SAR test Report Part3


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                                                        Page 59 of 78                         Report No. OT-19O-RWD-036


Measurement Procedure for Tissue verification:
     1) The network analyzer and probe system were configured and calibrated.
     2) The probe was immersed in the tissue. The tissue was placed in a nonmetallic container.
          Trapped air bubbles beneath the flange were minimized by placing the probe at a slight angle.
     3) The complex admittance with respect to the probe aperture was measured.
     4) The complex relative permittivity εr can be calculated from the below equation (Pournaropoulos and Misra):

                                     Table D-1 Composition of the Tissue Equivalent Matter
                                                Frequency (MHz)                  900
                                                     Tissue                     Head
                                            Ingredients (% by weight)
                                                   Bactericide                   0.1
                                                      HEC                         1
                                                      NaCl                       1.45
                                                    Sucrose                       57
                                                   Tween 20
                                                     Water                      40.45

                             Table D-2 Recommended Tissue Dielectric Parameters (IEC 62209-1)

                                                                                                                       EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                       Page 60 of 78                          Report No. OT-19O-RWD-036

                           Figure D-1 Liquid Height for Head & Body Position (SAM Twin Phantom)

                                   Figure D-2 Liquid Height for Body Position (ELI Phantom)

                                                                                                                       EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)



      Calibration Laboratory of                        «U                         5. Semotcenschar Katbrrtinst
      Schmid & Partner                                 s                          g Senicesuase titsomage
        Engineering AG                                ipesea                         Servini simre l tratre
      Zoughaussv aose a3, at0e 2urch, Sutsetan         Tw                         8. svissCatbraton Sevice
       Actedted by h SuasAccudtatn Sevce (GAS)                                     Accredtaton to: SCS 0108
       Te Swiss Accredtaion Sric is on o thigntoresto heCA
       Mttiatrt Rgroomanfrtherocognton ofcabaton contcates
       ciew     Onetech (Dymstec)                                          Ciriteateno: OCP—DAK3.5—1140_Nov18

       CAtiSRATIoN cerniricarte___                                         sess                                    q
       Orea                          DAIC35— SN: 1140

       Cattatenpecesies)            OA CAL33v2
                                    Calibralion of dielectric parameter probes

       Cattratondae                 November 20, 2018

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      Certicate No: 00P.DAK5—1140Novie                  Page t o to


      Calibration Laboratory of                                                     i.   Senvetcenscnoriatorertinst
      Schmid & Partner                                                              (.   Sercesusse aalonage
        Engineering AG                                                                   Serviio svezero d triure
      Zoognmussrasse t e 2urch,Sutzorind                                            $    svissCatbrtonenice
       Accstes ty e SuseAccustaton Sevcn (GAS)                                       Accrestatonto: SCS 0108
       Te Swiss AccretaionSicei onothsigntoresto hEA
       Mottitrt Agrsonanfor e rocogntion of cabraton contcates

      [1]    1EEE Std 1528—2013, ‘IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—Averaged
             SpecifAbsorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices:
             Measurement Techniques®, June 2013
      [2]     120 62200—1, "Measurement procedure for the assessment of Specifc Absorption Rate (SAR) rom
             hand—held and body—mounted devices used nextto the ear (requency range of 300 Mriz to 6 GHz)‘,
             July 2016
      [3)    16G 62209—2 Ed1,"Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Fields from Handheld and Body—Mounted
             Wireless Communication Devices — Human models, Instrumentation, and Procedures Part 2:
             Procedure to determine the specifc absorption rate (SAR) for moble wireless communication
             devices used in close proximily to the human bady (reauency range of 30 MFiz to 6 GHz)®, Mareh
      (4)    A. P. Gregory and RN. Clarke, "NPL Report MAT 23®,January 2012
             Tables of the Complex Permitivty of Dilectc Reference Liquids at Frequencies up to 5 GHz
      (8]    DAK Professional Handbook, SPEAG, September 2018
      161    A. Toropainen et al,"Method for accurate measurement of complex permitiity of issue equivalent
             Hiquids", Electronics Letters 36 (1) 2000 pp32:34
      (7)    J Hiland, "Simple sensor system for measuring the dielectrc proerties of sline solutions*, Meas.
             Sci. Technol. 8 pp901—910 (1907)
      (8)    K. Nortemann, J Hilland and U. Kaatze, "Dielectric Properties of Aqueous NaC! Slutions at
             Microwave Frequencies", J. Phys. Chem. A 101 pp6864—6869 (1997)
      (8]    R. Buchner, G. T. Hefter and Peter M. May, "Dielectrc Relaxationof Aqueous NaC! Solutions®,J
             Phys. Chem. A 103 (1) (1999)

      Description of the dielectric probe
      Dielectic probes are used to measure the dielectric parameters of tssue simulaing media in a wide
      frequency range. The complex permitivly ,‘= (¢z«)— (eTe») is determined from the S parameters
      measured with a vector network analyzer (VNA) wih soffware specifictote probe type. The
      parameters of nterest e.4, in standards [1, 2, 3J and for other applications are presented are calculated
      as folows:
      (Relative) permitiviy e (real part of e‘= (¢/z«)— (eTes) where sa = 8.854 pF/m is the permitviy i free
      Conductivity 0 2 m f" n
      Loss Tangent = (cc)

      The OGP (open ended coaxia) is a out off section of 50 Ohm transmission line, smilar to the system
      described in [1, 2, 3, 5) used for contact measurement The materiais measured etther by touching the
      probe to the surface of a sold/gelly oby immersing it nto a iquid media, The electromagnetic felds at the
      probe and fringe into the materialto be measured, and its parameters are determined from the change of
      the S., parameters. Wilarger diameter of the dielectrics,the probe can be used down tolower
      "The flange surrounding the actve area shapes the near feld smilarto a sem—nfiite geometry and is
      inserted fully ito the measured lossy lquic.

      Certfcate No: 0CP.DAK5—1160Novtd                  Page 2t13


     The probe is connected with a phase and ampltude stable cable to a VNA which is then calibrated with
     Open, Short and a Liquid with well—known parameters.
     All parts in the setup influencing the ampltude and phase of the signal are important and shall remain
     Handling of the item

     Before usage, the active probe area has to be cleaned from any material residuals potentially
     contaminating the reference standards. The metal and dielectric surface must be protected to keep the
     precision of the criical mechanical dimensions. The connector and cable qualty are criical; any
     movements between calibration and measurement shall be avoided.
     The temperature must be stable and must not differ from the material temperature.

     Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters

     The calbration of the dielectric probe system is done in the steps described below for the desired
     frequency range and calibration package (SAR/MR!liquids, Sem—solid/solid material). Because the
     standard calibration in step 3 is critical for the resuls in staps 4 to 8, the sequence 3 to 8 is repeated 3
     times. As a result, the result from these 3 sets is represented.
     1. Configuration and mechanical / optical status.
     2. Measurement resolution is 5 MHfrom 10 to 300 MHz, 50 MHz from 300 to 6000 MHz and 250 MHz
        from 6 to 20 GHz.
     3. Standard calibration uses Air / Short / Liquid. 1 liter liquid quantity is used to reduce the influence the
          reflections. The liquid type is selected depending on the lowest frequency and probe diameter:
               DAK—1.2, DAK—3.5, Agilent OCP: de—ionized water (approx. 22 °C)
             DAK—12: saline solution with static conductiviy 1 S/m (approx. 22 °C)
             NPL OCP: pure ethanol (approx. 22 °C)
     4. The cable used in the setup stays in a fixed posttion, i.e. the probe is fixed and measuring from the
        top in an angle of typ. 20° from the vertical axis. For DAK and Agilent probes, the refresh function
        (air standard) is used previous to the individual measurements in order to compensate for possible
          deviations from cable movements. After insertion of the probeinto a liquid, the possible air bubbles
          are removed from the active surface.
     5.. Measurement of multiple shorts if not already available from the callbration in the previous step
         (NPL). Evaluation of the deviation from the previous calibration short with graphical representation of
         the complex quantiies and magnitude over the frequencyrange. Probe specific short is used. This
         assessment shows abiity to define a short circut at the end of the probe for the VNA calibration in
          the setup which is essential at high frequencies and depends on the probe surface qualty.
     6. Measurement of validation liquids in a quantity of 1 liter at well defined temperature. Evaluation of
          the deviations from the target. The targets base on traceable data from reference sources. The
          deviation of the measurement is graphically presented for permittivity and conductivity (for lossy
          liquids) or loss tangent (for low losses at low frequencies)
     7. Measurement of lossy liquids in a quantity of 1 Ier at well defined temperature. Head tissue
        simulating liquid or saline solution with 0.5 Sim static conductivity are representative. The target data
          base on traceable data from reference sources or from multiple measurements with precision
          reference probesor different evaluations such as transmission line or slotted line methods.
          Evaluation of the deviation from the target and graphical representation for permitivity and
          conductivity over the frequency range
     8.   Semi—solid / solld material calioration:
          Measurements of an elastic lossy broadband sem—solid gel with parameters close to the head tissue
          target. Measurements of a planar very low loss solid microwave—substrate. The average of 4
          measurements of the same sample at differentlocation is shown as a single result. The deviation of
          the permittiity and conductivity from the reference data is evaluated.
          Measurements of a planarvery low loss solid microwave—substrate. The average of 4 measurements
          of the same sample at different location is shown as a single result. The relative deviation of the
          permittvity and the absolute deviation of the loss tangent is evaluated.
          The targets base on multiple measurements (on the same material batch at identical temperature)
          on convex and planar surfaces with precision reference OCP.

     Certfcate No: OCP—DAK3.5—1140.NovtB                Page 3 of 13


       The measurement on sem—solid / solid materials is sensitive to the quality and planarity of the probe
        contact area, such as air gaps due to imperfect probes (resulting lower permitivity values).
        Table for the probe uncertainty: The uncertainty of the probe depending on probe type, size, material
        parameter range and frequencyis given in a table. It represents the best measurement capability of
        the specific probebut does not include the material (deviation from the target values).
      . Appendix with detailed results of all measurements with the uncertainties for the specific
        measurement. In addition to the probe uncertainty (see above), it includes the uncertainty of the
        reference material used for the measurement. A set of results from independent calibrations
        represents the capabilty of the selup and the lossymaterials used, including the precision of the
        measured material and the influence of temperature deviations. Temperature and operator influence
        was minimized and gives a good indication of the achievable repeatability of a measurement.
      . Summary assessmentof the measured deviations and detailed comments if not typical for the probe

    Dielectric probe identification and configuration data
    Item description
        Probe type                OCP Open—ended coaxial probe
        Probe name                SPEAG Dielectric Assessment Kit DAK—3.5
        Type No                   SM DAK 040 CA
        Serial No                 1140
        Description               Open:ended coasial probe withflange
                                  Flange diameter: 19.0 mm
                                  Dielectric diameter: 3.5 mm
                                  Material: stainless stee!
        Connector 1               PC 3.5 pos
        Software version          DAK Measurement Solver
                                  Calibration Type: Air/ short / water (set to measured water temp.)
                                  Probe type: "DAK3.5" (software setting)
        Further settings          VNA bandwidh setting: 50 Hz

    SCS 0108 Accessories used for customer probe calbration
       Cable                   Huber & Suhner Sucoilex 404, SN: 4361, length 1 m,
                                  PC3.5 neg. — PC3.5 nog.
        Shor                      DAK—3.5 shorting blocs, type SM DAK 200 BA
                                  Gontact area covered with cleaned Cu stripe
    Additional items used during measurements
        Adapter 1                 PG3.5 pos. — PG1.85 (VNA side)
        Adapter 2                 PG3.5 pos. — PG3.5 neg. (probe side)

       Before the callbration, the connectors of the probe and cable were inspected and cleaned.
       Probe visual inspection: according to requirements
       Short inspection: according to the requirements

    Certfcate No: OCP—DAK3.5—1140_Novté             Page 4 of 13


     Probe Uncertainty
     The following tables provide material and frequency specific uncertainties (k=2) for the dielectric probe. The
     values in the tables represent the measurement capabilty for the probe when measuring a material in the
     indicated parameter range. They includeall uncertainties of
            * probe system
            *   possible systematic errors due to the design
            *   calbration
            *   temperature differencesduring the calibration and measurements, as described,
            *   VNA noise
     Apart from the materia! used for the calbration (de—onized water), material uncertainties of the reference
     materials used during the measurement in Appendix A are not included in these tables

     Permitivity range                    Frequency range            (sigma / LT range)      Unc. (k22)
                             1—15         10 MHz — 20 MHz                                        —
                                          20 MHz — 200 MHz                                       —
                                          200 Mz — 3 GHz             LT <0.1                    2.0%
                                          3 GHz— 6 GHz               LT <0.1                    2.0%
                                          6 GHz — 20 GHz             LT <0.1                    2.1%
                             To — 40      10 Mz — 20 Mz
                                          20 MHz — 200 MHz                                       —
                                          200 MHz — 3 GHz            sigma : 1 — 10 Sim         1.8%
                                          3 GHz— 6 GHz               sigma : 1 — 10 Sim         2.3%
                                          6 GHz — 20 GHz             sigma> 10 Sim              3.4%
                             35— 100      10 Mz — 20 MHz
                                          20 Mz — 200 MHz
                                          200 MHz — 3 GHz            sigma : 1 — 10 Sim         1.7%
                                          3GHz— 6 GHz                sigma : 1 — 10 Sim         19% __|
                                          6 GHz— 20 GHz              sigma> 10 Sim              24%
    Conductvily range (Gim)               Frequency rance            (epsilon 7 LT range)    Une. (22)
                          1—10            10 MHz — 20 MHz                                         —
                                          20 Mz — 200 MHz                                        ——
                                          200 MHz— 3 GHz             eps : 35 — 100             2.7%
                                          3 GHz— 6 GHz               eps 35 — 100               3.0%
                                          6 GHz — 20 GHz             eps 10 — 40                3.0%

    Loss tangent range                    Frequency range            (epsilon / LT range)
                             <0.1         10 MHz — 20 MiHz
                                          20 MHz — 200 Nz
                                          200 Mz — 3 GHz             eps: 1 — 15                0.03
                                          3 GHz—6 GHz                eps : 1 — 15               0.03
                                          6 GHz — 20 GHz             eps: 1 — 15                0.03

    Certfiate No: OCP—DAK3.5—1140_NovtB               Page S of 13

       N                                                 Page 67 of 78                           Report No. OT—190—RWD—036

                 Calibration Results
                 Uncertainty limits (k=2) for the material measurements in the figures of Appendix A are represented with
                 red dashed lines. These uncertainties contain — in addition to probe uncertainty — the uncertainty of the
                 material target parameter determination
                 The measurements show the results obtained from independent calibrations for the same material. The
                 differences between the individual measurement curves give therefore an indlication for the obtainable
                 repeatabilty and shall lwithin the uncertainties stated in the tables.

                 Materials for DAK—3.5 calibration:
                 Appendix A with curves for Methanol, HBBL, and 0.05 mo¥. NaCl solution (200 MHz — 6 GHz, optional 20
                 GHz), HS gel and low loss solid substrate are optional.

                 Certfieate No: OCP—DAK3 5—1140_ NovtB           Page 6 of 13

                                                                                                                    EMC—008 (Rev2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43—14, Jnsaegol—gl, Chowol—eup, Gwanglu—s, Gyeangg—do, 12738, Korea (TEL: 82—31—700—0500, FAX: 82—31—790—0500)


     Appendix A:              Detailed Results (additional assessments outside the scope of SCS0108)
     A1         Probe appearanceand calibration sequence

     A1.1       Appearance

     The OCP appearanceis fully according to the expectations:
     * the flange surface is intact

    AA.2. Calibration sequence
    The following sequence was repeated 3 times in the low frequency range from 200 — 300 MHz in 5 MHz
    steps and in the high frequency range from 300 to 6000 MHz in 50 MHz steps, and from 6 GHz to 20 GHz
    in 250 MHz steps

     *    Air
     *    Short       1 short, then immediate verification with a second short (with eventual repetition)
     *    Water       De—ionized water, temperature measured and set in the software (for DAK—12 0.1 mol.
                      saline solution, temperature measured and set in the software)
     *    Methanol Pure methanol, temperature measured and set in the software
     *    Liquids     Measurementof furtherliquids (e.g. Head tissue simulating liquid and 0.05 moulsaline)
    *     Cleaning   Probe washed with water and isopropanol at the end of the sequence.
    *     Shorts     4 additional separate short measurements to determine the deviation from the original
    *     Refresh    Refresh with Air
    *     Solid      4 separate solid low loss planar substrate measurements to determine one average
    *     Semisolid 4 separate head gel measurements on fresh intact surface to determine one average
    *     Cleaning Probe washed with water and isopropanol at the end of the sequence

    Evaluation of the additional shorts from the calibrated (ideal) short point at the left edge of the Smith Chart,
    represented as magnitude over the frequency range (fg. 2.1.x) and in polar representation (fig. 2.2.)

    Evaluation of the Liquid measurements and representation of the permittvity and conductivity deviation
    from their reference data at the measurementtemperature. The results of each of the 3 callbrations is
    shown in the appendix for each material (fig. 3f)in black, red, blue. The red dashed line shows the
    uncertainty of the reference material parameter determination.

    Evaluation of the Semisolid measurements (optional) by representing the 3 average deviations (each
    resulling from the 4 separate measurements per set), equivalent to the liquid measurement.
    Representation of the permittivity and conductivity deviation from their reference data at the nominal
    Evaluation of the Solid measurements (optional) by representing the 3 average deviations (each resuling
    from the 4 separate measurements per set), equivelent to the liquid measurement. Representation of the
    permittivity deviation from their reference data and the loss tangent at the nominal temperature.

    Certfcate No: OCP—DAK3.5—1140.NovtB               Page 7 of 13


     A2—     Short residual magnitudes
     Affer each ofthe 3 calibrations with a single short(as per the DAK software}, 4 addonal separate, short
     measurements were performed after he lqvid measurements and evalvated from the $11 data. The
     residuals in the graphs represent the deviationfrom the ideal short point on the polarrepresentation on the
     VNA screen

     Fig. 2 1a     Magritude of the residual o the shorts, 200 MHz — 20 GHz, after callbration a)

                    gml p=o<<i<——<4——<

     Fig. 2.1b     Magnitude ofthe residual of the shorts, 200 MHz—— 20 GHz,after calbration b)

                    pr|—|         pl=l== oloselomod
                   g.m[ s

    Fig.2.10       Magnitude ofthe residual ofthe shorts, 200 MHz—20 GHtz,after calbration c)

    Certfcare No:00P.OA3.5—1140.Novte               Page 8 t10


    Fig. 2 2a—c    Complex representation of e residuals ofthe shorts, 200 MHz — 20 GiHz,
                   after calbrations a)—6) in the top and c)in the bottom

    All shorts have good qualty. Some minor deviations might be visible from contact qualty (lft — right)

    Cerifate No: 0CP.OAKG5—1140Novte                Page sotto


     A.3       Methanol
     Methanol (99.9% pure) was measured at a temperature of 22 +2°C. The lquid temperature was
     stabilized within 0.05 °C of the desired temperature. Deviations are presented relatve to the nominal
     materil parameters atthis temperature, calculated from NPL data forths temperature. For the
     measurements the Noise Fiter was activated in tsoftware.

                                                    Pemaouty seatcn
                                          3 $
                    beviton tom agut ty
                                      } $  #

                                                         toaumey OM
     Fio. 31        Methano! permiiviy deviation from target, 200 MHz— 10 Griz

                                                    Contecuty seraton
                                          ns j
                    snvatontom zet)


                                                        rogsmey oi
    Fig. 32         Methanol conductiviy deviaton from target, 200 MHz — 10 GHHz
    Note: Conductiviy error can be high atlow frequencies due to the low absolute conductviy values.

    CertfcaNo: 00P.OAKs.5—1140.Novte                Page toot 13


     A4        Head Tissue
     Broadband head simulating liquid was measured at a temperature of 22+/~ 2 °C. The lquid temperature
     was stabilized wihin 0.05 °C of the desired temperature. Deviations are presented relatve to the reference
     data forthis materal. Those parameters have been evaluated from multle measurements on the used
     bath with precision reference OCP and further methods. For the measurements the Noise Filter was
     actvated in the software

                                                    Pemitiny seaton

     Fig.4.1        HBBL permittity deviation from target, 200 Mz — 20 GHtz


                      ...        on nnnrnnmme on in in e mrnene en an en
                      $«            >                           &_oa oa 0&
                      i                 P mimerm tm snienem
                          ‘aos |
    Fig. 42         HBBL conductivity deviation from target, 200 Mriz — 20 GHtz

    Cerifcate No: OCP—DAKG5—1140Novid               Page 11 of 13


     A.S—      0.05 moll.NaCl solution
     0.05 moll. NaGl/ water solution has a statconductvity of 0.5 S/m, simlar to MRI HCL (High Conductvity
     Liquid), t was measured at a temperature of 22 +/— 2 °G. The lquid temperature was stabiized wthin 0.05
     °G of the desited temperature. Deviations are presented relative tothe reference data for tis material.
     These parameters have been derived from the theoretical model according to [7}, matched to the
     measurements from reference probes and other sources
     A quantly of 1 Iter was used for the measurement. For the measurements the Noise Fitr was activated in
     the software.


                         ( mhagews
                       §. L_._ . _                 Puiaunannw uies I

                        i                  ;—a

                       $3 mm ns                 en on e en

     Fig. 5.         0.05 moll. solution permitiviy deviation from target, 200 Mtiz ~ 20 GHiz

                       i: L__LL———____—_____2c___
                       1"L       foOI      140 To s & .oz io+
                       & .[r mim      neue mm mm mm icen se ue en

    Fig.52           0.05 moll. solution conductiviy deviation from target, 200 Mriz — 20 GHz

    Centea No 00r.000 51150Novie                     Page reat1o

                                                       Page 74 of 78                          Report No. OT-19O-RWD-036

                                                                                                                       EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                             Page 75 of 78                           Report No. OT-19O-RWD-036


      Per FCC KDB Publication 865664 D02v01r02, SAR system validation status should be documented to confirm
      measurement accuracy. The SAR systems (including SAR probes, system components and software versions)
      used for this device were validated against its performance specifications prior to the SAR measurements.
      Reference dipoles were used with the required tissue-equivalent media for system validation, according to the
      procedures outlined in FCC KDB Publication 865664 D01v01r04 and IEEE 1528-2013. Since SAR probe
      calibrations are frequency dependent, each probe calibration point was validated at a frequency within the valid
      frequency range of the probe calibration point, using the system that normally operates with the probe for routine
      SAR measurements and according to the required tissue-equivalent media.

      A tabulated summary of the system validation status including the validation date(s), measurement frequencies,
      SAR probes and tissue dielectric parameters has been included.

                                                 Table E-1 SAR System Validation Summary – 1g
                                                                                        CW VALIDATION                      MOD. VALIDATION
 SAR       Freq.                 Probe      Probe Cal      Cond.    Perm.                                                           DUTY
                      Date                                                                   PROBE        PROBE         MOD.
System     (MHz)                  SN            Point       (σ)      (εr)    SENSITIVITY                                           FACTO     PAR
                                                                                           LINEARITY     ISOTROPY       TYPE
  4         750     2019.03.04   3832     750       Head   0.898    42.449      Pass          Pass         Pass          N/A         N/A     N/A
  4         900     2019.03.09   3832     900       Head   0.972    42.118      Pass          Pass         Pass         GMSK        PASS     N/A
  4         1750    2019.03.06   3832     1750      Head   1.342    39.217      Pass          Pass         Pass          N/A         N/A     N/A
  4         1950    2019.03.07   3832     1950      Head   1.430    39.014      Pass          Pass         Pass         GMSK        Pass     N/A
  4         2450    2019.03.08   3832     2450      Head   1.825    38.782      Pass          Pass         Pass      OFDM/TDD       Pass     N/A

      Note: Wile the probes have been calibrated for both CW and modulated signals, all measurements were performed
      using communication systems calibrated for CW signals only. Modulations in the table above represent test
      configurations for which the measurement system has been validated per FCC KDB Publication 865664
      D01v01r04 for scenarios when CW probe calibrations are used with other signal types. SAR systems were
      validated for modulated signals with a periodic duty cycle, such as GMSK, or with a high peak to average ratio (> 5
      dB), such as OFDM according to FCC KDB Publication 865664 D01v01r04.

                                                                                                                               EMC-003 (Rev.2)
      ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

Document Created: 2019-10-31 02:23:29
Document Modified: 2019-10-31 02:23:29

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