SAR test Report Part2


RF Exposure Info

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          f      Laboratory of                                                    g. Schvelsarcher Kalbrtanst
     Schmid & Partner                                                             g Serviee sase @hstomage
       Engingering AG                                                             5. Senideninne dit
     Bovgnaonsransd.0%eRurchSuttarand                                                  Srine Catoraton Serice
     Accsto by n Ssn Acrusiaton Srvcn(AS)                                         Accredtatono:    SCS 0108
     The iss Accredtaton sevise is onoi sigatones t the EA
     ultiert mgreamentthe recognton ofcatbaton cotentes
     cien      ‘Ontech(Dymsiee)                                           Geritems No: EX3—3832_Fob19

     [CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE                                                                                   ]
     otea                          Ex3pV4 — SNiansp

     Casratonsacesreto            OA CALO118, OA CAL—1210, OX CAL—1445, CA CAL—23v5,
                                   OA CAL—25u7.
                                   Galloration procedure fordosimelric E—feld probes

     Cattatoncae                   Febmary27, 2010

     This caivnionce comnrih rncennty tnatoalsansrts.anch reiee t oysea int t masimonts (5)
     The measromens an h uncennnie ut cotderce rotabiy are ave on ha ooseand e par o h contcate
     Adcasnalorshav boeeondete in i esn abwnar aci ensromen tenpestue (25.3an uty «ToK
     Calbaten EavsmentssedETE ertellercaltmtn)

      Prroy Sundacs               o                      CalDise CenicreNs)              Ermpren
      romimearne                  sn moure               vemses e r1rcarman__|           se
      rorerseuocimnen             on rosow               otisets me 2rrorera)            heess
      Poversemor hi20             su mas                 othertt te zrrcxr               weew
      Ratueres 20 99 Atorater_|   S Ssrtt @00            otieris te ziroaen              xo
      ores                        sw oo                  1obecho prtseoDera              beeso
      Relweria PoveEssove         sn sois                »rprete e Eseonbecth            Brefe
     Seantiy Suniecs              6                      Chex ue Intome                  Sveaie tres
     rover new cssizn             su conmmore            61018 inhoos ctex Jnte)         Inrowe ateck Jin2o
     Frove semerExtion            sn ivanomer            ot:ocin home crea Jnt8)_|       intowe ces Jundo
     Pove semsorseeizn            s scomomo              0tA1 n roumces Jant?)_          ntowsechec Jin@
     f greornseerc                sn vesermerrce         otu9torowse teck auei           nrowme enc hna
     NeveAeoarEsosen              o uoeovoirr            3hate—tt(nrovtecrec Oxt1@)      Inrowmectece Occto

                                    Tore                      Fiea
     Cattaietty                    Ghiseon                    GicayTesvicin

     Aooomity:                     kampdoie                  ies nigee           %

                                                                                          inons Fatrany 2 200
     Thecalbaioncuifcnssha o e eorsicnd messin it wihotwten asoorofteivontoy

     Centeate No E9.032.rento                          Page totz0


     Calibration Laboratory of                                                           & ScoizenscherKalbnertorat
     Schmid & Partner                                                                    q Sirdersuiie otiomnage
       Engineering AG                                                                    . sinmemizem a ts
     Zovghnusstrasse @800 utch, Sutzorans                                                    Smss Catbraon Servce

     Accmote byh SunsAecstaion Sevce(SA8)                                                   Aesestaion io: 5CS 0108
     ‘he Sviss Resrodtation Sericn s oneofthe signitros o e EA
     Mubtistrl Agrromonfor in recopntn f calbrton coitnten
     TSt                       ssue simulatng iquld
     NORMuyaz                 sensitity in ree space
     Comt                      senitviy in TSL / NORMcyz
     uce                       diade compression point
     or                       erest factor(Tiduty_cycle)ofthe RF signal
     AB.0.D                    modulstion dependant Insanzation parameters
     Pobization o             (a rotation around probe s
     Polariaton 9              8 retaton around an axis tat is in the plane normal io probe uis (at measurement center).
                               te., 4 = is normal t probe mds
     Comector Angle            information used in DASY system to algn probe sensor X t therobot coordinate system
     Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
         a). IEEE Sid 1826—2013,(ERERecommended Practi for Determining Ihe Roak Spatla—Averaged Speciic
             Absoriton Rate (GAR) in the Human Head from Wreloss Gommunicatons Dovices: Measuremnent
             Techniques, June 2013
         b). I2G 62200—1,""Measurement procedurefor the assessment ofSpacife Absorption Rate (SAR) Tom hand:
             held and bod—mounted devices used nextto the ear (requency range of 300 Niz to 6 GHz‘, July 2016
         ): 120 822002 "Provedure ta determine the Specife AbsoritonRate (GAR) for wreless comninicatidevices.
             used in clase provimiy to the human body (Reauency range of 30 itz to 6 GHz]®, March 2010
         4). KoB 869504‘SAR Measurement Requrementsfor100 Niz to 6 Gitz
     Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
         *   NORMcy.z Assessed for Eied polaizaton          =0 (1= 900 Mz in TEcalt (> 1800 MHtz: R22 wavequide)
                       « are onlynfermediate values, .. the uncertaintes of NORNx yc does not affecthe E—hld
           uncerainlnside TSL (see below ConF)
         * NORM(ay 2= NORMxy:a" requancyresponso (see Frequeney Ressonse Char), This ineanization is
             imlemented in DASY4 software versions latethan 42. The uncertainy ofthe feauency response is included
             in the stated uncertainy of Conv:
         *   DGPxgia: DCP are numerisal Incarization paramelers assessed based on tdata of power sweep with CW
           signal o uncerainty requted}. DCP does not depend on frequency nor media.
         + PAR: PA s he Peak to Average Rato thatis not calbrated but determined based on the signal
         *   Auyias Brosa: Cayze: Oxy,a: VRkyi: A,B, G,      are numencalineanaton parameters assessed based on
             the dala of power sween for specife modulao signal The parameters do not dapend an Requency nor
             madia. VR s the maximum callation range expressed in RNMS vollage across e dode
         *   Convand Boundany EifectPerameters: Assesaed in Rat phantom using Efeld (or Temperature Transter
             Standartfor 1 : 00 MHz) and nside waveguide using analyicalfeld dtibtons based on power
             maasurements for1> 800 NHe. The same setups are usefor assessment fthe parameters agpled for
             bovndary compensaton (alpha, dapih) of which tysical uncertinty values are gven, Thece parametersare
             used in DASY4 software to improve probe accuracy close t the boundary, The senstlvly in TS corrsponds
             to NORMsyyz * GorvE wheraby the uncertainy earespondts to hat gven for ConvF. A requency dependent
             Gonveis used in DASY version44 and igher which ow extending the valdity fom x 50 Mz to 2 100
         * Spheralisotropy (3D deviatlrom isotropy)—in a fald of ow gradient realized using a fat phantem
           exposed by a paich antemna
         + Sensor Offse: The senso offet correspand to the ffset o viual measurement centerfrom the probe to
             (on probe is No tolerance required
         *   Connector Angle: Thangle is assessed using the nformaion gained by determining the NORM (no

     Conteate No: Ex0—4082.rani®                          Prge 20120


     exsovs — sass?                                                                                                February 27, 2010

     DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3832
     Basic Calibration Parameters
                                                SensorX                     Sensory                   SensorZ              Une (e2)
      Nom (uVi(Vim)                               o4a                         o4a                       o7                 £10.1%
      DcP (my)"                                   102.1                         100.2                   103.5

     Calibration Results for Modulation Response
      ty           Communication System Name                                            c       o        ve         Max        Max
                                                                                               an        my         dov.       Une!
      0            ow                                   x                            100|     o0      Tes1        £30%       247 %
                                                        Y                            100              tss
                                                        z                            100              tos
      10552—       Puise Wavelom (2oone, 10%)           x                           2i3       1000     |_soo_|    £31%       266%
      aaa                                               Y                           2050               soo
                                                        z                           2120               soo
      10353        Pulce Wavefom (200ne, 20%)           x                           zose       s30     |_sao_|    212%       235%
      AMA                                              [¥                           1936|           |_200
      .             >      —            _               2                          sor|      _____|    800
      10354:       Pulse Wavefom (200riz, 40%)          x                           2151       596     |_soo      £12%       296%
      AMA                                               Y                           irs:               950
                     ommowennke                         2                           2083_              Ecom
      10355—       Pulse Waverom (200riz. 60%)          x                           zear       222    1200        +12%       296%
      Ana                                               Y                           1516              1200
                                                        2                           Pior              1200
      10s67—       GPSK Wavelom, 1 NRe                  x                           1205       o00    |iso0—|     s25%       225 %
      an                                                y                           7er               1500
                                                        2                           02e               1500
      10388——      GFSR Waverom; 10 Mz                  x                           117|       ons    |is00       213%       50%
      Ann                                               y                           Tss               1500
                                                        2                           Tore              1500
      To5ds—       6d—OAifWavefom, oo kiz               x                           zes        sor    |iso0_|     207%       296%
      AMA                                               y                           1620              100
                                                        2                           198               100
      10305—      64—GRMWavelom; 40 Ne                  x                           1ea1_|     ono   1500         £23%       90%
      AMA                                               y                           1546              1500
                                                        z                           1569              1800
      Tord—~|     wian copr, sA advie                   x                           1588       on0    |iso0—|     214%       235 %
      AMA                                                 Y                         1543                1500
                                                          2                         1536                1500
     Note: For detalls on UID parametors see Appendix

      The reported uncertainty of measurementis stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
      multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normaldistribution corresponds to a coverage
      probability of approximately 95%.

     " The uncetinias of Nom XY2 do notatfectthe Eld uncertainy nside TSL (see Pages 5 and 6)
     " Numeral incarzaton parameter uncertanty not requres
     * Uncarint is detemined using the mas,deviaton rom {nest ressorse applying ectongular itfouton and is exsressed for thesqsare ofhe

     Certficate No: EX3—3832_Feb1d                               Page 3 of 20

       W                                                     Page 34 of 78                    Report No. OT—190—RW/D—036

                  exsove—sNsss                                                                       February 27, 2010

                  DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3832
                  Sensor Model Parameters
                                            C2           a       T1          T2       T3     T4     TS        T6
                                 l          lia         vi      msV*      |_ms.V7!    ms     y      is
                      x         492       36541        35.01    18.01       0.76     5.08   115    0.40       1.01
                      Y         444       340.08       37.15    13.78       0.85     5.08   0.00   061        1.01
                      2         ars       sa600        sizs      2004       036      s.10   143    o31        101

                  Other Probe Parameters
                  Sensor Arangement                                                                       Trangular
                  CGonnector Angle ()                                                                           se8
                  Mechanical Surface Detecton Mode                                                          enabled
                  Oplical Surface Detecton Mode                                                             disabled
                  Probe Overall Length                                                                      397 mm
                  Probe Body Diameter                                                                         10 mm
                  Tis Lengh                                                                                    9mm
                  Tip Diamoter                                                                               25 mm
                  Probe Tip to Sensor X Galtoraion Point                                                       1 mm
                  Probe Tip to Sensor Y Galtoration Point                                                      7 mm
                   Probe Tip to Sensor Z Calibration Point                                                     1 mm
                   Recommended Measurement Distancefrom Surtace                                             14 mm

                 Gertficate No: EX3—3832_Feb19                      Page 4 of 20

                                                                                                                    EMC—008 (Rev2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43—14, Jnsaegol—gl, Chowol—eup, Gwanglu—s, Gyeangg—do, 12738, Korea (TEL: 82—31—700—0500, FAX: 82—31—790—0500)


        exsovs— sNgose                                                                                               February 27,2019

        DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3832

        Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media
                             Relative       Conductivity                                                      Depth®          Une
             1(z           pormittivity"       (Sm)"         ConyEX       ConvEY       ConvEZ      Aipha®       |__(mm)      (ke2)
               150             523              076            11.50       11.50        1150         0.00       1.00       +133 %

               300             453              087            10.87       10.87        10.87        o7         1.30       +193 %

               aso             435              osr            1021        1021         1021         ois        180        +133%
               750             419              o9             aor          aor          o7          ose        oso        £120%
               835             415              0.90           9.19         9.19         9.19        0.54       o.85       £12.0 %
               200             a1s              oor            aos          o5           o5          o4         oss        +120%
               1750            40.1             137            8.10         8.10         8.10        0.36       0.85       £12.0 %

               1950            400              140            T78          778          7.78        0.30       0.85       +120 %
              2300             sos              167            237          137          zar         osr        oss        £120%
              2450             so2              180            zi           Ti           Tn          om         oss        +120%
              2600             so0              198            7.00         7.00         7.00        oa1        o8s        £120%
              3500             are              291            se0          s.0          s.eo        ors        120        a1e1%
              3700             377              312            a.60         5.60         5.60        023        1.20       £19.1%

              5200             36.0             456            5.18         5.18         5.18        0.40       1.80       £18.1%

               5300            369              4176           505          5.05         5.05        0.40       1.80       £19.1 %

              5500             356              496            an           4n          4            o40        180        a121%
              se00             355              so7            45e        ase          o40        180        a191%
              seoo             ss3              sar            467          467          «67         o«0        iso        +1s1%

        ©Frequency vaidy above 300 NKz t x 100 MHz only aplesfor DASY w#.4 and higher(see Page 2. olsn s restrcted to x 50 MYz. The
        uncerainy s the RSS ofhe Gonv® unceriaity atcaltvatlon reuensy and the unceraint fortinlcated reauency band. Frecuency valdty
        below 300 ite i 2 10 25,40,50and 70 Mz for GonvE assossments at 30, 68, 128, 190 and 220 Niz resnectvaly Valty of Conve assossedat
        8 Nt is 4.: and GonEassesned at 13 Mz is 9—10 ME: Above 5 GHz ecuency valdy can be eatendec to 110 Mitz
        * Attrequencies below 3 GHtthe valety o asue patametes(x anda) can e relced to : 10%uid compensaton fomut is aped o
        «peasured SA values Atfecuenciesabove 3 Gtethavaldty o Wparamalers(sand ) is resioced o £ 5. The uncerainty is the RSS ot
        tne ComP: uncertaintyfor indicated trgettssue paramoters
        " Aohalbesth are deternined duing caltraton. SPEAG varant thatve remning deviatondueto the bounday ffctalter compensaton is
        always lass than= 19 frreauencinsolow 3 Gtz and below + 2% for roquencies betwwan 24 GHtz atary itance arger than halthe mrobe
        damaterrom the boundary

        Cerlficate No: EX3—3832_Febt                              Page 5 of 20


        exsovs— sNsase                                                                                                 February 27,2019

        DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3832

        Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media
                       Relative  Conductiity                                                                     Dept®           Une
             1(042)°_|_    Permitivity"         (8im)"         ConvEX      ConvEY       ConvEZ_|     Aipha®       |__(mm)       (ke)
               150             619               o0             m0s          mos          1105         om          i0         +13%
               300             seo               os2            is1          1osi         fost         om          130        183%
               aso             ser               css            1o4s         io4s         1o4s         on          180        +tas%
               750             ss5               086            936           930         930          ost         080        £+120%
               s3s             s52               oor            o13           a13         o13          o«s         os1        +120%
               200             sso               105            803           a03         ass          oss         oss        +120%
               1750            se«               149            zee           1ee         1ee          o42         oss        £120%
               1950            se3               182            zs7           zer         Leu          ose         ose        £120%
               2300            sa9               181            123           123         123          o«s         oss        £120%
               2450            sar               195            zi9           z19         719          o42         ose        +120%
               2600            sas               215            zi4           nia         Te           os1         080        £120%
               3500            s13               sa1            sse           sse         sse          ors         12         a131%
               3700            s1.0              as5            629           629         629          o2s         12         a131%
               5200            490               530            469          469          460          oso         180        +131%
               sa0o            as9               s42            454          454          a54          oso         180        +13.1%
               se00            «0                se5            44           44           ana          oso         180        £131%
               seoo            «5                srr            404          404          a04          oso         180        +131%
               seoo            482               8.00           412          412          a12          oso         180        +13.1%

        © Frequency vaiity above 300 We of :100 itz only apples forDASY vé—t and igher (se0 Page 2else i resticedto : 50 Mite. Te
        uncerinty i the RSS ofthe Gory® uncertinty t calbraion requency and the uneeriintfor the infcated requency band. Frequency vaidty
        lelow 300 MHtzis 2 10,25, 40,50 and 70 Nitz for Con® assessmentsat 30, 8,128, 150 and 220 MiHz respectvaly, Vality ofConv® assessed t
        8 Mc is 49 Ntz and Conntassessed at13 itz is —19 MEtz: Above 5 GHz requency valdly can be extended to % 110 Ntz
        © Atfrequencios blow 3 GHt the valdtyoftssun parameto(cand ) can on relmad to : 10% if avid compensation formulis applix to
        monsured SAvalues Aferuencies above 3 Giethe valty o tisve narametes(cand )is restrted o 2 5%. The urcensinty is tRSS of
        the GonE uncetaintfo incfoale trgotUssunarimatars
        * AlhalDeothare deternined duringcallation, SPEAG varantshat e remairing devaton duetothe boundry lfectafter compensatin is
        always lass than 19 forrequercias below 3 Gtz and blow + 2% for requenciesetween28 Ge atary detance large tan ha e probe to
        dtarmetefom the boundaty

        Cortficate No: EX3—3832_Fonto                               Page 6 of 20


     excovs—swarse                                                                             Feumar27, 200

                                                      Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                        (TEM—Cellsift10 EXX, Waveguide: R22)

             Frequency response (normalized)

                                               as                         |

                                               (Ep    ommE irmn mm immmmaitmmal o
                                               §                            k

     Gerifcate No: EX33032Fobi®                                      Page 7 ot20


     excov—susese                                                                           Februaey 27, 2019

                                     Receiving Pattern (§), 8 = 0°

                        12600 MHz,TEM                                      1=1800 MHz.R22



                  Pm a

                                                  4           t
                                                 «ht                  ntihe
                                   Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessment2 0.5% (ke2)

     Conticate No: EX—3802.rabto                       Page 8 otz0


     oove~snaese                                                                                          Fobray 27,2010

                                    Dynamic Range f(SARness)
                                              (TEM cell, f,= 1900 MHz)



                              10        n         in               io    10         3                1o
                                                       SAR [mWems]
                                      revcomfuisona                      sn
                            aT                     1                                        J
                         g .
                         £.«)                      .                                        .
                         &                        t
                           »4            CH    T               |                        t
                           2 [:      LNHE :       4          Al+               %        I
                              im         ds       dn         de         io     ce               in
                                                       SAR {mWemd]
                                   Uncertainty of Linearity Assossment: £0.6% (k22)

     Conttcate No: Ex33032Feoro                        Page not zo


     exaovi—snssse                                                                    retrsay27, 2010

                                Conversion Factor Assessment
                    t= 900 Mz WGLS Ro (4.comt)                  t= 1750 hiWGLS R22 (_come)

                               Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                           Error (0, 8), £= 900 MHz

                            s         as so4 or oo or on os of io
                             Uncertainty of SphericaIsotropy Assossmont: £28% (re2)

     Cortfcate No: Exo—sts2.reoto                 Page t t 20


     exsove— sNanse                                                                  February 27, 2019
     Appendix: Modulation Calibration Parameters
      U         Rev     Communication System Name                        Group       PAR        |Uns
                                                                                     (d8)       (ea)
      o                 ow                                               ow          000| 247 %
      10010_|   CRA     sart Vallaaton (Square, 100ms, tome)             Test        1000 x06%
      1011      ons     uison weony                                      weoun       201| xe6%
      Toorz_|   can     iE€E a02 1t wi 24 oiz (DSSS, 1 Nes               wows         127| £66%
      Too13_|   oas     iEEE 802119 w2.4 on (DsS$—OroM. 6 Mops)          woan        946| x96%
      T021      pac     est—ro0 (rova, oMeiq                             can         930| +08%
      1oozs_|   pAc     ephs—ro0 (romn, GMe TNO)                         on          asr +e0%
      1co2t     bac     Gprs—Fop (rown. ver, Th 0—1)                     Gsu         650| ze6%
      1oozs     DAG     Ebee—Fo0(ToWn, aPSK. TNO)                        com         1262 xe6%
      Tooze     orc     Eoee—rop (rowa, apsk. TN 0—1)                    Gem         ass +98%
      Tooer     onc     epns—roo (rowa. oMsk, TO12)                      esn         480| +a6%
      1ooze     bac     Gensrop ( Th 0—123)                       con         35 sea%
      1ooz      ore     Ebge—roD (TDMA. srsx. TNO—1—2)                   esu          776| +90%
      10030     Gha     iEEE 802.15.1 Blustoon (GFSr, D)                 Emen        530 z96%
      Toost     CA      iEEE 202151 Bustooh (GFSK, D)                    Buetooih     187| «o6%
      10032     CA      iEEE 802.151 Buetoot (GFSk, D)                   Buetoon      116| e60%
      10083     GAA_|   iEEE 802.16.1 Bluetootn (PIR—DGPS, Dit?)_        Bluetooth    .78      £90%
      10034     CA      iEEE 802.15.1 Bustoon (PIZ—0GPS, on®)            Buetoon     453| +90%
      10038     Sha_|   iEEe 802.15.1 Blustoot(PMM DapSe, D)             Bluetooth   309       290 %
      1oos6     GAA_|   IEEE 802 161 Bluetoot(G—DPSK, Or1)               Buetoon     a01~| +a0%
      10037     CA      1EEE 802 16 1 Buetoot(@—DPK. OG)                 Buetoon     __]_477_| 206 %
      10036_|   CAA_|   1EEE 602151 Bluetooth(8—OPSK, DHS)               Buetoon     410| +e6%
      10036     cr      cpmzao (RtT. RCt)                                coments     _1 57 +ee%
      Tooes     oan     141 i5—130 FDD (TOMWFOM, PIM—DOPSK. Halrate)     aues         77e +86%
      Tocas     Can     isevemma5es FDD (FoMAFin                         Aves        ow £90%
      Toots     Can     bEGT (FOD. TOMAEDN, GrS, Ful Sit24) _            beer        1380 +e6%
      1o0i5—|   ons     DEGT (ToD, TOMWEOM, Grsx. Double Siot 12]        pecr        1079 +08%
      Toose     can     Uiits—TDD (To.SCOnMA, 1 28 Meps)                 Toscowa     1101 +06%
      1ooss     onG     EbgeFDD (TOM®, apSK, TN 04—2.3)                  com         ose ree%
      10050     ons     iEee a02.1 o wiei2.4 onz (DS8S. 2 Mopo)          win         212| +e6%
      1o0e0     oA      iesE 802.1 1b Wiei2.4 Gnie (DSSS, 5.5 Mopa)      wow         2s3 ree%
      Toost     oA6     iEEE 8021 to W2.4 Ghz (D5S5. 11 bps)             wow         300 +a0%
      10062     CAG     ieE 802.1 tah Wis 5 Ghz (OFONM.6 Mops)           wow         a60 +s0%
      1o0ss_|   cAG     iEee 002.1 tah Wfi 5 GHz (OFOM, 9 Moos)           wow         se5 +e6%
      Tooes     ChG     ieee 802.1 am Wis 5 Giz (OFONM. 12 Mops)         wow         EromiEccy
      Toues     CAG     iEEE 802.1 ah Wii 5 Oz (OFONM, 18 Mops)          won         a00_| <a5%
      1ooss     GAG     iEEE 802.1 tamWii 5 Ghz (OFOM_ 24 Mope)          wow         ase o6%
      Toos?     CAG     iesE 802.1 tam Wisi 5 Gite (OFDM, 36 Mops)       ww          Torr +96%
      Tooes     CAG     iEEE bo2.1tam Win5 Gite (OFON. 48 Nope)          wow         foat +e6%
      Tooes     CAG     iEEE 802. 1aih wir 5 Oiz (OFOM. 54 Mops)         wow         tose +30%
      Toor1     ohB     ieEE a02.1 1W2 « onz (©Sesioron a Mops)          wes         oss +96%
      1oorz     GaB     ieE 802 1 1We24 Git (DSSSIOFDN12 Mops)           woan        promincern
      1oors     ons     iesE 802119 wiri 24 aite (DBSSIOFDN18 Mops)      wow         aer +s6%
      10074     caB     iEEE 802.119 Wii2.4 aite (DSSSIOFDN, 24 Mope)    We          1030      296%
      Toors     GAB     iEEE 602.110 W2 a onz (DSSS/OFDN 30 Maps)        wiky        1077 +aa%
      Toure     Ga      iEEE 802 1 19 W24 Gi(DBSS/OFDN 48 Mops)          wows        1ose ze6%
      Toor?     ons     iEEE 802.113 W2 4 Gite (DSSS/OFDN: 54 Mope)      wows        1c +96%
      Toosi     cas     coMizove (IxTT. RC3)                             commenns    |_sor + e6%
      Toss—|    CAB     15—51 115—130 FDD (TDNWFDN Pi2—DarsK, Fulrate)   Aues        477 +a0%
      1ooso     onc     Grrsron (rown, GMsk, Th 04)                      com         65e +96%
      1ooer     ons     uisF50 (hsor®                                    weoux       s9e +96%
      Tooss     oa6     uisFOD (SupA, Suviest2)                          weona       305 +96%
      Toes      paG_|   EOGE—FpD (Town 6PSK, TN 0)                       com         ass +96%
      1orop     ons     LTE—FD (GC—FOM\, 100% R&. 20 hiz apSi)           Ceros       ser 196%
      Toror     Gae     Lre—ro (SC—FOMA. 100% RB. 20 Nx. 16.GAM          LTeroo      642| +96%
      Toroz—|   oae     LTe—Foo (sc—rom, 100% Re. 20 Niiz, 6r—cAN)       tTero0      600| +90%
      Toros     onG     Lre—Too (Gc—Fom. Too% Re. 20 Niz. orst)          tetbo       oze +06% |
      Totos     GaG_|   Lre—Too (Sc—oMn. 100% RB. 20 Nz. 16.CA           tretoo      sar 106%
      Toros—|   Gro     Lre—to (sc—rom. 100% Re. 20 Ninz. St—oAm)—       trempo      1001 +96%
      Totos_|   orG     Lre—rpo(Sc—FoNA. 100% RB. 10 Ni. aPst)           tTeFpo      580 +90%

     Certficate No: EX3—3802_Feb1d                     Page 11 o 20


     exsovs— sngose                                                                February 27, 2019
      Tor0s     one     LrE—Fop (SC—Fov® 1oo% RG. o Miiz. 16.aAt         trerbo    a45     ze5%
      Torr|     cac_|   LtE—Fop (sc—Fov, 100% RG, s hke. aPSi)           treFbG    s7s     +05%
      Toi11     cas     LTE—FDD (Sc—FOMA. 100% Ro.s NHe, 16:0AN)         LTeFD0    644|    x95%
      Torl2_|   caG     Lre—roD(GC—roma. 100% Re. 10 hMnz. Gt—Gan)       Lrerbo    ase     a06%
      Torls     ca6     LrE—FOD(GG—rDMA. 100% RG. 5z. B1—OAMY            LtEFOD    sez     xo6%
      Tot1é     GAG_|   IEEE 802.1 n (HT Greenfeld, 135 Mops, BPSK)      wiew      a10_|   +05%
      10115     CAG_|   IEEE 8021in (HT Greenfeld, 1 Mops. 16—0AM)       woay      a40     +95%
      Toris     CAG     12EE 802 11n (HT Greenfeld, 135 Vbps. 61—GAN)    wrew      ais     +96%
      10117     GAG     IEEE 802.11n (HT Mxed, 13 5 Mops, BPSE)          woay      aor     +05%
      T0118—|   GaG     1EEE 802.1 n (HT Mived, 81 Mbps, 16—GAM          wory      ase     +06%
      Torie—|   CAG     i6EE 802.1in (HT Mved. 135 Vibps, 64—0AV)        wia       a13_|   a06%
      10140     cE      LTe—rop (GC—Fomh. 100% Re. 15 Wz 16.A            LTEFOD    649     x96%
      Torn      ce      Cre—rob(sC—roma t00% Ra, 15 Mzz. St—oan)         LrEFoD    655     +as%
      Tora2     Cae     LTE—Fpo (sc—rovm, 100% Ro, 3 Muz. apSi)          LTerbo    573     +06%
      Tords     CAE     LTE—FDD (sC—FOVA. 100% RG. a Mz. 16—@AN)         L1EFDD    635     296%
      Toras     cae     LTE—FDD (SC—EDVA.100% Ro. 3 Mkz. Bt—QAM)         LTEFOD    6cs     x96%
      Toras     car     Lrefpo (sc—roma.Too% Re, 14 Ne onei)             LrEFoD    s76     za8%
      Totds     oar_|   LTE—Foo (Gc—roMA,1oo% R6, 1a We 16—GA0)          LTeFbp    641|    xa6%
      Torar     Car     LTEFon (Gc—FoVh. 100% R6. 1at Mz. 6t—0)          LTEFOD    672     x96%
      1otds     CAE     LTEFOD (GC—FoWn, 50% RS, 20 Mkz, 10—GANM         LTEFOD    64z     xe6%
      To1se     ce      LTe—FoD (sc—Fowa, 50% Re, 20 Miic. St—QAn)       LEFOD     6c0     +96%
      Torsi     GaG_|   Lre—roo (Gc—roMn, so% Re, 20 hike, aPSiQ         LteoD     aze     +o6%
      Torse     Gae     Lre—roo (Gc—romn. sov ho. 20 Miz. 16:GAt)        cre00     sez     206%
      Totss     CaG     LTE—Too (Sc—Fo. 50% Re. 20 Mrz. 6t—GAM)          isuem     1oos    +96%
      Torss     Cae     Lre—FOD (sc—romh, 5o% RB, 10 likz. GPSI)         LTEFOD    575|    »06%
      To1es     cas_|   LrEFOD (Sc—Foma, 50% R6, 10 Nikz. tsoAM)         LteFb     eas     +96%
      Torse     oa6_|   LEFon (sc—Fomh, so% ho. 5 Mhz, aPS)              LtEFOD    a7e     «96%
      iorer     CAG     Lre—Fod (GC—FDMA. So%e Rb, tihz, 16:Q0           LTEFDD    e49     a90%
      To1se     cas     LtEFDD (SC—FOMA, 50% Ro, 10 z. G£.oAN)           Lrerbp    se2     +06%
      Torse     cae     Lre—FoD (sc:rom, sos: ma. 5 MzSEGAM)             tTerbG    ase     256 %
      Toreo     cae     LE—FDD (Sc—Fowh, 50% ho. 15 ihc. apsi)           LreFo0    sez     +96%
      Toie1     CAE     LTEFDp (GC—FDMA. So% Re. 15 Mz 1G—GAM            L1EFOD    645     a08%
      Tore2_|   cae     LTEFDD (sc—Fomh. 50% ho. 15 niz. Gt—0A           LTEFO0    ase     +06%
      Tores     car     LtE—FDp (sc—roNA,se o. 14 hine.aPSi)             LTeFbo    sa6_|   +985 %
      1oier     car     LTE—FOD (sc:romn, so% e 12 Maz. 16.Gal)          LreFo0    621|    295%
      Tores     car     LTe—rpp (sc—romn, 5o% hB14 Maz. St—GAn)          LtEFOD    679     x96%
      To1es     cas     LrE—op (sc—romm, 1 Re, 20 iz arst)               LTEFOG    575     +a6%
      10170     on      LrE—Fob (GC:FoMA1 ho. 20 Nike, 16000             LiEFDD    as2     sa0%
      Torri_|   Ane     LTE—FoD (Gc—Fomn, 1 Re. 20 Miz. G+—0A)           LiEFOD    640|    x98%
      1172      ca6     Lre—Tod (GC—FoMA. 1 Re. 20 whz, orsi)            Lte—f00   a2      «06%
      wizs      can     Lre—ToD(GG:FoMA, 1 RG, 20 Mvz, 160M              Lre7o0    948|    za5%
      10176     CAG_|   LTE—TDD (GC—FDMA, 1 RB, 20 Miz. 64GAV)           LTE—TOD   1025    +96%
      10175     caG LTE—FOD (SC—roun1 Re. to wke, arst)                  LtEFO     572 z06%
      1oi7e_|   ca@ Lre—rob (Sc—Foma1 Re. to like. 16oam)                LreoD     652 a96%
      Torr?_|   Gal LTE—FDD (GCFOVA,1 RS, 5z. GPSQ                       tTeroo    a7s |ee%
      Toire     caG LTEFOD (Sc—FoMh, 1 Re 5 Mitz, 16.0A                  teroo     as2 +a5%
      Toz       Cac_| Lre—roD (SC—foun1 Re, 10 NHe: etOA)                LtEFO     650 206 %
      10120     caG_| LrE—FoD (SC—FoWh1 Re. 5 Miz, Gt—GAM)               LrE—roD   650 +96%
      Tore1     ons Lreron (sc—roma 1 ho. 15 Miz. arsiy                  teroo     572| ase%
      Toree     cae LTE—FOD (c—Foun 1 Re. 1s hkz, 160A                   treroD    652 <a0%
      Tores     AAb LTe—oD (SC—FouA, 1 Re. 15 hive, GGA)                 LrEFOD    Feomieccra
      Toes      cas LE—FOD (sc—romn1 Re. 3 Miz. PS                       LtErOD    ara 296%
      Tores     cas LE—FOD (SC—FOMA,1 Re3Mz. 16.0A00)                    Lrero     Ceomieccys
      Torse     Mn LTE—FOD (sc—Fomn,1 ho 3 Miiz. Se:an0)                 terbo     s50 «56%
      Toisr     car LTE—FOD (sC—EDMA1 Re. 1.4 ViHz, arsi)                LrerbD    573 296%
      Toras     oaF LTE—FDD (SC—FOMA1 RB. 14 Miz. 1€.0A0                 L1EFOD    652 a96%
      Torss     Anr_| LTE—FDD (SC—FONA1 Ro, 14 Miiz. St—00)              trerbD    650| as6%
      10195     GAG_| IEEE 8021 i (HT Greentld, 65 Vips, Beai)           worn      a00 +50%
      T004      CAG_| IEEE 802.1 n (HT Greenfeld, 30 Mops, "6—aAN)       ww        a12 +05%
      10185     GAG IEEE 802.1 in (HT Greentaia, o5 Mops, 6t:0AV)        woay      a21 «95%
      10196     GAG_| IEEE 802.11n (HT Mixed65 Vops, BPSQ                w         810| +05%
      Torar     CAG_| IEEE 802.1 n (HT Mixed. Sa Mops, 16—@AV)           wikt      a13_| +55%
      1ores     CAG i6€E a02.tin (HT Mxed. 65 Mops, GEOM)                woay      a27 +96%
      Tozt      GaG iEEE 802.1 in (HT Mized. 7 2 Mops, BPSQ              wom       s03 +35%

     Cortficats No: EX3—3032_Febt                        Page 12 or 20


          waove— snasse                                Fabuary27,2019
                           itcE 80 tn
                           i       i

          Cortfcate No: Ex0asc2.Feoto   Page 13 o 20

vre en uencmm gn wrmie weme mm s myrcine ==


      exsove— sNiaoge                                                                                February 27,2010
       Tosns     Mb      LrEFDo (sc—FoNAso% h. aMr. sr—oam                                LErpd      660 290%
       10301     AAA     1EEE 802.16e WiMAX (29.18, Sms, 10Mkz. GPSI PUSC)                winrx      1203 «96 %
       10302     AMA     IEEE 802.16e WiVAX (29:16, Sms, toVz. GPSK, PUSC, 3 GTRL         WiMAKX     tasr 296%
       T0503     AA      i2E 802.16e WiNAX 115. Sms, T0Mke. GAGAN. PuSo)                  wark       iesz sosk
       Tos0s     AMA     1EEE 60216e WiMWX (29—18, Sms, TOMz. 6ACAN, PUSC)                wivys      1186 +a6%
       10305     AAA     IEEE 802.16e WINAX (31:16, toms, 10iiz, BECAW, PUSC, 15|         WiiiAx     To| 205%
       Tosos     AAA     iEEE 802.16e WINAX (29.16, Toms, towiz, GeaAM PUSG, 18|          WiiAx      tar £05%
       Tosor     MAAA    leeE 802.160 WiNAX (25.16, Toms, 1oMiz, OFSR, PUSG, 10           wiax       Taas £95%
       Tosns     AAX_|   iEee e02e WINAX (20.16. Toms, 10uiz. 169AM. PUSC]                wivek      Tss soa%
       10308     AMA     1EEE 80216e WINAX (20.18, Tome, 10liiz, 160AM, AMC 28, 16        WiWAX      fass z98%
       Tosto     AAX     iEEE 8o2.i6e WiNAX (20 18, toms, 1olnz, aPSX, AMC 28, 18—        Waink      Tar 205%
       Toart     AAb|    Lt—rob (sc:romatovk Rs, 15 MPS                                   trerpo     sos_| <90%
       1oss      w       bents                                                            en         1051 +86%
       Tone      m       ibente                                                           pen        1948 ze6%
       Toa1s     MB      ie€eao2io win21 onz (DSSS, 1 Nops. Sope outy cyoo)               wow         171 <96%
       10518     MB      tege802.119 Win 2.4 Grte (ERP—OFM 6 Mops. Sbpe duty cyao)_|     WLAN        a36| +06%
       10317     AnG     i€GE a02.11a i: 5 Gite (OFONM, 6 Mors. SGpe duly oyde)          wony        a36| +06%
       10362     AMA     Pulse Wavefom (200#e, 10%)                                       Generc     1000 +306
       10358     AAA|    Puise Wavefom (200rie, 20%)                                      Genenc     690| z08%
       10364     AAA     Puise Waveform (2001iz40%)                                       Genere     sos +08%
       10355     AAA     Puise Wavefom (200riz. 60%)                                      Gener      222| a00%
       10356     AMA     Puise Wavefom (200riz, B0%)                                      Genere     osr |205%
       10387     AAA     GPSK Waveom.1 Mitz                                               Generc     s10 +36%
       10300     AAA     GPSKWaverom, 10 Miz                                      ~|     Genere      522| 206%
       10506     AAA     6t—0AMM Waverorm. 100 Kiz                                       Genenc      o2 a96%
       10308     AMA     6H—GAMd Wovelorm; 40 NHz                                        Gererc      ear x96%
       10500     AAD     1EEE 802.1 tac Wiri (2OMHe, 64—OAM Stpe duly cyoe)              woan        a3r_|+06% |
       T6z01     AAD     16EE 802.11ae Wiri (0Mez, 64—GAN, Sope duty cycle)              wow         a00 +06%
       10502"|   AAD     iEEE 8021iac Wiri (@OMHe. 64—GAM, Sdpc duly oy)                 wow         a53 290%
       Tor0s     MB      Comz000 (hev—50. Rev. 0)                                         comeons    376| +96%
       Toiot     AB_|    CoMEZ000 (mEV—D0, Rev. A)                                        commano    |_s77_| +96%
       10805     as      comzo00. Ros, 082. scro. Ful Rare                                commento   522| +96%
       10610     AAF     LTE—T0o (GC—FOM.1 RB, 10 Miiz, aPsr, UL                          tETbD      7ee 206%
                         Subttame=, Subrame Contetl
       Torns     Am_|    wuak copr, 6t—oAM onz                                            Genen      as <se%
       Toits     AMA     1EEE 502.1 19 WiFi2 4 Ghiz (SS5, 1 Maps: S9pe dulycyeie)         ww         181 | z05%
       Toe1e     AAA     12EE ao2 11q WiF2 4 Giie (ERP.OFDN, 6 Mops: $Gpe duty cyo)       WUWN       az +e6%
       1617      AAB     1e€E a02.tiam wiei5 Giiz (OEON. 6 Maps. 99pe duty cycie)         wow        a2 <o6%
       Torts     AM      i2EE a2119 WiFi 24 Giie (D5S5—OFDWM, 6 Mops, $9pe duty cyole,    WLAN       aid 295%
       Tore      RAX     ieE 602119 Win24 Gitz (DSSS—OFDM, 6 Mops, Sove duy cyole,        WLAN       s10 zs6%
                         Short preambule)
                 ARG_|   iEEE 002 1 in (HT Greonfold, 7 2 Mops. SrSr)                     wow        a3 <9s%
       T01z3     AAB     16e #02.11n (HT Groentlld, 43.3 Mops16—GAM)                      waan       aa7—| 208%
       Toras     AAG     12EE 802.1in (HT Greentels, 72.2 Nops. 64—0A)                    wow        840| +06%
       10825     AAG_|   1EEE 802—11n (iT Greenteld, 15 Mops. BPSE)                       ww         a41_| +a6%
       T04ze     AAG_|   1EEE 802.11n (HT Greonfels, 90 Mops, 16—0AM)                     wiw        a45 +e6%
       To82r     AAB_|   18€€ 802 1 n (HT Greentleld. 150 Mbps. 6t—OANY                   ww         a41_| 196%
       10830     AAD     LTEFDD (GFOMA; 5 Aiz. E—Tir3.1)                                  LEFDG      s25 +96%
       Toas1     Mb      LTE——00 (orown, o Miz, E—tii3 11                                 terop      630 ree%
       10432     AAG     LTEFDD (GFDNMA; 15 Wic. E—T31)                                   erbo       6ai re6%
       Torss     AAG     LrE—FOD (OFDNMA. 20z. E—Tm3.1)                                   tTerop     _|_a3t <ea
       Torss     AAA     W—CDMA (BS Test Model 1. 64 bFGH)                                We         aeo +90%
       10435     MF      LTe—Too (SC—FONMA.1 Ro. 20 Vine. arsr, UC                        tmetob     782 £96%
       Toir      AAG_|   LTE—Fo (OFDMA. 5 Miz, E—TM31. Gipping a%)                        teron      _|_Tse 266%
       Toéas     AAD     CTEFOD (GFDNM10 lkz. E—TM 1, Clppin 44%)                         tTerop     Tss 196%
       Toi9      AAG     LTEFDD (OFDNMA. 19 hike. E—TM 31. Cipng 444)                     terop      s1 x96%
       Torso     AG      LTE—DD(FDNMA 20 iie. E—TM 31. Cipping 44%)                       terop      748 +08%

      Cerbficate No: EX3—3032_Feotd                       Page 14 of 20


     exsove— sNsoue                                                                     Febmuary 27, 2019
      T0iG1     _TAAA   W—COMA (BS Test Model1 64 DPCHL. Cipping 24%)        weoua      7so      s96%
      Toso      AAB     1EEE 202.tiac Wiri (160MHe, S4—OAMSope duty cycie)   whew       aes      +96%
      Toisr     Ana     UiMTS—roD (bc—nsorn)                                 Weat       662_|    206%
      10i88     AMA     CDMAZ000(1x£V—00, Rev. 6.2 camers)                   commzore   65       z96%
      Tosss     MA      COMAZ0O0 (1xEV—D0. Rev. . 3 camers)                  commzons   "|_a2s   +a6%
      Tosso     nA      UMTS:FDD (WGoWn. Ar                                  weouw      230|     x06%
      Toier     MA      LTE—ToD (SC—FDMA,1 RB, 14 NiRGPSR, U                 treroo     Tez      296%
      Tore2     AAA     Lre—Too (C—FOM7 R&, 14 Niz, 16—0a0, UL               tremoo     a30      z95%
      Tores     MA      LrE—Top (6G—FDMA. 1 RB, 1.4 MHe, G4—GRV. UL          tremo      a56      z95%
      Toies     AAB     LrE—Top (GC—rDMA. 1 RB, 3 hihz, aPSF, UC             tremoo     Tas      z95%
      Toles     AAB     LrE—To0 (SG—FDM. 1 RB; 3 hHe, to—GRM, UL.            tremo      sa2      s9s%
      Toiss     MAB     Lte—T00 (SC«FDMA 7 Ra. a Niz, se—oa. UL              tremo      asr      za5%
      Toser     MAE     Lre—100 (GC—FOMA. 1 RB. $ Wihe. GPSF U               tretoo     Tas      zesw
                        Subtame=2 347.6.9)
      Tosee     ANE     LTE—T0D (GG—FOMA, T R6, 5 hMiz, 16—GRM, UC           temo       s3       z90%
      Tosse     MAE     LTE—ToD (SC—rOMA, 1 Ro, 5 NMiz. 6%—GRM. UL           Lreod      ass      £90%
      Tosro     ANE|    Lre—to(GG—rDMA, 1 RB, 10 Nie. Grsr, U                treo       Tss      z56%
      Toari     ME      LrE—To(GC—DM. 1 RB, 10 Nine, 1s—oAn. U               tremo      a5r      £95%
      Toir2|    ME      LTe—rod (SGFDMA. TR6, 10 Miiz, Gr—oAn, UL            trembo     a5r      £90%
      Toara     ARE     LTE—T00 (GC—rOMA. 1 RB. 16 Miz. GPS¢. U              tremo      Te       ras%
      Tosra     ANE     Lte—toD (GC—rOM, 1 RB, 16 tinc, 16—0A0, U            tremo      s3z      295%
      Toirs     ME      LTE—T00 (GC—FOMM, 1 RB, 15 Vine. si—oAM, U           tre7oo     a57      «96%
      Toar?     AnF     CTE—Too (Bc—roM, 1 Re, 20 Miie. ts—oM. UL            LtET0D     aa2      +96%
      Tosra     AAF     Lre—Tod (GG—FMA, 1 RB, 20 NMic, 64—@AM. UL           LteToo     a57      £95%
      To47a     AMA     LTE—Too (sc—FoNA, S0% RG. 14 Ninz, asr, U            teTbo      Tra      ze8%
      Toase     AMA:    LTE—ToD (Sc—rDMA, 50% Ra. 1ie 16—GAMUL               tremo      ais      z96%
      Toser     ARA     Lre—TDD (GC—FONMA. So% RB, 14 Wie, G—0AM, UL         tTeoo      a4s      :98%
      Tez       AB      LTE—Too (SC—FOMA. 50% RB 3 ViRz. GrsX, UL.           tTetos     Tr       +s6%
      Toss      AMB     LrE—top (6C—FOM. So%e RB, 3 Miiz. 16.aAM. UL         tTemo      ase      £96%
      Toase     Ani     Lre—o0 BcDits. S0% RG; 3 Mz G—GRAMUC                 TTETo5     sar      <90%
      Toiss     NE      Lre—rop (GC—FDNMA. So% RB, 6 Niz, GPSR, U            trEto      Tso      235%
      Tores     AAE     Lte—Too (SC—FDMA. 50% Ra, 5 Miiz. 16—00, U           tremo      ase      r95%
      Tossr—|   AAE     LTE—T0D (GC—FDMA, 50% RB, 5 Nine, Gr—oRM, UL         trerpo     seo      s95%
      Toiss     AAE     Lre—roo (GC—OMA, 50% RB. 10 MiHe. GrSK. UL           tremo      T70      +95%
      Tosss     ME      Lre—Too (6C—rOMA, So% Re. to hne, 1é—GAM, UL         trembo     wat      290%
      1oéao     MAE     LTE—TOD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 10 VMz, 64—OAM; UL         LTE—TDD    a51      £96%
      Tosot     MAE     LTE—ToD (GC—rDMA. S0% Re, 15 Mrz. oSr, U             tremo      Th       £00%

     Certicate No: EX3—3032_Feb19                        Page 15 of 20


      exsovs— SNouz                                                                            Fobrmary 27, 2019
       Toase    MAE     LTE—ToD (GC—rOMA. So% Ro. 1s nie, 16—GAM, UC                 temo      ai1     za5%
       Tores    AAE     LTE—ToD (GC—FONMA,so% Ro. ts uz. Gi—GAN, UL                  tretoo    ase     205%
       Tss      AAF     LTE—T0D (GC— Re. 20 une, orsk, UC                    treToo    T7a     z96%
       Tds      AAF     LTE—Too (Gc—rDMA, 50% RB, 20 ninz, t6—oAM, U                 treo      sar     200%
       Torms    AAF     LTE—Too (Gc—tFDMA So% Ro, 20 hnz, se—GaM, U                  treoo     asi     £05%
                        Subfamen2 347.
       Tosr     AMA     LTe—Too (Gc—FDMA Too% Ro,1 z. arSK, U                        tretop    Ter     206%
       Toses    ARA     LTE—Too (Bc—DMA, itow R&,14 Miz, 16—anM, U                   tremo     a40     200%
       Toids    AMA     Lte—To (GC—FDMA. 100% RB, 1. hMvz, sr—GAM, UC                tretoo    ses     z0a%
       Tosoo    AAB     LtE—Too (sc—FoWA, soo% R&, Ninz, aPsic, U                    tremo     Tar     293%
       Tosot    AB|     LrE—ro0 (Sc—tFDMA. oo‘ RB. a uiiz, 16—aAM, U                 temo      a4      z96%
       Tosor    AB      Lte—roo (sc—FDMA Toom Ro, a hnz, se—aan, UC                  tremo     as2     z95%
                        Subtame=2 347.8.0)
       Tosos    AAe     Lre—Too (sc.roma, soow Ra; s Niz, onsU                       tremo     T72     z9a%
       Tosos    ARE     LTE—ro(5C—rDMA. Too% Re, s hMrz, te—aam, UC                  temo      aa1     zesw
                        Subtame=                                                                __|
       Tos0s    AAE     Lre—roo (Gc——pM\, Too% RB, 5 Miz, ss—oAM, UL                 treto     as         %
       Tosos    ARE     LTE—Tho (s0—rbMn. oo Ra, 10 Miiz OrSC, UC                    temwo     Th      ass%
       Tosor    anE|    Lre—roo (Bc—romn, toow R, 10 Viiz 10—oan. UC                 temo      a36     255%
       Tosos    ARE     LE—ToD (GC—rDMA, 100% RB, 10 Niz d—aAM., UL                  tretoo    as5     s95%
       Tw       aie     PTob ontnth Too% RB, 15 Vine, GrsK, UL                       tetod     7oo     z56%
       Tosto    ARE     Lre:Top (sc—fomn, foo% Ra; 15 ¥irz 16—Gan, U                 tretod    845     z095%
       Tosit    AAE|    Lre—Top (sc—roi, foo‘e R, 15 inz G4—GAn. U                   tetbo     as1     295%
       Tostz|   AAF     LTE—Top (Gc—fDWMA Yoow RS, 20 Mz arar, ut                    tietbd    T       206%
       10813    AAF     LTE—TOD(SC—FOMA, 100% RB, 20 VMiiz, 16—QANMUL                LTE—TDD   842     £98%
                           frame=2 3478.9
       Tosts    ARF     LE—TDD (SC—FDM. 10o% R&, 20 Niz Si—oAm, UC                   terbo     Bas     295%
       Tosts    AAX|    i€Ee aos1 io Wii 2 4 GHz (DSSS. 2 MapsSope duy syole)        wow       150| +s5%
       10516    AAA     iEEE 802 11b Wi2 4 Ghiz (DSSS, 5.5 hibps. bape duty cyeie)   www       157 +08%
       Tostr|   AMA     iE€E 802.1 to WR2.4 Ghiz (DBSS, 11 Mops: Sope duly eycl)     wiks      150| +95%
       Tosie    MB      iEEE a02 1 1ah Wii5 Ghiz (FOM, 9 Mpe, Sope duty cyele)       wow       azs—| <oas
       Tosta    AAB     iEEE 802.1 tam WiF5 GHHz (OFDM, 12 hMbps. ope duty cycle)    wias      a30 zs6%
       10520    AAG     iEEE 8021 tah Wii 5 Giiz (OFONM, 18 Mops. 99pe duly cycl)    ww        a12°| +96%
       Tose1    AAB_|   i6€E 802.1 tah WiF 5 Giiz (OFONM, 24 kops. 99pc uty cyce)    woa       L9r ze6%
       10522    AAB     iEEE 8021 am wiis Ghiz(GFOM, 36 knps, Sape duty cyce)        wasn      s45 <06%
       Toszs    AAB     1EEE 8021 iah Wiri 5 GHz (OFOM. 4s libps. S9pe duly cycie)   wean      Eromieces
       10528    AB      ie€E a02.10h win 5 Griz (GFDM, 58 libps. 99pe duty cxce}     w         a27—| reew
       Toszs    wnB     ieE 002.1 tee Wiri (2OMiHe, MGSO, Supe cuty cycie)           wean      ase [ 196%
       T05ze    ARG     1EEE 802 1 tae WiFi (20MiHe, MGS1. S9ve uty cydle)           wean      a42 [ +06%
       10527    AMB     1BEE 802 1 1ae Wiri (@OMiz. MGS2: S9pe duty cycie)           wew       a21°| s06%
       Tosas    AAB_|   isE 802.1 tac Wirs (2OMHz. MGS3. 9ope duty cycle)            wian      a30—| ra6%
       10529    AnB     iEEE 8021 10e Wiri (20Me, MGS4, Sape auty cyaie)             ww        a30 +00%
       10591    AAB_|   1EEE 802.1 tas WiFi (20Me. MCSG, #9po duly oyole)            WAN       845     296%
       Toss|    AAB     iEEE 602. facWiFi (20ViHe, MCST, #9pe duly oycle)            wean      a20     £96%
       1ossa    Ad—|    ieE a02.tiae Wi (2OMHe, MGSe, S9pe dutycycle)                wian      ase     ro6%
       Tossa    MB      iEEE 607 1ae WiFI (OViie, MCSO, SGpe duty oydle)             wian      a4s     +a6%

      Cerbicate No: EX3—3832_Feut9                        Page 16 of 20


     exsove— sNsese                                                                            Fobruary 27, 2010
      Tosss      AnB     1EEE 5021 ae We (MONN. MGSI: Sope duly aye)                    wow    promiecces
      10536      MAB     1EEE 602.1 tac Wiri (0Miie.MCS2, S9pe duly cyciet              wowy   as2_| 2a0%
      Tosar      AAB     1EEE 802.1 e Wiri (d0Me. MGSS. S9pe duty oyde)                 Wokn   a44_| za6%
      Tosab      AAB     1EEE 802.1 e Witi (d0Vile. MGSA. S9pe duty oyde)               wuw    asi zas%
      Tosdd      AAB     1EEE 802.1 tac Wiri (40Mie. MCSS, 99pe duly cyac)              ww     a30 +06%
      Tost       MB      1EEE 802.1 tas Witi (0Miie, MCS7, S9pe duty cyae)              wow    a40| +50%
      To5a2~|    MB      1EEE 802.1 tae Wiri (20Miiz.MGSB. Supe duty cy)                worn   ass +a0%
      Tosds      MB      1EEE 802.1 tac Witi (d0Me, MGSD. S9pe duty cyle)               wokn   as5 +s6%
      Tosta      AAB     1EEE 002.1 Tac WiFi (BOMHz. MCSO. SGpe uty oyde)               wokn   a47 +30%
      T05d5      MB      IEEE 802.1 tas Witi (BOViHe, MCS1. B9pe duty cyale)            whey   ass +a0%
      Tosde      AAB     1EEE 802.1 tac Witi (BOVe. MCS2. Supe duty cycle)              worn   a35 +s0%
      Tosdr      AnB     1EEE 002.1 tac Witi (B0Mz,MGSS, S9pe duty cyle)                worn   849| +s0%
      Tosds      MB      iEEE 602.1 oc Witi (BOMH. MGSA. S9pe duly cye)                 ie     a57 +a5%
      10550      MB      1EEE 802.1 Tac Wiri (BOMHe. MGSG. 9upe duly oydle)             wow    530| =36%
      Toss1      AAB     iEEE 802.1 ts WiFi (BOMie. MGSF, 99pe duty cyal)               woky   a50_| 2003
      10552      MB      1EEE 802.1 tas WiFi(BOVi, MGSB. O9pe duty oycle)               woah   s42| x96%
      Tossa      A       iBE802.1 s Wini (BOV, MGSS, S9pe duty oycle)                   view   s45 +96%
      To5se      AAG     TEee 802.1 To Wiri (1o0MNz. MGSD, Sope duty oycle)             woiw   a4s +08%
      10505      AAG     iEEE 802.1 oc Wiri (1o0Miz: MGS1, 99pe duly cycle)             wow    aar +96%
      10566      AAG     IEEE 802.1 e wini(1600MWz. MGSz. 9pe duty cycle)               woky   a50 +a0%
      Tossr      AAG     IEEE 802 1 e Wini(160MHe, MGS3. Bope duty eycl)                whew   a52_| x95%
      Tosse      AAG_|   1EEE 8021tae Wii (160Mile. MGS4. bope auty eycle)              woan   a61_[ »98%
      T050       AG      NEEE #02.1 Te wini (TooNHz. MGSG_ B9ve duly cycl)              ww     an reas
      10561      AG      IEEE 802.1 ae wini(1boMz: MGST. Sope duty cycl)                ww     ase z96%
      105602—|   AAG     iEEE 802.1 e Wiri (160NiMz. MGSS, 9Gpe duty cycle)             woew   aso +95%
      Tosea      AAG     1€EE 802 1ae Wiri (160Mie, MGS3,Bopo duly eycle)               woay   arr ze6%
      10564      AAA     (eee 802.119 Wiri2.4 Ghz (DSSG—OFDN, 9 Mbps, S9pe duty         wian   a25 226%
      Toses      AMA     iEeE a02119 Win2.4 Gnz (DSS—OFDN, 12 Mops, S9ve duy            woy    ais     zes%
      Tosee      in      EeE ao2 mg wiiz s onz (Dass—orbh, is Wops, sopc ouy            wiay   ais     zse%
      Toser      ARA     ieEE 802119 W2.4 Griz (DSS—OFDN, 24 Mops, 99pe duly            viay   a00     z36%
      Toses      MA      ieEe02.119 Wirr2.4 Giie (DSSS—OrDM, 36 Wops, Sope ouly         wian   aar     z96%
      Toses      AM      iEEE 802119 Win2. Giie (DSS—OFoN, db Mops, Sope duly           wo     a10     z35%
      Tosro      MA      iEEE 802:119 Wii 2.4 Giiz (DSS5—OFDM 54 Waps, Sape cuty        woan   a30     z30%
      Tosri      Ain     i6E a02 11 Wiri2.4 GHe (DSSS1 Nbps. Sope duly cyol)            wory   Tss     <so%
      10572      AAA     iEEE a02.1 o Wi:2.4 hz (@985. 2 Mops, Sope duty cycie)         woay   100|    +00%
      10573      MMA_|   1EEE 802.11h WiFi2.4 Gite (DSSS, 5.5 Mogs, 9Opc duty cycle)_   WA     198     196%
      Tosra      Aan     ieEE a0211 wiri2.4 ane (PSSS, 11 Maps, Sope duty oycle)        wor    19      +a0%
      Tosrs      AAA     ieee 802 119 Wiri2.4 Ghz (DSSS—OFDH, 6 Mbps, 80pe duty         wian   as0~|   £0%
      Tosre      AMA|    iEEE 802119 Wini 2.4 Gie (DSSS—OFDN, 5 Wbps. Bope duly         wed    seo     z85%
      Tosr?      AMA     ieee 02119 Win 2.4 Ghz (DSSS—orn 12 Mos. Sope auly             wiky   aro     £96%
      Tosre      AnA     eE eoz11g wini 24 Gnz (bass—Orbi1, 16 Weps, Sope auly          woay   a4s     £90%
      Tosre      ARA     i€ee o2119 Wim2a nz (DSS—OFDN, 28 Mops, ©0pe culy              wiay   ase     z90%
      Tosen      AMA     iEEE 602119 Wir2.4 hz (DSS—OFDN; 36 Mops, S0pe outy            wow    a76     £95%
      Toser      AMA     ieEE 802119 Win2.4 Ghie (DSSS—OFN, 48 Mops, S0pe duly          wory   a3s     £95%
      Toser      AMA     ieE 002119 Win2.4 Snz (DSS—Orpi, 54 Mops, $ope duly            wory   nor     £90%
      Tosss      MA      ieee 02t tam Win 5 Gnz (OFDN6 Mops: S0pe auly syle)            wow    as5     rea%
      Tosea      MB      1EEE 02 1 aih Wis Ghz (OFDM9 Moge, Sope duly cye)              wony   a60|    +e5%
      Toses      AAs     iEEE 602.1 tah Wisi 5 Gife (OFONM, 12 Meps. ope duly cyele)    wory   a10     z069
      Tosee      AnB     1EEE a02.1 taWis 5 GHz (OFDM, 16 Maps. 90pe duly oyele)        wosy   a45     £o6%
      Toser      Ais     ieE 802.1 tairWis 5 GHe (OFDM. 24 Mps. 90pe duty syele)        wow    a36     <00%

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        exsove— snasse                                                                               February 27, 2019
         Toses      AAs     iEEE a02.1 tam iWn s Giz (OroM, 36 Nlbps. Sope duly excle)    wow        Eromiiecces
         T05e9|     AnB     1EEE 802. 1am Wii s Ghz (OFDNM, 4b Nops. 9ope uty cycl)       wors       a35 xo6%
         10500      Ans     iEEE 802.Tiah Wiri 5 Gitz (OFOM, 54 Mops. S0pc duty cycle)    wiy        ser 206%
         105e1      AA8     1EEE 802.1 n (HT Mixed20Mie.MCSO, $0pe duly eyce)             wos        ae: x06%
         10502      AAs     1EEE 802.1 n (HT Mixed20Miz. NMCS1, $0pe duy eycle)           wokn       a79 2a5%
         10505      ANB     1EEE 802.1 in (HT Mived, 2oMie: MGSZ, Sope duty eyae)         wow        se« xos%
         10504      AAB     IEEE 802.1 in (HT Mixed 20Mie.MGS3, ©0pc duly eyoe)           wow        a7a—| x06%
         10505      AAB_|   IEEE 802.1 i (HT Mixed20Mie.MGSA, $0pc duty eycl)             wokn       ars »a0%
         T05a6      AAB     IEEE 802.1 n (HT Mxed20Miz.MGSS, $0pc duty cyce)              woww       an_|  296%
         10507      AnB     1EEE 802.11n (iT Mired, 20ine, MGS6, 90pe duty cycie)         wokn       872| xos%
         10508      AAB     IEEE 802.1 in (HT Mixed 20Mie, MGS7, S0pe duly eyoe)          ww         a50_| x06%
         10509      AAB     IEEE 802.1 n (HT Mixed. 40Mfie,NCSO, 90p duly eyde)           woan       a79_| xa0%
         10500      ANB     1EEE #02.11n (HT Med. a0MHiz:MGSA, Sope duty cyol)            wow        ass 205%
         Tosot      ANB     NEEE #02.1 in (HT Mved. 40Miie: MGS2, S0p duty eyce)          win        s82_| +95%
         10602      AAB     IEEE 802.1tn (HT Mixed. 40Miie, MGS3, 20p duty cycle)         WUAN       894     +908 %
         Tosos      An@ iEEE 802.1 o (HT Med40Mie. NCSA, $0pe duly eyce)                  woky       a03     ra6%
         Tosos      ANB iEEE 802.1 in (HT Mixed. 0Mie.MGS5, Bope duty eyoe)               wows       a70_|   x90%
         10505      NB 1EEE 802.1 in (HT Mixed. a0Miie. MGSG. S0pe duty eyde)             wias       as7—|   +953
         10506      B 1EEE 602.1 n (HT Mived. d0Miic. MGS7, 90pc duty cyle)               wokn       as2     z093
        [—Tosor—|   AAB_| 1EEE 802 1 Tae witi (@OMHe. MCSO. bops duty cycle)              woan       s5t_|   +a0%
         10508      AAB iEEE 602.1tae Wirs(20MHz, MGST, 90pe duly eycle)                  weay       arr     x06%
         Tooos|     Ana iEEE #02.1 1e Wini (20MHz, MCS2, Sope duty eyele)                 w          asr     x95%
         TosiD      wb      iEEE 202 t1ae wini POVz MGss, Sope duly eyo)                  wtals      s1s_|   z55%
         Tost1      Mn      ieE 802.1 ts Wiri (20MiHe. MGS4. $ops duty eycle)               ww       a70 206%
         To512—|    An      1EEE 602.1 tas Wirs(2OMiHe. MGSS, $0pc duty oycle)              wokn     a17 x083%
         10519      AMB     1EEE 602 1 To WiLi 2OMGSG. Sope duty oycie)                     wows     a9r| ze8%
         Toord      ANB     IEEE 802.1 tac Wini (POMz. MGSTSope duty eycle)                 wow      aso zea%
         Toats      Ans     ieEE 802 1 c Wini (2MHe. MGSB. Sope dity oycle)                 woan     ase xa5%
         To5te      Ama     iEEE 002.1 tac Wiri (AOViiz. MCSO, $0ps duly cycle)             wes      as2 zes%
         To517—|    AAB|    IEEE 8021 1me wiri dOnz, MGST, Sope duty ycie)                  wew      poomireres
         Toat       ANB     IEEE 802 1 Tae witi(#0MRz. MGS2. Sope duly oycie)               wew      a5e_| a95%
         To5te      AA8     1EEE #02.1 To Wiri (AOMiHMCS3,20psdury cycie)                   wow      as0 +s0%
         T05z0      AAG     iEEE a02.1 tac witi (dovie. MGS4, b0pe auty cycle)              wow      sar a96%
         10821      AAB     IEEE 602 1 tac WitiOMMGSS, S0pe duty eycie)                     woan     a77 x05%
         T05z5|     w       iEEE 802.1 e Wiri (OVine. MGS6. Sope duty cycle)                ww       ass +a0%
         Toszs      Ane     iEEE 802.1 tac Witi (dOMie. MGST, $0ps duly cycle)              worn     as2—| +a0%
         1os2e      Ano     1EEE 802 Thac Wis (d0Mrz.MCSS, S0pe duty cycl)                  ww       a90 x06%
         10525      AA      1EEE 802 1Tae WiFi (dONHe. MGSO, Sope dily eycie)               wow      a96 +a5%
         To5ze      wA      iEEE a02.1 o Witi(BOMHe. MGSO. G0pe duty oycle)                 woan     ass <e5%
         Tosar      AAB     iE€E 802.1 ts Wiri (BOViHe. MGS1, 90ps duly eycle)              wew      as0 +00%
         Tosze      Ans     iEEE a02.1 tac Witi (BOVineMOSP, $0pc duly oycle)               wekn     a7~|  «96%
         To5ze|     As      iEEE 802.1 tae Wiri (@OMHz. MGS3. #ope duty cycle)              wian     as5 +95%
         10530      s       1EEE 802.1 ae Wiri    (@Ovine. MGS4. bops auly oycle)           whew     672| 290%
         Tosst      AAB     iBE802.1 ts Wiri (BOMiHe. MCSS, ©0ps duly oycle)                worn     aa1_| 206%
         To5s2|     ANB     IEEE 802.1 c Witi (BOViHeMCSO, $0pc duly cyele)                 wian     a74 +06%
         T0533      MA|     1EEE 802. 1 me wiei (BOMHe. MGST, Sope duty oycie)              woan     an za6%
         Tossa      w6      1EEE 602.1 ae Wini (BOM. MGSB. S0ps duly eycie)                 ww       a50 za5%
         Tosas      Ans     iE 802.1 as Wiei (BObiH, MGSo, 60ps duty oycle)                 ww       a81 2a0%
         Tosae      wiG     i€E a02.1 tae Wiri (60MHe: MGSO, 00veduly cyol)                 wow      aes| +oo
         10537      AAG     1EEE 802.time W(16oMMic.MGS1. S0oe duly eyd)                    woa      a79—| ze8%
         Tosse|     mc                          (16ouiHe, MGS2, S0oe duty cye)           | ww        ans +a8%
         Tosse      AAG     1EEE a02.1 tas Witi (160MHe, MCS3, 90veduly cycl)            | wian      as5 x05%
         To5do_|    AAG     1EEE 802.1 tae Wiri (160Winz. MCSA, 90ne duty cycle)         [ wow       a9e +95%
         Tostn      AAG     iE€E 802.1 tac WiFi (oobie, MGSS, 0nc duty cycle)             | woan     se +96%
         102|       mc                          (1eouibe, MGSS, $05e duly cyde)             woa      906| +965
         Tossa      MG                           160blHz.MCS7, 90e duly oyde)               ww       aso +55%
         Tosas      wiG|    1EEE 602.11e Wiri(PooMne. MGSS, Sose duty cycl)                 wow      905 +e6%
         Tosts      AAG     IEEE 602 1 tae Wini (60lMHe, MGSS, 9bne duty cyol)              wow      on 206%
         Tosds      AAF     LTE—TOD (GC—FONA. 1 Ra, 5 Nikc. GPS<,UL Subtrame=2.7)           LTeoD    Tiee +96%
         Tostr      Anr     LTE—ToD (Sc—rOMA. 1 Ra, 20 Mnz aesK, UL Suotrame=2.7)           CTET0D   Tee +95%
         10648      AMA_|   GDMAZI00(1x Advanced)                                         SoMRz000   349     +96%
         Toss2      AAD_|   LTE—TOD (OFDMA. 5 Mz E—TM3.1, Cloping 489                     LTeroD     a91     +e5%
         10853      AAD     LTE—TOD (OFDNMA. 10 Wikic. E—TM 31. Gipping 44%)              LtETOD     742     x08%
         Tosss      Anp     LrE—ro(OFoma, 15 Miz. E—TM 31. Gipping 4di)                   Ererop     690|    zas%

        Certficate No: EX3—3832Fobtd                          Page 18 or 20

exsovs— sNisasz                                                                   February 27, 2010
 Tosss      AAE_|    LTE—TOD(OFDMA20 ViHz, E—TM3.1. Gipping 44%)        trembo    T2      206%
 10666      AAA      Puise Wavefom (200Hz, 10%)                         Test      1005    +96%
 10660      AAA_|    Puise Waveorm (200Hz, 20%)                         Test      69e     +96%
 10860      MA       Fulse Waveform (200tiz. 40%)                       Tost      390     2e6%
 10661      AAA      Puiso Wavelom (200Hz. 60%)                         Test      22|     +96%
 10662      AAA      Puise Wavelom (200Hz, 80%)                         Test      osr     +96%
 10670      AAA_|    Bluetootn Low Energy                               Sheioot   219     +96%
 Tosr1      AAA      1EEE a02.1 tax (20MHz, MGSO, S0pe duty excle)      wow       a0e     +06%
 10672      MA       1EEE 602.1 tax (20MRz, MGS1, S0pe duty cle)        wom       a5r     £96%
 10673      MA       1EEE 8021 Tax (20MERz. MGS2, Sope duty cycle)      wokn      a7e     +96%
 Tosra      AAA      IEEE #02.1 tax (20Miz, MGS3, Sope uty eycle)       worn      a7+     +96%
 Tosrs      w¥A      1EEE 6021 tax (20Miz, MGS4, S0pe duty cxcle)       woky      as0     +06%
 10676      MAA      IEEE 802.1 fax (20Miie. MCSG, O0pe duty yele)      wokn      a17     z06%
 Toor?      AMA_|    IEEE (20MHe. MCSG, 90pe duty cyolo)        wow       a7s     +96%
 Tosr_|     AAn      iEEE 802.1 tax (20Miiz, MCST, $0pe duty cycle)     wow       a7s     +a6%
 10679      AAA_|    IEEE 802. Tax (20Miz, MCSB, $0pc duty cyce)        WUsh      sse     +98%
 To6so      us       IEEE 8021 tax (20Mz, MGSO, Sope duty cxde)         woay      as ra6%
 Tose1      MAA      1EEE 802.1 tax (20MHz, MCS10. SOpe duly cyole)     wow       a62 +96%
 105e2      AAn      12EE 802.1 tax (20Miz. MGS11, S0pe duty cyole)     wows      ass +a6%
 Toses      Jn       1EEE 802.1 tax (RoMz, MGSO, #ape uty cyole)        woay      a42 +98%
 Tosea      WA       1EEE 602 1 tax (20Miz, MGST, $ope duty cycle)      wokn      aze +06%
 10005      AMA_|    IEEE 802. ax (20Vide. MGS2. 9Gpc duty cycle)       woay      an rs6%
 T050b      w0R      1EEE 802.1 tmx(PoMHz, MGSS. ve duly evce)          wory      peamiecrys
 Toser      AAA      1E 802 1 tax (20MHz. MGSe. 9ope uty cyle)          wow       a45_| +96%
 Tosas      WA       1EEE 602 1 tax(20Miz, MGSS, 99pc duty cycle)       woan      az ze6%
 10688      AAM      iEEE 02 1 fax (20MHz. MGSG, OGpe duty cyce)        wow       ass zas%
 10690      AAA_|    1EEE 6021 ax (20MHz. MCST, SGpe duly cyde)         wo        a20 +96%
 10691      AAA_|    166E 802.1tax (20MHz MCSB, ¥ape duty exce)         woiw      a2s +06%
 Toess      AAA      1EEE 802 11x (ZoMHz. MGSo, Sope duty cvce)         wown      az s08%
 Tooas      wA       1EEE 602 1tax (2OMz. MGS10. 9bpc duly cyole)       wow       a2% +96%
 Toses      Amn      1EEE 802.1Tax(20MHz. MGST1. 9¥pe duly cyole)       wory      s5r +96%
 Toses      JXA      1EEE 602.1tax (d0MHe. MGSO, $0pe duty cxcl)        wow       a7e +06%
 10606      AMA_|    iEEE 8021tax (d0Miiz, MCS1, 90pe auy cycle)        worn      a91   +96%
 10807      AMA_|    IEEE 802.1 fax (d0Mie, MGS2, 90pe duty cyole)      wow       a61_| +96%
 Toose      AnA      1EEE 602. s (doMHe. MCSS, S0pe duty eycl)          wow       ase +96%
 10808      AAA_|    i€EE (20Miz, MGSA, 90pe duty cycle)        wosy      aa> +96%
 10700      AAA      1EEE 8021Tax (doMHe, MGSS, S0pe duty cyd           wirs      a75 x96%
 Torot      AMA_|    iEEE 802.1 tax (d0Viiz, MCS6, 90pc duly cyela)     w         aae +96%
 10702      AA       IEEE 802.1 tax (d0Miz, MCST, 90pe duly cyclo)      wow       a70_| +98%
 Yoros      Aivs     iEEE 802.1tax (d0Miz. MGSS, S0pe duty cycle)       won       as2 +96%
 Toroé      MA       1EEE a0—1ax (doMH, MGSO, G0pe duty cycl)           wokn      a5e +96%
 10708      MA       IEEE 802.1 tax (d0Miz. MGS10, S0pe duty cyele)     woan      aee +e6%
 Tores      AMA      1€€€ 80211ax (d0MHz, MGS1 1 S0pe duly cycle)       wow       see zesn
 Toror—|    ANA      iEa02.1tax (d0Miiz, MCS0, 9upe duy cyole)          wow       e3z «96%
 Toros      AMA      IEEE 802.1tax (d0Miiz, MGS1, 9Gpe dutycycle)       wow       a5s +98%
 Toron      MA_|     iEEE 802 1 tax (40Mir, MGS2, 9ope duty cycle)      worn      ass +e6%
 Torto_|    AMA      iEEE 602.1 tax (10Miz. MGS3, 99pe duty oyole)      wow       a20 +96%
 Torii_|    AMA      iEEE 602.1 tax (d0Miz, MGSA, Sope duty oycle)      wokn      as +90%
 Tortz_|    Ana      iEEE 002.1tax (d0Miz, MGSS, pe duty oycio)         womn      #or +96%
 Toris—_|   MA       1EEE 602 1 tax (doNriz, MCS Gpc duty crole)        wowy      ass +95%
 Yoria      MA       1EEE 602.1 tax (10Mz, MGS7, 99pe duty oycle)       wowy      h26 +06%
 Toris      As       1EEE 8021Tax (10Mz, MCS, Sope duty crcle)          wo        aas_| +00%
 Torie      AAA      1EEE 802 1 t (doMz, MGSo, #ape duty crele)         woan      a30_| +96%
 Tori7_|    AAR      1EEE 602 1 tax (dONMiz, MGS10. 96pe duty cycle}    wow       aas +96%
 Tori®      AMA      1EEE 602.1 tax (d0Miz, MGS11. 9Ope duty cycle)     woay      sa +06%
 Torie      AMA      1EEE 802.1 tax (BOMz, MCS, $ove duty cxde)         wow       as1 +06%
 Torzo      AnR      i€EE 0e 1 tmx (BobMz, MGST, Sope dutyeycie)        wowe      aar +06%
 Torz1      AMR      1EEE 602 1 tax (BoMHz, MGS2, G0pe duty cxde)       wow       h76 £96%
 10722      AM\_|    iEEE 002.TTax (B0Miz, MGS3, OOpe duty cyclo)       wow       ass +s6%
 Torza      AnA      1EEE a02 1 tax (BobMz, MCSé, Sope duty cxce)       wow       a70_| +96%
 Torzs      MA       IEEE 802.1tax (BoMiz, MGSS, S0pe duty cycle)       wow       s90 +o6%
 Toras      AM._|    1EEE 802 1 fax (BOMHz, MGSS, 90pc duty cycle)      wow       a7e +96%
 Torze      MAA      1EEE 8021tax (B0MHz, MGST, S0pe duty cyce)         wosy      a72_| +96%
 Tora7      AMA_"|   IEEE 8021tax (@0Mir, MCSB, 9Ope duy cyole)         woky      ase +06%

Certficate No: EX3—3832_Feo19                           Page 19 of 20

                                                       Page 50 of 78                          Report No. OT-19O-RWD-036

                                                                                                                       EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)


    Calibration Laboratory of                                                                      g. Sewalamrincher Kaltrdignnt
    Schmid & Partner                                                                               q Service suisse otslanrage
       Engineering AG                                                                                Servirio sviezero d tarturm
    (Imaghauasttanse 43, 8004 Zurich, Swtzeriana                                                   S smies cabration Sarvice

     Accredited by ine Sm Accrndiaton Svicn (SAS)                                                  Acsteciation Na. SCS 0108
     The Swies Accreditalion Eervice is one of the aignatories tothe EA
     Muilateral Agreementfor he tecognition of callration certfieston
     chen       BVKorea (Dymstec)                                                       Cerificas Ho: D900V2—10080_Apr19

     Ooea                             DS00V2— SN:1d060

     Caltraton orocedients)           OA CAL—O&M1T
                                      Calibration Procedure for SAR Validation Sources between 0.7—3 GHz

     Caltration cate:                 April 25, 2019

     "This calbraton cerificale documentsthe tracoabity t nationalstandards, which realce the physicaunits of measurements (SD.
     The measirements and the uncertainies wih confddence probabily are given on thefolowing pages and are par of the corticat.
     Allcalbrations have been conduted in the closed laboratory facit emvronment temperatur (22 2: 3)°C and humi iy <70%.
     Calbration Equipment used (M&TE crticalforcalbraton)
     Primany Standards                 n«                     Cal Date (Cortfcate No.)                      Scheduled Cabration
     Power mater NRP                   Sic rourze             08—Apr—19 (No.217—o2sc202e09)                 Apr2o
     Poner sensor NRP—291              sn: rosas              08—Apr—18 (No.217:o0000)                      Aprco
     Power sensor NRP:291              stt rosess             08—Apr—10 (No.217.00009)                      Apezo
     Reference 20 0B Attonuator        shtsose 209            0t—Apr—19 (No.217.00804)                      Aprzo
     Type—N mismatch combinaton        SN:5047.2/06027        Ot—Apr9 (No.217.02805)                        Aprzo
     Raference Probe EX3DVs            sn: rom                31—Dc—18 (No. EX3—7340 Decto)                 Dec—t9
     oaee                              stt sor                o1—0s—18 (No. DaE&—s01_Oott8)                 cce
     Socontiry Starcarts               n«                     hvekpute (h noun                              Sehocue Ghack
     Fomet mewEaavon                   h aenssieets           01—00—i5 in nowe deak Feb im                  In house chadts 0ct20
     Powe sensot P B1A                 Sn Uoaresersa          Or0cets (nhoime ce Do—in)                     in heuse chack: Oct20
     Pomer sansor 1 manta              an Meravoeiy           f—omds (howecneck Oc                          in héuse chicks Octia
     AF giwals hss Sit.0s              sn roo02               1dum15 j house shock Gct—10)                  in houw chic Gcrad
     Hotvon Analyzor Aglent Eesidh     s Lsetoanity           SiAAanta nbousncbeckOctt)                     in nouw check: oottm
                                      Name                                Furction
     Galbvatod by                     Gausio Leatier                      Caboratary Techician

     Avormed by                       Kaie Poiovie                        Techrical Mirager
                                                                                                           tssued: Apri 25, 2019
     This cltation cotfinie shal not b eproduced except in ul wthout wtten appravalof taboratory

    Certfcate No: DS00V2—18069_Apria                             Page 1 of8

  N#                                                              Page 52 of 78            Report No. OT—190—RWD—036

              Calibration Laboratory al                                                      S¢hnwnisuriachor Kaltderdionst
              Schmid & Partner                                                               Servicw suisus dtisionnage
                Engineering AG                                                               Seevitia svizzero ditaraturn
              Zoughousstraase 63, 9004 Zurich, Sultzertand                                   Swias Gallation Service

               Acereates ty the Swits Accrediilan Bervice (5A5)                           Acereaiatios No: SCS 0108
              The Swizn Actraditaion Servico is one of he aignatories to the EA
              MuillatoralAgrosmant for the recegnition af calliration cerifcates
              TSL                         tissue simulating liquid
              ConvF                       sensitivity in TSL / NORM xy,z
              NA                          not applicable or not measured

              Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
                  a) IEEE Std 1528—2013, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
                     Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
                     Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques®, June 2013
                  b) IEC 62209—1, "Measurement procedure for the assessment of Specific Absorption Rate
                     (SAR) from hand—held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (frequency range of
                     300 MHz to 6 GHz)*, July 2016
                  c) IEC 62209—2, "Procedureto determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless
                     communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30
                     MHz to 6 GHz)*, March 2010
                  d) KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"

              Additional Documentation:
                 e) DASY4/5 System Handbook

              Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
                 * Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the Validation Report at the end
                   of the certificate. All figures stated in the certificate are valid at the frequency indicated.
                 * Antenna Parameters with TSL: The dipole is mounted with the spacer to position its feed
                   point exactly below the center marking of the flat phantom section, with the arms oriented
                   parallel to the body axis.
                 * Feed Point Impedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipole
                   positioned under the liquid filled phantom. The impedancestated is transformed from the
                   measurement at the SMA connector to the feed point. The Return Loss ensures low
                   reflected power. No uncertainty required.
                  *    Electrical Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antennafeed point.
                       No uncertainty required.
                  *    SAR measured: SAR measured at the stated antenna input power.
                  *    SAR normalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input power of 1 W at the antenna
                  *    SAR for nominal TSL parameters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
                       nominal SAR result.
               The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
               multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
               probability of approximately 95%.

              Certficate No: D900V2—14069_Aprid                           Page 2 of 8

                                                                                                                     EMC—008 (Rev2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43—14, Jnsaegol—gil, Cnowa—eup, Gwanglu—s, Gyeonggi—do, 12738, Korea (TEL: 82—31—709—0500, FAX: 82—31—700—0500)


    Measurement Conditions
       DASY system coniquration, as far as not given on page 1.
        DASY Version                                            Dasys                               vse.102
        Extrapolation                                   Advanced Extrapolation
        Phantom                                          Modular Fiat Phantom
        Distance Dipole Conter — TSL                            15 mm                              with Spacer
        Zoom Scan Resolution                               d dy, dz =5 mm
        Frequency                                          900 Mz « 1 MHiz

    Head TSL parameters
       The folowing parameters and calculations were applied
                                                                  Temporature       Permittivity        Conductivity
         Nominal Head TSL parameters                                 220 °C             a15              0.97 mhoim
         Measured Head TSL parameters                             20 02)°C           41626%           0.94 mhoim 26 %
         Head TSL temperature change during test                    <05°C
    SAR result with Head TSL

         SAR averaged over 1 om" (1 g) of Head TSL                 Condition
         SAR measured                                       250 mW input power                 2.68 Wikg
         SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                 normalized to 1W            1.0 Wikg # 17.0 % (kx2)

         SAR averaged over 10 em" (10 g) of Hoad TSL             condition
         SAR measured                                       250 mW input power                  1.72 Wikg
         SAF for nominal Head TSL parameters                 normatized to 1W            7.01 Wkg 2 16.5 % (k=2)

    Body TSL parameters
       The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                                  Temperature       Permittivity        Conductivity
         Nominal Body TSL paramoters                                220°C               sso              1.05 mho/m
         Measured Body TSL parameters                             220 +02)°C         53626 %          1.04 mhoim £ 6 %
         Body TSL temperature change during test                    <o5°C                                    —
    SAR result with Body TSL

         SAR averaged over 1 em(1 g) of Body TSL                    Condition
         SAR measured                                          250 mW input power               2.76 Wikg
         SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                    normalized to 1W         11.1 Wikg 2 17.0 % (k=2)

         SAR averaged over 10 cm‘ (10 g) of Body TSL                condition
         SAR measured                                          250 mW input power               1.79 wig
         SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                    normalized to 1W         7.17 Whkg £16.5 % (kx2)

    Certficate No: D900V2—10069_Aprid                     Page 3 of 8

  Nt                                                         Page 54 of 78                                Report No. OT—190—RWD—036

              Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS 0108)

              Antenna Parameters with Head TSL

                    Impedance, transtormed tfeed point                                             soon—31jn
                    Retum Loss                                                                       —80.0 48

              Antenna Parameters with Body TSL

                    Impedance, transformed to feed point                                           a710—s0j0
                    Return Loss                                                                     —24.5 0B

              General Antenna Parameters and Design

                   [ Electrical Detay (one direction)                                                  1411 ns
              After long term use with 100W radiated power, only a slight warming of the dipole nearthe feedpoint can be measured.

              The dipole is made of standard semirigid coaxial cable. The center conductor of the feeding line is directly connected to the
              second arm of the dipole. The antenna is therefore short—circuted for DC—signals. On some ofthe dipoles, small end caps
              are added to the dipole arms in order to improve matching when loaded according to the position as explained in the
              ‘Measurement Conditons® paragraph. The SAR data are not affected by this change. The overall dipole length is stil
              according to the Standard.
              No excessive force must be applied to the dipole arms, because they might bend or the soldered connections nearthe
              feedpoint may be damaged.

              Additional EUT Data

                    Manufactured by                                                                    Speag

              Certficate No: D900V2—14069_Aprid                        Page4 of 8

                                                                                                                     EMC—008 (Rev2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43—14, Jnsaegol—gil, Cnowa—eup, Gwanglu—s, Gyeonggi—do, 12738, Korea (TEL: 82—31—709—0500, FAX: 82—31—700—0500)

  N#                                                  Page 55 of 78                           Report No. OT—190—RWD—036

              DASY5 Validation Report for Head TSL

                                                                                                      Date: 25.04.2019

              Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

              DUT: Dipole 900 MHz; Type: D900V2; Serial: D900V2 — SN:14069

              Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 900 MHz
              Medium parameters used: £= 900 MHz; 0 = 0.94 S/m; £, = 41.6; p = 1000 kg/m‘
              Phantom section Flat Section
              Measurement Standard: DASYS (IEEE/IEC/ANSI C63.19—2011)

              DASY52 Configuration:

                  *    Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7349; ConvF(Q.61, 9.61, 9.61) @ 900 MHz; Calibrated: 31.12.2018

                  *    Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                  *    Electronics: DAE4 Sn601; Calibrated: 04.10.2018
                  *    Phantom: Flat Phantom 4.9 (front); Type: QD 00L P49 AA; Serial: 1001
                  «_   DASY52 52.10.2(1495); SEMCAD X 14.6.12(7450)

              Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=15mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
              Measurement grid: dx=Smm, dy=Smm, dz=Smm
              Reference Value =65.71 V/m; Power Drift=0.01 dB
              Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 4.10 W/kg
              SAR(I g) =2.68 W/kz; SAR(IO g) = 1.72 We
              Maximum value of SAR (measured)=3.61 W/kg





                                0 dB =3.61 Wikg = 5.58 dBW/kg

              Certficate No: D900V2—10069_Aprid               Page 5 of 8

                                                                                                                     EMC—008 (Rev2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43—14, Jnsaegol—gil, Cnowa—eup, Gwanglu—s, Gyeonggi—do, 12738, Korea (TEL: 82—31—709—0500, FAX: 82—31—700—0500)

        Nt                                             Page 56 of 78                            Report No. OT—190—RWD—036

               Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

                                                                                        900. 000000 MHz       50 872 C1
                                                                                    7         57 793 pF      3.05989 C)
                                                                                   00 000000 MHz            31.577 mU
                                                                                    "s                        —72 350 ®

                               ChilAug= K
                        Chi: Start 700.000 MHz                                                             stop 1.10000 CHz

                                                                                              8000 ivlHz    —30.028 d8B

              Certificate No: DB00V2—1d069_Apr19                Page 6 of 8

                                                                                                                              EMC—003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43—14, Jinsaegol—gil, Chowol—eup, Gwangju—si, Gyeonggi—do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82—31—799—9500, FAX: 82—31—799—9599)


    DASY5 Validation Report for Body TSL
                                                                                        Date: 25.04.2019

    Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

    DUT: Dipole 900 MHz; Type: D900V2; Serial: D900V2 — SN:14069

    Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 900 MHz
    Medium parameters used: £=900 MHz; 0 = 1.04 S/m;s = 53.6; p = 1000 kg/m‘
    Phantom section: Flat Section
    Measurement Standard: DASY5 (IEEE/EC/ANSI C63.19—2011)

    DASY52 Configuration:

        *   Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7349; ConvFQ®.78, 9.78, 9.78) @ 900 MHz; Calibrated: 31.12.2018

        *   Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)

       *    Electronics: DAE4 Sn601; Calibrated: 04.10.2018

       *    Phantom: Flat Phantom 4.9 (Back); Type: QD 0OR P49 AA; Serial: 1005

       *    DASY52 52.10.2(1495); SEMCAD X 14.6.12(7450)

    Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=15mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
    Measurement grid: dx=Smm, dy=Smm, dz=Smm
    Reference Value = 60.75 V/m; Power Drift = —0.00 dB
    Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 4.08 W/kg
    SAR(L g) =2.76 W/kg; SAR(IO g) = 1.79 Wikg
    Maximum value of SAR (measured)=3.67 W/kg





                      0 dB = 3.67 Wike = 5.65 dBWikg

    Certficate No: D9OOV2—1d060_Apri               Page7 of 8

        Nt                                             Page 58 of 78                          Report No. OT—190—RWD—036

               Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

                                                                                     400 000000 MHz         47 .098 §]
                                                                                           35,503 pF       ~4.9010 ©1
                                                                                      10.000000 MH2z      5§ 797 m
                                                                                                            —117.29 *

                                Ch 1 Augs 20                       e          e
                         Chi; Stast 700000 MHg   ——                                                      Sbig 1.10000 OHe

                                                                                     800 400000 1         —24, 540 dB

               Certificate No: D900V2—10d069_Apr19              Page 8 of 8

                                                                                                                            EMC—003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43—14, Jinsaegol—gil, Chowol—eup, Gwangju—si, Gyeonggi—do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82—31—799—9500, FAX: 82—31—799—9599)

Document Created: 2019-10-31 01:29:15
Document Modified: 2019-10-31 01:29:15

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