Product Similarity Declaration

FCC ID: 2ASQ9CL830-01

Cover Letter(s)

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ShenZhen chileaf electronics Co., Ltd
ADD: 5#D Skyworth Innovation valley No.8 ,Tongtou 1st Rd ,ShiYan ,BaoAn,
ShenZhen, China
TEL: 13530469808
FAX: 86—0755—28210497

                       DECLARATION OF SIMILARITY

Date: 2019—9—12

Authorization and Evaluation Division
7435 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, MD 21046

We, ShenZhen chileaf electronics Co., Ltd hereby authorize Bay Area Compliance Laboratories
Corporation to act as a laboratory for testing and test report generation for the following project(s):

(Product name: armband heart rate monitor, FCC ID: 2ASQ9CL830—01, test model name: CL830 )

Hereby declare that the models: CL830, CL831, CL832, CL833 have the same electromagnetic
emissions and electromagnetic compatibility characteristics.

The differences among the models declared as follows:
They are same motherboard, and just have the different model name and colors.
For the marketing purpose, provide four models for customer choice.

Best Regards,

Signature: W W(

Tang qy
Product Manager

Document Created: 2019-10-01 09:08:20
Document Modified: 2019-10-01 09:08:20

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