Users Manual


Users Manual

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Disabling Devices

On the homepage of your portal click “Accounts” across the top of the

To choose an account click the blue account name.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the section labeled “Device List”.

This will be the listing of all active devices deployed at the account.

To choose a device click the blue device name.

This will bring you to the device dashboard.

Click the red “DISABLE DEVICE” icon in the upper right-hand corner.

A pop-up will appear “Are you sure you want to disable this device? This will
cause this device to disappear from the mobile application.”

Click the red “YES” icon.

This will disable the device.

Enabling Devices

On the homepage of your portal click “Accounts” across the top of the

To choose an account click the blue account name.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the section labeled “Device List”.

This will be the listing of all active devices deployed at the account.

To view any devices that had been disabled uncheck the box in the upper
right-hand corner “Active Devices Only”. This will add to the list any devices
that are currently disabled.

To choose a device click the blue device name.

This will bring you to the device dashboard.

Click the blue “ENABLE DEVICE” icon in the upper right-hand corner.

This will enable the device.

Account Historical Report

On the homepage of your portal click “Reports” across the top of the

This will show you both report options.

Click “Account Historical Report”.

This will bring you to the report filter page.

Under account double click the account name. This will bring up a listing of
all available accounts.

Click the account you would like to view.

Click the blue “FILTER” icon on the right-hand side.

This will bring up a listing of the account devices. It will show their location,
name, when they were installed, when they were last detected, when they
were last serviced, the lifetime amount of events of each device and its
current status (refers to whether on the last visit the reading was “High”,
“Low” or None).

Service Tech Summary Report

On the homepage of your portal click “Reports” across the top of the

This will show you both report options.

Click “Service Tech Summary Report”.

This will bring you to the report filter page.

Under user double click the user name. This will bring up a listing of all
available users.

Click the user you would like to view.

Choose the beginning and ending date in which you would like to see a
report for.

Click the blue “FILTER” icon on the right-hand side.

This will bring up a listing of the dates of service for the selected user with-
in the chosen timeframe. It will show their name, date of service, location
and notes from the service visit.

Tech Support / Customer Service

If you have an issue and need tech support or would like
to provide feedback, there is an option within the online

In the upper right-hand corner click “Support/Feedback”.
A screen will appear that will already have the name filled
in with the person who is logged into their portal account.
If the name needs to be changed you are able to type over

The “Reply To” section will auto-populate as well with the
email address of the user that is logged into the portal.
Again if this needs to be changed there is the option to
type over it.

You also have the option of adding a “CC Recipient” by
typing their email address in that section.

From the drop-down menu choose the best option indicat-
ing why you are reaching out: Error Message, Feedback,
Bug or Other.

Within the “Support/Feedback” section please type in as
much information as possible.

If you do not need a response back, uncheck the box next
to “Please contact me regarding this Support/Feedback

Click the blue “SUBMIT” icon in the bottom right-hand

phone App

Getting the App

For iOS:

Tap the App Store.

In the search field type in “Bell Sensing”.

Next to the Bell Sensing App tap “Get”.

After it finishes installing tap “Open”.

For android:

Tap on the Play Store.

In the search field type in “Bell Sensing”.

Tap the Bell Sensing App.

Tap Install.

After it finishes installing tap “Open”.


To login, tap the Bell Sensing App.

Fill in your “Username” and “Password”.

Tap “Log in”.

Account Manager

Once you have logged into the Bell Sensing App you will be
at your app dashboard. This is where you will find the account
you would like to look at or service.

Tap “Account Manager”.

Account Listings

Within the “Account Manager” there is an “Account List”. This
is the screen where you can add accounts, delete accounts,
view accounts or start an account service visit.

To add an account tap the blue plus sign in the bottom
right-hand corner. This will bring up a listing of all available
accounts. Tap the account name you would like to add to your
“Account List”. The app will automatically take you back to
the “Account List” with the account you’ve just chosen to add.

To delete accounts from this list tap the garbage can icon in
the upper right-hand corner. An “X” will appear next to all the
account names. Tap the “X” for the account you wish to de-
lete. A pop up will appear that reads “You are about to delete
“Account Name” from this device. All associated account and
device data for this visit will be lost”. Tap the red “Delete”
text. This will remove the account from the “Account List”.
This account will still be included on the “Available Accounts”

Device List Preview

Once on the “Account List” screen on the left-hand side, next
to the account name, is an eye icon.

When you tap the eye icon it will give you a snap shot of the
devices currently deployed at that account.

You can see the name of the device, type of device, location
of device, the events from the previous service, total lifetime
events and the current battery level of the device.

You will not be able to see what events the device has current-
ly from this screen. In order to see that information, you will
need to be onsite and start a service visit.

Starting a Service

On the “Account List” screen the right-hand side,
next to the account name, is a “START” icon.

To start a service visit, tap the “START” icon.

Account Dashboard

Once you have tapped the “START” icon it will
bring you to the dashboard for that account.

This is the home screen for your service visit, also
known as the account dashboard.

It will show you the account name & address, how       118?
many devices are deployed at the account, options
to add devices, swap devices, remove devices,
view device list, record any notes about the ac-
count and finish service visit.

Adding Device(s) to Account

To add devices to the account tap “Add Device”.

At this screen you can either manually type in the serial number from
the device or you can tap the camera icon. If you tap the camera icon
you will then scan the QR code that is on the device. It will automat-
ically take you back to the “Add the device” screen and will fill in the
serial number for you.

Tap the blue arrow in the bottom right-hand corner.

This will pair the device with the app and will only take a few seconds.

Once the device is found you will want to give the device a name, num-
ber and location description.

Within the location description it’s important to input a concise de-
scription to help locate and know you are at the correct device in the

On this screen you have the ability to add any custom notes you may
have if needed. However, this is not mandatory.

When adding a 24/7 or T-Rex tap the blue check in the bottom right-
hand corner twice to finish adding the device to the account.

For an Express Tray there are a few more steps. If you will be baiting
or trapping in an Express Tray tap “Add Bait/T-Rex”.

For baiting, tap on the “Bait Type” and choose the bait you are using.
Next, tap the “Amount Used” section and manually type in the number

For trapping, slide the slider on the left-hand side of “Include T-Rex”
from left to right.

Once you have completed the above steps you would now tap on the
blue check in the bottom right-hand corner. On the “Add the device”
screen that pops up tap on the blue check in the bottom right-hand
corner again. This concludes the adding of the device to the account.

Removing Device(s) at Account

To remove a device tap “Remove Device”.

At this screen you can either manually type in the serial number from
the device or you can tap the camera icon. If you tap the camera icon
you will then scan the QR code that is on the device. It will automati-
cally take you back to the “Remove Device” screen and will fill in the
serial number for you.

Tap the blue arrow in the bottom right-hand corner.

The “Confirm Device Removal” screen will pop up. Tap “Continue”.

You may record any notes as to why you are removing the device at
this screen but this field is not mandatory.

This will complete the removal of the device from the account.

Swapping Device(s) at Account

To swap out a device tap “Swap Device”.

At this screen you will need to enter the old and new device serial
numbers. You can either manually type in them or you can tap the cam-
era icon to scan the QR codes. If you tap the camera icon you will then
scan the QR codes for both devices in the designated fields.

You may record any notes as to why you are swapping out the device,
but this field is not mandatory.

Tap the blue arrow in the bottom right-hand corner.

The “Searching for Device” screen will appear while the device pairs
with the app. This will only take a few seconds.

Once the device is found it will give you the option to update the
device details if needed. You can change the name or location if you
would like at this point, as well as, record any notes about the device.

Tap the blue arrow in the bottom right-hand corner.

The “Swap Device” screen will pop up to confirm the device was suc-
cessfully swapped.

Tap the blue arrow in the bottom right-hand corner.

This will complete the swapping of the device at the account.

Viewing Devices at Account

On the account dashboard tap the “Device List”
icon or the “Devices Found” icon to view all devic-
es currently deployed at the account.

Viewable Device Filter

Once you have tapped the “Device List” icon
and are viewing the listing of devices there is an
option to filter what you are viewing.

Tap the “Filter” icon in the upper right-hand

The first option you have is to filter to only view-
able devices. This will filter out any devices that
are “undiscovered” or are not within viewable
range. To do that slide the slider from left to right
and hit “Apply”.

The other option you have is to filter all the devic-
es by the following categories: Service Required,
Serviced, No Activity, and Not Detected. The
default setting is for all of them to be checked.
Tap on the category you would like to “uncheck”.
Once you only the ones you would like to filter to,
tap on “Apply”.

Your Device List will now be filtered to your cus-
tom settings.


App Icons

When in the “Device List” view there are a few
different icons you will see.

The first type of icon you may see is a grayed out
hollow circle.
This indicates a device that has not been discov-
ered by the app.

The next type of icon you may see are colored
hollow circles.
This means the devices are within the “discover-
able” range of the app.
To discover the devices the app needs to be
within a certain range typically anywhere between
50 to 100 feet depending on the environment
surrounding the device.

In order to download the data from the sensor in
the device you will need to be within 10 to 20 feet
of the device. This is referred to as “download-
able range”. Once you get within this range the
hollow circles will fill in to become fully colored

If you choose to download the data off of the
sensors but not physically service the actual
devices the circle will now become hollow again
with a little wrench indicating that the device still
requires service.

In the three mentioned states: hollow circle, fully
colored circle and hollow circle with a wrench,
red indicates high activity, yellow indicates low

Servicing an EVO® Express® IQ™ Tray or EVO® Ambush®
IQ™ Tray:

In order to service an IQ™ tray and receive the information
from the sensor, you will need to be inside the range to
download the data. That range is typically within 10-20 feet
of the device.  

While in the device list screen, you will see circles for
each device. When the hollow circle fills in to become a
fully colored circle, you have reached the “downloadable”
range. After you are inside that range, you may tap on the
full circle to begin the download. This will only take a few

Once the information is downloaded, the screen will pop
up giving you the service options. If you are baiting in the
station, there will be the option to either refill or not re-
fill the bait.  If you are trapping in the station, there will be
an option for documenting a capture. If you are doing both,
both options will be displayed.  

For Baiting:
When you are not refilling the bait - tap “not refilled”.   
When you are refilling the bait - tap “refilled”. To document
the bait type, tap the “Bait Type” and choose the bait you
are using. Next, tap the “Amount Used” section and manu-
ally type in the number used.
For Trapping:
When you are trapping in a station, there will be an option
to document any captures. If something is captured, tap
the “capture” icon.  Next, tap “Capture Type” and
choose what was captured from the drop-down list. Final-
ly, choose the gender.  

On this screen you may choose one of the “quick notes” to
document the conditions of the station as well. Additionally,
you have the ability to document any custom notes you may
have if needed. However, this is not mandatory.

Once you have completed the above steps
you would now tap the blue check in the bottom right-hand
corner. This concludes the service of the device. On the
device list you will now see a full green circle with a check
to indicate the device has been fully serviced.  

Servicing an EVO® Express® IQ™ Tray or EVO® Ambush®
                                                                    PICTURES 154-160
IQ™ Tray:

In order to service an IQ™ tray and receive the information
from the sensor, you will need to be inside the range to
download the data. That range is typically within 10-20 feet
of the device.  

While in the device list screen, you will see circles for
each device. When the hollow circle fills in to become a
fully colored circle, you have reached the “downloadable”
range. After you are inside that range, you may tap on the
full circle to begin the download. This will only take a few

Once the information is downloaded, the screen will pop
up giving you the service options. If you are baiting in the
station, there will be the option to either refill or not re-
fill the bait.  If you are trapping in the station, there will be
an option for documenting a capture. If you are doing both,
both options will be displayed.  

For Baiting:
When you are not refilling the bait - tap “not refilled”.   
When you are refilling the bait - tap “refilled”. To document
the bait type, tap the “Bait Type” and choose the bait you
are using. Next, tap the “Amount Used” section and manu-
ally type in the number used.
For Trapping:
When you are trapping in a station, there will be an option
to document any captures. If something is captured, tap
the “capture” icon.  Next, tap “Capture Type” and
choose what was captured from the drop-down list. Final-
ly, choose the gender.  

On this screen you may choose one of the “quick notes” to
document the conditions of the station as well. Additionally,
you have the ability to document any custom notes you may
have if needed. However, this is not mandatory.

Once you have completed the above steps
you would now tap the blue check in the bottom right-hand
corner. This concludes the service of the device. On the
device list you will now see a full green circle with a check
to indicate the device has been fully serviced.  

Servicing a Trapper® 24/7 Multiple Catch IQ™ trap:

In order to service a Trapper® 24/7 IQ™ trap and receive
the information from the sensor, you will need to be in-
side the range to download the data. That range is typical-
ly within 10-20 feet of the device.  

While in the device list screen, you will see circles for each
device. When the hollow circle fills in to become a fully col-
ored circle, you have reached the “downloadable” range. Af-
ter you are inside that range, you may tap the full circle to
begin the download. This will only take a few seconds.  

Once the information is downloaded, the screen will pop
up giving you the service options.

If nothing is captured in the device, you would tap “No

If something is captured in the device, you would tap “Cap-

Next, tap “Capture Type” and choose what was cap-
tured from the drop-down list, choose the gender, manually
type in the number for “total captures” and tap “Add”.
***You can repeat these steps if there are multiple species
of animals captured.

On both screens you may choose one of the “quick notes”
to document the conditions of the device as well. Addi-
tionally, you have the ability to type in any custom notes if
needed. However, this is not mandatory.

Once you have completed the above steps
you would now tap the blue check in the bottom right-hand
corner. This concludes the service of the device.

On the device list you will now see a fully colored green
circle with a check to indicate the device has been fully

Getting Back to the Dashboard

If at any point you are on a different screen and you need to
get back to the account dashboard, tap the menu icon in the
upper left-hand corner.

A list view will show and at the very top you can tap “Dash-

Viewing Active Account

If at any point you happen to hit “Account Manager” during
your service visit the app will show you what account is cur-
rently active. It will have a blue “ACTIVE” icon to the right
of the account name.

To get back to the active account’s dashboard tap “ACTIVE”
or the white arrow in the upper left-hand corner.

Finishing Service Visit

To finish your service visit tap “Finish Visit” in the bottom
right-hand corner on the active account’s dashboard. You
can also tap the menu icon in the upper left-hand corner and
tap “Finish Account Visit”.

Once you have tapped either of the above it will take you
to the “Account visit complete!” screen. On this screen you
have the ability to type in any custom notes if needed. How-
ever, this is not mandatory.

Now tap the blue check in the bottom right-hand corner.

The “Complete account visit?” screen will pop up. Tap

This will complete the service visit and will initiate the app
to send all of the information it just gathered to the cloud.

Navigating to the Portal

If you have been granted access and would like to view your
online portal while onsite, you can navigate to it directly
from your app.

Tap the menu icon in the upper left-hand corner then tap
“Visit Web Portal”.

Tech Support / Customer Service

If you have an issue and need tech support, there is an
option for that within the app.

Tap the menu icon in the upper left-hand corner and tap

From the drop-down menu choose the best option indicating
why you are reaching out.

Within the “Support/Feedback” section please type in as
much information as possible.

If you need a response check on the box next to “Please
contact me regarding this Support/Feedback ticket”.

Tap the blue check in the bottom right-hand corner.

FCC Regulatory Statements

Express IQ – FCC ID: 2ASYW-B01001H
Ambush IQ – FCC ID: 2ASYW-B01001I
24/7 IQ – FCC ID: 2ASYW-B01001J

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s author-
ity to operate this equipment.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to
part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in
a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

ISED Regulatory Statements

Express IQ – IC ID: 24934-B01001H
Ambush IQ – IC ID: 24934-B01001I
24/7 IQ – IC ID: 24934-B01001J

This device contains license-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic
Development Canada’s license-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause interference.
(2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

L’émetteur/récepteur exempt de licence contenu dans le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Innovation, Sci-
ences et Développement économique Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est
autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
1) L’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;
2) L’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en comprom-
ettre le fonctionnement.

Regulatory information in the App can be accessed from the main screen (Dashboard) by performing the following
(1) Access the Site Menu (upper left corner of the App screen)
(2) Select “About Us” from the Site Menu
(3) Tap the button labeled “Regulatory”

Document Created: 2019-06-14 14:11:49
Document Modified: 2019-06-14 14:11:49

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