RF exposure info


RF Exposure Info

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                         Shenzhen Global Test Service Co.,Ltd.
                        No.7-101 and 8A-104, Building 7 and 8, DCC Cultural and Creative Garden, No.98, Pingxin North Road,
                        Shangmugu Community, Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong

                                                     RF Exposure evaluation
Report Reference No. .....................:                GTS20190801006-1-6
FCC ID. .............................................:     2ASH5Q2
Compiled by
( position+printed name+signature) .. :                    File administrators Tracy Hu

Supervised by
( position+printed name+signature) .. :                    Test Engineer Moon Tan

Approved by
( position+printed name+signature) .. :                    Manager Simon Hu

Date of issue ..................................... :      Sep. 17, 2019
Representative Laboratory Name .:                          Shenzhen Global Test Service Co.,Ltd.
                                                           No.7-101 and 8A-104, Building 7 and 8, DCC Cultural and Creative
Address ............................................ :     Garden, No.98, Pingxin North Road, Shangmugu Community,
                                                           Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Applicant’s name ............................ :            SHENZHEN POINT ELECTRONICS TECH CO.,LTD
Address ............................................ :     Building 3,Shangyuan Industrial Zone,Liantang,Gongming,
                                                           Guangming District,Shenzhen
Test specification ...........................:
                                                           47CFR §1.1310
Standard ........................................... :     47CFR §2.1091
                                                           KDB447498 v06
TRF Originator .................................. : Shenzhen Global Test Service Co.,Ltd.
Master TRF ....................................... : Dated 2014-12
Shenzhen Global Test Service Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.
This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes as long as the
Shenzhen Global Test Service Co.,Ltd. is acknowledged as copyright owner and source of the material.
Shenzhen Global Test Service Co.,Ltd. takes no responsibility for and will not assume liability for damages
resulting from the reader's interpretation of the reproduced material due to its placement and context.
Test item description .....................:               IP Camera
Trade Mark ....................................... :       /
Manufacturer .................................... :        SHENZHEN POINT ELECTRONICS TECH CO.,LTD
Model/Type reference....................... :              Q2
Listed Models .................................. :         N/A
Modulation Type ............................... :          IEEE 802.11a /802.11b/802.11g/802.11n
Operation Frequency ........................ :             From 2412MHz to 2462MHz
Hardware Version ............................ :            /
Software Version .............................. :          /
Rating ............................................... :   DC 7.4V form battery
Result................................................ :   PASS

Report No.: GTS20190801006-1-6                                                                                             Page 2 of 8

                                    TEST REPORT

                                                                                             Sep. 17, 2019
 Test Report No. :            GTS20190801006-1-6                ______________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                                                              Date of issue

   Equipment under Test         :      IP Camera

   Model /Type                  :      Q2

   Listed Models                :      N/A

   Applicant                    :      SHENZHEN POINT ELECTRONICS TECH CO.,LTD

                                :      Building 3,Shangyuan Industrial Zone,Liantang,Gongming,
                                       Guangming District,Shenzhen

   Manufacturer                 :      SHENZHEN POINT ELECTRONICS TECH CO.,LTD

                                :      Building 3,Shangyuan Industrial Zone,Liantang,Gongming,
                                       Guangming District,Shenzhen

          Test Result:                                          PASS

   The test report merely corresponds to the test sample.
   It is not permitted to copy extracts of these test result without the written permission of the test

     Report No.: GTS20190801006-1-6                                                                                                                            Page 3 of 8

1.      SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
     1.1 EUT CONFIGURATION........................................................................................................................................................ 4
     1.2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.      TEST ENVIRONMENT .............................................................................................................................................. 5
     2.1 ADDRESS OF THE TEST LABORATORY ..................................................................................................................................... 5
     2.2 TEST FACILITY .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
     2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 5
     2.4 STATEMENT OF THE MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY .................................................................................................................. 5
3.      METHOD OF MEASUREMENT................................................................................................................................. 6
     3.1 APPLICABLE STANDARD...................................................................................................................................................... 6
     3.2 REQUIREMENT ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
     3.3 LIMIT ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
     3.4 MPE CALCULATION METHOD ............................................................................................................................................. 7
     3.5 ANTENNA INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.      CONDUCTED POWER RESULTS ............................................................................................................................... 7
5.      MANUFACTURING TOLERANCE .............................................................................................................................. 8
6.      MEASUREMENT RESULTS ....................................................................................................................................... 8
     6.1 STANDALONE MPE EVALUATION ......................................................................................................................................... 8
     6.2 SIMULTANEOUS TRANSMISSION MPE .................................................................................................................................. 8
7.      CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................................................................... 8

 Report No.: GTS20190801006-1-6                                                   Page 4 of 8


1.1 EUT configuration
The following peripheral devices and interface cables were connected during the measurement:

● - supplied by the manufacturer

○ - supplied by the lab

● /                                       Length (m) :   /
                                          Shield :       /
                                          Detachable :   /

1.2 Product Description
Product Name:                 IP Camera
Trade Mark:                   /
Model/Type reference:         Q2
Antenna Type                  External antenna
Power supply:                 DC 7.4V form battery
WLAN                          Supported 802.11 b/g/n
Modulation Type               IEEE 802.11b: DSSS(CCK,DQPSK,DBPSK)
                              IEEE 802.11g: OFDM(64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK, BPSK)
                              IEEE 802.11n HT20: OFDM (64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK,BPSK)
                              IEEE 802.11n HT40: OFDM (64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK,BPSK)
Operation frequency           IEEE 802.11b/g/n20:2412-2462MHz
                              IEEE 802.11n40:2412-2452MHz
Antenna Description           External Antenna, 1.0dBi(Max.)

 Report No.: GTS20190801006-1-6                                                              Page 5 of 8


2.1 Address of the test laboratory
Shenzhen Global Test Service Co.,Ltd.
No.7-101 and 8A-104, Building 7 and 8, DCC Cultural and Creative Garden, No.98, Pingxin North Road,
Shangmugu Community, Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong

2.2 Test Facility
The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:

CNAS (No. CNAS L8169)
Shenzhen Global Test Service Co., Ltd. has been assessed and proved to be in compliance with CNAS-CL01
Accreditation Criteria for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (identical to ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 General
Requirements) for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.

A2LA (Certificate No. 4758.01)
Shenzhen Global Test Service Co., Ltd. has been assessed by the American Association for Laboratory
Accreditation (A2LA). Certificate No. 4758.01.

2.3 Environmental conditions
During the measurement the environmental conditions were within the listed ranges:

  Temperature:                                  15-35 °C

  Humidity:                                      30-60 %

  Atmospheric pressure:                       950-1050mbar

2.4 Statement of the measurement uncertainty
The data and results referenced in this document are true and accurate. The reader is cautioned that there
may be errors within the calibration limits of the equipment and facilities. The measurement uncertainty was
calculated for all measurements listed in this test report acc. to TR-100028-01” Electromagnetic compatibility
and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);Uncertainties in the measurement of mobile radio equipment
characteristics; Part 1” and TR-100028-02 “Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters
(ERM);Uncertainties in the measurement of mobile radio equipment characteristics; Part 2 “ and is
documented in the Shenzhen Global Test Service Co.,Ltd quality system acc. to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.
Furthermore, component and process variability of devices similar to that tested may result in additional
deviation. The manufacturer has the sole responsibility of continued compliance of the device.

Hereafter the best measurement capability for Shenzhen GTS laboratory is reported:

                         Test Items                             Measurement Uncertainty        Notes
      Transmitter power conducted                                       0.57 dB                 (1)

          (1) This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95%
               confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2.

 Report No.: GTS20190801006-1-6                                                              Page 6 of 8


3.1 Applicable Standard
According to §1.1307(b)(1), systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be operated in a
manner that ensures that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy level in excess of the
Commission’s guidelines.
According to §1.1310 and §2.1091 RF exposure is calculated.
KDB447498 v06: Mobile and Portable Devices RF Exposure Procedures and Equipment Authorization

3.2 Requirement
Systems operating under the provisions of FCC 47 CFR section shall be operated in a manner that ensures
that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy level in excess of the Commission’s guidelines.
 In accordance with 47 CFR FCC Part 2 Subpart J, section 2.1091 this device has been defined as mobile
device whereby a distance of 0.2m normally can be maintained between the user and the device, and below
RF Permissible Exposure limit shall comply with.
In accordance with KDB447498D01 for Simultaneous transmission MPE test exclusion applies when the sum
of the MPE ratios for all simultaneous transmitting antennas incorporated in a host device, based on the
calculated/estimated, numerically modeled or measured field strengths or power density, is ≤ 1.0. The MPE
ratio of each antenna is determined at the minimum test separation distance required by the operating
configurations and exposure conditions of the host device, according to the ratio of field strengths or power
density to MPE limit, at the test frequency. Either the maximum peak or spatially averaged results from
measurements or numerical simulations may be used to determine the MPE ratios. Spatial averaging does not
apply when MPE is estimated using simple calculations based on far-field plane-wave equivalent conditions.
The antenna installation and operating requirements for the host device must meet the minimum test
separation distances required by all antennas, in both standalone and simultaneous transmission operations,
to satisfy compliance.

3.3 Limit
Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)/Controlled Exposure
   Frequency        Electric Field    Magnetic Field     Power Density        Averaging Time
  Range(MHz)       Strength(V/m)      Strength(A/m)        (mW/cm²)              (minute)
                       Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure
    0.3 – 3.0           614                1.63              (100) *                 6
    3.0 – 30           1842/f             4.89/f            (900/f2)*                6
    30 – 300            61.4              0.163                 1.0                  6
   300 – 1500              /                 /                f/300                  6
1500 – 100,000             /                 /                   5                   6

Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)/Uncontrolled Exposure
   Frequency        Electric Field    Magnetic Field     Power Density        Averaging Time
  Range(MHz)       Strength(V/m)      Strength(A/m)        (mW/cm²)              (minute)
                       Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure
    0.3 – 3.0            614               1.63              (100) *                30
    3.0 – 30            824/f             2.19/f            (180/f2)*               30
    30 – 300            27.5              0.073                0.2                  30
   300 – 1500              /                 /               f/1500                 30
1500 – 100,000             /                 /                 1.0                  30

F=frequency in MHz
*=Plane-wave equivalent power density

 Report No.: GTS20190801006-1-6                                                                  Page 7 of 8

3.4 MPE Calculation Method
Predication of MPE limit at a given distance
Equation from page 18 of OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01

Where: S=power density
   P=power input to antenna
   G=power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
   R=distance to the center of radiation of the antenna

As declared by the Applicant, the EUT transmits with the maximum soure-baed Duty Cycle of 100%-see the
User manual, and the EUT is a wireless device used in a mobile application, at least 20 cm from any body part
of the user or nearby persons; from the maximum EUT RF output power, the minimum mobile separation
distance, r =20cm, as well as the gain of the used antenna is 1.06dBi for WLAN, and the power drift from
Turn-up Procedure provide by manufacturer as following states, the RF power density can be obtained.

3.5 Antenna Information
BL-R8812AF1 can only use antennas certificated as follows provided by manufacturer;

    Internal         Antenna Identification   Antenna type and      Operate frequency           Maximum antenna
 Identification        in Internal photos     antenna number              band                       gain

   Antenna                  2.4G Wifi         External antenna         2.4 – 2.5 GHz             1.00dBi(Max.)

4. Conducted Power Results

                                               Frequency         Average Conducted Output Power
                   Mode          Channel
                                                 (MHz)                       (dBm)
                                   01             2412                        8.33
                  802.11b          06             2437                        8.06
                                   11             2462                        8.43
                                   01             2412                        8.25
                  802.11g          06             2437                        8.44
                                   11             2462                        8.68
                                   01             2412                        8.16
           802.11n(HT20)           06             2437                        8.21
                                   11             2462                        8.59
                                   03             2422                        8.19
           802.11n(HT40)           06             2437                        8.27
                                   09             2452                        8.42

 Report No.: GTS20190801006-1-6                                                                 Page 8 of 8

5. Manufacturing Tolerance

                                              802.11b (Average)
               Channel                 Channel 1             Channel 6                  Channel 11
            Target (dBm)                  8.0                   8.0                        8.0
           Tolerance ±(dB)                1.0                   1.0                        1.0
                                              802.11g (Average)
               Channel                 Channel 1             Channel 6                  Channel 11
            Target (dBm)                  8.0                   8.0                        8.0
           Tolerance ±(dB)                1.0                   1.0                        1.0
                                          802.11n(HT20) (Average)
               Channel                 Channel 1             Channel 6                  Channel 11
            Target (dBm)                  8.0                   8.0                        8.0
           Tolerance ±(dB)                1.0                   1.0                        1.0
                                          802.11n(HT40) (Average)
               Channel                 Channel 3             Channel 6                   Channel 9
            Target (dBm)                  8.0                   8.0                         8.0
           Tolerance ±(dB)                1.0                   1.0                         1.0

6. Measurement Results

6.1 Standalone MPE Evaluation

As declared by the Applicant, the EUT is a wireless device used in a fix application, at least 20 cm from any body
part of the user or nearby persons; from the maximum EUT RF output power, the minimum separation distance, r
=20cm, as well as the gain of the used antenna refer to antenna information, the RF power density can be

                             Output power          Antenna       Antenna                                  MPE
                                                                               Duty        MPE
  Modulation Type                                   Gain           Gain                                   Limits
                           dBm          mW                                     Cycle     (mW/cm2)
                                                    (dBi)        (linear)                              (mW/cm2)
      802.11b              9.00        7.9433        1.0          1.2589       100%        0.0020        1.0000
      802.11g              9.00        7.9433        1.0          1.2589       100%        0.0020        1.0000
   802.11n(HT20)           9.00        7.9433        1.0          1.2589       100%        0.0020        1.0000
   802.11n(HT40)           9.00        7.9433        1.0          1.2589       100%        0.0020        1.0000

1. Output power including tune-up tolerance;
2. MPE evaluate distance is 20cm from user manual provide by manufacturer;

6.2 Simultaneous Transmission MPE

The sample support one WLAN modular and one antenna, Not need consider simultaneous transmission;

7. Conclusion
The measurement results comply with the FCC Limit per 47 CFR 2.1091 for the uncontrolled RF Exposure
and SAR Exclusion Threshold per KDB 447498 v06, No SAR is required.

                         .....................End of Report.........................

Document Created: 2019-09-26 11:17:07
Document Modified: 2019-09-26 11:17:07

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