RF exposure report


RF Exposure Info

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         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                           Report No.: TEFC1902109

  7. Radio Frequency Exposure
    7.1 Applicable Standards
         The measurements shown in this test report were made in accordance with the procedures given in
         FCC Part 2 (Section 2.1091)
         KDB 447498
         IEEE C95.1:2005

    7.2 EUT Specification

          Frequency band
                                 902MHz ~ 928MHz
                                     Portable (<20cm separation)
          Device category
                                     Mobile (>20cm separation)
                                     Occupational/Controlled exposure
                                     General Population/Uncontrolled exposure
                                     Single antenna
                                     Multiple antennas
          Antenna diversity              Tx diversity
                                         Rx diversity
                                         Tx/Rx diversity
                                     MPE Evaluation*
          Evaluation applied         SAR Evaluation


         1. The maximum Fundamental Emission is 107dBuV/m at 915MHz (with 3dbi antenna gain.)
         2. DTS device is not subject to routine RF evaluation; MPE estimate is used to justify the
         3. For mobile or fixed location transmitters, no SAR consideration applied. The maximum
            power density is 1.0 mW/cm2 even if the calculation indicates that the power density
            would be larger.

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                Issued Date :   Jun. 24, 2019
T-FD-516-0 Ver 1.0                                                      Page No.    :   41 of 43
                                                                        FCC ID.     :   2ATL9ZN1310

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                       Report No.: TEFC1902109

    7.3 Test Results
         No non-compliance noted.

    7.4 Calculation

                        30  P  G       E2
         Given E                  & S
                            d           3770
           Where     E = Field strength in Volts / meter
                     P = Power in Watts
                     G = Numeric antenna gain
                     d = Distance in meters
                    S = Power density in milliwatts / square centimeter
         Combining equations and re-arranging the terms to express the distance as a function of
         the remaining variables yields:

                30  P  G
                 3770d 2

         Changing to units of mW and cm, using:

           P (mW) = P (W) / 1000 and
           d (cm) = d(m) / 100

                30  P / 1000  G           PG
           S                        0.0796  2
                 3770  d / 100

           Where     d = Distance in cm
                     P = Power in mW
                     G = Numeric antenna gain
                     S = Power density in mW / cm2

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                            Issued Date :   Jun. 24, 2019
T-FD-516-0 Ver 1.0                                                  Page No.    :   42 of 43
                                                                    FCC ID.     :   2ATL9ZN1310

           CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                          Report No.: TEFC1902109

    7.5 Maximum Permissible Exposure

                                               Fundamental Fundamental              Fundamental            Fundamental
Antenna Gain Antenna Gain distance
                                                 Emission   Emission                  Emission               Emission
    (dBi)       (linear)     (m)
                                                (dBuV/m)      (V/m)                     (W)                   (dBm)
       3             1.9952             3              107       0.223872                  0.03               14.77

                              Antenna       Distance     Power Density         Limit
                           Gain(dBi)         (cm)            (mW/cm2)        (mW/cm2)

            14.77               3             20             0.01191          0.6013

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                 Issued Date :     Jun. 24, 2019
T-FD-516-0 Ver 1.0                                                       Page No.      :   43 of 43
                                                                         FCC ID.       :   2ATL9ZN1310

Document Created: 2019-07-09 16:23:58
Document Modified: 2019-07-09 16:23:58

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