9 Test report-MPE


RF Exposure Info

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Maximum Permissible Exposure
1. Introduction

     In this document, we try to prove the safety of radiation harmfulness to the human body for
our product. The limit for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) specified in FCC 1.1310 is
followed. The Gain of the antenna used in this product is measured in a Fully Anechoic
Chamber (FAC), and also the maximum total power input to the antenna is measured. Through
the Friis transmission formula and the maximum gain of the antenna, we can calculate the
distance, away from the product, where the limit of MPE is reached.
     Although the Friis transmission formula is a far field assumption, the calculated result of
that is an over-prediction for near field power density. We will take that as the worst case to
specify the safety range.

2. Description of EUT

 Product                      E310 Fliprobot Kit
 Applicant Name               Actura Co. Ltd.
                              3F No.94, Chaozhou St. Da-An Dist., TAIPEI CITY 10642
 Applicant Address
                              TAIWAN R.O.C.
 Manufacturer Name            Actura Co. Ltd.
                              3F No.94, Chaozhou St. Da-An Dist., TAIPEI CITY 10642
 Manufacturer Address
                              TAIWAN R.O.C.
 Model No                     E310
 FCC ID                       2ATKX-E310

3. Classification

     The antenna of this product, under normal use condition, is at least 20cm away from the
body of the user. Warning statement to the user for keeping at least 20cm or more separation
distance with the antenna should be included in users manual. So, this device is classified as
Mobile Device.

Report Number:MLT1905P15002

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4. Friis Formula

   Friis transmission formula : Pd = (Pout*G) / (4*pi*r^2)

   Pd = power density in mW/cm^2
   Pout = output power to antenna in mW
   G = gain of antenna in linear scale
   Pi = 3.1416
   R = distance between observation point and center of the radiator in cm (20cm)

5. RF Exposure Limit :

    According to FCC 1. 1310: The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to
evaluate the environmental impact of human exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation as
specified in 1.1307(b)

   Frequency       Electric Field  Magnetic Field Power Density Average Time
  Range (MHz)     Strength (V/m) Strength (A/m)      (mW/cm^2)       (minutes)
                  (A)Limits For Occupational / Control Exposures
    300-1500                                            F/300            6
  1500-100,000                                             5             6
             (B)Limits For General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
    300-1500                                            F/1500          30
  1500-100,000                                             1            30

6. Test Result:

       Frequency      Max RF Power       TX Antenna      Testing Result     MPE Limit
         (MHz)            (mW)            Gain (dBi)         (mW/cm^2)     (mW/cm^2)
          2402             0.310              -4              0.0098                1
          2440             0.200              -4              0.0063                1
          2480             0.148              -4              0.0047                1

Report Number:MLT1905P15002

Document Created: 2019-07-11 13:47:23
Document Modified: 2019-07-11 13:47:23

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