user manual


Users Manual

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                                                                            Instruction Manual                      *This feature may not be implemented in the initial series.                                                 02/2019

Dear customer,                                                                                                      7. INSTALLATION, DEPLOYING THE AERIALS
we are delighted that you have decided to purchase a PowerBox receiver, which almost certainly repre-
sents the most highly developed and most advanced transmitting and receiving system for your valuab-                All PowerBox receivers    @              
le models available anywhere in the modelling world. Unprecedented range in the 2.4 GHz band, and                   to vibration and shock. In most models the receivers can simply be attached to a smooth surface inside
ultra-fast, ultra-precise data transfer in both directions - these are the outstanding features of this radio       the model using double-sided adhesive tape.
                                                                                                                    The ideal method of aerial deployment varies greatly according to the model, the fuselage material and
1. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION                                                                                                   ( N    #)            -
                                                                                                                    lage, as this guarantees optimum reception regardless of the materials of which the model is made.
          PowerBox receivers are by no means “receivers” in
the usual sense; they are “transceivers”. They are capable of transmitting and receiving at the same data
rate and the same range as the associated system transmitter.                                                       8. OTHER SETTINGS
All PowerBox receivers                      
is one of the factors which make the system’s extremely long range possible. The PowerBox radio link is             The receiver offer a number of optional settings which can be selected at the transmitter and sent via the
a hopping system which uses at least 66 of 198 possible channels. An intelligent hopping sequence is                radio link:
employed, ensuring interference-free operation even when the frequency band is heavily used.                        • Frame rate*Q     (   B #   (   CR#
 !"         receiver#  "  PBR-                 • As an option, the data output can be set to any of three types*: FastTrack, SRXL, channel 8 / 10 (PBR7S / 9D)

8E, PBR-9D and PBR-26D                   ( !   #                            • Hold / Failsafe:              N)  #
Other systems feature two aerials, switching between them 50-50, but if one aerial loses the signal,
50% of the information is inevitably lost; our design does not suffer that drawback. There are also no
switching diodes which have a damping effect on the signal as it arrives; this has a particularly adverse           9. NOTES ON OPERATION
effect on the radio chip.
In contrast, both the receive units in PowerBox receivers pick up the data packet in undamped form, and             All PowerBox receivers are able to transmit battery voltage and reception quality by default. The follo-
subject it to a full analysis. If one of the two packets contain errors, or if the signal strength is poor, or if   wing values are transmitted:
the signal is completely absent, the data packet picked up by the other receive unit is used, and passed to
the servo outputs or digital outputs. The result is a 100% signal even if one aerial is completely blocked.         • Battery voltage: this shows the voltage present at the servo sockets. Please note: if you are using a
                                                                                                                      regulated battery backer, the value shown here is the regulated voltage, not the battery voltage.
FEATURES:                                                                                                           • RSSI: (      (         =   ( #
+ 2.4 GHz receiver matching the CORE radio control system                                                           • LQI: this value indicates the reception quality in percentage form. The value is calculated by the receiver,
+ one or two receive units                                                                                            based on the number of lost data packets and the power level over time.
+ extreme interference rejection                                                                                    LQI is a very instructive value providing information about the quality of the radio link. In order to monitor
+ ultra-long range                                                                                                  it fully, we recommend that you set up a widget at the Telemetry screen showing the LQI value, and set an
+ high-performance real-time telemetry                                                                              alarm threshold of 60% to 70%. This ensures that any reception problem immediately triggers an alarm
+ integral telemetry for reception quality and battery voltage                                                      to make you aware of the situation.

2. FEATURES AND CONNECTIONS                                                                                         10. SPECIFICATION

                                                                                  ) '!                                                     PBR-5S        PBR-7S        PBR-8E            PBR-9D          PBR-26D

                                                                                  7K=L     (          ) B                                                                 2.4GHz
                                                                                  port                               Operating voltage                                                    4.0 - 9.0V

                                                                                                                     Number of transmitted channels                             \‚    7K=L  ƒ

                                                                                                                     Number of PWM outputs                       5              7               8                9               0

                                                                                                                      (                                              4096 steps (12-bit)

                                                                                                                     Number of receive units                     1              1               2                2               2
PWM outputs                                                                                                          Range (line of sight)                                                    > 9km

                                                                                                                     Telemetry                                                                 yes

                                                                                                                     7K=L                         yes            yes             no             yes              yes
To ensure that PBR receivers                        -                 ) '                            no            yes             no             yes              yes
ply sockets. The power supply should always be connected to one of the front servo outputs; use a Y-lead
if none of these sockets is vacant. The data sockets of the PBR-7S and PBR-9D should not be used for                 Parameter setting from the radio           yes            yes             no             yes              yes
the power supply, as the maximum current they can handle is 5A.
                                                                                                                     Dimensions                              44x20x12mm 52x22x12mm 62x25x17mm 57x27x12mm 48x25x10mm

                                                                                                                     Weight                                      7g           12g              16g            17g              10g
                                                                                                                     Temperature range                                                 -10°C to +85°C
The receivers can be bound using either of two methods:

                                                                                                  11. SET CONTENTS
 /"3       #7 <= >        
         (   #    =        ( /"                  - PowerBox receiver
       3  #?       (                             - adhesive pad
             #                                                                               $    %  "

                                                                                          12. SERVICE NOTE
   After this you connect the receiver to a power supply: the transmitter now binds with the receiver.
                                                                                                                    & '  (     (   (      (           )
                                                                                                                    which covers all queries relating to our products. It gives you the opportunity to obtain help quickly all
5. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE SOCKETS                                                                              round the clock - even at weekends. All the answers are provided by the PowerBox Team, guaranteeing
                                                                                                                    that the information is correct.
a) PWM outputs A1 - I9                                                                                              Please use the Support Forum before you contact us by telephone:
 7&@    B    CEEF          ?EE#?
         (              #)    
    PBR-9D can be set to generate outputs 10 - 19 as well as channels 1 - 9.*
                                                                                                                    13. GUARANTEE CONDITIONS
b) P²-BUS
                7K=L           (   #       We are able to grant a 36 month guarantee on our PowerBox receiver from the initial date of purchase.
      When the system is switched on, all the sensors connected to this socket are scanned, and displayed           The guarantee covers proven material faults, which will be corrected by us at no charge to you.
      at the transmitter.                                                                                           The guarantee does not cover damage caused by incorrect usage, e.g. reverse polarity, excessive vibra-
 7K=L'        (             USB interface adapter.                tion, excessive voltage, damp, fuel, and short-circuits. The same applies to defects due to severe wear.

c) FastTrack / Data                                                                                                 14. LIABILITY EXCLUSION
=   '   ^_/`    (     
      battery backers, and therefore acts as a universal interface for third-party accessories.                     We are not in a position to ensure that you observe our instructions regarding installation of the Power-
      However, this socket can also be employed for real-time sensors (FastTrack), which can be used for            Box receiver                      
      directly controlling or regulating the servo outputs. A typical use is for the iGyro SAT.*                    system competently.

6. MEANING OF THE LED DISPLAY                                                                                       arise due to the use or operation of the PowerBox receiver, or             PowerBox-Systems GmbH
                                                                                                                    which are connected with such use in any way. Regardless of                             
    /"  (         (   Q                                                  the legal arguments employed, our obligation to pay damages                / ?  † ‡
                                                                                                                    is limited to the invoice total of our products which were invol-          D-86609 Donauwoerth
• continuous green light: the receiver is bound to the transmitter; signal strength is adequate                     ved in the event, insofar as this is deemed legally permissible.           Germany
}3    Q   (   
}3  Q   (  '                                                              We wish you loads of fun with your new PowerBox receiver!                        +49-906-99 99 9-200
                                                                                                                                                                                                     +49-906-99 99 9-209
                                                                                                                                    ) \]CF                          


FCC InFormAtion
PowerBox-Systems GmbH ‘ / ?  †  ‡ ‘ R]F ’  ‘ %  ‘

1. FCC Warning
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To maintain compliance with )ˆˆ N ^) exposure guidelines, the distance must be at least 20cm between the radiator
and your body, and fully supported by the operating and installation configurations of the transmitter and its antenna(s).

2. IC Warning
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Compliance Information for the European Union
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Instructions for disposal of WEEE by users in the European Union
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Document Created: 2019-08-20 16:33:06
Document Modified: 2019-08-20 16:33:06

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