SAR Exclusion


RF Exposure Info

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* RF Exposure
1. Regulation
According to the KDB 447498 D01 V06, the following RF exposure evaluation shall to demonstrate RF
exposure compliance.

Unless specifically required by the published RF exposure KDB procedures, standalone 1-g head or body
and 10-g extremity SAR evaluation for general population exposure conditions, by measurement or
numerical simulation, is not required when the corresponding SAR Test Exclusion Threshold condition(s),
listed below, is (are) satisfied. These test exclusion conditions are based on source-based time-averaged
maximum conducted output power of the RF channel requiring evaluation, adjusted for tune-up tolerance,
and the minimum test separation distance required for the exposure conditions. The minimum test
separation distance defined in 4.1 f) is determined by the smallest distance from the antenna and
radiating structures or outer surface of the device, according to the host form factor, exposure conditions
and platform requirements, to any part of the body or extremity of a user or bystander. To qualify for SAR
test exclusion, the test separation distances applied must be fully explained and justified, typically in the
SAR measurement or SAR analysis report, by the operating configurations and exposure conditions of
the transmitter and applicable host platform requirements, according to the required published RF
exposure KDB procedures. When no other RF exposure testing or reporting are required, a statement of
justification and compliance must be included in the equipment approval, in lieu of the SAR report, to
qualify for SAR test exclusion. When required, the device specific conditions described in the other
published RF exposure KDB procedures must be satisfied before applying these SAR test exclusion
provisions; for example, handheld PTT two-way radios, handsets, laptops and tablets, etc.

a) For 100 ㎒ to 6 ㎓ and test separation distances ≤ 50 ㎜, the 1-g and 10-g SAR test exclusion
thresholds are determined by the following:
[(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, ㎽) / (min. test separation distance, ㎜)] · [√f(㎓)] ≤
3.0 for 1-g SAR, and ≤ 7.5 for 10-g extremity SAR,30 where
● f(㎓) is the RF channel transmit frequency in ㎓
● Power and distance are rounded to the nearest ㎽ and mm before calculation
● The result is rounded to one decimal place for comparison
● The values 3.0 and 7.5 are referred to as numeric thresholds in step b) below
The test exclusions are applicable only when the minimum test separation distance is ≤ 50 ㎜, and for
transmission frequencies between 100 ㎒ and 6 ㎓. When the minimum test separation distance is
< 5 ㎜, a distance of 5 ㎜ according to 4.1 f) is applied to determine SAR test exclusion.

b) For 100 ㎒ to 6 ㎓ and test separation distances > 50 ㎜, the 1-g and 10-g SAR test exclusion
thresholds are determined by the following (also illustrated in Appendix B):
1) {[Power allowed at numeric threshold for 50 ㎜ in step a)] + [(test separation distance – 50
㎜)·(f(㎒)/150)]} ㎽, for 100 ㎒ to 1500 ㎒
2) {[Power allowed at numeric threshold for 50 ㎜ in step a)] + [(test separation distance – 50 ㎜)·10]} ㎽,
for > 1500 ㎒ and ≤ 6 ㎓

             This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

c) For frequencies below 100 ㎒, the following may be considered for SAR test exclusion (also illustrated
in Appendix C):
1) For test separation distances > 50 ㎜ and < 200 ㎜, the power threshold at the corresponding test
separation distance at 100 ㎒ in step b) is multiplied by [1 + log(100/f(㎒))]
2) For test separation distances ≤ 50 ㎜, the power threshold determined by the equation in c) 1) for 50 ㎜
and 100 ㎒ is multiplied by ½
3) SAR measurement procedures are not established below 100 ㎒.
When SAR test exclusion cannot be applied, a KDB inquiry is required to determine SAR evaluation
requirements for any SAR test results below 100 ㎒ to be acceptable.

            This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

2. Result
                                                                                      Min. test          SAR test
                               Test           Max. tune-up       Conducted                               exclusion
           Mode             frequency           Power           output power                            thresholds
                               (㎒)               (㏈m)               (㎽)                                  ≤ 3 for 1g
       802.11n HT20
                              5 240               7.50               5.62                 5                   2.57
       802.11n HT20
                              5 745               6.60               4.57                 5                   2.19
   1. SAR test exclusion thresholds
   = [(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, ㎽)/(min. test separation distance, ㎜)] · [√f(㎓)]
   802.11n HT20 (5 240 ㎒)_U-NII-1 = [(5.62)/(5)] · [√5.240] = 2.57
   802.11n HT20 (5 745 ㎒)_U-NII-3 = [(4.57)/(5)] · [√5.745] = 2.19

                               Target power              Tolerance          Max tuneup power          Average Power
                                   [㏈m]                    ± [㏈]                  [㏈m]                    [㏈m]
       802.11n HT20
                                    6.50                   1.00                    7.50                       6.92
     (5 180 ㎒)_U-NII-1
       802.11n HT20
                                    6.50                   1.00                    7.50                       6.86
    (5 200 ㎒)_U-NII-1
       802.11n HT20
                                    6.50                   1.00                    7.50                       7.41
    (5 240 ㎒)_U-NII-1
       802.11n HT20
                                    5.60                   1.00                    6.60                       6.54
     (5 745 ㎒)_U-NII-3
       802.11n HT20
                                    5.60                   1.00                    6.50                       6.15
     (5 785 ㎒)_U-NII-3
       802.11n HT20
                                    5.60                   1.00                    6.50                       5.64
     (5 825 ㎒)_U-NII-3

2.2 RF Exposure Compliance Issue
Therefore, EUT is not required the SAR Evaluation.

             This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

Document Created: 2019-06-11 10:33:43
Document Modified: 2019-06-11 10:33:43

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