SAR report part 4

FCC ID: 2ASCZ2019WT005

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Callbration Laboratory of                        Aevemmane   mss
Schmid & Parmer                                5 inanamtmmmg
  Engneetng AG                                 O uns mmmn d
terplma meotssenmies                           § mnrcmmatens
oreasenyee tccemaense n                        Aneemuscaia: SS 0108
ThSnrrnauaentve isowthsnaoreneth
lawl                                      onsousernox

 ‘ie cecanicwocme mtnsnse             maneirinonaneermien n
 [recmnmnnwve encunarines mtano gonoounrapet onutt cantoms
 snsw se snt mum uy asormnungumen isarc oon«s
 earmatoumerastutt ontrcator
 re meoes          o«        cxomcememem)
 mvmaner           acrom     ceonsc               hew
 Irmmmivem         w mu      cunerieacun
 ommm              m mas     soverresmaun         Pad
 Inwveema smm      |ncuroe   oneipncmeun          K
 Iprimnmnonman ncuosiowr woevie                   Aew
 RMrmareew toon.   |acier            oooce         se
 ous               mm        muirge uman  n        se
 sesn              or        cunoumizas            wwasnsons
 recemmic          iocaanmun consnem    cz         nraneus  amit
 reorwersioan      ocmome onentecvcm               ntassusc anis
 rrormeeticm       lacamone  eneutemm              noases ante
 inpnmenie m        scmmonre onmemee    eien       neoereac in
 Imonionneie enae   .ncs on momeaeaoorn            nemaes.cors
                    uce            feom            srem

                                                      mt ravaymm
  |(no cesc tnputcn onunw oooreoo
 centere e cancnimrems             smm

Callbration Laboratory of                                           5. sominitertatbiesinn
Sehmid & Partner                                                       Sevcemm dtuimcem
  Engineering AG                                                    5. mnoronimeniim
Inapamenon6too tw tetvates                                          8. irancommtcntonne
Aavuausyne Su rremaiSvce 8                                           Acrnsuscan: $C$.0108
To bwieecaintevceion t e sipntoensne th
Hmen Agmemene recprie o canotoncustcae
ToL                tissue simulaing levid
Come               senstiity in TSL / NORM ycz
Na                 not appleable onot measured
Clibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a) 1EEE Sid 1920—2019, TEEE Recommended Practcefor Determining the Paak Spatia—
      Averaged Specifc Absorpton Rate (SAR) in the Human Head fom Wreloss
      Communications Devices: Measuremont Techniques‘, June 2019
   b) 120 62200—1,‘Measurement procedurefor the assessmant of Spacifc Absorplon Rate
      (§AR) from hand—held and body—mounted devices used next t the ear (requency range of
      300 Mz to 6 GHa)\ Juy 2016
   ) 120 62200—2, ‘Procedure t detarmine t Spocific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wreloss
      communication devicas used in clase proximity o the human body (equency range of 30
      Mii to 6 GHa) Mareh 2010
   «) KDB 865664,"SAR Measurement Requrements for 100 Mz to 6 Gitz*
Addtional Documentation:
   ) DABYA Syetom Handbook
Methods Applied and Interprotation of Paramators:
   * Measurement Conditons: Furterdetals ar availale from the Valiation Reportat the end
       of the certicate. Alfigures stated in the contficate aro vald atthe frequency ncleated.
   + Antenna Paramaters wth TSL: Th dipale is mounted wih the spacerto postton ts fand
       point exacty below the centermarking oth fat phantom section, wththe arms oriented
       paralel to the body ax‘s.
   + Feed Point Impedance and Retun Loss:These parametars are measured wih ho              dipolo
      positoned underthe iquid    filed phanton.   The   impedance stated is tanstormed from the
      measurement at the SA      comnector   to he  feed  pointThe  Return Loss ensures lw
       reflcted power. No unceriainty required.
   + Eltreal Dolay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antenna faed point.
       No unceriint required.
       SAR measuredt SAR measured atthe stated antenna input power.
       SAR normalizet SAR as measured, nomalized t an input power of 1 W atthe anterna
   + SAfor nominal TSL paramaters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calcuate the
       norinal SAR resul.
 "The reported uncertainty of measurement is forsialed as the standard uncertainy o measurement
 multpled by the coverage factor ke2, which a nomal dstrbution cormepond to a coverage
 probabily o approsmately 95%.

centarene omomce resis                      poszsis

Measurement Conditions
   OMym corigrnton, s t sn              on page 1
    DASY ¥erion                                 wan                              vsieo
    Exrapoaion                             Rnrees Enmosaton
    Framion                                  EixraPmn                  Statnsoss 2262 mm
    inince Dpca Coner—TSC                       omm                         w ce
    Zoon Scanesotaion                        porems
    Freeney                                   omcs rune

Head TSL parameters
   Te foloung panatenandcacators war agpiec
                                                    Tenpersize   _|_remmiity       _|_Condvctiiy
    Honia eadTS perncies                              roo           as              sarmam
    Hessureaead TS poanaore                         @ozon‘e       |_arzex         ommemaen
    Haad TStampertiechange durng test                 <ose           —
SAR result with Head TSL
    SA aramgnt ve 1 on?totiens To               Cndtcn
    SA neswes                                 onl reapon                        mewso
    SAo raninalend T5t uns                      romaizesio n         on w a nsstm
    SA avngnt o1oen? 00 ot enTsk                   wroren
    S nesued                                   Homn w pome               cravie
    Soraninaaad 5t pannnien                     romatzesio tw        soowne a 17e x ten

Body TSL parameters
  Tha stong paanotrs in enieatere w acciec
                                                    Tenperste    _|_rermimaty      _|_contucbiiy
    Nomial BodyT5 pamcre                              En             ser            ostmtom
    Weanired Bots TSt porimaies                     pzszomre      |_sores         osntameen
    oo TSL tenperstir change durng es                 cesc           z                  2
SAR result with Body TL
    SA meriged ove 1 on" t i atBeiy Tt             Gmaiten
    SAmeamns                                   zonreapoee                 um
    SWt rerinalBoty T5 sanmawrs                 romaizaio it         aar ue is s tm
    SR maged or10 en?caiorBoay TS     wroten
    S nessued                     Fomtireapooe                            oravite
    Sitorranialtody TS uancis      romatzesia tw                      sorung 17e ston

cuntoreneoisorniesrevie                     Papacts

Appendix (Addtional assessments outside the scope of SCS 0108)
Antenna Parameters with Head TSL
    ingasicevarsomed i on pore                               wen—szm
    sn ions                                                   crre

Antenna Parameters with Body TS
    ingedarcnvarsomad i en pore                              sin—som
    Favemiow                                                  —mam

General Antonna Parameters and Dosign
   Coormer==                                |                   am
Afeang arun wth 100M radan pover, n a sgn wang o h dpol nat feespsin c b meanend
Th olsn mad t vandar eniig comalcatie Th cerercontetr of h fenng ie i decty comeca o te
secod am o i ts Th iess raoeshrtcrtn o aignai O tone o the tpleamaen cape
w addadts e dpci arms n orda is nprom matting uhn eaded accoing o h pouton as mntanes in e
‘MeamrenentGoniton® parigach Th SAFdte w atcnd t h charg Th oveat Gpol langn is
accoing e Snd
No arcevive ose mont barpin o e apae ama,becuse hy migh brd ore saiindcomectonsnaa e
Addional EUT Data
    rendtacwraty                                              swere
    werdaciredon                                            Exmcen

centean ho pisorsreerevis                Papeots

DASY5 Validation Report for Head TL
TestLaboratog: SPEAG, Zurich, Swizerand
DU7T: Dipole 450 Mitz DesoV "Type: DSOV3;Seril Dasova— sNct102
Communicaon System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 40 Mite
Meduparameters id: (=450 Mitz:0 =087 Sim: 6 =43.7;p = 000 ki‘
Phantomsecton: MatSection
Measurement Sundart DASYS (EEEAECANSH 0%.19—2011)
DASYS2 Confipurion
    +. Probe EX3DVH— SN3UT7; ComR(10$, 105, 10.9); Calbrted: 0.12.2017;
    +. SensorSurfic: L4i(Mechanical cfiDotetion)
    +. Blectonic: DABH Sn6d: Calitraed: 24072017
    + Phantom: EL 0; Type: QDOVAOOIRB: Sera T9:o2
    .. pasyse s 100(40 s sevcab x 100417

Dipole Calibration for Head Tssue/      Smm, Pin=230mW/Zoom Scan (Px7x7Cube 0:
   surement grid: d     dysSmm, i
Referenc Value =43.13 V/m: Power Drit 001 dB
Pesk SAR (cumpolated)= 173 We
                        10 3= 0709 We
Masimumvalueof SAR (measord) = 1S1 Whig
               oan = 151 Wig = 179 dbWag

centemn i: oursiiee.ravis                 Porsats

impedance Measurement Plot for Head TL

        l ae n             ussen

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                                   i_—if         »4
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        o0 s uoo steng on in                   yormasy o ommon

Centcrene oesornieerevis             Prptors

DASY3 Validation Report for Body TSL
                                                                     bae: 23022018
TestLaboratog: SPEAG, Zurich, Swirerland
DUT: Dipale 480M« DISOV3; Type: DISOV3; Seril: DS0V3      102
Communicaion Symtem: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 40 Mite
Mediumparmeter ied: 450 Mite: = 093 Simc = 36p = 000 in‘
Phantom section: Mat Secton
Measirement Sundant: DASYS (EEBEC/ANS1 C6.19—2011)
DASYS2 Confipuation
   +. Probe: EX3DV— SN3A77;ConsRIO8, 104, 10 Caliared: 30.12.2017;

   +. Electonics: DABH So6§é: Caliboted: 24072017
   +. Phintom: ELE vd0; Type: QDOVAOOIR:Seral: T9: on
   +. pasysesi0004i9;s meanx is ogam)

Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/ ISmim, Pin=250mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x7/Cube 0:
Meassrement grid: de=oum, dyeSoum, i im
Reference Value m 41.23 V/m; Power Drit 01 as
Posk SA(exmpolated)= 171 We
SARC w = L1 Wige SARCIO ) 0749 We
Maximumvaloe of SAR (measured) 1.50Whkg


              0 an = 10 wig = 176 BWwz

Centean o oasorsiee.revis              Paperots

  Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

        en m n o n                   coomie manyr        camensne

        o                                xk   1

        00 y ion        t en omm                pcmarrer onmermiie



Cuatcan ho. onenreons                Prgstors

Document Created: 2018-09-04 16:50:36
Document Modified: 2018-09-04 16:50:36

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