Users Manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                                                                                                                              10%. BHiktif§, EMAMERaiETEe, 1§%                                                                                                                                              k. fERMMNE . +HEAbEEERAR@. #hif
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                                   Thanks for choosing our product, you‘d better read this user     Volume button                                                                             Keep your wireless earphone to be used around your phone.                           3. The wireless is connected, but you can‘t listen to music.                              7.The red light is not on when charging
                                   guide before using.                                              1. Volume + / (Long press the button)                                                     The straight wireless distance without block is about 10 meters                     Solutions:                                                                                Possible reason: The earphone does not use for a long time
                                                                                                                                                                                              between your phone and wireless earphone. Beyond this                               @ Wirelass earphone can not be used to enjoy music except you match it with a             Solutions: You need to charge it for about 30 minutes, then red light will be on.
                                                                                                    LED                                                                                       distance, the sound quality may decline and the earphone will                       mobile phone                                                                              Note: it will reduce the capacity and life of the battery under such cireumstances, such
                                                                                                    1. When charging, red light keeps bright. After a full charge, ight changes to blue.      lose connection.                                                                    © Check your wireless setting, adjust the sound path to hands—free mode.                  as overcharge or keep wireless earphone in a closed car, elc
     EARPHONE USER GUIDE                                                                            2. When battery power is insufficient, the red light fashes 2 times and comes with                                                                                            © Some mobile phones also need to set 2 items for the player: to start the player
                                                                                                    veice prompt                                                                              Learn how to reconnect the earphone                                                 wireless and choosethe just connected wireless device, then click ok.                       FCC Requirement
                                                                                                                                                                                              1. Your wireless earphone will ty to reconnect your phone automatically.            ® Make sure your mobile wireless is equipt with stereo sound system                         thanges or modifcations not expressly spproved by the party respomible for comphance could void
                                                                                                    Pairing Steps                                                                             2. If your wireless earphone does not reconnect, please press the MFB one time or   4. Learn how to use wireless earphoneto listen music or chat                                the usert s authority to operete the equipment
                                                                                                    1. in the shutdown state,long press the MFB for about 3 seconds, until red and blue       through your phone‘s wireless menu to reconnect manually                            on computer                                                                                 This device complies with Par, 25 of the FCC Rukis. Operation is subject to the folowing ino
                                                                                                    light fashes alternatively to enter pairing mode.
                                                                                                    2. Tur on mobile phone wireless function to search the wircless earphone name             Common problems and solutions                                                       If your computer is equipped with wireless, just open the wireless function and                         e may not causehasinfulinterfererce, and
                                                                                                    3. Click the earphone name to connect. When the connection is successful, the blue                                                                                                                                                                                                                        y incerference recelved, including irterference that may. causo
                                                                                                    light will fah                                                                            1. Mobile phone can‘t find the wireless earphone                                    search the opening wireless earphone, or else you need a wireless adapter. By a
                                                                                                    4. Password: enter "0000"if your mobile phone needs to enter password                     Solutions:                                                                          wireless sofware (IVT), the adapter can connect the wireless earphone with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  computer. Computers with XP system can identify any wireless adapter                        Nove: This equipment hesbeen tested and foun to comply          the imits for a Cliss B digital device,
                                                                                                                                                                                              ® Confirmif the wireless earphone is turned on or not.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  automatically andit does not need driver, while the adapter software built—in XP can        pursuant to Fart 15 of the °CC Rules. These     lims               o provide ressonble protection
                                                                                                    Here, congratulations, the connection is successful and you                               (Whether the indicator light is on or red and blue light fashes alternatively}      only transfer files, it can not transfer audio, so you must install the IVT software in     sgeinst harmful iterlerence in a                                   oment generates,uses, and can
                                                                                                    can enjoy now.                                                                            © if the wireless earphone is turned on but stll can not be found, please restart   CD to transfer audio                                                                        radiate rado frequency energy, ans it                              ccordance with the insructions,
                                    Function               Operation                                                                                                                          both your mobile phone and the wireless earphone                                                                                                                                may ceuse harmul interlerence to radio communications. Iloweverthere is no quarantcethat
                                    Power on               Long press MFB for 1 second              Connect two devices                                                                       Notes:                                                                              5. When Using, the Max distance between wireless earphone                                   Interference wil not occur in a porticular installtion. If ths equipment does cause harmfil
                                    Power off              Long press MFB for 3 seconds             1. In the shutdown state, long press the MFB for about 3 seconds, until red and blue      When the wireless earphone is in pairing mode, please connect your phonein 2        and mobile phone or adapter                                                                 interference to redio or elevison receptio           an be cetermined by turning the equipment off
                                                                                                    lightflashes altemnatively to enter pairing mode:                                         minutes or the earphone will turn off automatically                                 Answer                                                                                      and on the wser is encouraged to ty to conrect the interference by one or more of ie fulloning
                                    Paring mode            Long press MFB for 3 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                           The connectivity range between wireless and any device is 10m. The connection the
                                                                                                    2. Turn on the wireless of mobile phone #1 and search for the wireless earphone                                                                                                                                                                                           measures
                                    Answering call         Short press MFB
                                                                                                    name, then click to complete the connection
                                                                                                                                                                                              2. After connecting the wireless earphone with your mobile                          best when there is no obstacie between the wireless earphone and the device it‘s            = Rerlent ur relocate the receivng anteme
                                    End call               Short press MFB                          3. Turn off the mobile phone # 1‘s wireless and long press MFB about 3 seconds to         phone, there is always disconnection or noise.                                      connected to. Beyond this range the quality may slightly drop, and can experience             increase the seporation betwween the equipment and receiver
                                    Reject                 Long press MFB for 1 second                                                                                                        Solutions                                                                           some unwanted noise                                                                         = Carnec: the equipment into on autlet on a cirit diferent from that to which the receiver i
                                                                                                    turn off the wireless earphone
                                    Last number redial     Double press MFB                         4. Turn on the wireless earphone again to enter paring mode.                              DThe wireless earphone is in low battery state, please charge it at once.           6. What‘s the wireiess pairing password?                                                    = Consilt the dealeror an experienced tazio/TV technician for help
                                    CGance/ end            Short press MFB                          5. Turn on the wireless function of mabile phone # 2, searching for the wireless device   @There is obstacle between the wireless earphone and your mobile phone or it is     Answer:
                                    Pause! play            Short press MFB                          and find the name, click to complete the connection.                                      beyond the signal range. Also, please do not cover the wireless earphonewith your   The wireless pairing password is "0000", most phones can support and connect to the
 Executive standard: GB8898—2011    Vol— Vol+ (BACKIEWD)   Long! Short press vol— val+ (BACK/EWD)
                                                                                                    6. Turn on mobile phone # 1‘s wireless function and find the connected wireless           hand. Keep signal stable, and keep your phone and the earphonein the same           earphone automatically while few others need to be connected manually, in the latter
                                                                                                    earphone before, click to complete.                                                       direction.                                                                          case enter the password ©0000®

Document Created: 2019-09-23 15:31:34
Document Modified: 2019-09-23 15:31:34

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