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SRP18 Touch Control Ring Lamp

                         SRP18 Touch Control Ring Lamp
SRP18 Touch Control Ring Lamp-

5.Power Supply    6.Modes

  by DC adapter    Color Temperature

                                                           NEEWER                        NEEWER

                    Plug in the light and press   Press the Mode Switch/         Press the UP "@®" or Down
                    the Power Switch/Bluetooth    Channel button "@" until       "@" button to adjust the color
                    button "(" to turn it on.     the color temperature icon     temperature from 3200k to 5600k.
                                                  "@®" appears on the display.


                            NEeeweR                        NeewerRr

                           o[__]o                        0| 5,)0
                             e     o |

                    Plug in the light and press   Press the Mode Switch/         Press the UP "®" or Down
                    the Power Switch/Bluetooth    Channel button "©" until       "@" button to adjust the
                    button "C©" to turn it on.    the brightness icon "x"        brightness level from 0% to
                                                  appears on the display.        100%.

                                                                                                  7.Quick—start Guidance

Channel                                                                                                                                Please scan the QR code on the left to download and install
                                                                                                                                       the NEEWERApp on your smart phone with Android or 105

          NEEWER                                                             NEEWER

          o[__]e                                                          0\5 |e

      _   ©      ©       |

 Plug in the light and press     Press the Mode Switch/           Press the UP "@" or Down                      C————G3
 the Power Switch/Bluetooth      Channel button "@" for two       "@" button to switch the                      C————G3
 button "(}" to turn it on.      seconds until a one—digit        channel from 0 to 8.                          C—3 C—I

                                 number appears on the

Bluetooth                                                                                          0         __O                                  o
                                                                                                   Download and install the NEEWER                Press the Power Switch/Bluetooth
                                                                                                   App. Then register and/or log in.              button" () "to turn on the light and
                                                                                                                                                  activate the Bluetooth until the icon
                     NEeEweER                                    NeeweR                                                                           ">2 "starts flickering on the display.
                     6       0                                    ©      O                         O
                                                                                                   Clickthe "+" symbol on the app to                                      Li
                                                                                                   connectyour device. When the device                              (1)    7 ter4®
                                                                                                                                                                          O *#
          Plug in the light and press                   Then, press the Power Switch/              is cornected, the Bluetooth icon " "
          the Power Switch/Bluetooth                    Bluetooth button "(0" for three            will constantly light up, which suggests
          button "(0" to turn it on.                    seconds until the Bluetooth icon           that the ring light can be controlled on
                                                        "sg" starts flickering on the display.     the App.

A The channel and Bluetooth functions are available on the NEEWER App. You can enter the NEEWER     A If the Bluetooth connection fails, the Bluetooth icon will constantly blink to suggest the
  App to control the channel or Bluetooth of lights.                                                  need to recheck ifthe device is on.

8.Ring Light Control                                                                                    Demo: control multiple ring lights respectively
 Demo:control asingle ring light

                                                                                                          Set the channel of ring light     Set the channel of ring light   Setthe channel of ring light
                                                                                                          A as any number from 1 to 8       Bas any numberfrom 1 to 8       C as any number from 1 to 8
   Plug in the light and press          Press the Mode Switch/           Press the UP ("@") or DOWN       ({demo: "1"}.                     (demo: "2"}.                    (demo: "3").
   the Power Switch/Bluetooth           Channel button "®" for           ("@©") button to switch the
   button "(0" to turn it on.           two seconds until a one—         channel between 0 and 8 (the
                                        digit number and Bluetooth channel in the demo is "3").
                                        icon appear on the display.


                seses _/
                O 0 © 6

               @© @©

                                         :                            TCl                                                     BRR

                                                                  (V                                                                                   Click the channel number on the NEEWER
                      0           100
                                                                                                                                                       App (demo: "1") and slide the BRR and CCT
                                                                 sam . sew                                                m           ooo              disk to control the corresponding light
                                                                                                                              cer >                    respectively (Demo: the ring light with
                                                  Then, slide the BRR or CCT disk on the                                                               Channel "1") .
                                                  NEEWER App to control the brightness and                            ©       ®
                    sa00   _7    seoo             color temperature of the light respectively.                                O

              ©@®          en                                                                            To control multiple lights, please refer to the steps on P8 to add and connect the devices.

Demo: control multiple ring lights altogether                                                                       9.Delete or disconnect a device

                                                                                                                     Disconnect a device


         0| P )e                                                                                                                                         NEEWER=SN Lteick
                                                                                                                                                                               Are you sure to disconnect
                                                                                                                                                                               the device?
 Set the channel of A ring light     Set the channel of B ring light    Set the channel of C ring light                                                                     @L       Cancel   |   OK        J
 as any number from 1 to 8           as any number from 1 to 8          as any number from 1 to 8
                                                                                                                              nmneewer                                           |
 (demo: "2"}.                        (demo: "5").                       (demo: "6"}.
                                                                                                                       Enter the "NEEWER" App.       Press the light icon for one
                                                                                                                                                     second until the confirmation
                                                                                                                                                     window pops up. Click the "OK"
                                                                                                                                                     button to disconnect the device.
                                                                                                                     Delete a device
                                                    0) 6) 63 64 63
                                                                                                                               Product Description       wJ                               Tips
                                                                                                                                                                               Are you sure to delete the

                                                                                                                               Remove Equipment                                selected item?

                                                 Click the "@@" button (to choose all channels)
                                                                                                                            (@ Change Password                                       Cancel   |
                                                 and slide the BRR or CCT disk to control all ring
                                                                                                                                                          aas es
                                                                                                                       Enter the "Personal Center"   Select the device to be deleted
                                                                                                                       and click "Delete Device".    and click "Delete".

                                                                                                          11   12

10.Install the ring light                                                         11.Install the converter base


    C) Light Fixing Knob                Mount the converter base onto                 C Fixing Knob                        Insertthe @ FixingKnobinto
    €) Stand Fixing Knob                the stand, then rotatethe @                   €) Angle Adjustment Knob             the socket on your camera, then
                                        Stand Fixing Knob clockwise                                                        rotate it clockwise until your
                                                                                      © Base Fixing Knob
                                        untilit‘s locked.                                                                  camera is secured on the base.

    Rotate (@M LightFixing Knob         Finally, rotatethe @ Light                    Rotatethe @) AngleAdjustment         Mount the converter base onto
    until the light body is loosened,   Fixing Knob clockwise until                   Knob clockwise until the camera is   the hot shoe on the light, and
    then the light can be adjusted to   the light is fixed.                           completely locked in.                rotatethe ) BaseFixing Knob
    fit different angles.                                                                                                  clockwise until it‘s locked.

                                                                        13   14

12.Install the phone holder                                                        13.Connect with the bluetooth remote control


    C Fixing Knob                   Insertthe @ FixingKnobinto                                                                                                             O
    C Angle Adjustment Knob         the socket ofthe phone holder,                     Turn on the bluetooth remote                                      Turn on the bluetooth on your
                                    then rotate it clockwise until the
    ©) Base Fixing Knob                                                                control.                                                          phone.
                                    phone holderis secured on the


    Mount the converter base onto   Finally, rotatethe ) Base
                                                                                       Then find a bluetooth device                                      Finally, enter the camera app
    the hotshoe on the light, and   Fixing Knob clockwise until it‘s
                                                                                       called "AB SuttR3" and                                            on your phone to take pictures.
    rotatethe ) BaseFixing Knob     locked and put your cell phone
                                                                                       connectitto your cell phone.
    clockwise until it‘s locked.    onto the holder.
                                                                                           A8 If the indicator on the remote doesn‘t light up, please check if the battery cover is loose
                                                                                                                           or batteries need to be replaced.

                                                                         15   16

Document Created: 2019-07-09 18:56:30
Document Modified: 2019-07-09 18:56:30

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