User Manual


Users Manual

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             720P      ie           :
                     Digital Color Video
               I;I-Q Baby Monitor

           io. Cl

See Larger See Clearer

Introduction                                                                     Product structure
Thank you for choosing our baby monitor. Before using the product, please read                                                     1Photosensitive sensor
the instruction carefully in case of damage to the product due to improper                                                         2tens
operation.                                                                                                                         3i8ted
Parts in the package                                                                                                               $Antenna

                                                                                                                                   6Temperature sensor
                                                                                                                                   7ET button

               Camera                             Monitor

              Instruction                 Power adapter 6V1.5Ab2                     9Antenna                              18Dialogue key
                                                                                     10Menu button/Return                  19Shortcut button
                                                                                     11.0n/offbutton/ Sleep button         205tatus indicator
                                                                                     125witching Monitor                   21Mictophone
                                                                                     13Shift up/Rrightnesse                22Charging
                                Power cablex2                                        14.Confirmation button/Zoom button    23PowerIndicating lamp
                                                                                     15Shiftrightolumes+                   245€T button
                                                                                     16Shif lef/Volume=                    25.U5B interface
                                                                                     17.Shift down /Brightness:

Function introduction of buttonsfor camera                                              In realime viewing, by pressing this button, the camera can be controlled
                                                                                        to turnright
                  Indicator LED                                                         in MENU interface, by pressing this button, the menu cursor shifts right
                  When green LED is on, startup is successful. The camera has           In SHORT:—CUT interface,press this button to turn up volume.
                  already been paired. successfuly, before shipment when
                  green LED is on only for seconds. Green LED flashes quickly,          In real—time viewing, by pressing this button, the camera can be controlled
                  the camera and monitorare being paired.                               to turnupnard.
                                                                                        in MENU interface, by pressing this button, the menu cursor shifts upward.

                                                                                        in SHORT—CUT interface, by pressing this button, brightness of the cisplayis

                  SET button                                                            In realime viewing, by pressing this button, the camera can be controlled
                  Short press t for one secandjump to pating mode                       to turn downward.
                                                                                        In MENU interface, by pressing this button, the meny cursor shifs

                                                                                        in SHORT—CUT interface, by pressing this button, brightness of the cisplayis
                                                                                        In reattime viewing, by pressing this button, the image size is zoomed out.
                                                                                        in MENU interface, pressing this button to confirm.
         Sleep button. Press this button, the screen is off, press it again, the        SHORT—CUT button, by pressing this button, SHORT—CUT interface pops up,
         sereen us on.(This button does not influence automaticsleap setup.             sound volume and brightness ofthe monitor can be adjusted.
         Automatic sleep has stllfunctions normally.
                                                                                         In real meviewing, by pressing this button,jump to tallcback function;
         Press the button to jump to Menu, press the button again for exitfrom          releasing the button, tallcback function is offThe voice from camera end
         Menu.The button also has the function ofreturning to previous step.            cannot be heard l the button is released.
                                                                                        Status ndicator LED: The frs green LED lights constantly:indicates that the
         Mult—camera display circulated by one by one or up to four images in           camera and monitor are connected successfuly. The frst green LED fashes
         onescreen                                                                      slowily (once per second); indicated that it is starting, without connecting
                                                                                        the camera. The fist green LED flashes quickby(3 times per second)s
         In real me viewing, by pres        this button, the camera can be              indicates code matching.
         controlled toturn left                                                         From the second to sixth yellow LEDs flash from low to high: Quantity of
         in MENU interface,by pressingthis button, the menu cursor shifts lof.          flashing LED indicates sound volume received.
         In SHORT—CUT interface, pressthis button to turn down Volume                   From the second to sit h yellow LEDs flash simultaneously (once per
                                                                                        second dicates thatalertsignalis received

      The LED constantly gives off yellow light: indicates that the polymer battery i   Explanation for icons
      being charged; The yellow light i off ater battery was charged fuly; it always    position the camera(s)
      be shown whether itis on or o)                                                    Find a locat n for the camera that
                                                                                        gives you the best view of your baby
      The green LED is on:indicates that the monitoris using the power supply           in his oher crb.
      outside and itis ff which means itconstantly using power from battery.

Explanation for icons
Icon of status bar

               No signal connection between the monitor and camera
                                                                                                           Place the camera on fat surface,likea dresser
               Signal strength between the monitor and camera
                                                                                        IMPORTANT: NEVER place the camera or cords ofany kind crib iside. NEVER place
               Cradle song enabled                                                      the camera or cords within reach of the baby.
               Sleep setup of monitor enabled
                                                                                            Before you stat...
   o c         Show current room temperature                                                Make sure you read the important information
               Show current battery level When battery levelis too low the                  sheetin this package.
   wiB         icon willbecome I'y__) and flash
   ©           Sound alarm enabled
    &          Temperature alarm enabled                                                                                       A warning
                                                                                                                               Strangulation Hazard:
Icon for message push                                                                                                          Children have STRANGLED
                                                                                                                               in cord out of the reach
               Camerais not added or camera and monitor are disconected                                                        of children (more than
                                                                                                                               3ft (09m) away).
               sound alarm prompt                                                                                              Never use extension cords with. AC Adapters.
                                                                                                                               Only use the AC Adapters provided.
               Temperature alarm prompt


1.installation of camera                                                                Function setting of the monitor
Charge the camera                                                                       You can define functions for your baby monitor to meet your demands better. Sound
         «e Plug an end of the accompanying charging cable io the USB                   and temperature alrm willinform you automaticall.In the chapter, every setup that
                   port in the back of camera.                                          can be defined by you will be explained one by one.
                   Plug the other end into the accompanying power adapter. Then         Monitor access menu
                   plug the adapter into socket.                                                 e viewing pressthe MENU buttonon the monitor to return to menu ba. In
                                                                                                 me case, press button for. multiple imes tthe screen jumps to menu bar.
After the camera is powered on it will start up automaticaly. (The camera
automaticaly swings up—down ward or from side toside,the indicator LED on camera
baselights and the green LED flashes slowly. Now, the camera starts up successfuly.

2. Installation of monitor
1. Power on monitor (the monitor has a built in battery,        has enough powet                                    hi
please implement the second step ope ion directly.
                                  Plug an end of the charging cable into the USB
                                  charging portin the side of monitor. Plug the other
                                  end of the charging into the power adapter‘hen
                                  plug the adapter into power socket.

2. Starting up of monitor


                                  Press on the monitor for 2s

       x> .                       Now,real time video willbe shown on monitor

                                                                                                           wusses          suee mooe          serimes
Note: The equipment had been paired before leaving factory. If no video is shown on
the monitor after above oper n please complete pai                              for
detailed procedure,please see below.


Setting of camera                                                  5 Now, the camera and monitorstart pating mode.
(Camera pairing and deletion)
Add came

         iq ©
1Selectthe            n then press the OK button of the monitor.

2elect the @        on,then press the OK button of the monitor.
                                                                                                 Start pairing.

                                                                   6. When the monitor prompts pairing is OK,     eates that equipment is paired

3Now, the equipment      prompt camera is no paired.
                                                                                                   Pairing is OK.

                                                                   7. The monitor willJump to monitoring sereen and green indicator LED of the camera
                                                                   willbe off later

                         Camera is No paired.

4Press the SET button behind camera base for one
second , green indieator LED of the camera willflash
quickly now , the equipment jumps to pairing mode
‘Then, press the OK button of the monitor.


Delete camera                                                                      5. The monitorwl return to monitoring screen and show no camera added. Green
                                                                                   indicator LED OF the camera will turn to flash.

1. Select the      icon, then, press the OK button ofthe monitor.

2.Select the       icon, then, press the OK button of the mon‘tor.

                                                                                   Setting of sound alarm
                                                                                   Set alarming range of sound sensitivity. The function will identify loudness of
                                                                                   baby‘s ry, when it exceeds set range,the monitor will send off alarm sound.
3. Now, the equipment will prompt camera is paired. Can be deleted. Press the OK
button of the monitor.                                                             1. Selectthe @ onthen press the OK button ofthe mo

                                                                                   2.Select                       icon as demanded, pressthe OK button ofthe montor
                                                                                   to complete setting of sound alarm. Press MENU button on the monitorfor2 times,
                                                                                   itwillreturn to real—time screen,(f          offis selected , when OK button of the
                                                                                   monitoris pressed , the monitorwll not push sound alarm any more)
                     Camera is paired. Can be deleted.

4. When the monitor prompts Deleting is OK,it indicates that camera has been
deleted successfully
                                                                                   Note:The alarm sound willlast for 1minute.
                               Deleting is OK.                                     Notice for sound alarm can be closed by pressing any button on the monitor, and it
                                                                                   willnot receive the notice within 3 minutes after closing.


Setting of temperature alarm                                                              Cradiesong
When baby‘s room is too hot or too cold, temperature alarm will push notice to            The baby monitor has five cradle songs to help you with coaxing the baby to
your monitor.                                                                             steep.
Select the        con, press the OK button of the monitor.                                1. Select the @ icon, then, press the OK button of the monitort jump to
Celslus degree setting                                                                    setup page.
Set as Celsus degree:select @      ‘Cicon, press the OK button of the monitor             2. Select the music you want to play, press the OK button of the monitor and the
Temperature switch: Select @ ON icon, press the OK button ofthe monitor                   camera will play the cradle song selected by you. After setting is OK, pressing the OK
indieating temperaturealarm function enabled.                                             button of the monitor again, the cradle song pauses. When selecting ALL, all cradle
After settingis OK, press the MENU button of the monitor for 2 mes, it returns to reals   songs be played in loop. After setting is OK, press MENU button of the monitor
time screen                                                                               and it willreturn to real—time screen.

Fahrenheit degree
Set as Celsius degree select @      °F       icon, press the OK button of the monitor.

Temperature switch: Select @           ON._, press the OK button of the monitor
 indieating that temperature alarm function enabled successfuly.

                                                                                                                 J3 3 i
After setting is OK, Press the MENU button of the monitorfo2 tmes toreturn to reals
time screen

                                                                                          Note: There 1 be aIlican below the option of current song Ifthe cradle song pauses,
                                                                                          theicon l become

                                   C                  on
                            ® C                  ® ofF

Note: Default normal temperature is 15—30°C (59F—86F). When the temperature of
baby‘s room is beyond the range, the monitor will receive the sound of temperature
alarm.The sound willlasfor 1 minute. Notice for temperature alarm can be closed by
pressing any button of the monitor, and it will not receive the notice again within 3
minutes after closing.


Sleep mode                                                                           Setup
You can set your monitor as automs steep mode. The setup will automatically          The setup includes time setting , factory reset and viewing of hardware version.
jump to sleep mode according to the time set by you.
1.Select        icon and press the OK button of the monitorit willjump to setup      Cal ate the time of monitor

2elect the time of sleep as demand. Press OK button of the monitor. Now, the         1. Select       icon and press the OK button ofthe mot      rto jump to setup page.
monitorwll automaticaly jump to sleep mode. Aftersettingis OK, press button of the
monitor two times to return to real—time screen.                                     2. Select       icon and press the OK button of the monitorto jump to setup page.

                      600                                                                                     @ o e
Note: There are 3 0 ions including Sminutse, 30 minutes and 60 minutes for sleep
time. You can make a choice according to your own demand. By selecting OFF and
press OK button of the monitorsleep mode willbe closed.                              3.You can pressthe    ["||"button ofthe monitor to select the item to be adjustec:
                                                                                     press the button of the monitor to the selected item. Afterset
                                                                                     press MENU button ofthe monitor 3 tmes thenit willreturn to realime screen.
                                                                                     2. Factory reset
                                                                                     Format all setting of the monitor and delete camera
                                                                                     1. sam@ icon and press the OK button ofthe monitorit wil Jump to setup page.

                                                                                     2. Se\e(l@        on and press the OK button of the monitorit wiljump to setup page.
                                                                                             ho sn


                                                                                     3. Afterfactory resetis OK, the monitor will automaticall jump to monitoring screen
                                                                                     and show the prompt ican of no camera added. Meanwhit , the green indicator LED

                        0 © e
                                                                                     of camera willflash.

Now, the equipment will prompt you of Restore to default setting? Select YE, press
the OK button of the monitor The equipment begins to implement factory reset.

                                                                                     3.Information on version
                   Restore to default settings?                                      Checkcreceiver version information
                                                                                     tseet @ Anompass olhmon onthe menionumin rerspage,
                                                                                     2.Select o icon and press the OK button of the monitorto Jump to setup page.

                           Start restoring..
                                                                                                             ©@ 6         morre

3. Now, the receiver wl show version related formation. After viewing, press MENU   Explanation for icons
button of the monitor3 imes toreturn to realtime screen.
                                                                                                Image sensor               varcmos
                                                                                                Video resolution           1280720025tps
                                                                                                Rotation angle             Pan 240‘ Tit:70—90°
                                                                                                Night visual range         Sm
                      SN:                                                            Camera|    rowersupply                svisa
                                                                                                Operation temperature      a0c—s0¢
                                                                                                Storage temperature        20c—e0c
                                                                                                ico                        s
                                                                                                Number of irels            reosrsethazeow
                                                                                                Wirelesstransmission Way   2aGHerhiss
                                                                                                Power supply               pesvisa
                                                                                                Operation temperature      «we—soc
                                                                                                Storage temperature        20c—e0c
                                                                                                Operation humidty          o—7ssit
                                                                                                Dimensions (W*DtH)         156°@324(mm)
                                                                                                Weight                     2569

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with thelimits for a Class
B digltal device pursuant part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection ag st harmfulinterference in a residential instalation:
This equipment generates uses and can radio frequency energy.and If not installed
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio
communications. However, thereis no guarantee that interference willnot occurin a
particular instaation If equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on the user is
encouraged totryto correctthe interference by one ofthe following measures.
—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
—Increasethe separation between the equipment and receiver.
—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a cicult different from that to which the
receives is connected.
—Consult the dealer oan experienced radio TV technician for help.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user s authority to operate the equipment ‘This device
complies With Part 15of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
(1) Thisdevice may not cause two harmful interference
(2)This device must accept any interference received. ncluding interference that may
cause undesired operation
The Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPEevel has been calculated based on a
distance on distance of d=20cm between the device and the human body. To
maintain compliance with PF exposure requirement use product that maintain a 20cm
distance between the device and human body
Hereby we declares that this deviceis in compliance with the essential equirements
and otherrelevant                                                                         EU Environmental Provisions
Provisions ofDired eaorarss/eu
Notice: Observe. the nationallocal egulations in the location where the deviceis to       Ewaste cannot be mixed with household
beused                                                                                    garbage; corresponding. local government
This device may be restrcted for use in some or all member states ofthe European          sector orrecycling sector shall be responsible
Union (EU)                                                                                for circular process.

Document Created: 2019-04-23 20:09:40
Document Modified: 2019-04-23 20:09:40

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC