4789092176A-US-E0-V0_FCC Part15B_TMUS-SUP-1_2019-09-02_revised


Test Report

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                                  FCC Part 15 Subpart B and ANSI C63.4

                                                 EMI TEST REPORT

                                                     SYNCUP PETS

                                               MODEL: TMUS-SUP-1

                                         FCC ID: 2ASXC-TMO-NBT-01

                               REPORT NUMBER: 4789092176A-US-E0-V0

                                       ISSUE DATE : September 2, 2019
                                                      Prepared for
                                                  T-mobile Usa, Inc.
              12920 Se 38th Street, Bellevue, Washington, United States, 98006
                                                 Tel: 1-800-937-8997

                                                       Prepared by
                               Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd.
  Building B and Building E, No. 372-7, Sec. 4, Zhongxing Rd., Zhudong Township,
                              Hsinchu County, Taiwan
                                               Tel: +886.2.2896.7790
                                                Fax: +886.3.583.7948
                                               Website: www.ul.com

The results reported herein have been performed in accordance with the laboratory’s terms of accreditation. This report
shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of the Laboratory. The results in this report are responsible
of the test sample(s) provided by the client only and are not to be used to indicate applicability to other similar products.
                                                        Page 1 of 33

                                                   17-EM-F0859 Issue: 3.0

REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

                                             Revision History

 Rev.        Issue Date              Revisions                                                    Revised By
   --        Aug. 28, 2019           Initial Issue                                                Evelyn Lee
                                     P. 17,18,23,24
                                     Add test results for Mode 10
   --        Sep. 2, 2019                                                                         Evelyn Lee
                                     P. 25-31
                                     Add Ch.6.3.1-6.3.4

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Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd.                                           Form No: 17-EM-F0859 Issue: 3.0
 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan
                                                        Co., Ltd.,

REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

                                        Summary of Test Results
                 Standard                                Test Item                    Limit            Result
                                                Conducted emission                  Class B             PASS
FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class B                   Radiated emission
                                                                                    Class B             PASS
ANSI C63.4:2014                                 (Below 1 GHz)
                                                Radiated emission
                                                                                    Class B             PASS
                                                (Above 1 GHz)

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Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd.                                           Form No: 17-EM-F0859 Issue: 3.0
 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan
                                                        Co., Ltd.,

REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                                    DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.      ATTESTATION OF TEST RESULTS ................................................................................. 5

2.      TEST METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................... 6

3.      FACILITIES AND ACCREDITATION ................................................................................. 6

4.      CALIBRATION AND UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................ 7
     4.1.    Measuring Instrument Calibration ................................................................................. 7
     4.2.    Measurement Uncertainty ............................................................................................ 7

5.      EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST ............................................................................................... 8
     5.1.    Description of EUT ....................................................................................................... 8
     5.2.    Test Mode ................................................................................................................... 8
     5.3.    EUT Operation Test Setup ........................................................................................... 9
     5.4.    Accessory..................................................................................................................... 9
     5.5.    Block diagram showing the configuration of system tested ..........................................10
     5.6.    Description of support units .........................................................................................11
     5.7.    Measuring Instrument List ...........................................................................................12

6.      EMISSION TEST ...............................................................................................................13
     6.1. Conducted Disturbance Measurement ........................................................................13
       6.1.1. Limits of conducted disturbance voltage and common mode disturbance .............13
       6.1.2. Test Procedure .....................................................................................................13
       6.1.3. Test Setup ............................................................................................................14
       6.1.4. Test Result ...........................................................................................................15
     6.2. Radiated Disturbance Measurement (below 1G) .........................................................19
       6.2.1. Limits of radiated disturbance measurement .........................................................19
       6.2.2. Test Procedure .....................................................................................................19
       6.2.3. Test Setup ............................................................................................................20
       6.2.4. Test Result ...........................................................................................................21
     6.3. Radiated Disturbance Measurement (above 1G) .........................................................25
       6.3.1. Limits of radiated disturbance measurement .........................................................25
       6.3.2. Test Procedure .....................................................................................................26
       6.3.3. Test Setup ............................................................................................................26
       6.3.4. Test Result ...........................................................................................................28

Appendix I: Photographs of Test Configuration.................................................................32

Appendix II:Photographs of the EUT...................................................................................33

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Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd.                                           Form No: 17-EM-F0859 Issue: 3.0
 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan
                                                        Co., Ltd.,

REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

 COMPANY NAME:                   T-mobile Usa, Inc.
                                 12920 Se 38th Street, Bellevue, Washington, United States,


 MODEL:                          TMUS-SUP-1

 DATE TESTED:                    Aug. 28, 2019 ~ Aug 30, 2019

                                        APPLICABLE STANDARDS
                  STANDARDS                                                   TEST RESULTS
          FCC Part 15 Subpart B: Class B
                ANSI C63.4:2014

Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd. tested the above equipment in accordance with the
requirements set forth in the above standards. All indications of Pass/Fail in this report are
opinions expressed by Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd. based on interpretations
and/orobservations of test results. The test results show that the equipment tested is capable of
demonstrating compliance with the requirements as documented in this report.
Note: The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the conditions
and modes of operation as described herein. This document may not be altered or revised in any
way unless done so by Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd. and all revisions are duly
noted in the revisions section. Any alteration of this document not carried out by Underwriters
Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd. will constitute fraud and shall nullify the document. This report must
not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST,
any agency of the Federal Government, or any agency of any government.

Prepared By:                                                   Approved and Authorized By:

Evelyn Lee                   Date : Sep. 2, 2019               Hank Yang                    Date : Sep. 2, 2019
Project Handler                                                Engineer

                                                   Page 5 of 33
Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd.                                           Form No: 17-EM-F0859 Issue: 3.0
 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan
                                                        Co., Ltd.,

REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

All tests were performed in accordance with the procedures documented FCC Part 15 Subpart B
and ANSI C63.4.


Test Location            Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd.,
                         Building B and Building E, No. 372-7, Sec. 4, Zhongxing Rd., Zhudong
                         Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
                         All measurement facilities use to collect the measurement data are located
Description              at Building B and Building E, No. 372-7, Sec. 4, Zhongxing Rd., Zhudong
                         Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan

                                                   Page 6 of 33
Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd.                                           Form No: 17-EM-F0859 Issue: 3.0
 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan
                                                        Co., Ltd.,

REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

4.1.     Measuring Instrument Calibration
The measuring equipment utilized to perform the tests documented in this report has been
calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and is traceable to
recognized national standards.

4.2.     Measurement Uncertainty
Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests
performed on the apparatus:

The following uncertainties have been calculated to provide a confidence level of 95 %
using a coverage factor k=2.

                                                  Measurement Frequency
                  Test Item                                                                K             U(dB)
Conducted disturbance at mains
                                                       0.15MHz ~ 30MHz                      2              1.7
terminals ports
                                                 966-1 Test Site
Radiated disturbance below 1 GHz                       30MHz ~ 1000MHz                      2              5.2

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Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd.                                           Form No: 17-EM-F0859 Issue: 3.0
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                                                        Co., Ltd.,

REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019


5.1.     Description of EUT
       EUT Name:              SYNCUP PETS
        Model:                TMUS-SUP-1
                              100-240Vac, 50-60Hz, 0.2A
    Power Rating:
                              3.7V 430mAh (for battery)
  Highest Frequency
      within EUT:
  Condition of EUT: Engineering Sample
  Date Of Receipt Of
                          May 9, 2018
Note : This CIIPC supplemental report was issued based on the original report with the report
number 4789004574A-US-E0-V0. The difference compared to the original report is the
additional metal plate at the bottom of the product. Therefore, only worst mode testing of original
report were performed and recorded in this report.

5.2.     Test Mode
The Pre-test modes:
   Mode                 Description                          Conducted Emission            Radiated Emission
              LTE band 2 +WiFi middle
  Mode 1      channel with charge mode @ x-                              v                            v
              LTE band 12 Rx +BT with
  Mode 10                                                                v                            v
              charge mode@ x-axis

After pre-testing, the final test mode was displayed as below table.
                                 Test Items                                                    Test Mode
                                 Conducted Emission                                    Mode 1, 10
                                 Radiated Emission                                     Mode 1, 10

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Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd.                                           Form No: 17-EM-F0859 Issue: 3.0
 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan
                                                        Co., Ltd.,

REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

5.3.     EUT Operation Test Setup
Mode 1:
a. Set EUT to x-axis.
b. Set EUT to LTE Tx mode.
c. Run “Internet Explorer.exe” on Notebook to set the LTE band to band 2.
d. Turn on the Device Router then it will connects to the EUT via WiFi automatically.
e. Run “Ping.exe” on Notebook to confirm the WiFi connection status.
f. Run “Keysight Signal Studio for Global Navigation Satellite System.exe” on Notebook to
   control the GPS Simulator to transmit GPS signal for the connection of EUT.
g. Run “Internet Explorer.exe” on Notebook to confirm the connection status of GPS.
h. Connect Smart Phone and EUT via Bluetooth.

Mode 10:
a. Set EUT to x-axis.
b. Set EUT to LTE Rx mode.
c. Connect Smart Phone and EUT via Bluetooth.

5.4.     Accessory
 Item        Accessory             Brand Name               Model Name                         Note
                                                                                    Input: 100-240Vac, 50-
   -           Adapter               PHIHONG                AN05A-050E              60Hz, 0.2A
                                                                                    Output: 5.0 Vdc, 1.0A
   -         USB cable                   N/A                      N/A
                                                                                             Length: 1m

   -           Charger               Cybertan                     N/A                             N/A

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REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

5.5.     Block diagram showing the configuration of system tested

                  Conducted test configuration:
                  Radiated test configuration:
                  Mode 1, 10:

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REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

5.6. Description of support units
The EUT has been tested as an independent unit together with other necessary accessories or
support units. The following support units or accessories were used to form a representative test
configuration during the tests.

  Item         Equipment               Mfr/Brand            Model/Type No.            Series No.            Note

    A            Adapter               PHIHONG               AN05A-050E                   N/A                N/A

    B            Charger                Cybertan                   N/A                    N/A                N/A

    C           Notebook                  DELL              Latitude E5470            5M2MWF2                N/A

    D     Smart WiFi Router            NETGEAR                  R7000P            4TJ17375A06D5              N/A

    E        Smart Phone                  HTC              One X9 dual sim         HT6C3BK00731              N/A

    F       GPS Simulator             KEYSIGHT                  N5172B               MY56200315              N/A

 Item       Connection             Shielded Type                     Length                         Note
   1         USB cable                 Shielded                          1m                          N/A
   2        RJ-45 Cable              Non-shielded                     1.5 m                          N/A
Note: (1) for detachable type I/O cable should be specified the length in m in “Length” column.

                                                   Page 11 of 33
Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd.                                           Form No: 17-EM-F0859 Issue: 3.0
 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan
                                                        Co., Ltd.,

REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                   DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

5.7.     Measuring Instrument List

                                  Manufact                      Serial
Used         Equipment                             Model No.                         Last Cal.        Expired date
                                    urer                         No.
                                               Conducted Disturbance
                                    Rohde &
 ☒         EMI Test Receiver
                                                       ESR7            101753        2018/11/14         2019/11/13
                                    Rohde &
 ☒        Two-Line V-Network
                                                     ENV216            102136          2019/8/8          2020/8/7
                                    Rohde &
 ☐       Four-Line V-Network
                                                     ENV432            101298         2017/12/7             N/A
        Impuls-Begrenzer Pulse      Rohde &
 ☒              Limiter             Schwarz
                                                     ESH3-Z2          102219-Qt        2019/8/6          2020/8/5
 ☒      Measurement Software         Farad
                                                  Ver: EMEC-3A1
                                                                         N/A             N/A                N/A

                                                Radiated Disturbance
 ☒         EMI Test Receiver
                                Rohde &
                                                 ESR7          101755                2018/11/27         2019/11/26
 ☒     Trilog-Broadband Antena SCHWARZ
                                          VULB 9168 & N-6-05
                                                             9168-773 &
                                                                                      2019/1/14          2020/1/13
          with 5dB Attenuator    BECK                         AT-N0539
 ☒       Double Ridged Guide   SCHWARZ
                                            BBHA 9120 D         1686                  2019/1/16          2020/1/15
             Horn Antenna        BECK
 ☐     Broadband Horn Antenna
                                             BBHA 9170           759                 2018/11/13         2019/11/12
 ☒            Preamplifier
                                              EMC330E          980404                  2019/1/8          2020/1/7
 ☒            Preamplifier
                                            EMC051835BE        980407                  2019/1/8          2020/1/7
 ☐            Preamplifier
                                            EMC184045SE        980408                 2018/3/13          2019/3/12
 ☒      Measurement Software     Farad
                                                                 N/A                     N/A                N/A
                                            Ver: EMEC-3A1

                                                   Page 12 of 33
Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd.                                           Form No: 17-EM-F0859 Issue: 3.0
 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan
                                                        Co., Ltd.,

REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019


6.1.     Conducted Disturbance Measurement

6.1.1.    Limits of conducted disturbance voltage and common mode disturbance
                                            ☐Class A (dBμV)                               ☒Class B (dBμV)
                                     Quasi-peak              Average              Quasi-peak               Average
           0.15 -0.5                     79.00                 66.00                66 - 56 *              56 – 46 *
           0.50 -5.0                     73.00                 60.00                  56.00                  46.00
           5.0 -30.0                     73.00                 60.00                  60.00                  50.00

             (1) The tighter limit applies at the band edges.
             (2) The limit of " * " marked band means the limitation decreases linearly with the
                 logarithm of the frequency in the range.
             (3) The test result calculated as following:
                 Measurement Value = Reading Level + Correct Factor
                 Correct Factor = Insertion Loss + Cable Loss + Attenuator Factor(if use)
                 Margin Level = Measurement Value - Limit Value

  The following table is the setting of the receiver
                 Receiver Parameters                                                   Setting
                      Attenuation                                                       10 dB
                   Start Frequency                                                    0.15 MHz
                   Stop Frequency                                                      30 MHz
                     IF Bandwidth                                                       9 kHz

6.1.2.    Test Procedure
a. The EUT was placed 0.8 meters from the horizontal ground plane with EUT being
     connected to the power mains through a line impedance stabilization network (LISN). All
     other support equipments powered from additional LISN(s). The LISN provide 50 Ohm/
     50uH of coupling impedance for the measuring instrument.
b. Interconnecting cables that hang closer than 40 cm to the ground plane shall be folded
     back and forth in the center forming a bundle 30 to 40 cm long.
c. I/O cables that are not connected to a peripheral shall be bundled in the center. The end
     of the cable may be terminated, if required, using the correct terminating impedance. The
     overall length shall at least 1 m.
d. LISN at least 80 cm from nearest part of EUT chassis.
e. For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related Item: EUT Test Photos.

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                                                        Co., Ltd.,

                           80cm                   280cm

               EUT                                               Receiver

         l                               LISN

For the actual test configuration, please refer to Appendix 1: Photographs of the Test

REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

6.1.4.      Test Result

Test Mode:               Mode 1                          Temperature:                    23℃
Test Voltage:            AC 120V/60Hz                    Humidity:                       60%
Tested By:               Edison Lin                      Test Date:                      Aug. 28, 2019

                                                      Phase: Line

      No.       Frequency      Reading       Correct       Result        Limit        Margin           Remark
                  (MHz)        (dBuV)         (dB)         (dBuV)       (dBuV)         (dB)
        1         0.1954         24.90        19.68        44.58         63.80        -19.22              QP
        2         0.1954         8.76         19.68        28.44         53.80        -25.36             AVG
        3         0.3926         20.11        19.67        39.78         58.01        -18.23              QP
        4         0.3926         8.86         19.67        28.53         48.01        -19.48             AVG
        5         0.4454         18.75        19.67        38.42         56.96        -18.54              QP
        6         0.4454         6.76         19.67        26.43         46.96        -20.53             AVG
        7         0.5899         22.23        19.67        41.90         56.00        -14.10              QP
        8         0.5899         11.41        19.67        31.08         46.00        -14.92             AVG
        9         1.3079         16.37        19.68        36.05         56.00        -19.95              QP
       10         1.3079         6.06         19.68        25.74         46.00        -20.26             AVG
       11         9.5232         27.34        19.80        47.14         60.00        -12.86              QP
       12         9.5232         18.36        19.80        38.16         50.00        -11.84             AVG

 Result = Reading +Correct
 Margin = Result - Limit

                                                   Page 15 of 33
Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd.                                           Form No: 17-EM-F0859 Issue: 3.0
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                                                        Co., Ltd.,

REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

Test Mode:               Mode 1                          Temperature:                    23℃
Test Voltage:            AC 120V/60Hz                    Humidity:                       60%
Tested By:               Edison Lin                      Test Date:                      Aug. 28, 2019

                                                  Phase: Neutral

      No.       Frequency      Reading       Correct       Result        Limit        Margin           Remark
                  (MHz)        (dBuV)         (dB)         (dBuV)       (dBuV)         (dB)
        1         0.3758        22.44         19.67        42.11         58.37        -16.26              QP
        2         0.3758        17.90         19.67        37.57         48.37        -10.80             AVG
        3         0.4471        21.74         19.67        41.41         56.93        -15.52              QP
        4         0.4471        15.01         19.67        34.68         46.93        -12.25             AVG
        5         0.5913        28.17         19.67        47.84         56.00         -8.16              QP
        6         0.5913        20.81         19.67        40.48         46.00         -5.52             AVG
        7         0.6913        21.48         19.67        41.15         56.00        -14.85              QP
        8         0.6913        12.79         19.67        32.46         46.00        -13.54             AVG
        9         1.4927        19.69         19.68        39.37         56.00        -16.63              QP
       10         1.4927        13.78         19.68        33.46         46.00        -12.54             AVG
       11         8.9110        22.57         19.82        42.39         60.00        -17.61              QP
       12         8.9110        14.81         19.82        34.63         50.00        -15.37             AVG

 Result = Reading +Correct
 Margin = Result - Limit

                                                   Page 16 of 33
Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd.                                           Form No: 17-EM-F0859 Issue: 3.0
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                                                        Co., Ltd.,

REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

Test Mode:               Mode 10                         Temperature:                    23℃
Test Voltage:            AC 120V/60Hz                    Humidity:                       60%
Tested By:               Edison Lin                      Test Date:                      Aug. 30, 2019

                                                      Phase: Line

      No.       Frequency      Reading       Correct       Result        Limit        Margin           Remark
                  (MHz)        (dBuV)         (dB)         (dBuV)       (dBuV)         (dB)
        1         0.1978         24.93        19.68        44.61         63.70        -19.09              QP
        2         0.1978         8.44         19.68        28.12         53.70        -25.58             AVG
        3         0.3947         20.25        19.67        39.92         57.96        -18.04              QP
        4         0.3947         8.33         19.67        28.00         47.96        -19.96             AVG
        5         0.4432         17.99        19.67        37.66         57.00        -19.34              QP
        6         0.4432         6.15         19.67        25.82         47.00        -21.18             AVG
        7         0.5906         22.60        19.67        42.27         56.00        -13.73              QP
        8         0.5906         11.45        19.67        31.12         46.00        -14.88             AVG
        9         1.5888         16.44        19.69        36.13         56.00        -19.87              QP
       10         1.5888         6.75         19.69        26.44         46.00        -19.56             AVG
       11         9.6194         27.12        19.80        46.92         60.00        -13.08              QP
       12         9.6194         18.28        19.80        38.08         50.00        -11.92             AVG

 Result = Reading +Correct
 Margin = Result - Limit

                                                   Page 17 of 33
Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd.                                           Form No: 17-EM-F0859 Issue: 3.0
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                                                        Co., Ltd.,

REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

Test Mode:               Mode 10                         Temperature:                    23℃
Test Voltage:            AC 120V/60Hz                    Humidity:                       60%
Tested By:               Edison Lin                      Test Date:                      Aug. 30, 2019

                                                  Phase: Neutral

      No.       Frequency      Reading       Correct       Result        Limit        Margin           Remark
                  (MHz)        (dBuV)         (dB)         (dBuV)       (dBuV)         (dB)
        1         0.3741        22.28         19.67        41.95         58.41        -16.46              QP
        2         0.3741        17.71         19.67        37.38         48.41        -11.03             AVG
        3         0.4461        22.09         19.67        41.76         56.95        -15.19              QP
        4         0.4461        15.03         19.67        34.70         46.95        -12.25             AVG
        5         0.5897        27.55         19.67        47.22         56.00         -8.78              QP
        6         0.5897        20.74         19.67        40.41         46.00         -5.59             AVG
        7         0.7098        20.03         19.68        39.71         56.00        -16.29              QP
        8         0.7098        11.30         19.68        30.98         46.00        -15.02             AVG
        9         1.4955        20.19         19.68        39.87         56.00        -16.13              QP
       10         1.4955        13.81         19.68        33.49         46.00        -12.51             AVG
       11         8.7266        21.90         19.81        41.71         60.00        -18.29              QP
       12         8.7266        14.26         19.81        34.07         50.00        -15.93             AVG

 Result = Reading +Correct
 Margin = Result - Limit

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Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd.                                           Form No: 17-EM-F0859 Issue: 3.0
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                                                        Co., Ltd.,

REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

6.2.     Radiated Disturbance Measurement (below 1G)

6.2.1.    Limits of radiated disturbance measurement
                                                                      ☒Class B
   FREQUENCY (MHz)                                                     ☒At 3m
           30 – 88                                                        100
          88 – 216                                                        150
          216 – 960                                                       200
         960 – 1000                                                       500

             (1) The tighter limit applies at the band edges.
             (2) Emission level (dBμV/m)=20*log Emission level (uV/m).
             (3) The test result calculated as following:
                 Measurement Value = Reading Level + Correct Factor,
                 Correct Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amplifier Gain(if use),
                 Margin Level = Measurement Value - Limit Value.

6.2.2.    Test Procedure
a. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground at a 3
     meter chamber. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the
     highest radiation.
b. The height of the equipment or of the substitution antenna shall be 0.8 m; the height of the
     test antenna shall vary between 1 m to 4 m. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of
     the antenna are set to make the measurement.
c. The initial step in collecting radiated emission data is a spectrum analyzer peak detector
     mode pre-scanning the measurement frequency range. Significant peaks are then marked
     and then Quasi Peak detector mode re-measured.
d. If the Peak Mode measured value compliance with and lower than Quasi Peak Mode
     Limit, the EUT shall be deemed to meet QP Limits and then no additional QP Mode
     measurement performed.
e. For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related Item: EUT Test Photos.

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            Semi Anechoic Chamber                       Antenna Tower
                                        Reference point of                         Receiver
                                        antenna calibration



 Forthe actual test configuration, please refer to Appendix 1: Photographs of the Test


REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

6.2.4.       Test Result

Test Mode:               Mode 1                          Temperature:                    25℃
Test Voltage:            AC 120V/60Hz                    Humidity:                       52%
Tested By:               Edison Lin                      Test Date:                      Aug. 28, 2019

                                             Polarization: Horizontal

      No.       Frequency       Reading      Correct       Result        Limit        Margin           Remark
                  (MHz)        (dBuV/m)      (dB/m)      (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)        (dB)
         1       42.6010        46.11        -21.21        24.90         40.00        -15.10             peak
         2       312.1023       51.34        -19.65        31.69         46.00        -14.31             peak
         3       427.4070       51.42        -16.52        34.90         46.00        -11.10             peak
         4       599.0343       41.07        -12.77        28.30         46.00        -17.70             peak
         5       889.1302       39.52         -8.16        31.36         46.00        -14.64             peak
         6       957.7056       40.01         -7.04        32.97         46.00        -13.03             peak

 Result = Reading +Correct
 Margin = Result - Limit

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REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

Test Mode:               Mode 1                          Temperature:                    25℃
Test Voltage:            AC 120V/60Hz                    Humidity:                       52%
Tested By:               Edison Lin                      Test Date:                      Aug. 28, 2019

                                               Polarization: Vertical

      No.       Frequency       Reading      Correct        Result       Limit        Margin           Remark
                  (MHz)        (dBuV/m)      (dB/m)       (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)        (dB)
       1         42.6412         54.38        -21.23       33.15         40.00         -6.85             peak
       2         87.9130         50.89        -26.88       24.01         40.00        -15.99             peak
       3         205.8410        49.91        -23.41       26.50         43.50        -17.00             peak
       4         309.1265        47.04        -19.73       27.31         46.00        -18.69             peak
       5         427.7129        49.67        -16.52       33.15         46.00        -12.85             peak
       6         961.1003        42.15         -6.99       35.16         54.00        -18.84             peak

 Result = Reading +Correct
 Margin = Result - Limit

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REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

Test Mode:               Mode 10                         Temperature:                    25℃
Test Voltage:            AC 120V/60Hz                    Humidity:                       52%
Tested By:               Edison Lin                      Test Date:                      Aug. 30, 2019

                                             Polarization: Horizontal

      No.       Frequency       Reading      Correct       Result        Limit        Margin           Remark
                  (MHz)        (dBuV/m)      (dB/m)      (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)        (dB)
       1        42.2542         46.18        -21.25        24.93         40.00        -15.07             peak
       2        308.8103        51.84        -19.74        32.10         46.00        -13.90             peak
       3        439.9867        50.37        -16.18        34.19         46.00        -11.81             peak
       4        801.9907        40.57         -9.33        31.24         46.00        -14.76             peak
       5        895.1430        39.73         -8.08        31.65         46.00        -14.35             peak
       6        967.4080        40.14         -6.91        33.23         54.00        -20.77             peak

 Result = Reading +Correct
 Margin = Result - Limit

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REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

Test Mode:               Mode 10                         Temperature:                    25℃
Test Voltage:            AC 120V/60Hz                    Humidity:                       52%
Tested By:               Edison Lin                      Test Date:                      Aug. 30, 2019

                                               Polarization: Vertical

      No.       Frequency       Reading      Correct        Result       Limit        Margin           Remark
                  (MHz)        (dBuV/m)      (dB/m)       (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)        (dB)
       1         42.7070         54.51        -21.23       33.28         40.00         -6.72             peak
       2         89.0730         51.53        -27.05       24.48         43.50        -19.02             peak
       3         205.8610        49.45        -23.41       26.04         43.50        -17.46             peak
       4         308.9073        46.51        -19.73       26.78         46.00        -19.22             peak
       5         430.7717        48.48        -16.44       32.04         46.00        -13.96             peak
       6         948.2020        41.95         -7.17       34.78         46.00        -11.22             peak

 Result = Reading +Correct
 Margin = Result - Limit

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REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

6.3.     Radiated Disturbance Measurement (above 1G)

6.3.1.    Limits of radiated disturbance measurement
                                                                      ☒Class B
   FREQUENCY (MHz)                                                     ☒At 3m
                                            Average limit                                   Peak limit
                                             dB(µV/m)                                       dB(µV/m)
         1000-40000                              54                                            74

             (1) The tighter limit applies at the band edges.
             (2) Emission level (dBμV/m)=20log Emission level (uV/m).
             (3) If the highest frequency of the internal sources of the EUT is less than 108 MHz,
                  themeasurement shall only be made up to 1 GHz.If the highest frequency of the
                  internal sources of the EUT is between 108 MHz and 500 MHz, the measurement
                  shall only be made up to 2 GHz.If the highest frequency of the internal sources of
                  the EUT is between 500 MHz and 1 GHz,measurement shall only be made up to
                  5GHz. If the highest frequency of the internal sources of the EUT is above 1 GHz,
                  the measurement shall be made up to 5 times the highest frequency or 40 GHz,
                  whichever is less.
             (4) The test result calculated as following:
                 Measurement Value = Reading Level + Correct Factor,
                 Correct Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amplifier Gain(if use),
                 Margin Level = Measurement Value - Limit Value.

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REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

 6.3.2. Test Procedure
   a. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground at a 3 meter
       chamber. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest
   b. The height of the equipment or of the substitution antenna shall be 0.8 m; the height of the
       test antenna shall vary between 1 m to 4 m. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the
       antenna are set to make the measurement.
   c. The initial step in collecting radiated emission data is a spectrum analyzer peak detector
       mode pre-scanning the measurement frequency range. Significant peaks are then marked
       and then Average detector mode re-measured.
   d. For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related Item:EUT Test Photos.

6.3.3.    Test Setup

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REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

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REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

6.3.4.       Test Result

Test Mode:               Mode 1                          Temperature:                    25℃
Test Voltage:            AC 120V/60Hz                    Humidity:                       52%
Tested By:               Edison Lin                      Test Date:                      Aug. 30, 2019

                                             Polarization: Horizontal

      No.        Frequency      Reading      Correct        Result       Limit        Margin           Remark
                   (MHz)       (dBuV/m)      (dB/m)       (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)        (dB)
         1      1133.167         52.49        -12.46        40.03        74.00        -33.97             peak
         2      3066.633         45.75         -6.02        39.73        74.00        -34.27             peak
         3      4329.167         43.45         -3.85        39.60        74.00        -34.40             peak
         4      7464.533         39.54          4.54        44.08        74.00        -29.92             peak
         5      11544.533        36.44        11.01         47.45        74.00        -26.55             peak
         6      14411.300        34.19        15.44         49.63        74.00        -24.37             peak

 Result = Reading +Correct
 Margin = Result - Limit

                                                   Page 28 of 33
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REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

Test Mode:               Mode 1                          Temperature:                    25℃
Test Voltage:            AC 120V/60Hz                    Humidity:                       52%
Tested By:               Edison Lin                      Test Date:                      Aug. 30, 2019

                                               Polarization: Vertical

      No.       Frequency       Reading      Correct        Result       Limit        Margin           Remark
                  (MHz)        (dBuV/m)       dB/m        (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)        (dB)
       1        1138.833         47.76        -12.43        35.33        74.00        -38.67             peak
       2        1860.200         49.65        -10.09        39.56        74.00        -34.44             peak
       3        3982.367         46.26         -4.80        41.46        74.00        -32.54             peak
       4        7760.333         39.07          5.14        44.21        74.00        -29.79             peak
       5        10814.100        37.22        10.40         47.62        74.00        -26.38             peak
       6        14054.300        35.50        14.92         50.42        74.00        -23.58             peak

 Result = Reading +Correct
 Margin = Result - Limit

                                                   Page 29 of 33
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REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

Test Mode:               Mode 10                         Temperature:                    25℃
Test Voltage:            AC 120V/60Hz                    Humidity:                       52%
Tested By:               Edison Lin                      Test Date:                      Aug. 30, 2019

                                             Polarization: Horizontal

      No.       Frequency       Reading      Correct        Result       Limit        Margin           Remark
                  (MHz)        (dBuV/m)       dB/m        (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)        (dB)
       1        1133.733         52.58        -12.46        40.12        74.00        -33.88             peak
       2        1600.100         47.24        -10.63        36.61        74.00        -37.39             peak
       3        3066.633         46.38         -6.02        40.36        74.00        -33.64             peak
       4        7751.267         40.04          5.12        45.16        74.00        -28.84             peak
       5        10969.933        37.74        10.70         48.44        74.00        -25.56             peak
       6        14570.533        34.61        15.55         50.16        74.00        -23.84             peak

 Result = Reading +Correct
 Margin = Result - Limit

                                                   Page 30 of 33
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REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

Test Mode:               Mode 10                         Temperature:                    25℃
Test Voltage:            AC 120V/60Hz                    Humidity:                       52%
Tested By:               Edison Lin                      Test Date:                      Aug. 30, 2019

                                               Polarization: Vertical

      No.       Frequency       Reading      Correct        Result       Limit        Margin           Remark
                  (MHz)        (dBuV/m)       dB/m        (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)        (dB)
       1        1196.067         48.11        -12.17        35.94        74.00        -38.06             peak
       2        1794.467         52.99        -10.22        42.77        74.00        -31.23             peak
       3        3186.200         46.44         -5.88        40.56        74.00        -33.44             peak
       4        3722.833         46.91         -5.17        41.74        74.00        -32.26             peak
       5        10077.433        37.95          8.79        46.74        74.00        -27.26             peak
       6        14530.867        35.09        15.56         50.65        74.00        -23.35             peak

 Result = Reading +Correct
 Margin = Result - Limit

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REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

Appendix I: Photographs of Test Configuration
Please refer to Test Configuration.

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REPORT NO: 4789004574A-US-E0-V0                                                                 DATE: Sep. 2, 2019

Appendix II:Photographs of the EUT
Please see the photographs of EUT in the test report no.: 4789004574-EP.

                                            END OF REPORT

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Document Created: 2019-09-16 19:14:57
Document Modified: 2019-09-16 19:14:57

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