Test Report


Test Report

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                  PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.
                             6660- B Dobbin Road • Columbia, MD 21045 • U.S.A.
                                        290- 6652 • FAX (410) 290-
                              TEL (410) 290-                  290- 6654

                                      CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE
                                         Class II Permissive Change
NEC Technologies, Inc.                                                       Dates of Tests: May 2-3, 2000
1250 N. Arlington Heights Rd., Suite 500                                     Test Report S/N: B-2.200501220.A3D
Itasca, IL 60143-1248                                                        Test Site: PCTEST Lab, Columbia, MD
Attn: Amin Fatani, Senior Compliance Engineer
       Compliance Engineering Dept.

         FCC ID                          A3DDV-5700A

         APPLICANT                       NEC TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

         Rule Part(s):                   FCC Part 15 Subpart B
         Equipment Class:                Class B Peripheral Device (JBP)
         EUT Type:                       IDE Device - Internal DVD-ROM Reader
         Data Transfer Rate(s):          16.2 Mbytes/sec. (12x DVD-ROM speed)
                                         6000 Kbytes/sec. (40x CD-ROM speed)
         Trade Name:                     NEC©
         Model:                          DV-5700B
         Class II Change(s):             Pickup Model, Laserdiode for DVD, & Laserdiode for CD
         Original Grant Date:            December 28, 1999

This equipment has been shown to be capable of continued compliance with the applicable technical
standards as indicated in the measurement report and was tested in accordance with the measurement
procedures specified is ANSI C63.4-1992 (Note Codes: #37).

I attest to the accuracy of data. All measurements reported herein were performed by me or were made
under my supervision and are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I assume full responsibility
for the completeness of these measurements and vouch for the qualifications of all persons taking them.

PCTEST certifies that no party to this application has been denied the FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse
Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 862.

© 2000 PCTEST Engineering Lab., Inc.

                TABLE OF CONTENTS

             1.1 - SCOPE                                        1
             2.1 - INTRODUCTION (SITE DESCRIPTION)              2
             3.1 - PRODUCTION INFORMATION                       3
             4.1 - DESCRIPTION OF TESTS (CONDUCTED)             4
             4.3 - DESCRIPTION OF TESTS (RADIATED)              5
             5.1 - LIST OF SUPPORT EQUIPMENT                    6
             6.1 - TEST DATA (CONDUCTED)                        7
             7.1 - TEST DATA (RADIATED)                         8
             8.1 - SAMPLE CALCULATIONS                          9
             9.1 - ACCURACY OF MEASUREMENT                     10
            10.1 - LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT                      11
            11.1 - TEST SOFTWARE USED                          12
            12.1 - RECOMMENDATION / CONCLUSION                 13

© 2000                   PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.   FCC Class B

Test Report S/N: B-2.200501220.A3D                                                     FCC Class B
Dates of Tests: May 2-3, 2000                                           Class II Permissive Change


                1.1 Scope
     Measurement and determination of electromagnetic emissions (EME) of radio frequency devices
     including intentional and/or unintentional radiators for compliance with the technical rules and
     regulations of the Federal Communications Commission.

       Company Name:                   NEC TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
       Address:                        1250 N. Arlington Heights Road, Suite 500
                                       Itasca, IL 60143-1248
       Attention:                      Amin Fatani – Senior Engineer
                                       Compliance Engineering Department

       •   FCC ID:                     A3DDV-5700A
       •   Class:                      B Digital Device / Peripheral (JBP)
       •   EUT Type:                   Internal IDE DVD-ROM Reader
       •   Trade Name:                 NEC®
       •   Model:                      DV-5700B
       •   Max. Data Transfer Rate(s): 16.2 Mbytes/sec. (12x DVD-ROM speed)
                                       6000 Kbytes/sec. (40x CD-ROM speed)
       •   Crystal(s)/Oscillator(s):   66.66MHz, 22.57MHz, 20.0MHz
       •   Cable(s):                   Unshielded IDE ribbon cable (internal)
       •   Rule Part(s):               FCC Part 15 Subpart B
       •   Test Procedure(s):          ANSI C63.4 (1992)
       •   Dates of Tests:             May 2-3, 2000
       •   Place of Tests:             PCTEST Lab, Columbia, MD
       •   Test Report S/N:            B-2.200501220.A3D

     NOTE: The NEC Model: DV-5700B internal IDE DVD-ROM Reader was tested with the
     internal terminator enabled. The EUT is identical to the previously certified device except
     for the listed changes.

© 2000 PCTEST Lab             FCC ID: A3DDV-5700A (Model: DV-5700B)                        1
                                NEC Internal IDE DVD-ROM Reader

Test Report S/N: B-2.200501220.A3D                                                       FCC Class B
Dates of Tests: May 2-3, 2000                                             Class II Permissive Change


The measurement procedure described in American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-
Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9kHz to 40GHz (ANSI
C63.4-1992) was used in determining radiated and conducted emissions emanating from NEC Internal IDE
DVD-ROM Reader FCC ID: A3DDV-5700A.
These measurement tests were conducted at PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. facility in New Concept
Business Park, Guilford Industrial Park, Columbia, Maryland. The site address is 6660-B Dobbin Road,
Columbia, MD 21045. The test site is one of the highest points in the Columbia area with an elevation of 390
feet above mean sea level. The site coordinates are 39° 11'15" N latitude and 76° 49'38" W longitude. The
facility is 1.5 miles North of the FCC laboratory, and the ambient signal and ambient signal strength are
approximately equal to those of the FCC laboratory. There are no FM or TV transmitters within 15 miles of
the site. The detailed description of the measurement facility was found to be in compliance with the
requirements of § 2.948 according to ANSI C63.4 on October 19, 1992.

2.2 PCTEST Location

The map at right shows the
location of the PCTEST
Lab, its proximity to the
FCC Lab, the Columbia
vicinity area, the
International (BWI) airport,
and the city of Baltimore,
and the Washington, D.C.
area. (see Figure1).

                                       Figure 1. Map of the Greater Baltimore and Metropolitan
                                                       Washington, D.C. area.

© 2000 PCTEST Lab              FCC ID: A3DDV-5700A (Model: DV-5700B)                          2
                                 NEC Internal IDE DVD-ROM Reader

Test Report S/N: B-2.200501220.A3D                                                FCC Class B
Dates of Tests: May 2-3, 2000                                      Class II Permissive Change

3.1 Product Information

   3.2 Equipment Description
The Equipment Under Test (EUT) NEC Model: DV-5700B Internal IDE DVD-ROM Reader FCC ID: A3DDV-
is identical to the previously certified DVD-ROM except for the following changes.

   1. Add Pickup Model: THOMSON Model: TOP57.

   2. Add alternate Laserdiodes for DVD: Toshiba Model: TOLD9441MD
                                          ROHM Model: RLD-65MC
                                          SHARP Model: GH06507A2A
                                          SANYO Model: DL-3147-165A.

   3. Add alternate Laserdiodes for CD: ROHM Model: RLD78MD-K
                                        SONY Model: SLD104BUL

© 2000 PCTEST Lab          FCC ID: A3DDV-5700A (Model: DV-5700B)                      3
                             NEC Internal IDE DVD-ROM Reader

Test Report S/N: B-2.200501220.A3D                                                         FCC Class B
Dates of Tests: May 2-3, 2000                                               Class II Permissive Change

                                    4.1 Description of Tests

                                        4.2 Conducted Emissions
     Figure 2. Shielded Enclosure
     Line-Conducted Test Facility
                                     The line-conducted facility is located inside a 16'x20'x10' shielded
                                     enclosure. It is manufactured by Ray Proof Series 81 (see Figure 2).
                                     The shielding effectiveness of the shielded room is in accordance with
                                     MIL-Std-285 or NSA 604-05. A 1m. x 1.5m. wooden table 80cm.
                                     high is placed 40cm. away from the vertical wall and 1.5m away
                                     from the side wall of the shielded room (see Figure 3).            Solar
                                     Electronics and EMCO Model 3725/2 (10kHz-30MHz) 50Ω/50µH
                                     Line-Impedance Stabilization Networks (LISNs) are bonded to the
                                     shielded room (see Figure 4). The EUT is powered from the Solar
                                     LISN and the support equipment is powered from the EMCO LISN.
                                     Power to the LISNs are filtered by a high-current high-insertion loss
     Figure 3. Line Conducted        Ray Proof power line filters (100dB 14kHz-10GHz). The purpose of
       Emission Test Set-Up          the filter is to attenuate ambient signal interference and this filter is
                                     also bonded to the shielded enclosure. All electrical cables are
                                     shielded by braided tinned copper zipper tubing with inner diameter
                                    of 1/2". If the EUT is a DC-powered device, power will be derived
                                    from the source power supply it normally will be powered from and
                                    this supply lines will be connected to the Solar LISN. LISN schematic
                                    diagram is shown in Figure 5. All interconnecting cables more than 1
                                    meter were shortened by non-inductive bundling (serpentine fashion)
                                    to a 1-meter length. Sufficient time for the EUT, support equipment,
                                    and test equipment was allowed in order for them to warm up to their
                                    normal operating condition. The RF output of the LISN was
   Figure 4. Wooden Table &         connected to the spectrum analyzer to determine the frequency
         Bonded LISNs               producing the maximum EME from the EUT. The spectrum was
                                    scanned from 450kHz to 30MHz with 20 msec. sweep time. The
                                    frequency producing the maximum level was reexamined using EMI/
                                    Field Intensity Meter and Quasi-Peak adapter. The detector function
                                    was set to CISPR quasi-peak mode. The bandwidth of the receiver
                                    was set to 10 kHz. The EUT, support equipment, and interconnecting
                                    cables were arranged and manipulated to maximize each EME
                                    emission. Each emission was maximized by: switching power lines;
                                    varying the mode of operation or resolution; clock or data exchange
                                    speed; scrolling H pattern to the EUT and/or support equipment, and
                                    powering the monitor from the floor mounted outlet box and the
                                    computer aux AC outlet, if applicable; whichever determined the
                                    worst-case emission. Photographs of the worst-case emission can be
     Figure 5. LISN Schematic
                                    seen in Attachment H. Each EME reported was calibrated using the
                                    HP8640B signal generator.

© 2000 PCTEST Lab               FCC ID: A3DDV-5700A (Model: DV-5700B)                           4
                                  NEC Internal IDE DVD-ROM Reader

Test Report S/N: B-2.200501220.A3D                                                     FCC Class B
Dates of Tests: May 2-3, 2000                                           Class II Permissive Change

                               4.1 Description of Tests (continued)

                                  4.3 Radiated Emissions

 Figure 6. 3-Meter Test Site   Preliminary measurements were made indoors at 1 meter using
                               broadband antennas, broadband amplifier, and spectrum analyzer to
                               determine the frequency producing the maximum EME. Appropriate
                               precaution was taken to ensure that all EME from the EUT were
                               maximized and investigated. The system configuration, clock speed,
                               mode of operation or video resolution, turntable azimuth with respect to
                               the antenna were noted for each frequency found. The spectrum was
                               scanned from 30 to 200 MHz using biconical antenna and from 200 to
                               1000 MHz using log-spiral antenna. Above 1 GHz, linearly polarized
                               double ridge horn antennas were used.
                               Final measurements were made outdoors at 3-meter test range using
  Figure 7. Dimensions of
                               Roberts Dipole antennas or horn antenna (see Figure 6). The test
     Outdoor Test Site         equipment was placed on a wooden and plastic bench situated on a 1.5
                               x 2 meter area adjacent to the measurement area (see Figure 7).
                               Sufficient time for the EUT, support equipment, and test equipment was
                               allowed in order for them to warm up to their normal operating
                               condition. Each frequency found during pre-scan measurements was re-
                               examined and investigated using EMI/Field Intensity Meter and Quasi-
                               Peak Adapter. The detector function was set to CISPR quasi-peak mode
                               and the bandwidth of the receiver was set to 100kHz or 1 MHz
                               depending on the frequency or type of signal.
                               The half-wave dipole antenna was tuned to the frequency found during
                               preliminary radiated measurements. The EUT, support equipment and
                               interconnecting cables were re-configured to the set-up producing the
  Figure 8. Turntable and      maximum emission for the frequency and were placed on top of a 0.8-
       System Setup            meter high non-metallic 1 x 1.5 meter table (see Figure 8). The EUT,
                               support equipment, and interconnecting cables were re-arranged and
                               manipulated to maximize each EME emission. The turntable containing
                               the system was rotated; the antenna height was varied 1 to 4 meters and
                               stopped at the azimuth or height producing the maximum emission.
                               Each emission was maximized by: varying the mode of operation or
                               resolution; clock or data exchange speed; scrolling H pattern to the EUT
                               and/or support equipment, and powering the monitor from the floor
                               mounted outlet box and the computer aux AC outlet, if applicable; and
                               changing the polarity of the antenna, whichever determined the worst-
 Figure 9. Normalized Site     case emission. Photographs of the worst-case emission can be seen in
 Attenuation Curves (H&V)      Attachment H. Each EME reported was calibrated using the HP8640B
                               signal generator. The Theoretical Normalized Site Attenuation Curves for
                               both horizontal and vertical polarization are shown in Figure 9.

© 2000 PCTEST Lab              FCC ID: A3DDV-5700A (Model: DV-5700B)                       5
                                 NEC Internal IDE DVD-ROM Reader

Test Report S/N: B-2.200501220.A3D                                                     FCC Class B
Dates of Tests: May 2-3, 2000                                           Class II Permissive Change

5.1 Support Equipment Used

       1. NEC Int. DVD-ROM Reader            Model: DV-5700B                         (EUT)
                                             0.4 m. unshielded IDE ribbon cable (internal)
                                             0.4 m. unshielded LINE OUT wire
                                             0.5 m. unshielded DIGITAL OUT wire (unterminated)

       2. GATEWAY Mini-Tower PC       FCC DoC Model: GP6-450                 S/N: 0011745565
                                      1.8 m. unshielded AC power cord
          MATROX AGP Video Card       FCC DoC Model: MILLENNIUM G200

       3. NEC P750 Monitor            FCC ID: A3DJC-1744UMA                  S/N: 6901898LA
                                      1.8 m. unshielded AC power cord
                                      1.2 m. shielded D-Sub cable

       4. NEC P3200 Printer           FCC ID: B7ZP3200                      S/N: 562300406
                                              1.8 m. unshielded AC power cord
                                      1.2 m. shielded cable (bundled)

       6. Microsoft Mouse             FCC ID: C3KKMP1                        S/N: 00048950
                                      1.6 m. shielded cable

       7. Maxi Switch Keyboard        FCC ID: D7J2196003-XX                          S/N: 03400409
                                             1.6 m. shielded cable

       8. ZOOM Modem                  FCC ID: BDNV34MINI-EXT                 S/N: 3117ZM4X40211
                                      1.8 m. unshielded DC power cord
                                      1.2 m. shielded cable

       7. SONY Headphones             Model: MDR-V100
                                      1.6 m. shielded cable

         (See “Attachment E - Test Setup Photographs” for actual system test setup.)

© 2000 PCTEST Lab             FCC ID: A3DDV-5700A (Model: DV-5700B)                        6
                                NEC Internal IDE DVD-ROM Reader

Test Report S/N: B-2.200501220.A3D                                                                 FCC Class B
Dates of Tests: May 2-3, 2000                                                       Class II Permissive Change


     6.2 Conducted Emissions

         (See Data under PLOTS – Attachment D)

1.       All modes of operation were investigated and the worst-case emissions are reported.
2.                                          µ V from 450kHz to 30MHz.
         The limit for Class B device is 250µ
3.       Line A = Phase; Line B = Neutral
4.       Deviations to the Specifications:   None

*        All readings are calibrated by HP8640B signal generator with accuracy traceable to the National Institute of
         Standards and Technology (formerly NBS).
**       Measurements using CISPR quasi-peak mode.

© 2000 PCTEST Lab                 FCC ID: A3DDV-5700A (Model: DV-5700B)                                7
                                    NEC Internal IDE DVD-ROM Reader

Test Report S/N: B-2.200501220.A3D                                                                              FCC Class B
Dates of Tests: May 2-3, 2000                                                                    Class II Permissive Change


       7.2 Radiated Emissions

     FREQ.         Level*          AFCL**             POL            Height          Azimuth             F/S          Margin***
     (MHz)         (dBm)            (dB)             (H/V)            (m)            (° angle)         (µV/m)           (dB)

      114.2        - 86.0            11.0              H               2.0               40             39.7            - 11.5

      170.1        - 91.5            14.9               V              1.8               20             33.1            - 13.0

      240.3        - 89.0            18.4               V              1.7               80             65.7             - 9.6

      300.7        - 91.0            20.6               V              1.6              210             67.8             - 9.4

      340.6        - 93.0           22.00               V              1.5               10             62.9            - 10.0

      401.8        - 94.5            23.7               V              1.2               80             64.9             - 9.8

                                         Table 1. Radiated Measurements at 3-meters.

                                                         1. All modes of operation were investigated and the worst-case
                                                         emissions are reported.
                                                         2. The radiated limits are shown on Figure 10. Above 1GHz the
                                                         limit is 500 µ V/m.

Figure 10. Limits at 3 meters

*         All readings are calibrated by HP8640B signal generator with accuracy traceable to the National Institute of Standards and
          Technology (formerly NBS).
**        AFCL = Antenna Factor (Roberts dipole) and Cable Loss (30 ft. RG58C/U).
***       Measurements using CISPR quasi-peak mode. Above 1GHz, peak detector function mode is used using a resolution bandwidth of
          1MHz and a video bandwidth of 1MHz. The peak level complies with the average limit. Peak mode is used with linearly
          polarized horn antenna and low-loss microwave cable.

© 2000 PCTEST Lab                     FCC ID: A3DDV-5700A (Model: DV-5700B)                                                8
                                        NEC Internal IDE DVD-ROM Reader

Test Report S/N: B-2.200501220.A3D                                                     FCC Class B
Dates of Tests: May 2-3, 2000                                           Class II Permissive Change

8.1 Sample Calculations

                                       µ V = 20 log 10 (µ
                                     dBµ                µ V/m)
                                       µ V = dBm + 107

   8.2 Example 1:

       @ 20.3 MHz
              Class B limit           = 250 µV = 47.96 dBµV
              Reading                 = - 67.8 dBm (calibrated level)
              Convert to dbµV         = - 67.8 + 107 = 39.2 dBµV
              10                      = 91.2 µV

              Margin                  = 39.2 - 47.96 = - 8.76

                                      = 8.8 dB below limit

   8.3 Example 2:

       @ 66.7 MHz
              Class B limit           = 100 µV/m = 47.96 dBµV/m
              Reading                 = - 76.0 dBm (calibrated level)
              Convert to dbµV/m       = - 76.0 + 107 = 31.0 dBµV/m
              Antenna Factor + Cable Loss             = 5.8 dB
                                      Total           = 36.8 dBµV/m

              Margin                  = 36.8 - 40.0 = - 3.2

                                      = 3.2 dB below limit

© 2000 PCTEST Lab             FCC ID: A3DDV-5700A (Model: DV-5700B)                        9
                                NEC Internal IDE DVD-ROM Reader

Test Report S/N: B-2.200501220.A3D                                                            FCC Class B
Dates of Tests: May 2-3, 2000                                                  Class II Permissive Change

9.1 Accuracy of Measurement

    9.2 Measurement Uncertainty Calculations:
The measurement uncertainties stated were calculated in accordance with the requirements of NIST Technical
Note 1297 and NIS 81 (1994).

                         Contribution                      Probability           Uncertainty (± dB)
                      (Line Conducted)                     Distribution     9kHz-150MHz       150-30MHz
   Receiver specification                                  Rectangular           1.5              1.5
   LISN coupling specification                             Rectangular           1.5              1.5
   Cable and input attenuator calibration                  Normal (k=2)          0.3              0.5
   Mismatch:    Receiver VRC Γ1 = 0.03
           LISN VRC ΓR = 0.8 (9kHz) 0.2 (30MHz)             U-Shaped              0.2              0.35
           Uncertainty limits 20Log(1 ± Γ1 ΓR)
   System repeatability                                    Std. deviation         0.2              0.05
   Repeatability of EUT                                                            -                 -
   Combined standard uncertainty                             Normal              1.26              1.30
   Expanded uncertainty                                    Normal (k=2)           2.5              2.6

Calculations for 150kHz to 30MHz:
                                             1.52 + 1.52    0.5
                 uc(y) =   ∑ ui2 ( y ) = ±
                            i=1                   3
                                                         + ( )2 + 0.35 = ±1.298dB
                 U = 2Uc(y) = ±2.6dB

                          Contribution                     Probability            Uncertainties (± dB)
                     (Radiated Emissions)                  Distribution          3m               10 m
    Ambient Signals                                                                -                 -
    Antenna factor calibration                             Normal (k=2)         ± 1.0             ± 1.0
    Cable loss calibration                                 Normal (k=2)         ± 0.5             ± 0.5
    Receiver specification                                 Rectangular          ± 1.5              ±1.5
    Antenna directivity                                    Rectangular        + 0.5 / - 0         + 0.5
    Antenna factor variation with height                   Rectangular          ± 2.0             ± 0.5
    Antenna phase centre variation                         Rectangular            0.0             ± 0.2
    Antenna factor frequency interpolation                 Rectangular         ±. 0.25            ± 0.25
    Measurement distance variation                         Rectangular          ± 0.6             ± 0.4
    Site imperfections                                     Rectangular          ± 2.0             ± 2.0
    Mismatch: Receiver VRC Γ1 = 0.2                                             + 1.1
               Antenna VRC ΓR = 0.67 (Bi) 0.3 (Lp)          U-Shaped                              ± 0.5
                                                                                - 1.25
             Uncertainty limits 20Log(1 ± Γ1 ΓR)
    System repeatability                                   Std. Deviation       ± 0.5             ± 0.5
    Repeatability of EUT                                                          -                 -
    Combined standard uncertainty                            Normal         + 2.19 / - 2.21   + 1.74 / - 1.72
    Expanded uncertainty U                                 Normal (k=2)     + 4.38 / - 4.42   + 3.48 / - 3.44

Calculations for 3m biconical antenna. Coverage factor of k=2 will ensure that the level of confidence will be
approximately 95%, therefore:
                 U=2uc(y) = 2 x ±2.19 = ±4.38dB

© 2000 PCTEST Lab                 FCC ID: A3DDV-5700A (Model: DV-5700B)                             10
                                    NEC Internal IDE DVD-ROM Reader

Test Report S/N: B-2.200501220.A3D                                                                     FCC Class B
Dates of Tests: May 2-3, 2000                                                           Class II Permissive Change

10.1 Test Equipment
  10.2 Type                                  Model                        Cal. Due Date                 S/N
 Microwave Spectrum Analyzer         HP 8566B (100Hz-22GHz) 08/09/00             3638A08713
 Microwave Spectrum Analyzer         HP 8566B (100Hz-22GHz) 04/17/01             2542A11898
 Spectrum Analyzer/Tracking Gen.     HP 8591A (100Hz-1.8GHz)           06/03/00           3144A02458
 Signal Generator*                   HP 8640B (500Hz-1GHz)             06/03/00           2232A19558
 Signal Generator*                   HP 8640B (500Hz-1GHz)             08/09/00           1851A09816
 Signal Generator*                   Rohde & Schwarz (0.1-1000MHz)     09/11/00           894215/012
 Ailtech/Eaton Receiver              NM 37/57A-SL (30-1000MHz)         04/12/01           0792-03271
 Ailtech/Eaton Receiver              NM 37/57A (30-1000MHz)            03/11/01           0805-03334
 Ailtech/Eaton Receiver              NM 17/27A (0.1-32MHz)             09/17/00           0608-03241
 Quasi-Peak Adapter                  HP 85650A                         08/09/00           2043A00301
 Ailtech/Eaton Adapter               CCA-7 CISPR/ANSI QP Adapter       03/11/01           0194-04082
 RG58 Coax Test Cable                No. 167                                              n/a
 Harmonic/Flicker Test System        HP 6841A (IEC 555-2/3)                               3531A00115
 Broadband Amplifier (2)             HP 8447D                                             1145A00470, 1937A03348
 Broadband Amplifier                 HP 8447F                                             2443A03784
 Transient Limiter                   HP 11947A (9kHz-200MHz)                     2820A00300
 Horn Antenna                        EMCO Model 3115 (1-18GHz)                   9704-5182
 Horn Antenna                        EMCO Model 3115 (1-18GHz)                   9205-3874
 Horn Antenna                        EMCO Model 3116 (18-40GHz)                           9203-2178
 Biconical Antenna (4)               Eaton 94455/Eaton 94455-1/Singer 94455-1/Compliance Design 1295, 1332, 0355
 Log-Spiral Antenna (3)              Ailtech/Eaton 93490-1                                0608, 1103, 1104
 Roberts Dipoles                     Compliance Design (1 set)
 Ailtech Dipoles                     DM-105A (1 set)                                      33448-111
 EMCO LISN                           3816/2                                               1079
 EMCO LISN                           3816/2                                               1077
 EMCO LISN                           3725/2                                               2009
 Microwave Preamplifier 40dB Gain HP 83017A (0.5-26.5GHz)                                 3123A00181
 Microwave Cables                    MicroCoax (1.0-26.5GHz)
 Ailtech/Eaton Receiver              NM37/57A-SL                                          0792-03271
 Spectrum Analyzer                   HP 8594A                                             3051A00187
 Spectrum Analyzer (2)               HP 8591A                                             3034A01395, 3108A02053
 Modulation Analyzer                 HP 8901A                                             2432A03467
 NTSC Pattern Generator              Leader 408                                           0377433
 Noise Figure Meter                  HP 8970B                                             3106A02189
 Noise Figure Meter                  Ailtech 7510                                         TE31700
 Noise Generator                     Ailtech 7010                                         1473
 Microwave Survey Meter              Holaday Model 1501 (2.450GHz)                        80931
 Digital Thermometer                 Extech Instruments 421305                            426966
 Attenuator                          HP 8495A (0-70dB) DC-4GHz
 Bi-Directional Coax Coupler Narda 3020A (50-1000MHz)
 Shielded Screen Room                RF Lindgren Model 26-2/2-0                           6710 (PCT270)
 Shielded Semi-Anechoic Chamber      Ray Proof Model S81                                  R2437 (PCT278)
 Environmental Chamber               Associated Systems Model 1025 (Temperature/Humidity) PCT285

                     * Calibration traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

© 2000 PCTEST Lab                FCC ID: A3DDV-5700A (Model: DV-5700B)                                       11
                                   NEC Internal IDE DVD-ROM Reader

Test Report S/N: B-2.200501220.A3D                                                      FCC Class B
Dates of Tests: May 2-3, 2000                                            Class II Permissive Change

11.1 Test Software Used

       10      CLS:COLOR 7,0
       20      FOR I = 1 TO 80
       30      PRINT H;
       40      NEXT I
       50      FOR K= 1 TO 25
       60      LPRINT H;
       70      NEXT K
       80      OPEN COM1:1200,N,8,1,CS0,DS0" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
       90      PRINT#1,ATDT,0123456789"
       100     CLOSE:GOTO 20

NOTE: This is a sample of the basic program used during the test. However, during testing, a different
software program may be used; whichever determines the worst-case condition. In addition, the program used
also depends on the number and type of devices being tested.

The EUT was exercised by copying DVD/CD Data to the hard drive.

© 2000 PCTEST Lab            FCC ID: A3DDV-5700A (Model: DV-5700B)                         12
                               NEC Internal IDE DVD-ROM Reader

Test Report S/N: B-2.200501220.A3D                                                  FCC Class B
Dates of Tests: May 2-3, 2000                                        Class II Permissive Change

12.1 Recommendation/Conclusion

The data collected shows that the NEC (Model: DV-5700B) Internal IDE DVD-ROM Reader FCC ID:
A3DDV-5700A with the Class II Permissive Change(s) complies with §15.107 and §15.109 of the FCC

No modifications were made to the device.

© 2000 PCTEST Lab            FCC ID: A3DDV-5700A (Model: DV-5700B)                     13
                               NEC Internal IDE DVD-ROM Reader

Document Created: 2019-05-29 17:52:05
Document Modified: 2019-05-29 17:52:05

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