Certification Service Agreement Rev 1.4


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                                                                  Certification Service Agreement

                         Certification Service Agreement

This Certification Service Agreement was written to cover the Scope of Service and Certification holder/
grantee responsibilities for the countires/domains that MiCOM Labs can issue compliance certificates
under its ISO 17065 accreditation status — USA (FCC), Canada (ISED), Japan (MIC) and European Union.

                                            General Requirements
This Service Agreement covers the requirements of the following four certification schemes as operated by MiCOM
Labs Certification;
 Country                           Recognition Body                            Designation          Identification No.
USA            Federal Communications Commission (FCC)                             TCB                    US0159
Canada         Canada ISED                                                          FCB                   USO159
Japan          MIC (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication)                RCB                     R210
Europe         European Commission                                                  NB                   NB 2280

1.The certification holder/grantee acknowledges and agrees to the following;—

    (a) always fulfills the certification requirements, including implementing appropriate changes when they are
        communicated by MiCOM Labs;
    (b) ensures the product for which a Certificate is issued always fulfils the product compliance requirements
        under the certification scheme and that all ongoing production of the certified product continues to fulfill the
        product requirements and agrees thatif the conditions under which the Certification was issued are not
        met, that the Certification will not be valid and will be revoked;
    (c) makes all necessary arrangements for:
         1) the conduct of the evaluation and surveillance (if required), including provision for examining
             documentation and records, and access to the relevant equipment, location(s), area(s), personnel, and
             certification holder / grantee‘s subcontractors;

         2) investigation of complaints;

         3) the participation of observers, if applicable;

    (d) makes claims regarding certification consistent with the scope of certification;
    (e) does not use its product certification in such a manner as to bring MiCOM Labs into disrepute and does not
        make any statement regarding its product certification that MiCOM Labs may consider misleading or
    (f) upon suspension, withdrawal, or termination of certification, the certification holder / grantee discontinues its
        use of all advertising matter that contains any reference thereto and takes action as required by the
        certification scheme (e.g. the return of certification documents) and takes any other required measures;
    (g) if the certification holder/ grantee provides copies of the certification documents to others, the documents
        shall be reproduced in their entirety or as specified in the certification scheme;

                                                                  Certification Service Agreement

    (h) in making reference to its product certification in communication media such as documents, brochures or
        advertising, the certification holder/ grantee complies with the requirements of MiCOM Labs or as specified
        by the certification scheme;
    (i) complies with any requirements that may be prescribed in the certification scheme relating to the use of
         marks of conformity, and that conformity marks are only on specific products found to comply with the
         requirements, and on information related to the product;
    (}) keeps a record of all complaints made known to it relating to compliance with certification requirements and
         makes these records available to MiCOM Labs when requested, and:
       1) takes appropriate action with respect to such complaints and any deficiencies found in products that
          affect compliance with the requirements for certification.
       2) documents the actions taken.

2. MiCOM Labs will issue Certification that is valid for the specified equipment asit is presented at the time of
   certification. The certification holder / grantee will inform MiCOM Labs, without delay, of changes that may affect
   its ability to conform with any of the requirements under the certification scheme.
  Some examples of this may be, but are in no way limited to the following;—
  Product modifications; Changes in the chassis material, chassis gasket methodology / material, grounding,
  antenna gain, antenna type, shielding material, modification of transmissions lines, changes to transmission line
  matching circuitry, operating duty cycle, change of product usage, operating frequency, bandwidth, transmit
  power / EIRP);
  Changes to; the Legal, commercial, organizational status; contact address and production sites.
  Such modifications shall require additional approval in the form of a review and amendment to the original
  product certification and changes to the product certification records including the certificate.

3. MiCOM Labs shall exercise the control as specified by the certification scheme over ownership, use and display
   of licenses, certificates, marks of conformity, and any other mechanisms for indicating a product is certified.
  Incorrect references to the certification scheme, standards or misleading use of licenses, certificates, marks, or
  any other mechanism for indicating a product is certified, found in documentation or other publicity, shall be dealt
  with by suitable action by MiCOM Labs and/or the appropriate regulatory authority.

4. Confidentiality — MiCOM Labs will hold all forms and documents that make up the certification application
   confidential and will not release any information to third parties without written consent from the applicant.

                                                                Certification Service Agreement

                                   General Terms and Conditions:

Documentation required for evaluation of the certification application must be provided in its entirety. Technical
evaluation of the application will not begin until all of the required documentation is made available to MiCOM
Applicant agrees to be fully liable for the quality and accuracy of the application and all documentation provided for
certification purposes.
Requests for additional application documentation (corrected / additional forms; attestation letters, application
exhibits, technical information, etc) shall be delivered to MiCOM within 60 days of the request. Failure to provide
the requested documentation within this timeframe may result in dismissal of the certification application or may
incur the full fee.

Electronic Signatures
MiCOM Labs, Inc. uses an event driven cloud based system to manage certification programs. Client electronic
signatures may be used on an as needed basis at key stages in the certification process as a record of
agreement/acknowledgement on application and certification details.

I acknowledge and agree to the above terms and conditions in their entirety.

                                                                               Date:   2019/10/12
Signature:       7

Name:          Ikey Srour

Title:        Manager

                                                                 Certification Service Agreement

                               Annex A — FCC Certification Scheme

The following requirements apply for FCC in addition to the General Requirements.

A1) Confidentiality — MiCOM Labs will hold all forms and documents that make up the certification application
     confidential and will not release any information to third parties without written consent from the applicant.

     Under the FCC certification scheme MiCOM Labs is required to upload product application information to the
     FCC regulatory web site in order to issue certification and product(s) to be listed in the FCC website.

A2) The certification holder / grantee are required to make provision to have ‘production‘ samples available for at
     least one year after the last production date and may be required to submit samples of the equipment for
     post—market surveillance testing in accordance with the current FCC requirements. These samples may be
     requested, at any time, by either MiCOM Labs or the FCC.

A3) All conditions in this Service Agreement are based on current FCC requirements. In case of conflict the latest
     FCC requirements will take precedence over this agreement.

US Federal Communications Commission
The following documents WILL BE publically available on the FCC web site after certification is granted:

&       Test Reports (RF, EMC, SAR, HAC etc..)

&       External product photos.

&       Internal product photos.

&       Cover letters (confidentiality requests, etc)

&       User manual(s)

*       Label drawings and label placement drawings

                                                                  Certification Service Agreement

                     Annex B — Canada ISED FCB Certification Scheme

The following requirements apply for Canada ISED (Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada) in
addition to the General Requirements.

B1) Confidentiality — MiCOM Labs will hold all forms and documents that make up the certification application
     confidential and will not release any information to third parties without written consent from the applicant.

     Under the Canada ISED certification scheme MiCOM Labs is required to upload product application
     information to the Canada ISED regulatory web site in order to issue certification and products to be listed in
     the ISED REL (Radio Equipment List) website.

B2) The certification holder / grantee are required to make provision to have ‘production‘ samples available for at
     least one year after the last production date and may be required to submit samples of the equipment for
     post—market surveillance testing in accordance with the current Government of Canada ISED requirements.
     These samples may be requested, at any time, by either MICOM Labs; or Canada ISED.

B3) All conditions in this Service Agreement are based on current Canada ISED requirements. In case of conflict
     the latest ISED requirements will take precedence over this agreement.

B4) Currently, none of the documents provided to Government of Canada ISED are made available to the public
     (However clients should note that items may be subject to disclosure under the provisions of "Access to
     Information Act")

The following product information will be publically viewable on the Government of Canada ISED web site.

*   Certificate Holder, name and address and contact information

*   Operating frequency range of the certified product

*   Transmit power (and / or EIRP / field strength) of the certified product

*   Applicable RSS Standard

*   Emission designation

*   Product technical details requested in MiCOM Labs Canada ISED Certification Application form # RSP—100

                                                                  Certification Service Agreement

                  Annex C — Europe Notified Body Certification Scheme
The following requirements apply for Europe in addition to the General Requirements.

C1) Use the CE mark only on specific products that have been found to comply with the requirements.

©2) Apply a mark to each product, product packaging, and information accompanying each product, as required by
     the applicable Directives.

©3) The manufacturer shall keep a copy of the EU—type examination certificate, its annexes and additions together
     with the technical documentation at the disposal of the national authorities for 10 years after the apparatus
     has been placed on the market.

Reference; EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Annex III Section 7 & RED Directive 2014/53/EU Annex III Section 7
The manufacturer shall inform the notified body that holds the technical documentation relating to the EU—type
examination certificate of all modifications to the approved type that may affect the conformity of the apparatus with
the essential requirements of this Directive or the conditions for validity of that certificate. Such modifications shall
require additional approval in the form of an addition to the original EU—type examination certificate.

Reference; EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Annex III Section 8 & RED Directive 2014/53/EU Annex III Section 8
MiCOM Labs Certification shall inform its notifying authority concerning the EU—type examination certificates and/or
any additions thereto which it has issued or withdrawn, and shall, periodically or upon request, make available to
its notifying authority the list of such certificates and/or any additions thereto refused, suspended or otherwise

MiCOM Labs Certification shall inform the other Notified Bodies concerning the EU—type examination certificates
and/or any additions thereto which it has refused, withdrawn, suspended or otherwise restricted, and, upon
request, concerning such certificates and/or additions thereto which it has issued.

MiCOM Labs Certification shall inform the Member States of EU—type examination certificates it has issued and/or
additions thereto in those cases where harmonised standards the references of which have been published in the
Official Journal of the European Union have not been applied or not been fully applied. The Member States, the
Commission and the other Notified Bodies may, on request, obtain a copy of the EU—type examination certificates
and/or additions thereto. On request, the Member States and the Commission may obtain a copy of the technical
documentation and the results of the examinations carried out by the Notified Body.

MiCOM Labs Certification shall keep a copy of the EU—type examination certificate, its annexes and additions, as
well as the technical file including the documentation submitted by the manufacturer for 10 years after the radio
equipment has been assessed or until the expiry of the validity of that certificate.

Reference; EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Article 32, RED Directive 2014/53/EU Article 34
Where, in the course of the monitoring of conformity following the issue of a certificate, a Notified Body finds that
an apparatus no longer complies, it shall require the manufacturer to take appropriate corrective measures and
shall suspend or withdraw the certificate if necessary.

Where corrective measures are not taken or do not have the required effect, the Notified Body shall restrict,
suspend or withdraw any certificates, as appropriate.

All conditions in this Service Agreement are based on current European and MRA requirements. In case of contflict
the latest requirements will take precedence over this agreement.

                                                                   Certification Service Agreement

                     Annex D — Japanese MIC RCB Certification Scheme
The following requirements apply for Japanese MIC (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) in addition to
the General Requirements.

D1) Applicant hereby declares that the structure of the high frequency and modulation part of the radio, except
     antenna system in the applying device is designed not to be tampered with or modified by the end user.

D2) Applicant agrees to allow disclosure of Application, Documents and Test Report, Certificates issued by
     MiCOM Labs, upon demand, to The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan—herein referred
     to as "MIC"—by MiCOM Labs Inc as a Recognized Certified Body. Documents disclosed to MIC will be
     exempt from all Non—Disclosure agreements.

D3) All conditions in this Service Agreement are based on current Japanese and MRA requirements. in case of
     conflict the latest requirements will take precedence over this agreement.

The following documents WILL BE publically available on the Japan MIC web site after certification is

e   Test report(s)

*   External product photos

*   Internal product photos

*   Certificate of Compliance that includes but is not limited to the following information;

         Approval Holder name and address details

         Applicable Japan Standard(s)

         Operating frequency range of the certified product

         Transmit power of the certified product

         Emission designators

Document Created: 2019-10-15 12:03:00
Document Modified: 2019-10-15 12:03:00

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