User Manual

FCC ID: 2ASMXH-101010

Users Manual

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                               TWO WAY RADIO


                           TA L K


 PIC 01


                                                      18. Channel/Menu item
                                                      19.CTCSS / Menu option
     17. Scanning
                                                      6.Power Button
     16.Vox                 SCAN
                                                      2.TX/RX Icon
    20.Lamp Button
14. Battery Level                                     11.MENU
    21.Scan Button                                    Button
  13. Keypad Lo ck                                    3. Volume
                                   TALK               10.Microphon
    7.Down Button
                                                      4.Up Button
      12.Call Button
                                                      5.Monitor Button
      15.Talk Button


           8.Speaker /Mic                             22.Lamp



PIC 02




                      EN~ Instructions for use

This set includes 2 walkie-talkie units: these are communication devices
which operate on mobile radio frequencies. They come with 8/20/22(option)
channels as well as a back-lit LCD screen, enabling you to communicate over
several miles free-of-charge (up to 16 miles in open areas)

NOTE: Please read these user instructions carefully before using the
equipment and retain for future consultation!

1.If you carry any kind of personal medical device, consult a doctor before use.
2.To avoid the risk of burns, do not use the device if the aerial is damaged in
any way.
3.Do not use the device in a potentially explosive setting (e.g.around petrol
pumps, on the lower deck of a boat or around a fuel storage installation or
chemical products).
4.If travelling in a car or by bike, stop before using the device.Switch off the
device if on an aeroplane or in a hospital.
5.Never use the device in close proximity to a radio to avoid
6.Remove the batteries if the device is not in use for an extended period of
time. Do not mix old and new batteries and Do not mix
alkaline,standard(carbon-zinc) or rechargeable(ni-cad, ni-mh,
7.Position the transmitter and antenna at least 5 cm from your face. Direct the
antenna upwards and speak normally.
8.Clean the device with a damp cloth. Avoid the use of cleaning agents and
9.Do not modify the device in any way. In the event of damage
occurring,ensure that the device is checked by a qualified professional.
10.The device cannot be used to contact the emergency services.


1. Antenna
2. RX icon -Displayed when receiving
   TX icon -Displayed when transmitting
3. Volume level indicator
4. Adjustor button Up( )
5. Continued reception( )
6. On /off b u t t o n ( )
7. Adjustor button Down( )
8. Earphone socket
9. Loudspeaker
10. Microphone
11. Menu:
    Enter the menu settings
12. Call button(CALL)
13. Keypad lock indicator
14. Battery level indicator
15. Push to talk (TALK)button
16. VOX indication
17. Scanning indication:
     Displayed during scan mode
18. Channel/Menu item indication
19. CTCSS / Menu option -value
20. Lamp Button
21. Scan Button
22. Lamp
23. Belt attachment clip
24. Belt attachment
25. Batteries(not supplied)
26. Battery compartment

To insert batteries into the devices, first remove the belt
attachment: lift the attachment clip (23) and press the belt
attachment upwards (24).
Open the battery compartment(26) and insert 4 AAA batteries
(25) (not supplied), ensuring that the poles are correctly aligned.
Then close the lid.

1.Turning the device on/off: To turn the devices on or off, hold down
the on/off button (6) for 3 seconds a BEEP sound will be played to

2.Adjusting the volume: To increase the volume, press the Up
adjustor button    (4) and press the Down     (7) button to
decrease volume.

Note: The volume level (3) is displayed on the screen.


 3.Receiving/transmitting communications:
   The devices are in 'Reception' mode when lit up, i.e. they are ready to
receive a call or sound transmitted on the activated frequency.
   When you press the Call tone button (12), the device switches to
'Transmission' mode. You are then transmitting a sound signal to the other
  To send a voice message, press the TALK button (15) and speak into the
microphone (10). Continue to press the button until you have finished
transmitting your message.
Hold the microphone a minimum of 5 cm from your face.
- The other device must be set to the same channel and have set the same
CTCSS code(see point 7)
- When the transmission is complete and the TALK button (15) is no
longer held down, the other device will emit a sound (BEEP) to indicate
that this device is ready to transmit.

 4.Changing Channels
   Press the MENU button (11)once, the current channel number
flashes on the display.
   Press the - button (4) or the -   button (7) to change the channel.
   Press the TALK - button to (15) confirm and return to stand-by Mode.
Note:If no button is pressed within 15 seconds during setting, the unit will
return to standby.

5.CTCSS (Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System)
License free radio's operating on the 462 MHz frequency band, like the
Twintalker , have 22 available radio channels. If there are many radio's
users in your neighborhood, there is a chance that some of these


 users are operating on the same radio channel. To prevent that you
receive signals from other users, sub-channels have been integrated.
   Two radio's will only be able to communicate with each other when
they are operating on the same radio channel and when they have
selected exactly the same sub-channel.There are two kind of sub-
channels :
   Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS)
When using CTCSS, a low frequency tone (between 67 and 250 Hz) will
be transmitted along with the voice signal. There are 38 available tones
to choose from. You are free to choose one of these 38 available tones.
Due to filtering, these tones will generally not be audible so they will
not disturb the communication.

  Press the MENU-button(11) twice : The current CTCSS code flashes
on the display.
  Press the -button(4) or the -button(7) to change to another code.
  Press the TALK-button(15) to confirm and return to stand-by mode.
Note:To disable CTCSS, select code "0F” for CTCSS in the menu.When
the entry is confirmed, "OF" will be displayed.

  You can use the monitor feature to check for weaker signals in the
current channel.
  Press the MON-button to activate channel monitoring. Press the MON-
button to stop channel monitoring.
  Note:During channel monitoring the receiver circuit in the Radio’s will
not listen to CTCSS codes.

8. VOX Selection
   The Radio’s is capable of voice activated (VOX) transmission. In VOX
mode, the radio will transmit a signal when it is activated by your voice or
other sound around you. VOX operation is not recommended if you plan
to use your radio in a noisy or windy environment.
   Note:VOX mode will be over rided when you press the TALK -
button(15) .
   Press the MENU- button(11) three times, the current VOX setting
flashes on the display and the VOX icon is displayed.
   Press - button(4) to set the VOX sensitivity level between 1 and 3
(level 3 is the most sensitive level).
   Press - button(7) until “OF” appears on the display,to turn VOX OFF.
   Press the TALK-button(15) to confirm and return to stand-by mode.

9. Scanning for an active radio channel
   Press the SCAN -button(21) : The 'Scan' function indicator (17) will
appear on the screen and the channel (18) will scan continuously from 1
to 22.
   Press the    -button(7) to start the channel scan from 22 to 1.
   Once an active channel is found, the scanning will stop and you can
listen to the transmission.
   When the transmission on the found channel stops, the scanning will
resume automatically.
   NOTE: If you press the TALK button(15) while listening to a found
channel, the Radio’s will go back in stand-by mode on the found channel.


10.Call Tones
  A call tone alerts others that you want to start talking.

10.1Setting the Call Tone
  The Twintalker has 10 call tones.
  Press the MENU- button(11) four times, “CA” is displayed and the
current call tone is flashing.
  Press the      -button(4) or the  -button(7) to change to another Call
  Press the TALK - button(15) to confirm and return to stand-by Mode.

10.2Sending a call Tone
  Press the CALL-button(12) briefly. The call tone will be transmitted on
the set channel.

11. Key-Tone On/Off
  When a button is pressed, the unit will beep briefly. To set the key-
  Press the MENU- button(11) five times. “tO” will be displayed.
  Press   to enable (ON) or    disable the Key Tones (OF).
  Press the TALK - button(15) to confirm your selection and return to
the standby mode.

12. Roger Beep On/Off
   After the TALK-button is released, the unit will send out a roger beep
to confirm that you have stopped talking.
   To set the Roger Beep.
   Press the MENU- button(11) six times. “rO” will be displayed.

  Press   to enable (ON) or disable the Roger Beep (OF).
  Press the TALK - button(15) to confirm your selection and return to
the standby mode.
13.Button Lock
   Press and hold the MENU- button(11) for two seconds to activate the
Button lock mode. The button lock icon is displayed on the LCD Screen.
   Press and hold the MENU- button(11) again for two seconds
deactivate button lock
   Note:The PTT - button(15) , the CALL -button(12), MON-button(5)
   and the on/off button (6) will still be functional when the Button Lock
is activated.
14. Display back light
  To activate the backlight of the LCD display, press any button except
the POWER- button(6).
  The LCD backlight will light up for 5 seconds.
15. Earpiece connection
  The Twintalker can be used with the included earpiece.
  The connector is located on the upper side of the unit(8) . Insert the
earpiece plug into the connector (2,5mm jack).
  The small button on the earpiece has the same function as the TALK
  - button(15) on the unit
  When you use the TALK - button (15) from the Earpiece, you must
also use the microphone from the earpiece to talk into.
  Note:Do not connect other earpieces. This may damage your device.
16.Battery saving function:
  When the device has not been used for 6 seconds, the economy mode is
automatically activated. This does not affect the reception of transmissions and the
standard mode is automatically re- activated as soon as a signal is detected.

                                          - 10 -

   As an added feature,your Radio’s has a built-in flashlight that can
 be used in sending light signals or for your lighting needs

 18.Technical specifications
 Sub-code                                          CTCSS 99
 Range                                             Up to 16 miles(Open field)
 Battery                                           4xAAA
 Transmission Power                                =< 500mW ERP
 Modulation Type                                   FM-F3E

                          Disposal of Old Electrical & Electronic
                         Equipment (Applicable in the European
                         Union and other European countries with
                         separate collection systems)This
                         symbol on the product or on its
                         packaging indicates that this product
                         shall not be treated as household waste.
                         Instead it shall Be handed over to the
                         applicable collection point for the
 recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this
product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative
consequences for the environment and human health, which could
otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product.
The recycling of materials will help to conserve natural resources. For
more detailed information about recycling of this product, please
contact your local city office or your household waste disposal service.
Blaak     | 0 1T      tterdam | The Netherlands            .
                                                  - 11 -


1. Remove bottom Screw 
   and gently pull off Cover
   B - set aside.
2. Push down and un-snap
   Battery Cover.
3. Replace Batteries with
   same size and orientation
   as called out in battery
4. Replace Battery Cover.
5. Reinstall Cover B fully
   and completely - install
CAUTION! Do not use
product without bottom
Cover screwed into place!

1. Quitar el tornillo inferior  y tire       1. Retirez la vis inférieure  et tirez
   suavemente la cubierta B - reservado.         doucement le couvercle B - mettre de
2. Empujar hacia abajo y ONU-ajustar la          côté.
   cubierta de la batería.                    2. Pousser vers le bas et l’onu-le couvercle de
3. Sustituya las pilas con el mismo tamaño       batterie.
   y orientación como se indica en el         3. Remplacer les piles avec même taille et
   compartimento de la batería.                  l’orientation comme dans le compartiment
4. Sustituir la cubierta de la batería.          de la batterie.
5. Reinstale la cubierta B totalmente -       4. Remplacer le couvercle de la batterie.
   Instalar el tornillo.                      5. Remettre en place le couvercle B
                                                 entièrement et complètement - poser la
¡Precaución! No utilice el producto              vis.
sin tapa inferior atornillada en lugar!
                                              Attention ! N’utilisez pas de produit
                                              sans couvercle vissé en place !

                                                          Radio Frequency Warnings >>
                                                      Fréquence radio mises en garde >>

US:                                             • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
(1) Warning: Changes or modifications to        • Increase the separation between the
this equipment not expressly approved by          equipment and receiver.
the party responsible for compliance could      • Connect the equipment into an outlet on
void the user’s authority to operate the          a circuit different from that to which the
equipment.                                        receiver is connected.
                                                • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/
(2) NOTE: This equipment has been tested          TV technician for help.
and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15     (3) For body worn operation, this handset has
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed     been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure
to provide reasonable protection against        guidelines when used with the (manufacturer
harmful interference in a residential           name) accessories supplied or designated for
installation. This equipment generates, uses    this product. Use of other accessories may
and can radiate radio frequency energy          not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure
and, if not installed and used in accordance    guidelines.
with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications.           (4) This device complies with Part 15 of
However, there is no guarantee that             the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
interference will not occur in a particular     following two conditions:
installation. If this equipment does cause      (1) this device may not cause harmful inter-
harmful interference to radio or television     ference, and
reception, which can be determined by           (2) this device must accept any interference
turning the equipment off and on, the user is   received, including interference that may
encouraged to try to correct the interference   cause undesired operation.
by one or more of the following measures:

                         Transmit no more than 50% of the time.
                        Ne pas transmettre plus de 50% du temps.

                                                (6) Pour une utilisation portée sur le corps,
(5) Cet appareil contient un émetteur/          ce combiné a été testé et déclaré conforme
récepteur en conformité avec les licences       aux directives d’exposition aux interférences
exemptes de permis RSS d’Innovation,            (Canada RF, lorsqu’il est utilisé avec les
Sciences et Développement économique            accessoires de (manufacturer name) fournis
Canada. Son fonctionnement est soumis           ou conçus pour ce produit. L’utilisation
aux deux conditions suivantes : cet appareil    d’autres accessoires peut ne pas être en
ne doit pas émettre d’interférences; et cet     conformité avec les directives d’Industrie
appareil doit accepter toute interférence, y    Canada d’exposition aux interférences RF.
compris les interférences qui peuvent causer
un mauvais fonctionnement de l’appareil.

Document Created: 2019-04-15 10:11:36
Document Modified: 2019-04-15 10:11:36

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