RF Exposure Info


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                               HaAinc Korea Company
                                                                                      Wireless charger
                                                                           FCC ID : 2AULFGSWD-SW01

RF Exposure Requirement

According to FCC 1.1310: The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate
the environment impact of human exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation as specified in

    Frequency          Electric Field     Magnetic Field       Power Density         Average Time
   Range (MHz)        Strength (V/m)      Strength (A/m)        (mW/cm2)               (Minutes)

                          (A) Limits for Occupational/ Control Exposures
    300 - 1500               -                   -                 F/300                     6
  1500 - 100,000             -                   -                     5                     6
                    (B) Limits for General Population/ Uncontrolled Exposures
    300 - 1500               -                   -                F/1500                     6
  1500 - 100,000             -                   -                     1                    30
F = Frequency in MHz

Friis Formula
Friis transmission formula: Pd = (Pout*G)/(4*pi*r2)

Pd = power density in mW/ cm2
Pout = output power to antenna in mW
G = gain of antenna in linear scale
Pi = 3.1416
R = distance between observation point and center of the radiator in cm

Pd id the limit of MPE, 1 mW/ cm2 . If we know the maximum gain of the antenna and the total
power input to the antenna, through the calculation, we will know the distance r where the
MPE limit is reached.

2.Test Procedure
Software provided by client enabled the EUT to transmit and receive data at lowest, middle
and highest channel individually.
The temperature and related humidity: 23 ℃ and 42 % R.H.

                                 RF Exposure Report              Issue Date :           September 27, 2019

                                                                          HaAinc Korea Company
                                                                                 Wireless charger
                                                                      FCC ID : 2AULFGSWD-SW01

3.Test Result of RF Exposure Evaluation

3.1 RF Exposure Evaluation.
 - Mode : LE
 : RF Specification of EUT
      Operating mode                       Frequency               RF Output Power (dBm)

        LE (GFSK)                        2402 ~ 2480 MHz                       2.4

    1) Maximum RF Power = 2.4 dBm= 1.74 mW

    2) 1.74/(4*3.14*400) = 0.000346

    3) Result of Evaluation
                                                                       Power Density at R =
    Frequency Band (MHz)              Maximum RF Power (mW)                               2
                                                                         20 cm (mW/ cm )

        2402 ~ 2480                           1.74                           0.000346

    4) Test Result : Pass

                                RF Exposure Report            Issue Date :              September 27, 2019

                                                                                  HaAinc Korea Company
                                                                                         Wireless charger
                                                                              FCC ID : 2AULFGSWD-SW01

- Mode : WPT
  : RF Specification of EUT
      Operating mode                       Frequency                         RF Output Power (W)

             WPT                      117.82 ~ 146.62 kHz                            10 W

 1) Power transfer frequency is less than 1MHz

                     Frequency                                Limit                     Result
                   117.82 ~ 146.62                           < 1MHz                      Pass

 2) Output power from each primary coil is less than or equal to 15 watts.

                   RF Output power                            Limit                     Result
                        10 W                                 ≤ 15 W                      Pass

 (3) The transfer system includes only single primary and secondary coils. This includes charging
     systems that may have multiple primary coils and clients that are able to detect and allow
     coupling only between individual pairs of coils.

     - This EUT use only single primary coils. (the number of coils has two.)
     - Pass

 (4) Client device is placed directly in contact with the transmitter.

     - This EUT is a power charger that operates only in direct contact with the client device.
     - Pass

 (5) Mobile exposure conditions only (portable exposure conditions are not covered by this

     - N/A

                                  RF Exposure Report                  Issue Date :          September 27, 2019

                                                                          HaAinc Korea Company
                                                                                 Wireless charger
                                                                      FCC ID : 2AULFGSWD-SW01

(6) The aggregate H-field strengths at 15 cm surrounding the device and 20 cm above the top
    surface from all simultaneous transmitting coils are demonstrated to be less than 50% of the
    MPE limit.

   6-1) Test Limit

   6-2) Description of Test Setup

                               RF Exposure Report             Issue Date :         September 27, 2019

                                                                                  HaAinc Korea Company
                                                                                         Wireless charger
                                                                              FCC ID : 2AULFGSWD-SW01

      6-4) Test result : Pass

      E-Field Strength at 15 cm surrounding the EUT and 15cm above the surface of the EUT
                         Test        Test      Test       Test       Test               Test
          Frequency                                                                              50%
Bettery                Position   Position   Position   Position   Position          Position            Limit
            Range                                                                               Limit                Result
Power                   (Top)     (Bottom)    (Left)    (Right)    (Front)            (Rear)             (V/m)
            (kHz)                                                                               (V/m)
                        (V/m)       (V/m)     (V/m)      (V/m)      (V/m)              (V/m)

          117.82 ~
 1%                      9.16      3.67       3.12       3.11       15.26             9.33      307       614        Pass

          117.82 ~
50 %                     9.37      3.71       3.23       3.25       15.77             9.48      307       614        Pass

          117.82 ~
99 %                     9.51      3.89       3.28       3.29       15.98             9.64      307       614        Pass

Stand-    117.82 ~
                         9.14      3.52       3.19       3.12       15.13             9.27      307       614        Pass
  by       146.62

           H-Field Strength at 15 cm surrounding the EUT and 15cm above the surface of the EUT
                         Test        Test      Test       Test       Test               Test
          Frequency                                                                              50%
Bettery                Position   Position   Position   Position   Position          Position            Limit
            Range                                                                               Limit                Result
Power                   (Top)     (Bottom)    (Left)    (Right)    (Front)            (Rear)             (A/m)
            (kHz)                                                                               (A/m)
                        (A/m)       (A/m)     (V/m)      (V/m)      (V/m)              (V/m)

          117.82 ~
 1%                      0.527     0.352      0.272      0.311      0.397             0.664     0.815     1.63       Pass

          117.82 ~
50 %                     0.613     0.384      0.275      0.332      0.415             0.725     0.815     1.63       Pass

          117.82 ~
99 %                     0.625     0.401      0.283      0.347      0.442             0.756     0.815     1.63       Pass

Stand-    117.82 ~
                         0.511     0.349      0.270      0.316      0.389             0.657     0.815     1.63       Pass
  by       146.62

3.2 Total test result.

 - Pass

Note : The power density Pd (4th column) at a distance of 20 cm calculated from the Friis
transmission formula is far below the limit of 1 mW/ cm2 .

                                   RF Exposure Report                 Issue Date :              September 27, 2019

Document Created: 2019-11-05 15:43:14
Document Modified: 2019-11-05 15:43:14

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