User Manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                          Programming the Transmitter to a Receiver:
                                                                                          (Always test unit prior to final installation)
                                                                                          The transmitter works with the ERA-DCRX receiver & basic programming
                                                                                          calls for the user to program each transmitter with a receiver & select a

                                                                                          melody for the transmitter to instruct the receiver to play when
                                                                                          For quick setup, however, each zone defaults to a basic "ding-dong" sound allowing
Owner’s Manual                                                                            you to easily pair the transmitter for a faster set up process.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules, Operation of this device is subject   1. On the ERA-DCRX receiver, hold down the "mode" (left button in
to the following conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference. 2. This      figure 2 below) button until you hear a short tone sound & the "zone
device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause unde-             1" LED flashes (approx 3 sec).
sired operation.                                                                          2. If you are programming the transmitter to zone 1, push the small
                                                                                             test button on the circuit board or wave your hand over the lens.
                                                                                             You will hear the receiver play a short musical note (zone 1 will
The ERA-PIR is a passive infrared (PIR) sensor/transmitter compatible with
                                                                                             continue to flash).
the ERA-DCRX Receiver. The ERA-PIR is activated when a combination
of heat & movement is detected in the monitored zone. When the                            3. If necessary, to program a transmitter to a different zone, press the
                                                                                             "zone" button on the receiver to scroll to the appropriate zone . The
transmitter is activated, it will send a signal to the receiver which will
                                                                                             zone you want to program will flash. Repeat step 2 above.
sound one (1) of twelve (12) different melodies or tones for a few
                                                                                          4. Once you have programmed all transmitters to a zone on the
seconds, and trigger the 12V DC outputs and/or activate the relay output
                                                                                             receiver, move to the next step.
(if activated).
                                                                                          5. To exit program mode, hold down the "mode" button until you hear
                                                                                             a short tone sound (approx 3 sec)
Helpful Tips:
• Do not mount the transmitter (ERA-PIR) to the wall or door frame until
  you have successfully paired & tested the device.
• Each receiver (LRA-DCRX) is capable of pairing with four (4) transmitters
                                                                                                                                                  (Figure 2)
  per zone.
• There is virtually no limit to the number of receivers (ERA-DCRX) a                        Changing the Zone Melody:
  transmitter may be paired to.                                                              By default, each zone is programmed by the factory to play the ding-
• Each zone on the LRA-DCRX features 1 x 12V DC output.                                      dong sound. You can skip this step if you are ok with that sound.
• Output duration for the 12V DC output may be set to 5 sec, 10 sec, 1                       1. Hold down the "zone" button until you hear a short tone & all
  min, & 2 min.                                                                                 LEDs on front panel of receiver are red (approx 3 seconds). The
• The receiver (LRA-DCRX) features 1 x C-Form relay assignable to one (1)                       zone you are programming will flash.
  or multiple zones & will take on the duration of the 12V DC output.                        2. Press the "volume" button to scroll through the 12 available
• Volume control: 4 levels plus mute, plus off.                                                 melodies for selection. Once you find a melody you like, move to
• Each transmitter must be paired to a zone on the receiver.                                    step 3.
• Each zone on the receiver is programmed to the "ding-dong" sound                           3. Press the "zone" button to scroll to the next zone & repeat step 2
  from the factory. User may change this melody.                                                to program a melody to other zones.
• When transmitter battery is low, it sends a signal to the receiver when                    4. Once you have programmed a melody to all necessary zones,
  triggered & the corresponding LED on the receiver will continue to flash                      move to step 5.
  for 10 minutes.                                                                            5. Hold down the "zone" button until you hear a short tone sound
                                                                                                (approx 3 seconds) notifying the receiver is out of melody
ERA-PIR Battery Installation:                                                                   programming mode.
1. Remove the screw located on the backside of the case. Once the screw                     Volume, Mute, Off:
is removed, open the case.                                                                   The volume button on the side of the receiver controls the four different volume
2. Remove top half of case from lower case half of the case to find the                      levels, mutes & turns off the receiver. Pushing the volume button controls these
battery holder.                                                                              functions.
3. Install a 9-volt alkaline battery in the holder and place the batter into the            • When all four zone LED lights are red, this indicates maximum
battery compartment.                                                                          volume.
4. Prior to reassembling the case we recommend pairinng the trasmitter to                   • Three zone LED lights indicate the third volume level.
the receiver.                                                                               • Two zone LED lights indicate the second volume level.
5. Follow the instructions for "Pairing Transmitter to Receiver".                           • One zone LED light indicates the minimum volume level.
Note: When the battery gets weak, it will cause the LED of the paired zone                  • No zone LED lights & a red power indicator light means the
on the receiver (LRA-DCRX) to flash for approximately 10 minutes when                         receiver is muted.
triggered.                                                                                  • No LED lights (no zone LED or power indicator) means the unit is
                                                                                              off. Pushing volume again turns it back on to max volume.

  Erasing Programming (memory):                                                            Mounting the Transmitter:
  Following the instructions below will erase the programming of transmitters in ALL
                                                                                           • The PIR sensor (transmitter) may be mounted in a variety of locations
                                                                                             such as; on the ceiling, directly above the door, or side mounted. The
  1. Hold down "mode" button until you hear a short tone & the zone 1                        most common mounting location is above the door.
     LED flashes.                                                                          • For best results, mount the transmitter above the door frame slightly
  2. Hold down the "mode" & "volume" button simultaneously until all                         canted in towards the door. You may cant (tilt) the unit to ensure the
     LEDs stop flashing & you hear a short melody sound                                      monitored zone is covering the area you want it to cover.
     (approximately 5 seconds).                                                            • Avoid placing the transmitter near heating & A/C ducts, or in direct
  3. All LEDs will stop flashing & only the green LED power indicator will                   sunlight to help eliminate false signals.
     display. The memory is now erased.                                                    • Use included screw to mount the metallic bracket. We recommend
 Using 12V DC Outputs:                                                                       mounting the bracket so that the openings on each end of the
 • Each zone on the ERA-DCRX features a live 12V DC output.                                  bracket are facing up (shaped liked a "U").
 • The output duration may be set to 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 1 minute or 2                  • Each side of the transmitter has a screw protruding. That screw slides
   minutes using the dip switches located inside the receiver.                               into the U-shaped openings of the bracket.
 • The output duration settings will apply to all zones & the C-Form Relay.                • Tighten the screws on the side of the case just enough to keep it in
 • The C-Form Relay may be associated with a specific zone or multiple zones.                place (do not let it fall out) while you tilt it how you want it.
 • 12V DC output current: 400mA maximum.                                                   • Tighten the screws on each side of the case to secure it to the bracket.
  Connecting a 12V DC Device:                                                              ERA-DCRX Technical Specifications:
  1. Unplug the receiver.                                                                  • Frequency: 433.92 MHz               • 12V DC output current: 400 mA max
  2. Separate top receiver case from bottom receiver case.                                 • Operating voltage: 12V DC           • Relay rating: 24V DC at 3 Am
  3. Locate terminal block (see figure 4) located on the bottom of the pc board.
                                                                                           TECHNICAL SUPPORT
  4. Loosen screws for the zone(s) that you are connecting a device to.
                                                                                           If you encounter any difficulty in the operation of this product after reading
  5. Wire the external 12V DC into the terminal connection blocks that                     the manual, please contact us. You can reach us by phone at 904-245-1184
     corresponds to the respective zone. For example, if a push button is                  from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday (Eastern Standard Time). We
     paired to zone 1, and you want a strobe to flash for zone 1, wire the                 will be happy to answer your questions and help you in any way we can.
     strobe into the terminal block for zone 1.
  6. Observe polarity when necessary. For example, for a strobe light,                     WARRANTY
     ensure you are connecting the positive wire on the strobe to the positive             Safeguard Supply warrants this product to be free of defects in material and
                                                                                           workmanship for a period of one year from the date of purchase. This warranty
     terminal on the receiver.                                                             does not cover damage resulting from accident, abuse, act of god or improper
  7. Re-tighten screws on terminal block.                                                  operation. If this product does become defective, simply return it to Safeguard
                                                                                           Supply. Please include a note describing the troubles along with your name and
  8. Adjust output duration as needed (figure 5)                                           return address as well as the original sales receipt. If the product is covered under
  9. Snap cover back together.                                                             warranty it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. If it is not covered by
                                                                                           warranty, you will be notified of any charges before work is done.
 10. Plug in receiver.
                                                                                                          Safeguard Supply -
                                                                              (Figure 5)               2260 Moon Station Ct. NW #110 , Kennesaw, GA 30144
                                                                                                                     Phone: (678) 214-4212

                                                                                           LEGAL NOTICES
                                                                                           This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
                                                                                           following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
                                                                                           this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
                                                                                           cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the
                                                                                           party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the
                                                                                           equipment. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
                                                                                           Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed
                                                                                           to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
                                              (Figure 4)                                   installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
                                                                                           energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
Using the Relay:                                                                           harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
The last three screws on the terminal block referenced in Figure 4 are for the             interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
                                                                                           harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined
relay. The relay opens or closes a circuit in another device.
                                                                                           by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
                                                                                           interference by one or more of the following measures:
Unlike the 12V DC outputs available for each zone, the Relay does not                      Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
generate power to the external device. To use the relay you must                           • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
ensure the external device has a power supply.                                             • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
                                                                                            receiver is connected.
                                                                                           • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
The relay may be associated with any combination of zones 1-4 and will
                                                                                               WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm. Go to
use the same duration as set for the 12V DC outputs.                                           for more information.

Document Created: 2019-09-05 12:39:53
Document Modified: 2019-09-05 12:39:53

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