

Test Report

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October 17, 2019   [--------------------]


FCC ID 249_C

   Test Report                                                                          Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004



                                                   FCC ID: 2ATAP-ECHELON

                                      Echelon Reflect, Echelon Reflect Touch

                                     Model: ECH-REFL01-5G, ECH-REFL02-5G

                                                         Brand Name: N/A

                                                        2.4GHz Transceiver

                                            Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

       We hereby certify that the sample of the above item is considered to comply with the
                requirements of FCC Part 15, Subpart C for Intentional Radiator,
                                    mention 47 CFR [10-1-18]

Prepared and Checked by:                                                        Approved by:

Jeff Liang                                                                      Kidd Yang
Engineer                                                                        Technical Supervisor
                                                                                Date: October 17, 2019

This report is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's
responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than
to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this report. Only the Client is
authorized to permit copying or distribution of this report and then only in its entirety. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for
the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and
test results in this report are relevant only to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is
or has ever been under an Intertek certification program.

                                  Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Longhua Branch
           101, 201, Building B, No. 308 Wuhe Avenue, Zhangkengjing Community, GuanHu Subdistrict, LongHua District, ShenZhen, P.R. China
                                                  Tel: (86 755) 8601 6288 Fax: (86 755) 8601 6751

Version: 01-November-2017                                  Page: 1 of 27                                                           FCC ID 249_C

  Test Report
                                                                Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

                                MEASUREMENT/TECHNICAL REPORT

This report concerns (check one:)           Original Grant X                  Class II Change

Equipment Type: DXX - Part 15 Low Power Communication Device Transmitter

Deferred grant requested per 47 CFR 0.457(d)(1)(ii)?                   Yes              No      X

                                                       If yes, defer until:

Company Name agrees to notify the Commission by:
of the intended date of announcement of the product so that the grant can be issued on that date.

Transition Rules Request per 15.37?                                    Yes              No      X

If no, assumed Part 15, Subpart C for intentional radiator − the new 47 CFR [10-1-18 Edition]

Report prepared by:

                             Jeff Liang
                             Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Longhua Branch
                             101, 201, Building B, No. 308 Wuhe Avenue,
                             Zhangkengjing Community, GuanHu Subdistrict,
                             LongHua District, ShenZhen, P.R. China
                             Tel / Fax: 86-755-8614 0743/86-755-8601 6661

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  Test Report
                                                                            Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

                                                 Table of Contents

1.0 Summary of Test Result ................................................................................................. 4

2.0 General Description ...................................................................................................... 5
  2.1 Product Description .................................................................................................... 5
  2.2 Related Submittal(s) Grants ......................................................................................... 5
  2.3 Test Methodology ...................................................................................................... 5
  2.4 Test Facility ............................................................................................................... 6
3.0 System Test Configuration ............................................................................................. 7
  3.1 Justification ............................................................................................................... 7
  3.2 EUT Exercising Software .............................................................................................. 7
  3.3 Special Accessories ..................................................................................................... 7
  3.4 Equipment Modification.............................................................................................. 7
  3.5 Measurement Uncertainty .......................................................................................... 8
  3.6 Support Equipment List and Description ........................................................................ 8
4.0 Emission Results ........................................................................................................... 9
  4.1 Radiated Test Results .................................................................................................. 9
  4.1.1 Field Strength Calculation ......................................................................................... 9
  4.1.2 Radiated Emission Configuration Photograph ............................................................ 10
  4.1.3 Radiated Emissions ................................................................................................ 10
  4.1.4 Transmitter Spurious Emissions ............................................................................... 13
  4.2 Conducted Emission Configuration Photograph ............................................................ 17
  4.2.1 Conducted Emission ............................................................................................... 17
5.0 Equipment Photographs .............................................................................................. 20

6.0 Product Labelling ........................................................................................................ 20

7.0 Technical Specifications ............................................................................................... 20

8.0 Instruction Manual ..................................................................................................... 20

9.0 Miscellaneous Information .......................................................................................... 21
  9.1 Bandedge Plot ......................................................................................................... 21
  9.2 20dB Bandwidth....................................................................................................... 23
  9.3 Discussion of Pulse Desensitization ............................................................................. 24
  9.4 Transmitter Duty Cycle Calculation FCC Rule 15.35(b, c)................................................. 24
  9.5 Emissions Test Procedures ......................................................................................... 25
10.0 Test Equipment List .................................................................................................. 27

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  Test Report
                                                       Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

1.0     Summary of Test Result

Manufacturer Address: ROOM 203, NO. 48 OF CHUANGYE 1ST RD., MULUN AREA,

                            MODEL: ECH-REFL01-5G, ECH-REFL02-5G

                                   FCC ID: 2ATAP-ECHELON

 Test Specification                    Reference                        Results
 Transmitter Radiated Emission         15.249 &15.209 &15.205           Pass
 Conducted Emission                    15.207                           Pass
 Bandedge                              15.249 &15.209 &15.205           Pass
 20dB Bandwidth                        15.215(c)                        Pass
Notes: The EUT uses an Internal Antenna which in accordance to Section 15.203 is considered
sufficient to comply with the provisions of this section.

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  Test Report
                                                              Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

2.0     General Description

2.1     Product Description

        The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is an Echelon Reflect with BT5.0 (dual-mode)
        operating in 2402-2480MHz, 2.4G Wi-Fi function operating in 2412-2462MHz and 5G
        Wi-Fi function operating in 5180-5240&5745-5825MHz. The EUT is powered by A.C.
        120V, 60Hz. Bluetooth and WIFI transmitters are share one antenna and can
        transmit simultaneously, but 2.4G WIFI and 5G WIFI cannot transmit simultaneously.
        User cannot access USB/LAN/SD card ports in normal use. For more detailed features
        description, please refer to the user’s manual.

        Antenna Type: Internal Antenna
        Modulation Type: GFSK
        Antenna Gain: 3dBi Max
        Bluetooth Version: 5.0 BLE

        The model: ECH-REFL02-5G is the same as the model: ECH-REFL01-5G in hardware
        aspect. Their difference in product name, model number and with/without support
        touch screen function for marketing purpose. Details as below:
         Product name               Model Number         Description
         Echelon Reflect            ECH-REFL01-5G        Not support touch screen function
         Echelon Reflect Touch      ECH-REFL02-5G        Support touch screen function

        Partial tests are required to both designing schemes after evaluation, but only worst-
        case is reflected in the report.

        For electronic filing, the brief circuit description is saved with filename: descri.pdf.

2.2     Related Submittal(s) Grants

        This is an application for certification of a transceiver for the Echelon Reflect which has
        Bluetooth 5.0 BLE function.
        Remaining functions are subjected to the following documents:
        For the 2.4G Wi-Fi function was tested and demonstrated in report 190926001SZN-001.
        For the 5G Wi-Fi function was tested and demonstrated in report 190926001SZN-002.
        For the BT 5.0 EDR function was tested and demonstrated in report 190926001SZN-003.
        For other functions were reported in the SDoC report: 190926001SZN-005.

2.3     Test Methodology
        Both AC mains line-conducted and radiated emission measurements were performed
        according to the procedures in ANSI C63.10 (2013). Radiated emission measurement
        was performed in Semi-anechoic chamber and conducted emission measurement was
        performed in shield room. For radiated emission measurement, preliminary scans were
        performed in the semi-anechoic chamber only to determine the worst-case modes. All
        radiated tests were performed at an antenna to EUT distance of 3 meters, unless stated
        otherwise in the "Justification Section" of this Application. All other measurements
        were made in accordance with the procedures in part 2 of CFR 47.

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  Test Report
                                                         Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

2.4     Test Facility
        The Semi-Anechoic chamber and shield room used to collect the radiated data and
        conducted data are Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Longhua Branch and
        located at 101, 201, Building B, No. 308 Wuhe Avenue, Zhangkengjing Community,
        GuanHu Subdistrict, LongHua District, ShenZhen, P.R. China. This test facility and site
        measurement data have been fully placed on file with the FCC (Registration Number:

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  Test Report
                                                          Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

3.0     System Test Configuration

3.1     Justification

        The system was configured for testing in a typical fashion (as a customer would
        normally use it), and in the confines as outlined in ANSI C63.10 (2013).

        The EUT was powered by A.C. 120V, 60Hz during the test. Both designing schemes
        have been considered, only the worst data was reported in this report.

        For maximizing emissions below 30 MHz, the EUT was rotated through 360°, the centre
        of the loop antenna was placed 1 meter above the ground, and the antenna
        polarization was changed. For maximizing emissions, the EUT was rotated through
        360°, the antenna height was varied from 1 meter to 4 meters above the ground
        plane, and the antenna polarization was changed. This step by step procedure for
        maximizing emissions led to the data reported in Section 4.

        The rear of unit shall be flushed with the rear of the table.

        The equipment under test (EUT) was configured for testing in a typical fashion (as a
        customer would normally use it). The EUT was placed on a turn table, which enabled
        the engineer to maximize emissions through its placement in the three orthogonal

3.2     EUT Exercising Software
        The EUT exercise program (provided by client) used during testing was designed to
        exercise the various system components in a manner similar to a typical use.
        Test Software: Ampak RFTestTool, VER: 5.6

3.3     Special Accessories

        No special accessories used.

3.4     Equipment Modification
        Any modifications installed previous to testing by DONGGUAN TYSTART GLASS
        TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD will be incorporated in each production model sold / leased in
        the United States.

        No modifications were installed by Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Longhua

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  Test Report
                                                         Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

3.5     Measurement Uncertainty

        When determining the test conclusion, the Measurement Uncertainty of test has been

3.6     Support Equipment List and Description

                    Description              Manufacturer                  Remark
                  Portable computer
                                                  DELL                   Latitude 3480
                (Provided by Intertek)

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  Test Report
                                                           Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

4.0      Emission Results

        Data is included worst-case configuration (the configuration which resulted in the
        highest emission levels).

4.1     Radiated Test Results

        A sample calculation, configuration photographs and data tables of the emissions are

4.1.1   Field Strength Calculation

        The field strength is calculated by adding the reading on the Spectrum Analyzer to the
        factors associated with preamplifiers (if any), antennas, cables, pulse desensitization
        and average factors (when specified limit is in average and measurements are made
        with peak detectors). A sample calculation is included below.

        FS = RA + AF + CF - AG + PD + AV
        Where          FS = Field Strength in dBµV/m
                       RA = Receiver Amplitude (including preamplifier) in dBµV
                       CF = Cable Attenuation Factor in dB
                       AF = Antenna Factor in dB
                       AG = Amplifier Gain in dB
                       PD = Pulse Desensitization in dB
                       AV = Average Factor in -dB

        In the radiated emission table which follows, the reading shown on the data table may
        reflect the preamplifier gain. An example of the calculations, where the reading does
        not reflect the preamplifier gain, follows:

        FS = RA + AF + CF - AG + PD + AV

        Assume a receiver reading of 62.0 dBµV is obtained. The antenna factor of 7.4 dB and
        cable factor of 1.6 dB is added. The amplifier gain of 29 dB is subtracted. The pulse
        desensitization factor of the spectrum analyzer was 0 dB, and the resultant average
        factor was -10 dB. The net field strength for comparison to the appropriate emission
        limit is 32 dBµV/m. This value in dBµV/m was converted to its corresponding level in

        RA = 62.0 dBµV
        AF = 7.4 dB
        CF = 1.6 dB
        AG = 29.0 dB
        PD = 0 dB
        AV = -10 dB
        FS = 62 + 7.4 + 1.6 - 29 + 0 = 42 dBµV/m

        Level in µV/m = Common Antilogarithm [(42 dBµV/m)/20] = 125.9 µV/m

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  Test Report
                                                         Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

4.1.2   Radiated Emission Configuration Photograph

        For electronic filing, the worst case radiated emission configuration photograph is
        saved with filename: radiated photos. pdf.

4.1.3 Radiated Emissions

        The data on the following page lists the significant emission frequencies, the limit and
        the margin of compliance. Simultaneous transmission was considered during the test.

                                 Worst Case Radiated Emission
                                        816.793560 MHz

                                   Judgement: Passed by 3.5 dB


        Sign on file

        Jeff Liang, Engineer
        Typed/Printed Name

        October 14, 2019

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  Test Report
                                                                              Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

Date of Test: October 14, 2019         Model: ECH-REFL01-5G
Worst Case Operating Mode:             Simultaneous transmission

ANT Polarity: Horizontal
       Level in dB礦/m

Frequency               Quasi Peak   Meas. Time   Bandwidth                  Corr.   Margin - QPK   Limit - QPK
  (MHz)                  (dBuV/m)      (ms)         (kHz)                    (dB)        (dB)        (dBuV/m)
148.501667                 38.7        1000.0      120.000         H         11.6        4.8           43.5
816.786400                 42.4        1000.0      120.000         H         27.4        3.6           46.0
891.000000                 41.9        1000.0      120.000         H         28.3        4.1           46.0

1. Corr. = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Loss (dB)
2. QuasiPeak (dBμV/m)= Corr. (dB/m)+ Read Level (dBμV)
3. Margin (dB) = Limit Line(dBμV/m) – Level (dBμV/m)

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  Test Report
                                                                              Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

Date of Test: October 14, 2019         Model: ECH-REFL01-5G
Worst Case Operating Mode:             Simultaneous transmission

ANT Polarity: Vertical
       Level in dB礦/m

Frequency               QuasiPeak   Meas. Time   Bandwidth                  Corr.   Margin - QPK   Limit - QPK
  (MHz)                 (dBuV/m)      (ms)         (kHz)                    (dB)        (dB)        (dBuV/m)
148.501667                36.5        1000.0      120.000         V         11.6        7.0           43.5
816.793560                42.5        1000.0      120.000         V         27.4        3.5           46.0
891.004333                41.2        1000.0      120.000         V         28.3        4.8           46.0

1. Corr. = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Loss (dB)
2. QuasiPeak (dBμV/m)= Corr. (dB/m)+ Read Level (dBμV)
3. Margin (dB) = Limit Line(dBμV/m) – Level (dBμV/m)

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  Test Report
                                                          Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

4.1.4   Transmitter Spurious Emissions (Radiated)

                                   Worst Case Radiated Emission
                                          2402.000 MHz

        For electronic filing, the worst case radiated emission configuration photograph is
        saved with filename: radiated photos. pdf.

        The data on the following page lists the significant emission frequencies, the limit and
        the margin of compliance. Numbers with a minus sign are below the limit.

                                   Judgement: Passed by 6.3 dB


        Sign on file

        Jeff Liang, Engineer
        Typed/Printed Name

        October 14, 2019

Version: 01-November-2017               Page: 13 of 27                                FCC ID 249_C

  Test Report
                                                                  Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

Date of Test: October 14, 2019          Model: ECH-REFL01-5G
Worst Case Operating Mode:              Transmitting

                                              Table 1

                                        Radiated Emissions

Polarization    Frequency    Reading      Pre-        Antenna            Net        Peak       Margin
                  (MHz)      (dBµV)       Amp          Factor           at 3m       Limit       (dB)
                                          Gain          (dB)          (dBµV/m)      at 3m
                                          (dB)                                    (dBµV/m)
  Vertical       2402.000     101.0        36.7            28.1         92.4        114.0       -21.6
  Vertical       4804.000     48.3         36.7            35.5         47.1        74.0        -26.9
  Vertical       7206.000     52.6         36.1            36.5         53.0        74.0        -21.0
  Vertical       9608.000     53.9         36.2            37.0         54.7        74.0        -19.3

Polarization    Frequency    Reading      Pre-        Antenna            Net      Average      Margin
                  (MHz)      (dBµV)       Amp          Factor           at 3m       Limit       (dB)
                                          Gain          (dB)          (dBµV/m)      at 3m
                                          (dB)                                    (dBµV/m
  Vertical       2402.000      96.3       36.7             28.1         87.7         94.0        -6.3
  Vertical       4804.000      38.7       36.7             35.5         37.5         54.0       -16.5
  Vertical       7206.000      43.0       36.1             36.5         43.4         54.0       -10.6
  Vertical       9608.000      44.7       36.2             37.0         45.5         54.0        -8.5

 Notes: 1. Peak detector is used for the emission measurement (RBW=1MHz / VBW=3MHz for
           Peak value, and RBW=1MHz / VBW=10Hz for Average value; RBW=3MHz is used
           for fundamental emission measurement).

             2. All measurements were made at 3 meter. Harmonic emissions not detected at the
                3-meter distance were measured at 0.3-meter and an inverse proportional
                extrapolation was performed to compare the signal level to the 3-meter limit. No
                other harmonic emissions than those reported were detected at a test distance of

             3. Negative value in the margin column shows emission below limit.

             4. Horn antenna is used for the emission over 1000MHz.

Test Engineer: Jeff Liang

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  Test Report
                                                                  Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

Date of Test: October 14, 2019          Model: ECH-REFL01-5G
Worst Case Operating Mode:              Transmitting

                                              Table 2

                                        Radiated Emissions

Polarization    Frequency    Reading      Pre-        Antenna            Net        Peak       Margin
                  (MHz)      (dBµV)       Amp          Factor           at 3m       Limit       (dB)
                                          Gain          (dB)          (dBµV/m)      at 3m
                                          (dB)                                    (dBµV/m)
  Vertical       2440.000      99.1        36.7            28.1         90.5        114.0       -23.5
  Vertical       4880.000      48.6        36.7            35.5         47.4        74.0        -26.6
  Vertical       7320.000      53.4        36.1            37.2         54.5        74.0        -19.5
  Vertical       9760.000      56.4        36.2            37.0         57.2        74.0        -16.8

Polarization    Frequency    Reading      Pre-        Antenna            Net       Average     Margin
                  (MHz)      (dBµV)       Amp          Factor           at 3m       Limit       (dB)
                                          Gain          (dB)          (dBµV/m)      at 3m
                                          (dB)                                    (dBµV/m)
  Vertical       2440.000      93.9       36.7             28.1         85.3         94.0        -8.7
  Vertical       4880.000      39.4       36.7             35.5         38.2         54.0       -15.8
  Vertical       7320.000      43.8       36.1             37.2         44.9         54.0        -9.1
  Vertical       9760.000      46.0       36.2             37.0         46.8         54.0        -7.2

 Notes: 1. Peak detector is used for the emission measurement (RBW=1MHz / VBW=3MHz for
           Peak value, and RBW=1MHz / VBW=10Hz for Average value; RBW=3MHz is used
           for fundamental emission measurement).

             2. All measurements were made at 3 meter. Harmonic emissions not detected at the
                3-meter distance were measured at 0.3-meter and an inverse proportional
                extrapolation was performed to compare the signal level to the 3-meter limit. No
                other harmonic emissions than those reported were detected at a test distance of

             3. Negative value in the margin column shows emission below limit.

             4. Horn antenna is used for the emission over 1000MHz.

Test Engineer: Jeff Liang

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  Test Report
                                                                  Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

Date of Test: October 14, 2019          Model: ECH-REFL01-5G
Worst Case Operating Mode:              Transmitting

                                              Table 3

                                        Radiated Emissions


Polarization    Frequency    Reading      Pre-        Antenna            Net        Peak       Margin
                  (MHz)      (dBµV)       Amp          Factor           at 3m       Limit       (dB)
                                          Gain          (dB)          (dBµV/m)      at 3m
                                          (dB)                                    (dBµV/m)
  Vertical       2480.000      93.2        36.7            28.1         84.6        114.0       -29.4
  Vertical       4960.000      48.5        36.7            35.5         47.3        74.0        -26.7
  Vertical       7440.000      53.0        36.1            37.2         54.1        74.0        -19.9
  Vertical       9920.000      50.4        36.3            38.9         53.0        74.0        -21.0

Polarization    Frequency    Reading      Pre-        Antenna            Net       Average     Margin
                  (MHz)      (dBµV)       Amp          Factor           at 3m       Limit       (dB)
                                          Gain          (dB)          (dBµV/m)      at 3m
                                          (dB)                                    (dBµV/m)
  Vertical       2480.000      88.9       36.7             28.1         80.3         94.0       -13.7
  Vertical       4960.000      38.7       36.7             35.5         37.5         54.0       -16.5
  Vertical       7440.000      44.3       36.1             37.2         45.4         54.0        -8.6
  Vertical       9920.000      42.6       36.3             38.9         45.2         54.0        -8.8

 Notes: 1. Peak detector is used for the emission measurement (RBW=1MHz / VBW=3MHz for
           Peak value, and RBW=1MHz / VBW=10Hz for Average value; RBW=3MHz is used
           for fundamental emission measurement).

             2. All measurements were made at 3 meter. Harmonic emissions not detected at the
                3-meter distance were measured at 0.3-meter and an inverse proportional
                extrapolation was performed to compare the signal level to the 3-meter limit. No
                other harmonic emissions than those reported were detected at a test distance of

             3. Negative value in the margin column shows emission below limit.

             4. Horn antenna is used for the emission over 1000MHz.

Test Engineer: Jeff Liang

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  Test Report
                                                          Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

4.2     Conducted Emission Configuration Photograph

        For electronic filing, the worst case radiated emission configuration photographs
        are saved with filename: conducted photos.pdf.

4.2.1    Conducted Emission

                               Worst Case Conducted Configuration

                            Judgement:       Passed by 8.0dB margin


        Sign on file

        Jeff Liang, Engineer
        Typed/Printed Name

        October 16, 2019

Version: 01-November-2017                Page: 17 of 27                               FCC ID 249_C

  Test Report
                                                                            Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

Date of Test: October 16, 2019               Model: ECH-REFL02-5G
Worst Case Operating Mode: Simultaneous transmission
Phase: Live

                                                Graphic / Data Table

                                        Conducted Emissions
                           Pursuant to FCC 15.207: Emissions Requirement
        Level in dBμ

Limit and Margin QP
 Frequency             Quasi Peak   Bandwidth           Corr.   Margin    Limit
   (MHz)                (dBuV)        (kHz)             (dB)     (dB)    (dBuV)
 0.198000                41.9         9.000       L1     9.7     21.8     63.7
 0.250000                43.0         9.000       L1     9.7     18.8     61.8
 0.310000                39.8         9.000       L1     9.7     20.2     60.0
 0.582000                38.4         9.000       L1     9.7     17.6     56.0
 0.934000                37.6         9.000       L1     9.7     18.4     56.0
 13.398000               43.9         9.000       L1    10.1     16.1     60.0

Limit and Margin AV
 Frequency              Average     Bandwidth           Corr.   Margin    Limit
   (MHz)                (dBuV)        (kHz)             (dB)     (dB)    (dBuV)
 0.198000                33.7         9.000      L1      9.7     20.0     53.7
 0.250000                29.6         9.000      L1      9.7     22.2     51.8
 0.310000                31.4         9.000      L1      9.7     18.6     50.0
 0.582000                26.8         9.000      L1      9.7     19.2     46.0
 0.934000                28.4         9.000      L1      9.7     17.6     46.0
 13.398000               42.0         9.000      L1     10.1      8.0     50.0

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  Test Report
                                                                               Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

Date of Test: October 16, 2019               Model: ECH-REFL02-5G
Worst Case Operating Mode: Simultaneous transmission
Phase: Neutral

                                                Graphic / Data Table

                                         Conducted Emissions
                            Pursuant to FCC 15.207: Emissions Requirement
        Level in dBμ

Result Table QP
Frequency              Quasi Peak   Bandwidth           Corr.   Margin     Limit
  (MHz)                 (dBuV)        (kHz)             (dB)     (dB)     (dBuV)
0.198000                 44.4         9.000       N      9.7     19.3      63.7
0.250000                 47.7         9.000       N      9.7     14.1      61.8
0.494000                 45.8         9.000       N      9.7     10.3      56.1
0.618000                 38.8         9.000       N      9.7     17.2      56.0
0.930000                 39.1         9.000       N      9.7     16.9      56.0
13.398000                43.0         9.000       N     10.1     17.0      60.0

Result Table AV
Frequency               Average     Bandwidth           Corr.   Margin     Limit
  (MHz)                 (dBuV)        (kHz)             (dB)     (dB)     (dBuV)
0.198000                 37.5         9.000      N       9.7     16.2      53.7
0.250000                 34.5         9.000      N       9.7     17.3      51.8
0.494000                 30.1         9.000      N       9.7     16.0      46.1
0.618000                 28.6         9.000      N       9.7     17.4      46.0
0.930000                 30.4         9.000      N       9.7     15.6      46.0
13.398000                41.2         9.000      N      10.1      8.8      50.0

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  Test Report
                                                         Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

5.0     Equipment Photographs

        For electronic filing, the photographs of the tested EUT are saved with filename:
        external photos.pdf & internal photos.pdf.

6.0     Product Labelling

        For electronic filing, the FCC ID label artwork and the label location are saved with
        filename: label.pdf.

7.0     Technical Specifications

        For electronic filing, the block diagram and schematics of the tested EUT are saved with
        filename: block.pdf and circuit.pdf respectively.

8.0     Instruction Manual

        For electronic filing, a preliminary copy of the Instruction Manual is saved with
        filename: manual.pdf.

        This manual will be provided to the end-user with each unit sold/leased in the United

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  Test Report
                                                        Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

9.0    Miscellaneous Information

        This miscellaneous information includes details of the measured bandedge, 20dB
        Bandwidth, the test procedure and calculation of factor such as pulse desensitization.

9.1      Bandedge Plot

        The test plots are attached as below. From the below plots, the field strength of any
        emissions outside of the specified frequency band are attenuated to the general
        radiated emission limits in section 15.209. It fulfils the requirement of 15.249(d).

         Peak Measurement

         Bandedge compliance is determined by applying marker-delta method, i.e
        (Bandedge Plot).

        (i)      Lowest frequency channel (2402MHz):

        Peak Resultant field strength = Fundamental emissions (peak value) – delta from the
                                            bandedge plot

                                        = 92.4 dBµv/m-50.79 dB
                                        = 41.61 dBµv/m

        Average Resultant field strength = Fundamental emissions (average value) – delta from
                                               the bandedge plot

                                            = 87.7 dBµv/m-50.79 dB
                                            = 36.91 dBµv/m

        (ii) Highest frequency channel (2480MHz):
        Peak Resultant field strength = Fundamental emissions (peak value) – delta from the
                                            bandedge plot

                                        = 84.6 dBµv/m-49.76 dB
                                        = 34.84 dBµv/m

        Average Resultant field strength = Fundamental emissions (average value) – delta from
                                               the bandedge plot

                                            = 80.3 dBµv/m–49.76 dB
                                            = 30.54 dBµv/m

        The resultant field strength meets the general radiated emission limit in section
        15.209, which does not exceed 74dBµv/m (Peak Limit) and 54dBµv/m (Average Limit).

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  Test Report
                                             Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

Lowest frequency Channel

Highest frequency Channel

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  Test Report
                                                        Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

9.2     20dB bandwidth
        Pursuant to FCC part 15 Section 15.215(c), the 20dB bandwidth of the emission was
        contained within the frequency band designated (mentioned as above) which the EUT
        operated. The effects, if any, from frequency sweeping, frequency hopping, other
        modulation techniques and frequency stability over excepted variations in temperature
        and supply voltage were considered. The test plots are reported as below.

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  Test Report
                                                          Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004
9.3     Discussion of Pulse Desensitization

        Pulse desensitivity is not applicable for this device since the transmitter transmits the
        RF signal continuously.

9.4      Transmitter Duty Cycle Calculation, FCC Rule 15.35(b, c)

        The EUT antenna output port was connected to the input of the spectrum analyzer.
        The analyzer center frequency was set to EUT RF channel carrier. The SWEP function on
        the analyzer was set to ZERO SPAN. The Transmitter ON time was determined from the
        resultant time-amplitude display:

                   See attached spectrum analyzer chart (s) for Transmitter timing

                   See Transmitter timing diagram provided by manufacturer

           x       Not applicable, duty cycle was not used.

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  Test Report
                                                          Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

9.5     Emissions Test Procedures

        The following is a description of the test procedure used by Intertek Testing Services in
        the measurements of transmitters operating under Part 15, Subpart C rules.

        The test set-up and procedures described below are designed to meet the
        requirements of ANSI C63.10 - 2013.

        The transmitting equipment under test (EUT) is placed on a styrene turntable which is
        four feet in diameter and approximately 0.8 meter up to 1GHz and 1.5 meter above
        1GHz in height above the ground plane. During the radiated emissions test, the
        turntable is rotated and any cables leaving the EUT are manipulated to find the
        configuration resulting in maximum emissions. The EUT is adjust through all three
        orthogonal axes to obtain maximum emission levels. The antenna height and
        polarization are varied during the testing to search for maximum signal levels.

        Detector function for radiated emissions is in peak mode. Average readings, when
        required, are taken by measuring the duty cycle of the equipment under test and
        subtracting the corresponding amount in dB from the measured peak readings. A
        detailed description for the calculation of the average factor can be found in section

        The frequency range scanned is from the lowest radio frequency signal generated in
        the device which is greater than 9 kHz to the tenth harmonic of the highest
        fundamental frequency or 40 GHz, whichever is lower.

        Detector function for conducted emissions is in QP & AV mode and IFBW setting is 9
        kHz from the frequency band 150 kHz to 30MHz.

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  Test Report
                                                         Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004
9.5     Emissions Test Procedures (cont'd)

        The EUT is warmed up for 15 minutes prior to the test.

        AC power to the unit is varied from 85% to 115% nominal and variation in the
        fundamental emission field strength is recorded. If battery powered, a new, fully
        charged battery is used.

        Conducted measurements are made as described in ANSI C63.10 - 2013.

        The IF bandwidth used for measurement of radiated signal strength was 10 kHz for
        emission below 30 MHz and 120 kHz for emission from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz. Where
        pulsed transmissions of short enough pulse duration warrant, a greater bandwidth is
        selected according to the recommendations of Hewlett Packard Application Note
        150-2. Above 1000 MHz, a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz is used (RBW 3MHz used for
        fundamental emission).

        Transmitter measurements are normally conducted at a measurement distance of
        three meters. However, to assure low enough noise floor in the restricted bands and
        above 1 GHz, signals are acquired at a distance of one meter or less. All measurements
        are extrapolated to three meters using inverse scaling, but those measurements taken
        at a closer distance are so marked.

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  Test Report
                                                                  Intertek Report No.: 190926001SZN-004

10.0     Test Equipment List

       Equipment                                       Model         Serial
                     Equipment       Manufacturer                               Cal. Date    Due Date
          No.                                           No.           No.
        SZ061-12                          ETS           3142E       00166158   14-Sep-2018   14-Sep-2020
                      Active Loop
        SZ061-06                     Electro-Metrics   EM-6876        217      24-May-2019   24-May-2020
        SZ061-08     Horn Antenna         ETS            3115       00092346   7-Sep-2019    7-Sep-2021
                    Pyramidal Horn
        SZ061-07                          ETS          3160-09      00083067   10-Mar-2019   10-Mar-2020
        SZ056-03                          R&S           FSP30        101148    28-May-2019   28-May-2020
        SZ185-01     EMI Receiver         R&S            ESCI        100547    4-Jan-2019    4-Jan-2020
        SZ181-04      Preamplifier       Agilent        8449B                  15-Jan-2019   15-Jan-2020
                       Anechoic                        RFD-F/A-
        SZ188-01                          ETS                         4102     15-Dec-2018   15-Dec-2020
                       Chamber                           100
        SZ062-02       RF Cable         RADIALL        RG 213U         --      19-Jun-2019   19-Dec-2019
        SZ062-05       RF Cable         RADIALL                        --      14-Aug-2019   14-Feb-2020
        SZ062-12       RF Cable         RADIALL                        --      14-Aug-2019   14-Feb-2020
        SZ067-04      Notch Filter    Micro-Tronics                    --      28-May-2019   28-May-2020
                       EMI Test
        SZ185-02                          R&S            ESCI        100692    26-Oct-2018   26-Oct-2019
                      Two-Line V-
        SZ187-02                          R&S          ENV216        100073    28-May-2019   28-May-2020
        SZ188-03    Shielding Room        ETS          RFD-100        4100     16-Jan-2017   16-Jan-2020
                                                       CBL2-BN-     110127-
        SZ062-16       RF Cable      HUBER+SUHNER                              29-Oct-2018   29-Oct-2019
                                                         1m         2231000

************************************* End of Report************************************

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Document Created: 2019-10-30 17:04:16
Document Modified: 2019-10-30 17:04:16

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