Users Manual


Users Manual

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Aluminum Alloy Multi—Function Walking
     Machine (with armrests)
               User Manual
   Xiamen Renhe Sports Equipment Co., Ltd

Table of Contents

HOME WALKING Walking Machine User Manual
Congratulations on choosing the HO _E            IN wal ing machine, hereinafter referred to as the wal. ing machine,
    0   of the whole machine is made of high—strength aluminum alloy without welding process, The patented automatic
speed control mode combines fitness, entertainment and safety. Please enjoy wal ing at home and in the office. There—
fore, please read this user manual carefully before starting your wal. ing machine, you can get important tips about op—
erating the wal. ing machine. In addition, youwill get information that is veryuseful for the safety ofthis machine.

5         Prompt
Review                                                                 Use suggestions
            Efild:l                                                     25      ynamic warm—up

$ Ts

          Power supply
                                                                       20 s

                                                                               ynamic cool down


Operation                                                              Maintennfce and care
1     Parts usage                                                      29      aintenance
1       rmrest bution                                                  30      aintenance
1            isplay window                                             31       Troubleshooting
1          Remote control
1            anual control mode
20         Remote control mode
21          utomatic control mode
2          Sleep and wa eup
2          Bluctooth spea er


Overview                                                   Walking machine serial number
The purpose is to quic y now about the wal ing ma—         Copy the wal. ing machine scrial number (located
chine and understand the meaning of the serial number      around the power switch) to the scrial number field
and symbol of the user manual, It is important to eep      below and then save this user manual,
this user manual, especially when lending or reselling
this machine.

Icon in the user manual
L This symbo! represents a safety alert that it must
     ‘be read and followed carefully for the safety of
     yourself and others and to avoid damaging your
     wal ing machine.
@T]nl symbol represents the points for attention.
   Please read them carefully and observe them to
    get correct operation and better experience of
    this wal ing machine.

Strictly observe the sequence and follow the steps with
scrial numbers.
1. The first step ofthe operation.
2. The second step ofthe operation.
                                                                                    lfll 12ko
                                                                            w lm*XflMnfl
No mandatory sequential operations are displayed as         rhemness
lists with enumerated items.
[> The first step
[>The second step
                                                             anufacturer Information
                                                             anufacturer:     inmen Renhe Sports Equipment
Timeliness of this user manual                             Co., td
   © continue to further develop to ensure that the w—       ddress: No112 , icheng Road,Industrial Conce—
al ing machine has a high level of safety and quality.     ntration one, Tong!an     istrict,   iamen, Fujian Pr—
Therefore, this wal ing machine may occasionally           ovince
differ from the description. (Note: The cover is the       Hotline: 00—05 2«
regular color matching ofthe wal ing machine, the          Official website
specific color is subject to the color of the purchased.
model)                                                       og in to Renhe official website for more information,
                                                           please visit the official website:

                                                         Unpacking step
Overview                                                 1.   a e sure the top cover of the carton is facing up
Be sure to place the wal. ing machine carton on a flat   and open the top cover.
surface. Please becareful to carry it. Never unpac
from the side of the carton.

Packing carton specifications

                                                         2.1t s required to ta e the treadmill out of the bottom
                                                         cover by two people.

  Item                       Specifications

  Carton si e (mm)          1515x 5 x120

    ross   cight( g)         0

Carton inner packaging

                                                         3.Place the wal ing machine on a flat surface. o
                                                         not put on a too soft mat or a thic carpet when using.


                                                       Product technical parameters

                                                        No.                                      escription

                                                         nfloding dimension(mm)         1 Ox. 5x10 0

                                                       Folding dimension{mm)            1    5x 5x

                                                       Running area (mm)                    1200x 0
                                                       Net cight                             5
                                                         ax ser     cight( g)            120
                                                         pplicable user age(ycar)           12— 0

5.It is recommended to leave at least 0.5 m of space   Incline(%)                           Fixed
on both sides of the wal ing machine and a 2 m safe      otor power (_}                     50
                                                                                    Handrail unfold: 1.0— .0
                                                       Speed range( m/h)
                                                                                    Handrail folding: 1.0— .0
                                                        isplay Specifications   hite atrix igital isplay

                                                       Exercise parameters      speed, steps, time, distance

                                                                                  anual control mode
                                                                                Remote control mode
                                                         or out mode                utomatic control mode

                                                       (%) Note: Please cop the original carton and filler
                                                           after unpac ing. uring the warranty period,
                                                           the wal ing machine that needs to be returned.
                                                           and changed shouldbe returned to the original
                                                           factory in the original pac aging.

Handrail unfolding operation

The handrail of the wal ing machine adopts the gas—liquid buffer technology, and the automatic unfold can be reali ed
when the armrest unfold stro e reaches a certain angle. Follow the steps below to unfold the wal. ing machine.

Unfolding steps
1. ove the two—way loc mechanism switch 1/ 2 on                       2.Raise the armrest       /     up to a certain angle
the left and right sides ofthe armrest from the OC. pos—              with both hands, and the armrest will antomatically
ition to the N. OC.— position to adjust the handle to the             rise to the appropriate height.
unloc ed state.


                             C      unfolding completed

 . fter the unfold is completed, the bidirectional loc ing
mechanism 1/ 2 switch should be moved from the
 N OC position to the OC.— position to fix the armr—

       A_1/A2                                      )

       2195                                   ©
                 ""A       2====

(D Note:
[> The angle ofthe armrest can be adjusted and fixed.
according to the user‘s usage habits. djust the unfo—
1d angle and then move the two—way loc mechanism
switch to the loc ed position.
[> hen the handrail is folded, the maximum speed
ofthe wal ing machine is        m/h when the handrail
is in the unfolded state, the maximum speed ofthe w—
al. ing machine is automatically adjusted to       m/h.

Handrail folding operation
This wal ing machine is designed to be fully foldable and requires no installation tools. The handrail adopts a gas—
Tiquid cushioning technique. hen the handrail is folded, the handrail is held by both handsuntil the folding is co—
mpleted. Please follow the steps below to fold the wal. ing machine, The thic est section is no more than 10cm wh—
en the wal. ing machine is fully folded, it can accommodate any space that meets this si c, such as under the sofa or
under the bed (where the space permits).

Folding step
1.Rotate the bidirectional loc ing mechanism switch                   2 Press the armrest B /B      to the main body ofthe mac—
B 1/B 2 switch on the left and right sides of the arm—                hine with both hands. Hold the handrail when pressing
rest from the OC.— position to the N OC position.                     until the folding is completed.
  djust the armrest to the unloc ed state.


                           The armrest is folded

 . fter the folding is completed, the bidirectional
Toc ing mechanism B 1/B 2 switch should be mov—
ed from the N OC positiontothe OC position
to fix the armrest.


® Note:
[> fier folding, the two—way loc. ing machine mee—
hanism switch must be moved to the loc position,
so that the armrest and the machine body are fixed ti—
ghtly to facilitate the movement of the wal ing mac—
[>— hen the handrail is in the unfolded state, the ma—
ximum speed ofthe wal ing machine is m/h when
the handrail is folded, the maximum speed ofthe wa—
1 ing machine is automatically adjusted to m/h.

Moving operation

The net weight of the machine is 5 g. The two—way
Toc ing mechanism (loc ing status, see page 11 for
details) can be used to fasten the body when the arm—
rest is folded so as to facilitate the movement of the
wal_ ing machine, Please follow the steps below to
move the wal. ing machine.
        Before movingthe wal ing machine, remove
the power cord plug from the soc et ma. c sure that
the armrest loc mechanism switch is in the loc ed

   d‘              >                                     _&~

  C_1                                                                                                     C_2

Moving step
                                                               2. ove the wal ing machine to the desired position
1. ift the wal. ing machine from the armrest C 1 w—            with the two moving wheels C 2 that under the mo—
ith both hands.                                                tor cover.

     —.0_1 ;\\

Power supply
Grounding instructions                                     Power on/off
Overview                                                   Overview
This product must be grounded. If the product fails, gr—
                                                           This wal. ing machine comes with a power cord, the
ounding provides a minimum resistance path for the c—
                                                           power cord and power switch are located on the right
urrent and thus reduces the tis ofelectric shoo . The
original plug of this product is equipped with a groun—
                                                           side of the motor cover.
ding conductor. For safety reasons, the grounding plug
must be plugged into the appropriate soc et and the so—
© et must be properly installed and grounded in accor—
dance with all local codes and regulations.

Lr.xs   Failure to follow the instructions may result in
electrical lea age.
[> Never touch the power cord and power switch with
wet hands.
[> o not remove the motor cover, otherwise there
may be an electric shoe danger.                              —     O||       4—            =— D2        D1

Power requirement
                                                            Category                    escription
The normal use voltage ofthis product is 220 volts.
The voltage required for the unit can be found on the         m                        Power cord
nameplate stic er (usually around the front of the m—
otor cover). It needs to be used according to the spe—         2                       Power switch
cific voltage requirements.                                                           Power switch icon meaning
                                                                                       [1] =on,       [O]=off
                  ws; nove wauane           neemmesn \
      &A          am movend v oobcsw            WBho
      6‘d         waie: so—c0nz        aoorm: take
                  u: MNemsditnman
                  Comibtl RNMebeicloitnietienizes
                                                           Power on step
       *          ota:                                     1. Power on the wal. ing machine.
 _                                                         2.Press the icon. [Til the power switch      2. ofthe
Please refer to the product grounding diagram as s—
hown below.

   rounding system
                                    ; @ P                  Power off step
                                                           1. Press the icon [OJt the power switch       2 of the
                                                           wal ing machine.
                                       % 2
                                                           2. Pull out the power plug of the wal ing machine £—
                                                           rom the soc et.
             Plug (ground)             soo st

Operation of walking machine

By introducing the wal. ing machine parts, butions, remote control (optional) and movement parameters window,
you can get familiar with the wor ing principle ofdifferent wor. out modes quic 1y, The wal ing machine has three
control modes, namely manual control mode, sutomatic control made and remote control mode (optional).

Part usage

     E2                         —            /
Emergency stop switch
The emergency stop switch is located at E 1.
The emergency stop switch is long red button, which
is located in the middle ofthe handrail of the wal ing             To restart the wal ing machine, close the emergency
machine, hen the wal ing machine is running, in                    stop switch firstly, and then press the Start button
case you encounter an emergency, pat the emergency                 on the handrail button ofthe wal ing machine,
stop switch with your hand, the wal. ing machine will
stop quic 1y.

                                                                               Close the emergency stop switch

Walking belt
The wal ing belt is located atE 2.
  arm up before the exercise, chec     the wal ing belt
condition ofthe wal. ing machine, adjustthe tightn—
ess if necessary, und carry outthe lubrication maint—
enance of the wal ing machine in time,

Side rail
The side rails are located at B /E .
The fixed side rail on both sides of the running belt
foruser to safely stand over during start—up or in an

Motor cover
The motor cover is located at E 5.
  0 not cover the motor cover to avoid malfunction or
damage caused by excessive motor temperature. o
not step on orjump on the motor cover.

Bluetooth Speaker
The Bluctooth spea er is located at E    .
This wal ing machine is equipped with a Bluetooth
spea er, which is located on the right side ofthe mo—
tor ofthe wal. ing machine. Connect the spea er to
the phone via the Bhustooth function of the phone and
control it on the phone {see page 20 for details on BI—
uetooth spea er operation).

      Note: Please close the emergency stop switch
      powering on the wal. ing machine. Ifthe
emergency stop switch is not closed, it will not
start normally. The emergency stop switch button.
 "B ER ENC STOP will continue to flash.

Handrail button
The armrest button is uised to control the start, pause, stop, acceleration, deceleration, and control mode switching
ofthe wal. ing machine.

                          600 C#s#" ©

The function button panel is atF 1.

                Speed up button                                                        Stop button
            [> Press this button to decrease the speed                              [> The wal ing machine gradually dec—
               in increments of0.1 m/h                                                 elerates to stop and the exercise par—
            [> ang press this button to continually                                    ameters are cleared to ero.
                decrease the speed
                  ode Switch button                                                    Pause button:
@           [> Switch between manual control mode                                   [> Pause the wal. ing machine, the speed
                and automatic control mode.                                            value is cleared to ero, and the exer—
                                                                                       cise parameters are retained.

                Start button                                                             cccleration bution
            [> Start the wal. ing machine and enters                                [> Press this button to increase the speed
               the manual control mode                                                 in increments of 0.1 m/h
                                                                                    [> ong press this button to continually
                                                                                      increase the speed

Display window
Power on the wal. ing machine, turn on the power switch, and the display will light up. The display window adopts
white matrix numbers to display the movementparameters such as speed, number of steps, time, and mileage of
the wal ing machine, and simultancously displays the two control modesof the wal ing machine.

                             SPEED            STEPS            TImE               DIST          A
                             8.0 8808000 080:00 00.00 m

The sports parameter display window                                 SPEED
                                                                      isplays the current speed value
  Name                   escription                                 Pauses or stops the wal. ing machine, and the
                                                                    value is cleared to ero.
  seeE                  Speed ( handrail unfold status)             STEPS
                          isplay range                                isplay the cumulative number ofsteps in a single
                        1.0 m/h— .0 m/h                             exercise
                                                                    Pause the wal ing machine, the value will remain,
                        Speed (handrail folding state)              ifrestart the wal. ing machine before it enters sleep
                         isplay range                               mode, then the parameters will continue to accum—
                        1.0 m/h— .0 m/h                             ulate
                                                                    The value is cleared to ero after stopping the wal—
  STEPS                 Number of steps                              ing machine.
                         isplay Range
                                                                    Shows the duration of a single exercise
                        0—           steps                          Pause the wal ing machine, the parameters will re—
                                                                    main, if restart the wal ing machine before it enters
                                                                    sleep mode, then the parameters will continue to
                         isplay range                               accoumulate
                        00:00—       :5                             The parameter is cleared to ero after stopping the
                                                                    wal ing machine.
   IST                   istance                                    DIST
                         isplay range                                 isplay the accumulated mileage ofa single exerc—
                        0 m—     .        m                         ise
                                                                    Pause the wal ing machine, the parameters will re—
                         utomatic control mode                      main, ifrestart the wal. ing machine before it enter
                                                                    sleep state, then the parameters will continue to ac—
                          anual control mode                        cumulate
                                                                   @ Note:Sleep mode is detailed on page2 .
                        Remotc control mode(optional)

Remote control(optional)
The remote control is used to control the start, stop, acceleration, deceleration and control mode switching of the
wal ing machine.

                            Front ofthe remote control                Bac ofthe remote control
                                                                       Remote control matching steps
                                                                         ou will need to match the remote control with the
Key Function                                                           wal ing machine when the first time you use it, the
                                                                       matching operations are as follows:
  Name                    escription                                   1. Power off the wal ing machine
                                                                       2. Power on the wal. ing machine and turn on the
  H_1                   button wor indicator light                     power switch, at the same time, press and hold any
                                                                       buttons on the remote control for more than 5 sec—
  H_2                   acceleration button                            onds
  H_3                   deceleration button                             . The status of the matching progress appears in
                                                                       the display window, as shown in the figure.
  H_4                   start/stop composite button:
  H_5                   control mode switch button.
  H_6/MH_7               witeless transmitter indicator                 .. ait for the matching process to be completed. If
  H_8                   battery cover                                 it is not successful, repeat the abovesteps.

Button work indicator light                                           Battery cover
Press the remote control button and the indicator Ii—
ght on.
Acceleration button
Press the acceleration button, the speed value is first
rounded up by a multiple of 0.5 m/h, press again, the
speed is incremented by 0.5 m/h.
Deceleration button
Fress the acceleration button, the speed value is first
rounded up by a multiple of 0.5. m/h, press again, the
speed is decremented by 0.5 m/h.
Control mode switch button
It is used for manual control mode and automatic c—
ontrol mode eyclic switching.
                                                                      This wal ing machine remote control uses two
                                                                      batteries, the procedure for replacing the battery of
                                                                      remote control is the same as that of a normal TV r—

Manual control mode
The manual control mode provides the user to control        No—load function
the wal. ing machine with the armrest button.
                                                             fter starting the wal ing machine, if no one wal s
Operation                                                   on the wal ing belt for 10 seconds, the wal ing ma—
                                                            chine will stop sutomatically.
                                    m                [      @ Note:

                                *                           [> fer starting the wal. ing machine, beginners
                                                            need to accelerate slowly.
                                                            [>   hen operating the buttons, hold the armrest wi—
                                                            th one hand.
                                                            [> In case of emergency, please press the emerge—
                                                            ney stop button. The wal. ing machine stops quic ly,
                                                            hold the handrail firmly. fter the speed has slowed

                            [                               down, place two feet on the side rails.
                                                            [> To stop the exercise, press the stop button. Hold
                                                            the handrail firmly. fter the speed has slowed do—
                                                            wa, place your feet on the side edges.
Start                                                       [> See the Safety uide on page 2. for safety prec—
Power on the wal. ing machine, turn on the power s—         autions.
witch, press the armrest Start button to start the w—
al ing machine and start wal. ing, then slowly accel—
Press the cceleration button on the handrail.
Each time you press it, the speed increases by 0.1 m/h.
   hen you long press it, the speedincreases rapidly
until the maximum speed reaches m/h,
Press the eceleration button on the handrail,
Each time you press it, it will reduce the speed by
0.1 m/h. hen you long press it, the speed will dec—
rease rapidly until the minimum speed reaches 1 m/h.
Press the armrest Pause button to pause the wal ing
machine,and the machine gradually slows down to
Press the armrest Stop button to stop the wal ing
machine, and the wal ing machine gradually slows
down to stop.
Mode switch
Press the armrest ode Switch. button to switch
the exercise mode. There are two states:
[>      hen the wal. ing machine is in the manual control
mode, press the ode Switch. button, the wal ing
machine will switch to the automatic control mode (
see page 21 for details ofautomatic control mode 0—
[> hen the wal. ing machine is in the automatic co—
ntrol mode, press any button on the armrest or remote
control (optional), the wal. ing machine will switch to
the manual control mode and execute the correspon—
ding button command.

Remote control mode(optional)
The remote control speed control mode provides users       Mode switch
to contral the wal ing machine with remote control.        Press the ode Switch_ button on the remote con—
                                                           trol to switch the exercise mode. There are two sta—
Operation                                                  tes at this point:
                                                           [>    hen the wal. ing machine is in the manual con—
                                                           trol mode: press the mode switch button on the h—
                                                           andrail or remote control (optional), the wal. ing
                                                           machine switches to the automatic control mode (
                                                           see page 21 for details of the automatic control mo—
                                                           de operation).
                                                           [>   hen the wal. ing machine is in the automatic c—
                                                           ontrol mode: press any button of the handrail or re—
                                                           mote control (optional), the wal. ing machine will
                                                           switch to the manual control mode and execute the
                                                           corresponding button command.

                                                           (%) Note: See Safety uidelines on page2 forsa—
                                                           fety precautions.

Press the remote start/stop composite button to start
or stop the wal ing machine. There are two states:
[> hen the wal ing machine is in the standby state:
Press the start/stop composite button to start the wal—

[> hen the wal ing machine is in operation:
Press the start/stop composite button to stop the wal—
 ing machine.
Press the cceleration. button on the remote control.
Each time you press it, the speed value is rounded up
in multiples of 0.5. m/h. Press again, the speed is in—
creased by 0.5. m/h, the maximum speed of the wal—
 ing machine without handrail is m/h, and the ma—
ximum speed of the wal. ing machine with handrail is
Press the    eceleration. button on the remote control.
Each time you press it, the speed value is first rounded
up in multiples of 0.5 m/h, Press again and the speed
is reduced by 0.5 m/h until the minimum speed is 1 m/h.

Automatic control mode
The automatic control mode adopts      TOR N2.0
intelligent speed control system developed by Renhe      Walking operation
company, which is able to control the running state of
the wal ing machine withoutbutton control.
1.   al    steps continuously from the bae. ofthe w—
al ing belt at the normal wal ing pace(5—10cm space
must exist between two feet) as shown in the figure:

                                                           hen the user‘s body movement center of gravity is
                                                         Tocated in the acceleration one of the wal. ing belt,
                                                          eep moving in this area will reali e automatic acc—
             Step 1        Step 2      Step              eleration, as shown in the below figure:

The display shows that the content will be synchron—
1 ed with steps, as shown in the figure:

                                                                  The gravity center of the human I;ody
                                                               (bluc line) is located in the acceleration one

                                                         Uniform speed
                                                           hen the user‘s body movement center of gravity is
                                                         Tocated in speed. eeping. one of the wal ing belt,
                                                          eep moving in this area, the speed will maintain as
                                                         a constant speed, as shown in the below figure:
2. fter completing the three wal s, the wal. ing ma—
chine starts running in automatic mode and records
the movement data.

                                                                                                    otor cover

                                                            Thegmvny center ofthehumanbody (blue line)
                                                            is located in the speed

  hen the user‘s body movement center of gravity is       @Notn:
located in the speed deceleration area ofwal. ing be—
It, eep moving in this area will reali e automatic d—
                                                          [> utomatic speed control mode requires learning
eceleration, as shown in the below figure:
                                                          and adaptation.
                                                          For the first time of use, you need to controlit in the
                                                          state ofunfolding the armrest. Ifyou encounter an
                                                          emergency during the operation, please press the s—
                                                          top button or the emergency stop switch, and the w—
                                                          al. ing machine cancels the antomatic control mode
                                                          and stops.
                                                          This exercise mode can be used completely away {—
                                                          rom the armrest button or remote control, and is re—

                                                          or experience with a wal ing machine.
                                                          [>   eating a euphotic insole or high heels is not su—
 (blue line) is located in the deceleration one           itable for automatic control mode.
                                                          [> See Safety Instructions on page 2 for safety pre—
Deceleration from the acceleration zone                   cautions.
  hen the center of gravity ofthe user‘s body moves
from the acceleration one to the speed eeping one
and continues to wal. , the wal ing machine automa—
tically decelerates and then maintains a constant sp—
Deceleration from the uniform speed zone
  hen the center ofgravity ofthe user‘s body moves
from the speed ceping area to the deceleration area
and continues to wal. , the wal ing machine automa—
tically decelerates to the lowest speed and then stops.

Mode switch
  hen the wal ing machine is in the automatic contr—
ol mode: press any button on the handrail or remote
control (optional), the wal. ing machine cancels the
automatic control mode and executes the correspon—
ding button command.

Stop operation
Stop from the aeceleration zone
  hen the center ofgravity ofthe user‘s body moves
from the acceleration   one and enters the speed. ce—
ping one, andthen slows down from the speed. eep—
ing. one and enters the deceleration   one and contin—
ues to wal. , the wal ing machine will automatically
decelerate to the lowest speed and then automatically
Stop from the uniform speed zone
  hen the center ofgravity ofthe user‘s body moves
from the speed ceping area to the deceleration area
and continues to wal. , the wal. ing machine will aut—
omatically decelerate to the lowest speed and then a—
utomatically stop.

Slee&and wake up
 fter    wal ing machine is powered on, ifthe user
does not operate the fimction button for a long time       uring the wa e—up process, the middle area ofthe
or dose not wal on the wal ing belt, the system aut—      display will change with the number oftouches, as
omatically enters the sleep mode.                         shown below:
If you need to continue using it, you can wa. e up the    First, the display window is as follows:
wal ing machine by pressing the function button or
touching the wal. ing belt by single foot.

Ifthe user does not operate the wal. ing machine fu—      Second, the display window is as follows:
nction button or no one wall s on the wal ing belt, the
system enters the sleep mode after the standby time
exceeds 5 minutes, and the display window is as foll—

__vex                                                     Third, the display window is as follows:

Wake up operation

There are two ways to wa. e up the wal ing machine:        fter correctly completing the three—step touch on
                                                          the wal. ing belt, the display window lights up the
D>Press anyfunction button ofthe armrest, the displ—      parameters, the armrest button light is on, and the
ay window is lighten, the button light is on and the w—   wal ing machine is awa ened.
al ing machine is awa ened.
                                                          The following error action will not
[>Raise your foot to continuously touch the wal ing
                                                          wake up the walking machine
belt ofwal. ing machine at a constant speed. Ta ic th—
ree steps to wa c up the wal ing machine. The mov—
                                                           D>   a ie up action error: The wa e ofthe foot sho—
ement between each two touches is no more than 5 s—       uld be in the same direction as the step on the wal —
                                                          ing machine. If the foot is perpendicularcto the dir—
econds, as shown in the figure:
                                                          ection ofmotion, the wa c up fails.
                                                               a c—up time error: se single foot to continu—
                                                          ously touch the wal ing beltof wal ing machine
                                                          with a constant speed. The wa. c—up fails ifthe int—
                                                          erval between each two touches exceeds 5 seconds.

Bluetooth Speaker
This wal ing machine is equipped with a Bluetooth           Use
spea er, which can be connected to the mobile phone
through the Bluetooth function ofthe mobile phone,          Control the playbac of songs via a mobile phone
and can be controlled on the mobile phone.                  or tablet with a Bluetooth device.
Support phones or tablets with Bluetooth devices.

                                                             Froblems and Troubleshooting
Operation Steps:
                                                             If there is a problem that the Bluctooth device can t
1. Power on the wal ing machine, turn on the power           ‘be connected to the wal ing machine, there are th—
switch under the motor cover, and wait for the phone        Tee troubleshooting solutions:
to pair                                                     D>Power on the wal. ing machine, wait 10 seconds,
2.Enter the phone settings interface, seleot the Blu—       restart, and then refresh the pairing again
etooth. icon and turn on the Bluetooth function             [>. clete the Bluetooth list and refresh the pairing
     fter the Bluetooth function is turned on, clic on      again. Clic on the Bluetooth spea er name ofthe
the Bluetooth spea. er name in the available devices        wal ing machine and enter the pairing code again,
to pair. The name ofthe Bluctooth spea er is specif—        The pairing code is 12 or 0000.
fcally viewed in the front of the motor cover as sho—       [> Chec if another device has successfully conne—
wn in the figure.                                           cted to the Bluetooth spea er.

 . fier clic ing on the Bluetooth spea er name, en—
ter the pairing code: 12—   or 0000.      ait for the sy—
stem to pair to complete the operation.     hen the B—
Tuetooth connection is successful, there will be a d—
ing—dong. tone.

Dynamic warm—up
  ynamic warm—up refers to some ofthe relaxed phy—         3. arm up the body for at least 15—20 minutes thro—
sical activities that can get the body into motion. Th—     ugh the above steps, and let the heart rate rise slo—
e so—called heat begins with the acceleration ofbl—         wly. The heart rate tester can be used to detect the
oodcirculation.                                             heart rate value, Provide adequate oxygen supply
                                                            for body movements and provide blood circulation
                                                            to the muscles.
Am body will stretch when it is static, it will
impact muscle groups and increase the tension ofthe        Effect
muscles, causing tiny tears in the muscle tissue, whi—
ch can lead to injuries.                                   [>Relieve muscle soreness after exercise.
Principle                                                  [>Reduce stress on intemal organs and glands.
   hen the human body is resting, the blood circulati—     [>Reduce the ris of injury from exercise.
on system mainly serves the nervous system ofthe
brain, internal organs and glands, digestive system,       Functional premise
and other systems. fter the start ofthe exercise, the
muscles‘ demand for blood circulation will increase.       [>The warm—up method and warm—up time should
 bout half of the blood that originally flows to other      be adjusted accordingly for your body. Pay special
parts ofthe body will enter the training muscles. It s—     attention to the signals given by your body. tco—
hould start with a very relaxed activity and then gra—     mfortable room temperature, you should not put on
dually strengthen up.                                      too much clothes for warm—up and exercise, which
                                                           will increase your body pressure.
Warm—up step

1.Perform very relaxing physical activities such as
indoor wal ing, wal ing slowly on wal ing machine,
and riding an exercise bi. c indoors. arming up for
12—15 minutes in these ways allows the heart rate to
rise slowly, allowing the body to heat up and increase
the ability to stretch joints, muscles, tendons and lig—


2.For endurance—type training users, there is no need.
to challenge the limit ofthe motion range, just need
static stretching. Static stretching is a very slow and
delicate activity, you can gently stretch the muscles
and maintain a steady state for 10— 0 seconds, the b—
est static stretching requires each muscle group to 1—
epeat — times in order.

Dynamic cool down
The most important reason why we need to be cool d—
own our body after exercise is that this is a starting      2. se these methods for at Teast 15—20 minutes of
point for physical recovery. Cool down body exercise
                                                            cool down body sports to slow down your heart rate
will slow down your heart rate. Ithough it will not
reach your heart rate at the beginning of your training
or resting heart rate, it will be very close. Carrying      Effect
out enough cold body activities will greatly reduce
the discomifort after training.                             D>Retieve muscle soreness after exercise.
                s                                           DReduce stress on internal organs and glands.
            0 not stop training suddenly and rest direct—   [>Reduce the tis of injury from exercise.
ly after physical training, ta e a rest directly. o not
perform high—intensity exercise in the second half of
   ining.                                                   Functional premise

Principle                                                   The cool down body method and cool down body t—
                                                            ime should be adjusted accordingly for your body.
  fier the humnan body is trained to perform cool down      Pay special attention to the signals given by the b—
body activities, the heart rate is slowly lowered, and      ody. If the temperature in the room is too low, the c—
the corresponding exercise intensity is reduced. This       lothes should be properly added to cop warm dur—
cooldown body protects the user from physiclogical          ing cool down body press.
stress and provides good protection for the cardiova—
scular system and muscles. It can promote muscle 0—
xygenation and blood circulation, and help to elimi—
nate blood lactic acid, which are very important parts
of the recovery process.

Cool down step

1.Perform very relaxing physical activitics such as
indoor wal ing, wal ing slowly on a wal. ing machi—
ne, riding an exercise bi e indoors or swimming.


Safety guidelines
                                                              o not use this product when the following condit—
Be sure to use the product in accordance with the pr—       jons occur:
oduct use purpose in the user manual.                       [>The power cord or power plug is damaged. the o—
Importantsafety Instructions                                peration is not normal the product drops on the gr—
                                                            ound or is damaged.
[>The product must be used at the specified rated vo—       [> o not use spare parts not recommended by the
Itage/rated power supply and the power soc ct must            manufacturer.
be grounded.                                                D> In addition to professionals, it is strictly forbid—
[>Place the wal ing machine on a flat surface, do not         den to adjust the electrical control part of the w—
place it on a too soft mat or too thic carpet, and ma e       al ing machine.
sure that the wal ing machine have a safe area of2m         Usage environment
[> Never use a sprayer or use it in oxygen—poor envir—      [> o not use this product in humid or excessive d—
onment.                                                       usty environment so as to avoid product failure.
[> eop all conductive devices away from liquids.            [> 0 not use this product at room temperature ab—
[> o not place anything on the running platform of            ove 0 C.
 wal ing machine.                                           [> 0 not place the product outdoors or near water
P on‘twear clothes that can hoo up to the wal ing             source.
 machine.                                                   [> o not place the product near electric heaters, st—
[> o not allow ventilation port on the motor cover            aves or areas with direct sunlight.
   bloc ed by debris when using the operation.              [> o not place blan ets or soft cloth cushions und—
[> Chee regularly and loc each part, do not put your          er this product. The heat generated during the o—
  hands on rotatable joints.                                > peration of the product may cause the blan et or
[>In the power—on state, do not let child or pet get cl—      soft cloth pad to be in danger ofburning or elect—
   ose wal. ing machine whether you use it or not,            ric shoc ..
I> o not put your fingers or any foreign objects in         Operation safety
  the gap to avoid causing danger.                            This product is not suitable for the following pe—
[>This product is not intended for use by children or       ople:
  those with reduced mobility.                              [> o not use it by those who doctors tell not to ex—
[>Please remove the power plug from the soc ot after           ercise, so as to avoid accidents or physical disc—
   use or before cleaning the product.                         omfort such as thrombosis, severe aneurysms,
[> o not touch the power cord and power switch with            acute venous tumors, various dermatitis, s in
   wet hands.                                                  infections, tc.
[>_ hen a part of the wal. ing machine, such as wal —       [> It is forbidden to use together with the following
  ing belt or rotating scroll bar roll in stuff, turn off
  the power and clean it.                                     ble medical electronic instruments medical cle—
I> hen the wal ing belt is running, don‘t try to turn         ctronic instruments used to sustain life such as
  around.                                                     artificial heart.
[> eep your position facing front at all times.
[>t is forbidden to have two or more people on the                   Excessive exercise can cause serious injury
   wal ing machine at the same time.                        or death. o not exercise too much. Ifyou feel di —
D> It is forbidden to sha. e the wal ing machine at a—       y, stop exercising immediately.
   ny time.
[> o not press on the armrests with hands to support
   the body hanging in the air.
[>In case ofemergency, please pat the emergency s—
   top switch and the wal. ing machine will stop qui~
   ¢ ly.
D> hen the armrest is unfolded, in the event ofan c—
   mergency, hold the handrail ofthe wal. ing machi—
   ne with both hands, and step on the non—slip side
   pedal (side strip) on both sides ofthe wal. ing belt
   or on the ground to avoid losing balance and caus—
   ing a fall,

Caution: The useris cautioned that changes or mod—
ifications not expressly approved by the party resp—
onsible for compliance could void the user‘s author—
ity to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) this device must accept any interference rec—
eived, including interference that may cause undesi—
red operation.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to
comply with the limits for a Class B digital device ,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst
harmful interference in a residential installation. T—
his equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, th—

                                                                                                          ——— 50 mm ———4
ere is no guarantee that interference will not occur in   FCCID: 2ASIIRHAO
a particular installation.                                This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC
If this equipment does cause harmful interfarence to      Rules. Operation is subject to the following
radio or television reception, which can be deterni—      two conditions: (1) this device may not cause
ned by turning the equipmentoff and on, the user is       harmful interference, and (2) this device
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one      must accept any interference received,
or more of the following measures:                        including interference that may cause
— Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
                                                          undesired operation.
— Increase the separation between the equipment a—
nd receiver.
— Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit       J 100 mm ——————I
different from that to which the receiver is connected.
— Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV te—
chnician for halp.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment
complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set for—
th for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment
should be installed and operated with a minimum di—
stance of 20cm between the radiator and your body.
This transmitter must not be co—located or operating
in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

Centering adjustment of the walking belt
Before the shipment, the wal ing belt on the wal ing
machine has been adjusted to be centered for you. B—
ut during the transportation process, the wal. ing belt
may be Before you start using the wal ing
machine, you must ensure that the wal ing belt is al—
ready centered to ensure smooth running of the wal—
 ing machine.
        Safety Tips
                                                               The wal. ing belt is too far to the right.
        It is forbidden to operate the wal. ing machine
        during adjustment.                                    () Note: Ifthere is still a problem during the adj—
Steps                                                         ustment process, please contact after sales service.
1. If the step is to the left, use the —shaped hex wre—
nch to turn the adjustment bolt on the left side cloc —
wise by 1/ turn, and operate it to the speed of about
  m/h, fter running for 1 minute, observe whether
the wal ing belt is centered.    Ifthe wal ing beltis
moved to the right, turn the adjusting bolt countercl—
oc wise by 1/ turn. Repeat the above actions until
the wal. ing belt is centered.

     al ing belt too far from the left side

2.Ifthe wal. ing belt deviates to the right, use the —
shaped hex wrench to turn the adjusting bolt on the r—
ight side cloc wise by 1/ turn, and run to the speed
of about m/h, fter running for 1 minute, observe
whether the wal ing belt is cntered.          Ifthe step is
moved to the left, turn the adjusting bolt counterclo—
c wise by 1/ turn. Repeat the above actions until t—
he wal ing belt is centered.

Add lubricant                                                 Storage
The running board and wal ing belt ofthis wal ing
machine have been pre—coated with Tubricating silic—          [> —hen not in use, plesse store the product in a s—
one oil. The friction between the running board and           fe, dry, ventilated and cool place.
the wal ing belt has a great influence on the service         [> o not twist the power cord.
life and performance ofthe wal. ing machine, so it is         [> void sharp objects scratching the surface ofthe
necessary to apply lubricating oil regularly. pply a—         productt.
bout 20 grams each time and be sure to apply evenly.          [> o not place the product under direct sunlight or
  e recommend that the running board and the wal i—           high temperatures.
ng belt ofthe wal ing machine be lubricated with sil—
icone oil (for reference only) as follows:                    Cleaning
Onee every months for users with less use times
(less than hours per wee )                                    A&mmmhmmwfi
Onee every months for users with moderate                     ofwal ing machine before cleaning or maintaining
use times( —5 hours per wee )                                 the product.
Once every month for users with frequently                    [> se a cloth to clean the surface ofthe product.
use times(more than 5 hours per wee )                         [>Comprehensive cleaning will extend the life
                                                              ofthe wal. ing machine.
         aming                                                 [>Remove dust regularly to cop parts clean.Sweep
         hen you lubricate the wal. ing belt, you need.       the exposed parts ofwal ing belt both sides, this w—
to turn offthe wal ing machine. Then unplug the po—           ill reduce the accumulation ofimpurities under the
wer cord from the power soc et.
                                                              wal ing belt, cep the snea ers clean, avoid carry—
Lubrication step                                              ing foreign objects into the wal ing belt, so as to a—
                                                              void wearing the wal. ing belt and running board.
1. ift the wal ing machine from the side andtilt it           The surface ofthe wal. ing belt must be wiped with
at an angle of 5 degrees.                                     2 damp cloth dampened with soap. Be carefill not to
2. Open the wal ing beltby hand, pour the lubricati—          spill water under the electrical components and the
ng silicone oil on the front, middle and bac ofthe r—              ing belt.
unning board, let the             silicone oil flow do—            Note: o not damage the electrical components
wn to the other side ofthe wal ing belt until it flows                the control line.
to execed the middlc of the rumning board, and then
lay flat the machine. Repeat this step to lubricate the
other side ofwal. ing belt and running board

             al ing belt
                                             Rumning boent


           «@— rnming on                           soivme c

         | & eetite

3. fter finishing the lubrication step, after starting
up, wal.. slowly for a few minutes to ensure that the
wal ing belt and the running board fully absorb the

         Burst protection      Replace the controller or chec the motor cable
         Overcurrent             al—ing with excessive frictional resistance, need to add oil or
                               controller is danuged

         Overload protection     al ing with excessive frictional resistance, need to add ail or
                               controlleris damaged

Document Created: 2019-04-07 15:09:04
Document Modified: 2019-04-07 15:09:04

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC