FCC 15.247 WIFI

FCC ID: 2AT9WMT-300668

Test Report

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 3.6. Band edge and Spurious Emission (conducted)

FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section15.247 (d):
In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum intentional radiator is
operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB below
that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power, based on
either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement.


1.   Connect the antenna port(s) to the spectrum analyzer input.
2.   Establish a reference level by using the following procedure
     Center frequency=DTS channel center frequency
     The span = 1.5 times the DTS bandwidth.
     RBW = 100 kHz, VBW ≥ 3 x RBW
     Detector = peak, Sweep time = auto couple, Trace mode = max hold
     Allow trace to fully stabilize
     Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum PSD level

     Note: the channel found to contain the maximum PSD level can be used to establish the reference level.
3.   Emission level measurement
     Set the center frequency and span to encompass frequency range to be measured
     RBW = 100 kHz, VBW ≥ 3 x RBW
     Detector = peak, Sweep time = auto couple, Trace mode = max hold
     Allow trace to fully stabilize
     Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level.
4.   Place the radio in continuous transmit mode, allow the trace to stabilize, view the transmitter waveform on
     the spectrum analyzer.
5.   Ensure that the amplitude of all unwanted emissions outside of the authorized frequency band excluding
     restricted frequency bands) are attenuated by at least the minimum requirements specified (at least 20 dB
     relative to the maximum in-band peak PSD level in 100 kHz). Report the three highest emissions relative to
     the limit.

Please refer to the clause 2.3.


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                               CH01-Bandedge                                                   CH11-Bandedge

Date: 30.JUN.2019   08:29:10                                    Date: 30.JUN.2019   08:37:09

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Date: 30.JUN.2019   08:30:36                           Date: 30.JUN.2019   08:31:07


Date: 30.JUN.2019   08:34:34                           Date: 30.JUN.2019   08:35:05


Date: 30.JUN.2019   08:38:35                           Date: 30.JUN.2019   08:39:06

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                               CH01-Bandedge                                                   CH11-Bandedge

Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:13:07                                    Date: 30.JUN.2019   08:56:29

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Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:13:31                           Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:14:02


Date: 30.JUN.2019   08:53:14                           Date: 30.JUN.2019   08:53:45


Date: 30.JUN.2019   08:57:56                           Date: 30.JUN.2019   08:58:27

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                               CH01-Bandedge                                                   CH11-Bandedge

Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:01:32                                    Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:10:04

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Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:02:58                           Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:03:29


Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:07:10                           Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:07:41


Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:11:30                           Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:12:01

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                               CH03-Bandedge                                                   CH09-Bandedge

Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:19:55                                    Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:30:14

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Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:21:21                           Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:21:52


Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:27:36                           Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:28:07


Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:31:40                           Date: 30.JUN.2019   09:32:11

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 3.7. Band Edge Emissions

                Restricted Frequency Band                                (dBuV/m)(at 3m)
                           (MHz)                              Peak                            Average

                          2310 ~2390                            74                               54

                         2483.5 ~2500                           74                               54

               Note: All restriction bands have been tested, only the worst case is reported.

Test Configuration

Test Procedure

1.   The EUT was setup and tested according to ANSI C63.10:2013 requirements.
2.   The EUT is placed on a turn table which is 0.1 meter above ground. The turn table is rotated 360 degrees to
     determine the position of the maximum emission level.
3.   The EUT was positioned such that the distance from antenna to the EUT was 3 meters.
4.   The antenna is scanned from 1 meter to 4 meters to find out the maximum emission level. This is repeated
     for both horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna. In order to find the maximum emission, all of the
     interface cables were manipulated according to ANSI C63.10:2013 on radiated measurement.
5.   The receiver set as follow:
     RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz PEAK detector for Peak value.
     RBW=1MHz, VBW=10Hz with Average detector for Average Value.

Test Mode
        Please refer to the clause 2.3.

Test Results
     Passed                               Not Applicable

1) Final level= Read level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Preamp Factor

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802.11b                                                   CH01
             Read    Antenna     Cable     Preamp                             Margin
Frequency                                             Level      Limit Line                                Test
             Level    Factor     Loss      Factor                                         Polarization
  (MHz)                                             (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)       (dB)                      value
            (dBuV)    (dB/m)      (dB)      (dB)
  2310      20.59     26.01       4.52        0          46.60      74        -27.4         Vertical
  2390      21.82     26.84       4.89        0          53.55      74        -20.45        Vertical

  2310      15.32     26.01       4.52        0          45.85      54        -8.15         Vertical
  2390      15.29     26.84       4.89        0          47.02      54        -6.98         Vertical

  2310      19.62     26.11       4.52        0          50.25      74        -23.75      Horizontal
  2390      19.16     26.75       4.89        0          50.80      74        -23.2       Horizontal

  2310      14.42     26.11       4.52        0          45.05      54        -8.95       Horizontal
  2390      14.79     26.75       4.89        0          46.43      54        -7.57       Horizontal

802.11b                                                  CH11
             Read    Antenna     Cable     Preamp                             Margin
Frequency                                             Level      Limit Line                                Test
             Level    Factor     Loss      Factor                                         Polarization
  (MHz)                                             (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)       (dB)                      value
            (dBuV)    (dB/m)      (dB)      (dB)
 2483.78    22.16     26.01       4.52        0          52.69      74        -21.31        Vertical
  2500      21.81     26.84       4.89        0          53.54      74        -20.46        Vertical

 2483.62    15.19     26.01       4.52        0          45.72      54        -8.28         Vertical
  2500      15.16     26.84       4.89        0          46.89      54        -7.11         Vertical

 2483.79    19.70     26.11       4.52        0          50.33      74        -23.67      Horizontal
  2500      21.18     26.75       4.89        0          52.82      74        -21.18      Horizontal

 2483.61    16.46     26.11       4.52        0          47.09      54        -6.91       Horizontal
  2500      16.62     26.75       4.89        0          48.26      54        -5.74       Horizontal

802.11g                                                  CH01
             Read    Antenna     Cable     Preamp                             Margin
Frequency                                             Level      Limit Line                                Test
             Level    Factor     Loss      Factor                                         Polarization
  (MHz)                                             (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)       (dB)                      value
            (dBuV)    (dB/m)      (dB)      (dB)
  2310      23.16     26.01       4.52        0          53.69      74        -20.31        Vertical
  2390      23.36     26.84       4.89        0          55.09      74        -18.91        Vertical

  2310      19.16     26.01       4.52        0          49.69      54        -4.31         Vertical
  2390      18.21     26.84       4.89        0          49.94      54        -4.06         Vertical

  2310      18.68     26.11       4.52        0          49.31      74        -24.69      Horizontal
  2390      19.58     26.75       4.89        0          51.22      74        -22.78      Horizontal

  2310      15.46     26.11       4.52        0          46.09      54        -7.91       Horizontal
  2390      16.48     26.75       4.89        0          48.12      54        -5.88       Horizontal

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802.11g                                                     CH11
                Read    Antenna     Cable     Preamp                             Margin
Frequency                                                Level      Limit Line                                Test
                Level    Factor     Loss      Factor                                         Polarization
  (MHz)                                                (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)       (dB)                      value
               (dBuV)    (dB/m)      (dB)      (dB)
 2483.63       19.80     26.01       4.52        0          50.33      74        -23.67        Vertical
  2500         19.28     26.84       4.89        0          51.01      74        -22.99        Vertical

 2483.64       16.80     26.01       4.52        0          47.33      54        -6.67         Vertical
  2500         15.69     26.84       4.89        0          47.42      54        -6.58         Vertical

 2483.53       18.62     26.11       4.52        0          49.25      74        -24.75      Horizontal
  2500         19.38     26.75       4.89        0          51.02      74        -22.98      Horizontal

 2483.71       17.58     26.11       4.52        0          48.21      54        -5.79       Horizontal
  2500         16.86     26.75       4.89        0          48.5       54          -5.5      Horizontal

802.11n(H20)                                                CH01
                Read    Antenna     Cable     Preamp                             Margin
Frequency                                                Level      Limit Line                                Test
                Level    Factor     Loss      Factor                                         Polarization
  (MHz)                                                (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)       (dB)                      value
               (dBuV)    (dB/m)      (dB)      (dB)
  2310         19.36     26.01       4.52        0          49.89      74        -24.11        Vertical
  2390         20.48     26.84       4.89        0          52.21      74        -21.79        Vertical

  2310         20.32     25.05       4.52        0          49.89      54        -4.11         Vertical
  2390         19.30     25.08       4.89        0          49.27      54        -4.73         Vertical

  2310         19.40     26.11       4.52        0          50.03      74        -23.97      Horizontal
  2390         20.38     26.75       4.89        0          52.02      74        -21.98      Horizontal

  2310         14.10     26.11       4.52        0          44.73      54        -9.27       Horizontal
  2390         14.31     26.75       4.89        0          45.95      54        -8.05       Horizontal

802.11n(H20)                                                CH11
                Read    Antenna     Cable     Preamp                             Margin
Frequency                                                Level      Limit Line                                Test
                Level    Factor     Loss      Factor                                         Polarization
  (MHz)                                                (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)       (dB)                      value
               (dBuV)    (dB/m)      (dB)      (dB)
 2483.6        20.31     26.01       4.52        0          50.84      74        -23.16        Vertical
  2500         21.58     26.84       4.89        0          53.31      74        -20.69        Vertical

 2483.53       17.18     26.01       4.52        0          47.71      54        -6.29         Vertical
  2500         18.18     26.84       4.89        0          49.91      54        -4.09         Vertical

 2483.58       18.58     26.11       4.52        0          49.21      74        -24.79      Horizontal
  2500         20.32     26.75       4.89        0          51.96      74        -22.04      Horizontal

 2483.67       16.29     26.11       4.52        0          46.92      54        -7.08       Horizontal
  2500         16.48     26.75       4.89        0          48.12      54        -5.88       Horizontal

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802.11n(N40)                                             CH03
             Read    Antenna     Cable     Preamp                             Margin
Frequency                                             Level      Limit Line                                Test
             Level    Factor     Loss      Factor                                         Polarization
  (MHz)                                             (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)       (dB)                      value
            (dBuV)    (dB/m)      (dB)      (dB)
  2310      20.58     26.01       4.52        0          51.11      74        -22.89        Vertical
  2390      20.69     26.84       4.89        0          52.42      74        -21.58        Vertical

  2310      15.22     26.01       4.52        0          45.75      54        -8.25         Vertical
  2390      15.68     26.84       4.89        0          47.41      54        -6.59         Vertical

  2310      20.82     26.11       4.52        0          51.45      74        -22.55      Horizontal
  2390      21.39     26.75       4.89        0          53.03      74        -20.97      Horizontal

  2310      14.43     26.11       4.52        0          45.06      54        -8.94       Horizontal
  2390      15.38     26.75       4.89        0          47.02      54        -6.98       Horizontal

802.11n(H40)                                             CH09
             Read    Antenna     Cable     Preamp                             Margin
Frequency                                             Level      Limit Line                                Test
             Level    Factor     Loss      Factor                                         Polarization
  (MHz)                                             (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)       (dB)                      value
            (dBuV)    (dB/m)      (dB)      (dB)
 2483.6     19.36     26.01       4.52        0          49.89      74        -24.11        Vertical
  2500      19.62     26.84       4.89        0          51.35      74        -22.65        Vertical

 2483.6     15.63     26.01       4.52        0          46.16      54        -7.84         Vertical
  2500      15.82     26.84       4.89        0          47.55      54        -6.45         Vertical

 2483.6     21.28     26.11       4.52        0          51.91      74        -22.09      Horizontal
  2500      21.68     26.75       4.89        0          53.32      74        -20.68      Horizontal

 2483.6     15.36     26.11       4.52        0          45.99      54        -8.01       Horizontal
  2500      15.68     26.75       4.89        0          47.32      54        -6.68       Horizontal

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 3.8. Spurious Emission (Radiated)

                                 Radiated Emission Limits (9 kHz~1000 MHz)

                 Frequency                          Field Strength                Measurement Distance
                   (MHz)                           (microvolt/meter)                    (meters)

                 0.009~0.490                           2400/F(KHz)                         300

                 0.490~1.705                           24000/F(KHz)                            30

                 1.705~30.0                                30                                  30

                     30~88                                 100                                 3

                   88~216                                  150                                 3

                  216~960                                  200                                 3

                 Above 960                                 500                                 3

                                  Radiated Emission Limit (Above 1000MHz)

                     Frequency                                   Distance Meters(at 3m)
                       (MHz)                              Peak                        Average

                   Above 1000                               74                            54

    (1) The tighter limit applies at the band edges.
    (2) Emission Level (dBuV/m)=20log Emission Level (uV/m).

Test Configuration

                                            Below 30MHz Test Setup

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                                           Below 1000MHz Test Setup

                                             Above 1GHz Test Setup

Test Procedure

1.   The EUT was setup and tested according to ANSI C63.10:2013
2.   The EUT is placed on a turn table which is 0.1 meter above ground for below 1 GHz, and 0.1m for above 1
     GHz. The turn table is rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level.
3.   The EUT was set 3 meters from the receiving antenna, which was mounted on the top of a variable height
     antenna tower.
4.   For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then tune the Antenna tower
     (from 1 m to 4 m) and turntable (from 0 degree to 360 degrees) to find the maximum reading. A pre-amp
     and a high pass filter are used for the test in order to get better signal level to comply with the guidelines.
5.   Set to the maximum power setting and enable the EUT transmit continuously.
6.   Use the following spectrum analyzer settings
     (1) Span shall wide enough to fully capture the emission being measured;
     (2) Below 1 GHz:
     RBW=120 kHz, VBW=300 kHz, Sweep=auto, Detector function=peak, Trace=max hold;
     If the emission level of the EUT measured by the peak detector is 3 dB lower than the applicable limit, the
     peak emission level will be reported. Otherwise, the emission measurement will be repeated using the
     quasi-peak detector and reported.
     (3) From 1 GHz to 10th harmonic:
     RBW=1MHz, VBW=1MHz Peak detector for Peak value.
     RBW=1MHz, VBW=10Hz RMS detector for Average value.

Test Mode
     Please refer to the clause 2.3.

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Test Result

 9 KHz~30 MHz and 18GHz~25GHz
 From 9 KHz~30 MHz and 18GHz~25GHz: Conclusion: PASS
 Note: The amplitude of spurious emissions which are attenuated by more than 20dB below the permissible
      value has no need to be reported.
1) Final Level = Read level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss -Preamplifier Factor
2)   The emission levels of other frequencies are very lower than the limit and not show in test report.

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      Ant. Pol.        Horizontal

      Measurement = Reading Level+ Correct Factor

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Ant. Pol.        Vertical

Measurement = Reading Level+ Correct Factor

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Adobe 1GHz

                     802.11b                                                    CH01
             Read    Antenna    Cable                  Final                  Margin
Frequency                                  lifier               Limit Line                               Test
             Level    Factor    Loss                   Level                            Polarization
  (MHz)                                   Factor                (dBuV/m)       (dB)                     value
            (dBuV)    (dB/m)     (dB)                (dBuV/m)
 1591.44    40.35     24.99      3.36     26.38       42.32        74         -31.68      Vertical
 2135.64    42.20     26.94      3.74     37.33       35.55        74         -38.45      Vertical
 4824.51    39.35     31.74      6.27     36.26        41.1        74         -32.9       Vertical
 6729.22    36.35     34.14      6.5      35.12       41.87        74         -32.13      Vertical
 1752.41    36.46     25.3       3.39     37.04       28.11        74         -45.89     Horizontal
 2126.2     38.58     26.94      3.68     37.33       31.87        74         -42.13     Horizontal
 4826.38    42.26     31.44      5.8      37.01       42.49        74         -31.51     Horizontal
 6628.1     41.52     34.2       6.74     35.31       47.15        74         -26.85     Horizontal

                     802.11b                                                    CH06
             Read    Antenna    Cable                  Final                  Margin
Frequency                                   lifier               Limit Line                              Test
             Level    Factor    Loss                   Level                             Polarization
  (MHz)                                    Factor                (dBuV/m)       (dB)                    value
            (dBuV)    (dB/m)     (dB)                (dBuV/m)
 1441.2     41.16     24.99      3.36      26.38        43.13       74        -30.87       Vertical
 2120.56    43.26     26.94      3.74      37.33        36.61       74        -37.39       Vertical
 4874.48    35.49     31.74      6.27      36.26        37.24       74        -36.76       Vertical
 7586.22    40.35     34.14       6.5      35.12        45.87       74        -28.13       Vertical
 1750.82    38.86     25.3       3.39      37.04        30.51       74        -43.49     Horizontal
 2129.74    42.48     26.94      3.68      37.33        35.77       74        -38.23     Horizontal
 3578.61    39.28     31.44       5.8      37.01        39.51       74        -34.49     Horizontal
 4874.29    41.59     34.2       6.74      35.31        47.22       74        -26.78     Horizontal

                     802.11b                                                    CH11
             Read    Antenna    Cable                  Final                  Margin
Frequency                                   lifier               Limit Line                              Test
             Level    Factor    Loss                   Level                             Polarization
  (MHz)                                    Factor                (dBuV/m)       (dB)                    value
            (dBuV)    (dB/m)     (dB)                (dBuV/m)
 1209.41    41.28     24.99      3.36      26.38        43.25       74        -30.75       Vertical
 2125.47    43.26     26.94      3.74      37.33        36.61       74        -37.39       Vertical
 4923.93    39.16     31.74      6.27      36.26        40.91       74        -33.09       Vertical
 7612.1     37.89     34.14       6.5      35.12        43.41       74        -30.59       Vertical
 1259.56    36.59     25.3       3.39      37.04        28.24       74        -45.76     Horizontal
 1706.29    42.36     26.94      3.68      37.33        35.65       74        -38.35     Horizontal
 3217.21    41.53     31.44       5.8      37.01        41.76       74        -32.24     Horizontal
 4923.55    43.80     34.2       6.74      35.31        49.43       74        -24.57     Horizontal
                     802.11g                                                    CH01
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             Read    Antenna    Cable                   Final                 Margin
Frequency                                    lifier              Limit Line
             Level    Factor    Loss                    Level                            Polarization
  (MHz)                                     Factor               (dBuV/m)      (dB)
            (dBuV)    (dB/m)     (dB)                 (dBuV/m)
 1583.48    42.58     24.99      3.36       26.38        44.55      74        -29.45       Vertical
 2133.69    41.76     26.94      3.74       37.33        35.11      74        -38.89       Vertical
 4824.62    36.49     31.74      6.27       36.26        38.24      74        -35.76       Vertical
 5631.21    39.78     34.14       6.5       35.12        45.3       74        -28.7        Vertical

 1595.47    40.12     25.3       3.39       37.04        31.77      74        -42.23     Horizontal
 2128.4     43.53     26.94      3.68       37.33        36.82      74        -37.18     Horizontal
 4824.39    40.38     31.44       5.8       37.01        40.61      74        -33.39     Horizontal
 6698.62    41.59     34.2       6.74       35.31        47.22      74        -26.78     Horizontal

                     802.11g                                                   CH06

             Read    Antenna    Cable                  Final                  Margin
Frequency                                  plifier               Limit Line                              Test
             Level    Factor    Loss                   Level     (dBuV/m)
            (dBuV)    (dB/m)     (dB)      Factor     (dBuV/m)
 1645.15    42.46     24.99      3.36       26.38        44.43      74        -29.57       Vertical
 2136.27    41.68     26.94      3.74       37.33        35.03      74        -38.97       Vertical
 4824.58    40.58     31.74      6.27       36.26        42.33      74        -31.67       Vertical
 5527.33    39.30     34.14       6.5       35.12        44.82      74        -29.18       Vertical
 1598.62    41.36     25.3       3.39       37.04        33.01      74        -40.99     Horizontal
 2120.34    40.98     26.94      3.68       37.33        34.27      74        -39.73     Horizontal
 4824.71    41.89     31.44       5.8       37.01        42.12      74        -31.88     Horizontal
 5112.67    45.38     34.2       6.74       35.31        51.01      74        -22.99     Horizontal

                     802.11g                                                    CH11

Frequency Read Antenna           Cable
                                            plifier              Limit Line   Margin                     Test
           Level Factor          Loss                    Level                           Polarization
  (MHz)   (dBuV) (dB/m)           (dB)      Factor               (dBuV/m)      (dB)                     value
 1588.26     43.38     24.99      3.36      26.38        45.35       74       -28.65       Vertical
 3182.59     40.89     26.94      3.74      37.33        34.24       74       -39.76       Vertical
 4824.21     42.58     31.74      6.27      36.26        44.33       74       -29.67       Vertical
 6594.28     39.98     34.14       6.5      35.12         45.5       74        -28.5       Vertical
 1588.31     39.38     25.3       3.39      37.04        31.03       74       -42.97      Horizontal
 1684.55     40.69     26.94      3.68      37.33        33.98       74       -40.02      Horizontal
 2119.07     41.87     31.44       5.8      37.01         42.1       74        -31.9      Horizontal
 4824.67     43.38     34.2       6.74      35.31        49.01       74       -24.99      Horizontal

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                    802.11n(H20)                                                 CH01
             Read     Antenna      Cable                  Final                 Margin
Frequency                                      lifier              Limit Line                              Test
             Level     Factor      Loss                   Level                            Polarization
  (MHz)                                       Factor               (dBuV/m)      (dB)                     value
            (dBuV)     (dB/m)       (dB)                (dBuV/m)
 1683.26    42.49      24.99       3.36       26.38        44.46      74        -29.54       Vertical
 2145.21    41.67      26.94       3.74       37.33        35.02      74        -38.98       Vertical
 4824.89    38.39      31.74       6.27       36.26        40.14      74        -33.86       Vertical
 6954.11    38.48      34.14        6.5       35.12        44.00      74        -30.00       Vertical
 1705.1     40.50       25.3       3.39       37.04        32.15      74        -41.85     Horizontal
 3184.46    43.60      26.94       3.68       37.33        36.89      74        -37.11     Horizontal
 4824.69    44.70      31.44        5.8       37.01        44.93      74        -29.07     Horizontal
 6997.33    42.90       34.2       6.74       35.31        48.53      74        -25.47     Horizontal

                    802.11n(H20)                                                 CH06
             Read     Antenna      Cable     Preamp                             Margin
Frequency                                                 Level    Limit Line                              Test
             Level     Factor      Loss       Factor                                       Polarization
  (MHz)                                                 (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)      (dB)                     value
            (dBuV)     (dB/m)       (dB)       (dB)
 1749.36    40.65      24.99       3.36       26.38        42.62      74        -31.38       Vertical
 2253.69    43.82      26.94       3.74       37.33        37.17      74        -36.83       Vertical
 4824.65    40.68      31.74       6.27       36.26        42.43      74        -31.57       Vertical
 7238.36    39.48      34.14        6.5       35.12        45.00      74        -29.00       Vertical
 1758.96    41.68       25.3       3.39       37.04        33.33      74        -40.67     Horizontal
 3157.29    41.87      26.94       3.68       37.33        35.16      74        -38.84     Horizontal
 4824.18    41.09      31.44        5.8       37.01        41.32      74        -32.68     Horizontal
 6974.26    41.89       34.2       6.74       35.31        47.52      74        -26.48     Horizontal

                    802.11n(H20)                                                 CH11
             Read     Antenna      Cable                 Final                  Margin
Frequency                                    plifier               Limit Line                              Test
             Level     Factor      Loss                  Level     (dBuV/m)
            (dBuV)     (dB/m)       (dB)     Factor     (dBuV/m)
 2196.47    40.62      24.99       3.36       26.38        42.59      74        -31.41       Vertical
 3188.61    42.66      26.94       3.74       37.33        36.01      74        -37.99       Vertical
 4824.1     39.62      31.74       6.27       36.26        41.37      74        -32.63       Vertical
 6881.36    38.27      34.14        6.5       35.12        43.79      74        -30.21       Vertical
 1238.3     42.89       25.3       3.39       37.04        34.54      74        -39.46     Horizontal
 1664.29    42.59      26.94       3.68       37.33        35.88      74        -38.12     Horizontal
 4824.29    41.38      31.44        5.8       37.01        41.61      74        -32.39     Horizontal
 6994.21    41.36       34.2       6.74       35.31        46.99      74        -27.01     Horizontal

                                Zhejiang Kezheng Electronic Product Inspection

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                      802.11n(H40)                                                  CH03

               Read     Antenna      Cable                 Final                   Margin
Frequency                                      plifier                Limit Line                              Test
               Level     Factor      Loss                  Level      (dBuV/m)
              (dBuV)     (dB/m)       (dB)     Factor     (dBuV/m)
 1684.39      40.36      24.99       3.36       26.38        42.33        74       -31.67       Vertical
 2146.31      42.40      26.94       3.74       37.33        35.75        74       -38.25       Vertical
 4824.68      38.36      31.74       6.27       36.26        40.11        74       -33.89       Vertical
 6953.27      39.36      34.14        6.5       35.12        44.88        74       -29.12       Vertical
  1707.2      41.38       25.3       3.39       37.04        33.03        74       -40.97     Horizontal
 3184.01      42.66      26.94       3.68       37.33        35.95        74       -38.05     Horizontal
 4824.39      39.27      31.44        5.8       37.01        39.5         74       -34.5      Horizontal
 6997.72      42.56       34.2       6.74       35.31        48.19        74       -25.81     Horizontal

                      802.11n(H40)                                                  CH06

               Read     Antenna      Cable                 Final                   Margin
Frequency                                      plifier                Limit Line                              Test
               Level     Factor      Loss                  Level      (dBuV/m)
              (dBuV)     (dB/m)       (dB)     Factor     (dBuV/m)
 1748.21      40.90      24.99       3.36       26.38        42.87        74       -31.13       Vertical
 2250.63      39.96      26.94       3.74       37.33        33.31        74       -40.69       Vertical
 4824.39      36.89      31.74       6.27       36.26        38.64        74       -35.36       Vertical
 7237.56      39.36      34.14        6.5       35.12        44.88        74       -29.12       Vertical
 1758.25      41.37       25.3       3.39       37.04        33.02        74       -40.98     Horizontal
 3157.47      40.19      26.94       3.68       37.33        33.48        74       -40.52     Horizontal
 4824.24      38.40      31.44        5.8       37.01        38.63        74       -35.37     Horizontal
 6974.48      41.89       34.2       6.74       35.31        47.52        74       -26.48     Horizontal

                      802.11n(H40)                                                  CH09
               Read     Antenna      Cable                  Final                  Margin
Frequency                                        lifier               Limit Line                              Test
               Level     Factor      Loss                   Level                             Polarization
  (MHz)                                         Factor                (dBuV/m)      (dB)                     value
              (dBuV)     (dB/m)       (dB)                (dBuV/m)
 2198.26      38.41      24.99       3.36       26.38        40.38        74       -33.62       Vertical
 3189.33      42.26      26.94       3.74       37.33        35.61        74       -38.39       Vertical
 4824.61      38.69      31.74       6.27       36.26        40.44        74       -33.56       Vertical
 6882.14      38.79      34.14        6.5       35.12        44.31        74       -29.69       Vertical
 1249.36      40.59       25.3       3.39       37.04        32.24        74       -41.76     Horizontal
 1665.69      40.38      26.94       3.68       37.33        33.67        74       -40.33     Horizontal
 4824.45      38.46      31.44        5.8       37.01        38.69        74       -35.31     Horizontal
 6994.33      41.68       34.2       6.74       35.31        47.31        74       -26.69      Horizontal
1. Final Level = Read level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Preamplifier Factor

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2. The peak level is lower than average limit(54 dBuV/m), this data is the too weak instrument of signal is unable to test.
3. The emission levels of other frequencies are very lower than the limit and not show in test report.

                                    Zhejiang Kezheng Electronic Product Inspection

                               Page 64 of 65                             Report No.: 2019-9035

 Reference to the document No.: Test Photos.

                        Zhejiang Kezheng Electronic Product Inspection

                                Page 65 of 65                               Report No.: 2019-9035

 Reference to the document No.: External Photos and Internal Photos.

                      **********************THE END**********************

                        Zhejiang Kezheng Electronic Product Inspection

Document Created: 2019-09-11 09:38:20
Document Modified: 2019-09-11 09:38:20

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