User manual


Users Manual

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                               TechLife App‘s User Manual
1       Download and Instal APP

          Use your phone to scan the OR code below or search "TechLife" in epplication merket to
        download andinstall the app

                                                 Prcure 0
2.      Register/L ogr/orgat password
          If you don‘thave en app account, register an acoount to login. This page dessrbes the
        registration process
        A. Cpen app,tep the ‘Register" to enter the register page, as shoun in the picture 1.
        8. Enter the mobile nurmber/E—mal and tap "Send code" , and also enter the password, as shown in
        the pictire2. The verification code will send to your moblle/ E—mal. Tep the ‘Register"will create
        new acoount

  ee0co tEBz) 2   14:56   7   52% +                 eeoco EBE 7               14:56           7      52% +


                                                                                           Send code


                                                             I agree Service Agreement and Privacy Policy

                                                                                             Existing account

                                      Picture 1                                                                 Picture 2

    Account and password

    Enter the mobile number/E—mail and password, then tap "Login", as shown in the picture1.

Forgot password

  To find your password back, please follow the procedures:

   A. Enter the mobile number/E—mail and tap "Send code" , and also enter the new password, as
   shown in the picture 3. The verification code will send to your mobile/ E—mail.

   B. Tap the "Modify" to set the new password.

                               ee0co tEEBa) 2    14:56     7      52% +

                                                         Send code


                                                           Existing account

                                            Picture 3

Add — Wi—Fi connection — Network Configuration

A. Tap the"Add" , click the "Wi—Fi connection" , as shown in the Picture 4.

B. Enter the "Wi—Fi name" and "Wi—Fi password"                   , tap the "Start configuration", as shown in the
picture 5. Note: Only support 2.4GHz Wi—Fi network.

C. The app goes through the processes as shown in the picture 6. When the network connection is
successfully, the app page will be shown the "Discover devices". And the system will try to binding
the device.

D. If network configuration failed, app will shown "Have no device" , you can retry network
configuration progress again.

E. When binding the device success , the app "Home" page will shown the device type, tap the
device will enter the "Control" page, as shown in the picture 7 and picture 8.
  ee0co tEBa) 2       17:39          1 93% mm               eeoc0 EBE 7    11:44              76% L

                     Add                                     <   Network Configuration

                    Pm                                                             TechLife

                Wi—Fi connection                                                   TechLife

                                                                    Start configuration

              Bluetooth connection

      Home            Add             Me        Picture 4                                             Picture 5

  ee0c0 tEBa) 2          14:15              80% D:                      eeoco tEEBz) 2             10:52   @ 1 42% M+

    <      Network Configuration                                                               Home

                                                                            Smart home center

         Wi—Fi name              TechLife

        Wi—Fi password           TechLife                               My devies

                                                                        E Light (Wi—Fi Device)             Binding(1)

              Configurationing 6/100
               Number of Binded Devices:0

                                                      Picture       6

                                                                                                                 Me Picture   7
                                             eeoc0 EBE 7            11:45                  76% L

                                              <                  Control                       =

                                             Adjust    Music    Style   Tape      Timing


                                               prese   -       .        .    .        .        .

                                              pmoAn    .                .    .        .        .

                                                               Picture 8


There are five types of light control equipment : Single(1 Pulse—Width Modulation pin), CCT(2
Pulse—Width Modulation pin), RGB(3 Pulse—Width Modulation pin), RGBW(4 Pulse—Width Modulation
pin) and RGB&CCT(5 Pulse—Width Modulation pin}.

The app will be automatically identified the light type.

Function : "Adjust", "Music" ,"Style" ,"Tape" and "Timing".

A. Here‘s an example of RGB&CCT light (supporting color RGB and color temperature CCT
adjustment). Tap the "Adjust" o , you can adjust the color, as shown in the picture 8 ; Tap

the "Adjust" ‘      , you can adjust the CCT, ,as shown in the picture 9.

B. Tape the "Music", as shown in the picture 10 and picture 11, by entering this function, playing
music and turning on the jump switch, the light can change with the frequency of music and adjust
the atmosphere.

Note: This function only exists on the same Wi—Fi lan with mobile phones and lights.

C. Tap the "Style", as shown in the picture 12. There are dozens of options , light will run the style
as you select.

D. Tape the "Tape", as shown in the picture 13. The light can change the color according to the
microphone frequency of the mobile phone.

 E. Tape the "Timing", as shown in the picture 14 , it can set the switch of the light in different time
periods to enrich the intellectualized control.
F. Tape the *~ sideslip column, as shown in the picture 16 , click the device MAC address , can
enter the "Device settings" , here you can Rename, Unbond , Share device, Unshare device,
Factory Reset as so on. As shown in the picture 17.

Note : Binding the device refers to the device that has been connected with the network and the
        light will bound to the current login account.

       Share device will sharing the bound device to other exist accounts.

        Factory reset refers to restoring the current equipment to the waiting configuration network
status, and at the same time, the cloud data of the current device will be cleared.
G. Tape the **~ sideslip column, as shown in the picture 16 , click "Remote control"      , you can
remote control the light. When open the "Remote control" , the "Music" and "Tape" will be closed,
as shown in the picture 19.

eeoco tEEz) 2                10:53      @ 1 42% M}+                          eeeco fEEBZ) 7            16:34              47 91% D

  <                   Control                             o                   <                     Control                           TS

Adjust      Music    Style       Tape   Timing                               Adjust      Music     Style     Tape    Timing

                                                                             Alan Walker — Faded
                                                    ‘                                                                          03:32
                                                                             Alan Walker

  .WW: 255                                               {:}                 Heartbeat — Nightcore
                                                         @                   Nightcore

            Cw = 0                                                           Shape of You —ed sheeran
                                                         ©@®                                                                   03:53
                                                                             ed sheeran


                                                                                      00:00                                   03:32

 STANDARD .          cw       ' hso%       \25%          5% |                                 I‘      @              ’I         C__)

                                                                Picture 9                                                                  Picture 10

eeeco tEEz) 2             16:34             7 91% mm                         ee0c0 tEBa) 2                 1:49                76% D

 <                    Control                            ks                    <                     Control                           &

Adjust      Music    Style      Tape    Timing                               Adjust      Music      Style     Tape   Timing

Alan Walker — Faded
Alan Walker

Heartbeat — Nightcore

Shape of You —ed sheeran
ed sheeran
                                                                                                 Pulsating Rainbow

         00:00                                   03:32

     ihl < @ PI C
                                                                Picture 11                                                                 Picture 12

eeeco fEEBZ) 7        16:34            1 91% mm                  ee0co EB 2                   14:21                80% N

 <                Control                       s                 <                    Control                         >

Adjust    Music   Style   Tape    Timing                         Adjust Music         Style       Tape Timing

                                                                                    7a:if:k           b:12

                                                                 00:00                                  Operat:Off

                                                                  9                                             w
                                                                 00:00                                  Operat:Off

           S‘        .            ”:

                                                                  9                                             w
                                                                 00:00                                  Operat:Off

                                                                  9                                             w
                                                                 00:00                                  Operat:Off

                                                    Picture 13
                                                                  9                                             se          .
                                                                                                                           Picture 14

                                                                 ee0c0 tEBa) 7                14:01                82% D


                                                                 Adjust     Music    MiMAitactntetntre]

  Time:                       6
                                                                                     My device

     Operat:       @

     ic Em


                                                                 STANDARD    -

 ee0co tEEz) 2           14:01       82% B                      ee0c0 tEBa) 2                    14:23                79% D

  <               Device settings                                   <
     Device                                                             .
     Name:7a: 1f:b8:3a:8b:12                                    Adjust                  Remote control

                       Rename                                                           ies                       0

                       Urbound                                                                    7a:1f:b8:3a:8b:12



                     Factory reset

     Bound user



                                                                STANDARD        .

                                             Picture 17

                                       ee0co tEEBz) 2       14:23                     79% D)

                                        <                Control

                                       Adjust           Style                Timing



                                         prese    .   .         .           .   .      .

                                        srmoare   .             .           -   .      .

                                                   Picture 19


For the "Me" page, can shown the "Account information"(As shown in the picture 20) , "Account
setting"(As shown in the picture 21) , "Third party access" , "About" and so on.

      ee0c0 tEEBE) 2       16:11   63% L                  eeoco tEEE) 7       14:10       1 82%

                           Me                              <

                                                           Picture                         @

                       s                                   Account                info@gh—

                                                                          Shift account
      Account settings

      Third party access



                                   &Me     Picture   20                                             Picture   21

6,   Remark

         A. The pictures used in this manual are i0OS app interface, Android version is a bit different.

         B. Product and software update periodically, the number and app interface in this manual are
         only for example. No extra notification on further changes.

         C. Feedback : info@gh—


Document Created: 2019-04-04 15:41:49
Document Modified: 2019-04-04 15:41:49

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