13.56-FCC ID 15.225-A1


Test Report

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ii                                                                    Report No.: HK1812141883—E

                              FCC TEST REPORT

                                          Test report

                                          On Behalf of
                Guangzhou Lightsource Electronics Technology Limited


                                           smart lock
                    Model No.: G20
                                     N10, N20, N30, H01, H11, H21, H31, H61, M11, M21, G11,
                  Serial Model :
                                     G21, F11, E13, $06, $31, $21, A10, A11, A12
                                     FCC ID: 2ASLK—G20

  Prepared for:      Guangzhou Lightsource Electronics Technology Limited

                     Room 1201, #609 Tianhe North Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China

 Prepared By:        Shenzhen HUAK Testing Technology Co., Ltd.
                     1F, B2 Building, Junfeng Zhongcheng Zhizao Innovation Park, Fuhai Street,
                     Bao‘an District, Shenzhen City, China

Date of Test:        Dec. 17, 2018 ~ Dec. 25, 2018

Date of Report:      Dec. 25, 2018
Report Number:       HK1812141883—E

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                                                                                         Report No.: HK1812141883-E

                                        TEST RESULT CERTIFICATION

Applicant’s name ................. : Guangzhou Lightsource Electronics Technology Limited
                                            Room 1201, #609 Tianhe North Road, Tianhe District,
Address ................................. : Guangzhou, China

Manufacture's Name............ : Guangzhou Lightsource Electronics Technology Limited
                                            Room 1201, #609 Tianhe North Road, Tianhe District,
Address ................................. : Guangzhou, China

Product description

Trade Mark:                                    N/A

Product name............................ : smart lock
                                           N10, N20, N30, H01, H11, H21, H31, H61, M11, M21, G11, G21,
Model and/or type reference : F11, E13, S06, S31, S21, A10, A11, A12, G20
                                           FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.225
Standards ............................. :
                                           ANSI C63.10: 2013
This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes as long as
the Shenzhen HUAK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. is acknowledged as copyright owner and source
of the material. Shenzhen HUAK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. takes no responsibility for and will
not assume liability for damages resulting from the reader's interpretation of the reproduced
material due to its placement and context.
Date of Test ........................................... :
Date (s) of performance of tests ............. :              Dec. 17, 2018 ~ Dec. 25, 2018
Date of Issue.......................................... :     Dec. 25, 2018
Test Result ............................................. :   Pass

                         Testing Engineer                 :

                                                                         (Gary Qian)

                         Technical Manager                :

                                                                          (Eden Hu)

                         Authorized Signatory :

                                                                         (Jason Zhou)

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                                                                                                               Report No.: HK1812141883-E

                                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. Test Result Summary .............................................................................. 4
     1.1. TEST FACILITY .................................................................................................................................. 4
     1.2. MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ..................................................................................................... 4

2. EUT Description ....................................................................................... 5
3. Genera Information.................................................................................. 6
     3.1. TEST ENVIRONMENT AND MODE ............................................................................................................. 6
     3.2. DESCRIPTION OF SUPPORT UNITS .......................................................................................................... 6

4. Test Results and Measurement Data ..................................................... 7
     4.1. ANTENNA REQUIREMENT ....................................................................................................................... 7
     4.2. CONDUCTED EMISSION .......................................................................................................................... 8
     4.3. RADIATED EMISSION MEASUREMENT...................................................................................................... 9
     4.4. OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH........................................................................................................................ 15
     4.5. FREQUENCY STABILITY ........................................................................................................................ 17

Appendix A: Photographs of Test Setup ................................................... 19

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                                                                                    Report No.: HK1812141883—E

1.        Test Result Summary

               Requirement                                  CFR 47 Section                    Result
         Conduction Emission,
          0.15MHz to 3OMHz                                       §15.207                        N/A
           Radiation Emission                      §15.225, §15.205, §15.209,                  PASS
         Occupied Bandwidth                                       §15.215                      PASS

         Antenna requirement                                      §15.203                      PASS

           Frequency stability                                    §15.225                      PASS

        1. PASS: Test item meets the requirement.

        2. Fail: Test item does not meet the requirement.
        3. N/A: Test case does not apply to the test object.

        4. The test result judgment is decided by the limit of test standard.

 1.1.       TEST FACILITY

     Test Firm              : Shenzhen HUAK Testing Technology Co., Ltd.

     Address                    1F, B2 Building, Junfeng Zhongcheng Zhizao Innovation Park, Fuhai
                                Street, Bac‘an District, Shenzhen City, China


      Measurement Uncertainty
      Conducted Emission Expanded Uncertainty                                   =   2.230B,   k=2
      Radiated emission expanded uncertainty(IkHz—30MHz)                            3.080B,   k=2
      Radiated emission expanded uncertainty(30MHz—1000MHz)                         4.420B,   k=2
      Radiated emission expanded uncertainty(Above 1GHz)                            4.060B,   k=2

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                                                               Report No.: HK1812141883-E

2. EUT Description

     Equipment             smart lock

     Model Name            G20

                           N10, N20, N30, H01, H11, H21, H31, H61, M11, M21, G11,
     Serial No
                           G21, F11, E13, S06, S31, S21, A10, A11, A12

                           All model’s the function, software and electric circuit are the
     Model Difference      same, only with a product color and model named different.
                           Test sample model: G20.

     FCC ID                2ASLK-G20
     Antenna Type          PCB Antenna

     Antenna Gain          0 dBi

     Operation frequency   13.56MHz

     Modulation Type       ASK

     Power Source          DC 6V (4×AA Batteries)

     Power Rating          DC 6V (4×AA Batteries)

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                                                                                       Report No.: HK1812141883-E

3. Genera Information
3.1. Test Environment and Mode
   Operating Environment:
       Temperature:                                          24.0 C
       Humidity:                                             54 % RH
       Atmospheric Pressure:                                 1010 mbar

   Test Mode:
       Operation mode:                                       Keep the EUT in continuous transmitting
                                                             with modulation
   The sample was placed (0.8m below 1GHz, 1.5m above 1GHz) above the ground
   plane of 3m chamber. Measurements in both horizontal and vertical polarities were
   performed. During the test, each emission was maximized by: having the EUT
   continuously working, investigated all operating modes, rotated about all 3 axis (X, Y &
   Z) and considered typical configuration to obtain worst position, manipulating
   interconnecting cables, rotating the turntable, varying antenna height from 1m to 4m in
   both horizontal and vertical polarizations. The emissions worst-case are shown in Test
   Results of the following pages.

Per-test mode.
We have verified the construction and function in typical operation, The EUT was placed on three different polar
directions; i.e. X axis, Y axis, Z axis. which was shown in this test report and defined as follows:
                 Axis                               X                       Y                           Z
      Field Strength(dBuV/m)                     62.47                    65.62                       62.59

Final Test Mode:
According to ANSI C63.10 standards, the test results are both the “worst case” and “worst setup”:
Y axis (see the test setup photo)

3.2. Description of Support Units
   The EUT has been tested as an independent unit together with other necessary
   accessories or support units. The following support units or accessories were used to
   form a representative test configuration during the tests.
    Equipment              Model No.               Serial No.               FCC ID               Trade Name

           /                     /                       /                      /                        /
       1. All the equipment/cables were placed in the worst-case configuration to maximize the emission during the test.
       2. Grounding was established in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements and conditions for the intended

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                                                                    Report No.: HK1812141883-E

4.      Test Results and Measurement Data
4.1. Antenna Requirement

     Standard requirement:        FCC Part15 C Section 15.203
     15.203 requirement:
     An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
     furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a
     permanently attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the
     intentional radiator, the manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna
     can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical
     connector is prohibited.

     E.U.T Antenna:               PCB Antenna
     The antenna is PCB antenna which permanently attached, and the best case gain of
     the antenna is 0dBi.

                                                                                  NFC ANT

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                                                               Report No.: HK1812141883-E

4.2. Conducted Emission
4.2.1. Test Specification

 Test Requirement:          FCC Part15 C Section 15.207
 Test Method:               ANSI C63.4:2014
 Frequency Range:           150 kHz to 30 MHz
 Receiver setup:            RBW=9 kHz, VBW=30 kHz, Sweep time=auto

                               Frequency range                Limit (dBuV)
                                    (MHz)             Quasi-peak        Average
 Limits:                           0.15-0.5            66 to 56*        56 to 46*
                                     0.5-5                56               46
                                     5-30                 60               50

 Test Setup:

 Test Mode:                 Transmitting Mode
                            1. The E.U.T and simulators are connected to the main
                               power through a line impedance stabilization network
                               (L.I.S.N.). This provides a 50ohm/50uH coupling
                               impedance for the measuring equipment.
                            2. The peripheral devices are also connected to the main
                               power through a LISN that provides a 50ohm/50uH
                               coupling impedance with 50ohm termination. (Please
 Test Procedure:
                               refer to the block diagram of the test setup and
                            3. Both sides of A.C. line are checked for maximum
                               conducted interference. In order to find the maximum
                               emission, the relative positions of equipment and all of
                               the interface cables must be changed according to
                               ANSI C63.4: 2014 on conducted measurement.
                            N/A; The EUT powered by battery, so this test item is
 Test Result:
                            not applicable
 Test Result:               N/A

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                                                                  Report No.: HK1812141883-E

4.3. Radiated Emission Measurement
4.3.1. Test Specification

 Test Requirement:          FCC Part15 C Section 15.225(a) and 15.209
 Test Method:               ANSI C63.10:2013
 Frequency Range:           9 kHz to 5 GHz
 Measurement Distance:      3m
 Antenna Polarization:      Horizontal & Vertical
                              Frequency      Detector     RBW      VBW         Remark
                             9kHz- 150kHz   Quasi-peak   200Hz     1kHz    Quasi-peak Value
                               150kHz-      Quasi-peak    9kHz    30kHz    Quasi-peak Value
 Receiver Setup:                30MHz
                             30MHz-1GHz     Quasi-peak   100KHz   300KHz   Quasi-peak Value
                                              Peak        1MHz     3MHz      Peak Value
                             Above 1GHz
                                              Peak        1MHz     10Hz     Average Value
                            1. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8
                                meters above the ground at a 3 meter camber in
                                below 1GHz, 1.5m above the ground in above
                                1GHz. The table was rotated 360 degrees to
                                determine the position of the highest radiation.
                            2. The EUT was set 3 meters away from the
                                interference-receiving antenna, which was mounted
                                on the top of a variable-height antenna tower.
                            3. The antenna height is varied from one meter to four
                                meters above the ground to determine the maximum
                                value of the field strength. Both horizontal and
                                vertical polarizations of the antenna are set to make
                                the measurement.
                            4. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged
                                to its worst case and then the antenna was tuned to
                                heights from 1 meter to 4 meters and the rotatable
                                table was turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to
                                find the maximum reading.
                            5. The test-receiver system was set to Peak Detect
                                Function and Specified Bandwidth with Maximum
                                Hold Mode.
                            6. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was
                               10dB lower than the limit specified, then testing could
                               be stopped and the peak values of the EUT would be
                               reported. Otherwise the emissions that did not have
                               10dB margin would be re-tested one by one using
                               peak, quasi-peak or average method as specified and
                               then reported in a data sheet.

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                                              Report No.: HK1812141883-E

                For radiated emissions below 30MHz

                30MHz to 1GHz

Test setup:

                Above 1GHz

Test Mode:      Transmitting Mode
Test results:   PASS

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                                                                                       Report No.: HK1812141883-E

 4.3.2. Limit

  (a) The field strength of any emissions within the band 13.553-13.567 MHz shall not
  exceed 15,848 microvolts/meter at 30 meters.
  (d) The field strength of any emissions appearing outside of the 13.110-14.010 MHz
  band shall not exceed the general radiated emission limits in §15.209.

Frequencies in restricted band are complied to limit on Paragraph 15.209
        Frequency Range (MHz)                         Distance (m)                 Field strength (dBμV/m)

                0.009-0.490                                   3                    20log 2400/F (kHz) + 80
                0.490-1.705                                   3                   20log 24000/F (kHz) + 40
                   1.705-30                                   3                           20log 30 + 40
                     30-88                                    3                                  40.0
                    88-216                                    3                                  43.5
                   216-960                                    3                                  46.0
                 Above 960                                    3                                  54.0

 4.3.3. Test Instruments

                                    Radiated Emission Test Site (966)
       Name of                                                                   Serial             Calibration
                                   Manufacturer                Model
      Equipment                                                                 Number                 Due
  ESPI Test Receiver ROHDE&SCHWARZ                              ESVD             100008           Dec. 27, 2018
  Spectrum Analyzer ROHDE&SCHWARZ                               FSEM          848597/001          Dec. 27, 2018
                                 EM Electronics
     Pre-amplifier                                           EM30265           07032613           Dec. 27, 2018
                               Corporation CO.,LTD

     Pre-amplifier                          HP                 8447D          2727A05017          Dec. 27, 2018

     Loop antenna                          ZHINAN            ZN30900A             12024           Dec. 27, 2018
 Broadband Antenna                  Schwarzbeck             VULB9163                340           Dec. 27, 2018
     Horn Antenna                   Schwarzbeck                                     631           Dec. 27, 2018
      Coax cable                           HUAK                   N/A               N/A           Dec. 27, 2018
      Coax cable                           HUAK                   N/A               N/A           Dec. 27, 2018
      Coax cable                           HUAK                   N/A               N/A           Dec. 27, 2018
      Coax cable                           HUAK                   N/A               N/A           Dec. 27, 2018
  EMI Test Software             Shurple Technology            EZ-EMC                N/A                  N/A
 Note: The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are traceable to
         international system unit (SI).

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                                                                                     Report No.: HK1812141883-E

4.3.4. Test Data

Field Strength of Fundamental

Frequency Reading   Correction    Result   Limit                                Margin        Polar       Detector
  (MHz)   (dBuV/m) Factor(dB/m) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)                                (dB)         (H/V)
  13.28          46.40             15.82            62.22          80.51         -18.29         H            QP
  13.28          46.06             15.82            61.88          80.51         -18.63          V           QP
  13.87          45.97             15.82            61.79          80.51         -18.72         H            QP
  13.87          48.33             15.82            64.15          80.51         -16.36          V           QP
  13.56          88.16             12.33           100.49         124.00         -23.51         H           Peak
  13.56          84.86             12.33            97.19         124.00         -26.81          V          Peak
  13.46          53.77             15.82            69.59          90.47         -20.88         H            QP
  13.46          52.15             15.82            67.97          90.47         -22.50          V           QP
  13.65          50.33             15.82            66.15          90.47         -24.32         H            QP
  13.65          49.34             15.82            65.16          90.47         -25.31          V           QP

Harmonics and Spurious Emissions
Frequency Range (9 kHz-30MHz)
   Frequency (MHz)                       Level@3m (dBμV/m)                       Limit@3m (dBμV/m)
             --                                  --                                       --
             --                                  --                                       --
             --                                  --                                       --
             --                                  --                                       --
Note: 1. Emission Level=Reading+ Cable loss-Antenna factor-Amp factor
      2. The emission levels are 20 dB below the limit value, which are not reported. It is deemed to comply with the

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                                                                            Report No.: HK1812141883-E

About 30MHz-1GHz
Note: this EUT was tested in 3 orthogonal positions and the worst case position data was reported.
The level of the peak emission are less than the average limit, so the average value is not reflected in the

Antenna polarity: H

   Remark: Transd = Cableloss + Antenna factor - Pre-amplifier; Margin = Limit – Level

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Antenna polarity: V

  Remark: Transd = Cableloss + Antenna factor - Pre-amplifier; Margin = Limit – Level

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                                                                                       Report No.: HK1812141883—E

4.4. Occupied Bandwidth

4.4.1. Test Specification

 Test Requirement:                         FCC Part15 C Section 15.215(c)
 Test Method:                              ANSI C63.10: 2013
 Limit:                                    N/A
                                           1. According to the follow Test—setup, keep the relative
                                               position between the artificial antenna and the EUT .
                                           2. Set to the maximum power setting and enable the
                                              EUT transmit continuously.
                                           3. Use the following spectrum analyzer settings for
                                               200B Bandwidth measurement.
                                               Span = approximately 2 to 3 times the 20 dB
                                               bandwidth, centered on a hopping channel; RBW >z
                                               1% of the 20 dB bandwidth; VBW >RBW; Sweep =
                                               auto; Detector function = peak; Trace = max hold.
                                           4. Measure and record the results in the test report.

 Test setup:
                                           CS¥‘ ——s
                                           Spectrum Analyzer

 Test Mode:                                Transmitting Mode
 Test results:                             PASS

4.4.2. Test Instruments

                                                 RF Test Room

       Equipment                Manufacturer            Model          Serial Number Calibration Due
  Spectrum Analyzer                  Agilent           N3J020A          MY49100060              Dec. 27, 2018
 Note: The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are traceable to
         international system unit (S1).

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                                                         Report No.: HK1812141883-E

4.4.3. Test data
     Test Channel         20dB Occupy
                                           Limit (kHz)           Conclusion
        (MHz)            Bandwidth (kHz)
        13.56                2.862            N/A                   PASS

Test plots as follows:

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4.5. Frequency stability

 4.5.1. Test Specification

  Test Requirement:          FCC Part15 C Section 15.225
  Test Method:               ANSI C63.10: 2013
  Limit:                     +/—0.01%
                             1. The equipment under test was connected to an
                             external DC power supply and input rated voltage.
                             2. RF output was connected to a spectrum analyzer.
                             3. The EUT was placed inside the temperature
                             4. Set the spectrum analyzer RBW low enough to
                             obtain the desired frequency resolution and measure
                             EUT 25°C operating frequency as reference frequency.
                             5. Turn EUT off and set the chamber temperature to
                             — 20°C. After the temperature stabilized for
                             approximately 30 minutes recorded the frequency.
                             6. Repeat step measure with 10°C increased per stage
                             until the highest temperature of +50°C_reached.

  Test setup:
                             Spectrum Analyzer                  EUT

  Test Mode:                 Transmitting Mode
  Test results:              PASS

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                                                  Report No.: HK1812141883—E

4.5.2. Test Data

 Voltage     Temperature    Frequency       Deviation            Limit
  (Vde)              ((C)   (MHz)           (%)                  (%)
    6                 0         13.560251         0.00185%
    6                 10        13.560325         0.00240%
    6                 20        13.560163         0.00120%
    6                 30        13.560523         0.00368%
    6                 40        13.560223         0.00164%
    6                 45        13.560397         0.00292%
   6.4                20        13.560211         0.00156%
   5.7                20        13.560363         0.00268%

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 {}                                        Report No.: HK1812141883—E

Appendix A: Photographs of Test Setup
                       Radiated Emission

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                  *****END OF REPORT*®**
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Document Created: 2019-03-28 09:55:12
Document Modified: 2019-03-28 09:55:12

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