RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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                      CMC Centro Misure Compatibilità S.r.l.
                      Via della Fisica, 20
                      36016 Thiene (VI) – ITALY
                      Tel./Fax +39 0445 367702
                      www.cmclab.it - info@cmclab.it
                                                                                                                         LAB N° 0168

                                              Independent Testing Laboratory
                           Accredited by ACCREDIA according to UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 cert. nr. 0168

                                          TEST REPORT nr. R19089301
                          Federal Communication Commission (FCC)

Test item
Description ........................: PUCK-TYPE BLUETOOTH LOW ENERGY BEACON
Trademark .........................: PYRAMID COMPUTER
Model/Type ......................: PLS PUCK
FCC ID ................................: 2AT5MPLS-V6

Test Specification
Standard............................: KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06

Client’s name .............. : BLUEUP S.r.l.s.
Address ..............................: Loc. Belvedere, Ingresso 2 – 53034 Colle Val d'Elsa (SI) – ITALY

Manufacturer’s name : PYRAMID COMPUTER GmbH
Address ..............................: Bötzinger Str. 60 – 79111 Freiburg im Breisgau – GERMANY


Tested by ...........................: M. Segalla                                 ...........................................

Approved by ....................: R. Beghetto – Laboratory Manager                ...........................................
Date of issue .....................: 27.09.19
Contents ............................: 13 pages

                   This test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of CMC.
                                The test results presented in this report relate only to the item tested.

Test report R19089301                           Rev. 1.0               Order M190893                                            page 1 of 13

                            Centro Misure Compatibilità S.r.l.
                            Via della Fisica, 20
                            36016 Thiene (VI)                                                                                                      LAB N° 0168


1.     SUMMARY..................................................................................................................................................3

2.     DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) .....................................................................................4
     2.1        TEST SITE .................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.     TESTING AND SAMPLING ..........................................................................................................................4

4.     OPERATIVE CONDITIONS..........................................................................................................................4

5.     PHOTOGRAPH(S) OF EUT ..........................................................................................................................5
     5.1        PHOTOGRAPH(S) OF EUT ........................................................................................................................... 5
6.     EQUIPMENT LIST .........................................................................................................................................6

7.     MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ..................................................................................................................7

8.     REFERENCE DOCUMENTS..........................................................................................................................9

9.     DEVIATION FROM TEST SPECIFICATION.................................................................................................10

10.         TEST CASE VERDICTS ...........................................................................................................................10

11.         RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................11
     11.1       RF EXPOSURE ANALYSIS............................................................................................................................ 12

Test report R19089301                                       Rev. 1.0                            Order M190893                                                  page 2 of 13

                    Centro Misure Compatibilità S.r.l.
                    Via della Fisica, 20
                    36016 Thiene (VI)                                                                  LAB N° 0168

1.         Summary


KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06

     Test specifications             Environmental                  Tests sequence                       Result

KDB 447498 D01 cl. 4             RF Exposure Analysis                       1                         Complies

The Test Report was given to the Client representatives for necessary documentation of ratification of the tested equipment
and it is valid for the FCC certification

Test report R19089301                      Rev. 1.0                 Order M190893                               page 3 of 13

                           Centro Misure Compatibilità S.r.l.
                           Via della Fisica, 20
                           36016 Thiene (VI)                                                                            LAB N° 0168

2.            Description of Equipment under test (EUT)

Power supply .................................................................. : 3 Vdc from battery
Serial Number ................................................................. : --
Type of equipment ....................................................... :           Transmitter Unit
                                                                                      Receiver Unit
Type of station ................................................................ :    Fixed station
                                                                                      Portable station
                                                                                      Mobile station
Frequency band............................................................ : 2400 – 2483,5 MHz
Nominal frequencies .................................................... : FL: 2401 MHz                  FM: 2441 MHz   FH: 2480 MHz

2.1        Test Site

Company ........................................................................ : CMC Centro Misure Compatibilità S.r.l.
Address ............................................................................ : Via della Fisica, 20
                                                                                 36016 Thiene (VI) – ITALY
Test site facility’s FCC registration number .............. : 182474

3.            Testing and sampling

Date of receipt of test item ........................................ : 08.04.19
Testing start date ........................................................... : 18.06.19
Testing end date ........................................................... : 18.06.19
Samples tested nr. ......................................................... : 3, 1 sample for each nominal frequency
Sampling procedure. ................................................... : Equipment used for testing was picked up by the
                                                                          manufacturer, at the end of the production
                                                                          process with random criterion
Internal identification ................................................... : adhesive label with the product number P190476

4.            Operative conditions

EUT exercising ................................................................ : EUT in continuous transmission at maximum power

Test report R19089301                                   Rev. 1.0                       Order M190893                             page 4 of 13

                    Centro Misure Compatibilità S.r.l.
                    Via della Fisica, 20
                    36016 Thiene (VI)                                    LAB N° 0168

5.        Photograph(s) of EUT

5.1      Photograph(s) of EUT

Test report R19089301                   Rev. 1.0         Order M190893            page 5 of 13

                    Centro Misure Compatibilità S.r.l.
                    Via della Fisica, 20
                    36016 Thiene (VI)                                                               LAB N° 0168

6.         Equipment list

  Id. number      Manufacturer        Model         Description       Serial number       Last            Due date
                                                                                      calibration         calibration
                        Rohde &
     CMC S164                         ESU26         interference         100052       January ‘18         January ‘19

Test report R19089301                   Rev. 1.0                   Order M190893                             page 6 of 13

                       Centro Misure Compatibilità S.r.l.
                       Via della Fisica, 20
                       36016 Thiene (VI)                                                                  LAB N° 0168

7.         Measurement uncertainty

                        Test                          Test Setup              Expanded uncertainty                      Note

Conducted emission CISPR 16
                                                      PE001_01                         3,4 dB                            1
LISN 50uH 0,009-0,0150MHz
Conducted emission CISPR 16
                                                      PE001_01                         3,0 dB                            1
LISN 50uH 0,150-30,0MHz
Conducted emission CISPR 16
                                                      PE001_02                         2,9 dB                            1
Voltage Probe 0,15-30MHz
Conducted emission CISPR 16
                                                      PE001_03                         2,6 dB                            1
Current Probe 0,15-30MHz
Conducted emission CISPR 16
                                                      PE001_04                         4,7 dB                            1
ISN 0,15-30MHz
Clic CISPR 16
                                                      PE001_05                         3,1 dB                            1
LISN 50uH 0,150-30,0MHz
Disturbance Power
                                                      PE002_01                         3,6 dB                            1
30-300 MHz
Radiated Emission LAS
                                                      PE003_01                         2,0 dB                            1
Radiated Emission CISPR 16
                                                      PE004_01                         4,0 dB                            1
Loop Ant. 0,15-30MHz
Radiated Emission CISPR 16
                                                      PE004_02                         3,9 dB                            1
Bicon. Ant. 30-300MHz
Radiated Emission CISPR 16
                                                      PE004_03                         3,8 dB                            1
LogP. Ant. 300-1000MHz
Radiated Emission CISPR 16
                                                      PE004_04                         4,2 dB                            1
Horn Ant. 1-18GHz
Human Exposure to electromagnetic fields              PE005_01                        23,6 %                             1
Harmonic current emissions test                       PE006_01       10 mA      +      2,6 %                             1
Voltage fluctuation and flicker test                  PE007_01                         4,8 %                             1
Radiated Immunity
                                                      PE102_XX          2,1 dB        0,82 V/m a 3V/m                    1
Conducted Immunity
                                                      PE105_XX          1,2 dB        0,44 V a 3V                        1
AC Magnetic field                                     PE106_01         1,55    %      0,15 A/m a 10A/m                   1
Pulse Magnetic field                                  PE107_01         6,25    %      18,7 A/m a 300A/m                  1
Dumped Magnetic field                                 PE108_01         6,25    %      1,87 A/m a 30A/m                   1
Common mode conducted immunity                        PE112_01         2,21    %      0,22 V a 10V                       1

Test report R19089301                      Rev. 1.0                Order M190893                                   page 7 of 13

                       Centro Misure Compatibilità S.r.l.
                       Via della Fisica, 20
                       36016 Thiene (VI)                                                                 LAB N° 0168

                        Test                                  Test Setup          Expanded uncertainty                 Note

                                                              PR001_01                     4,0 dB                       1
Power/Spurious ERP
                                                          PR001_02+03                      4,7 dB                       1
30-1000MHz d=10m
Misura della potenza EiRP
                                                              PR001_04                     4,7 dB                       1
1-18GHz d=3m
Misura della potenza EiRP
                                                              PR001_05                     5,4 dB                       1
18-40GHz d=3m
Frequency error                                           PR002_01+02                  < 1x10-7                         1
Timing zero span (1001pts.)                               PR002_01+02                      0,2 % SWT                    1
Modulation bandwidth                                      PR002_01+02                  < 1x10-7                         1

Conducted RF power and spurious emission                  PR002_01+02                      1,1 dB                       1

Adjacent channel power                                    PR002_01+02                      1,1 dB                       1
Blocking                                                  PR002_01+02                      1,1 dB                       1

                        Test                                  Test Setup          Expanded uncertainty                 Note

Electrostatic discharge immunity test                         PE101_0X                                                   2

Electrical fast transients / burst immunity test              PE103_0X                                                   2

Surge immunity test                                           PE104_0X                                                   2
Short interruption immunity test                              PE109_01                                                   2

Rev_19_02 date 27/03/2019

Note 1:
The expanded uncertainty reported according to the document EA-4-02 is based on a standard uncertainty
multiplied by a coverage factor of K=2, providing a level of confidence of p = 95%

Note 2:
It has been demonstrated that the used test equipment meets the specified requirements in the standard with at least a
95% confidence, covering factor k = 2

Test report R19089301                              Rev. 1.0                Order M190893                          page 8 of 13

                    Centro Misure Compatibilità S.r.l.
                    Via della Fisica, 20
                    36016 Thiene (VI)                                                         LAB N° 0168

8.        Reference documents

Reference no.                                            Description

                                                         POLICIES FOR MOBILE AND PORTABLE DEVICES
FCC Rules and Regulation Title 47 part 15:2017           --
ANSI C63.4:2014                                          American National Standard for Methods of Measuring of
                                                         Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and
                                                         Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz – 40 GHz
ANSI C63.10:2013                                         American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance
                                                         Testing of Unlicensed Wireless Devices
Internal Procedure PM001 rev. 3.0 (Quality Manual)       Measure Procedure
Internal procedure INC_M rev. 9.0 (Quality Manual)       Measurement uncertainty calculation

Test report R19089301                      Rev. 1.0           Order M190893                            page 9 of 13

                         Centro Misure Compatibilità S.r.l.
                         Via della Fisica, 20
                         36016 Thiene (VI)                                                          LAB N° 0168

9.           Deviation from test specification


10.          Test case verdicts

Test case does not apply to the test object ........... : N.A.
Test item does meet the requirement ...................... : Complies
Test item does not meet the requirement ............... : Does not comply
Test not performed ....................................................... : N.E.

Test report R19089301                               Rev. 1.0                        Order M190893           page 10 of 13

                    Centro Misure Compatibilità S.r.l.
                    Via della Fisica, 20
                    36016 Thiene (VI)                                                              LAB N° 0168

11.       Results

In this clause tests results are reported.
Measurement uncertainty is in accordance with document CMC INC_M rev. 9.0.

Judgement of compliance:
           Case 1                       Case 2                        Case 3                       Case 4

 The sample complies           The sample complies          The sample does not           The sample does not
 with the requirement.         with the requirement.        comply with the               comply with the
                                                            requirement.                  requirement.

 The measurement               It is not possible to        It is not possible to         The measurement
 results is within the         state compliance             state compliance              results is outside the
 specification limit           using a 95% coverage         using a 95% coverage          specification limit
 when the                      probability for the          probability for the           when the
 measurement                   expanded uncertainty         expanded uncertainty          measurement
 uncertainty is taken          although the                 also the measurement          uncertainty is taken
 into account.                 measurement result is        result is upper the limit.    into account.
                               below the limit.
In agreement with ILAC-G8: 03/2009 Guidelines on the Reporting of Compliance with Specification.

Test report R19089301                    Rev. 1.0                Order M190893                             page 11 of 13

                    Centro Misure Compatibilità S.r.l.
                    Via della Fisica, 20
                    36016 Thiene (VI)                                                              LAB N° 0168

11.1 RF Exposure Analysis

Test set-up and execution                                      Test configuration and test method

   KDB 447498 D01 cl. 4                                       Test site:
   ANSI C63.10                                                Laboratory
   Internal procedure PM001
   See clause 4 of this test report                           Auxiliary equipment:
                                                               See clause 4 of this test report

EUT exercising                                                 Test equipment used

See clause 4 of this test report                               CMC S164
                                                               Measurement uncertainty: See clause 7 of this
                                                               test report

Test specification

Port: Enclosure

Environmental conditions
            Temperature                      Atmospheric pressure                     Relative humidity
               (ºC)                                (kPa)                                     (%)
                   22                                    100                                      42

Acceptance limits:
Unless specifically required by the published RF exposure KDB procedures, standalone 1-g head or
body and 10-g extremity SAR evaluation for general population exposure conditions, by
measurement or numerical simulation, is not required when the corresponding SAR Test Exclusion
Threshold condition(s), listed below, is (are) satisfied

For 100 MHz to 6 GHz and test separation distances ≤ 50 mm, the 1-g and 10-g SAR test exclusion
thresholds are determined by the following

[(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW)/(min. separation distance,
mm)]x(√f(GHz)) ≤ 3 for 1-g SAR and ≤ 7,5 for 10-g SAR

Test report R19089301                   Rev. 1.0                 Order M190893                             page 12 of 13

                    Centro Misure Compatibilità S.r.l.
                    Via della Fisica, 20
                    36016 Thiene (VI)                                                         LAB N° 0168

10-g Extremity SAR Test Exclusion Power Thresholds are 2,5 times higher than the 1-g SAR Test
Exclusion Thresholds indicated above.

       Transmission channel                        Measured level                Peak Output Conducted Power
              (MHz)                                  (dBµV/m)                                (mW)
                 2401                                    80,62                              0,035
                 2441                                    89,85                              0,290
                 2480                                    88,96                              0,236
Remarks: the measured level and the peak output conducted power levels have been reported
on Test Report nr. R19089201.

Using separation distance of 5 mm with the formula above results:

(0,290 mW / 5 mm) * √2,441 GHz = 0,091 ≤ 3

Thus for portable use the SAR exclusion condition is fulfilled and SAR evaluation is not required for
separation distance of 5 mm or more

                                     Result: The requirements are met

Test report R19089301                   Rev. 1.0                 Order M190893                        page 13 of 13

Document Created: 2019-09-27 10:21:03
Document Modified: 2019-09-27 10:21:03

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