14_P27QC10P60-BK TestRpt 8CC


Test Report

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                                                                               Model: P27QC10PG0—BK

                                    FCC Part 18
                  Measurement and Test Report

                            ALOGIC Corporation Pty Ltd

             Level 40,140 William Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

                          FCC ID: 2ATCAP27QC10P60—BK

 Test Rule(s):                      ECC Part 18

 Product Description:               USB—C Power Bank 27000mAH with Wireless Charger

 Tested Model:                      P27QC10PGO—BK

 Report No.:                        WTX1 9X05029265W—1

 Sample Receipt Date:               2019—05—10

 Tested Date:                       2019—05—10 to 2019—05—30

 Issued Date:                       2019—05—30
                                                                      \    /

 Tested By:                         Jason Su / Engineer              \)MM‘/U
 Reviewed By:                       Silin Chen / EMC Manager                W%

 Approved & Authorized By:          Jandy So / PSQ Manager           J”’(ZW

 Prepared By:
                        Shenzhen SEM Test Technology Co., Ltd.
                       1/F, Building A, Hongwei Industrial Park, Liuxian 2nd Road,
                       Bac‘an District, Shenzhen, P.R.C. (518101)
           Tel.: +86—755—33663808   Fax.: +86—755—33608309    Website: www.semtest.com.cn

    Note: This test report is limited to the above client company and the product model only. It
    may not be duplicated without prior permitted by Shenzhen SEM Test Technology Co., Ld.

Report No.: WTX 19X05029265W—I1                       Page 1 of 21                      FCC Part 18

                                                                                                                                         Model: P27QC10P60-BK

1. GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................3
   1.1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) ...............................................................................3
   1.2 TEST STANDARDS...................................................................................................................................................4
   1.3 TEST METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................................................................4
   1.4 TEST FACILITY .......................................................................................................................................................4
   1.5 EUT SETUP AND OPERATION MODE ......................................................................................................................5
   1.6 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ..............................................................................................................................5
   1.7 TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .....................................................................................................................6
2. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ...........................................................................................................................7
3. CONDUCTED EMISSIONS ....................................................................................................................................8
   3.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE.........................................................................................................................................8
   3.2 TEST PROCEDURE ...................................................................................................................................................8
   3.3 BASIC TEST SETUP BLOCK DIAGRAM.....................................................................................................................8
   3.4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ..............................................................................................................................9
   3.5 TEST RECEIVER SETUP ...........................................................................................................................................9
   3.6 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS/PLOTS ......................................................................................................................9
4. RADIATED EMISSIONS .......................................................................................................................................14
   4.1 TEST PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................................14
   4.2 TEST RECEIVER SETUP .........................................................................................................................................14
   4.3 CORRECTED AMPLITUDE & MARGIN CALCULATION ............................................................................................14
   4.4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................................15
   4.5 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS/PLOTS ....................................................................................................................15

Report No.: WTX19X05029265W-1                                                                 Page 2 of 21                                                FCC Part 18

                                                                                      Model: P27QC10P60-BK


1.1 Product Description for Equipment Under Test (EUT)

  Client Information
  Applicant:                                    ALOGIC Corporation Pty Ltd
  Address of applicant:                         Level 40,140 William Street, Melbourne VIC 3000,

  Manufacturer:                                 SuiChuan CE LINK LIMITED
  Address of manufacturer:                      SuiChuan county industrial park east zone, Ji’an
                                                city,Jiangxi province, China.

  General Description of EUT
                                                USB-C Power Bank 27000mAH with Wireless
  Product Name:
  Trade Name:                                   ALOGIC
  Model No.:                                    P27QC10P60-BK
  Power supply                                  Battery 3.7V,Wireless Output:DC5V 1A,DC9V 1.1A
  Adding Model(s):                              /

  Note: The test data is gathered from a production sample, provided by the manufacturer.

  Technical Characteristics of EUT
  Frequency Range:                              110~205kHz
  Modulation Type:                              ASK
  Antenna Type:                                 Coil Antenna
  Rated Voltage:                                DC5V /DC9V(Wireless output)
  Rated Current:                                1A/1.1A (Wireless output)
  Rated Power:                                  5W/10W (Wireless output)

Report No.: WTX19X05029265W-1                             Page 3 of 21                         FCC Part 18

                                                                                   Model: P27QC10P60-BK

1.2 Test Standards

The tests were performed according to following standards:
FCC Part 18 Subpart C: Industrial, Scientific, and medical medical equipment.

ANSI C63.4-2014: American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from
Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.

Maintenance of compliance is the responsibility of the manufacturer. Any modification of the product, which
result in lowering the emission, should be checked to ensure compliance has been maintained.

1.3 Test Methodology

All measurements contained in this report were conducted with ANSI C63.4-2014, American National Standard
for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in
the range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.

1.4 Test Facility

FCC – Registration No.: 125990
Shenzhen SEM Test Technology Co., Ltd. Laboratory has been recognized to perform compliance testing on
equipment subject to the Commissions Declaration Of Conformity (DOC). The Designation Number is CN5010,
and Test Firm Registration Number is 125990.

Industry Canada (IC) Registration No.: 11464A
The 3m Semi-anechoic chamber of Shenzhen SEM Test Technology Co., Ltd. has been registered by Certification
and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada for radio equipment testing with Registration No.: 11464A.

Report No.: WTX19X05029265W-1                                Page 4 of 21                     FCC Part 18

                                                                               Mesel rerociopaex

1.5 EUT Setup and Operation Mode
"The equimnentundertest (EUT) was configuredto measie is highest pssble erissio fevel.The testmodes
wer adapted secording tothe operation manual foruse, more dexiled desription as ollows
    TestMode Lise
      Tes: Mode         Deseription                   Remurk              Pover Supply Mode
         To        Wireess Ouipat (GVIA)                 7              ACLZDV 60H foradaper
         TMZ      WirdesOuiput GVLIA)                    7              ACLZDY s0Hfor adaper

    EUT Chble Lis and Dewils
       Cable Deseripion           Length )         StieedUnstielded With ConWitout Core
               7                       7                    7                      7

    Auailiny Enuipment istand Detils
           Deseriion           Manufictirer              Moet                 SernlNumber
          iPhove& Plus             Apole              mosezcrin                     7
             Adapter                xz                mrosos0c0                     7
             Adapter                xz                 ri—2001500                   7
    SpecilCableLiand Devsils
        Cable Descripion          Lerat t          StiededUnstielded With ConWitout Cre
          usp—A Cate                 as                Unsviclded        Witout Ferite
          ussccur                    as                Uniniciied        Witou rerie
1.6 Measurement Uncertainty
 Measurement unceriainty
               Promeier                                Condiions                    Uncersiny
                                                                                 sisome +379
          Condcted Emissions                           Contuied
                                                                               onsons =330B
                                                                               30 somane 35ta9
            Radinted Enissions                           Radined                02—iGhe +5 5609
                                                                                 Logks 433009
                                                                                eaGite +39008

Repou No: wixroxtsumseon 1                            Fagesorm                           Tecrans

                                                                               Model: P27QC10P60-BK

1.7 Test Equipment List and Details

         Description       Manufacturer      Model           Serial No.   Cal Date   Due Date
      Spectrum Analyzer      Agilent         E4407B        MY41440400     2019-04-30 2020-04-29
      Spectrum Analyzer   Rohde & Schwarz     FSP30         836079/035    2019-04-30 2020-04-29
      EMI Test Receiver   Rohde & Schwarz     ESVB          825471/005    2019-04-30 2020-04-29
          Amplifier             Agilent       8447F         3113A06717    2019-04-30 2020-04-29
          Amplifier             C&D         PAP-1G18            2002      2019-04-30 2020-04-29
      Broadband Antenna    Schwarz beck     VULB9163          9163-333    2019-05-05 2021-05-04
        Horn Antenna             ETS          3117           00086197     2019-05-05 2021-05-04
        Loop Antenna       Schwarz beck     FMZB 1516           9773      2019-05-05 2021-05-04
      EMI Test Receiver   Rohde & Schwarz     ESPI             101611     2019-04-30 2020-04-29
           L.I.S.N         Schwarz beck     NSLK8126          8126-224    2019-04-30 2020-04-29
        Pulse Limiter     Rohde & Schwarz    ESH3-Z2           100911     2019-04-30 2020-04-29

Report No.: WTX19X05029265W-1                          Page 6 of 21                     FCC Part 18

                                                         Mesel rerociopaex


        reeruues             besciurnion or Test       xesutr
         Es sor m              Conducted Enission      Compliont
         essm                   Raciied Ertision       Compliont

Repou No: wixroxtsumseon 1                 Fager orm               Tecrans

                                                                                      Model: P27QC10P60-BK

3. Conducted Emissions

3.1 Standard Applicable

According to FCC 18.307(b), the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any
frequency or frequencies shall not exceed the limits in the following tables:

                                                        Conducted limit (dBμV)
              Frequency (MHz)
                                               Quasi-peak                     Average
                   0.15-0.5                      66 to 56                     56 to 46
                    0.5-5                          56                            46
                     5-30                          60                            50

3.2 Test Procedure

The setup of EUT is according with per ANSI C63.4-2014 measurement procedure. The specification used was
with the FCC Part 18.307 Limit.
The external I/O cables were draped along the test table and formed a bundle 30 to 40 cm long in the middle.
The spacing between the peripherals was 10 cm.

3.3 Basic Test Setup Block Diagram

Report No.: WTX19X05029265W-1                               Page 8 of 21                       FCC Part 18

                                                                                                     Model: P27QC10P60-BK

3.4 Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:                   23.5 C
   Relative Humidity:             55
   ATM Pressure:                  1016 mbar

3.5 Test Receiver Setup
During the conducted emission test, the test receiver was set with the following configurations:

                        Start Frequency .................................................. 150 kHz
                        Stop Frequency................................................... 30 MHz
                        Sweep Speed ...................................................... Auto
                        IF Bandwidth ...................................................... 10 kHz
                        Quasi-Peak Adapter Bandwidth ......................... 9 kHz
                        Quasi-Peak Adapter Mode ................................. Normal

3.6 Summary of Test Results/Plots

According to the data in this section, the EUT complied with the FCC Part 18C Conducted margin for Any
non-ISM frequency device, with the worst margin reading of:

                  -3.99 dB at 4.6020 MHz in the Neutral, QP detector, TM2 detector, 0.15-30MHz

Report No.: WTX19X05029265W-1                                                Page 9 of 21                     FCC Part 18

                                                                              Model: P27QC10P60-BK

         Test mode:                  TM1                      Polarity:                 Line

   No.         Frequency   Reading         Correct   Result           Limit   Margin           Detector
                 (MHz)     (dBuV)          (dB/m)    (dBuV)          (dBuV)     (dB)
   1*           0.2020      43.39          10.12     53.51            63.53    -10.02            QP
    2           0.2020      27.25          10.12     37.37            53.53    -16.16           AVG
    3           0.2700      38.01          10.17     48.18            61.12    -12.94            QP
    4           0.2700      23.29          10.17     33.46            51.12    -17.66           AVG
    5           0.3340      34.91          10.21     45.12            59.35    -14.23            QP
    6           0.3340      21.93          10.21     32.14            49.35    -17.21           AVG

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                                                                              Model: P27QC10P60-BK

         Test mode:                  TM1                      Polarity:                 Neutral

   No.         Frequency   Reading         Correct   Result           Limit   Margin          Detector
                 (MHz)     (dBuV)          (dB/m)    (dBuV)          (dBuV)     (dB)
    1           0.1980      36.20          10.12     46.32            63.69    -17.37             QP
    2           0.1980      20.07          10.12     30.19            53.69    -23.50             AVG
    3           1.0020      31.20          10.50     41.70            56.00    -14.30             QP
   4*           1.0020      23.42          10.50     33.92            46.00    -12.08             AVG
    5           21.1500     34.36          11.19     45.55            60.00    -14.45             QP
    6           21.1500     20.69          11.19     31.88            50.00    -18.12             AVG

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                                                                              Model: P27QC10P60-BK

         Test mode:                  TM2                      Polarity:                 Line

   No.         Frequency   Reading         Correct   Result           Limit   Margin           Detector
                 (MHz)     (dBuV)          (dB/m)    (dBuV)          (dBuV)     (dB)
    1           0.1980      38.39          10.12     48.51            63.69    -15.18            QP
    2           0.2100      24.29          10.13     34.42            53.21    -18.79           AVG
    3           1.6940      20.75          10.57     31.32            46.00    -14.68           AVG
    4           1.7660      32.91          10.58     43.49            56.00    -12.51            QP
    5           4.8140      20.54          10.75     31.29            46.00    -14.71           AVG
   6*           4.8820      37.26          10.76     48.02            56.00    -7.98             QP

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                                                                              Model: P27QC10P60-BK

         Test mode:                  TM2                      Polarity:                 Neutral

   No.         Frequency   Reading         Correct   Result           Limit   Margin          Detector
                 (MHz)     (dBuV)          (dB/m)    (dBuV)          (dBuV)     (dB)
    1           0.2020      41.43          10.12     51.55            63.53    -11.98             QP
    2           0.2100      27.43          10.13     37.56            53.21    -15.65             AVG
    3           1.6940      35.48          10.57     46.05            56.00    -9.95              QP
    4           1.6940      24.41          10.57     34.98            46.00    -11.02             AVG
   5*           4.6020      41.26          10.75     52.01            56.00    -3.99              QP
    6           4.7020      25.20          10.75     35.95            46.00    -10.05             AVG

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                                                                                        Model: P27QC10P60-BK

4. Radiated Emissions

4.1 Test Procedure

The setup of EUT is according with per ANSI C63.4-2014 measurement procedure. The specification used was
with the FCC Part 18.305 Limit.
The external I/O cables were draped along the test table and formed a bundle 30 to 40 cm long in the middle.
The spacing between the peripherals was 10 cm.




                Table                                                                     To EMI Receiver

                                              Ground Plane

4.2 Test Receiver Setup

Frequency :9kHz-30MHz                    Frequency :30MHz-1GHz                   Frequency :Above 1GHz
RBW=10KHz,                               RBW=120KHz,                             RBW=1MHz,
VBW =30KHz                               VBW=300KHz                              VBW=3MHz(Peak), 10Hz(AV)
Sweep time= Auto                         Sweep time= Auto                        Sweep time= Auto
Trace = max hold                         Trace = max hold                         Trace = max hold
Detector function = peak                 Detector function = peak, QP             Detector function = peak, AV

4.3 Corrected Amplitude & Margin Calculation

The Corrected Amplitude is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and the Cable Factor, and subtracting the
Amplifier Gain from the Amplitude reading. The basic equation is as follows:

                                     Corr. Ampl. = Indicated Reading – Corr. Factor

The “Margin” column of the following data tables indicates the degree of compliance with the applicable limit.
For example, a margin of -6dBV means the emission is 6dBV below the maximum limit for Any non-ISM
frequency device. The equation for margin calculation is as follows:

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                                                                                      Model: P27QC10P60-BK

                                     Margin = Corr. Ampl. – FCC Part 18.305 Limit

4.4 Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:              22 C
   Relative Humidity:        54 
   ATM Pressure:             1011 mbar

4.5 Summary of Test Results/Plots

According to the data, the EUT complied with the FCC Part 18.305 rule, and had the worst margin of:

                  -30.45 dB at 1000.0000 MHz in the Horizontal polarization, TM2 mode, 3Meters

Report No.: WTX19X05029265W-1                                 Page 15 of 21                       FCC Part 18

                                                                                      Model: P27QC10P60-BK

  Plot of Radiated Emissions Test Data (Below 30MHz)

       Test mode:                   TM1                         Polarity:                  Horizontal

 No.    Frequency   Reading     Correct   Result       Limit       Margin   Degree        Height      Remark
         (MHz)      (dBuV)        dB      (dBuV)   (dBuV)           (dB)    (         )    (cm)
  1       0.0158     67.88       -6.51    61.37        103.50      -42.13       284        100          peak
  2       0.0313     63.72       -7.09    56.63        103.50      -46.87       98         100          peak
  3       0.1278     73.37       -5.62    67.75        103.50      -35.75       127        100          peak
  4       0.3832     58.82       -7.67    51.15        103.50      -52.35       96         100          peak
  5       0.6372     49.83       -8.89    40.94        103.50      -62.56       262        100          peak
  6       3.6034     43.66      -10.42    33.24        103.50      -70.26       109        100          peak

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                                                                                  Model: P27QC10P60-BK

       Test mode:                   TM2                     Polarity:                   Vertical

 No.    Frequency   Reading     Correct   Result   Limit       Margin   Degree        Height       Remark
         (MHz)      (dBuV)        dB      (dBuV)   (dBuV)       (dB)    (         )    (cm)
  1       0.0158     64.88       -6.51    58.37    103.50      -45.13       265        100          peak
  2       0.0313     61.22       -7.09    54.13    103.50      -49.37       100        100          peak
  3       0.1276     78.37       -5.62    72.75    103.50      -30.75       231        100          peak
  4       0.3831     54.82       -7.67    47.15    103.50      -56.35       96         100          peak
  5       0.6371     48.33       -8.89    39.44    103.50      -64.06       106        100          peak
  6       3.6034     40.66      -10.42    30.24    103.50      -73.26       291        100          peak

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                                                                                          Model: P27QC10P60-BK

     Plot of Radiated Emissions Test Data ( Above 30MHz)

         Test mode:                   TM1                           Polarity:                     Horizontal

No.      Frequency    Reading    Correct     Result         Limit        Margin     Degree        Height     Remark
          (MHz)       (dBuV/m)    dB/m      (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)            (dB)     (         )   (cm)
 1        36.1272      38.17      -9.44      28.73          63.50          -34.77       257        100         QP
 2        43.3534      34.75      -8.01      26.74          63.50          -36.76       95         100         QP
 3        102.0014     33.61      -14.75     18.86          63.50          -44.64       86         100         QP
 4        341.9786     32.47      -8.07      24.40          63.50          -39.10       114        100         QP
 5        603.5392     30.24      -3.95      26.29          63.50          -37.21       355        100         QP
 6        993.0114     28.88       3.93      32.81          63.50          -30.69       148        100         QP

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                                                                                    Model: P27QC10P60-BK

      Test mode:                    TM1                       Polarity:                      Vertical

No.   Frequency    Reading      Correct    Result     Limit        Margin     Degree        Height      Remark
        (MHz)      (dBuV/m)     dB/m      (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)        (dB)     (         )   (cm)
 1      31.1798     36.37        -9.56     26.81      63.50          -36.69       346        100         QP
 2      49.1865     34.55        -8.38     26.17      63.50          -37.33       99         100         QP
 3     108.6470     33.76       -14.45     19.31      63.50          -44.19       217        100         QP
 4     304.6099     31.39        -9.25     22.14      63.50          -41.36       101        100         QP
 5     572.6144     30.64        -4.64     26.00      63.50          -37.50       313        100         QP
 6     1000.0000    28.67        4.04      32.71      63.50          -30.79       104        100         QP

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                                                                                    Model: P27QC10P60-BK

      Test mode:                    TM2                       Polarity:                     Horizontal

No.   Frequency    Reading      Correct    Result     Limit        Margin     Degree        Height     Remark
        (MHz)      (dBuV/m)     dB/m      (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)        (dB)     (         )   (cm)
 1      32.4059     39.48        -9.73     29.75      63.50          -33.75       246        100         QP
 2      36.0007     39.43        -9.49     29.94      63.50          -33.56       157        100         QP
 3      46.0164     34.64        -8.09     26.55      63.50          -36.95       99         100         QP
 4     184.4898     35.34       -14.61     20.73      63.50          -42.77       334        100         QP
 5     378.5843     32.66        -7.83     24.83      63.50          -38.67       189        100         QP
 6     1000.0000    29.01        4.04      33.05      63.50          -30.45       310        100         QP

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                                                                                    Model: P27QC10P60-BK

      Test mode:                    TM2                       Polarity:                      Vertical

No.   Frequency    Reading      Correct    Result     Limit        Margin     Degree        Height      Remark
        (MHz)      (dBuV/m)     dB/m      (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)        (dB)     (         )   (cm)
 1      31.0706     36.42        -9.54     26.88      63.50          -36.62       345        100         QP
 2      47.6586     34.27        -8.15     26.12      63.50          -37.38       148        100         QP
 3      64.6594     35.46       -12.08     23.38      63.50          -40.12       69         100         QP
 4     116.9495     34.77       -15.58     19.19      63.50          -44.31       140        100         QP
 5     280.0237     32.01       -10.08     21.93      63.50          -41.57       104        100         QP
 6     522.7180     34.08        -5.74     28.34      63.50          -35.16       295        100         QP

                                    ***** END OF REPORT *****

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Document Created: 2019-06-19 09:31:16
Document Modified: 2019-06-19 09:31:16

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