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                   P25/27 SERIES INSTALLATION GUIDE

                                  P25/27 SERIES
                                                                                                                 INSTALLATION GUIDE

 1.        Signal Booster Improves Cellular Signals................................................................................................................. 2
 2.        Signal Booster Package ................................................................................................................................................... 4
      1)       KITS list and function ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
      2)       Signal Booster Datasheet ........................................................................................................................................... 5
 3.        Installation .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
      1)       Donor Antenna Installation........................................................................................................................................... 7
      2)            Donor Antenna Installation Figure ....................................................................................................................... 8
      3)       Signal Booster Oscillation Avoidance........................................................................................................................ 9
      4)       Installing Lightning Protection ................................................................................................................................... 10
      5)       Running Outside Antenna Cable .............................................................................................................................. 10
      6)       Installing the Inside Panel Antenna(s) ..................................................................................................................... 11
      7)       Installing the Signal Booster ....................................................................................................................................... 11
      8)       Check the System Connection Correctly ................................................................................................................ 12
 4.        Post Install Setup .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
      1)       Install APP ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
      2)       APP Interface Guide ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
      3)       Use APP to set and adjust signal booster .............................................................................................................. 16

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1. Signal Booster Improves Cellular Signals

In our real life, we practice to install signal booster to eliminate the problems that UE can’t receive signal from

cell tower as construction material or other blocks.

As figure show: we install one donor antenna at a location outside of the home or building where the strongest

cell signal is present. The donor antenna receives and sends that weak signal via coax cable to a signal

booster located indoors. That weak signal is amplified by the booster and delivered via coax cable to an

inside antenna which rebroadcasts the amplified signal within one or several areas where UE get improved

signal. Signals from indoor cell devices are likewise picked up by the inside antennas, amplified by the signal

booster and transmitted back to the cell tower via the outside antenna.

In fact, signal booster establishes the communication between UE and cell tower by amplify, relay weak signal

which blocked in construct from UE and cell tower

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FCC Statement
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s

authority to operate the equipment.

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and

(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled

environment .This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance

20cm between the radiator& your body.

ISED RSS Warning/ISED RF Exposure Statement

ISED RSS Warning:

This device complies with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada licence-exempt RSS

standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2)

this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'ISED applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.

L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:

(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et

(2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est

susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.

ISED RF exposure statement:

This equipment complies with ISED radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This

equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator& your body.This

transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Le

rayonnement de la classe b repecte ISED fixaient un environnement non contrôlés.Installation et mise en œuvre de ce

matériel devrait avec échangeur distance minimale entre 20 cm ton corps.Lanceurs ou ne peuvent pas coexister cette

antenne ou capteurs avec d’autres.

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2. Signal Booster Package
  1) KITS list and function
         Picture          Description                                Function

                                                 Be installed in outside, receive signal from cell
                     Donor antenna

                     Coax cable
                                                 Connect booster with antenna or splitter,
                                                 combiner and allow them to transmit with low

                                                 Amplify the uplink and downlink signal from UE
                     Signal booster
                                                 and cell tower

                                                 Mounted in ceiling or wall. better lie in center of
                     Panel sever antenna
                                                 room or area

                                                 The protector is installed outside the building at
                     Lightning surge             the point of entry connected to a suitable ground
                     protector                   and in line between the outside antenna and the
                                                 signal booster


                                                 Power supply for signal booster
                     Power cable, USA

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ꙬWarning: Any product modifications that use unauthorized antennas, cables, and/or coupling devices
are prohibited by the FCC. Contact FCC for details: 1-888-CALL-FCC. Changes or modifications not
expressly approved by Berk-Tel could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Use only the power supply provided in the package. Use of a no Berk-Tel electronics products may
damage your equipment.

    2)Signal Booster Datasheet


                                        Band 4:     DL: 2110-2155 MHz           UL: 1710-1755MHz

                                        Band 5:     DL: 869-894 MHz             UL: 824-849MHz

       Frequency Range                  Band 12: DL: 728-746 MHz                UL: 698-716MHz

                                        Band 13: DL: 746-757 MHz                UL: 776-787MHz

                                        Band 25: DL: 1930-1995 MHz              UL: 1850-1915MHz

                                        P-27     DL ≧80dB                       UL ≧ 75dB

       Max. Gain                        P-25     DL ≧69dB                       UL ≧ 67dB

                                        P-27     DL ≧27dBm                      UL ≧ 20dBm

       Composite output power           P-25     DL 24±1.5dBm                   UL ≧ 21.5±1.5dBm

       Pass band BW                     Full band

                                        30dB range, digitally controlled in 1dB steps,
       Manual Gain Control
                                        per link, per band

       Automatic Level Control          ≧ 20dB

       Gain Flatness                    ≦ 10dB(P-P)

       Noise Figure                     5dB nominal

       VSWR at operating frequencies    ≤2:1 Typical

       Antenna isolation                Max Gain + 15dB

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Maximum input power, no damage         -20dBm (DL) -0dBm (UL)

Group Delay                            ≦ 1μs

Intermodulation & Unwanted emission Error Vector Magnitude: Compliance 3GPP TS 25.143 Rel.10 &
3GPP TS 36 143 Rel.10 & FCC Part 15,20,22,24,27

AC Supply                              110/220 VAC, 50/60 Hz

Power Consumption                      24W
MTBF                                   100000 hours
Monitoring                             Standard

Local management and supervising       Local access via USB or Bluetooth (Mobile APP)

Remote management and supervising      Remote access via Wireless WIFI as optional

                                       Yes, amplifiers status, isolation status, temperature, AGC, RF
                                       overload etc.

Mechanical                             Standard

I /O Port                              N-Female

Housing                                IP30 / NEMA1

RF Connector/ Impedance:               N-female / (Nominal)50Ω
                                       P-27:320*230*53mm (12.6x9x2.1 Inches)
Dimensions (L x W x H):                P-25:260*230*53mm (10.2x9x2.1 Inches)
                                       P-27:4.6kg (10.1lbs.) booster only
Weight                                 P-25:3.8kg (8.3lbs.) booster only

Cooling                                 Natural convection

Operating Temperature                  -13ºto 131ºF or -25ºto +55ºC

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                  Front view                                            Side view

RF safety warning: any antenna used with this device must be located at least 8 inches from all persons.
Device cannot support home/personal use .

ꙬWARNING. This is NOT a consumer device. It is designed for installation by FCC
consent of an FCC license to operate this device. Unauthorized use may result in
significant forfeiture penalties, including in excess of $100,000 for each continuing

3. Installation

    1) Donor Antenna Installation

The main function of signal booster to amplify the weak signal from cell tower, “signal amplify” is multiplication
algorithm: “input power x gain=output power” the gain rate is default before factory setting .so the stronger
outside signal strength, the greater output power (good output power ensues better inside coverage area)
The outside air signal strength by donor antenna affect inside coverage area remarkably, different location,
floor, antenna mounted direction will influence the strength of outside signal by donor antenna

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           ⚫ Proper aiming of the outside antenna towards the source of the cell signal is very
             important. Generally, outside the building signal is good, so outside antenna be mounted
             at veranda or open view area, facing toward cell tower
           ⚫ Cell tower height is at the height of 6-10 floor mostly .so under 10 floor building, try to find
             open view area to mount outside antenna. Above 10 floor, try to find veranda or platform
             to mount the outside antenna.
           ⚫ Outside antenna location.
             The cell phone show full bar. If possible, use engineering
              cell phone 。To test and choose the strongest signal point
           ⚫ constant 3 times successful dial and High-quality phone
              talking, at the same time have fast data. Finally chose
             great place to install outside antenna
       ⚫     The outside antenna direction should be facing toward cell tower

2) Donor Antenna Installation Figure

           ⚫ Install the antenna according to the diagram on the right.
           ⚫ Connect coaxial cable

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3) Signal Booster Oscillation Avoidance
  Signal booster is two-way (full duplexer) donor antenna and sever antenna should be
  adequate isolation to prevent any feedback “oscillations”. We take MIC and speaker for example to
  clear understanding, when we put MIC near speaker, the speaker produces sharp scream. In order to
  ensure signal booster work normally, the isolation between donor antenna and sever antenna is
  bigger 10-15dB than signal booster gain. Suppose signal booster gain is 70dB, then the isolation
  between donor antenna and sever antenna is 80-85dB.

     As figure show: signal booster amplify the signal “R” from cell tower, if inadequate isolation
        between donor antenna and sever antenna, the amplified signal “R” will broadcast back to
        donor antenna by sever antenna, and then the signal booster will amplify the “R” again , “R”
        flow back to donor antenna through sever antenna, be amplified again. After several circle,
        signal ‘R” will be stronger and stronger gradually up to signal booster limits and start
        oscillation. In inadequate isolation coverage area, the signa wave obviously, bad signal
        quality at the border of coverage area, easy drop words and break off
           When Wisdom signal booster detect oscillation, the system will attenuate internal gain to
       remove oscillation. but low gain will affect coverage area.
                we can take some simple ways to get “safe separation distance “
           a)     Vertical distance: the donor antenna and sever antenna are two floors apart from
                  each other (for example: the coverage area is in floor1 and floor2, we should mount the
                  donor antenna at over 4 floors. If there are no floor, you can calculate at one floor of 4

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                     meter, try to raise the height of donor antenna.
               b)    Horizontally distance: the distance between donor antenna and sever antenna keep
                     over 20-30 meters, better separated by wall
               c)    Horizontally and vertical combination: presume above two ways fail, combine them.
               d)    Note: donor antenna and sever antenna unable line -of-sight for each other (on other
                     words, no matter where sever antenna can’t see donor antenna directly)

  ꙬWarning: In order to void Oscillation, Donor antenna must keep reasonable distance with Service
                    antenna, not point the front of the outside antenna toward the service antenna.

4) Installing Lightning Protection
   Install the Lightning Surge Protector (LSP) outside, in line with the coax cable from the outside
   antenna, near where the coax cable from the outside antenna will enter the building. Connect the
   Outside antenna cable to one of the connectors of the surge protector. Connect the other connector
   on the LSP to the cable entering the building. Ensure the LSP is properly grounded as close to the
   LSP as possible (ground wire not included).

  ꙬWarning: We strongly recommend all installer to fit Lightning Surge Protector in site. Neither you
  nor the antenna are far away any electric power lines.

5) Running Outside Antenna Cable
   If you are mounting the outside antenna to the outside wall of your home or building, the simplest
   way is to run the cable on the outside of the wall and attach it to the exterior of your home or office.
   Then drill a hole through the wall where you want the cable to appear on the inside of the building.
   Before drilling, make sure that there are no electrical outlets, sewer or water pipes, or electrical wiring
   in the wall that you are about to drill through as this could potentially harm you or damage the
   Note: Existing TV cables already being used for another purpose cannot be shared with the cell
   booster installation. After drilling the required hole, run the cable through and seal it with cable
   bushings or a silicone-type sealant to enclose the hole that you have created. In some instances, it
   may be possible to run the cable up into the fascia of the attic overhang. In this circumstance, the
   cable will be accessible in the attic for further routing.

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6) Installing the Inside Panel Antenna(s)
   Panel antenna has certain directivity, if it is mounted in wall, preferably in the center of where the
   signal needs to be amplified.
   If sever antenna is put in ceiling, it can be only put in where in the center of coverage area. but the
   signal strength will be little weak and coverage area will be smaller.
   Sever antenna can’t “see” the location where panel antenna be mounted and have enough safety
   isolation distance.

   ꙬWarning: Try to keep at least 8 feet distance from all active users

   ➢ Splitter and combiner
   The barriers such as wall will affect the signal transmission remarkably in indoor coverage area. We
   can separate multiple sever antenna by using a splitter or combiner to run around some barriers
   such as wall and cover the aimed area. For example, the sever antenna can’t be mounted in
   adequate height as terrain limits, which will affect coverage greatly, we can also plant multiple sever
   antenna to improve coverage area

7) Installing the Signal Booster
   Select a location for the signal booster which is away from excessive heat, direct sunlight, moisture
   and is not subject to high temperatures. Do not place the signal booster in an air-tight enclosure.
   Recommended installation locations for in-building signal boosters are in a closet or on a shelf where
   power is available. Attic installations may expose the booster to high heat.

   Note: Do not install in areas subject to temperatures in excess of 150 °F.
   Note: Maintain at least 6 inches of clearance from surrounding objects. Be careful when
   plugging the connector in so as not to damage the center pins on the connectors. Run the
   outside antenna cable to the signal booster and attach it to the connector labeled “BS” on the
   signal booster. Run the inside antenna cable to the signal booster and attach it to the connector
   labeled “MS” on the signal booster.
   ꙬWarning: Ensure donor antenna and service antenna are all connected with signal booster before
                  you power on booster

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    ➢ Drill four holes on the wall using the position of you choose, fix expansion bolt in the holes
    ➢ Install booster on expansion bolt by screw
    ➢ Connect power cable to booster power port
    ➢ Fix booster tightly, and check out the booster working indicator lamp

8) Check the System Connection Correctly

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4. Post Install Setup
   After signal booster installation finish, we will set signal booster according to scene environment to
   ensure system work normally.
   Wisdom APP can help you to make setting and adjustment effectively after you install the APP in your
   smart phone.

1) Install APP
   a) Scan attached QR code and obtain download link.

   b) Download APP and install in mobile phone. During installation, system will show open Bluetooth,
       please confirm to open.

   c) Finish installation, click “linkSignal” and operate.

   d) Operate APP, system will search close booster and show the name.

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2) APP Interface Guide

   a) Click the name of booster and enter the interface.

   b) Click “more detail” to know every sub-band performance

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         i.   Band Enable can switch off or switch on the frequency
        ii.   Click MGC will get “set” interface, to set up the gain of uplink or downlink.

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3) Use APP to set and adjust signal booster

   Note: Please refer to page 8 “Signal Booster Oscillation Avoidance”.

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Notice: When this device operating in the 1710-1755MHz band, the maximum
antenna should be fixed height of 10 meters above ground.
the maximum antenna gain should less than 9 dBi.
Don't use the unauthorized antennas ,cables.

Document Created: 2019-08-13 13:31:44
Document Modified: 2019-08-13 13:31:44

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