SAR Dipole Performance Measurement Report


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                                  Dipole Performance Measurement

                EUT Type:                            SAR Validation Dipole and Waveguide
                                                     DIP 0G750—331, DIP 0G835—332, DIP 1G800—329,
                Model Name:                          DIP 1G900—333, DIP 2G450—335, DIP 2G600—336,
                Brand Name:                          SATIMO

                Test Conclusion:                     Pass

                Test Date:                           14 Aug. 2019~15 Aug. 2019

                Date of Issue:                       17 Aug. 2019

                                                                   A      3
                  Testing Engineer                                [4{are TGu
                                                                    {Aaron Bu)

                  Technical Manager

                  Authorized Signatory :                         Jrfteti
                                                                      (Vita Li)

Any reproduction of this document must be done in full. No single part of this document may be reproduced without
permission from STS, All Test Data Presented in this report is only applicable to presented Test sample.

Shenzhen STS Test Services Co., Ltd.
1/F., Building B, Zhuoke Science Park, No.190,Chongging Road,
Fuyong Street, Bac‘an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
TEL: +86—755 3688 6288   FAX: +86—755 3688 6277     E—

                                                    ISSUED BY
                                                    Shenzhen STS Test Services Co., Ltd.

1. Equipment List
  Kind of Equipment      Manufacturer    Type No.        Serial No.     Last Calibration   Calibrated Until

          PC                Acer           N/A              N/A               N/A                N/A

    E-Field Probe           MVG           SSE5         SN 14/16 EP309     2018.12.13         2019.12.12
                                                          SN 32/14
  Dielectric Probe Kit      MVG          SCLMP                            2018.12.01         2019.11.30
                                                          SN 32/14
      Phantom1              MVG            SAM                                N/A                N/A
                                                          SN 32/14
      Phantom2              MVG            SAM                                N/A                N/A
      Attenuator           Agilent        99899          DC-18GHz             N/A                N/A

  Directional coupler       Narda        4226-20            3305              N/A                N/A

  Network Analyzer         Agilent       8753ES         US38432810        2019.03.02         2020.03.01
                                        Multi Meter
      Multi Meter          Keithley                       4050073         2018.10.13         2019.10.12
   Signal Generator        Agilent       N5182A         MY50140530        2018.10.16         2019.10.15

   Power Amplifier         DESAY        ZHL-42W             9638          2018.10.13         2019.10.12

     Power Meter            R&S            NRP            100510          2018.10.26         2019.10.25

    Power Sensor            R&S         NRP-Z11           101919          2018.10.13         2019.10.12

    Power Sensor           Agilent       E9301A         MY41497725        2018.10.13         2019.10.12

 hygrothermograph           MiEO          HH660             N/A           2018.10.15         2019.10.14

                                            ISSUED BY
                                            Shenzhen STS Test Services Co., Ltd.

 2.<Justification of the extended calibration>
 Referring to KDB 865664 D01, if dipoles are verified in return loss<-20dB, (within 20% of
 prior calibration),and in impedance (within 5 ohm of prior calibration), the annual calibration
 is not necessary and the calibration interval can be extended.

                                         Head 750 MHz

      Date of           Return Loss
                                            Delta (%)         Impedance            Delta(ohm)
  Measurement                 (dB)

    2017.08.15               -25.42             -                 55.1                 -

    2018.08.15               -23.45           -7.75              55.84                0.74

    2019.8.14                -23.25           -0.85              56.98                1.14

 The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of
 prior calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

<Dipole Verification Data>

Head 750 MHz

                                           ISSUED BY
                                           Shenzhen STS Test Services Co., Ltd.

                                        Body 750 MHz

      Date of           Return Loss
                                           Delta (%)         Impedance            Delta(ohm)
  Measurement                 (dB)

    2017.08.15               -27.21            -                51.3                  -

    2018.08.15               -26.44          -2.82              51.50                0.20

    2019.08.14               -26.17          -1.02              52.89                1.39

The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of
prior calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

<Dipole Verification Data>

Body 750 MHz

                                           ISSUED BY
                                           Shenzhen STS Test Services Co., Ltd.

                                        Head 835 MHz

      Date of           Return Loss
                                          Delta (%)          Impedance            Delta(ohm)
  Measurement                 (dB)

    2017.08.15               -28.11           -                 51.6                  -

    2018.08.15               -27.05         -3.77              54.69                 3.09

    2019.08.14               -26.41         -2.37              52.62                -2.07

 The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of
 prior calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

<Dipole Verification Data>

Head 835MHz

                                           ISSUED BY
                                           Shenzhen STS Test Services Co., Ltd.

                                        Body 835 MHz

      Date of           Return Loss
                                           Delta (%)         Impedance            Delta(ohm)
  Measurement                 (dB)

    2017.08.15               -23.87            -                49.0                  -

    2018.08.15               -22.21          -6.95              52.59                3.59

    2019.08.14               -24.25          9.19               52.65                0.06

The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of
prior calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

<Dipole Verification Data>

Body 835MHz

                                           ISSUED BY
                                           Shenzhen STS Test Services Co., Ltd.

                                       Head 1800 MHz

      Date of           Return Loss
                                          Delta (%)          Impedance            Delta(ohm)
  Measurement                 (dB)

    2017.08.15               -29.51           -                 46.7                  -

    2018.08.16               -25.32         -14.2              45.24                -1.46

    2019.08.15               -26.39          4.23              44.94                -0.30

 The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of
 prior calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

<Dipole Verification Data>

Head 1800 MHz

                                           ISSUED BY
                                           Shenzhen STS Test Services Co., Ltd.

                                        Body 1800 MHz

      Date of           Return Loss
                                           Delta (%)         Impedance            Delta(ohm)
  Measurement                 (dB)

    2017.08.15               -24.59            -                48.8                  -

    2018.08.16               -24.95          1.46               45.42               -3.38

    2019.08.15               -26.77          7.29               46.31                0.79
The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of
prior calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

<Dipole Verification Data>

Body 1800 MHz

                                           ISSUED BY
                                           Shenzhen STS Test Services Co., Ltd.

                                       Head 1900 MHz

      Date of           Return Loss
                                          Delta (%)          Impedance            Delta(ohm)
  Measurement                 (dB)

    2017.08.15               -23.68           -                 51.2                  -

    2018.08.16               -25.00          5.57              47.12                -4.08

    2019.08.15               -23.79         -4.84              48.62                 1.50

 The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of
 prior calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

<Dipole Verification Data>

Head 1900 MHz

                                           ISSUED BY
                                           Shenzhen STS Test Services Co., Ltd.

                                        Body 1900 MHz

      Date of           Return Loss
                                           Delta (%)         Impedance            Delta(ohm)
  Measurement                 (dB)

    2017.08.15               -20.22            -                48.8                  -

    2018.08.16               -23.26          15.03              47.11               -1.79

    2019.08.15               -24.15          3.83               48.71                1.60
The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of
prior calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

<Dipole Verification Data>

Body 1900 MHz

                                           ISSUED BY
                                           Shenzhen STS Test Services Co., Ltd.

                                       Head 2450 MHz

      Date of           Return Loss
                                          Delta (%)          Impedance            Delta(ohm)
  Measurement                 (dB)

    2017.08.15               -26.00           -                 46.1                  -

    2018.08.16               -29.56         13.69              47.53                 1.43

    2019.08.15               -28.39         -3.96              48.46                 0.93

 The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of
 prior calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

<Dipole Verification Data>

Head 2450 MHz

                                           ISSUED BY
                                           Shenzhen STS Test Services Co., Ltd.

                                       Head 2600 MHz

      Date of           Return Loss
                                          Delta (%)          Impedance            Delta(ohm)
  Measurement                 (dB)

    2017.08.15               -34.35           -                 50.2                  -

    2018.08.16               -31.25         -9.02              53.76                 3.56

    2019.08.15               -31.54          0.93              53.82                 0.06

 The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of
 prior calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

<Dipole Verification Data>

Head 2600 MHz

                                           ISSUED BY
                                           Shenzhen STS Test Services Co., Ltd.

                                        Body 2600 MHz

      Date of           Return Loss
                                           Delta (%)         Impedance            Delta(ohm)
  Measurement                 (dB)

    2017.08.15               -24.18            -                45.7                  -

    2018.08.16               -23.36          -7.52              46.79                1.09

    2019.08.15               -23.02          -1.46              44.37               -2.42
The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of
prior calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

<Dipole Verification Data>

Body 2600 MHz

                                             ISSUED BY
                                             Shenzhen STS Test Services Co., Ltd.

                                         Head 5000 MHz

      Date of           Return Loss
                                            Delta (%)          Impedance            Delta(ohm)
  Measurement                 (dB)

    2017.08.15               < -8.24             -                  -                   -

    2018.08.16               -10.25             -                   -                   -

    2019.08.15               -15.77
The return loss is <-8dB, within 20% of prior calibration; Therefore the verification result
should support extended calibration.

<Dipole Verification Data>

Head 5000MHz

Document Created: 2019-08-28 19:36:11
Document Modified: 2019-08-28 19:36:11

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