User Manual


Users Manual

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Raman Spectrometer

    Guide to Use

  Copyright © 2018 CloudMinds. Inc


Welcome .....................................................................................................................1


Opening the box.........................................................................................................2

   List of parts ......................................................................................................... 2

   External view of device....................................................................................... 3

   Accessories ........................................................................................................ 4

   Internal view of carrying case ............................................................................. 4

   Attaching detection probes ................................................................................. 4

   Charging the device ........................................................................................... 5

Understanding the device .........................................................................................5

   Screen and display ............................................................. .................................5

Using the laser ...........................................................................................................6

   Operating distance ............................................................................................. 6

   Connecting to a network..................................................................................... 7

   Environmental requirements .............................................................................. 8

   Starting detection ............................................................................................. 13

   Exporting records ............................................................................................. 18

   Hazardous substance alerts ............................................................................. 18

Database ................................................................................................................... 19

   Logging in to a database account ..................................................................... 19

   Changing your login(cloud database detection service) password ................... 19

   Downloading databases .................................................................................... 19

   Syncing databases ............................................................................................ 20

   Browsing databases .......................................................................................... 21

   Searching databases ........................................................................................ 21

   Updating offline detection databases ................................................................ 21

   Resetting the offline detection database ........................................................... 22

   Adding new substances .................................................................................... 22

Detection settings ................................................................................................... 23

   Account and password settings ........................................................................ 23

   Setting the laser power ..................................................................................... 23

   Calibrating the device ....................................................................................... 24

   Updating the software ....................................................................................... 24

   Setting up offline detection ................................................................................ 24

   Spectral databases ........................................................................................... 24

   Enabling sound and vibration alerts .................................................................. 25

Managing cloud databases ..................................................................................... 25

Device specifications .............................................................................................. 26

Care and maintenance ............................................................................................ 27

   Routine calibration............................................................................................ 27

   Safe use ........................................................................................................... 27

   Medical device safety ....................................................................................... 27

   Cleaning the device .......................................................................................... 27

   Driving safety.................................................................................................... 28

   Battery care ...................................................................................................... 28

   Avoid condensation .......................................................................................... 28

Further assistance ...................................................................................................29

Thank you for choosing CloudMinds‘s Al Raman spectrometer Lingxi MR—5S. This
handbook will help you understand the initial settings and basic functionality of the
Lingxi MR—58 as well as necessary safety information.
Before reading the contents of this manual, please note:

o The functions described in this manual are those featured on your device as it
    is now. If the descriptions do not match your device‘s actual functions due to
    software or hardware changes, then please use the functions as they actually are
    on your device.

Before opening the box, check that the external packaging is intact.

A Do not use the laser functions of this device if you have not received

0 The laser diode of this device is a component of the Raman
 spectrometer. It can produce lasers with a power between 100 to 500mW
    and a 785nm long wavelength. The laser uses its own lens to focus on a
    spot 10mm away.

A This device uses a Class 3B laser.

         Exposing human eyes or skin to the laser emitter window can cause
    injury. The safety distance for this laser is no less than 50cm from the laser
    emitter window.

o Within the 50cm safety zone, use a management controller, work
    controller and/or laser safety goggles to protect the operator‘s eyes.

o Do not disassemble this device by yourself, including but notlimited to
    its protective case and battery. If disassembly is required, contact an


     authorized service center.

o Do not use controllers, modulators or software applications that are not
     compatible with this device to control this device.

A Comply with your organization‘s safety protocols and rules when using
     this device‘s Raman laser to detect unknown substances. Using the
     smallest possible samples and lowest laser power can help avoid potential

A Do not detect heat—sensitive materials in closed containers. Doing so
 can increase pressure inside the container and lead to the container

A The Lingxi MR—58 is not an intrinsically safe device. Users must take the
     necessary safety precautions when using this device.

Opening the box
List of parts
The box contains the following items:

+_   Lingxi MR—5S

*    Protective case (already attached to device)

*    Charger

+    USB Type—C data cable

*    Card ejector pin

*    Standard detection probe (already attached to device)

*    Solid/powder detection cap (already aftached to device)

*    Selt—verifying calibration cap

*    Extended detection probe

*    Reagent bottle holder

•   Quartz reagent bottles (2)

•   Lab scoop

•   Sample bags (50)

•   Instructions

•   Warranty card

If any of the above items are missing when you open the box, please contact your
place of purchase.

External view of device



                        D                       ]           Extended

                        HE :I                               Self—verifying

                            D                               Reagent
                                                            bottle holder

                                                            Lab scoop
Internal view of carrying case

                                      Charger   Lab scoop

Quartz reagent bottle
Quartz reagent bottle

Self—verifying calibration cap
Extended detection probe
Reagent bottle holder

Attaching detection probes

o Your device is equipped with two detection probes. Attach and remove the
     device‘s detection probes in a clean, dry environment. Prevent dust, pollutants,
     water or other liquids from entering the device, which can cause electrical faults or
     influence the results of the laser detection.
If the solid/power detector cap, reagent bottle holder or self—verifying calibration cap is
attached to the top of the device, removeit first.

1.   As shown in the figure below, turn the standard detection probe on top of the
     device in a counterclockwise direction to expose the laser emitter. Be careful not
     to touch or contaminate the glass lens on the top of the detection probe to avoid
     influencing the results of the laser detection.

2.   Insert the threaded end of the extended detection probe into the laser emitter
     opening and screw in the probe until it is tight.

o Do not expose the internal parts of the laser emitter for an extended period
 when changing the detector probe as it can allow dust to enter the device, which
 can influence the results of the laser detection.

Charging the device
Charge the Lingxi MR—5S before use. The device requires 3.5 hours to fully charge.

1.   Connect the data cable to the charger.
2.    Plug the data cable into the USB Type C port at the bottom of the device. The
     device screen will automatically light up to show that it is charging.

*    The charger is not waterproof. Keep it in a dry environment.
*    When the device is charging, the charger may become hot. This is normal.
*    If the room temperature is below —10°C or above 50°C, do not use the charger to
     charge the device.
*    Use the original charger and data cable that came with the device.

Understanding the device

Switching between domains

In the personal domain, tap @ shortcut on the main screen to switch to the detection
In the detection domain, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to bring up the

shorttcut view and tthen tap     to
                                  o switch to the
                                                e personal dom

•   When
    W    you are
               e in the person
                             nal domain,          is displayed in the top left corner.

•   When
    W    you are
               e in the detection domain,                      n the top left corner.
                                                 is displayed in              c

 sing th
       he laser

        Before yo ou use the Lingxi
                                 L     MR-5S S laser, you m
                                                          must undergo
                                                                     o training to
    understand tthe operating   g principles, performance parameters and safety
    specifications for the device

 perating d
This device’s laserr must be usedd from the corrrect operating distance to obbtain the best
resullts. Detection a
                    accuracy is im
                                 mpacted if the substance
                                                s           is to
                                                                oo near or too far.

        The use o  of the solid/po
                                 owder detectio
                                              on cap or reag  gent bottle hold
                                                                             der does not
    change the laser focal dista ance. Positioniing the solid/p
                                                              powder detection cap flush
    against the ouutside of the deetection samp
                                              ple places the ssample at exa actly the right
    f     point to p
                   produce the beest results.

          Remove tthe solid/powdder detection cap
                                              c to use the laser to detectt substances
    in transparentt or semi-transparent contain
                                              ners such as q
                                                           quartz reagent bottles.


o The distance between the center of the laser lens and the laser focal spot is
 approximately 10mm.

     8mmI                     L                            S         IFocaI distance

Connecting to a network
This device can conduct online detection via mobile networks and wireless local area
networks. It can also be used offline.

Connecting to a mobile network
If you have inserted a SIM card into the device, you may choose to use a mobile
network to connectto the cloud detection service.

Connecting to a wireless local area network
1.   Swipe down from the top of the screen to open the notification panel. Tap and hold
     WLAN to go to the wireless local area network settings page.

2.   Select the network you would like to join from the WLAN list.

3.    Depending on the network:

      * If the network is not password           protected, the device will connect
      *   If the network is password protected, enter the password and tap .

Disconnecting from a network
Your device will disconnect from the network in the follow situations:

*    When there is no available network.
*    When the flight mode is enabled: Swipe down from the top of the screen to open
     the notification panel, and then tap Airplane node.
When offline, the device will automatically use the offline detection mode to detect
samples and use the local database for comparison.

       In the dettection domain
                              n, tap   >Offfline analysis tto use the offliine detection
    mode. See Offfline detectio
                              on on page 16 for more detaails.
In the
     e detection do
                  omain settings s, enable the offline
                                               o       detection mode to carrry out offline
detecction. The offfline detection
                                 n mode is the e same as de   etection when there is no
netwwork connection.

         ntal requ
Due to the limited penetrability of
                                 o the laser, diffferent detectio
                                                                on accessories need to be
   d depending on
used              n the type of container
                                 c        that holds
                                                h      the sample.

         If the sam
                  mple in the conntainer is suspe
                                                ected to have heat sensitivee or corrosive
    properties, do not insert the extended dete ection probe innto the contain
                                                                             ner. Doing so
    can result in ffire or explosio
                                  on, or corrode the device. RRemove a sma   all amount of
    t substance    e to be identifiied and place it in a quartz reagent bottle. When the
    bottle is openn, use the dellayed detectio on method. Se   ee Starting detection
                                                                            d           on
    page 13 for m more informatioon about delayying detection.

Thin-walled c
If the
     e sample contaainer is 5mm thick or less an
                                               nd transparentt or semi-transsparent glass
or pla
     astic, you mayy:

•   Remove the solid/powder detection cap       p, and press the laser emitter window
    against the ou utside of the container.
                                 c          Thiss way, the lase
                                                              er focal spot will
                                                                            w be on the
    inside of the ccontainer.

•   Remove the ssolid/powder detection
                                 d           cap, attach the rreagent bottle holder, and
    place the conttainer inside th
                                 he bottle to carrry out detectio


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*   If the sample container is a thin and transparent bag such as reagent bag, you
    must attach the solid/powder detection cap and position the detection cap flush
    against the outside of the bag. This way, the laser focal spot will be on the inside
    of the bag.

Thick—walled containers
When the sample container is thicker than 5mm and transparent or semi—transparent
glass or plastic, the container‘s walls are thicker than the laser focal distance. This can
result in the laser focal spot being inside the container walls, which invalidates the
detection. You may choose one of the following methods of detection:

*   Remove the accessory attached to the laser emitter window and position the laser
    emitter window directly against the outside of the container to carry out detection.

«_   Remove the accessory attached to the laser emitter window and attach the
     extended detection probe. Remove the lid of the container and place the probe
     inside to carry out detection. If the sample has heat sensitive properties, the
     extended detection probe cannot be used.

*    Transfer the sample into a thin—walled container to carry out detection.

Opaque/low transparency containers
If the sample container is an opaque or very low transparency container made of
ceramic, dark color glass, frosted glass, or dark color plastic, the laser cannot
penetrate the container walls. You may:
«_   Remove the accessory attached to the laser emitter window and attach the
     extended detection probe. Place the probe inside the bottle to carry out detection.
     If the container contains a heat sensitive sample, the extended detection probe
     cannot be used.
*    Remove the sample from the container for detection.


Unpackaged powder samples
If the sample to be tested is unpackaged powder, such as powder on a concrete floor,
choose one of the following methods of detection:
*   If conditions allow, transfer a suitable amount of the powder into a reagent bag
    and then proceed according to the instructions on 8 on page Thin—walled
+   Push the powder into a pile and touch the solid/powder detection cap to the top of
    the pile to carry out detection.

o If the powder pile is not tall or thick enough, the laser beam will pass through
 it and the detection will fail.

0 If the powder sample contains differently colored or differently sized particles,
 move the laser focal spot relative to the powder during detection. This allows the
 laser to reach the maximum number of particles and increases the accuracy of the
 detection comparison.


Unpackaged liquid samples
If the liquid is sufficiently safe, collect the liquid within a quartz reagent bottle, remove
the accessory attached to the device‘s laser emitter window, and use one of the
following methods of detection:

+    Place the laser emitter window directly against the outside of the container.
«_   Attach the extended detection probe and place the probe inside the bottle to carry
     out detection.

If the liquid collected does not fill the bottle enough, remove the solid/powder detection
cap and position the laser emitter window at a 5mm or lower distance from the surface
of the liquid, and then carry out detection.

A If the liquid is suspected to have heat sensitive or corrosive properties, do not
 immerse the device or its accessories in the liquid. Doing so can result in hazards
     such as corrosion, fire, and explosion.

o If the liquid is too shallow, the laser will identify the surface underneath the

Scanning large, solid samples
If the solid sample to be scanned has a relatively large area (such as a tablet), position
the solid/powder detection cap against the sample surface and then begin detection.


Scanning thin or loose solid samples
If the solid sample to be scanned is fibrous or thinly spread (such as cotton, plastic
netting, or paste), collect more of the sample, press it into a tight ball and place inside
a reagent bag, then enable the solid/powder detection cap to touch the reagent bag to
carry out detection.

Starting detection

A Do not test combustible or flammable substances or substances with
 unknown heat sensitivity without protection, to avoid hazards such as fire
 or explosion.


A Do not shine the laser onto eyes or skin.

         Do not test black, brown or dark—colored substances. When these
     substances absorb the energy of the laser, they can become hot or start to
     burn, resulting in fire.

A Do not place the substance to be identified on paper for testing. The
     paper may absorb the energy of the laser and become too hot or even start
     to burn, resulting in fire.

A If the substance to be identified is light in color, any dark spots in the
 substance absorb the energy of the laser more easily and quickly heat up.

If you have not determined if the substance to be identified has heat sensitive
properties, prepare in the following way:

*    Place a small amount of the substance to be identified (<3004l or 5 drops for
     liquids, <300mg for solids) into a reagent bottle or bag.
     Do not seal the container.
*    Do not place the substance to be identified on paper or other cellulase materials
     for testing.
*    Set a detection countdown.
*    Reduce the laser power to a low level.
*    The safe use zone for this device is 50cm.
*    Keep the laser emitter window at least an arm‘s length from people‘s eyes.

Online detection
If the device is logged in to a cloud detection service account, online detection can be
carried out while connected to a network. When carrying out online detection, the
device calls the cloud database to compare substances and return results.

1.   In the detection domain, tap Analysis.
     If the sample to be identified could be a flammable or explasive substance, when
     setting the detection countdown, the length of the countdown should depend on
     the time it takes people to move a suitable distance away. When a countdown is
     not necessary or a countdown has been set, line the laser emitter window up with
     the substance to be identified or its container, and then tap Analysis.
3.   After the required time (the detection time depends on the nature of the sample),
     the device shows one of the following types of results.


•   Detecttion success   sful, identification succe essful: The device show   ws
    information on the identified sample substan   nce, the specctrogram of thhe
    samplee, and the calibration specttrogram. Tap detail to view
                                                                w information on
    variouss constituent substances
                         s          in the sample.

•   Detecttion successful, identifica
                                    ation unsucce
                                                essful: The de
                                                             evice shows th
    spectrogram for the
                      e sample, but is unable to find a match in the spectrral


        Yoou can name the unknown n substance a
                                              and add it to
                                                          o your person nal
    databaase. You can also add it to the expan
                                              nsion databasse, if you havve
    permisssion. See Ad
                      dding new suubstances on page 22 for how to add thhe
•   Detecttion unsucceessful: The deevice has not o
                                                  obtained a speectrogram of thhe
sample. Th
         here is no valid information. Check that tthe laser focal spot is on th
substance to be identified and not in
                                    n the air. Otheerwise, this sample may not
produce a Raman signal or the signal may
                                     m be too we  eak to measurre.


                              @%=                  se pm                      &

                               Cloud Raman                            O     &

                                                 Invalid data

                               © Avoid exposure to beam and scan of dark sample

                                         SCAN (OFFLINE ANALYSIS)

     o Check that the laser focal spot is on the substance to be identified and
      not in the air. Otherwise, this sample may not produce a Raman signal or the
      signal may be too weak to measure.

Offline detection
Your device may only use offline detection in the following circumstances:

+    The device is logged in to an account, and you have manually chosen offline
+    The device is logged in to an account, but the network connection has been lost.
+    The device is not logged in to an account.

Offline detection uses the spectral database on your device to compare detection
results. The results will be temporarily saved to the device only. To upload the results
to the cloud, re—connect the device to the network.

The offline detection results will be handled in different ways depending on the

+    The device is logged in to an account, and you have chosen offline detection: The
     results will be saved to the device. When you switch to online detection, the offline
     detection results will be automatically uploaded to the cloud.
+    The device is logged in to an account, but you lost your network connection and
     were automatically switched to the offline detection mode: When the network
     connection is restored, the detection results will be automatically uploaded to the


•     The devicee is not loggedd in to an acco
                                             ount: The deteection results will
                                                                          w be saved to
      the device only and will not
                               n be uploade  ed to the cloud

          Tap     >Offline Ana            en enable Offline Analysis to
                             alysis and the                           o use the offlin
      detection m
                mode while con
                             nnected to the
                                          e a network.

S        offfline detec
1..   In the detection domain, tap Offline Analysis.
2..   If the deteection sample could be a flammable orr explosive su     ubstance, set a
      detection ccountdown and  d vacate the arrea. When a ccountdown is not
                                                                         n necessary oro
      a countdow wn has been set, line the lasser emitter win
                                                            ndow up with th
                                                                          he substance to
      be identifie
                 ed or its container, and tap Offline
                                              O       Analysiss.
3..   After the re
                 equired time (tthe detection time
                                              t    depends on the nature of the samplee),
      the device shows one of o the following g types of results (the same
                                                                         e display as for
      online deteection).

      •    Detecttion success sful, identification succe essful: The device show  ws
      informationn on the sampple substance
                                          e, the spectroggram of the sample, and th
      calibration spectrogram. Tap detail too view inform
                                                        mation on various constituent
      substancess in the sample
      •   Detecttion successful, identificaation unsucce  essful: The deevice shows thhe
      spectrogram for the sample, but is una
                                           able to find a m
                                                          match in the sp
                                                                        pectral databasse.
      Tap detail a
                 and then Save
                             e Spectra Dataa to name the ssubstance.
      •   Detecttion unsucce              evice failed to obtain a specctrogram. There
                             essful: The de
      was no valid information..

U         offline detection rec

          Not alll offline detection results can
                                               n be uploaded to the cloud database.
The way the deevice saves th
                           he offline dete
                                         ection results d
                                                        depends on th
                                                                    he offline mod
 nd account log
an            gin status.
 n the following
               g situations, th
                              he device can upload the o
                                                       offline detection results to th
•     The device e is logged in
                              n to an account, and you h
                                                       have manuallyy chosen offlin
•              e is logged in to
      The device               o an account, but the netwo
                                                         ork connection has been lostt.

          If you cclose the acco
                               ount before the
                                             e network conn
                                                          nection is resto
                                                                         ored, the devicce


     w warn you that any resullts that have notn yet been u uploaded will be
                                                                          b deleted. If
     y    need to upload the re  esults, wait un
                                               ntil the netwo
                                                            ork connectionn is restored
     before deactivvating the acco

         Offline deetection results
                                  s will not be uploaded to thee cloud if the device
                                                                              d      is not
     logged in to an
                   n account. The ese results will be saved to tthe device only.

  porting rrecords
Yourr device can exxport detection
                                 n records in PDF
                                              P    and TXT fformat and savve them to a
local folder on the device so that they can be easily transferrred to a comp
                                                                           puter or used

1.   Tap     .
2.   Tap the detecttion record you
                                 u wish to expo

3.   Tap      >Expo ort.
4.   Select the file format.
5.   Tap Export.

         You can a
                 also select multiple records and
                                              a tap Exporrt to export as a package.

  zardous substanc
                 ce alerts
When the device d  detects safe su
                                 ubstances, the name of the ssubstance will be displayed
in grreen. When th he device deteects a hazardoous substance  e, such as a flammable
                                                                            f           or
exploosive substancce, an alarm will
                                 w sound, and  d different colo
                                                              ors will be use
                                                                            ed to indicate
the hazard
    h       level.
•    Red: high hazzard substance
•    Orange: medium hazard sub
•                azard substanc
     Green: low ha            ce

         Companie  es may custom
                               mize the namees and classiffications of hazardous and
     safe goods ussing the Raman detection ma
                                            anagement syystem.

         Please fo
                 ollow your com
                              mpany's rules and
                                            a regulationss regarding the
                                                                       e handling of
     hazardous samples. Do not arbitrarily du
                                            ump, discard, ignite, compre
                                                                       ess or knock
     t sample.

         If the devvice is in the silent mode, the
                                                 e alert will not sound. Please
                                                                              e ensure you


      disable the
                e silent mod de before sta arting detectioon. Alternative
                                                                        ely, take othe
      supporting safety precau
                             utions to avoid potential haza

D    ase
Yoour device can
               n query cloud or local databases, compare e detection ressults to those in
 he databases, and save neww detection reccords to a data

L       iin to a da
                  atabase account
By logging the d
               device in to a cloud
                              c     detection
                                            n service acco
                                                         ount, you can sync
                                                                       s    and uploa
 etection resultts to the clou
de                           ud, browse the e cloud databbase, and editt your personnal
 atabase, etc. O
               Obtain a cloudd detection serrvice account a
                                                          and password from a seller or
 our company a administrator.

1..   In the detection domain, tap       >Sign
                                             n in.

2..   Enter the a
                account name and password

3..   Tap Sign in

           When turning the de evice on for the first time, it will force the user to log in to
      an account via the dete  ection domain,, connect to a network, and      d download th he
      calibration files and the spectral
                                s         databbase to the deevice. This pro ocess may incur
      data charg ges. You are advised
                               a         to first connect to a wireless loca  al area network
      and then loog in.

            The exxpansion data
                              abase and perrsonal databasse downloade
                                                                    ed to the devicce
      will be kept synchronized
                              d with the exp
                                           pansion databa
                                                        ase and perso
                                                                    onal database in
      the cloud.

C        g your login (c
                       cloud da
                              atabase detection
s        p
Yoou may chang ge the passwo
                           ord for the acco
                                          ount the devicce is currently logged in to via
 he detection do

1..   Tap      >C
                Change Passw
2..   Follow the instructions on
                               n the screen to
                                             o change the p
3..   Tap Chang
              ge Password.

D      ding data
The device auto
              omatically syn
                           ncs the basic database,
                                         d         exp
                                                     pansion databa
                                                                  ase (if any) an


personal database (if any) when it is connected to the network and lagged in to the
cloud detection service account.

0 Downloading requires the use of mobile data. To save data, connect to a
 wireless local area network before logging in to the account.

Syncing databases
The device syncs the databases in the following ways:
*   When the device is lagged in to an account, it automatically connects to a network
    and updates.
*   When offline detection is disabled, the device automatically connects to a network
    and updates.
*   An administrator can force the database to sync to the device using the console.


B      g databas
 ou can browsse information
                          n on all the su ubstances you are able to o detect in your
 urrent mode. The information is split accross the basic local database, expansio
cu                                                                                on
 atabase, perso
              onal database
                          e, and logged-oout self-create
                                                       ed database.

1..   Tap     >S
               Spectra Databa

2..   You may:

      •  Swipe up and down                                             n the database.
                              n the database list to browsse the data in
      Each entryy contains the name
                               n    of the da           hich the data belongs.
                                            atabase to wh
      •  Tap a database nam    me to bring up a database list. Then tap
                                                                      p any databasse
      name in the
                e list to browse
                               e that databasse.

            When the device is connected
                               c           to a network andd logged in to an
                                                                          a account, yo  ou
      can browse e either cloud or local datab
                                             bases. If you a
                                                           are not logged in, or are in th
      offline dete
                 ection mode, you can only brrowse local daatabases.

S       g databas
Use keywords tto quickly searrch the large volume
                                           v      of inforrmation in the databases forr a
 ubstance specctrum.

1..   Tap     >S
               Spectra Databa

2..   Tap     .

3..   Tap     the
                en select the database
                              d        you want
                                           w    to search

4..   Enter the n
                name of the su
                             ubstance you wish
                                          w    to find and tap the searrch button in th

The substancess found will be
                            e displayed in a list.

U        offline detection
                 d         databases
Databases used
             d in offline dettection can be updated when
                                                       n connected to
                                                                    o a network.

1..   Tap     >O
               Offline Analysis

2..             ate the offline detection data
      Tap to upda                            abase.


  setting th
           he offline
                    e detectio
                             on database
Reseet the offline detection datab
                                 base on the de evice to clear n
                                                               newly-added data
                                                                           d     from the
    base. After ressetting, the de              nchronize the offline detection database
                                 evice will resyn
from the cloud.

1.   Tap       >Offline Analysis.

2.   Tap Reset Offfline Database.
3.   Tap OK.

Adding new
         w substan
You can
    c use the de
               evice to add unknown substtances to a dattabase.

  ding new s
                   es to your personal database
                            hat have been identified to yyour personal database for
You can add new substances th
future reference.

1.   Tap       .
2.   Tap the detecttion record you
                                 u wish to add to
                                               t the databasse.
3.   Tap Save Spe
                ectra Data.

4.   Enter the subsstance name, then tap OK.


 ap      >Speectra Databas                      o view the newly adde
                         se >Location database to                   ed
 ubstance info

          When there is a netwwork connection, the data in
                                                         n the local perrsonal databasse
               nced to the cloud personal da
      can be syn                           atabase.

M      datta to the extension database
Data in the local personal da
                            atabase can be
                                        b moved to tthe local expansion databasse
 nd then synce ed to the clou
                            ud expansion database. Th
                                                    his allows data to be share
w      the comp

1..   Tap     >S
               Spectra Databa

2..   Tap the dro
                op-down datab
                            base list, and select
                                           s      Location
                                                         n database.

3..   Tap the nam
                me of the entrry you want to move.

4..   Enter the a
                access code prrovided by you
                                           ur administrato
                                                         or, and then ta
                                                                       ap ok.

          When there is a network
                              n         conn
                                           nection, the ddata in the lo
                                                                      ocal expansio
      database w
               will be synced to the cloud exxpansion data

D     ion setttings
A       a
        and pass
               sword setttings
W     using the
              e device, you can log in or out
                                          o of a databbase account and
                                                                    a change thhe
 ccount passwoord. For more details, see Lo
                                          ogging in to a database ac
                                                                   ccount on pag
 9 and Chang ging your log gin (cloud database detec  ction service)) password on
 age 19.

S       th
         he laser power
 ou can manua
            ally adjust the
                          e power of the
                                       e Raman lase
                                                  er to meet diffferent detectio

1..   Tap     >A
               Advanced Settting.

2..   Tap Laser P
                Power( mW ).

3..              aser power value. Valid values are any integer between 100 and 500.
      Enter the la

4..   Tap OK .


           The defau
                   ult laser powerr is 350mW.

Calibrating the device
When the detection results deviaate from realityy, or a known ssubstance is not
                                                                            n identified,
the device
    d      may need recalibratinng. Before calibrating the deevice, attach th
                                                                            he calibration
acceessory (that came with the de
                                evice) to the la
                                               aser emitter window.

1.   Tap      >Recalibrate Device.
2.                                            ecalibrate the device.
     Tap Recalibrate Device to automatically re

         If the devvice warns that the calibration accessorry was not used correctly,
     check that it has been corre
                                ectly attached to
                                               t the device.

Updating th
          he softwa
CloudMinds period  dically update
                                es the device''s software syystem. You caan manually
   ck if there is an
chec               n updated softw
                                 ware system available
                                             a         for do
                                                            ownload and installation.

         Before ch
                 hecking for ne
                              ew versions, make
                                           m    sure the
                                                       e device is con
                                                                     nnected to a

1.   Tap      .
2.   Tap Check update.
If the
     ere is a new veersion available, download and
                                                a install it. Iff the current version
                                                                              v       of the
softwware is the late
                    est version, “ Download”
                                   D         will be displayed under softwarre update.

Settting up o
            offline de
You can manuallyy enable the offline
                             o       detectio
                                            on mode to usse the local databases
                                                                      d         to
    yze the sample
analy            e.
For more
    m    details on offline detec
                                ction, see Offline detection on page 16.

  ectral da
Tap     , then tap Spectra datab
                               base to view a preset local spectral datab
                                                                        base and the
    d spectral data
                  abase. For mo
                              ore details, see


Browsing data
            abases on pag
                        ge 21 and Sea
                                    arching databases on page
                                                            e 21.

E        sound an
                nd vibrattion alertts
 ap       and slide the Soundd or Vibrate to
                                           oggle to make the device so
                                                                     ound an alert or
vibrate once de
              etection of a sa
                             ample is complete.

        If the d
               device is in the
                              e silent mode, the alert will n
                                                            not sound. Ple
                                                                         ease ensure yoou
    disable thee silent mod   de before sta arting detectio on. Alternative
                                                                          ely, take othe
    supporting safety precau  utions to avoid potential hazaards.

M     ing clo
            oud database
The cloud datab
              bases can be viewed on a website
                                       w                          omputer Internet
                                               accesssed using a co
 our account permissions de   epend on the cloud
                                             c    database you’re using
                                                                      g. See the tab
 elow for details. For details, contact your system
                                             s      adminiistrator.

Service type                  Company self-created          CloudMinds
                                                                     s shared
                              cloud1                        cloud2

Updating personal             Supported                     Supported

Browsing cloud databases      Supported                     Supported

Editing the basiic database   Supported                     Not supporte

Editing the expa
               ansion         Supported (ad
                                          dministrator      No extensio
                                                                      on database
da                            only)

Editing your perrsonal        Supported                     Supported

1.. The cloud da
               atabases created by your co
                                         ompany are th
                                                     he basic datab
                                                                  base, expansio
 atabase and p personal datab

2:: The public cloud databases created by CloudMinds
                                          C          co
                                                      ontain the basiic database an
 ersonal databa ase.

        If you use a cloud detection platfo
                                          orm created byy your compan
                                                                    ny, contact your
    system administrator to obtain an acccount and passsword. If youu use the clouud

    detection platform provided by CloudMinds, contact CloudMinds to obtain a
    account and password.

Device specifications
Size                     159mm x 78.9mm x 27mm

Weight                   410g

Battery capacity         3080mAh,2660mAh

Laser power              100-500mW, adjustable

Laser wavelength         785nm

Detection range          200-1,800cm-1

Resolution               8-11cm-1

Detection time           < 3s (ethanol)

Databases                Cloud: Basic cloud database, expansion database,
                         personal database
                         Device: Basic local database, expansion database,
                         personal database, logged-out self-created databases
                         Both cloud and local expansion and personal databases
                         are synced in real-time when logged in and connected to
                         a network

Camera                   8MP+16MP

Networks                 4G LTE/WLAN/Bluetooth

Location                 GPS


Care and maintenance
Routine calibration
Calibrate the device at least once a day to ensure that it remains in good working order.
See Calibrating the device on page 24 for the calibration method.

Safe use
•   Keep the device and accessories out of the reach of children.
•   Keep the device dry.
•   Do not expose the device or its battery to high temperature areas or place near
    heat-generating devices such as flames, direct sunlight, heaters, microwaves and
•   When charging the device, plug the charger into an outlet that is within easy reach
    of the device.
•   Do not dispose of this device or its accessories in household waste streams.
•   Do not use non-officially certified chargers, mobile power banks or batteries.
    Doing so can lead to fire, explosion and other hazards.
•   Only use officially certified accessories. The use of other accessories can invalidate
    the warranty, violate national or local regulations, and result in safety incidents.
    Contact an authorized service center to obtain officially certified accessories.

Medical device safety
•   Please comply with the rules and regulations of the facility when using this device
    in a medical environment such as a hospital or rehabilitation facility.
•   Keep the device at least 15cm away from implanted medical devices such as
    pacemakers and cochlear implants during use.
•   The radio waves generated by the device may interfere with the operation of
    implanted medical devices or other medical equipment. If you use one of these
    devices, contact your device manufacturer to inquire about restrictions on your
    use of the device.

Cleaning the device
•   Do not use the device for extended periods in dusty environments such as
    workshops, factories and deserts to prevent minute particles entering the device
    and causing a drop in performance or other faults.
•   Do not allow liquid or powdered substances to stick to the surface of the device or
    accessories. This prevents the laser lens from becoming rusty or getting
    scratched. If there is liquid or powder on the laser lens, use a soft, dry cotton or
    silk cloth to lightly wipe clean.


•   Do not wipe the device case with a damp cloth to avoid causing moisture and
    faults of the device.
•   Do not use chemical products, detergents or water to clean the device.
•   Do not store the device in very high or low temperature to avoid damaging the
    device. The device should be used in temperatures between -10°C and 50°C.
•   If the device falls into water, immediately retrieve it and take it to an authorized
    service center.
•   Do not disassemble this device by yourself.
•   Do not allow the device to be compressed, knocked or dropped to prevent
    damage to the device or fire, explosion or other hazards.

Driving safety
•   Do not use this device to make calls while driving.
•   If necessary, use external equipment to receive calls while driving.

Battery care
•   This device contains a battery. Do not disassemble this device or remove the
    battery by yourself. Doing so can cause the device to become faulty or result in
    hazards such as fire, burning, or explosion.
•   Keep the device away from heat sources. Do not immerse the device in liquid.
•   Only use the specified charger and data cable.
•   Store the battery of this device in temperatures between -15°C and 55°C.

Avoid condensation
When moving the device from a low-temperature environment to a high-temperature
environment, the moisture in the air may condense into water droplets on the outside
or inside of the device. This phenomenon is called condensation. If you continue to
use the device when condensation has occurred, it can result in faults.

Do not use the device immediately in the following situations. Wait a while to allow the
device to gradually adjust to the new environment.

•   When going from cold exterior environment to a warm interior environment.
•   When a cold interior environment quickly heats up.
•   In humid interior environments.
•   When going from a cool interior environment to a warm, humid external

If condensation occurs, wait at least one hour before using the device.


Further assistance
If you need more help or ask for human support, please contact us using the following

Customer services telephone: 400-6633-888

Customer services email:

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.


RF Exposure Information (SAR) :

This device meets the government's requirements for exposure to radio waves.
This device is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to
radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S.
The exposure standard for wireless devices employs a unit of measurement known as the
Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/kg. *Tests for SAR
are conducted using standard operating positions accepted by the FCC with the
device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands.
Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of
the device while operating can be well below the maximum value. This is because the device
is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the poser required to reach
the network. In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the
power output.
The highest SAR value for the device as reported to the FCC when tested for use at the ear is
0.86W/kg and when worn on the body, as described in this user guide, is 1.20W/kg (Body-
worn measurements differ among devices, depending upon available enhancements and FCC
requirements.) While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various devices and
at various positions, they all meet the government requirement. The FCC has granted an
Equipment Authorization for this device with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in
compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR information on this device is on file
with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section of
after searching on FCC ID: 2ASQT-MR-5S
For body worn operation, this device has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure
guidelines for use with an accessory that contains no metal and the positions the handset a
minimum of 1.0 cm from the body . Use of other enhancements may not ensure compliance
with FCC RF exposure guidelines. If you do not use a body-worn accessory and are not
holding the phone at the ear, position the handset a minimum of 1.0 cm from your body when
the device is switched on at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands.

Document Created: 2019-09-07 03:20:11
Document Modified: 2019-09-07 03:20:11

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC