RF exposure evaluation


RF Exposure Info

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 SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                                                                 FCC ID:2ASVX-ZJWFBA

                                            Maximum Permissible Exposure Report

1. Product Information
   FCC ID                                    2ASVX-ZJWFBA
   Product name                              WIFI Bulb
                                             ZJ-WFBK-W, ZJ-WFBK-CCT, ZJ-WFBK-RGB, ZJ-WFBK-RGBW, ZJ-WFBL-W,
                                             ZJ-WFBL-CCT, ZJ-WFBL-RGB, ZJ-WFBL-RGBW, ZJ-WFBL-RGBWW,
   Model number                              ZJ-WFBM-W, ZJ-WFBM-CCT, ZJ-WFBM-RGB, ZJ-WFBM-RGBW,
                                             ZJ-WFBM-RGBWW, ZJ-WFBN-W, ZJ-WFBN-CCT, ZJ-WFBN-RGB,
                                             ZJ-WFBN-RGBW, ZJ-WFBN-RGBWW
                                             PCB board, structure and internal of these model(s) are the same,
   Model Declaration
                                             So no additional models were tested.
   Test Model                                ZJ-WFBK-RGBWW
   Power supply                              AC 100-240V
                                             IEEE 802.11b: DSSS (CCK,DQPSK,DBPSK)
   Modulation Type                           IEEE 802.11g: OFDM (64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK, BPSK)
                                             IEEE 802.11n: OFDM (64QAM, 16QAM,QPSK,BPSK)
   Antenna Type                              PCB Antenna
   Antenna Gain                              1.20 dBi (Max.)
   Hardware version                          ZJ-WFPW-RGBWW-KL V1.2, ZJ-LB-RGBWW-K V1.1
   Software version                          V1.0
                                             IEEE 802.11b: 2412 – 2462 MHz
   WLAN FCC Operation Frequency              IEEE 802.11g: 2412 – 2462 MHz
                                             IEEE 802.11n HT20: 2412 – 2462 MHz
   Exposure category                         General population/uncontrolled environment
   EUT Type                                  Production Unit
   Device Type                               Mobile Device

2. Evaluation Method
Systems operating under the provisions of FCC 47 CFR section shall be operated in a manner that ensures that the
public is not exposed to radio frequency energy level in excess of the Commission’s guidelines.
In accordance with 47 CFR FCC Part 2 Subpart J, section 2.1091 this device has been defined as mobile device whereby
a distance of 0.2m normally can be maintained between the user and the device, and below RF Permissible Exposure
limit shall comply with.

In accordance with KDB447498D01 for Simultaneous transmission MPE test exclusion applies when the sum of the MPE
ratios for all simultaneous transmitting antennas incorporated in a host device, based on the calculated/estimated,
numerically modelled or measured field strengths or power density, is ≤ 1.0. The MPE ratio of each antenna is
determined at the minimum test separation distance required by the operating configurations and exposure conditions
of the host device, according to the ratio of field strengths or power density to MPE limit, at the test frequency. Either
the maximum peak or spatially averaged results from measurements or numerical simulations may be used to
determine the MPE ratios. Spatial averaging does not apply when MPE is estimated using simple calculations based on
far-field plane-wave equivalent conditions. The antenna installation and operating requirements for the host device
must meet the minimum test separation distances required by all antennas, in both standalone and simultaneous
transmission operations, to satisfy compliance.

3. Limit
3. 1 Refer Evaluation Method
ANSI C95.1–1999: IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic
Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
FCC KDB publication 447498 D01 General 1 RF Exposure Guidance v06: Mobile and Portable Devices RF Exposure
Procedures and Equipment Authorization Policies.
FCC CFR 47 part1 1.1310: Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits.
FCC CFR 47 part2 2.1091: Radiofrequency radiation exposure evaluation: mobile devices

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 SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                                                                 FCC ID:2ASVX-ZJWFBA

3. 2 Limit
                            Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)/Controlled Exposure
                 Frequency            Electric Field     Magnetic Field     Power Density  Averaging Time
                Range(MHz)           Strength(V/m)       Strength(A/m)        (mW/cm²)        (minute)
                                          Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure
                  0.3 – 3.0                614                1.63              (100) *           6
                  3.0 – 30               1842/f              4.89/f            (900/f2)*          6
                  30 – 300                61.4               0.163                1.0             6
                 300 – 1500                 /                   /                f/300            6
               1500 – 100,000               /                   /                  5              6
                           Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)/Uncontrolled Exposure
                 Frequency            Electric Field     Magnetic Field     Power Density  Averaging Time
                Range(MHz)           Strength(V/m)       Strength(A/m)        (mW/cm²)        (minute)
                                          Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure
                  0.3 – 3.0                614                1.63              (100) *          30
                  3.0 – 30                824/f              2.19/f            (180/f2)*         30
                  30 – 300                27.5               0.073                0.2            30
                 300 – 1500                 /                   /               f/1500           30
               1500 – 100,000               /                   /                 1.0            30

             F=frequency in MHz
             *=Plane-wave equivalent power density

4. MPE Calculation Method
Predication of MPE limit at a given distance
Equation from page 18 of OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01


Where: S=power density
        P=power input to antenna
        G=power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
        R=distance to the center of radiation of the antenna

5. Antenna Information
ZJ-MWIR-RGB can only use antennas certificated as follows provided by manufacturer;

       Internal            Antenna type and             Operate frequency                Maximum antenna
     Identification        antenna number                     band                             gain
      Antenna 0              PCB Antenna               2000 MHz – 2500 MHz                   1.20 dBi                WLAN Antenna

6. Conducted Power
                   Mode                 Channel            Frequency(MHz)            Peak Conducted Output Power (dBm)
                                           1                     2412                                   11.23
               IEEE 802.11b                6                     2437                                   11.38
                                          11                     2462                                   10.44
                                           1                     2412                                   13.49
               IEEE 802.11g                6                     2437                                   13.57
                                          11                     2462                                   13.00
                                           1                     2412                                   13.60
             IEEE 802.11n HT20             6                     2437                                   13.34
                                          11                     2462                                   12.66

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 SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                                                                 FCC ID:2ASVX-ZJWFBA

7. Manufacturing Tolerance
                                                        IEEE 802.11b (Peak)
                   Channel                     Channel 1               Channel 6                          Channel 11
                Target (dBm)                     11.0                     11.0                               10.0
               Tolerance ±(dB)                    1.0                      1.0                               1.0
                                                        IEEE 802.11g (Peak)
                   Channel                     Channel 1               Channel 6                          Channel 11
                Target (dBm)                     13.0                     13.0                               13.0
               Tolerance ±(dB)                    1.0                      1.0                               1.0
                                                     IEEE 802.11n HT20 (Peak)
                   Channel                     Channel 1               Channel 6                          Channel 11
                Target (dBm)                     13.0                     13.0                               12.0
               Tolerance ±(dB)                    1.0                      1.0                               1.0

8. Measurement Results
8.1 Standalone MPE
As declared by the Applicant, the EUT is a wireless device used in a fix application, at least 20 cm from any body part of
the user or nearby persons; from the maximum EUT RF output power, the minimum separation distance, r =20cm, as
well as the gain of the used antenna refer to antenna information, the RF power density can be obtained.

[Antenna 0]
                                    Output power              Antenna         Antenna                                          MPE
                                                                                               Duty          MPE
    Modulation Type                                            Gain             Gain                                           Limits
                                  dBm            mW                                            Cycle       (mW/cm2)
                                                               (dBi)          (linear)                                      (mW/cm2)
      IEEE 802.11b               12.00         15.8489         1.20            1.3183          100%           0.0042          1.0000
      IEEE 802.11g               14.00         25.1189         1.20            1.3183          100%           0.0066          1.0000
   IEEE 802.11n HT20             14.00         25.1189         1.20            1.3183          100%           0.0066          1.0000

1. Output power including tune-up tolerance;
2. MPE evaluate distance is 20cm from user manual provide by manufacturer;

8.2 Simultaneous Transmission MPE
The sample support one WLAN modular and one antenna, no need consider simultaneous transmission;

9. Conclusion
The measurement results comply with the FCC Limit per 47 CFR 2.1091 for the uncontrolled RF Exposure of mobile

                                  ----------------THE END OF REPORT---------------

    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laboratory Ltd.
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Document Created: 2019-05-10 00:36:19
Document Modified: 2019-05-10 00:36:19

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