test report

FCC ID: 2AT78-MC660

Test Report

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      Test report

        Date of issue: 2019-07-17

        MATICA Technologies AG
        Theresienhoehe 30 – 80339 Munich – Germany
        Professional CARD printer
        MC 660
        FCC ID:                                                                    IC Registration number:
        2AT78-MC660                                                                25413-MC660
        FCC 47 CFR Part 15.225
        Operation within the band 13.110–14.010 MHz
        RSS-210 Issue 9, August 2016, Annex B.6
        Devices operating in 13.110–14.010 MHz frequency band for any application

                     This test report may not be partially reproduced, except with the prior written permission of Nemko Spa
                                            The test report merely corresponds to the tested sample.
                            The phase of sampling / collection of equipment under test is carried out by the customer.

This Test Report, when bearing the Nemko name and logo is only valid when issued by a Nemko laboratory, or by a laboratory having special agreement with

Test location

Company name        Nemko Spa
Address             Via del Carroccio, 4
City                Biassono
Province            MB
Postal code         20853
Country             Italy
Telephone           +39 039 220 12 01
Facsimile           +39 039 220 12 21
Website             www.nemko.com
Site number         FCC test site registration number: 682159, IC: 9109A (10 m semi anechoic chamber)

Tested by
                                      P. Barbieri                                              (project handler)
(name, function and signature)
Reviewed by
                                      D. Guarnone                                                        (verifier)
(name, function and signature)
Date                                  2019-07-17

Limits of responsibility

Note that the results contained in this report relate only to the items tested and were obtained in the period between the date of initial receipt of samples
and the date of issue of the report. This test report has been completed in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. All results contain in this
report are within Nemko Canada’s ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation.

Copyright notification

Nemko Spa authorizes the applicant to reproduce this report provided it is reproduced in its entirety and for use by the company’s employees only. Any use
which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, are the responsibility of such third parties. Nemko Spa
accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on this report.

Report reference ID: 377878TRFWL                                                                                                         Page 2 of 30

Table of contents
Table of contents ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Section .         Report summary ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
  1.1      Applicant and manufacturer ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
  1.2      Test specifications ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
  1.3      Statement of compliance ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
  1.4      Exclusions............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
  1.5      Test report revision history .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Section .         Summary of test results ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
  2.1      FCC Part 15 Subpart C, general requirements test results................................................................................................................................................. 5
  2.2      FCC Part 15 Subpart C, intentional radiators test results................................................................................................................................................... 5
  2.3      IC RSS-GEN, Issue 5, test results........................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
  2.4      IC RSS-210, Issue 9, test results............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Section .         Equipment under test (EUT) details ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
  3.1      Sample information .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
  3.2      EUT information .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.3      Technical information ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.4      Product description and theory of operation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.5      EUT exercise details .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
  3.6      EUT setup diagram ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
  3.7      EUT sub assemblies ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Section #.        Engineering considerations........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
  4.1      Modifications incorporated in the EUT ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8
  4.2      Technical judgment ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
  4.3      Deviations from laboratory tests procedures ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Section &.        Test conditions .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
  5.1      Atmospheric conditions ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
  5.2      Power supply range .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Section (.        Measurement uncertainty .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
  6.1      Uncertainty of measurement ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Section ,.        Test equipment ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
  7.1      Test equipment list ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Section -.        Testing data................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
  8.1      FCC 15.207(a) and RSS-Gen 8.8 AC power line conducted emissions limits................................................................................................................... 12
  8.2      FCC 15.215(c) and RSS-Gen 6.7 Occupied (Emission) bandwidth.................................................................................................................................... 15
  8.3      FCC 15.225(a–c) and RSS-210 B.6 (a–c) Field strength within the 13.110–14.010 MHz band ...................................................................................... 18
  8.4      FCC 15.225(d) and RSS-210 B.6(d) Field strength of emissions outside 13.110–14.010 MHz band ............................................................................. 20
  8.5      FCC 15.225(e) and RSS-210 B.6 Frequency tolerance of the carrier signal..................................................................................................................... 25
Section /.        Block diagrams of test set-ups .................................................................................................................................................................... 26
  9.1      Radiated emissions set-up.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26
  9.2      Conducted emissions set-up .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Section 3.        Photos ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
  10.1 Photos of the test set-up .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
  10.2 Photos of the EUT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30

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Section 1                  Report summary

Section .              Report summary

D.D      Applicant and manufacturer

Company name                                      MATICA Technologies AG
Address                                           Theresienhoehe 30
City                                              Munich
Province/State                                    Germany
Postal/Zip code                                   80339

D.F      Test specifications

FCC 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C, Clause 15.225      Operation in the 13.110–14.010 MHz
RSS-210 Issue 9, August 2016, Annex B.6           Devices operating in 13.110–14.010 MHz frequency band for any application
RSS-Gen Issue 5, March 2019                       General Requirements for Compliance of Radio Apparatus

D.G      Statement of compliance

In the configuration tested, the EUT was found compliant.
Testing was completed against all relevant requirements of the test standard. Results obtained indicate that the product under test complies in full with the
requirements tested. The test results relate only to the items tested.
See “Summary of test results” for full details.

D.J      Exclusions


D.K      Test report revision history

    Revision #         Details of changes made to test report
  377878TRFWL          Original report issued

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Section 2:               Summary of test results

Section .            Summary of test results

F.D     FCC Part DK Subpart C, general requirements test results

      Part          Test description                                                                                                 Verdict
§15.207(a)          Conducted limits                                                                                                   Pass
§15.31(e)           Variation of power source                                                                                         Pass1
§15.203             Antenna requirement                                                                                               Pass2
§15.215(c)          20 dB bandwidth                                                                                                    Pass
Notes: 1 Measurements of the variation of the input power or the radiated signal level of the fundamental frequency component of the emission, as
      appropriate, was performed with the supply voltage varied between 85 % and 115 % of the nominal rated supply voltage. No noticeable output power
      variation was observed
        The Antennas are located within the enclosure of EUT and not user accessible.

F.F     FCC Part DK Subpart C, intentional radiators test results

      Part          Test description                                                                                                     Verdict
§15.225(a)          Field strength within 13.553–13.567 MHz band                                                                          Pass
§15.225(b)          Field strength within 13.410–13.553 MHz and 13.567–13.710 MHz bands                                                   Pass
§15.225(c)          Field strength within 13.110–13.410 MHz and 13.710–14.010 MHz bands                                                   Pass
§15.225(d)          Field strength outside 13.110–14.010 MHz band                                                                         Pass
§15.225(e)          Frequency tolerance of carrier signal                                                                                 Pass
Notes: None

F.G     IC RSS-GEN, Issue K, test results

      Part           Test description                                                                                                      Verdict
       6.6           Occupied bandwidth                                                                                                      Pass
      7.1.2          Receiver radiated emission limits                                                                                  Not applicable
      7.1.3          Receiver conducted emission limits                                                                                 Not applicable
       8.8           Power Line Conducted Emissions Limits for Licence-Exempt Radio Apparatus                                                Pass
Notes: 1 According to sections 5.2 and 5.3 of RSS-Gen, Issue 5 the EUT does not have a stand-alone receiver neither scanner receiver, therefore exempt from
       receiver requirements.

F.J     IC RSS-FDN, Issue O, test results

     Annex          Test description                                                                                                     Verdict
     B.6 (a)          The field strength within the band 13.553–13.567 MHz                                                                Pass
     B.6 (b)          The field strength within the bands 13.410–13.553 MHz and 13.567–13.710 MHz                                         Pass
     B.6 (c)          The field strength within the bands 13.110–13.410 MHz and 13.710–14.010 MHz                                         Pass
     B.6 (d)          The field strength outside the band 13.110–14.010 MHz                                                               Pass
       B.6            Carrier frequency stability                                                                                         Pass
Notes: None

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Section 3:               Equipment under test (EUT) details

Section .            Equipment under test (EUT) details

G.D     Sample information

Receipt date                            2019-07-15
Nemko sample ID number                  377878-1/2

G.F     EUT information

Product name                            Professional CARD printer
Model                                   MC 660
Serial number                           MTDW00600425

G.G     Technical information

Operating band                          13.553–13.567 MHz
Operating frequency                     13.56 MHz
Modulation type                         ASK
Occupied bandwidth (99 %)               224 Hz
Power requirements                      -45.47 dBm EIRP
Emission designator                     224HA1D
Antenna information                     The EUT uses a unique antenna coupling/ non-detachable antenna to the intentional radiator.

G.J     Product description and theory of operation

The EUT is a Desktop Card Printers Equipped with RFID Kit Smart Ribbon.

G.K     EUT exercise details

The EUT use a dedicated internal software to put the radio module in continues transmission mode. After pressing the MENU button for few second, from
Optional Mode menu, select the item IC R/W1 with the SET buttons. After pressing SET button on the item Card Feed Test, the EUT starts to read the cards

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Section 3:             Equipment under test (EUT) details

G.Q     EUT setup diagram


                                                             Figure . - : Setup diagram

G.R     EUT sub assemblies

                                                            Table . - : EUT sub assemblies

Description                                    Brand name                        Model/Part number   Serial number
--                                             --                                --                  --

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Section 4:               Engineering consideration

Section #.           Engineering considerations

J.D     Modifications incorporated in the EUT

There were no modifications performed to the EUT during this assessment.

J.F     Technical judgment


J.G     Deviations from laboratory tests procedures

No deviations were made from laboratory procedures.

Report reference ID: 377878TRFWL                                           Page 8 of 30

Section 5:                Test conditions

Section &.            Test conditions

K.D      Atmospheric conditions

Unless different values are declared in the test case, following ambient conditions apply for the tests:

Temperature               18–33 °C
Relative humidity         30–60 %
Air pressure              980–1060 mbar

Test equipment used for the monitoring of the environmental conditions

Equipment                                             Manufacturer                  Model no.              Asset no.      Cal cycle       Next cal.
Thermohygrometer data loggers                         Testo                         175-H2                 20012380/305   2019-01         2021-01
Thermohygrometer data loggers                         Testo                         175-H2                 38203337/703   2019-01         2021-01
Barometer                                             MSR                           MSR145B                330080         2019-05         2020-05

K.F      Power supply range

The normal test voltage for equipment to be connected to the mains shall be the nominal mains voltage. For the purpose of the present document, the
nominal voltage shall be the declared voltage, or any of the declared voltages ±5 %, for which the equipment was designed.

Report reference ID: 377878TRFWL                                                                                                      Page 9 of 30

Section 6:             Measurement uncertainty

Section (.          Measurement uncertainty

Q.D      Uncertainty of measurement

        EUT             Type                          Test                       Range and Setup features                                 Notes
                                                 Frequency error                    0.001 MHz ÷ 40 GHz               0.08 ppm               (1)
                                                                                      10 kHz ÷ 30 MHz                  1.0 dB               (1)
                                                 Carrier power
                                                                                     30 MHz ÷ 18 GHz                   1.5 dB               (1)
                                                RF Output Power
                                                                                     18 MHz ÷ 40 GHz                   3.0 dB               (1)
                                             Adjacent channel power                   1 MHz ÷ 18 GHz                   1.6 dB               (1)
                                                                                      10 kHz ÷ 26 GHz                  3.0 dB               (1)
                                          Conducted spurious emissions
                                                                                      26 GHz ÷ 40 GHz                  4.5 dB               (1)
                                          Intermodulation attenuation                 1 MHz ÷ 18 GHz                   2.2 dB               (1)
                                       Attack time – frequency behaviour              1 MHz ÷ 18 GHz                   2.0 ms               (1)
                                         Attack time – power behaviour                1 MHz ÷ 18 GHz                   2.5 ms               (1)
                                       Release time – frequency behaviour             1 MHz ÷ 18 GHz                   2.0 ms               (1)
                                         Release time – power behaviour               1 MHz ÷ 18 GHz                   2.5 ms               (1)
                                     Transient behaviour of the transmitter–
                                                                                      1 MHz ÷ 18 GHz                  0.2 kHz               (1)
   Transmitter                            Transient frequency behaviour
                                     Transient behaviour of the transmitter –
                                                                                      1 MHz ÷ 18 GHz                    9%                  (1)
                                                Power level slope
                                         Frequency deviation - Maximum
                                                                                    0.001 MHz ÷ 18 GHz                 1.3%                 (1)
                                         permissible frequency deviation
                                      Frequency deviation - Response of the
                                      transmitter to modulation frequencies         0.001 MHz ÷ 18 GHz                 0.5 dB               (1)
                                                   above 3 kHz
                                                    Dwell time                               -                          3%                  (1)
                                         Hopping Frequency Separation                0.01 MHz ÷ 18 GHz                  1%                  (1)
                                          Occupied Channel Bandwidth                 0.01 MHz ÷ 18 GHz                  2%                  (1)
                                             Modulation Bandwidth                    0.01 MHz ÷ 18 GHz                  2%                  (1)
                                                                                     10 kHz ÷ 26.5 GHz                 6.0 dB               (1)
                                           Radiated spurious emissions
                                                                                     26.5 GHz ÷ 40 GHz                 8.0 dB               (1)
                                                                                     10 kHz ÷ 26.5 GHz                 6.0 dB               (1)
                                       Effective radiated power transmitter
                                                                                     26,5 GHz ÷ 40 GHz                 8.0 dB               (1)
                                                                                     10 kHz ÷ 26.5 GHz                 6.0 dB               (1)
                                           Radiated spurious emissions
                      Radiated                                                       26.5 GHz ÷ 40 GHz                 8.0 dB               (1)
      Receiver                              Sensitivity measurement                   1 MHz ÷ 18 GHz                   6.0 dB               (1)
                                                                                      10 kHz ÷ 26 GHz                  3.0 dB               (1)
                     Conducted            Conducted spurious emissions
                                                                                      26 GHz ÷ 40 GHz                  4.5 dB               (1)
 (1) The reported expanded uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k = 2
 which has been derived from the assumed normal probability distribution with infinite degrees of freedom and for a coverage probability of 95 %

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Section 7:              Test equipment

Section ,.           Test equipment

R.D     Test equipment list

                                                           Table . - : Equipment list

Equipment                               Manufacturer        Model no.                   Asset no.     Cal cycle         Next cal.
EMI receiver (20 Hz ÷ 8 GHz)            Rohde & Schwarz     ESU8                        100202        2019-01           2020-01
EMI receiver (                          Rohde & Schwarz     ESW44                       101620        2018-05           2019-07
Trilog Broadband Antenna                Schwarzbeck         VULB 9162                   9162-025      2018-07           2021-07
Loop antenna                            Teseq               HLA6121+PI6121              45749         2017-07           2020-07
Antenna mast                            Rohde & Schwarz     HCM                         836 529/05    NCR               NCR
Controller                              Rohde & Schwarz     HCC                         836 620/7     NCR               NCR
Hydraulic revolving platform            Nemko               RTPL 01                     4.233         NCR               NCR
Semi-anechoic chamber                   Nemko               10m semi-anechoic chamber   530           2018-09           2021-09
LISN three phase (9 kHz to 30 MHz)      Rohde & Schwarz     ESH2-Z5                     872 460/041   2018-09           2019-09
Shielded room                           Siemens             10m control room            1947          NCR               NCR
Climatic chamber                        MSL                 EC5000DA                    15022         2019-01           2020-01
Note: NCR - no calibration required, VOU - verify on use

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Section 8                  Testing data
Test name                  FCC 15.207(a) and RSS-Gen 8.8 AC power line conducted emissions limits
Specification              FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-Gen

Section -.             Testing data

X.D      FCC DK.FNR(a) and RSS-Gen X.X AC power line conducted emissions limits

  . .       Definitions and limits

Except as shown in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, for an intentional radiator that is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line, the
radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any frequency or frequencies, within the band 150 kHz to 30 MHz, shall not exceed
the limits in the following table, as measured using a 50 μH/50 Ω line impedance stabilization network (LISN). Compliance with the provisions of this
paragraph shall be based on the measurement of the radio frequency voltage between each power line and ground at the power terminal. The lower limit
applies at the boundary between the frequency ranges.

A radio apparatus that is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line shall ensure that the radio frequency voltage, which is conducted back
onto the AC power line on any frequency or frequencies within the band 150 kHz to 30 MHz, shall not exceed the limits in table below.

Unless the requirements applicable to a given device state otherwise, for any radio apparatus equipped to operate from the public utility AC power supply
either directly or indirectly (such as with a battery charger), the radio frequency voltage of emissions conducted back onto the AC power lines in the
frequency range of 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz shall not exceed the limits shown in table below. The more stringent limit applies at the frequency range boundaries.

                                                              Table . - : Conducted emissions limit

            Frequency of emission,                                                             Conducted limit, dBµV
                       MHz                                             Quasi-peak                                              Average**
                     0.15–0.5                                           66 to 56*                                              56 to 46*
                      0.5–5                                                56                                                      46
                       5–30                                                60                                                      50
Note:      * - The level decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency.
           ** - A linear average detector is required.

  . .       Test summary

Test date                 2019-07-16                                                Temperature              25 °C
Test engineer             P. Barbieri                                               Air pressure             1015 mbar
Verdict                   Pass                                                      Relative humidity        60 %

  . .       Observations, settings and special notes

The EUT was set up as tabletop configuration.
The spectral scan has been corrected with transducer factors (i.e. cable loss, LISN factors, and attenuators) for determination of compliance.
A preview measurement was generated with the receiver in continuous scan mode. Emissions detected within 6 dB or above limit were re-measured with
the appropriate detector against the correlating limit and recorded as the final measurement.

Test receiver settings:

Frequency span                   150 kHz to 30 MHz
Detector mode                    Peak and Average (preview mode); Quasi-Peak (final measurements)
Resolution bandwidth             9 kHz
Video bandwidth                  30 kHz
Trace mode                       Max Hold
Measurement time                 1000 ms

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Section 8               Testing data
Test name               FCC 15.207(a) and RSS-Gen 8.8 AC power line conducted emissions limits
Specification           FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-Gen

  . .       Test data

                                                     Plot . - : Conducted emissions on phase line

                                     Frequency            Level             Limit          Margin
                                       (MHz)            (dBµV/m)          (dBµV/m)           (dB)
                                       0.1500              50.9              66.0           -15.1     QP
                                       0.1700              51.4              55.0            -3.6     Av
                                       0.2260              47.9              62.6           -14.6     QP
                                       0.2260              40.6              52.6           -12.0     Av
                                       0.2300              44.6              62.4           -17.9     QP
                                       0.2300              40.0              52.4           -12.5     Av
                                       0.4260              31.3              47.3           -16.0     Av
                                       0.5060              30.7              46.0           -15.3     Av
                                       0.5940              40.8              56.0          -15.2      QP
                                       0.5940              33.5              46.0           -12.5     Av
                                      13.5620              44.9              50.0            -5.1     Av

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Section 8              Testing data
Test name              FCC 15.207(a) and RSS-Gen 8.8 AC power line conducted emissions limits
Specification          FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-Gen

                                                   Plot . - : Conducted emissions on neutral line

                                    Frequency            Level             Limit          Margin
                                      (MHz)            (dBµV/m)          (dBµV/m)           (dB)
                                      0.1660              52.3              55.2            -2.9      Av
                                      0.1700              64.2              65.0            -0.7      QP
                                      0.2260              46.0              52.6            -6.6      Av
                                      0.2300              46.3              62.4           -16.1      QP
                                      0.2300              41.3              52.4           -11.2      Av
                                      0.4260              32.2              47.3           -15.1      Av
                                      0.5060              31.4              46.0           -14.6      Av
                                      0.5900              39.5              46.0            -6.5      Av
                                      0.5940              41.3              56.0           -14.7      QP
                                     13.5620              43.6              50.0            -6.4      Av

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Section 8                Testing data
Test name                FCC 15.215(c) and RSS-Gen 6.7 Occupied (Emission) bandwidth
Specification            FCC 15 Subpart C and RSS-Gen

X.F     FCC DK.FDK(c) and RSS-Gen Q.R Occupied (Emission) bandwidth

  . .       Definitions and limits

Intentional radiators operating under the alternative provisions to the general emission limits, as contained in §§15.217 through 15.257 and in Subpart E of
this part, must be designed to ensure that the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission, or whatever bandwidth may otherwise be specified in the specific rule
section under which the equipment operates, is contained within the frequency band designated in the rule section under which the equipment is operated.
The requirement to contain the designated bandwidth of the emission within the specified frequency band includes the effects from frequency sweeping,
frequency hopping and other modulation techniques that may be employed as well as the frequency stability of the transmitter over expected variations in
temperature and supply voltage. If a frequency stability is not specified in the regulations, it is recommended that the fundamental emission be kept within
at least the central 80 % of the permitted band in order to minimize the possibility of out-of-band operation.

When the occupied bandwidth limit is not stated in the applicable RSS or reference measurement method, the transmitted signal bandwidth shall be
reported as the 99% emission bandwidth, as calculated or measured.

  . .       Test summary

Test date               2019-07-16                                             Temperature               25 °C
Test engineer           P. Barbieri                                            Air pressure              1015 mbar
Verdict                 Pass                                                   Relative humidity         60 %

  . .       Observations, settings and special notes

Spectrum analyzer settings:

Detector mode                  Peak
Resolution bandwidth           ≥1 % of span
Video bandwidth                RBW × 3
Trace mode                     Max Hold

  . .       Test data

                                                      Table . - : Lower ,- dBc frequency cross result

   Fundamental frequency, MHz           Lower 20 dBc frequency cross, MHz                   Limit, MHz                             Margin, kHz
            13.560                                   13.5598                                  13.553                                  -6.8

                                                      Table . - : Upper ,- dBc frequency cross result

   Fundamental frequency, MHz           Upper 20 dBc frequency cross, MHz                   Limit, MHz                             Margin, kHz
            13.560                                   13.5601                                  13.567                                  -6.9

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Section 8              Testing data
Test name              FCC 15.215(c) and RSS-Gen 6.7 Occupied (Emission) bandwidth
Specification          FCC 15 Subpart C and RSS-Gen

                                                         Figure . - : ,- dB bandwidth

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Section 8              Testing data
Test name              FCC 15.215(c) and RSS-Gen 6.7 Occupied (Emission) bandwidth
Specification          FCC 15 Subpart C and RSS-Gen

                                                        Figure . - : //% dB bandwidth

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Section 8                     Testing data
Test name                     FCC 15. 225(a–c) and RSS-210 B.6 (a–c) Field strength within the 13.110–14.010 MHz band
Specification                 FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210 Issue9

X.G           FCC DK.FFK(a–c) and RSS-FDN B.Q (a–c) Field strength within the DG.DDN–DJ.NDN MHz band

     . .         Definitions and limits

a)         The field strength of any emissions within the band 13.553–13.567 MHz shall not exceed 15848 µV/m (84 dBµV/m) at 30 m.
b)         Within the bands 13.410–13.553 MHz and 13.567–13.710 MHz, the field strength of any emissions shall not exceed 334 µV/m (50.5 dBµV/m) at 30 m.
c)         Within the bands 13.110–13.410 MHz and 13.710–14.010 MHz the field strength of any emissions shall not exceed 106 µV/m (40.5 dBµV/m) at 30 m.

                                                           Figure . - : In-band spurious emissions limit

     . .         Test summary

Test date                    2019-07-15                                           Temperature              23 °C
Test engineer                P. Barbieri                                          Air pressure             1010
Verdict                      Pass                                                 Relative humidity        59 %

     . .         Observations/special notes

The measurements were performed at the distance of 10 m. 40 dB distance correction factor* was applied to the measurement result in order to comply
with 30 m limits.
* 30 m to 10 m distance correction factor calculation (for 13 MHz band):
                                                    40 × Log10 (10 m/30 m) = 40 × Log10 (0.33) = −19.1 dB

Spectrum analyzer settings:

Detector mode                      Peak
Resolution bandwidth               10 kHz
Video bandwidth                    30 kHz
Trace mode                         Max Hold

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Section 8               Testing data
Test name               FCC 15. 225(a–c) and RSS-210 B.6 (a–c) Field strength within the 13.110–14.010 MHz band
Specification           FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210 Issue9

  . .       Test data

                                                   Table . - : Field strength measurements results

                                                                                   Calculated field strength at 30 m,    Limit,
Frequency range, MHz    Frequency, MHz      Field strength at 10 m, dBµV/m                                                            Margin, dB
                                                                                                dBµV/m                  dBµV/m
    13.553–13.567             13.56                        39.3                                   20.2                    84.0               -63.8
    13.410–13.553             13.48                        19.3                                    0.2                    50.5               -50.3
    13.567–13.710             13.67                        20.4                                    1.3                    50.5               -42.9
    13.110–13.410             13.24                        20.4                                    1.3                    40.5               -39.0
    13.710–14.010             13.78                        19.5                                    0.4                    40.5               -40.1
                                  Note: Calculated field strength at 30 m = Measured field strength at 10 m – 19.1 dB

                                             Figure . - : Field strength within 23.22-–25.-2- MHz band

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Section 8                Testing data
Test name                FCC 15. 225(d) and RSS-210 B6(d) Field strength of emissions outside 13.110–14.010 MHz band
Specification            FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210 Issue 9

X.J     FCC DK.FFK(d) and RSS-FDN B.Q(d) Field strength of emissions outside DG.DDN–DJ.NDN MHz band

  . .       Definitions and limits

The field strength of any emissions appearing outside of the 13.110–14.010 MHz band shall not exceed the general radiated emission limits in §15.209.
The field strength of emissions appearing within restricted bands (as specified in §15.205) shall not exceed the limits from §15.209.
RSS-Gen general field strength limits for frequencies outside the band 13.110–14.010 MHz.

                                              Table . - : FCC §2:.,-/ and RSS-Gen – Radiated emission limits

              Frequency,                                   Field strength of emissions                                Measurement distance, m
                   MHz                                 µV/m                        dBµV/m
              0.009–0.490                              2400/F                 67.6 – 20 × log10(F)                               300
              0.490–1.705                             24000/F                 87.6 – 20 × log10(F)                               30
               1.705–30.0                                30                           29.5                                       30
                  30–88                                 100                           40.0                                        3
                 88–216                                 150                           43.5                                        3
                216–960                                 200                           46.0                                        3
               above 960                                500                           54.0                                        3
Notes: In the emission table above, the tighter limit applies at the band edges. For frequencies above 1 GHz the limit on peak RF emissions is 20 dB above
       the maximum permitted average emission limit applicable to the equipment under test

                                                          Table . - : IC restricted frequency bands

                MHz                                      MHz                                    MHz                                   GHz
            0.090–0.110                          12.57675–12.57725                          399.9–410                              7.25–7.75
           0.495 - 0.505                             13.36–13.41                              608–614                              8.025–8.5
          2.1735–2.1905                             16.42–16.423                             960–1427                               9.0–9.2
            3.020–3.026                          16.69475–16.69525                         1435–1626.5                              9.3–9.5
            4.125–4.128                          16.80425–16.80475                       1645.5–1646.5                             10.6–12.7
         4.17725–4.17775                              25.5–25.67                            1660–1710                              13.25–13.4
         4.20725–4.20775                              37.5–38.25                         1718.8–1722.2                             14.47–14.5
            5.677-5.683                                73–74.6                              2200–2300                              15.35–16.2
            6.215–6.218                               74.8–75.2                             2310–2390                              17.7–21.4
         6.26775–6.26825                               108–138                            2483.5 - 2500                           22.01–23.12
         6.31175–6.31225                            149.9 - 150.05                          2655–2900                              23.6–24.0
            8.291–8.294                         156.52475–156.52525                         3260–3267                              31.2–31.8
            8.362–8.366                              156.7–156.9                            3332–3339                              36.43–36.5
         8.37625–8.38675                          162.0125 - 167.17                        3345.8–3358                             Above 38.6
         8.41425–8.41475                            167.72 - 173.2                          3500–4400
           12.29–12.293                                240–285                              4500–5150
        12.51975–12.52025                             322–335.4                              5.35–5.46
 Note: Certain frequency bands listed in table above and above 38.6 GHz are designated for low-power licence-exempt applications. These frequency bands
 and the requirements that apply to the devices are set out in this Standard

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Section 8               Testing data
Test name               FCC 15. 225(d) and RSS-210 B6(d) Field strength of emissions outside 13.110–14.010 MHz band
Specification           FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210 Issue 9

                                                      Table . - : FCC restricted frequency bands

                MHz                                   MHz                                   MHz                           GHz
            0.090–0.110                          16.42–16.423                            399.9–410                      4.5–5.15
            0.495–0.505                       16.69475–16.69525                           608–614                      5.35–5.46
          2.1735–2.1905                       16.80425–16.80475                          960–1240                      7.25–7.75
            4.125–4.128                            25.5–25.67                            1300–1427                     8.025–8.5
         4.17725–4.17775                           37.5–38.25                           1435–1626.5                     9.0–9.2
         4.20725–4.20775                            73–74.6                            1645.5–1646.5                    9.3–9.5
            6.215–6.218                            74.8–75.2                             1660–1710                     10.6–12.7
         6.26775–6.26825                          108–121.94                           1718.8–1722.2                  13.25–13.4
         6.31175–6.31225                            123–138                              2200–2300                    14.47–14.5
            8.291–8.294                          149.9–150.05                            2310–2390                    15.35–16.2
            8.362–8.366                      156.52475–156.52525                        2483.5–2500                    17.7–21.4
         8.37625–8.38675                          156.7–156.9                            2690–2900                    22.01–23.12
         8.41425–8.41475                       162.0125–167.17                           3260–3267                     23.6–24.0
           12.29–12.293                          167.72–173.2                            3332–3339                     31.2–31.8
        12.51975–12.52025                           240–285                             3345.8–3358                   36.43–36.5
        12.57675–12.57725                          322–335.4                             3600–4400                    Above 38.6

  . .       Test summary

Test date              2019-07-15                                           Temperature            23 °C
Test engineer          P. Barbieri                                          Air pressure           1010 mbar
Verdict                Pass                                                 Relative humidity      59 %

  . .       Observations, settings and special notes

The spectrum was searched from 9 kHz to 1 GHz.
Radiated measurements were performed at a distance of 10 m below 30 MHz and 3 m above 30 MHz.

Spectrum analyzer settings for frequencies below 30 MHz:

Detector mode                 Quasi-Peak
Resolution bandwidth          9 kHz
Trace mode                    Max Hold
Measurement time              1s

Spectrum analyzer settings for frequencies above 30 MHz:

Detector mode                 Quasi-Peak
Resolution bandwidth          120 kHz
Trace mode                    Max Hold
Measurement time              1s

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Section 8               Testing data
Test name               FCC 15. 225(d) and RSS-210 B6(d) Field strength of emissions outside 13.110–14.010 MHz band
Specification           FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210 Issue 9

  . .       Test data

                                           Figure . - : Field strength of spurious emissions below 3- MHz

                                   Frequency             Level            Limit           Margin
                                     (MHz)             (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)            (dB)
                                     0.6270               33.0             50.8            -17.8              QP
                                     1.0163               26.4             46.6            -20.1              QP
                                     1.6013               25.6             42.6            -17.1              QP
                                     2.2560               25.6             48.6            -23.0              QP
                                     4.6680               27.7             48.6            -20.9              QP
                                     7.2510               25.2             48.6            -23.4              QP
                                    19.7160               24.4             48.6           -24.2               QP

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Section 8              Testing data
Test name              FCC 15. 225(d) and RSS-210 B6(d) Field strength of emissions outside 13.110–14.010 MHz band
Specification          FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210 Issue 9

                        Figure . - : Field strength of spurious emissions above 3- MHz with antenna in horizontal polarization

                                   Frequency             Level             Limit           Margin
                                     (MHz)             (dBµV/m)          (dBµV/m)            (dB)
                                    149.1600              27.6              43.5            -15.9             QP
                                    203.4000              26.2              43.5            -17.3             QP
                                    249.9900              28.1              46.0            -17.9             QP
                                    300.0000              33.6              46.0            -12.4             QP
                                    337.5000              29.4              46.0            -16.6             QP
                                    412.5000              30.0              46.0            -16.0             QP
                                    450.0000              34.6              46.0            -11.4             QP
                                    549.9900              34.9              46.0            -11.1             QP
                                    650.0100              35.8              46.0            -10.2             QP
                                    750.0000              36.6              46.0             -9.4             QP
                                    849.9900              38.0              46.0             -8.0             QP
                                    900.0000              38.7              46.0             -6.9             QP

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Section 8              Testing data
Test name              FCC 15. 225(d) and RSS-210 B6(d) Field strength of emissions outside 13.110–14.010 MHz band
Specification          FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210 Issue 9

                         Figure . - : Field strength of spurious emissions above 3- MHz with antenna in vertical polarization

                                   Frequency             Level             Limit            Margin
                                     (MHz)             (dBµV/m)          (dBµV/m)             (dB)
                                    52.0800               18.7              40.0             -21.3            QP
                                    104.4900              22.2              43.5             -21.3            QP
                                    122.0400              22.0              43.5             -21.5            QP
                                    149.1600              28.7              43.5             -14.8            QP
                                    250.0200              24.4              46.0             -21.6            QP
                                    350.0100              34.9              46.0             -11.1            QP
                                    450.0000              33.1              46.0             -12.9            QP
                                    549.9900              32.0              46.0             -14.0            QP
                                    650.0100              32.8              46.0             -13.2            QP
                                    750.0000              36.0              46.0             -10.0            QP
                                    849.9900              37.2              46.0              -8.8            QP
                                    900.0000              36.3              46.0              -9.7            QP
                                    949.9800              35.7              46.0             -10.3            QP

Report reference ID: 377878TRFWL                                                                                                Page 24 of 30

Section 8                    Testing data
Test name                    FCC 15.225(e) and RSS-210 B.6 Frequency tolerance of the carrier signal
Specification                FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210 Issue 9

X.K      FCC DK.FFK(e) and RSS-FDN B.Q Frequency tolerance of the carrier signal

   . .       Definitions and limits

The frequency tolerance of the carrier signal shall be maintained within ±0.01 % (±100 ppm) of the operating frequency over a temperature variation of
−20 °C to +50 °C at normal supply voltage, and for a variation in the primary supply voltage from 85 % to 115 % of the rated supply voltage at a temperature
of 20 °C. For battery operated equipment, the equipment tests shall be performed using a new battery.

   . .       Test summary

Test date                  2019-07-16                                                Temperature               25 °C
Test engineer              P. Barbieri                                               Air pressure              1015 mbar
Verdict                    Pass                                                      Relative humidity         60 %

   . .       Observations, settings and special notes

Spectrum analyzer settings:

Detector mode                      Peak
Resolution bandwidth               ≥1 % of emission bandwidth
Video bandwidth                    RBW × 3
Trace mode                         Max Hold

   . .       Test data

                                                            Table . - : Frequency drift measurements results

           Test conditions                           Frequency, MHz           Frequency drift, ±ppm               Limit, ±ppm           Margin, ppm
           +50 °C, Nominal                                13.559920                   3.3                             100                  -96.7
            +20 °C, +15 %                                13.559964                     0                              100                  -100
           +20 °C, Nominal                                13.559964                Reference                       Reference             Reference
            +20 °C, −15 %                                 13.559964                    0                              100                  -100
           −20 °C, Nominal                                13.560024                   4.5                             100                  -95.5
Note: frequency drift was calculated as follows:
Frequency drift (ppm) = ((Fmeasured – Freference) ÷ Freference) × 1×106

Report reference ID: 377878TRFWL                                                                                                       Page 25 of 30

Section 9:             Block diagrams of test set-ups

Section /.          Block diagrams of test set-ups

O.D     Radiated emissions set-up

Report reference ID: 377878TRFWL                        Page 26 of 30

Section 9:             Block diagrams of test set-ups

O.F     Conducted emissions set-up

Report reference ID: 377878TRFWL                        Page 27 of 30

Section 10:            Photos

Section 3. Photos

DN.D    Photos of the test set-up

Report reference ID: 377878TRFWL    Page 28 of 30

Section 10:            Photos

Report reference ID: 377878TRFWL   Page 29 of 30

Section 10:            Photos

DN.F Photos of the EUT

                                   End of report

Report reference ID: 377878TRFWL                   Page 30 of 30

Document Created: 2019-11-05 17:02:47
Document Modified: 2019-11-05 17:02:47

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