Users Manual

FCC ID: 2ASYA-1001003

Users Manual

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             WaveFlex Picocell Gateway Radio ‐ User Manual ‐ Version 1.2

User Manual
WaveFlex Picocell Gateway Radio
WaveFlex WPGR ‐ Version 1.2

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                            WaveFlex Picocell Gateway Radio ‐ User Manual ‐ Version 1.2

Table of Contents
1.      Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3
     1.1 Product Description ............................................................................................................................ 3
2.      Hardware Overview .............................................................................................................................. 5
     2.1 WaveFlex‐WPGR RF Block Diagram .................................................................................................... 5
3.      Software Overview................................................................................................................................ 6
     3.1        Hardware Layer – picoGW_mcu ................................................................................................... 6
     3.2        Hardware Abstraction Layer – picoGW_hal .................................................................................. 6
     3.3        Application Layer – packet_forwarder.......................................................................................... 6
4.      Software Installation – LoRa® Gateway Support Software................................................................... 7
     4.1        Install Semtech LoRa® Gateway Software Package into RPi3 ....................................................... 7
     4.2        Install Device Firmware Upgrade Utilities (dfu‐util) into RPi3. ..................................................... 7
5.      Firmware Installation for WaveFlex‐WPGR .......................................................................................... 8
     5.1        Initial Factory Installation of Bootloader into the WPGR. ............................................................ 8
     5.2        Field Installation of the Bootloader into the WPGR. .................................................................... 8
6.      Packet Forwarder Application Program for RPi3 Picocell Gateway Host ............................................. 9
     6.1        Compile Semtech HAL and Packet Forwarder on the RPi3 ........................................................... 9
     6.2        Run USB Communications Stress Test between RPi3 Host and WPGR ........................................ 9
     6.3        Get the unique Gateway ID from the WPGR ................................................................................ 9
     6.4        Running the Packet Forwarder on the RPi3 ................................................................................ 10
7.      WaveFlex Picocell Gateway Radio ‐ Specifications ............................................................................. 11
     7.1        WPGR – Specifications ................................................................................................................ 11
8.      WaveFlex Picocell Gateway Radio ‐ Maintenance .............................................................................. 12
9.      WaveFlex Picocell Gateway Radio ‐ Regulatory Statements .............................................................. 13
     9.1        FCC .............................................................................................................................................. 13
     9.2 IC ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
     9.3 Approved Antennas .......................................................................................................................... 14
     9.4 RF Exposure Warning ........................................................................................................................ 14
     9.5 RSS Gen 8.4 ....................................................................................................................................... 15
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10.      Labels and Markings ....................................................................................................................... 16
  10.1 Labeling Instruction......................................................................................................................... 16
11.      Contact ............................................................................................................................................ 17

      1. Introduction
          1.1 Product Description
          The WaveFlex Picocell Gateway Radio (WPGR) provides a quick and easy solution for your LoRa®
          Sensor Monitoring needs. The WPGR has a USB Type‐A Male connector that is designed to plug
          into a standard USB Type‐A Female Host Port for Power and to connect to a Linux Host Gateway
          Data Interface. When the WPGR is plugged into a USB Port it appears on the Linux Host
          Gateway PC as a USB CDC Virtual Serial Port. Semtech has provided Open Source Software at
®‐net that will allow you to create your own Picocell Gateway or you
          can purchase a WaveFlex Gateway Base Station (WaveFlex‐GBS) which is a complete turnkey
          LoRa® Picocell GW Base Station solution. Please refer to the “WaveFlex‐GBS” User’s Manual for
          more information.

                                                                                                                            RX‐Receive LED
                                                                                                                            TX‐Transmit LED
                  Host Interface                                                                                                  Antenna Interface
                  USB 2.0 Type A                                                                                                  Reverse Polarity
                  Male Connector                                                                                                  SMA Connector

                                                                                 Top View

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                                                      Reset Button
                                                      Boot Button

                                            Bottom View

                               Figure 1 – WaveFlex‐WPGR Overview

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   2. Hardware Overview
      The WPGR is an FCC Certified LoRa®‐Enabled multi‐channel high performance transceiver that is
      based on the Semtech Rev 2b Reference Design. This design incorporates the Semtech SX1308
      Digital Baseband IC and two Semtech SX1257 Radio Transceiver IC’s which are capable of
      operating over the 902 to 928 MHz North American/Australian, and 867.1‐868.5MHz European
      ISM license‐exempt frequency bands. The RF Front End is capable of receiving data
      simultaneously on 8 LoRa® Channels and is terminated with a Reverse Polarity SMA connector
      for connecting an FCC approved 2.0 dBi maximum gain antenna. The WPGR is designed to plug
      into a standard USB 2.0 Type A Female Host Port for Power and LoRaWAN Gateway
      Communications support.

      2.1 WaveFlex‐WPGR RF Block Diagram

             The SX1308 Digital Baseband IC provides a powerful DSP Engine which integrates the
              LoRa® Concentrator IP

             The two SX1257 transceivers provide a robust RF front‐end that is capable of receiving
              data on 8 LoRa® 200 kHz channels simultaneously.

                            Figure 2 – WaveFlex Picocell Gateway RF Block Diagram

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   3. Software Overview
      The WPGR uses software that was written by Semtech to provide their customers with an Open
      Source solution for their LoRa® based products. The Picocell GW software uses a layered
      architecture which consists of the Hardware Layer “picoGW_mcu”, the Hardware Abstraction
      Layer “picoGW_hal” and the Application Layer “packet_forwarder”.

      Please refer to the following web link for access to the Software and Documentation.®‐net

      3.1    Hardware Layer – picoGW_mcu
      The “picoGW_mcu” is a low level Embedded Firmware MCU driver for the Gateway
      Concentrator PCB. It handles the power management of the SX1308 during the downlink to
      keep within the 500 mA maximum power limit of the USB Host interface. This Firmware also
      implements the USB CDC protocol to bridge commands from the Host to the SX1308 SPI

      3.2    Hardware Abstraction Layer – picoGW_hal
      The “picoGW_hal” is a Host Driver which runs on the Linux Host PC and provides the
      communications interface to the Concentrator PCB via the USB Serial Interface.

      3.3    Application Layer – packet_forwarder
      The “packet_forwarder” is an Application Program that runs on the Linux Host PC and
      communicates with the Picocell GW via the USB Serial Interface. The program forwards RF
      packets that are received by the Concentrator PCB to the LoRa® Server through an IP/UDP Link.
      This program also sends data from the Lora® Server to the Picocell GW that will be transmitted
      to End Nodes Devices via LoRa® RF packets.

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   4. Software Installation – LoRa® Gateway Support Software
      Please follow the steps below to download the Semtech LoRa® Gateway Software
      Package from GitHub and install this on a Raspberry Pi3. Once this software is installed
      and running on the RPi3 and the WPGR is plugged into the RPi3 USB Port, you will have
      a fully functional LoRa® Picocell Gateway System.

      4.1       Install Semtech LoRa® Gateway Software Package into RPi3
               $ mkdir lora‐net
               $ cd lora‐net
               $ sudo apt‐get update
               $ sudo apt‐get install git
               $ git clone‐net/picoGW_packet_forwarder.git
               $ git clone‐net/picoGW_mcu.git
               $ git clone‐net/picoGW_hal.git

      4.2       Install Device Firmware Upgrade Utilities (dfu‐util) into RPi3.
                This tool is used to program the firmware into the WaveFlex Picocell Gateway

               $ cd ~/lora‐net/
               $ sudo apt‐get install autoconf
               $ git clone‐util/dfu‐util

               $ cd dfu‐util
               $ ./
               $ sudo apt‐get install libusb‐1.0‐0‐dev
               $ ./configure
               $ make
               $ sudo make install
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   5. Firmware Installation for WaveFlex‐WPGR
      This section covers loading the LoRa® Picocell Bootloader and Firmware into the WPGR.

      5.1      Initial Factory Installation of Bootloader into the WPGR.
            (Note: These steps are already completed in the Factory before the unit is shipped)
            1. Press the “BOOT0” Button on the back of the WPGR PCB while plugging it into a
               USB Port on the RPi3 Unit.
            2. On the RPi3, load the binary image into the WPGR PCB by entering the following
               command in the Data Terminal view on the RPi3:

            $ sudo /usr/local/bin/dfu‐util ‐a 0 ‐D ~/lora‐net/picoGW_mcu/bin/pgw_fw_usb.dfu

      5.2        Field Installation of the Bootloader into the WPGR.
            1.   Plug the WPGR into the USB Port on the RPi3 Unit that is powered‐up.
            2.   Go to the Data Terminal view on the RPi3.
            3.   Enter the following command to verify USB communications: $ lsusb
            4.   One of the Response Lines should end in: “STMicroelectronics STM32F407” is
                 the RPi3 recognizes the WPGR.
            5.   Enter the following command to identify which COM Serial Port is used:
                 $ dmesg
            6.   The Hardware Configuration of the RPi3 is displayed and in this you should be
                 able to find the following lines displayed:
                 usb Product: SEMTECH Corp Virtual ComPort
                 usb Manufacturer: SEMTECH
                 usb SerialNumber:
                 cdc_acm : ttyACM0: USB ACM device (Note: This may use ttyACM1 as well)
            7.   In the Data Terminal type in:
                 a. $ cd ~/lora-net/picoGW_hal/util_boot
                 b. $ make
                 c. $ ./util_boot –d /dev/ttyACM0 (Note: or “ttyACM1”)
                 d. $ lsusb (Enter this command to check that “STM Device is in DFU Mode”
                 e. Enter command below to load the binary image into the WPGR.
                 $ sudo /usr/local/bin/dfu‐util ‐a 0 ‐D ~/lora‐net/picoGW_mcu/bin/pgw_fw_usb.dfu
                 f. To Exit DFU (Device Firmware Update) mode remove and re‐insert WPGR device
                     into the USB Port on the RPi3.

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   6. Packet Forwarder Application Program for RPi3 Picocell Gateway Host
      The LoRa® Packet Forwarder is an application program that runs on the RPi3 Picocell
      Gateway Host. This program forwards RF packets received by the WPGR from the End‐
      Node‐Devices to the LoRa® Server through an IP/UDP Link. The Packet Forwarder also
      forwards data that is sent by the LoRa® Server to the End‐Node‐Devices on the Network
      via the WPGR.

      6.1     Compile Semtech HAL and Packet Forwarder on the RPi3
             $ cd ~/lora‐net/picoGW_hal
               $ make clean all
               $ cd ~/lora‐net/picoGW_packet_forwarder
               $ make clean al

      6.2      Run USB Communications Stress Test between RPi3 Host and WPGR
            Running this test will test the USB to Serial communications link between the RPi3
            Host and the WPGR. This test should run continuously and dump data to the
            Terminal on the RPi3 until it is stopped.

               $ cd ~/lora‐net/picoGW_hal/util_com_stress
               $ ./util_com_stress ‐t 4 ‐d /dev/ttyACM0

               Press Ctrl+C and then Enter Key to Exit the Test.

      6.3      Get the unique Gateway ID from the WPGR
            Run the commands below to access the Gateway ID from the WPGR. This value
            should be used in the “global_conf.json” file as the “Gateway ID”.

               $ cd ~/lora‐net/picoGW_hal/util_chip_id

               $ ./util_chip_id ‐d /dev/ttyACM0      (Note: may need to use “ttyACM1”)

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      6.4      Running the Packet Forwarder on the RPi3

            a. Run Packet Forwarder on RPi3 – Enter the command strings below:

               $ cd ~/lora‐net/picoGW_packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/

               $ ./lora_pkt_fwd ‐d /dev/ttyACM0         (Note: may need to use “ttyACM1”)

            b. The Packet Forwarder should begin running and will start displaying the data
               that is transferred. The Payload Data displayed is encrypted so it cannot be read.

            c. The LoRa® Packet Forwarder program, “lora_pkt_fwd”, loads the
               “global_conf.json” configuration file at start‐up. This file is used to configure the
               RF and Communications Parameters that are used by the WPGR Radio and the
               Packet Forwarder program.

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   7. WaveFlex Picocell Gateway Radio ‐ Specifications
      7.1 WPGR – Specifications
                  Item                      Description                   Specification
               Voltage Input                USB ® A Male                  5VDC (± 10%)
                                                                          8 Rx Channels ON TX OFF
                    Power                   Current Draw                  (330 mA)
                                                                          8 Rx Channels OFF TX ON
                                                                          (230 mA)
                                                                          Maximum Current Draw (468
            Physical Parameters             Case Dimensions               78 x 33 x 13 mm (L x W x H)
                                            USB Connector                 13 x 11 x 4 mm (L x W x H)
                                            SMA Connector                 10 x 5 mm (L x Diameter)
                                            Total Weight                  43 g
             Operating Range                Operating                     0 °C to 70 °C
               Radio Design                 Semtech Radio IC’s            1 ‐ SX1308, 2 – SX1257
                                            Semtech Reference             Based on Semtech Rev 2b
                                            Maximum RF Input              ‐10 dBm
             RF Characteristics             Level
                                            Maximum RF                    +27.8dBm
                                            Output Level for
                                            Maximum RF                    +20 dBm
                                            Output Level for EU
                                            Receiver Sensitivity          ‐139 dBm at SF12 BW 125 kHz
                                                                          ‐125 dBm at SF7 BW 125 kHz
                                            Freq. Range –                 915 ISM Band (902 MHz to
                                            US/Australia                  928 MHz)
                                            Freq. Range –                 868 ISM Band (867.1‐
                                            Europe                        868.5MHz)
                                            Max ERP                       24.9mW at 867.1MHz at 0
                                                                          degrees C.
             Agency Approval                Certifications                FCC/IC/CE

                        Figure 3 – WaveFlex Picocell Gateway Radio ‐ Specifications

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   8. WaveFlex Picocell Gateway Radio ‐ Maintenance

      The WaveFlex LoRa® Picocell Gateway Radio is not designed to be waterproof, so it
      must never be immersed in any type of liquid. The enclosure is designed for indoor use
      only. If the Picocell GW is used outdoors it must be placed in an appropriate enclosure
      to protect it completely from the elements.

      Please refer to the “WaveFlex Gateway Base Station User’s Manual” for more details on
      the installation and operation of the complete sensor system.

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   9. WaveFlex Picocell Gateway Radio ‐ Regulatory Statements
      9.1 FCC
      Changes or modifications not expressly approved by WaveFlex, Inc. could void the user's
      authority to operate the equipment.

      This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
      conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
      accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired

      Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
      digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
      reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
      equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
      and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
      communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
      particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
      television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
      user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following

             —Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
             —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
             —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
             the receiver is connected.
             —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

      Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
      digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
      reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in
      a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
      frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction
      manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this
      equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the
      user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.

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      9.2 IC
      This radio transmitter, IC: 24956‐1001003, has been approved by Innovation, Science
      and Economic Development Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below,
      with the maximum permissible gain indicated. Antenna types not included in this list
      that have a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for any type listed are strictly
      prohibited for use with this device.

      Le présent émetteur radio, IC: 24956‐1001003, a été approuvé par Innovation, Sciences
      et Développement économique Canada pour fonctionner avec les types d'antenne
      énumérés ci‐dessous et ayant un gain admissible maximal. Les types d'antenne non
      inclus dans cette liste, et dont le gain est supérieur au gain maximal indiqué pour tout
      type figurant sur la liste, sont strictement interdits pour l'exploitation de l'émetteur.

      9.3 Approved Antennas

             Model                         RFA‐ZW‐C55‐U‐B70‐1
             Frequency                     865‐928 MHz
             Peak Gain                     2.2 dBi
             Average Gain                  0.2 dBi
             VSWR                          3.0:1 Max
             Polarization                  Linear, vertical
             Connector                     RP‐SMA PLUG
             Dimensions                    137mm

      9.4 RF Exposure Warning

      WARNING: The Federal Communications Commission warns that changes or modifications of the
      radio module within this device not expressly approved by WaveFlex, Inc. could void the user’s
      authority to operate the equipment.

      The minimum safe distance for people from this module has been determined by conservative
      calculation to be 20 cm for all allowable antenna types. The end product User’s Guide must
      include the following statement in a prominent location: (Note for modules with RF output
      power <10mW, this statement is likely not required).

      To comply with FCC’s RF radiation exposure requirements, the antenna(s) used for this
      transmitter must be installed such that a minimum separation distance of 20 cm is maintained

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      between the radiating element (antenna) & any user’s or bystander at all times and must not be
      co‐located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

      Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
      device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
      protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,
      uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
      instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
      guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
      cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning
      the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
      more of the following measures:

             Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
             Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
             Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
              receiver is connected.
             Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

      9.5 RSS Gen 8.4
      This device contains licence‐exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with
      Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s licence‐exempt RSS(s).
      Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
      1. This device may not cause interference.
      2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause
      undesired operation of the device.

      L’émetteur/récepteur exempt de licence contenu dans le présent appareil est conforme
      aux CNR d’Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada applicables aux
      appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions
      suivantes :
      1. L’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;
      2. L’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est
      susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement

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   10.         Labels and Markings
               10.1 Labeling Instruction
When installing the Picocell Gateway Radio inside a host product in accordance with Single Modular
Approved radio rules, the following sticker must be permanently placed on the exterior of the host

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10.2 Markings

   11.          Contact

            Company Name:      WaveFlex, Inc.

            Contact Name:      Shawn S. Flannery

            Contact Title:     President

            Company            5480 Roesland Dr. Galena OH, 43021
            Telephone No:      614‐682‐5293

            Facsimile No:      740‐549‐4640

            Email Address:     sflannery@wave‐

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Document Created: 2019-08-28 18:14:52
Document Modified: 2019-08-28 18:14:52

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