User Manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                                      User Manual
                                                                                      HBR-DS-19001 - March 2019 (version 1.1)

  Key features                                        Hiberband modem
  • Compact, ultra low-power SMT
    module design
  • Hiberband RF signal and
    baseband processing
  • Interface for direct connection of
    a GNSS receiver module
  • Geolocation-based satellite
    tracking algorithm
  • Serial UART-based host
    processor interface

Functional description
    The Hiberband modem is a highly integrated, low-power communications front-end designed for global delivery
    of sensor data through Hiber’s satellite-based Hiberband Low-Power Global Area Network (LPGAN). Designed as
    a compact, solderable SMT module, it is straightforward to integrate in IoT devices. The application host processor
    of the IoT device interacts with the Hiberband modem through a UART-based serial interface using a command-
    response protocol.
    The Hiberband modem operates in one of several modes, each with their own distinctive power consumption
    • Hibernation Mode: the Hiberband modem will be in this mode most the time; with exception of its internal
        real-time clock, all systems are shut off.
    • Host Communication Mode: the Hiberband modem has activated the minimal set of functions needed to
        receive instructions (e.g. to submit sensor data for transmission) from the application host processor.
    • Geo-location Mode: the Hiberband modem will autonomously activate a connected GNSS receiver to re-
        determine its current location to stay synchronized with the Hiberband network of orbiting satellites.
    • Hiberband Listen Mode: the Hiberband modem has activated its receiver in anticipation of a satellite
        passing overhead.
    • Hiberband Transmission Mode: the Hiberband modem has activated its Hiberband transmitter to send
        sensor data to a satellite in range.
    The highly energy-efficient operation of the Hiberband modem is supported by an advanced orbit prediction
    algorithm that allows it to remain in hibernation mode until one of the Hiberband satellites becomes ’visible’ to
    the The highly energy-efficient operation of the Hiberband-enabled IoT device. The optimal communication
    window is determined by the current geographic location of the device; to keep track of the actual location, the
    Hiberband modem is equipped with an interface for direct control of a suitable GNSS receiver. This geo-position
    information acquired by the Hiberband modem is also available to the IoT device application through the host
    processor interface.
    For the integration details of the Hiberband LPGAN modem in your IoT device, please refer to the Hiber System
    Integration Manual (on

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HBR-DS-19001: Hiberband modem product datasheet                                                                                                        Page 2

1    Hiberband modem pin-assignment
                                                                      The pin numbering scheme of the Hiberband LPGAN modem (bottom
                                                                      view) is shown in figure 1. The module footprint is a Land Grid Array (LGA)
        A1   A2    A3   A4   A5   A6        A8       A9   A10
                                                                      that allows soldering onto a printed circuit board (PCB) using standard
        B1                                                B10         reflow manufacturing techniques.
        C1                                                C10
                                                                      The pin function assignment is given in table 1.
        D1                                                D10

        E1                                                E10

        F1                                                F10

        G1                                                G10

        H1                                                H10

        J1                                                J10

        K1    K2   K3   K4   K5   K6   K7   K8       K9   K10

     Figure 1: Hiberband modem pin numbering scheme

      Function          Pin name                 I/O              Description                            Hiberband modem pin numbers

      Power/RF          VCC                      I                Supply voltage                         A1, A2, B1, B10

                        GND                      n/a              Ground                                 A3, A4, A5, A6, A8, A9, A10, E10, K3, K6, K7, K10

                        ANTENNA                  n/a              Hiberband antenna                      A7

      System            HOST_RXD                 I                Host UART receive                      K4

                        HOST_TXD                 O                Host UART transmit                     K5

                        WKUPn                    I                System wake-up                         F1

                        RESETn                   I                System reset                           J10

                        IRQn                     O                System interrupt request               D10

      GNSS              GNSS_EN                  O                GNSS module enable                     G1

                        GNSS_TP                  O                GNSS module time pulse                 E1

                        GNSS_RXD                 I                GNSS UART receive                      H1

                        GNSS_TXD                 O                GNSS UART transmit                     J1

      Debug             DBG_RXD                  I                Debug UART receive                     K9

                        DBG_TXD                  O                Debug UART transmit                    K8

      Reserved          -                        n/a              Reserved for internal or future use.   C1, C10, D1, F10, G10, H10, K1, K2
                                                                  Leave unconnected!

     Table 1: Hiberband modem pin assignment overview

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HBR-DS-19001: Hiberband modem product datasheet                                                                           Page 3

2     Product specifications

                     Stressing the Hiberband modem above one or more of the ratings listed in the Absolute
                     Maximum Ratings section may cause permanent damage. These are stress ratings only.
                     Operating the Hiberband modem at these or at any conditions other than those specified in
                     the Operating Conditions sections of the specification should be avoided. Exposure to
                     Absolute Maximum Rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
                     Operating conditions ranges define those limits within which the functionality of the device is
                     Where application information is given, it is advisory only and does not form part of the
                     Unless otherwise specified, all operating conditions are valid at an ambient operating temperature
                     of +25 °C.

2.1   Absolute maximum ratings
      The absolute maximum ratings of the Hiberband modem given in table 2 apply over the operating temperature
      range (for reasons of brevity the acronym HB is used for ’Hiberband’).

       Parameter                 Description                   Condition                               Min    Max    Unit

       VCC                       Supply voltage                DC voltage at VCC pins                  -0.3   4.0    V

       WKUP                      WKUP input voltage            DC voltage at WKUP pin                  -0.3   4.0    V

       RESET                     RESET input voltage           DC voltage at RESET pin                 -0.3   4.0    V

       UART                      UART input voltages           DC voltage at RXD pins                  -0.3   4.0    V

       HB antenna power                                        Input RF power at HB antenna                   -8     dBm

       HB antenna ruggedness                                   Output RF load mismatch at HB antenna          20:1   VSWR

       Tstorage                  Storage temperature                                                   -40    +85    °C

      Table 2: Absolute maximum ratings

                     The Hiberband modem is not protected against overvoltages or reversed voltages. If
                     necessary, voltage spikes exceeding the power supply voltage specification as given in the
                     table above must be limited to values within the specified boundaries by using appropriate
                     protection measures.

2.2 Operating temperature ranges
      The following temperature ranges are defined for operation of the Hiberband modem:
      • Normal operating temperature: the Hiberband modem is fully functional and meets all its product
        specifications across the specified temperature range.
      • Extended operating temperature: the Hiberband modem is fully functional but RF performance may be

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HBR-DS-19001: Hiberband modem product datasheet                                                                                    Page 4

     The environmental operating ranges of the Hiberband modem are defined in table 3.

      Parameter      Description                                Min          Typ       Max        Unit

      Toperating     Typical operating temperature                           +25                  °C

                     Normal operating temperature               -30                    +70        °C

                     Extended operating temperature             -40                    +85        °C

     Table 3: Environmental conditions

2.3 Maximum ESD ratings
     The maximum ESD ratings of the Hiberband modem are specified in table 4.

      Parameter                                                 Max          Unit      Remarks

      ESD sensitivity for all pins except HB antenna            1000         V         Human Body Model according to JESD22-A114

      ESD sensitivity for HB antenna                            1000         V         Human Body Model according to JESD22-A114

      ESD immunity for HB antenna                               4000         V         Contact Discharge according to IEC 61000-4-2

                                                                8000         V         Air Discharge according to IEC 61000-4-2

     Table 4: ESD ratings

                     The Hiberband modem is an Electrostatic Sensitive Device (ESD) and requires appropriate
                     precautions when handling.

2.4 Power supply
     The power supply characteristics of the Hiberband modem are specified in table 5.

      Parameter      Description                                                 Min      Typ          Max      Unit

      VCC            Module supply voltage                                       3.2      3.3          3.9      V

      ICCpeak        Module peak current consumption through all VCC pins,                             1.8      A
                     during transmit burst at maximum power level, with a
                     matched antenna

                     Module peak current consumption through all VCC pins,                             2.2      A
                     during transmit burst at maximum power level, with a
                     mismatched antenna

     Table 5: Power supply specifications

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HBR-DS-19001: Hiberband modem product datasheet                                                                                                            Page 5

2.5 Current consumption
     The current consumption figures of the Hiberband modem are specified in table 6.

      Mode                              Condition                                                                                     Min   Typ    Max    Unit

      Hibernation Mode                  VCC = 3.3V                                                                                    0.5   0.7    1.5    µA

      Host Communication Mode           VCC = 3.3V                                                                                    10    20     25     mA

      Geo-location Mode                 VCC = 3.3V                                                                                    TBD   TBD    TBD    mA

      Hiberband Listen Mode             VCC = 3.3V; max. receive sensitivity                                                          20    23     30     mA

      Hiberband Transmission Mode       VCC = 3.3V; VREF = 3.0V; max. receive sensitivity and                                         100   1250   1500   mA
                                        output power

     Table 6: Hiberband modem current consumption

     When designing the application power supply, attention must be paid to the transient behaviour of the Hiberband
     modem current consumption when the transmitter power amplifier is turned on. In particular, the Hiberband
     transmission burst current consumption (figure 2) pattern needs to be taken into account. For comparison
     purposes, the current consumption for transmission of a continuous wave is shown in figure 3.

                                                                                                                                 T   BD
                                                                                                                      h   a vi
                                                                                                        ct u
                                                                                              ni cs
                                                                                        ct r
                                                                        il   ar
                                                           d   on
                                                  b    ase
                                          m en
                                    s ur
                              M   ea

     Figure 2: Hiberband transmission burst current consumption

                                                                                                                                 T   BD
                                                                                                                      h   a vi
                                                                                                        ct u
                                                                                              ni cs
                                                                                        ct r
                                                           d   on
                                                   b   ase
                                       re   m

     Figure 3: Hiberband modem transmitter current consumption (continuous wave)

     Both patterns were measured with the maximum +30 dBm transmission power.

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HBR-DS-19001: Hiberband modem product datasheet                                                                                  Page 6

2.6 Dynamic performance
     The dynamic performance figures of the Hiberband modem are given in table 7.

      Parameter                        Description                                          Min          Typ      Max        Unit

      TGNSS                            Duration for a GNSS fix                              TBD          TBD      TBD        s

      Tlisten                          Hiberband listen period                              10           80       120        s

      Ttransmit                        Hiberband transmission burst duration                280          400      500        ms

     Table 7: Hiberband modem dynamic performance

2.7 UART communication
     The communication parameters of both UARTs of the Hiberband modem are given in table 8.

      Parameter                        Description                                                       Value               Unit

      UARTbitrate                      Default UART bitrate (both UART interfaces)                       115.2               kbps

      UARTSDU                          Serial data format (databits, parity, stopbits)       8, no parity, 1 stopbit (8N1)       n.a.

     Table 8: UART communication parameters

2.8 Hiberband RF communication
     The frequency ranges of the Hiberband modem are given in table 9.

      Parameter                                          Min         Max         Unit       Remarks

      Hiberband frequency range             Uplink       399.90      400.02      MHz

                                            Downlink     400.15      401.00      MHz        Only for Hiberband network management

     Table 9: Hiberband modem RF frequency bands

     The RF receiver sensitivity figures of the Hiberband modem are given in table 10.

      Parameter                             Min          Typ         Max         Unit       Remarks

      Hiberband receiver sensitivity        TBD          TBD         TBD         dBm        50 source

     Table 10: Hiberband modem RF receiver sensitivity

     The RF transmission output power figures of the Hiberband modem are given in table 11.

      Parameter                                          Min         Max         Unit       Remarks

      Hiberband receiver transmit power     Normal       TBD         TBD         dBm        50 load

                                            Boost        20.0        31.7        dBm        50 load

     Table 11: Hiberband modem RF output power

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HBR-DS-19001: Hiberband modem product datasheet                                                                                         Page 7

2.9 Mechanical dimensions
     The mechanical drawing of the Hiberband modem is shown in figure 4.




     Figure 4: Mechanical drawing Hiberband modem

     The pin numbers have been omitted from figure 4. Please refer to section for pin assignment information.

      Parameter         Description                                               Typical                                Tolerance

      A                 Module length                                             27.0 mm                                +0.2/-0.2 mm

      B                 Module width                                              27.0 mm                                +0.2/-0.2 mm

      H                 Module height                                             4.2 mm                                 +0.3/-0.1 mm

     Table 12: Module dimensions

     The Hiberband modem an antenna pad for connection of an external antenna.

3    Typical application ciruit
     A typical interface between the application host processor, generally a microcontroller, and the Hiberband
     modem is shown in Figure 5.
                                   +3.3V                                                                         +3.3V

                                           VCC                                                             VCC
                                                       RXD                       SYS_TXD
                                                       TXD                       SYS_RXD

                                                       GPIO                      RESET
                                                       GPIO                      WKUP

                                           host application                              Hiberband modem

     Figure 5: Typical integration of a Hiberband modem with an application host processor

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HBR-DS-19001: Hiberband modem product datasheet                                                                Page 8

4    Hiberband modem design support
     Hiber is strongly committed to providing good support to its partners. In addition to documentation, Hiber offers
     CAD libraries, reference schematics and board layout footprints, that can be obtained upon request. Please
     contact us at for any assistance you may need.

5    Product ordering information
     Please find the product ordering information in the table below.

      Orderable device             Status                      Description

      HBR-19MDM001-001             Announced                   Hiberband modem, 2nd generation.

     Table 13: Hiberband modem product ordering codes

6    Revision history

      Date                   Revision            Changes

      February 12, 2019      1.0                 Initial document

      March 19, 2019         1.1                 Updated notices

     Table 14: Document revision history

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                                           IMPORTANT NOTICES – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

     FCC Interference Statement, Part 15.105(b): This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
     device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
     in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
     accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
     interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
     which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the
     following measures:
     • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
     • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
     • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
     • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
     FCC Part 15.21 Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the
     user's authority to operate the equipment.
     FCC Part 15.19(a) Statement: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
     conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
     interference that may cause undesired operation.”
     FCC/ISED RF Exposure Guidance Statement: In order to comply with FCC/ISED RF Exposure requirements, this device must be
     installed to provide at least 30 cm separation from the human body at all times. Afin de respecter les exigences de la FCC/ISED
     concernant l'exposition aux fréquences radio, ce système doit être installé pour assurer une séparation d'au moins 30 cm du corps
     humain à tout instant.

     Hiber BV, operating under the Hiber brand name, and its subsidiaries (“Hiber”), reserve the right to make changes, corrections,
     enhancements, modifications, and improvements to Hiber products and/or to this document at any time without notice. Purchasers
     should obtain the latest relevant information on Hiber products before placing orders. Hiber products are sold pursuant to Hiber’s
     terms and conditions of sale in place at the time of order acknowledgement.
     Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection, and use of Hiber products and Hiber assumes no liability for application
     assistance or the design of Purchasers’ products.
     No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property right is granted by Hiber herein.
     Resale of Hiber products with provisions different from the information set forth herein shall void any warranty granted by Hiber for
     such product. Hiber and the Hiber logo are trademarks of Hiber BV. All other product or service names are the property of their
     respective owners.
     Information in this document supersedes and replaces information previously supplied in any prior versions of this document.
     Company contact details can be found on Hiber’s corporate website at

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Document Created: 2019-03-19 12:01:43
Document Modified: 2019-03-19 12:01:43

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