

Users Manual

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한글 (총 5페이지)   영어 (총 6페이지)

 "8 43                                                                                Components Diagram
                                                      ols oiganles exf0)                                                                         Knob of bulttin mouthpiece
                     Pbe                                                                               Breath outlet hole
              (@a Al td olaim)                                                                    "Donot black white the
                                                                                               measurement is under wayj
                                                   _LDI!?&TKA #x                                                                              .|~ Bulltin mouthplece sio
                                                      old se miy                                                             ee0e000
                       uolsn                                                                               Power button      Beeseus
                                                   L pat matrix                                                                           L_ bot Matritype of
                                                     tep elagietol                                                                           LED display

                                   ketosiae                                                                                  xetosen
              semuse ax E—I        §                                                            USB charging port (SDDHI"‘

Als Cla&alo LAlX]                                                                   Function Displays
   geo: smisss                                       aed Mbwal                                                                            ;   Re—calbratonrequired (Dnvicelocke to operate)
      2 wnle n saniowamot atote oieues         6     aniaiee mawn on mt oi                                                             392    oeneehasmamurnsmore on 60 vatand
        ailamicie msow execeon uo                  c mee yne pol m an avor me aan                                                        5    recalbaton i eaitneto matanan awate
                                                     ctommilee aomioe                                                                    5    intuntaniiecpenton
        wnoanooanae se nanno vose                    senreen onmt ce mpmaiie                                                            65    Masecaniactocalsopner omntacver
       sige u9 2o au                     ©0:008
                                                snoret   stas
                                                Mc evoro oary xm sreromin uis                                                                 Sensor error
       se a mc nnice                                                                                                                      O is causn byaseror dfect
       usn seemiecnioiuus                RO 800
                                            580 us ces
                                                sorreon onmm se supraes                                                                   g Nee contct oc supnteor natacturer
                                               mo                                     20oos                                             igo
       MB au sn                               Moo #ama moll 2s                      7%0 Battery charging (Blinkmg)                      2: Bluetooth® mode
       useB avol on aa wsls sns                ho wa Beneinaiskeroscaret              €2000) tittave se in‘ ie ischace n
                                              200 wema watoisenanmor se uitc             °                                                    Gave isconnected with mobie asp.ketocan
       use #8 evol maw an mss onnie                                                          Battery charging is finished

s4 84
                                                                              How to use
#3) Al eitel alziol leaio eate aiee ce SU0.
#Idel 5n # Apiald cine AG0= aiciotol adftiUC.                                 Device needs warm up time to be ready to blow and
                                                                              will determine automatically whether self—diagnosis madeis required or not.

        s                                         esns   en sengesoun                                                                       /      Tikeadrnpbroth ttianint e mosthiace
                                                  avourmsmumeoanot immun                                                                 stendhy aniconteousy o naconts vth
            TMn                                   Anan se vemmiauane                     Putthe mouthslece on Ketoscan mint      [j_-m   Th beaprountsic oir rean sange is
            oivane i w on ons dn       © 9|\      ueprsermmaneannece                     (bultin mouthplece is usable when you ® 14 \_.. rotmong   rcognor vrscn
                                           v      *esal                                  o not have an extra moutholece                  €(mping
                                                                                                                                         "borot o.h  errmessagt
                                                                                                                                                        ar otet ol vetee unanc.
                                                   im on im now oen narmce
                                                                                                                                          tnebreati samping istains olates

0      sot amor iner se 22 3e matic,            awoelesimen eealeg m suuc.           Press and hold the power button for 2seconds. g a,2"       Breath sampling isinshed
                                                                                     Power button i ocated on tupper eft sde.                   and ts beig analyzed.

                                                wnseaiie w inowe ncnson uie                                                                     1 esured, Scaonont ul noperated
       su onbamaie,                    o        e ieme an omm w msot mm                                                                         atomatcaly indullbe mour ‘oron e dipla:
       n soie sece wic.                           ocms neoe avece oouue              Warming up wlb stated and                 0                Tes devcegoes t measiremertmode aitonatcaly
                                                  aums a en oo nen osn                                                                          and iser ul need o ow again o en a
                                                s onie ncenue wee an enmc            ittakes about 60 seconds.                                  pemrementresut
                                                                                                                                                i devce ons not ruiresttigres
                                                                                                                                                inaisrementresut wb iple.
       sacel gerat.                        [L—U sw«e nuo                                                                                        Check the messsrementresut,
       »ol seimwore e srece,           o        15—2080 wl a ietore #14CL
                                                                                w    Oevenisready foruse                                        ue (PrM)wilb shoun for 15—20 seconds
       seos oluer d w AABzitiore w              * 00—99pomalt meloi2l                it thereis no operation, device witbeturned @ TB           then device wlb rumedoff stornatcaly
                                                ** topom olal l mo.                  offastomaticaly atter60 seconds.                           ©00—9pon: Dislaying untlone decimalpoint
                                                                                                                                                 Above 1ppm: No dllayn one decimalpoint

        * id Al Meine olplet on ts #, eare > ahe onl acclol 2retiUC.
                                                                                     ** Beep sound level of Ketoscan min} is adjustable on the mobile App.

oE 5> clolohs= So) 4i                                                                         The body‘s state according to breath acetone concentration
    Ts            #a                                        an                                tase
                                                                                              h                teve                                                 Ettects
o0=10            Level0                                                                       00—10           Levelo        Boy fat s not burning at all or very simall amount is burning now,
 Te 3|           2|            olthottbm olore iesstoletos, Alciarerol wieeiict.              ieE             To:           Nremined    more inbiniet eierove ndemnnoling ther pveot.
20—29            Level2                                                                       20—29           Level2
                               ore onwete maston ajag o 20 ce cal ace                         39235           ~Tevars       ts in ts earystage of bodfatburning olow levelof ketostsstat.
20—39            tevels        xmfiwaieln ol armieiue).                                          073                         Boy fatis slomlyburning i average 0.07 oz (2 grams) per hour.
40—49            Levela                                                                       40—49           Leveld
 50—59           Levels                                                                       s0—59           Level$

so—65|           teais                                                                        so—e5|          teas
Fozze            ~~Lnay        s reala gale mactee apig of 5o weel 45e                        7073            Levary——]     ts the properlevel of body fat burningor ketos‘s state
 977                           abmiol scolweiedcci.                                                                         Boy fat s burningin average 0.17 oz (5 grams) per hour.
 s0—89           Level                                                                        s0—89           Level$

 s0—93           Level$                                                                       a0—99           Level$

                               #a des MEXA #oie wases Aug o 103 ds 452                            .                         1tis the best evelotbody fatburning or ketosis state
    10—40       Level 10       xifimatetm oiAeieitc.                                            10740          tevtin        Boclyfat is burning in average 0.35 oz (10 grams) per hour.
      .                        meeexs deeud.                                                      .             ;           Ttis the excessive evel of body fat burning or ketosis state
    a1760     tnelouton        of yapapisice xiedl aBot #elrtit + deuc.                        41780        Level C200      is uris state perssts, it can be hard on the bodv
                               Eds (etoaddonsaute sn as wa a dwlt + seud.                            s                      Ttis ketoacidosis state_ And it wil be a serious rsk to heatth
    soors     twelouncer       dESETT ENNE                  *                                   ®"          Level 020807    Consulta heath professiona.
xE AQt                                                                                        Product Specifications
a xo u        Mighresatalonaceton gaserser    w mols     StmmX Y1orm% 183nm                   Tipeotsemor     M reatitonactone gassersr             se                   2432072 intes serioce Som
              corens onorsi0                  waee       se                                   Hessuemeotwnt on ocrecmaion)                          wignt                arstaizg
# 40 91.      rmmrarsrertation                w#es       stt                                  Shmiayrange on —siren                                 soage                merrrgase
©o i t        oncsanen                        #425       u0t                                  Aesuney         od                                    Woring tenperaure. so—103i0—40)
aama          toe                             2480       won                                  Anatpigtine     inSuaconds                            EaiteaionIntenal     Evoy 00 memremins
aniat         conou                                      (po0e oretree se n w wae n a mt en   Povarsiply      Bitlorecangnitietiiiniyotymitinay                          fevefs ton 100 memuonents ut nore
wsar          seou                                       mnoiuet se 1e aigor ma n             feweguiing K6 it S Aimarnes                                                yerooeeeepestagetRsocnmentes
a         i   newistlaibeMamstomh             see                                             Mostngics       Sepontlemoutsleco batin nosnglce                           ‘Satdntetdosrtcontog
a w           ussporsviooomod        martems sontan                                                                                                 aitory ie            Herstiansonemerenens
means         uneoganamnoostoiieans. u. a amronsimplgecist                                                                                          Aerron               roacias

                                                                                     FCC compliance information
                                                                                     es oevce comrues wtw patt 1s or tie rce nutes.
                                                                                     Operatonis subjec to tfaloning wo conditons:
                                                                                     (1) This device may not caus harniutiteference,and
                         a@ 9 P AblA eb                                              (2) This dvicemustacceptany interference ecenet ncuing nteference that maycauseundesred operation.
                                                                                     HoteThequiomenthas en ested andfound to comdy wththeEmforaClass 8 lgta devce, pursunttopart 15
                                                                                            ottheFCG Ruls,These ns aredesgned to rovde easonable roteton againstharmfulinterferenc in a
                                                                                            residetalinstalation,Thi exvipmentgenerats uses, and can radatracl frequency energy andt rot instale and
                                                                                            usedin accardarce with e insrctons. may caise harmfutinterferenceto radi communicatons.
                 sentTecH 3M                                                                Howeves thereisno guarante thatinterferece ilnot occur in a partuarinsalation.
                                                                                            1 ths eauipment does cause harmfu inteferencetoradoorteleviionrecetonwhchcanb deternined by urning
                                                                                            the easamentoff nd on the useiencouragedto ty to orrctthe interfrence by one or moreofthe
                                                                                            folowny mensires
                                                                                              Rearent orrelocatethe recanig antema.
                                   (@MStRIriorol                                              Increasethsepartion between the exvipmen:nd recove.
                                TEL. 070—5222—7831                                            Cannecttheapment into n utlet on a ieut ifferent rom that o whichthe recte iscomnected.
                                                                                              Consut the deler or n xperencedradaTV tachnicn o ht
                                FAX, 031—8071—4411                                   Motifeatonsnaexpressly moproved o he manfacturemayvad the use‘ authortyto operate heeauioment under FCC ue
                                21712® ID : ketoscan                                 Limited ONE year warranty
                      (10880) 715 teA)x132 75¥ial 21—6                               Warranty coverage
                                                                                     Sentech UA NC worrants hi productagans defectsin materals and workmanstip under nomatuse foa perad of OE
                                                                                     (1) YEARfrom th dat t retipurchasebythe argnatendwserpurchaserWarranty Peraa), Excent a provied in thepreceding
                                                                                     sertence oapplcablla, Sentech USA NC provides ts roduct s t adefctanses anda vald im is recened
        S145                                                                         by Sertech UsA NC wthi the Wareanty Reio.a ts ton Sentch uSA NC wil ethe(1)repathe rocuic,
                                                                                     (2) exthange thproduct witha product that is new orntich has been manafactured from naw orsevaeatl use parts and s
        ue eaolue ie emie lece ridluc.                                               at leastfunctonalyequnalntto theorginal product,ar 3 refurd the purchase ic f the product When arefund is gven.
        —@ malma>lut 10 oldol soonl sgoe oiol anfantsl agiiilat matoe meleitc.       the producforucn the refun s provded must b etumedto Sentech USA NC and becomes Sentech UsA NCproperiy.
                                                                                     Tis varrant is mt t the ongnalerdwser purchaserand is not ransteablto,o enfrceae by any subseqvent omner.
        —mxiseie U Aevel merele ce xiel ol itc eliltic
                                                                                     Sentech USA NC makes no werrantesexpress o mpledasto thabiiy ofthis product to determine whetheo the extent to
                                                                                     wlatetsbject mentatorpryscalfunctoingcidgmant,may bemparad by boodalconl ncuang wiethe te tect
                                                                                     subjectisintoicatedunderany deiiton o that ord Sentech UsA NC expressy dacams an laliy fordrect,ndrect,
                                                                                     incidentl.specalo consequenta arages ofanynature undeanlegatheanAry ct o falureto act basd on areading rom
                                                                                     thisproductshllbe at thetest subiects ouseownrisk Sertech USAINCassumes nresponstit o consequences toor
                                                                                     oftestsubjectswho use his prodct and later are sham to hav been undete nfuenceof alconlo to havehadthar udgment
reecomplarceinfomaton                                                                orany mentalorbadiyfuncion impared by leohoarelaion betwreen breth alcalcortnt and oo aleahoconcentraton
Inmtuntnmmmume                                                                       depends on many vartles,incusing enranmenta factos (such as o qualtyvind,humidity temperture,etc nd heath
brommamemmeme                                                                        conditons f the testsubiec.Alow BAG readingdoes t mean that thtest ubjects pyscalomenta performance odgment
ReTiemmnrnnemainontoirorntintenfenonlsramaainnaconteAnewwenuperinnnenimtcnnmes       (ncusingreacton timescan respond tan emergenc Th concentratonofalcohlin the oo of est subject cannot be xacty
InnTodimnndiineedinmmnismomnernmnmunmmnniiammnncne                                   deternine by usingabreath lcobl seenin produc.Sentech SA C does not warrantthatthe aperaion of the product wl be
Mnomvrnrmntmenmnntitinommeansomiennmantimomeanantenimminmemonmnmmontamnd             erro—re.Sentech USA NC is notresponsforanyconsequencesariingfrom falure tofolow nstrctons o rlatng t the
Tionnmewtninnarinomnomboncihnrmonmonndnnnpmem                                        products useThis warranty daes notappi() to consequences use byaccident,abus,tamperin, msus,food, fre
 Rntrmmnortonmetione                                                                 carthavakeorotheextemal causes 2to conseqvences caused by opertin theproduct outside tperrattd onterded uses
 imnnninnmilomenineeionsimmesemn                           [E C E   EoA      I_-(Q   deseried y Sentech US NC 0 to nseuences carsed by servce perfomed by anyonewho is t arepresentatve of
                                                                                     Sentech UA NC o Sentech UsA NC Athonzed Sevice Provdero 2) toa product or part that ras been modiied to ater
woneminTiIlieliNRenleiemevaenenimmnncowercion                        FIAR            furetionaity ocapadity wthoutthe wrtten prmisson o Sentech USA NC.

To Te Exrent rermirTeo ey LaW, THis wikranty ANo Tke revoies ser FortH asove are Excuusive
ANo N LIEU or Au. orkier waRRANTIES, ReEoles AN conomoNs, Whemer orAL on whTTen,
staturomy, express or imrLiEp. As PerVirTep av AppucAgLe LAW, seNTEcH UsiNc SpedrICALY
nisciaiMs AVY ANo ALL staruTory or IMuEo wareanrmies, NcLuoING, WiTHour Livrkrion,
warnaimes or Merchantamiumy ano Eiss ror A rArmCULaR pursose Ano warnates Acamisr
Hboen or LAtent pefecrsi senrEc use in CANNor LaWeuuy piscLaim stxturory or IMPuED
warnames THen To Te exrent rerMTso ay LAWALL sucH Warranmes suau. se Livited N
burkmoN To Th DuRATION oF THe EXeRESs WarraNty ANo To The Reair or RepLAcemeir service
As bereriNeo y SevTEcUsA NC N s Sote olscRemion,
No Sentech USA INC reseler agent, or employee is authorized to make any modfcation, extensionor
additionto ths warranty.!f any term is held to e Hlegaorunenforceable, the legalty or enforcesbiity
of the remaining terms shallnot be affected or mpaired
excEmT as provioen in Tris warranty Ano To The Maxivum Extet reavreo ay Law,
senTEc use nc is nor RespoNsiete FoR DIRECT SPECAL, NCIOENTAL o conseaueNtia pavaces
unper any LeeAL THEaryINCLUpNG But NouMep To Loss or use; Loss oF ReVENUE oR NCoME:
Loss or AcTUL or ATICPArEo rrorits (NcLUpINs Loss ofRrorits FROM A CoNTRACT:
Loss or Te use or money; Loss or AvtceATep sAviNGS: Loss o BUsINESS: Lass or orzortunity:
Loss or socpwLL, or Loss or repvmanon
Some countries,states and provinces do not low the exclusion orimitation ofincidentalor consequentia
demages orallow Imtations on how long animplied warranty or condition may last, s the above Imiations or
exclusions may not apply to you, Ths warranty gves you speciiclegarights,and you may also have other
rights that vary by country, state orprovince. This Limited Warranty is governed by and construed under the
laws of the countryin which the product purchase took place

For warranty & recalibration service
Please contact;

20280 S.Vermont Ave. #200
Torrance, CA 90502
Tel: 310—526—8231
service@sentech—                                                   E c E m I@

 케토스캔 미니
어플 사용 설명서

한글 (총 2페이지)   영어 (총 2페이지)


* B9EA ql2o| ofel m                                        ** Whatif the Bluetooth® paring is not available?
1 #leaul ol0 tlg 12 offionl AM=® cA                        1) Turn on the device and search it on device list of App.
2) 7Dlol 182 m2 (aSlxl 24 oldl orr 22) old anien & aaler   2) Or turn off the device and App. forcibly then try again.

                                                            *Self—diagnosis mode
  ehash Alzh ols404 ajoigh atclstn wle40f ujah              Device is checking a sensor statusby itself.
  Agon Iprides se azece AUBUC                               and determines whether self —diagnosis mode is required or not.

  "2lp| 44 & 412 aide tzAolgioly alctoiile.                 Device is required to pair with a mobile App. Ketoscan to memorize & track your data,
  2.0l20lk 70] d5o® uons sX
  ds As Aoic 4) clole} Al8SITl Seic).

Document Created: 2019-02-11 15:46:02
Document Modified: 2019-02-11 15:46:02

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC