Test Report Rev C.


Test Report

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                    FCC/ISED Test Report
Client:                          Ainstein AI Inc.

EUT:                             2029 Becker Drive
                                 Bioscience & Technology Business Center,
                                 Lawrence, KS 66047 USA

Product:                         UAC Radar Altimeter US-D1

Test Report No.:                 R20190604-21C

Approved By:

                                 Nic S. Johnson, NCE
                                 Technical Manager
                                 iNARTE Certified EMC Engineer #EMC-003337-NE

Date:                            25 October 2019

Total Pages:                     23

The Nebraska Center for Excellence in Electronics (NCEE) authorizes the above named company to
reproduce this report provided it is reproduced in its entirety for use by the company’s employees
only. Any use that a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions made based on it,
are the responsibility of such third parties. NCEE accepts no responsibility for damages, if any,
suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on this report.
This report applies only to the items tested.

0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                                    Rev          C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

                                                  Revision Page
       Rev. No.                        Date                                Description
       Original                     9/16/2019           Approved by – Njohnson
                                                        Prepared by KVepuri/CFarrington
       A                            10/9/2019           Corrected duty cycle calculation
                                                        Added additional band edge measurements

                                                        Includes NCEE Labs test report R20190604-21
                                                        and its amendment in full. -NJ
       B                           10/23/2019           Corrected duty cycle correction factor on pages 12
                                                        – 14. Added note to Section 3.2.1 to explain what
                                                        limits were used and how they were converted to

                                                        Includes NCEE Labs test report R20190604-21A
                                                        and its amendment in full. -NJ
       C                           10/25/2019           Removed all occupied bandwidth plots except for
                                                        the one that was the largest.

                                                        Includes NCEE Labs test report R20190604-21B
                                                        and its amendment in full. -NJ

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                                                           Rev              C

                     Prepared for: Ainstein AI

                                                Table of Contents
    1   Summary of Test Results ..................................................................................................... 3
      1.1   Emissions Test Results ................................................................................................. 3
    2 EUT Description ................................................................................................................... 4
      2.1   Equipment under Test (EUT) ......................................................................................... 4
      2.2   Laboratory Description .................................................................................................. 4
      2.3   EUT Setup..................................................................................................................... 4
    3 Test Results ......................................................................................................................... 5
      3.1   Radiated Emissions, Fundamental & Harmonics ........................................................... 5
      3.2   Bandedges and Occupied Bandwidth ...........................................................................15
    Annex A - Sample Calculation ....................................................................................................20
    Annex B – Measurement Uncertainty .........................................................................................22
    REPORT END ............................................................................................................................23

    1 Summary of Test Results
         1.1 Emissions Test Results
    The EUT has been tested according to the following specifications:

         (1) US Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, Part 15

    Testing was performance in accordance with the methods published in ANSI C63.10-2013

                                                  Table 1 - Emissions Test Results
                      Emissions Tests                         Test Method and Limits                          Result
                  Fundamental, Harmonic,                         FCC Part 15.249                          Complies
                  frequency tolerance and
                  Band Edges

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                         Rev            C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

    2 EUT Description
        2.1 Equipment under Test (EUT)
                                            Table 2 - Equipment under Test (EUT)
             EUT                      UAC Radar Altimeter US-D1
             EUT Received             8/6/2019
             EUT Tested               8/6/2019 - 8/21/2019
                                      LAG2019070310 (Rx mode/sweep mode)
                                      LAG2019070333 & LAG2019070306 (Low channel)
             Serial No.
                                      LAG2019070317 (Mid channel)
                                      LAG2019070343 (High channel)
             Operating Band           24 GHz - 24.25 GHz
             Device Type              Low-power transmitter

        2.2 Laboratory Description
    All testing was performed at the following Facility:

             The Nebraska Center for Excellence in Electronics (NCEE Labs)
             4740 Discovery Drive
             Lincoln, NE 68521

           A2LA Certificate Number:                     1953.01
           FCC Accredited Test Site Designation No: US1060
           Industry Canada Test Site Registration No: 4294A-1
           NCC CAB Identification No:                   US0177
    Environmental conditions varied slightly throughout the tests:
           Relative humidity of 32  4%
           Temperature of 22  3 Celsius

        2.3 EUT Setup
    The EUT was powered by 5 VDC (Anker Power bank; Power core 5000 MN: A1109
    SN: AACJQ90815118063 was used as source (This was provided by the manufacturer as a
    representative supply by connecting to a project board to simulate the drone battery)) unless
    specified and set to transmit continuously on the default frequency channel.

                                                   Channel               Frequency
                                                        Low                24.017
                                                        Mid                24.125
                                                        High               24.247

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 0                 Report Number: R20190604-21                                                                     Rev             C

                      Prepared for: Ainstein AI

      3 Test Results
          3.1 Radiated Emissions, Fundamental & Harmonics

      Test:                                  FCC Part 15.249

      Test Result:                           Complies                      Date: 8/6/2019 - 9/11/2019

               3.1.1          Test Description
      Emissions measurements were made using a 26 GHz spectrum analyzer with an external mixer
      and horn antenna. Measurements were taken at a distance of 1 meter. The analyzer was set to
      a resolution bandwidth of 10 MHz and a video bandwidth of 10 MHz for the fundamental
      measurement. The resolution bandwidth was set to 1 MHz and video bandwidth set to 1 MHz for
      the harmonic measurement. The results were compared against the limits published in FCC Part

               3.1.2          Test Results
      No radiated emissions measurements were found in excess of the limits. Test result data can be
      seen below.

               3.1.3          Test Environment
      Testing was performed at the NCEE Labs Lincoln facility. Laboratory environmental conditions
      varied slightly throughout the test:
              Relative humidity of 33 ± 5%
              Temperature of 22 ±2o C

               3.1.4          Test Setup
      For measurements from 24 – 100 GHz, RF absorber was not used. The antennas used we
      directional antennas and all measurements were performed line-of-sight. The measurements
      were performed at least 2 meters away from any other objects other than the non-conductive
      table and the test receiver. Reflections from the floor or any other surface were not a significant
      factor in the measurements. See Section 2.3 for further details.

               3.1.5          Test Equipment Used
  Serial No.         Manufacturer                Model                    Description             Last Cal.       Calibration due
A082918-1         SunAR RF Motion        JB1                      Bicon Antenna                   15 Oct 2018     15 Oct 2020
6415              EMCO-ETS               3115                     DRG Horn                        26 Jan 2018     26 Jan 2020
2576              ETS                    3116                     Horn Antenna                    31 Jan 2018     31 Jan 2020
100037            Rhode & Schwarz        ESI26*                   EMI Test Receiver               30 Jan 2018     30 Jan 2020
MY59050109        Keysight               N9038A                   MXE Signal Analyzer             23 Apr 2019     23 Apr 2021
8077              Pasternack             PE13U1002                Mixer                           28 Jan 2017     28 Jan 2022
32/2016           Pasternack             PE9881-24                Horn Antenna                    CNR***          CNR***
1823              Pasternack             SMW22AC001-24F           Mixer                           13 Aug 2018     13 Aug 2020
Ncee1             Pasternack             SH122-23                 Horn Antenna                    CNR***          CNR***
1618              Pasternack             PE-W15CA001              WR-19 to WR-28 adapter          28 Jan 2017     28 Jan 2022
     *Note: spectrum analyzer included a firmware upgrade and internal local oscillator output upgrade for measurements above 26.5
     GHz. Rohde and Schwarz F/W version 4.32.**Calibration Not Required, internal verification***Calibration not required, standard gain
     horn antenna. All mixers and pre-amplimers were calibrated with associated cables.

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                               Rev     C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

             3.1.6          Test Pictures and/or Figures

                         Figure 1 - Radiated Emissions Data Plot, 30M-1GHz, Receive mode

                 Table 3 - Radiated Emissions Quasi-Peak Data, 30MHz – 24 GHz, Receive mode
                   Frequency   Level  Limit                   Margin   Height   Angle   Polarity
                      MHz     dBµV/m dBµV/m                    dB       cm       deg
                   66.240000   23.00  40.00                   17.00     100      148     VERT
                   142.080000  15.77  43.50                   27.70     396      35      VERT

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                               Rev     C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

                          Figure 2 - Radiated Emissions Data Plot, 30M-1GHz, Low Channel

                  Table 4 - Radiated Emissions Quasi-Peak Data, 30MHz – 24 GHz, Low Channel
                   Frequency   Level  Limit                   Margin   Height   Angle   Polarity
                      MHz     dBµV/m dBµV/m                    dB       cm       deg
                   66.240000   28.83  40.00                   11.20     100      31      VERT
                   134.940000  23.80  43.50                   19.70     115      256     VERT
                   225.000000  23.79  46.00                   22.20     103      40      VERT
                   893.880000  32.01  46.00                   14.00     318      328     HORI

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                               Rev     C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

                          Figure 3 - Radiated Emissions Data Plot, 30M-1GHz, Mid Channel

                  Table 5 - Radiated Emissions Quasi-Peak Data, 30MHz – 24 GHz, Mid Channel
                   Frequency         Level  Limit             Margin   Height   Angle   Polarity
                      MHz           dBµV/m dBµV/m              dB       cm       deg
                   60.120000         28.14  40.00             11.90     100      173     VERT
                   66.180000         27.84  40.00             12.20     99        0      VERT

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                               Rev     C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

                         Figure 4 - Radiated Emissions Data Plot, 30M-1GHz, High Channel

                 Table 6 - Radiated Emissions Quasi-Peak Data, 30MHz – 24 GHz, High Channel
                   Frequency         Level  Limit             Margin   Height   Angle   Polarity
                      MHz           dBµV/m dBµV/m              dB       cm       deg
                   60.120000         27.14  40.00             12.90     98       182     VERT
                   66.240000         29.30  40.00             10.70     101      34      VERT

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                                  Rev        C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

                                  Table 7 - Fundamental and Harmonic Emissions Data

             Measurements made at 1m. Limits extrapolated to 1 meter using 20dB/dec
                                   Corrected    Corrected
                        corrected                             Fundamental Harmonic                      AVG
              Frequency             PK Field    AVG Field
     Channel             PK Field                                 Limit        Limit                   Margin
                  (ƒ)              Strength Strength Level
                        Strength                                 (AVG)        (AVG)
                                     Level      with DCCF
                 GHz    dBmV/m dBmV/m            dBmV/m         dBmV/m       dBmV/m                     dB
       Low      24.017   19.711      65.72        43.02          57.50           -                     13.83
       Mid      24.125   20.683      66.69        43.99          57.50           -                     12.86
      High      24.247   17.192      63.20          40.5         57.50           -                     16.35
       Low      48.025    -19.97     21.29         -1.41            -         17.50                    18.26
       Mid      48.250    -19.88     21.38         -1.32            -         17.50                    18.17
      High      48.494    -20.84     20.42         -2.28            -         17.50                    19.13
       Low      72.042    -19.54     31.52          8.82            -         17.50                    8.03
       Mid      72.375    -18.87     32.19          9.49            -         17.50                    7.36
      High      72.741    -19.21     31.85          9.15            -         17.50                    7.70

                                               corrected               Fundamental Harmonic    PK
                              Frequency                       PK Field
               Channel                          PK Field                  Limit      Limit    Margin
                                  (ƒ)                        Strength
                                               Strength                    (PK)      (PK)
                                 GHz           dBmV/m         dBmV/m    dBmV/m     dBmV/m       dB
                  Low           24.017          19.711         65.72     77.50        -        11.78
                  Mid           24.125          20.683         66.69     77.50        -        10.81
                  High          24.247          17.192         63.20     77.50        -        14.30
                  Low           48.025           -19.97        21.29       -        37.50      16.21
                  Mid           48.250           -19.88        21.38       -        37.50      16.12
                  High          48.494           -20.84        20.42       -        37.50      17.08
                  Low           72.042           -19.54        31.52       -        37.50      5.98
                  Mid           72.375           -18.87        32.19       -        37.50      5.31
                  High          72.741           -19.21        31.85       -        37.50      5.65

    All measurements were made with peak detector unless noted.

    *Measurement was in the system noise floor

    See following page for limit, duty cycle correction and correction factors

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                                    Rev           C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

    Duty cycle corrections:

    The transmitter 600 µs ON time and 8.2 ms period (see operation description, Section 3)
    duty cycle correction = -22.7 dB

    Limit calculations:

    Fundamental limit: 250 mV/m at 3 meters = 47.96 dBmV/m = 57.50 dBmV/m at 1 meter.

    Harmonic limit: 2.5 mV/m at 3 meters = 7.95 dBmV/m = 17.50 dBmV/m at 1 meter.

    Correction factors:

    48 GHz: (41.26 dB total)
    Mixer                                                    0.40 dB
    Antenna factor                                           40.86 dB/m (standard gain horn, gain = 23 dBi)

    72 GHz: (51.06 dB)
    Mixer                                                    7.0 dB
    WR-19 to WR-28 waveguide transition                      0.55 dB
    Antenna factor                                           43.51 dB/m (standard gain horn, gain = 24 dBi)

    Correction Field strength calculations

    Corrected PK Measurement = Un-corrected PK field strength (dBmV/m) + correction factors total

    Corrected AVG Measurement = Un-corrected PK field strength (dBmV/m) + correction factors
    total (dB) – Duty cycle correction (dB)

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                            Rev   C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

                           Figure 5 - Analyzer Measurement – Fundamental, Channel Low

                           Uncorrected measurement as recorded on spectrum analyzer

    Level Measurement: 19.711 dBmV/m + 46.01 dB corrections – 22.7 dB duty cycle correction =
    43.02 dBmV/m.

    Cable                                                    0.50 dB
    Antenna                                                  45.51 dB

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                             Rev   C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

                            Figure 6 - Analyzer Measurement – Fundamental, Channel Mid

                           Uncorrected measurement as recorded on spectrum analyzer

    Level Measurement: 20.683 dBmV/m + 46.01 dB corrections – 22.7 dB duty cycle correction =
    43.99 dBmV/m.

    Cable                                                    0.50 dB
    Antenna                                                  45.51 dB

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                             Rev   C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

                           Figure 7 - Analyzer Measurement – Fundamental, Channel High

                           Uncorrected measurement as recorded on spectrum analyzer

    Level Measurement: 17.192 dBmV/m + 46.01 dB corrections – 22.7 dB duty cycle correction =
    40.502 dBmV/m.

    Cable                                                    0.50 dB
    Antenna                                                  45.51 dB

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                             Rev        C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

        3.2 Bandedges and Occupied Bandwidth

                       Test Method: ANSI C63.10-2013, Section(s) 6.10.5, 6.10.6, 6.9.2

             3.2.1          Limits of bandedge measurements:
                       For emissions outside of the allowed band of operation, the emission level needs
                       to be 50dB under the maximum fundamental field strength. However, if the
                       emissions fall within one of the restricted bands from 15.205 the field strength
                       levels need to be under that of the limits in 15.209.

    The limit from FCC Part 15.209 for all frequencies above 960 MHz is 500 µV/m at 3m.

                       500 µV/m = 20log(500) = = 54 dBµV/m = 54 – 60 = -6 dBmV/m at 3m average

                       Peak limit = average limit + 20 dB                 = 14 dBmV/m at 3m peak

             3.2.2          Test procedures:
                       The EUT was oriented as to produce the maximum emission levels. The
                       resolution bandwidth was set to 100kHz (unrestricted), 1MHz (restricted) and the
                       EMI receiver was used to scan from the bandedge to the fundamental frequency
                       with a quasi-peak detector. The highest emissions level beyond the bandedge
                       was measured and recorded. All band edge measurements were evaluated to the
                       general limits in Part 15.209.

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                           Rev         C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

                       Measurements were performed as radiated measurements in the same manner
                       as Section 3.1 of this report.

                       The bandwidth of the fundamental frequency was measured by spectrum analyzer
                       with 100 kHz RBW and 300 kHz VBW. The occupied bandwidth was measured
                       using the spectrum analyzers 99% occupied bandwidth setting.

             3.2.3          Deviations from test standard:
                       No deviation.

             3.2.4          Test setup:
                       All the measurements were done at 1m test distance.

             3.2.5          EUT operating conditions:
                       The EUT was powered by 5 VDC unless specified and set to transmit
                       continuously on the lowest frequency channel, and the highest frequency channel.

                       Test results:

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                       Rev         C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

    Band Edges

                                           Figure 8 – Lower Band Edge, 24.00 GHz
              Uncorrected measurement as recorded on spectrum analyzer, 5 cm test distance

    Low Band Edge Measurement at 24.25 GHz

    Peak level from Figure 8 = -7.84 dBmV
    Corrected Restricted Band Peak Level = -7.84 dBmV/m + 46.01 dB (corrections)
    = 38.17 dBmV/m < 49.56 dBmV/m [limit at 5cm = 20log(3/0.05)+14 dBmV/m]

    Average Level = peak level – 22.7 (dccf) =
    =15.47 dBmV/m < 29.56 dBmV/m [limit at 5cm = 20log(3/0.05)+(-4) dBmV/m]


    Cable                                                    0.50 dB
    Antenna                                                  45.51 dB

    Measurements were performed at 5 cm to achieve required sensitivity without preamplifier

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                       Rev         C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

                                           Figure 9 - Lower Band Edge, 24.00 GHz
              Uncorrected measurement as recorded on spectrum analyzer, 5 cm test distance

    High Band Edge Measurement at 24.25 GHz

    Peak level from Figure 9 = -4.68 dBmV
    Corrected Restricted Band Peak Level = -4.68 dBmV/m + 46.01 dB (corrections)
    = 41.33 dBmV/m < 49.56 dBmV/m [limit at 5cm = 20log(3/0.05)+14 dBmV/m]

    Average Level = peak level – 22.7 (dccf) =
    = 18.63 dBmV/m < 29.56 dBmV/m [limit at 5cm = 20log(3/0.05) + (-4) dBmV/m]


    Cable                                                    0.50 dB
    Antenna                                                  45.51 dB

    Measurements were performed at 5 cm to achieve required sensitivity without preamplifier

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                          Rev      C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

    Occupied Bandwidth

                                      Figure 10 – Occupied Bandwidth, High channel
                           Uncorrected measurement as recorded on spectrum analyzer

                  The occupied bandwidth of the highest channel was found to be the largest.

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                           Rev          C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

                                     Annex A - Sample Calculation
    Field Strength Calculation

    The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Factor, and subtracting
    the Amplifier Gain (if any) from the measured reading. The basic equation with a sample
    calculation is as follows:
    FS = RA + AF – (-CF + AG) + AV

    where FS = Field Strength

                       RA = Receiver Amplitude

                       AF = Antenna Factor

                       CF = Cable Attenuation Factor

                       AG = Amplifier Gain

                       AV = Averaging Factor (if applicable)

    Assume a receiver reading of 55 dBV is obtained. The Antenna Factor of 12 and a Cable
    Factor of 1.1 is added. The Amplifier Gain of 20 dB is subtracted, giving a field strength of 48.1

    FS = 55 + 12 – (-1.1 + 20) + 0 = 48.1 dBV/m

    The 48.1 dBV/m value can be mathematically converted to its corresponding level in V/m.

    Level in V/m = Common Antilogarithm [(48.1 dBV/m)/20]= 254.1 V/m

    AV is calculated by the taking the 20*log(Ton/100) where Ton is the maximum transmission time in
    any 100ms window.

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                         Rev       C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

    EIRP Calculations

    In cases where direct antenna port measurement is not possible or would be inaccurate, output
    power is measured in EIRP. The maximum field strength is measured at a specified distance
    and the EIRP is calculated using the following equation;

    EIRP (Watts) = [Field Strength (V/m) x antenna distance (m)]2 / [30 x Gain (numeric)]

    Power (watts) = 10^[Power (dBm)/10] x 1000

    Field Strength (dBµV/m) = Field Strength (dBm) = 107 (for 50Ω measurement systems)

    Field Strength (V/m) = 10^[Field Strength (dBµV/m) / 20] / 10^6

    Gain = 1 (numeric gain for isotropic radiator)

    Conversion from 3m field strength to EIRP (d=3):

    EIRP = (FS x d^2)/30 = FS [(d^2)/30] = FS [0.3}

    EIRP(dBm) = FS(dBµV/m) – 10(log 10^9)+ 10log[0.3] = -95.23

             10log( 10^) is the conversion from micro to milli

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                                             Rev       C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

                              Annex B – Measurement Uncertainty
    Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been for tests performed in
    this test report:

    Test                                                Frequency Range   Uncertainty Value (dB)
    Radiated Emissions, 3m                                30MHz - 1GHz             3.82
    Radiated Emissions, 3m                                1GHz - 18GHz             4.44
    Emissions limits, conducted                          150kHz – 18GHz          ±3.30 dB

    Expanded uncertainty values are calculated to a confidence level of 95%.

    CISPR 16-4-2:2011 was used to calculate the above values.

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0                Report Number: R20190604-21                             Rev   C

                    Prepared for: Ainstein AI

                                                            REPORT END

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Document Created: 2019-10-25 14:54:51
Document Modified: 2019-10-25 14:54:51

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