RF Exposure Report (MPE)


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                                               Page 1 of 17           Report No.: S18112901801003

FCC Maximum Permissible RF Exposure (MPE)
           Estimation Report

                  In accordance with the requirements of

        FCC 47 CFR Part 2(2.1091), ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 and

                                 KDB 447498 D01

                           Product Name        PMA

                               Trademark       N/A

                             Model Name        PMA1.0
                            Family Model       N/A
                              Report No.       S18112901801003
                                  FCC ID       2ASEF -PMA10

                                      Prepared for

                             Beijing Roobo Technology Co., Ltd.
              Room 5-128, B1, Building C, Galaxy SOHO, Dongcheng District,
                                      Beijing, China

                                      Prepared by

                       Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd.
   1/F, Building E, Fenda Science Park, Sanwei Community, Xixiang Street, Bao’an District,
                               Shenzhen 518126 P.R.China.
                    Tel.: +86-755-6115 9388 Fax.: +86-755-6115 6599
                               Website: http://www.ntek.org.cn

                                     Report Revision 1.0

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                                              TEST RESULT CERTIFICATION

Applicant’s name ................. : Beijing Roobo Technology Co., Ltd.
                                              Room 5-128, B1, Building C, Galaxy SOHO, Dongcheng District, Beijing,
Address ................................. :
Manufacturer's Name .......... : Beijing Roobo Technology Co., Ltd.
                                              Room 5-128, B1, Building C, Galaxy SOHO, Dongcheng District, Beijing,
Address ................................. :
Product description
Product name ........................ : PMA
Trademark ........................... : N/A
Model and/or type reference : PMA1.0
Family Model ......................... : N/A
                                          FCC 47 CFR Part 1(1.1310)
                                          FCC 47 CFR Part 2(2.1091)
Standards ............................. :
                                          ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992
                                          KDB 447498 D01
This device described above has been tested by Shenzhen NTEK. Testing has shown that this device is
capable of compliance with MPE specified in FCC 47 CFR Part 2(2.1091) and ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992. The
test results in this report apply only to the tested sample of the stated device/equipment. Other similar
device/equipment will not necessarily produce the same results due to production tolerance and
measurement uncertainties.
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Shenzhen NTEK, this
document may be altered or revised by Shenzhen NTEK, personal only, and shall be noted in the revision of
the document.
Date of Test

Date (s) of performance of tests ............. :
                                                         29 Nov. 2018 ~ 05 Jan. 2019
Date of Issue .......................................... : 06 Jan. 2019
Test Result .............................................. : Pass

                                                  Prepared By
                                                (Test Engineer)
                                                                                  (Cheng Jiawen)

                                                 Approved By
                                                (Lab Manager)
                                                                                    (Sam Chen)

                                                                    Report Revision 1.0

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                              Revision History

 REV.          DESCRIPTION                              ISSUED DATE                REMARK

Rev.1.0   Initial Test Report Release                   Jan. 06, 2019           Cheng Jiawen

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                                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS

1   General Information ............................................................................................................................... 5
    1.1     RF Exposure Requirements ..................................................................................................... 5
        1.1.1    RF Exposure Limits ........................................................................................................... 5
        1.1.2    Additional Description ........................................................................................................ 6
    1.2     EUT Description ....................................................................................................................... 7
    1.3     Test specification(s) .................................................................................................................. 8
    1.4     Ambient Condition .................................................................................................................... 8
2   RF Output Power ................................................................................................................................... 9
    2.1     Test Equipment List .................................................................................................................. 9
    2.2     RF Output Power...................................................................................................................... 9
        2.2.1    WIFI Output Power ............................................................................................................ 9
3   RF Exposure Evaluation ...................................................................................................................... 14
    3.1     Operation in WLAN 2.4G FOR SISO MODE .......................................................................... 14
    3.2     Operation in WLAN 5.2G FOR SISO MODE .......................................................................... 14
    3.3     Operation in WLAN 5.3G FOR SISO MODE .......................................................................... 14
    3.4     Operation in WLAN 5.6G FOR SISO MODE .......................................................................... 15
    3.5     Operation in WLAN 5.8G FOR SISO MODE .......................................................................... 15
4   Exposure calculations for multiple sources .......................................................................................... 16
    4.1     Estimation for WLAN MIMO 2.4G ........................................................................................... 16
    4.2     Estimation for WLAN MIMO 5.2G ........................................................................................... 16
    4.3     Estimation for WLAN MIMO 5.3G ........................................................................................... 17
    4.4     Estimation for WLAN MIMO 5.6G ........................................................................................... 17
    4.5     Estimation for WLAN MIMO 5.8G ........................................................................................... 17

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1 General Information

1.1     RF Exposure Requirements

1.1.1    RF Exposure Limits

                        Table - Limits For Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
  Frequency range          Electric field        Magnetic field       Power density       Averaging time
        (MHz)             strength (V/m)        strength (A/m)          (mW/cm )            (minutes)
                               (A) Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure
       0.3-3.0                 614                   1.63                  *100                 6
        3.0-30                1842/f                4.89/f                *900/f                6
       30-300                  61.4                 0.163                   1.0                 6
     300-1,500                                                             f/300                6
   1,500-100,000                                                             5                  6
                           (B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
      0.3-1.34                 614                   1.63                  *100                30
       1.34-30                 824/f                2.19/f                *180/f               30
       30-300                  27.5                 0.073                   0.2                30
     300-1,500                                                            f/1500               30
   1,500-100,000                                                            1.0                30
                       f = frequency in MHz * = Plane-wave equivalent power density
A rough estimation of the expected exposure in power flux density on a given point can be made with the
following equation:


S = Power density (mW/cm2)
Pt = Conducted output power
Gt = numeric gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator (dBi)
R= distance to the centre of radiation of the antenna (cm)
EIRP = Pt * Gt

The antenna of the product, under normal use condition is at least 20 cm away from the body of the user.
Warning statement to the user for keeping at least 20cm separation distance and the prohibition of operating
to a person has been printed on the user’s manual. Therefore, the S of the device is calculated with R=20cm,
and if it is below the limit S, then we can conclude the device complies with the rules.

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1.1.2   Additional Description

An estimation of MPE in this application for product is used to ensure if it complies to the rules of the
standard in the regulation list above.
Maximum permissible exposure (MPE) refers to the RF energy that is acceptable for human exposure. It is
broken down into two categories, Occupational/controlled and General population/uncontrolled.
Occupational/controlled limits apply in situations in which persons are exposed as a consequence of their
employment provided those persons are fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control
over their exposure. Limits for occupational/controlled exposure also apply in situations when an individual is
transient through a location where occupational/controlled limits apply provided he or she is made aware of
the potential for exposure.
General population/uncontrolled exposures apply in situations in which the general public may be exposed,
or in which persons that are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be fully aware of the
potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure.
We analysis if it comply with the limits for General population/uncontrolled exposure. The FCC’s MPE limits
for field strength and power density are given in 47CFR 1.1310(Table below).These limits are generally
based on recommended exposure guidelines published by the National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements (NCRP), and also partly based on guidelines recommended by the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) in Section 4.1 of ANSI/IEEE C95.1.

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1.2   EUT Description

Device Information
Product Name                    PMA
Trade Name                      N/A
Model Name                      PMA1.0
Family Model                    N/A
FCC ID                          2ASEF -PMA10
Device Phase                    Identical Prototype
Exposure Category               General population / Uncontrolled environment
Antenna Type                    See Note 1
Antenna Gain                    See Note 1
Device Operating Configurations
                                   802.11b/g/a/AC(20MHz channel bandwidth)
IEEE 802.11 WLAN                   802.11n/AC(20MHz channel bandwidth)
Mode Supported                     802.11n/AC(40MHz channel bandwidth)
                                   802.11AC(80MHz channel bandwidth)
                                OFDM with BPSK/QPSK/16QAM/64QAM/256QAM
                                for 802.11a/n/ac;
                                   SISO for 802.11a/ b/g
Smart system
                                   MIMO for 802.11n/ac
Operating Frequency                 2412-2462MHz for 802.11b/g/11n(HT20);
Range                               2422-2452 MHz for 802.11n(HT40)
                                    U-NII-1: 5150 MHz ~5250MHz
                                    U-NII-2A: 5250MHz~5350MHz
                                    U-NII-2C: 5470MHz~5725MHz
                                    U-NII-3: 5725 MHz ~5825 MHz

Note 1:
 The EUT has two of antenna.

                                  Model Name          Antenna                         Antenna Gain(dBi)
          Antenna     Brand                                             Connector
                                      (P/N)              Type                        2.4G        5.0G
          A(main)      N/A           JT803               FPC             ECT Conn    4.34        4.76
          B(aux)       N/A           JT803               FPC             ECT Conn    4.34        476
   For MIMO mode , Directional gain=[ GANT + 10 log(NANT)] dBi =7.35dbi in 2.4GHz
                    Directional gain=[ GANT + 10 log(NANT)] dbi =7.77dbi in 5.0GHz
                                       802.11n/ac has MIMO mode.

 Note: GA means antenna gain for ANT A in Num.
       GB means antenna gain for ANT B in Num.

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1.3   Test specification(s)

FCC 47 CFR Part 1(1.1310)
FCC 47 CFR Part 2(2.1091)
ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992
KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance

1.4   Ambient Condition

Ambient temperature                  20°C – 24°C
Relative Humidity                    30% – 70%

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2 RF Output Power

2.1     Test Equipment List

Manufacturer       Name of Equipment                  Type/Model                Serial Number
                                                                                                       Last Cal.    Due Date
   Agilent             Power Meter              DARE/ RPR3006W                 15I00041SNO84 2018.08.05 2019.08.04

2.2     RF Output Power

2.2.1    WIFI Output Power

2.4G WIFI:
                                              Duty Cycle         Peak Output
         Test     Frequency                                                                Total        LIMIT
                              Power Setting     Factor           Power(dBm)                                      Verdict
        Channel    (MHz)                                                                                (dBm)
                                                 (dB)         ANT A           ANT B    (dBm)
          1         2412         Default          0            14.80          13.90    -           -    26.21    PASS
          6         2437         Default          0            14.80          14.40    -           -    26.21    PASS
          11        2462         Default          0            14.80          14.40    -           -    26.21    PASS
          1         2412         Default          0            12.40          11.50    -           -    26.21    PASS
          6         2437         Default          0            12.40          11.90    -           -    26.21    PASS
          11        2462         Default          0            12.50          11.90    -           -    26.21    PASS
                                                         802.11n HT20
          1         2412         Default          0            11.10          10.30        13.73        26.21    PASS
          6         2437         Default          0            11.20          10.70        13.97        26.21    PASS
          11        2462         Default          0            11.50          10.70        14.13        26.21    PASS
                                                         802.11n HT40
          3         2422         Default          0            11.70          10.80        14.28        26.21    PASS
          6         2437         Default          0            11.70          11.00        14.37        26.21    PASS
          9         2452         Default          0            11.80          11.40        14.61        26.21    PASS

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TX (5.2G) Mode Frequency Band 1 (5150-5250MHz):
                                     Maximum output
                                     power. Antenna              Total Power
                           Frequency                                            LIMIT
            Test Channel                  port                                            Result
                                           (AV) (dBm)                   (AV)
                             (MHz)      ANT A       ANT B               dBm     dBm
                                                TX 802.11a Mode
               CH36           5180      10.70        10.90                -     20.19      Pass
               CH40           5200      10.60        10.90                -     20.19      Pass
               CH48           5240      10.80        10.80                -     20.19      Pass
                                           TX 802.11 n20M Mode
               CH36           5180       9.80        9.50               12.66   20.19      Pass
               CH40           5200       9.90        9.60               12.76   20.19      Pass
               CH48           5240       9.70        9.10               12.42   20.19      Pass
                                           TX 802.11 n40M Mode
               CH38           5190       8.50        8.10               11.31   20.19      Pass
               CH46           5230       8.40        8.00               11.21   20.19      Pass
                                          TX 802.11 AC20M Mode
               CH36           5180       7.10        6.90               10.01   20.19      Pass
               CH40           5200       7.10        6.50               9.82    20.19      Pass
               CH48           5240       7.00        6.40               9.72    20.19      Pass
                                          TX 802.11 AC40M Mode
               CH38           5190       6.20        5.90               9.06    20.19      Pass
               CH46           5230       6.50        5.80               9.17    20.19      Pass
                                          TX 802.11 AC80M Mode
               CH42           5210       5.10        4.80               7.96    20.19      Pass

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TX (5.3G) Mode Frequency Band 2A (5250-5350MHz):

                                     Maximum output
                                     power. Antenna             Total Power
                           Frequency      port                                 LIMIT
            Test Channel                                                                 Result
                                          (AV) (dBm)                   (AV)

                             (MHz)     ANT A       ANT B               dBm     dBm
                                                TX 802.11a Mode
               CH52           5260      11.10       10.80                -     19.14      Pass
               CH56           5280      11.00       10.90                -     19.12      Pass
               CH64           5320      11.20       10.70                -     19.16      Pass
                                           TX 802.11 n20M Mode
               CH52           5260      9.70        9.60               12.66   19.19      Pass
               CH56           5280      9.80        9.50               12.66   19.18      Pass
               CH64           5320      9.50        9.50               12.51   19.14      Pass
                                           TX 802.11 n40M Mode
               CH54           5270      8.50        8.40               11.46   20.19      Pass
               CH62           5310      8.60        8.50               11.56   20.19      Pass
                                          TX 802.11 AC20M Mode
               CH52           5260      9.50        9.40               12.46   19.11      Pass
               CH56           5280      9.60        9.50               12.56   19.12      Pass
               CH64           5320      9.40        9.40               12.41   19.15      Pass
                                          TX 802.11 AC40M Mode
               CH54           5270      6.60        6.30               9.46    20.19      Pass
               CH62           5310      6.50        6.20               9.36    20.19      Pass
                                          TX 802.11 AC80M Mode
               CH58           5290      5.50        5.00               8.27    20.19      Pass

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TX (5.6G) Mode Frequency Band 2C (5470MHz~5725MHz):
                                    Maximum output
                                    power. Antenna             Total Power
                          Frequency      port                                 LIMIT
           Test Channel                                                                 Result
                                         (AV) (dBm)                   (AV)

                            (MHz)     ANT A       ANT B               dBm     dBm
                                               TX 802.11a Mode
              CH100          5500       10.90        10.80              -     19.10      Pass
              CH120          5600       10.80        10.50              -     19.71      Pass
              CH140          5700       10.80        10.60              -     19.12      Pass
                                          TX 802.11 n20M Mode
              CH100          5500      10.30       10.10              13.21   19.19      Pass
              CH120          5600      10.50       10.20              13.36   19.24      Pass
              CH140          5700      9.60        9.50               12.56   19.38      Pass
                                          TX 802.11 n40M Mode
              CH102          5510      9.00        8.20               11.63   20.19      Pass
              CH118          5590      9.20        8.50               11.87   20.19      Pass
              CH134          5670      9.50        8.60               12.08   20.19      Pass
                                         TX 802.11 AC20M Mode
              CH100          5500      8.50        8.20               11.36   19.16      Pass
              CH120          5600      8.60        8.30               11.46   19.15      Pass
              CH140          5700      8.50        8.30               11.41   19.16      Pass
                                         TX 802.11 AC40M Mode
              CH102          5510      6.50        6.50               9.51    20.19      Pass
              CH118          5590      6.30        6.40               9.36    20.19      Pass
              CH134          5670      6.80        6.70               9.76    20.19      Pass
                                         TX 802.11 AC80M Mode
              CH 106         5530      5.40        5.50               8.46    20.19      Pass

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TX (5.8G) Mode Frequency Band 3 (5725-5825MHz):
                                     Maximum output
                                     power. Antenna              Total Power
                           Frequency      port                                  LIMIT
            Test Channel                                                                  Result
                                           (AV) (dBm)                   (AV)

                             (MHz)      ANT A       ANT B               dBm     dBm
                                                TX 802.11a Mode
               CH149          5745       10.50         10.20              -     26.21      Pass
               CH157          5785       10.30         10.10              -     26.21      Pass
               CH165          5825       10.60           9.80             -     26.21      Pass
                                           TX 802.11 n20M Mode
               CH149          5745       9.70        9.30               12.51   26.21      Pass
               CH157          5785       9.50        9.40               12.46   26.21      Pass
               CH165          5825       9.80        9.50               12.66   26.21      Pass
                                           TX 802.11 n40M Mode
               CH151          5755       8.50        9.00               11.77   26.21      Pass
               CH159          5795       8.60        8.90               11.76   26.21      Pass
                                          TX 802.11 AC20M Mode
               CH149          5745       7.90        9.20               11.61   26.21      Pass
               CH157          5785       8.20        9.30               11.80   26.21      Pass
               CH165          5825       8.10        9.60               11.92   26.21      Pass
                                          TX 802.11 AC40M Mode
               CH151          5755       6.00        5.80               8.91    26.21      Pass
               CH159          5795       6.10        6.00               9.06    26.21      Pass
                                          TX 802.11 AC80M Mode
               CH155          5775       5.00        5.00               8.01    26.21      Pass

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3 RF Exposure Evaluation

3.1   Operation in WLAN 2.4G FOR SISO MODE

 Max Tune-up    Gain     EIRP     EIRP                      S       MPE Limit
                                             R(cm)                                  Conclusion
   (dBm)        (dBi)   (dBm)     (mW)                   (mW/cm2)   (mW/cm2)
      14.80     4.34    19.14     82.04        20         0.016        1.000           Pass

 Max Tune-up    Gain     EIRP     EIRP                      S       MPE Limit
                                             R(cm)                                  Conclusion
   (dBm)        (dBi)   (dBm)     (mW)                   (mW/cm2)   (mW/cm2)
      14.40     4.34    18.74     74.82        20         0.015        1.000           Pass

3.2   Operation in WLAN 5.2G FOR SISO MODE

 Max Tune-up    Gain     EIRP     EIRP                      S       MPE Limit
                                             R(cm)                                  Conclusion
   (dBm)        (dBi)   (dBm)     (mW)                   (mW/cm2)   (mW/cm2)
      10.80     4.76    15.56     35.97        20         0.007        1.000           Pass

 Max Tune-up    Gain     EIRP     EIRP                      S       MPE Limit
                                             R(cm)                                  Conclusion
   (dBm)        (dBi)   (dBm)     (mW)                   (mW/cm2)   (mW/cm2)
      10.90     4.76    15.66     36.81        20         0.007        1.000           Pass

3.3   Operation in WLAN 5.3G FOR SISO MODE

 Max Tune-up    Gain     EIRP     EIRP                      S       MPE Limit
                                             R(cm)                                  Conclusion
   (dBm)        (dBi)   (dBm)     (mW)                   (mW/cm2)   (mW/cm2)
      11.20     4.76    15.96     39.45        20         0.008        1.000           Pass

 Max Tune-up    Gain     EIRP     EIRP                      S       MPE Limit
                                             R(cm)                                  Conclusion
   (dBm)        (dBi)   (dBm)     (mW)                   (mW/cm2)   (mW/cm2)
      10.90     4.76    15.66     36.81        20         0.007        1.000           Pass

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3.4     Operation in WLAN 5.6G FOR SISO MODE

 Max Tune-up      Gain     EIRP     EIRP                      S       MPE Limit
                                               R(cm)                                  Conclusion
   (dBm)          (dBi)   (dBm)     (mW)                   (mW/cm2)   (mW/cm2)
        10.90     4.76    15.66     36.81        20         0.007        1.000           Pass

 Max Tune-up      Gain     EIRP     EIRP                      S       MPE Limit
                                               R(cm)                                  Conclusion
   (dBm)          (dBi)   (dBm)     (mW)                   (mW/cm2)   (mW/cm2)
        10.80     4.76    15.56     35.97        20         0.007        1.000           Pass

3.5     Operation in WLAN 5.8G FOR SISO MODE
 Tune-up limit    Gain     EIRP     EIRP                      S       MPE Limit
                                               R(cm)                                  Conclusion
    (dBm)         (dBi)   (dBm)     (mW)                   (mW/cm2)   (mW/cm2)
        10.60     4.76    15.36     34.36        20         0.007        1.000           Pass

 Tune-up limit    Gain     EIRP     EIRP                      S       MPE Limit
                                               R(cm)                                  Conclusion
    (dBm)         (dBi)   (dBm)     (mW)                   (mW/cm2)   (mW/cm2)
        10.20     4.76    14.96     31.33        20         0.006        1.000           Pass

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4 Exposure calculations for multiple sources

When a number of sources at different frequencies, and/or broadband sources, contribute to the total
exposure, it becomes necessary to weigh each contribution relative to the MPE in accordance with the
provisions of Table (A) and Table (B). To comply with the MPE, the fraction of the MPE in terms of E2, H2 (or
power density) incurred within each frequency interval should be determined and the sum of all such
fractions should not exceed unity.
In order to ensure compliance with the MPE for a controlled environment, the sum of the ratios of the power
density to the corresponding MPE should not exceed unity. That is

The product also has multiple transmitters The Simultaneous Transmission Possibilities are as below:

              Simultaneous Tx Combination                                  Configuration
                           1                                               WLAN MIMO

4.1       Estimation for WLAN MIMO 2.4G

                 Max                                                       Total
                         Gain EIRP       EIRP               S                         MPE Limit
  ANT          Tune-up                             R(cm)                    S                     Conclusion
                         (dBi) (dBm)     (mW)            (mW/cm2)                     (mW/cm2)
                (dBm)                                                    (mW/cm2)
      A         11.80     4.34   16.14   41.11                   0.008
                                                      20                  0.015         1.000        Pass
      B         11.40     4.34   15.74   37.50                   0.007

4.2       Estimation for WLAN MIMO 5.2G

                 Max                                                       Total
                         Gain EIRP       EIRP                    S                    MPE Limit
  ANT          Tune-up                             R(cm)                    S                     Conclusion
                         (dBi) (dBm)     (mW)                 (mW/cm2)                (mW/cm2)
                (dBm)                                                    (mW/cm2)
      A          9.90     4.76   14.66   29.24                   0.006
                                                      20                  0.011         1.000        Pass
      B          9.60     4.76   14.36   27.29                   0.005

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4.3       Estimation for WLAN MIMO 5.3G

                  Max                                                                         Total
                               Gain EIRP             EIRP                S                                  MPE Limit
   ANT          Tune-up                                         R(cm)                          S                            Conclusion
                               (dBi) (dBm)           (mW)             (mW/cm2)                              (mW/cm2)
                 (dBm)                                                                      (mW/cm2)
      A            9.80        4.76     14.56        28.58                    0.006
                                                                   20                         0.011            1.000            Pass
      B            9.50        4.76     14.26        26.67                    0.005

4.4       Estimation for WLAN MIMO 5.6G

                  Max                                                                         Total
                               Gain EIRP             EIRP                S                                  MPE Limit
   ANT          Tune-up                                         R(cm)                          S                            Conclusion
                               (dBi) (dBm)           (mW)             (mW/cm2)                              (mW/cm2)
                 (dBm)                                                                      (mW/cm2)
      A           10.50        4.76     15.26        33.57                    0.007
                                                                   20                         0.013            1.000            Pass
      B           10.20        4.76     14.96        31.33                    0.006

4.5       Estimation for WLAN MIMO 5.8G

                  Max                                                                         Total
                               Gain EIRP             EIRP                     S                             MPE Limit
   ANT          Tune-up                                         R(cm)                          S                            Conclusion
                               (dBi) (dBm)           (mW)                  (mW/cm2)                         (mW/cm2)
                 (dBm)                                                                      (mW/cm2)
      A            9.80        4.76     14.56        28.58                    0.006
                                                                   20                         0.011            1.000            Pass
      B            9.50        4.76     14.26        26.67                    0.005

According to the Table above, we can conclude that the calculation results of all simultaneous transmission
possibilities are less than 1, so it is into compliance.
Therefore the product also meets the requirements under multiple sources condition.


                                                            Report Revision 1.0

Document Created: 2019-01-31 20:51:19
Document Modified: 2019-01-31 20:51:19

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