RF Exposure Info


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                Page 1 of 8                        Report No.: OT-196-RWD-017


         Test Report No.               : OT-196-RWD-017

         AGR No.                       : A194A-065

         Applicant                     : AMOSENSE

         Address                       : 56 Naruteo-ro, Seocho-gu, SEOUL, South Korea

         Manufacturer                  : AMOSENSE

         Address                       : 56 Naruteo-ro, Seocho-gu, SEOUL, South Korea

         Type of Equipment             : ATOZ

         FCC ID.                       : 2AS9T-SB52SW

         Model Name                    : SB52-SW

         Serial number                 : N/A

         Total page of Report          : 8 pages (including this page)

         Date of Incoming              : May 21, 2019

         Date of issue                 : June 10, 2019

         The equipment complies with the regulation; FCC PART 15 SUBPART C Section 15.225, 15.247
         This test report only contains the result of a single test of the sample supplied for the examination.
         It is not a generally valid assessment of the features of the respective products of the mass-production.

        Reviewed by:                                                            Approved by:
                            Tae-Ho, Kim / Senior Manager                                         Ki-Hong, Nam / Chief Engineer
                            ONETECH Corp.                                                        ONETECH Corp.

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

        Nusd                                                               Page 2 of 8                                    Report No.: OT—196—RWD—017



1. VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE                                                                                                                                                     4

2. GENERAL INFORMATION                                                                                                                                                            5

  2.A PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:. ... 000000 n0n0 en nnennenne en en en en en en en en en en en en en en nnenne en en en en nnennnne en en nnennennennennennennennen 5

  2.2 ALTERNATIVE TYPE(S/MODEL(S); ALSO COVERED BY THIS TEST REPORT. ................00.0000000000000e00en0eneenmenmenmenmenmnmnee. 5

3. EUT MODIFICATIONS                                                                                                                                                              5

4. MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE                                                                                                                                                   6

  4.1 RF EXPOSURE CALCULATION ...                                                                                                                                         ....6

  4.2 TEST RESULT FOR BLUETOOTH LB .20. 0 0 0                                                                                                                           n en en e ns 7

  4.3 TEST RESULT FOR WLAN 2.4 GBIZ .. ... 22. 00. 00000000 e0en0 e enneenrenrenrenrenrenrenrenrenrenrenrenrenrenrenrenrenrenrene en en en en en en en en nnennennenne 8

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approvalof ONETECH Corp.                                                                  EMC—003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.; 43—14, Jinsaegol—gil, Chowol—cup, Gwangju—si, Gyeonggi—do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82—31—799—9500, FAX: 82—31—799—9599)

                                                                Page 3 of 8                         Report No.: OT-196-RWD-017

                                                             Revision History
 Rev. No.          Issue Report No.                     Issued Date                           Revisions                 Section Affected
     0            OT-196-RWD-017                       June 10, 2019                        Initial Release                     All

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                                Page 4 of 8                        Report No.: OT-196-RWD-017

Applicant           : AMOSENSE
Address             : 56 Naruteo-ro, Seocho-gu, SEOUL, South Korea
Manufacturer        : AMOSENSE
Address             : 56 Naruteo-ro, Seocho-gu, SEOUL, South Korea
Factory             : AMO VINA CO,,LTD
Address             : Lot CN12, Khai Quang industrial Park, Khai Quang Ward, Vinh Yen City, Vinh Phuc Province, Vietnam
Contact Person : UIHAN JEONG/Research Engineer
Telephone No. : +82-010-4948-5676
FCC ID              : 2AS9T-SB52SW
Model Name          : SB52-SW
Brand Name          :-
Serial Number : N/A
Date                : June 10, 2019

 EQUIPMENT CLASS                                   DTS – DIGITAL TRNSMISSION SYSTEM
 E.U.T. DESCRIPTION                                ATOZ
 THIS REPORT CONCERNS                              Original Grant
 MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES                            ANSI C63.10: 2013
 TYPE OF EQUIPMENT TESTED                          Pre-Production
 EQUIPMENT WILL BE OPERATED                        FCC PART 15 SUBPART C Section 15.225, 15.247
 UNDER FCC RULES PART(S)                           558074 D01 15.225, 15.247 Meas Guidance v05r02
 Modifications on the Equipment to
 Achieve Compliance
 Final Test was Conducted On                       3 m, Semi Anechoic Chamber

-. The above equipment was tested by ONETECH Corp. for compliance with the requirement set forth in the FCC Rules
   and Regulations. This said equipment in the configuration described in this report, shows the maximum emission levels
   emanating from equipment are within the compliance requirements.

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                                Page 5 of 8                        Report No.: OT-196-RWD-017


2.1 Product Description
The AMOSENSE, Model SB52-SW (referred to as the EUT in this report) is a ATOZ. The product specification described
herein was obtained from product data sheet or user’s manual.

  DEVICE TYPE                ATOZ
  Temperature Range          -20 °C ~ 50 °C
                             NFC                         13.56 MHz
  OPERATING                  Sig Fox                     902.137 5 MHz ~ 904.662 5 MHz
  FREQUENCY                  Bluetooth LE                2 402 MHz ~ 2 480 MHz
                             WLAN 2.4 GHz                2 412 MHz ~ 2 462 MHz (802.11b/g/n(HT20))
                             NFC                         ASK

                             Sig Fox                     DBPSK
                             Bluetooth LE                GFSK
                                                         802.11b: DSSS Modulation(DBPSK/DQPSK/CCK)
                             WLAN 2.4 GHz
                                                         802.11g/n(HT20): OFDM Modulation(BPSK/QPSK/16QAM/64QAM)
                             NFC                         38.11 dBμV/m

                             Sig Fox                     21.04 dBm
  RF OUTPUT                  Bluetooth LE                0.18 dBm
  POWER’                                                 2.52 dBm(802.11b)
                             WLAN 2.4 GHz                1.02 dBm(802.11g)
                                                         0.84 dBm(802.11n_HT20)
                                                         NFC: PCB Antenna
  ANTENNA TYPE                                           Sig Fox : Chip Antenna
                                                         WLAN 2.4 GHz / Bluetooth LE : Chip Antenna
                                                         WLAN 2.4 GHz / Bluetooth LE : 3.3 dBi
                                                         Sig Fox : 0.4 dBi
  List of each Osc. or crystal
                                                         26 MHz, 32 MHz, 50 MHz
  Freq.(Freq. >= 1 MHz)

2.2 Alternative type(s)/model(s); also covered by this test report.
-. None

-. None

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                                Page 6 of 8                        Report No.: OT-196-RWD-017


4.1 RF Exposure Calculation
According to the FCC rule 1.1310 table 1B, the limit for the maximum permissible RF exposure for an uncontrolled
environment are f/1500 mW/cm² for the frequency range between 300 MHz and 1 500 MHz and 1.0 mW/cm² for the
frequency range between 1 500 MHz and 100 000 MHz.
The electric field generated for a 1 mW/cm² exposure is calculated as follows:
              E = √ (30 * P * G) / d, and S = E² / Z = E² / 377, because 1 mW/cm² = 10 W/m²
              S = Power density in mW/cm², Z = Impedance of free space, 377 Ω
              E = Electric filed strength in V/m, G = Numeric antenna gain, and d = distance in meter
       Combing equations and rearranging the terms to express the distance as a function of the remaining variable
             d = √ (30 * P * G) / (377 *10 S)
       Changing to units of mW and cm, using P (mW) = P (W) / 1 000, d (cm) = 0.01 * d (m)
             d = 0.282 * √ (P * G) / S
              d = distance in cm, P = Power in mW, G = Numeric antenna gain, and S = Power density in mW/cm²

 Kind of EUT                        ATOZ
                                    □ Portable (< 20 cm separation)
 Device Category                    □ Mobile (> 20 cm separation)
                                    ■ Others
                                    ■ MPE
                                    □ SAR
 Evaluation Applied
                                    □ N/A

                                                                                  Tested by: Hyung-Kwon, Oh / Assistant Manager

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

       Nuusal                                                   Page 7 of 8                          Report No.: OT—196—RWD—017

4.2 Test Result for Bluetooth LE

According to above equation, the following result was obtained.

                                            Target Power         Max tune up                     .
 Operating                                                                             Antenna Gain         Safe          Density      Limit
                                            Wi/itolerance            power
Freq. Band         Operating Mode                                                                        Distance        (mW/em)      (mW/

   (MBHz)                                                                                                  (cm)           @ 20 cm      cnr)
                                                (dBm)           (dBm)      (mW)       Log    Linear

     2 480           Bluetooth LE            0.0 £ 0.5           0.50       L112      3.30    2.14          0.44          0.000 5      1.00

According to above table, for 2 402 MHz ~ 2 480 MHz Band, safe distance,

 D=0.282 *\          (   112*214         )/1.00     =0.44 cm

 For getting power density at 20 cm separation in above table, following formula was used.

             S =P * G / (4r * R#) = 1.12 * 2.14 / (4 * 3.14 * 202) = 0.000 5
             S = Power Density,
             P = Power input to the external antenna (Output power from the EUT antenna port (dBm) — cable loss (dB)),
             G = Gain of Transmit Antenna (linear gain), R = Distance from Transmitting Antenna

                                                                                   Tested by: Hyung—Kwon, Oh / Assistant Manager

It should not be reproduced exceptin full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                    EMC—003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43—14, Jinsaegol—gil, Chowol—eup, Gwangju—si, Gyeonggi—do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82—31—799—9500, FAX: 82—31—799—9599)

       Nuusal                                                   Page 8 of 8                          Report No.: OT—196—RWD—017

4.3 Test Result for WLAN 2.4 GHz

According to above equation, the following result was obtained.

                                         Target Power           Max tune up                      .
 Operating                                                                             Antenna Gain         Safe          Density      Limit
                                          W/tolerance                power
Freq. Band        Operating Mode                                                                         Distance        (mW/em)      (mW/

   (MBHz)                                                                                                  (cm)           @ 20 cm      cnr)
                                             (dBm)           (dBm)        (mW)        Log    Linear

                       802.11b            20 + 1.0            3.00         2.00                             0.58          0.000 8      1.00
    2 400
                       802.11¢g           0.5 £ 1.0           1.50         L.A1       3.30    2.14          0.49          0.000 6      1.00
                   802.11n_ HT20          0.0 £ 1.0           1.00         1.26                             0.46          0.000 5      1.00
According to above table, for 2 400 ~ 2 483.5 MHz Band(802.11b), safe distance,

 D =0.282 * / (2.00 * 2.14)/1.00 = 0.58 em

 For getting power density at 20 cm separation in above table, following formula was used.

             S =P * G / (47 * R2) = 2.00 * 2.14 / (4 * 3.14 * 202) = 0.000 8
            S = Power Density,
            P = Power input to the external antenna (Output power from the EUT antenna port (dBm) — cable loss (dB)),
            G = Gain of Transmit Antenna (linear gain), R = Distance from Transmitting Antenna

                                                                                  Tested by: Hyung—Kwon, Oh / Assistant Manager

It should not be reproduced exceptin full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                    EMC—003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43—14, Jinsaegol—gil, Chowol—eup, Gwangju—si, Gyeonggi—do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82—31—799—9500, FAX: 82—31—799—9599)

Document Created: 2019-06-20 09:04:35
Document Modified: 2019-06-20 09:04:35

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