RF exposure assessment


RF Exposure Info

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                                               PowerBox-Systems GmbH

                                                    Ludwig-Auer-Straße 5
                                                     86609 Donauwörth

                                                    Tel.: +49 906 99999-0

                                            EMC test report

                                              PowerBox-Systems GmbH

All test results apply to the tested sample only.
   Multiplication and publication is prohibited
   unless written consent has been provided
 beforehand by the EMV TESTHAUS GmbH

              EMV TESTHAUS GmbH
                             Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35
                                  94315 Straubing
                             Tel.: +49 9421 56868-0
                            Fax: +49 9421 56868-100
                          Email: info@emv-testhaus.com


                    FCC test firm accreditation expiration date: 2021-05-30
                      MRA US-EU, FCC designation number: DE0010
                       BnetzA-CAB-02/21-02/5 Valid until 2023-11-26
                            Recognized on March 14th, 2019 by the
         Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada
                                as a wireless testing laboratory
                                    CAB identifier: DE0011

                                 Location of Testing:

                              EMV TESTHAUS GmbH
                              Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35
                                 94315 Straubing

The technical accuracy is guaranteed through the quality management of the
                         EMV TESTHAUS GmbH.

                                                                      PowerBox-Systems GmbH
                 EMV TESTHAUS GmbH
                 Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35
                    94315 Straubing
                                                            171026-AU03+W03            Page 2 of 12

                                                       Table of contents

1     Test regulations ........................................................................................................................ 4
2     Summary of test results ............................................................................................................ 5
3     Equipment under test (EUT) ..................................................................................................... 6
4     Photographs of EUT ................................................................................................................. 6
5     Test results ............................................................................................................................... 7
    5.1     FCC ................................................................................................................................... 8
    5.2     Canada ............................................................................................................................ 10
6     Revision history ...................................................................................................................... 12

                                                            List of tables

Table 1: Limits for maximum permissible exposure (MPE) according to table 1 of §1.1310(e) ........9
Table 2: Result of MPE....................................................................................................................9
Table 3: Result of MPE..................................................................................................................11

                                                                                                   PowerBox-Systems GmbH
                                        EMV TESTHAUS GmbH
                                        Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35
                                           94315 Straubing
                                                                                       171026-AU03+W03                          Page 3 of 12

1            Test regulations

Standard                                             Title
RSS-102                                              Spectrum Management and Telecommunications
Issue 5                                              Radio Standards Specification
March 2015                                           Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Compliance of Radio
                                                     communication Apparatus (All Frequency Bands)
SPR-002                                              Spectrum Management and Telecommunications
Issue 1                                              Supplementary Procedure
September 2016                                       Supplementary Procedure for Assessing Compliance
                                                     with RSS-102 Nerve Stimulation Exposure Limits
Safety Code 6 (2015)                                 Limits of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency
                                                     Electromagnetic Energy in the Frequency Range from
                                                     3 kHz to 300 GHz
IEEE C95.3-2002 (R2008)                              IEEE Recommended Practice for Measurements and
Approved December 11, 2002                           Computations of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic
Reaffirmed June 12, 2008                             Fields With Respect to Human Exposure to Such
                                                     Fields, 100 kHz–300 GHz
KDB 680106 D01                                       RF Exposure Considerations for Low Power Consumer
May 31, 2013                                         Wireless Power Transfer Applications
(published by the Federal Communications
Commission FCC)
 OET Bulletin 65, 65A, 65B Edition 97-01, August     Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for
 1997                                                Human Exposure to Radio Frequency
                                                     Electromagnetic Fields

Part 1, Subpart I, Section 1.1310                    Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits

Part 1, Subpart 2, Section 2.1091                    Radiofrequency radiation exposure evaluation:
                                                     mobile devices.
Part 1, Subpart 2, Section 2.1093                    Radiofrequency radiation exposure evaluation:
                                                     portable device
KDB 447498 D01 v06                                   Mobile and portable devices RF Exposure
                                                     procedures and equipment authorisation
                                                     policies, October 23, 2015.

KDB 865664 D01                                       SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz
                                                     to 6 GHz,
                                                     August 7, 2015.

ANSI C95.1: 2005                                     IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with respect to
                                                     Human Exposure to Radio Frequency
                                                     Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz

                                                                      PowerBox-Systems GmbH
                            EMV TESTHAUS GmbH
                            Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35
                               94315 Straubing
                                                              171026-AU03+W03              Page 4 of 12

2           Summary of test results

Standard                                               Result               Remark
RSS-102 Issue 5 March 2015                             Passed               ---
Part 1, Subpart 2, Section 2.1091                      Passed               ---

Straubing, October 14, 2019

            Konrad Graßl                                      Christian Kiermeier
       Head of radio department                               Technical executive
       EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                    EMV TESTHAUS GmbH

                                                                PowerBox-Systems GmbH
                             EMV TESTHAUS GmbH
                             Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35
                                94315 Straubing
                                                      171026-AU03+W03             Page 5 of 12

3           Equipment under test (EUT)

Product type:                   Receiver
Model Name:                     PBR-9D
Manufacturer:                   PowerBox-Systems GmbH
Serial number:                  n.a.
FCC ID:                         2ASCM-PBR-09D
IC certification number:        24594-PBR09D
Application frequency band:     2400 MHz – 2483.5 MHz
Antenna types:                  Wire antenna
                                ☐ detachable         ☒ not detachable
Power supply:                   DC supply
                                nominal voltage: 5 V
Type of device:                 ☐      Body-supported device
                                ☐       Body-worn (or body-mount) radio
                                ☐       Limb-Worn device
                                ☒       other
Separation distance:            ☐       ≤ 20 cm
                                ☒       > 20 cm
Evaluated against exposure      ☒       General public use
                                ☐       Controlled use

4           Photographs of EUT

See Annex B

                                                                  PowerBox-Systems GmbH
                           EMV TESTHAUS GmbH
                           Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35
                              94315 Straubing
                                                           171026-AU03+W03            Page 6 of 12

5            Test results

This clause gives details about the test results as collected on page 5.

The climatic conditions are recorded during the tests. It is ensured that the climatic conditions are
within the following ranges:

 Ambient temperature                 Ambient humidity                      Ambient pressure
 15°C to 35°C                        30 % to 75 %                          86 kPa to 106 kPa

                                                                     PowerBox-Systems GmbH
                            EMV TESTHAUS GmbH
                            Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35
                               94315 Straubing
                                                             171026-AU03+W03             Page 7 of 12

5.1          FCC

5.1.1        Evaluation for separation distance > 20 cm, except WPT

Reference:               Part 1, Subpart 2, Section 2.1091
Basic standard:          n/a

Performed by:            Konrad Graßl                   Date of test:         October 14, 2019

Result:                  ☒ Limits kept                  ☐ Limits not kept      Data of equipment under test (EUT)
Note: The data for the RF technology is taken out of the Test report 171026-AU03+W01 of the test
laboratory EMV Testhaus GmbH

Antenna connector:                        permanent
Antenna detachable:                       No
Maximum antenna gain:                     0 dBi
Maximum conducted output power            19.04 dBm at 2401.984 MHz
Operation frequency range:                2400 MHz – 2483.5 MHz
Tune-up tolerance:                        ±1 dB
Applicable duty cycle:                    As worst case not applied

                                                                        PowerBox-Systems GmbH
                               EMV TESTHAUS GmbH
                               Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35
                                  94315 Straubing
                                                                 171026-AU03+W03            Page 8 of 12      Requirements and limits for separation distance > 20 cm
This estimation follows the general guidelines for RF Exposure according to KDB 447498.

As noted in §2.1091(b) a mobile device is defined as “a transmitting device designed to be used in
other than fixed locations and to generally be used in such a way that a separation distance of at
least 20 centimeters is normally maintained between the transmitter's radiating structure(s) and
the body of the user or nearby persons.”
According to §2.1091(c) the limits to be used for evaluation are defined in §1.1310.

As specified in §1.1310(d)(2) at operating frequencies less than or equal to 6 GHz, the limits for
maximum permissible exposure (MPE), derived from whole-body SAR limits and listed in Table 1
of §1.1310(e) may be used.

  Frequency range       Electric field       Magnetic field      Power density          Averaging time
                           strength            strength
       (MHz)                 (V/m)               (A/m)             (mW/cm )                 (minutes)
                           (A) Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure
0.3 - 3.0                              614                1.63                *100                          6
3.0 - 30                            1842/f              4.89/f            *900/f2                           6
30 - 300                              61.4              0.163                  1.0                          6
300 - 1500                                                                   f/300                          6
1500 - 100000                                                                    5                          6
                      (B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
0.3 - 1.34                             614                1.63                *100                         30
1.34 - 30                            824/f              2.19/f             *180/f                          30
30 - 300                              27.5              0.073                  0.2                         30
300 - 1500                                                                 f/1500                          30
1500 - 100000                                                                  1.0                         30

   Table 1: Limits for maximum permissible exposure (MPE) according to table 1 of §1.1310(e)

1. f = frequency in MHz.
2. * = Plane-wave equivalent power density.      Results
 Channel              PEIRP                P           P           Pd            Limit Pd         Result
Frequency       + tuneup tolerance       (mW)         (W)       (mW/cm2)        (mW/cm2)
  (MHz)               (dBm)
2401.984              20.04            100.925      0.1009       0.0201               1.0        Passed

                                      Table 2: Result of MPE

                                                                    PowerBox-Systems GmbH
                           EMV TESTHAUS GmbH
                           Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35
                              94315 Straubing
                                                             171026-AU03+W03                Page 9 of 12

5.2          Canada

5.2.1        Evaluation for separation distance > 20 cm,
                    except 3 kHz – 10 MHz

Reference:               RSS 102
Basic standard:          n/a

Performed by:            Konrad Graßl                   Date of test:         October 14, 2019

Result:                  ☒ Limits kept                  ☐ Limits not kept      Data of equipment under test (EUT)
Note: The data for the RF technology is taken out of the Test report 171026-AU03+W01 of the test
laboratory EMV Testhaus GmbH.

Antenna connector:                        permanent
Antenna detachable:                       No
Maximum antenna gain:                     0 dBi
Maximum conducted output power            19.04 dBm at 2401.984 MHz
Operation frequency range:                2400 MHz – 2483.5 MHz
Tune-up tolerance:                        ±1 dB
Applicable duty cycle:                    As worst case not applied

                                                                        PowerBox-Systems GmbH
                               EMV TESTHAUS GmbH
                               Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35
                                  94315 Straubing
                                                                 171026-AU03+W03            Page 10 of 12      Exemption Limits for Routine Evaluation – RF Exposure

According to RSS 102 Clause 2.5.2:
RF exposure evaluation is required if the separation distance between the user and/or bystander
and the device’s radiating element is greater than 20 cm, except when the device operates as
• below 20 MHz6 and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is equal to
or less than 1 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance);
• at or above 20 MHz and below 48 MHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of
the device is equal to or less than 4.49/ƒ0.5 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance), where ƒ is in MHz;
• at or above 48 MHz and below 300 MHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p.
of the device is equal to or less than 0.6 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance);
• at or above 300 MHz and below 6 GHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of
the device is equal to or less than 1.31 x 10-2 ƒ0.6834 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance), where ƒ is
in MHz;
• at or above 6 GHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is equal
to or less than 5 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance).

In these cases, the information contained in the RF exposure technical brief may be limited to
information that demonstrates how the e.i.r.p. was derived.      Results

     Channel                    PEIRP                    P                Limit            Result
    Frequency             + tuneup tolerance            (W)               (W)
      (MHz)                     (dBm)
    2401.984                    20.04                  0.1009             2.70             Passed

                                       Table 3: Result of MPE

                                                                    PowerBox-Systems GmbH
                            EMV TESTHAUS GmbH
                            Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35
                               94315 Straubing
                                                            171026-AU03+W03             Page 11 of 12

6        Revision history

Revision Date           Issued by              Description of modifications
    0    2019-10-14     Konrad Graßl           First edition

                                                          PowerBox-Systems GmbH
                      EMV TESTHAUS GmbH
                      Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35
                         94315 Straubing
                                                 171026-AU03+W03              Page 12 of 12

Document Created: 2019-10-14 11:27:05
Document Modified: 2019-10-14 11:27:05

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