rev.02)

                                                        CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE
                                                           2715 OBA OBE MOIA® 57808 74
                                                             TEL 03645—6000, FAX 036456969
  MBA is t £(Certificate No) : 1C—2018—57085
  m &\ ¥1. ©(Calibration No) : C—2018—066329                                                                               MiOlXI(page) : 1, of 2
  1. S1EIZE (Client)
     ~ 2129 (Name)            :     (F)0]OIA]A]El
     — F4 (Addiess).          :.    4715 O|#A] OPBQN AlO| 2 5784121 74
 2. & 32| (Cailbration Subject)                  O S5ue : 288230
    — 717| (Description)          : WR—12 MULTIPLIER SOURCE MODULE
    = MLRSIAt 9" @! A{(Manufacturer and Model Name) : OML / S12MS—A
     — 17| BB (Serial Numbér)                 : 160419—1
 3. 0 3 @I Xt (Date of Calibration)           .: 2018.09.27                            RII2EOE@X : 2019.00.27
                                                                                      (The due date of next Calloration}
 4. T 3 2 (Environment)
    — EC(Temperature) : ( 22.40>, 0.1 ) C       — 85(Humidiy): ( 45.                                4 2        )RH.
    ~ il 3 3 4 (Location)   t  ~2LBH@ Al(Permanent Calibration Lab)
 5. &3 HEOI AB4 (Traceabiity) OField code : 40640(RF SIGNAL GENERATOR)
    MEWH IL AB 4 Al s (Callbration method and/or brief description)
     471 77e aFi} 4s #7]9| n @EA(HCE—CS—124—40040)0] tel 7)4 34@ 7]aeave) z0) +340 at=e of
     do| «2348 olBsto) d S/gle.
     EO A&EHEEUHI 3 Al (Lst of used standatds/specifications)

                 F7185                                N# oW as e at                       I06As
                                                                                                               o     eaap
                                                                                                               (The due date of             2B J| &
              (Description)                      (Manufacturer anq Model Name)          (?enal Number)           next Callbration)    (Callbration laboratory)

  PSG ANALOG SIGNAL GENERATOR                              AE(;IZ";NJ—«—- >              MY46130629               2018/11/01             (@EUERE
                                                           acitent _        2 10]
     EPM—P SERIES POWER METER                               Emt              >    ceqrz01582                      2019/06/26             ()otoIXIATEI

            POWER SENSOR                                   Km;fi?                 A      mMySe330017               2018/12/19         |Keysight Technologies
                                                           kevsicht _","
            POWER SENSOR                                      n
                                                            weaseA . .                  MyS6370005
                                                                                        &.                        2018/12/20         |\Keysight Technologies

 6. 0 3 2 T (Calibration result)                           1 MA d I} & (Refer to attachment)

 7. B WE (Measurement uncertainty)                         1M B t Th @2E (Refer to attachment)
                                                              8i 4@ 9t 95 %, & = 2 ( Confidence level about 95 %, & =2 )

               * Xt (Measurements performed by)                               =7| &2!3} (Approved by)
(lm‘;mf“) 8W (Name)                 "} 21 J                         M R91 (Tite)                   II@B@IA(Technical Cal. Manager) (3) %
                                                                                     #@ (Nome) 0| & &

 91 @ RAlE =HIAl & 71 2t 9! 3 &# Xl(International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) & = 2! 3 @#(Mutual Recognition
  Arrangement)0 MB 8t 8t 20! 39( 7(KOLAS)@#E ael #e ®olo) mEa@neUc.

                                                                                 2018. 10. 02
                                          seo37l7 o8
                                   Accredited by KOLAS, Republic of KOREA
                                                                               Epoil President,
                                                                                     ol x]AIE]      CH 30]At . [
                                                                                                HCT Co., Ltd.

mol #44e 5@70 #auaco ous tis ca0ies, 25 o5 Siol qeare weln) wie aeole Bazl d
w on 290 B AIO (higl/riecallobcolkn o¥ ALRAST Rtioiy @olol 7he ts
» wMlMe] Bs EMUcio hCre e 28f0| #oit Sitie We @xlof clatsioy wasio, @2 CAAole @Aa0fche mralz} AelBUc
                                                                                                                                £—020—02.008 (Rev02)

                                                    CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE
                                                      @715 olalAl OBE Aola® srame 74
                                                        IHL : 031645 6000, FAX    031 645 6969

   MHA] W $(Certificate No) : 1C—2018—51026
                                                                                                                      #O|XI(page) : 1            of:   12
   m & i. $(Calibration No) : C—2018—059293
  1. 2121X (Clent
     ~J1@:W (Name)         :      (F)0NOIXIAIE
     — T 4 (Address)       1.    @71C OINAL OEP MOIAE 57802 74
  2. 4821 (Calbration Subject)                          O Sa4s ; 328418
     = J1J18 (Description)       : PXA SIGNAL ANALYZER
     — RIRSIA} 2 3 Al(Manufacturer and Model Name) : KEYSIGHT / N90308
     = 2121915 (Serial Number)   : MY55480167

  3. 0 & Q Xt (Date of Calibration)      : 2018.08,29                               RIIMESO&RI               : 2019.08.29
                                                                                   (The due date of next Calibration}
  4. M E& (Environment)
     — &(Temperature) : ( 23.0/%,           0.2 ) C             — &E(Humidiy : ( 46               & 2      )%RH.
     — 2 & 3 4 (Location)           :   ~Zl3.H & &!(Permanent Calibration Lab)
  5. &B@H@0) AQ4 (Traceabiity)              OField code : 40641(RF SPECTRUM ANALYZER)
     MEWHH 91 AB4 A s (Callration method and/or brief description)
     a01 JDls 2F1 AM52 ®ADlOh aR A(HCTCSA125—4001)0 (iel 2144 Re)acevE edO                                                                  ABd0) #=
     © odl9 HESHIE OBS0 ma SSs.

     mB01 ARBIHEEUHI HAI (List of used standards/specifications)

              F718T                MAEa, 8                       JD#s
                                                                   4 Number)                                »iNSUSEH
                                                                                                             (The e due due date
                                                                                                                              date 0 of          nadl
                                                                                                                                                   A laboratory)
            (Description)     (Manufacturer and Model Name)   (Sefial                                         next Cabiration_|           (Calibration
  FUNCTION/ARBITRARY WAVEFORM           KEYSIGHT)«>                                                                                            s       us
           GENERATOR                     s                  y MY48017752                                        2019/07/27                   (4)010!%IA(E1
                                                       AGILENT      ’                                                                              ,
   PSG ANALOG SIGNAL GENERATOR                          es       ~~                   MY46130629                2018/11/01                  (Z)or0!X1AE!
      THERMAL POWER SENSOR                       ROHDE;_S;;WAR»Z A~                      130737                 2019/02/01                ROHDE & SCHWARZ
                                                      keysicht_‘."                J
       RF FREQUENCY COUNTER                            smaaty                         My50010899                2019/07/27                  (£)010121AIE!
                                                          HP_" V                      Ns
           VHF ATTENUATOR                                Kig~                         120438882                 2019/06/13                  (#)010!x1A1E!

 6. T B td T (Calibration result)                     13MB Bd 2 &(Refer to attachment)
 7. # B i HC (Measurement uncertainty)                1M B d Bh @2 (Refer to attachment)
                                                        8214 91 95 %, A = 2 ( Confidence level about 95 %, A = 2 )

               * X} (Measurements performedby)                                   @21 2} (Approved by)
(.:MB%'O“) 42 (Name)             @ & &                       fi A2 (Tite)                         IhiiBQZ(Technical Cal. Manager) (3) %{
                                                                                 43 (Name) 01 & &

 21 # 31 Mi= = RIAl & 7) 2 1 3) & & Xl(International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) At # 3 @A(Mutual Recognition
  Arrangement)0 MB® @2!R9(Z(KOLAS)Z#E 20! @2 €ol9l mB&DNOUC.

                                                                            2018. 08. 29
                                        s3o37]7 ol3                       eollol *IAIE] 8 £0]At
                                Accredited by KOLAS, Republic of KOREA                President, HCT Co., Ltd.

m ol Htb S2gi70 uoame doe ole ealtyt. 2C 65 Blol deltl weln) WB WPs Pazl d
® 2 O AORNIPU/mwwccalabcolnot4 480M9) EHOY. sreio) 7hetuc)
x N49 e NBaior horg e ardfol moidt t wal zon platsle wasiop d# MAAONE AAmclete BAl7) ae] E40

                                                                                                                                  F—020—02—008 (Rev.02)

                                                      CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE
                                                        a71€ o8A Oan Mol®® sraua 74
                                                          TEL 03H645—6900, FAX 0316450909
  Al 81A th2 iW # (Certificate No) : 1C—2018—57086
  51 & i. #(Calibration No) : _C—2018—066330                                                                            ®{O|XI(page) : 1, ‘of 2

 1. 121X (Client)
    —JI@ B (Name)             :    (F)0{O[X]JA]E]
    — FA (addiess),           :    H7IE O|B1A] OPBQL Alo|&l2 s78¥121 74
 2. &8 21 (Callbration Subject)                            0 S«uS ; 288229
    — 1719 (Description)                   : WR—19 MULTIPLIER SOURCE MODULE
    = HIRSIAF 2 B Al(Manufacturer and Mode! Name)              : OML / S19MS—A
    = 2121# & (Senal Number)    : 160516—1
 3. i 3 @ Jt (Date of Calibration)         : 2018.09.27                             RIIMEOEGRI               : 2019.00.27
                                                                                   (The due date of next Calibration}
 4. mE &2 (Environment)
    — EZ(Temperature) : ( 22.3@%              0.3 ) C             — &5E(Humidty) : ( 45          4# 3      )%RH.
    — 2334 (Location)                 :   ~@ BE& Al(Permanent Calibration Lab)
 5. 4 3HE9I AB# (Traceabiity) OField code : 40640(RF SIGNAL GENERATOR)
    EWE & 4 Al d (Caltbration method and/or brief description)
    471772 275} 4t HAI7le] REIA(HCCS—124—40640)0( (e} 7e di4e/freaye aHel 240 stt of
    2o RE3HIS ol84t0| md Slgtg.
    RBO ABBI H@EUI 2 N (Ust of used standards/specifications)
                J718                               RI& SA 85 8 At                        JCE                 (The due date of        28)| &
              (Description)                   (Manufacturer and Model Name)            (?end Number)         next Calbration) (Calibration laboratory)
  PSG ANALOG SIGNAL GENERATOR                             io                           MY46130629               2018/11/01            ()otOIX]A]€]
                                                         A       _           CY    T
    EPM—P SERIES POWER METER                              ;:"f;f             l         cearzorss2               2019/06/26            (@ECERE

            rower sensor                                 Ag:';sT         t   se        MY41092450              2019/01/22         \Keysight Technologies

            POWER SENSOR
                                                                  _‘               \ MYS6330017                2018/12/19         \Keysight Technologies
                                                         veassa      /               Al

 6. T 3 2 DH (Calibration result)                       1 M& B BH &2 (Refer to attachment)
 7. & B BA (Measurement uncertainty)                    1M B B Th &(Refer to attachment)
                                                          W#14& 9f 95 %, & = 2 ( Confidence level‘about 95 %, & =2 )
        |     &4R(measurements performed by)                                 »| 2134 (Approved by)
(afnmagon| 49 Nee "9 ®                                          M 9 (Title) Il@#@IXI(Technical Cal. Manager) (3) %
                                                                                  #® (Name) 0| & &
 21 & 8 Al= = AIAl & 2l at 91 3 8! #! A)(International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) & & 0! 3‘B@3(Mutual Recognition
 Arangement)0l MB8! &+0!89(7(KOLAS)zEI @o! 2e #ol0) nE@uellc.

                                                                                  2018. 10. 02

                                          tSe137]7 ol¥                        eoll ol zIAIE] J 0| At
                                  Accredited by KOLAS, Republic of KOREA               President, HCT Co., Ltd.

m 0| H4Me S27l0 RHaREY du8 ote nAmMd, 2C o5 Ghel nereh wep?) We digore Pz BUcC
x o mtAtOLahagl/arew callabco knbA Af BM AlRob® mboro! Pheticicy
w #alie) musmndcior hore eamiol woid Sike wal Bxlor cce wesio, #= dAE RARcjei salr} elBYC

                                                       CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE
                                           715 OIMAl OIROMOIME s78ue 71
                                             THL : 031645—6900, FAX : 036450069
  4BA t3 4 £(Certificate No) : 1C—2018—57084
  2 3           (Calibration No) : C—2018—066328                                                                       nlOlXl(page) : 1 ‘of 2
  1. 212!X} (Client)
     ~ 2123 (Name)             :    (@)O1OIXIAIE]
      — F4A (ddress).          :    37 O|NA] O}BQI Alol i s7eui2l 74
  2. 371 (Callbration Subject)                     O SECS : 288231
     ~ 21219 (Description)          : WR—08 MULTIPLIER SOURCE MODULE
     — XI & 81 At 2 3 Al(Manufacturer and Model Name) 1. OML / SOBMS—A
     = 2121 H! & (Serial Numbér)    : 160419—1

 3.     3 @J t (Date of Caltration)         : 2018.09.27                           AJIREOIEQR               : 2019.00.27
                                                                                  (The due date of next Callbration)
 4. B @2 (Environment)
      — 2E(Temperature) : ( 22.3@%\ 0.3 ) °C                       — GE(Humidiy): ( 45. & 3                )%RH.
      — 3 & 4 (Location)               :   \ZBHEAl(Permanent Calibration Lab)
 5. &BH@OI ABA (Traceabiity) OField code : 40640(RF SIGNAL GENERATOR)
    MEWW 91 AB 4 Al it (Caltbration method and/or brief description)
      #7] 77 20 4* WA7lo) n BEIA(HCT—CS—124—40600)0 Ge) 7)4 n@7|meeye) so) A240) atel of
      219 £234I8 o|84t0) m¥ slglg.
      RBOI ABBI HREEUHI BA (List of used standards/specifications)

                 PP                                  RasA ansa                        Jpjig                |Di=Sasins
                                                                                                            (The due date of              n & 71 2
                                               (Manufacturer and Model Name)        (Sefial
                                                                                            Number)          nexte Calibration,
                                                                                                                     due   e ol
                                                                                                                                  (Calibration laboratory)
   PSG ANALOG SIGNAL GENERATOR                            ezepp tT           _>      M46130629                 2018/11/01            (F)otolA1AlEl

      epm—» sertes power meter                            Ti                4        cBesrzo1se2               2019/05726            (B)ofOIXIAl€I
              POWER SENSOR
                                                          wWeassa    7 -    %
                                                                             3      MYS6370005                 2018/12720
                                                                                                                                  Keysight Technologies

 6. 22 3 i 2H (Calibration result)                       1 .& d 2+ @2 (Refer to attachment)

 7. % B W 4t 5 (Measurement uncertainty)                 P ud & i h & 2 (Refer to attachment)
                                                           8# 4 9t 95 %, A = 2 ( Confidence level‘about 95 %, A = 2 )

         io    a
               |® 4 Xt   (Measurements performed by)                        =—| &91X} (Approved by)
(.:m_%m) 49 (Name)                  9f 21 2]                     M A#I (Tite) IIiMBA(Technical Cal. Manager) (3) %/
                                                                   49 (Name) 0| & #
 #1 & R Mz = HIAl & 21 20! 3 & &! Xl(International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) & = 9! 3 ®2!(Mutual Recognition
  Arrangement)0 M @ & @+2°!89(7(KOLAS)2¥EI a0! ## moro) m®@neLc.

                                                                                  2018. 10. 02
                                           st=ei@7]7 oiz                        eqoll ol x]ALE] CH ¥0IAt
                                   Accredited by KOLAS, Republic of KOREA            President, HCT Co., Ltd.

m ol dtAE 5ai7le) ddaned ue oc eauhnt, a5, o5 Blol e e warn digore #azl e
x 2l 2(88 AOLl(hitgt/www callsb coknota] afHHM2I ti#lot® applot 2Hewict
w @9 musBmbcior horem—2afo| moidl Siwz w2 Brior dlarsiol ¥asioL ds AUoKe sAR0]eNe RAl7} Mel®Uc
                                                                                                                            £—029—02—008 (Revi0)

                                                        ul 3 4 4 A
                                                     CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE
                                                      2715 OINA OIRB AOIN® 5780@ 74
                                                         TEL:   O3615—6000, FAX : 0316156969
   B1A ht itl $(Certificate No) : 1C—2018—57089
   =._ &\ BL. ®(Calibration No) : C—2018—066333                                                                  ®1O|Xl(page) : 1."of 3
    « 212!Xb (Clent)
      — 2128 (Name)            (F)O1OIA]Al El
       — + (Address)           47|5 ol#A OM&Q Molti= 578014 74
  2. & 37| (Callbration Subject)               O S=u8 : 288236
     = 2121@ (Description)           + HARMONIC MIXER
       — M SI A} 2 & Al(Manufacturer and Mode! Name) : OML / WRO8
       = 21 21 81 & (Serial Number)      : MOBHWD

  3.     3 @ X} (Date of Calibration)    : 2018.09.27                             RQIn&SO&@NX                  2019.00.27
                                                                                 (The due date of next Callbration)
  4. iL3 #21 (Environment)
       — E(Temperature) : ( 22.30%, 0.3 ) C         — 6E(Humidty) : ( 45                       & 3     yOIRuH.
       ~ i 3 B 4 (Location)      Z1 BH &# Al(Permanent Calibration Lab)
  5. &3 H@OI A24 (Traceabiity)              OField code : 40641(RF SPECTRUM ANALYZER)
       MEWH 2l AA24 Al st (Caltbration method and/or brief description)
       271 7D7leE 2a41} A559
                        AME® &
                             #47]9| uLBEIHCT—CS—125—406041)0( tiel 2714E4e7|deare) 43e an 40| #te
       E! ol@l9] agdi4le ols sfo) m3 ciR1B.

       MBOI ARE HEEHI B Al (Lst of used standards/specifications)
                                                                                                        XI 2# 0387
                   J171@                          NR S1A} 2# A                       JID@ &              Th      ¢                   n 37 &
                (Description)                (Manufacturer and Model Name)         (Serial Number)       (m: g;"‘l’hf::‘z:)    (Caltbration laboratory)
   PSG ANALOG SIGNAL GENERATOR                          ce                         mya6s130620             2018/11/01             (B)oloIXIAlE!
                                                       Acttent _         (2 .1J
       EPM—P SERIES POWER METER                        s       s     cBarzorse?                            2019/05/26             (@otoIAIA1€]
            rower sensor                              kevsicht    j
                                                       wease _# v<C Myse3r0005                             2018/12/20         |Keysight Technologies
       wr—08 MULTIPLIER
               MOBLLE SouRce                            omL _
                                                      someX.~         16041941                            2019/09727               3

  6. i & i 2l (Calibration result)                    1 ME B P & (Refer to attachment)
  7. &E E25 (Measurement uncertainty)                 1 d & B Th & Z (Refer to attachment)
                                                        81214# 9t 95 %, A = 2 ( Confidence level‘about 95 %, k =2 )

  #     $       A d X} (Measurements performed by)                         =| &2 X} (Approved by)
(affirmation) 42 Weme)           * 8x                            M A2I (Tite)                Il@#@/X(Technical Cal. Manager) (3) %/
                                                                              4 (Name)       0| & &

  71 & A Mz =2AIAl & 7| at 21 3@ X(International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) & 2 91 2 82)(Mutual Recognition
  Arrangement)0] M@®! S+30!89!7(KOLAS)2RE] a0! #2 #0)9) RBRRELIC.

                                                                             2018. 10. 01
                                        t<ol37|7 ol3                       Emollo| X]IALE] CJ 30]At
                                Accredited by KOLAS, Republic of KOREA             President, HCT Co., Ltd.

m l daMe gaziel dedsico due olrle namen 25. o5 ol ce oz wiel deole Raz) Bc
x @20 B AOlhagt/ncallabcokot4| #34M91 tidows sttio 7hetiuict
x @31M0) mt snO ce horaee 180| ©olt Sita WX Axlot tletsio) waelo, d tAAONE SAMRO N mA7} ajcl Bc

                                                                                                                        F—020—02:008 (Rev.O2)

m ue at ol B1 & ; 4341—7187—5305—7245
                                                                                                              2¢05 (4

KRISSs ==_                                         suumspan,            mm               mss
@AWZ._Certificate No :       1700—04164—008                                                            Page 1/ 2 Pages

                                                    34 4A
                                              CERTIRCATE OF CALIBRATION
                    :gvloli»\ spbu Aolale srewa va
                       M               odel     — SoHwanzpBoK/mBitao170
 imfi_numw 2017, 11. 18                                          MWt of Callbration : 2017, 12. 04
ZESUIS_Description of Callbration
  * )¥A_Calibration Site : i8 roussse@alcxiti88 tab C #1#414.Mobile Lab                CJ ##.On—site
  * R4®J_Environmental Conditions
     — &5Temperature :        (28,0 + 1.0) °C                   — AMl&®Relative Humidity :         (50 + 20) %
  * 22)¥_Calibration Method :
     AAsbPCcA s—cnhice Adcsi#
  * 84vit/]_Metrological Traceability :
     1, Vector network analyzer: HP 85100, S/N 3031407104
     2, Synthesized sweeper: HP 83460A, S/N 3145400533
     3. Microwave amplifier? DBS Microwave DB99—0374, S/N 001 9924
    4, Antenna positioning system
  * m2L3t_Calibration Results :
    44 4 eA40l 34
  * &¥5}F_Measurement Uncertainty :
     1.50 dB (k = 2, Alsla] +& °} 95 %, 45x)

  * W#_Calibrated by : 44                                        +494Approved by : 43#
                              oar—ses—sare .                                                o42—268—5170         ARA
                              jipark@kriss.ro kr                                            kimjh@kriss.rek.
                            fl: -27Dl§7|Efl   fllllol ul adaaio side nezle iflfl        fi’fifligi s38ud,             x
 (We certy inatine resut ol ths certicale s d ie netonal meesurement siandards of ) in accordance wih the provison ol Aricle 14

writen approval of KRSS)

                3 T €
            This certificate may not be reproduced           J_j'_ xc'l g               &‘ A1
                other than in full except with
             permission of the issuing laboratory        CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE
                                                           @715 OI&AOIBQ MONME sr0ua 74
                                                             THL O3F645—6900, FAX 036456969
  3 81A t 2 t ©(Certificate No) : 1C—2019—45397
  m 3 fi (Calibration No) : C—2019—052750                                                                                    #JO[Xl(page) : 1 of 6

  1. °1 8] Xt (Clent)
     —JI2% (Name)               :   (F)OOIAIAIEl
     —FA (Address)              :   47]E O|#HA] OBR MO|HE 578414 74
   . 43171 (Callbration Subject)                       > Eue : 267232
     = 1213 (Description)                   : HORN ANTENNA
     — MR SIAf        31 &! Al(Manufacturer and Model Name)       : SCHWARZBECK / BBHA9120D
     = 71 21 B1 & (Serial Number)           : 912001300

 3. T 3 B1 X} (Date of Callbration)         : 2019.06.28                                   NIIREOEGEX                 :    2020.06.28
                                                                                           (The due date of next Calibration)
 4. m B 8 2 (Environment)
     — E&(Temperature) : ( 23.2 &                 0.4 ) °C           — §<(Humidiy) : ( 46                 & 2       ) % RH.
     — 3B 4 (Location)                :    TBE ¥l(Permanent Calibration Lab)
 5. #3HE@°) ABA (Traceabity) OField code : 40707(HORN ANTENNA)
     MBWIWH Il 4A# Al fit (Calibration method and/or brief description)
     #71 7l7]2 & CaIUe) m3 EIANHCT—C5—238—40707)01 Tt 27143R E7| o a#e) Hol 42 40) sheel ofjo)
     EEHS O86)0) 24 SIg8.

     EO ABBHEEHI & Al (List of used standards/specifications)
                                                                                                                    Xt2) ut 3 0) 8@A
                  JJ13                                 MNRSA SE 84                              JD18!s                 The doe dste of           n3J|&
                (Description)                     (Manufacturer and Model Name)              (Serial Number)          fm’ C::brada:)      (Calibration laboratory)
                                                                 HT                                $
     PNA—L NETWORK ANALYZER                                  %fi;fix                           MYSS441473                   2019/10/04         (2)010]21A1€]
            caureration kit                                  K:;;’;ng                        Mys3400328                   2020/03/27     Keysight Technologies
              Attenuator                                     *T                              My39271208                   2019/12/03         (F)0HOI®IA1€]
              ATTENUATOR                      —          ~~sanig                             MY39271205                   2019/12/03         (F)0101#]Al€]

 6. T B i 2} (Callbration result)                         1 ME @ T} & (Refer to attachment)
 7. & B C (Measurement uncertainty)                       1 i & & h & (Refer to attachment)
                                                             ##14@ °* 95 %, k = 2 ( Confidence level about 95 %, & = 2 )

                R 4 I} (Measurements performed by)                                §|       S2!7 (Approved by)

(a:ma%m 4W (Name)                   O4&                          ,é}!— A91 (Title)                      I| i M @X}(Technical Cal. Manager) (3) %
                                                                                       49 (Name) 0 & &

 91 &4 M i= =1 AlAl 8 21 2t 0! 3 8 # Al (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) & © 2 3! & !(Mutual Recognition
  Arrangement)Ill B8! &+=:9!@>I7(KOLAS)##E @0! #e #olo) PE RROILIC.

                                                                                       2019. 06. 28

                                    Actredited by KOLAS, Republic of KOREA
                                                                                  @AOIOIXIAIE]       C EOA
                                                                                      President, HCT Co., Ltd.

mol dte earcl udameq 098 ols Reciyc 25, o5 Sio| ce olz wan di9ore Pazl d
x l BB AOIEipy/inmcalabcoknOL4 MBIMe] Ti9IOL¢ s010] HetUch
h40 ee aco ncreie—auol Hoid se wal asior carslo) wasio, dn dApote @ARojoli mA7} Mel8lcc)
                                                                                                                                   F—020—02:—008 (Rev.02)
        ©22A} dalW#: HCT—R—203

                                                        CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE
                                                          @715 Ol&Al OB AOIA® sraual 71
                                                           THL: 03H645—6900, FAX 03h645—6969
  4 BA it ©(Certificate No) : 1C—2018—57087
  i M\ BL €(Calibration No) : C—2018—066331                                                                                MLOl*l(page) : 1 of 12
  1. 181 X} (Client)
     ~I1@ & (Name)              :    (F)OIOIAIAIE!
     — T 4 (address)            :    BJ1E OINAl DRB MOLAA 57882 74
  2. &8 71 (Calibration Subject)                O 5#4S ; 287913
     ~ 21213 (Description)       : SIGNAL & SPECTRUM ANALYZER
     — AL3S1At 2 & Al(Manufacturer and Model Name) : ROHDE & SCHWARZ / FSW
     — 21218! & (Serial Numbér)  : 101256
  3. H 3 & Xt (Date of Calibration)            : 2018.09.27                                RIIn@OES@I               : 2019.00.27
                                                                                          (The due date of next Callbration}
  4. m 3 &4 (Environment)
     — &E(Temperature) : ( 22.3@%\ 0.3 ) C        — $E(Humidty): ( 45                                   & 3       )ORH.
     — 2 3 & 4 (Location)    : +2 ALH & &!(Permanent Calibration Lab)
  5. @3H@OI A24 (Traceabiity) OFleld code : 40641(RF SPECTRUM ANALYZER)
     REWHH 31 4BA s (Calbration method and/or brief description)
     8717012 2#1} AME@ SADO SE A(HCCH—25—4001)0 0c2)4@RE)20eTE S3 4240 *
     a oJas EERU® (BaIO n3 cMs.

     mBOL AEBE HEEHI 2 Al (Ust of used standards/specifications)

                 J1718                                 saif 358
                                                      NRSIA  ons4                             JDIES                mi2sus®n
                                                                                                                      due date of                m
               (Description)                     (Manufacturer and Mode! Name)              (Serial Number)          g:; c::hr:n;?)    (Calibration laboratory)
       ie FUNCrON/ARBrrRARY
                conshaton                                  AGTLENT1\
                                                            sapqato _               > nIvacorsses                      2018/12711          #)010(2
   PSG ANALOG SIGNAL GENERATOR                             AGILENT
                                                            en               y]              MY46130629                2018/11/01                 s
        g                                                    m
      .ocUE 1*&                                            cimea o ~ofCj                       asosie4                 2o19/00/27         (#)or0iiA0€!
      whets M”;g;fii“ Sourte                                $ 33;_9                           16041941                 2019/09/27          (B)o10!zAE]
                                                              Hip. *                        oo
      EPM SERIES POWER METER                                magy                            cBsss10216                2019/09/14          (B)oroiziAe!
  6. it 3@ DH (Calibration result)                        1 MB d 2t &A (Refer to attachment)
  7. B i88 C (Measurement uncertainty)                    1i 3 d db &A (Refer to attachment)
                                                              H214 & 91 95 %, A = 2 ( Confidence level‘about 95 %, & =2)
                        } (Measurements performed by)                         #7|       &213} (Approved by)
  & P          mo,
                  3 x

                        Name)        4t & XI                                            191 (Title) IIsi#@JXi(Technical Cal. Manager) (3) %}
(affirmation) ~~
                                                                                        3 (Name) 0l & &
 91 # #1Al = =MAl & 21 2: C! 3 &# Al(International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) 4t £ 2! 3 @2!(Mutual Recognition
  Arrangement)0] MB®‘ ®=@!8oI7(KOLAS)Z#E @0! @2 #0)9) mdaneuld.

                                                                                 2018. 10. 02
                                           st3047|7 o8                         eoll ol x]AIE] C #0lAt
                                    Aceredited by KOLAS, Republic of KOREA                   President, HCT Co., Ltd.

M 9l 44Mb 5270 UuESCO #0e olfle cacinc, 25. o5 Slol Sod Wan) Wale drote Pach Bc
x n 2t8 Adlelihtp‘//mew.callabcaky0t4] 31401 T/omolo! 71B BUC;
x #3M0! e RSbgor norme caro) mordse WX xo eaisio) waslo, a# #aalofe aA4mOjcs HA7)AelELc)
                                                                                                                                 F—020—02:008 (Rev.02)

              3 # s
          This certificate may not be reproduced         m xo'l             g         x4         A‘l
              other than in full except with
           permissonofthe isuing labortoy.__|         CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE
                                                         215 OI&Al OBE MOINE S7EMA 74
                                                          TEL : 03—645—6900, FAX 03—645—6069
  81 Al W 2 t €(Certificate No) : 1C—2019—49179
  m & i $(Calibration No) : C—2019—056950                                                                                  #101Xl(page) : 1 of 9
 1. 1®] X} (Ciient)
    — 2129 (Name)             :    (@)O1O/AIAIE
    — F4A (Address)           :.   87]5 O|HA] UYSO! MO|H= 5788412 74
 2. &3 J (Calibration Subject)                       O S=3S : 232603
    ~ J1J| B (Description)                : SIGNAL GENERATOR
    = MR SI A) 2         4!(Manufacturer and Model Name)       : ROHDE & SCHWARZ / SMB100A
    = F171 B! & (Serial Number)           : 177633
 3. i & QI X} (Date of Calibration)       : 2019.07.15                                    RJIRBOB@X                  : 2020.07.15
                                                                                          (The due date of next Callbration)
 4. MB &2 (Environment)
    — &(Temperature) : ( 22.7 &                O.1 ) C              — §<(Humidiy) : ( 48                 & 1       ) % RH.
    — RZEA4 (Location)               :   BE &l(Permanent Calibration Lab)
 5. #3H@9] A BA (Traceabiity) OField code : 40640(RF SIGNAL GENERATOR)
    MEBWW 3 AB# Al s (Callbration method and/or brief description)
    417 7i7]e 240} 4* WhiZjomBEACHC—CS—124—10640)0] Ue) 3714344 E7| o eRe) uo) A240) se el
    ofdl9) £@#3uI€ o|geto) m3 slgts.

    RBOI AZBE HEEH| & Al (Lst of used standards/specifications)

                F919                               M&siA q eral                                Je                     mds‘                     A@ON8¢
              (Description)                    (Manufacturer and Model Name)                (Serial Number)          f‘m C;';brmr‘:)    (Calibration laboratory)
        SPECTRUM ANALYZER                                 3;;35c                             3946A00314                2020/03/05          (7)0101#]Al El
                                                   ROHDE           SCHWAI
     THERMAL POWER SENSOR                           ® DN:PSZ(-;E Rse                            130737                 2020/02/06       ROHDE & SCHWARZ

        MEASURING RECEIVER                                 s:d:A                             3226A03461                2019/09/11          (@)000!A1Al€1

      RF FREQUENCY COUNTER                               Kg;ig?                              MY50010879                2020/07/08          (4)@10/#1Al€]

 6. m B & BH (Calibration result)                        1 2 B i h &A (Refer to attachment)
 7. & 8 BHG (Measurement uncertainty)                    1 i & @ I} &A (Refer to attachment)
                                                          W2l4E © 95 %, A = 2 ( Confidence level about 95 %, k =2)
              3 t X} (Measurements performed by)                            =~|           &0!3} (Approved by)
                                                                                  JX 0h

(.:‘t P.w)
       1   9 (Name)                #f 2 x)                                                2 (Title)    II @34 @ Xt(Technical Cal. Manager) (3) %
                                                                                          9 (Name) 0| & &

 21 & 3 Ali= 2MA & 71 201 8! & #! Xl(International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) 4} S 91 3 & 3!(Mutual Recognition
  Arrangement)(}) AJ @ 8 &+=0! 31 7(kOLAS)@#E) @ol #e #olol m&@ueLlc.

                                                                                   2019. 07. 15

                                   Accredited by KOLAS, Republic of KOREA
                                                                               @OLOIXIAIE] dl#olA}
                                                                                             President, HCT Co., Ltd.

m 0 d4M» Stls| UEENE dos olle naciys, 25. o5 Siel cen m We dGole Raz) #ic)c
x 22 MM & AOLS(Mip//mewcallabcoknO[4 MHM01 t# sreio) 2s tiUC)
x ANM9] d&e atio herme uol folgd SWz wl @nlof dlapslol waisiol 1e Aalote Apajztolche m4l7 atej@icc}
                                                                                                                                  F—029—02—008 (Rev.02)
        ©24A} dlelul &: HCTR—242

                                                      CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE
                                                        a7i€ OMAOrRB MO®E s7sta 71
                                                          TEL : 0316156900, FAX : 031645—6969
   Al BA i 3 !! €(Certificate No) : 1C—2018—56336
   u_ 3 BH. ©(Calibration No): C—2018—065671                                                                  #[O|2)(page) : 1 ofy 11

  1 » HL2IZt (Clien)
     ~212!9 (Name)              :   (F)OIOIXJAIEl
     — F4A (address).           :   47I€ O|HA] OSE Ajo|#= S78H12l 74
  2. © 321 (Caltbration Subject)               O EEHHS : 236636
     — 21219 (Description)       : SPECTRUM ANALYZER
     ~ AIRSIA} & 3 A(Manufacturer and Model Name) : ROHDE & SCHWARZ / FSP30
     = 21 21@ & (Serial Numbér)  : 836650/016

  3. i & QJ X} (Date of Calibration)       .: 2018.09.19                             RJI2&AOE@X : 2019.00.19
                                                                                    (The due date of next Callbration)
  4. 2l 3 B 2 (Environment)
     — &(Temperature) : ( 22.7/%\              0.4 ) C             — E5C(Humidy): ( 45           4 2      )00RH
     — m 8 &4 (Location)              :   \GLAER@4l(PermanentCalibration Lab)
  5. &3HEOI AB4 (Traceabiity) OField code : 40641(RF SPECTRUM ANALYZER)
     MBWH 2 A#! A ft (Caltbration method and/or brief description)
     #71 717E 271} A4 E3 #47|o)BEA(HCT—CS—125—40641)0 tie} 27148#e 7eere) qHo) +940 St=
     i ofdl9] RE34& O|S3I0) m3 se

     mBOI ABSHEEHI 23 M (List of used standards/specifications)

                  j718                              HASH 2s#A                            Ho6e             win3dauX
                                                                                                             duegaeer                27@
                (Description)                 (Manufacturer and Model Name)           (Sehal Number)      (::‘x: C;fm;):)    (Calibration laboratory)
   PSG ANALOG SIGNAL GENERATOR                           AGILENT
                                                          Emupti"                      yMy46130629         2018/11/01           ECERE
   FUNCTION/ARBITRARY WAVEFORM                           kevsicht _     C]_                                                      s
                SeNeRaTon                                 SFrigk             *L        MY48017752          2019/07/27           (@)otoI#IA1€I

     e—sertes avo rower sensor                         E:;ilffi:z> ~»**    nyssozoors                       2019/06/26           (@)otolA]A(E]
       RF FREQUENCY COUNTER                             kevsignt_",/"
                                                         dnoig         NV Mysoo10881                       2019/07/27           (otoAlAlE
             POWER SENSOR                               AGILENT~*
                                                          sBX             No
                                                                          MV41092450                       2019/01/22       \Keysight Technologies
  6. 2l B i 2l (Calibration result)                      1 MB d 2b & 2 (Refer to attachment)
  7. & @5 (Measurement uncertainty)                      1i B d Ih @2 (Refer to attachment)
                                                          214# 9t 95 %, A = 2 ( Confidence level about 95 %, & = 2 )

                4 X} (Measurements performed/by)                                  &2X (Approved by)
   t gl
(affirmation)   8@ (Name)           4 81 8#                                       & #! (Title)                 i
                                                                                                 II@@B@X(Technical Cal. Manager) (3) %
                                                                                  42 (Name)      0| & #

  ) @1 2t t i SA A) m 9| at C 3@# ) (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) &! = 2! 3 @@3(Mutual Recognition
  Arrangement)0 BB S 22!89(7(KOLAS)2@EI @9 22 #0)9) aB@mec0.

                                                                                  2018. 09. 19
                                           azea17 es3
                                    Accredited by KOLAS, Republic of KOREA
                                                                              @©OIOIXIAIE]       C EOIAt
                                                                                  President, HCT Co., Ltd.

M0| d2Mm Sgizlel auuecol aee cale nache, 25. a5 ol dee we?l wa® drmore Pz Euc
w matt t AlOlMLNigYAemwcallab cok0OLM] ALM2) RiHobr @210 Pheioc
® #3)M0) marBndol herme uol #old S Weexio deislo) wasiol #x eAoNe HARiojaRA7) Ael®uch

         M2IA delW&: HCT—R—206

                3 T §
            This certificate may not be reproduced     J-’L xo‘l g &Il A"
                 other than in full except with
             permission of the issuing laboratory.    CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE
                                                         @915 ol&Al Ordel olAE s7se@l 74
                                                           L 031615—6000, FAX : 031645—6960
  M Ad h 3itl $(Certificate No) : 1C—2019—29693
  m & ui &(Calibration No) : C—2019—034969                                                                           lOlXI(page) : 1 _of 3
  1. 2]2! X} (Client)
     ~I12@% (Name)            :   (F)O{OIXIAJE]
     — FA4 (address)          :   37 O|HIA] O|8QL MO[H® 578412174
  2. 4& 71 (Calbration Subject)                           O Saus : 23410
     = 21719 (Description)             : LOOP ANTENNA
     — MI®8!A) $         *}(Manufacturer and Model Name) : SCHWARZBECK / FMZB1513
     = 21 2181 & (Serial Number)       ; 1513—175

  3. 3 @ X} (Date of Calibration)          : 2019.04.26                          RPIRESOBBI               : 2021.04.26
                                                                                (The due date of next Callbration)
  4. T 3 &2 (Environment)
     — EC(Temperature) : ( 23.2 &              0.3 ) C             — SZ(Humidty) : ( 46        & 3       ) % RH
     — i 3 &4 (Location)             :    Z8E & 4l(Permanent Calibration Lab)
  5. &B3H&°) A24 (Traceablity)                OField code : 40704(LOOP ANTENNA)
     EWE §1 4A# A s (Callbration method and/or brief description)
     4171 717li #5 Qig(LHE] m3 EA}(HCT—CS—237—40704)0( the} iedR e7| o eme) & o) +340 apeel ofto) it
     ERUIS C880 n3 SItlg.
     REOIARBE ESE B Al (Ust of used standards/specifications)
                                                                                                         2121 m 3 03 @ 3t
                  JI718                              A&SA 3 84                       J 78 &                Th          g              237@
             (Description)                     (Manufacturer and Model Name)      (Serial Number)          f\e‘: g:b‘:::;;’)    (Calibration laboratory)
     80 it FUNCTION/ARBTTRARY                             AGILENT
        WIAVEFORM GENERATOR:                              en                       mMyaoo18384               2019/12/06             #)0J0[X]A]E]
    BROADBAND POWER AMPLIFIER                              Em
                                                          Ts                            365                  2020/04/02            CGECERE
         piorrat muLtimete®                               3:5':&                   2e2saos614               2020/01/28             (GECERE
      VECTOR SIGNAL ANALYZER                              Fouik                    3416402750               2019/12/10              ©)010I%|A]E]
      STANDARD LOOP ANTENNA                          sraigerg
                                                       neraal                         Hotgas                  &8
  6. 8 B i B (Caltbration result)                        1 23 d 2} @2 (Refer to attachment)
   . & B PBE (Measurement uncertainty)                   1 2 B iB 2} & (Refer to attachment)
                                                          8124@ 2 95 %, A = 2 ( Confidence level about 95 %, & =2 )

                & A X} (Measurements performed by)                             91 X} (Approved by)
(afl::mn%on) AQ! (Name) Ob 4t &                                é)fi"“&'% (Title) II@BQ@ X}(Technical Cal. Manager) (2) @A/
                                                                               42 (Name) O & &
  21 & 31 M = RIAl & 2| 21 0! 3 @! 3 Al(International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) At # 0! #) @! ¥!(Mutual Recognition
  Arrangement)0 MBB! 8+20!37)7(KOLAS)E@EI 20 #e #039 RE@aeLUlc.

                                                                               2019. 04. 26

                                           t=ol37|7 ols                     @oll ol x]AIE] C ¥0|A}
                                   Accredited by KOLAS, Republic of KOREA          President, HCT Co., Ltd.

m 91 4314    SUis ABDSSO His orlc nauiys. 2o on Brel aue o) whred2ole #ac) dUc
w nB A}0[Ehitp/fimwcallabcols)OLM] H21419( EINIONE A1210] He tC
x almor wee uol ho arol froidl Sm wA Ar0) prsjo) Wasioh d qALoTE mtafieojeite A7} MelEUc
                                                                                                                          £020—02—008 (Rev.02)
         m24A aclW®: HCT—R—180

                                                       CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE
                                   s                                  MBA W :18—050788—01—1                             css
       H4AAQ97| 1|# @                                                 Cortificate No.                                7              @
           @75 ghtal dz sloke 723                                          OX (1)/(& 3)                               Ts
  TEL : 031—500—0217             FAX : 031—500—0389                            Page of Pages

   1. 9| 2) ®} ( Client )
       7| & @ (Name )                : (F)OIOIAIATE
       F       & (Address) : H7I& O|&lA] Of&HQ! Mol#l@s78u@) 74
  2. & J 7| ( Calibration Subject )
     71 7| 9@ (Description) : $LOLE@E QHEIL} ( Hybrid Antenna )
     AIZ%]At 91 @41( Manufacturer and Model Name ) : Schwarzbeck / VULB9168
       22| ¥1% ( Serial Number ) : 00895
  3. m 3 QJ Z} ( Date of Calibration ): 20184 08@ 31@
  4. m 3 & 3 (Environment )
      & & (Temperature ) : NA.                                             @ & ( Humidity ) : NA.
      TBEA (Location): (@ RZ¥E@Al (KTL Lab)                               C O|& @3 (Mobile Lab)            C ®8 mt# (On Site Calibration)
  5. @BA@O] A@4! ( Traceability )
     mBW 31 A@4 Ms (Calibration method and/or brief description) :
      #ol 717 WOIRHE QieT, Cif#>] Qiolial @3 d 9 21 (CPR01—40703—2, CPB01—10703—3)0 (a} @714z E7 |de RYC &
      @40 SAE SezI® A€SHO mesid®.
      Fl         @2      91M] ( List of used standards/specifications )
                 "i9                              se a wA                         Pries            Alazeaun                          aazie
             Description                   Manufacturer and Model              Serial Number         ainffilirs,           Calibration Laboratory
  N—TYPE CALIBRATION KIT                          HLP / 850548                 310100656           2018. 10. 25             t 5 38 anol9f o7 t
  Attenuator                                    AGILENT / 84918                   51854            2019. 03. 23             t a ulof ol i
  ATTENUATOR SET                                WEINSCHEL / 503A                 AS4—862           2019. 03. 12             B 44 td 71 tA t t
  Network Analyzer                              KEYSIGHT / E50618              MY49608606          2019. 02.19              H=4Q?I@A%@

  6. m 3 2 2} ( Calibration results ) : MA 2I2h &
  7. *¥ &SLE ( Measurement uncertainty ): M¥22} 8
           c                Zt4§X} (Measurements performed by)                          &?!X} (Approved by)
     {Affirmation)                                                                      41 4| (Title) :              7l@AQI
                            4 94 (Name):               O|X{A            ‘)] 1" q        4 @4 (Name) :                OJALZ                 af A’T—
 9t alRATs atatazl aredat t                 t                    c         a                                    o Mue e@tazoousane aee
 wote marzbteitd.
 (The above callbration certiicals is the accredited caltxalion Itams by Korea Laboratoy Accredation Scheme, which slgned the ILAC—MRA)

                                                                     201844 08%) 319]

HRQ47I7 t
Accredited by KOLAS, Republic of KOREA
                                                   st497| & 1| 3 ol &6 mrrcs                                ;    i

                                                                       -.{» e
                                                       Korea Testing Laboratory |S=K
®)ol «BM Salzlel auaeisol ues ofe RAGIM®, 2C on blol cet wenr) wae dirore Rxz) dIUCL
(NOTB If any                        or other adverse   factor(                 humidy ete)        Hselfbefore, during or after caltration, and
is Hely to affect the valiity ofthe calibration.

                                               s        C
                                       02E 20 S140G 02 2e B0A BCOEA ABSE 202C0UC;

                           Certificate of Compliance
    Certificate No:      4205118C—18050101

    Manufacturer: OML, Inc.

    Model/Part No:       MOBRH                                    Serial/ID No:      18050101

    Description:      WR—08 Homn Antenna

   Date of Test: May 1, 2018
   Temperature: (23 +/— 5) deg C                       Humidity: 20 to 65% RH

   This certifies that the above product wastested in compliance with OML specifications using
   applicable OML‘s procedures.

   As Received : Factory Tested — No incoming data available.

   As Shipped: Atthe completion of the test, the product COMPLIED with the performance capability.


   Traceability Information: Traceabilityis to national standards administered by U.S. NIST. NRC
   Canada, Euromet members (NPL, PTB, BNM, etc.) or other recognized standards laboratories. Some
   measurements are traceable to natural physical constants, consensus standards or ratio type
   measurements. Supporting documentation relative to traceability is available for review by
   In the absence of power standards above 110 GHz, power measurements and conversion loss
   measurements above 110 GHz are to confirm operation functionality and traceable only to OML.

   This certificate shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approvalof OML.

                                 3 \N&\\\.                                      os/o1/2018
                   Mitzi Chow, Materia! Makager                                    Date

O ML Inc.
                   300 Digital Drive, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 USA Tel.   (408) 779 2698 Fax (408) 778 0491

                            Certificate of Compliance
     Certificate No:      4205118C—18050102

     Manufacturer: OML, Inc.

    Model/Part No:        MO8RH                                   SeriaU/ID No:     18050102

    Description:       WR—08 Horn Antenna

    Date of Test: May1, 2018
    Temperature: (23 +/— 5) deg C                      Humidity: 20 to 65% RH

    This certifies that the above product was tested in compliance with OML specifications using
    applicable OML‘s procedures.

    As Received : Factory Tested — No incoming data available.

   As Shipped: At the completion of thetest, the product COMPLIED with the performance capability.


   Traceability Information: Traceability is to national standards administered by U.S. NIST, NRC
   Canada, Euromet members (NPL, PTB, BNM, etc.) or other recognized standards laboratories. Some
   measurements are traceable to natural physical constants, consensusstandards or ratio type
   measurements. Supporting documentation relative to traceability is available for reviewby
   In the absence of power standards above 110 GHz, power measurements and conversion loss
   measurements above 110 GHz are to confirm operation functionality and traceable only to OML.

   This certificate shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of OML.

                            L\\\\\&\/—                                        05/01/2018
                   Mitzi Chow, Mat rié( Manager                                   Date

o ML Inc.
                   300 Digital Drive, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 USA Tel. (408) 779 2698 Fax (408) 778 0491

                           Certificate of Compliance
    Certificate No:      42051 18A—18042302

    Manufacturer: OML, Inc.

    Model/Part No:       MI9RH                                   Serial/ID No:     18042302

    Description:      WR—19 Horn Antenna

    Date of Test: April 23, 2018
    Temperature: (23 +/— 5) deg C                               : 20to 65% RH

   This certifies that the above product was tested in compliance with OML specifications using
   applicable OML‘s procedures.

   As Received : Factory Tested — No incoming data available.

   As Shipped: At the completionof the test, the product COMPLIED with the performance capability.


   Traceability Information: Traceabilityis to national standards administered by U.S. NIST, NRC
   Canada, Euromet members (NPL, PTB, BNM, etc.) or other recognized standards laboratories. Some
   measurements are traceable to natural physical constants, consensus standards or ratio type
   measurements. Supporting documentation relative to traceabilityis available for reviewby
   In the absence of power standards above 110 GHz, power measurements and conversion loss
   measurements above 110 GHz are to confirm operation functionality and traceable only to OML.

   This certificate shall not be reproduced, except infull, without the written approval of OML.

                            Q\\L\&(\f                                        04/2372018
                   Mitzi Chow, Materia, Manager                                  Date

o ML Inc.
                   300 Digital Drive, Morgan Hil, CA 95037 USA Tel. (408) 779 2698 Fax (408) 778 0491

                           Certificate of Compliance
   Certificate No:       42051 18B—18042301

   Manufacturer: OML, Inc.

   Model/Part No:        MI2RH                                   Serial/ID No:     18042301

   Description:      WR—12 Hom Antenna

   Date of Test:    April 23, 2018
   Temperature: (23 +/— 5) deg C                      Humidity: 20 to 65% RH

   This certifies that the above product was tested in compliance with OML specifications using
   applicable OML‘s procedures.

  As Received : Factory Tested — No incoming data available.

  As Shipped: At the completion of the test, the product COMPLIED with the performance capability.


  Traceability Information: Traceability is to national standards administered by U.S. NIST, NRC
  Canada, Euromet members (NPL, PTB, BNM, etc.) or other recognized standards laboratories. Some
  measurements are traceable to natural physical constants, consensus standards or ratio type
  measurements. Supporting documentation relative to traceability is available for review by
  In the absence of power standards above 110 GHz, power measurements and conversion loss
  measurements above 110 GHz are to confirm operation functionality and traceable only to OML.

  This certificate shall not be reproduced, except infull, without the written approval of OML.

                             K&X &‘M‘\h\\}\                                  04/23/2018
                   Mitzi Chow, Material\Manager                                  Date

                   300 Digital Drive, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 USA Tel. (408) 779 2698 Fax (408) 778 0491

                           Certificate of Compliance

    Certificate No:      4205118A—18042301

    Manufacturer: OML, Inc.

    Model/Part No:       MI9RH                                    Serial/ID No:     18042301

    Description:      WR—19 Horn Antenna

   Date of Test: April 23, 2018
   Temperature: (23 +/— 5) deg C                      BHumidity: 20 to 65% RH

   This certifies that the above product was tested in compliance with OML specifications using
   applicable OML‘s procedures

   As Reeeived : Factory Tested — No incoming data available.

   As Shipped: At the completion of the test, the product COMPLIED with the performance capability.


   Traceability Information: Traceability is to national standards administered by U.S. NIST, NRC
   Canada, Euromet members (NPL, PTB, BNM, etc.) or other recognized standards laboratories. Some
   measurements are traceable to natural physical constants, consensus standards orratio type
   measurements. Supporting documentation relative to traceability is available forreview by
   In the absence of power standards above 110 GHz, power measurements and conversion loss
   measurements above 110 GHz are to confirm operation functionality and traceable onlyto OML.

   This certificate shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of OML.

                          (\J\\\A\\L-’                                         04/232018
                   Mitzi Chmial Manager                                           Date

o ML Inc.
                   300 Digital Drive, Morgan Hil, CA 95037 USA Tel.   (408) 779 2698 Fax (408) 778 0491

                           Certificate of Compliance
    Certificate No:      4205118B—18042302

    Manufacturer: OML, Inc.

    Model/Part No:       MI2RH                                   SeriaU/ID No:     18042302

    Description:      WR—12 Hom Antenna

    Date of Test:     April 23, 2018
   Temperature: (23 +/— 5) deg C                      Humidity: 20 to 65% RH

   This certifies thatthe above product was tested in compliance with OML specifications using
   applicable OML‘s procedures.

   As Received : Factory Tested — No incoming data available.

   As Shipped: At the completion of the test, the product COMPLIED with the performance capability.


   Traceability Information: Traceability is to national standards administered by U.S. NIST, NRC
   Canada, Euromet members (NPL, PTB, BNM, etc.) or other recognized standards laboratories. Some
   measurements are traceable to natural physical constants, consensus standards or ratio type
   measurements. Supporting documentation relative to traceability is available for reviewby
   appointment.                         3
   In the absence of power standards above 110 GHz, power measurements and conversion loss
   measurements above 110 GHz are to confirm operation functionality and traceable only to OML.

   This certificate shall not be reproduced, exceptin full, without the written approvalof OML.

                           \\\l\\m\/v                                        04/23/2018
                    Mitzi Chow, Male*{al Manager                                 Date

O ML Inc.
                    300 Digital Drive, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 USA Tel. (408) 7792698 Fax (408) 778 0491

Document Created: 2019-07-31 01:05:39
Document Modified: 2019-07-31 01:05:39

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