Test Report


Test Report

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                                                               Page 1 of 20                            Report No.: OT-19O-RWD-038

                            ELECTROMAGNETIC EMISSION
                               COMPLIANCE REPORT
         Test Report No.                 : OT-19O-RWD-038

         AGR No.                         : A199A-269

         Applicant                       : AMOSENSE

         Address                         : 56 Naruteo-ro, Seocho-gu, SEOUL, South Korea

         Manufacturer                    : AMOSENSE

         Address                         : 56 Naruteo-ro, Seocho-gu, SEOUL, South Korea

         Type of Equipment               : NOVO

         FCC ID                          : 2AS9T-SB42SW

         Model Name                      : SB42-SW

         Multiple Model Name             : N/A

         Serial number                   : N/A

         Total page of Report            : 20 pages (including this page)

         Date of Incoming                : September 23, 2019

         Date of Issuing                 : October 17, 2019

         The equipment complies with the requirements of FCC CFR 47 PART 15 SUBPART C Section 15.225
         This test report contains only the result of a single test of the sample supplied for the examination.
         It is not a general valid assessment of the features of the respective products of the mass-production.

        Reviewed by:                                                            Approved by:
                            Tae-Ho, Kim / Senior Manager                                         Ki-Hong, Nam / Chief Engineer
                            ONETECH Corp.                                                        ONETECH Corp.

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

       N#                                                                    Page 2 of 20                                             Report No.: OT—190—RWD—038


1. VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE                                                                                                                                                                                     5

2. TEST SUMMARY                                                                                                                                                                                                   6

  2.1 TEST ITEMS AND RESULTS as2. 00e ene en en ennnne en en nnennennnnennennennennnnnnnnnnnnnnennnnnnennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnennen 6

  2.2 RELATED SUBMITTAL(S) / (GRANT(S) .. en en ene en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en eneenennennennenne 6

  2.3 PURPOSE OF THE TEST .......0..00.00.0000000000en0 en en en en ennenne en en nnennennnnennennennennnnnnnnnnnnnnennnnennennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnennen 6

  2.4 TEST METHODOLOG Y .22.20.00000000000 000 00e en en en n n n nne en nne en en en en en nnennennennennennnnnnnnnnennnnennennenne en nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnennen 6

  2.5 TEST FACILATY .02 00000000 000000 en en en n n en nnennenne n n n n n en nnennennennennennennennnnnnnnennennennennennennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnennen 6

3. GENERAL INFORMATION                                                                                                                                                                                            7

  3.1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION.:. 000000 en en en n en n n en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en nnenne en en en en nnnnnnnnnne en nnennenne ns 7

  3.2 MODEL DIFFERENCES! .s2. 00e en en neeneennnennvnnv en en nne en en en nnenne en en en en en en en nnennenne en en en nnnnnnnnnne en nnennenne ns 7

4. SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION                                                                                                                                                                                      8

  4.1 JUSTIFICATION 1220000000000 0000000 en en en n nnenne en n nnenn en rnnne n n n nnennnnennnnennennennnnnnennennennennennennennennnnnnnnnnnne en nnennenne ns 8

  4.2 PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT ... 2.0 en0                                                                                                                                             aneaneaneaneaneaneaneane neane ne ne ne 8

  4.3 MODE OF OPERATION DURING THE TEST .........00.00.0000 0000000000 en en en nnnnenne en en en en en en en en en en en en en nnnnnnnne en nnennennenne 8

  4.4 EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS ... . 00000000000 en en ennnnnnennennennennennennennennennennenneanenneane en aneaneaneane en en anenneanennennenne 8

  4.5 CONFIGURATION OF TEST SYSTEM .. 22. en en n en ene en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en nnnnnnnne en nnennennenne 9

  4.6 ANTENNA REQUIREMENT ... en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en anennenne 9

5. PRELIMINARY TEST                                                                                                                                                                                    10

  5.1 AC POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSIONS TESTS:....2.. en enneneenrenr en en en en en en en en en en en nnennennennennenne 10

  5.2 RapIATED EMISSIONS TESTS..                                                                                                                                                   ...10

6. FINAL RESULT OF MEASUREMENT                                                                                                                                                                         11

  6.1 RADIATED EMISSION TEST ........22.00.00n00n0000000en0 en rvenvenvenvenvenvennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennnnennennennennennencencencen 11
     6.1.1 Operation frequency b@nd: (13.553 ~13.567) MHZ............socccsinserserrersrrsrisrinrinrinrinrinranrenrenrenrenrenennennennennennencena 11

  6.2 SPURIOUS EMISSION TEST .........20.00.n00 00 e0en0 en en en rvenvennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennnnennennennennennennennencencencen 13
     6.2.1 SPUTiOUS RQdi@ted EMiSSIOM BEIOW 30 MHZ .................cloocsensenrensensensrnsrnnrenrenrenrenrenrenrenrnnrnnrnnrnnennennennennennennencen 13

     6.2.2 SPUTiOUS RQdi@ted EMiSSIOM b@IOW 1 GHZ...............c.cccnenenrenrensensrnnrnnrnnrenrenrenrenrenrnnrenrnnrnnrnnrnnennennennennennennencen 14

  6.3 20 B BANDWIDTH ...                                                                                                                                                           .15
     6.3.1 ODPQLbINQ GMVIPOMIMONE..........c..clclcccsecsenrenrensensenensensensenrennennennennenne in en n nnennennennennennennenne en nnnn en en nnennennennena 15

     6.3.2 TSE SOUUP ... ... csulsicsincenvenvenmensenrenrenrenrenrennennennennennenennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennenne en nnnn en en nnnnennennena 15

     6.3.3 TSE ORA ...... ... 0s uusensenvensensensensensensensenrenrennennennennennenennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennenneanenneane en en en en en en en en enennennena 16
It should not be reproduced except in full, withoutthe written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                                                           EMC—003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.; 43—14, Jinsaegol—gil, Chowol—cup, Gwangju—si, Gyeonggi—do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82—31—799—9500, FAX: 82—31—799—9599)

       N#                                                                   Page 3 of 20                                              Report No.: OT—190—RWD—038

     6.4.1 ODPQLbINQ GRVIPOMIMONME..........c..clclccccsecsenrenrensnsenensensensenrennennennennenne in en n nnennennennennennennenne en nnnn en en nnennennennena 17

     6.4.2 TSE SOUUP ... ... c0ulsicsoncenvenvenmensensenrenrenrenrennennennennennenennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennenne en nnnn en en nnnnennennena 17

     6.4.3 TSE AOHO ......csccsocsonsensensensensensensensensennennennennennennenne en nnennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennenne en nnenn en en en en nnennena 17

  6.5 FREQUENCY STABILITY WITH VOLTAGE VARIATION.                                                                                                                                 .18

     6.5.1 ODPQLbINQ GRVIPOMIMONME..........c..clclccccsecsenrenrensnsenensensensenrennennennennenne in en n nnennennennennennennenne en nnnn en en nnennennennena 18

     6.5.2 TOSL SOLUP ...... ol inloneneneneeneeneeneencencencencencencencencenceneneencencencencencennencennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennencencenn 18

     6.5.3 TSE AOHO ... ...csccsonsonsensensensensensensensensennennennennennennennenennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennennenne en nnnne en en en en nnennena 18

7. FIELD STRENGTH CALCULATION                                                                                                                                                        19

8. LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                                                            20

It should not be reproduced except in full, withoutthe written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                                                          EMC—003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.; 43—14, Jinsaegol—gil, Chowol—cup, Gwangju—si, Gyeonggi—do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82—31—799—9500, FAX: 82—31—799—9599)

                                                               Page 4 of 20                             Report No.: OT-19O-RWD-038

                                                             Revision History
 Rev. No.          Issue Report No.                     Issued Date                           Revisions                 Section Affected
     0           OT-19O-RWD-038                      October 17, 2019                       Initial Release                     All

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                               Page 5 of 20                            Report No.: OT-19O-RWD-038

Applicant           : AMOSENSE
Address             : 56 Naruteo-ro, Seocho-gu, SEOUL, South Korea
Manufacturer        : AMOSENSE
Address             : 56 Naruteo-ro, Seocho-gu, SEOUL, South Korea
Factory             : AMO VINA CO,,LTD
Address             : Lot CN12, Khai Quang industrial Park, Khai Quang Ward, Vinh Yen City, Vinh Phuc Province, Vietnam
Contact Person : UIHAN JEONG/Research Engineer
Telephone No. : +82-010-4948-5676
FCC ID              : 2AS9T-SB42SW
Model Name          : SB42-SW
Brand Name          :-
Serial Number : N/A
Date                : October 17, 2019

 DEVICE TYPE                                               DXX – Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
 E.U.T. DESCRIPTION                                        NOVO
 THIS REPORT CONCERNS                                      Original Grant
 MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES                                    ANSI C63.10: 2013
 TYPE OF EQUIPMENT TESTED                                  Pre-Production
                                                           FCC CFR47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.225
 FINAL TEST WAS CONDUCTED ON                               3 m Semi Anechoic Chamber

-. The above equipment was tested by ONETECH Corp. for compliance with the requirement set forth in the FCC Rules
   and Regulations. This said equipment in the configuration described in this report, shows the maximum emission levels
   emanating from equipment are within the compliance requirements.

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                               Page 6 of 20                            Report No.: OT-19O-RWD-038


2.1 Test items and results
      SECTION                                                 TEST ITEMS                                               RESULTS

  15.215 (c)               20 dB BANDWIDTH                                                                        Met the Limit / PASS
  15.225 (e)               FREQUENCY STABILITY WITH TEMPERATURE VARIATION /                                       Met the Limit / PASS
  15.225 (a),(b),(c)       Radiated Emission Limits                                                               Met the Limit / PASS
  15.209, 15.225(e)        SPURIOUS EMISSION TEST                                                                 Met the Limit / PASS
  15.207                   Conducted Limits                                                                           N/A (See Note)
  15.203                   Antenna Requirement                                                                   Met requirement / PASS

Note: This test is not applicable because the EUT use battery.

2.2 Related Submittal(s) / Grant(s)
Original submittal only

2.3 Purpose of the test
To determine whether the equipment under test fulfills the requirements of the regulation stated in FCC PART 15
SUBPART C Section 15.225.

2.4 Test Methodology
Both conducted and radiated testing was performed according to the procedures in ANSI C63.10: 2013. Radiate
d testing was performed at a distance of 3 m from EUT to the antenna.

2.5 Test Facility
The Onetech Corp. has been designated to perform equipment testing in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025.
The Electromagnetic compatibility measurement facilities are located at 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si,
Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea
-. Site Filing:
VCCI (Voluntary Control Council for Interference) – Registration No. R-4112/ C-14617/ G-10666 / T-1842
IC (Industry Canada) – Registration No. Site# 3736A-3
-. Site Accreditation:
KOLAS (Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme) - Accreditation NO. KT085
FCC (Federal Communications Commission) - Accreditation No. KR0013
RRA (Radio Research Agency) – Designation No. KR0013

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                               Page 7 of 20                            Report No.: OT-19O-RWD-038


3.1 Product Description
The AMOSENSE, Model SB42-SW (referred to as the EUT in this report) is an NOVO, Product specification information
described herein was obtained from product data sheet or user’s manual.

  DEVICE TYPE                NOVO
  Temperature Range          -20 °C ~ 50 °C
                             NFC                         13.56 MHz
  OPERATING                  Sig Fox                     902.137 5 MHz ~ 904.662 5 MHz
  FREQUENCY                  Bluetooth LE                2 402 MHz ~ 2 480 MHz
                             WLAN 2.4 GHz                2 412 MHz ~ 2 462 MHz (802.11b/g/n(HT20))
                             NFC                         ASK

                             Sig Fox                     DBPSK
                             Bluetooth LE                GFSK
                                                         802.11b: DSSS Modulation(DBPSK/DQPSK/CCK)
                             WLAN 2.4 GHz
                                                         802.11g/n(HT20): OFDM Modulation(BPSK/QPSK/16QAM/64QAM)
                             NFC                         39.53 dBμV/m

                             Sig Fox                     22.26 dBm
  RF OUTPUT                  Bluetooth LE                -0.44 dBm
  POWER’                                                 2.99 dBm(802.11b)
                             WLAN 2.4 GHz                1.64 dBm(802.11g)
                                                         1.57 dBm(802.11n_HT20)
                                                         NFC: FPCB Antenna
  ANTENNA TYPE                                           Sig Fox : Chip Antenna
                                                         WLAN 2.4 GHz / Bluetooth LE : Chip Antenna
                                                         WLAN 2.4 GHz / Bluetooth LE : 2.40 dBi
                                                         Sig Fox : -0.59 dBi
  List of each Osc. or crystal
                                                         32.768 kHz, 26 MHz, 32 MHz, 50 MHz
  Freq.(Freq. >= 1 MHz)

3.2 Model Differences:
-. None

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                               Page 8 of 20                               Report No.: OT-19O-RWD-038


4.1 Justification
This device was configured for testing in a typical way as a normal customer is supposed to be used. During the test, the
following components were installed inside of the EUT.
      DEVICE TYPE                         MANUFACTURER                             MODEL/PART NUMBER                         FCC ID

          Main Board                           AMOSENSE                                     NOVO Rev04                          N/A
      NFC ANTENNA                                   N/A                               ANFA150N526 NOVO                          N/A

4.2 Peripheral equipment
Defined as equipment needed for correct operation of the EUT, but not considered as tested:

            Model                             Manufacturer                                  Description                   Connected to
          SB42-SW                              AMOSENSE                                     NOVO(EUT)                               -
              N/A                                   N/A                                      Jig Board                         EUT
          Ideapad 100                            LENOVO                                     Notebook PC                             -
       PA-1450-55LR                   LITE-ON TECHNOLOGY                                    AC Adapter                              -

4.3 Mode of operation during the test
-. The EUT has 13.56 MHz RF boards for program was used for making continuous transmission mode during the test.

4.4 Equipment Modifications
-. None

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                               Page 9 of 20                            Report No.: OT-19O-RWD-038

4.5 Configuration of Test System
Line Conducted Test :                 It is not need to test this requirement, because the EUT shall be operated by DC battery.

Radiated Emission Test :              Preliminary radiated emissions test were conducted using the procedure in ANSI C63.10:
                                      2013 to determine the worse operating conditions. The radiated emissions measurements
                                      were performed on the 10 m Semi Anechoic Chamber.
                                      For frequencies from 150 kHz to 30 MHz measurements were made of the magnetic H field.
                                      The measuring antenna is an electrically screened loop antenna.
                                      The frequency spectrum from 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz was scanned and maximum emission
                                      levels maximized at each frequency recorded. The system was rotated 360°, and the antenna
                                      was varied in the height between 1.0 m and 4.0 m in order to determine the maximum
                                      emission levels. This procedure was performed for both horizontal and vertical polarization
                                      of the receiving antenna.

4.6 Antenna Requirement
For intentional device, according to section 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other
than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device.
Antenna Construction:
The antenna of the EUT is FPCB Antenna on the main board in the EUT, so no consideration of replacement by the user.

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                               Page 10 of 20                           Report No.: OT-19O-RWD-038


5.1 AC Power line Conducted Emissions Tests
During Preliminary Tests, the following operating mode was investigated
                        Operation Mode                                    The Worse operating condition (Please check one only)

                       It is not needed to test, because the power of the EUT is supplied from a DC battery.

5.2 Radiated Emissions Tests
During Preliminary Tests, the following operating modes were investigated
                         Operation Mode                                    The Worse operating condition (Please check one only)

                        Transmitting Mode                                                               X

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                               Page 11 of 20                              Report No.: OT-19O-RWD-038

Preliminary test was done in normal operation mode. And the final measurement was selected for the maximized emission level.


6.1.1 Operation frequency band: (13.553 ~ 13.567) MHz
The following table shows the highest levels of radiated emissions on both polarizations of horizontal and vertical.

Humidity Level           : 46 % R.H.                                                                             Temperature: 23 ºC
Limits apply to          : FCC CFR 47, PART 15, SUBPART C, SECTION 15.209
Type of Test             : Low Power Transmitter below 1 705 kHz

Result                   : PASSED

EUT                      : NOVO                                                             Date: September 24, 2019 ~ October 15, 2019
Operating Condition : Transmitting Mode
Detector                 : CISPR Quasi-Peak (6 dB Bandwidth: 9 kHz)
Distance                 :3m

      Radiated Emission                     Ant               Correction Factors                  Total                  FCC
     Freq.           Amplitud                               Antenna             Cable          Amplitude        Limit               Margin
    (MHz)              (dBμV)                                (dB/m)              (dB)           (dBμV/m)      (dBμV/m)               (dB)

     13.56              39.53                H                                                    60.20          124                63.80
                                                              20.37              0.30
     13.56              27.63                V                                                    48.30          124                75.70
Remark. The EUT was tested at 3 m.

                                                                                  Tested by: Hyung-Kwon, Oh / Assistant Manager

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                               Page 12 of 20                           Report No.: OT-19O-RWD-038


cc. to above test data, the field strength level of 13.56 MHz is 38.11dBuV/m and the worst limit subject to 15.225 (b) and
(c) is 80.5 dBuV/m, so the EUT meets the requirement.
It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                               Page 13 of 20                             Report No.: OT-19O-RWD-038


6.2.1 Spurious Radiated Emission Below 30 MHz
Humidity Level           : 43.9 % R.H.                                                                          Temperature: 24.3 ºC
Limits apply to          : FCC CFR 47, PART 15, SUBPART C, SECTION 15.209
Type of Test             : Low Power Transmitter below 1 705 kHz
Frequency Range          : 9 kHz ~ 30 MHz
Result                   : PASSED

EUT                      : NOVO                                                             Date: September 24, 2019 ~ October 15, 2019
Operating Condition : Transmitting Mode
Distance                 :3m

Frequency Reading Ant. Pol. Ant.                            Angle     Ant. Factor       Cable        Emission     Limits            Margin
  (MHz)   (dBμV)   (H/V) Height (m)                          (°)       (dB/m)           Loss      Level(dBμV/m) (dBμV/m)             (dB)

                                            It was not observed any emissions from the EUT.

                                                                                  Tested by: Hyung-Kwon, Oh / Assistant Manager

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                               Page 14 of 20                             Report No.: OT-19O-RWD-038

6.2.2 Spurious Radiated Emission below 1 GHz
The following table shows the highest levels of radiated emissions on both polarizations of horizontal and vertical.
Humidity Level           : (43 ~ 44) % R.H.                                                                   Temperature: (24 ~ 25) ºC
Limits apply to          : FCC CFR 47, PART 15, SUBPART C, SECTION 15.209
Type of Test             : Low Power Transmitter below 1 705 kHz
Result                   : PASSED

EUT                      : NOVO                                                             Date: September 24, 2019 ~ October 15, 2019
Distance                 :3m

                                                                                  Tested by: Hyung-Kwon, Oh / Assistant Manager

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                               Page 15 of 20                              Report No.: OT-19O-RWD-038


6.3.1 Operating environment
Temperature                          :       24.3 °C
Relative humidity                    :       43.9 % R.H.

6.3.2 Test set-up
The antenna output of the EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer. The resolution bandwidth is set to 10 kHz, and
peak detection was used. The 20 dB bandwidth is defined as the total spectrum over which the power is higher than the peak
power minus 20 dB.

                             EUT                                                            Spectrum analyzer

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                               Page 16 of 20                           Report No.: OT-19O-RWD-038

6.3.3 Test data
-. Test Date                   : September 24, 2019 ~ October 15, 2019
-. Limits apply to             : FCC CFR 47, PART 15, SUBPART C, SECTION 15.209

   Operating Freq.                                                                            Assigned Operating
                                             Measured Value (kHz)                                                                   Result
         (MHz)                                                                               Frequency Band (kHz)

         13.56                                         25.97                                          900.00                        PASS

                                                                                  Tested by: Hyung-Kwon, Oh / Assistant Manager

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

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6.4.1 Operating environment
Temperature                          :      24.3 °C

Relative humidity                    :      43.9 % RH.

6.4.2 Test set—up
Turn EUT off and set chamber temperature to —20 °C and then allow sufficient time (approximately 20 to 30 minutes after

chamber reach the assigned temperature) for EUT to stabilize. Turn ON EUT and measure the EUT operating frequency

and then turn off the EUT after the measurement. The temperature in the chamber was raised 10 °C step from —20 °C to

+50°C. Repeat above method for frequency measurements every 10 °C step and then record all measured frequencies on

each temperature step.

6.4.3 Test data
—. Test Date                : September 24, 2019 ~ October 15, 2019

—. Result                   : PASSED

   Temperature (°C)             Carrier Freq. (Hz)           Measured Freq. (Hz)           Margin (Hz)                   Limit (Hz)

            —20                                                   13,560,385                    385

            —10                                                   13,560,247                    247

             0                                                    13,560,180                     180

             10                                                   13,560,224                    224
                                    13,560,000.0                                                                         +1 356.00
            20                                                    13,560,475                    475

            30                                                    13,560,387                    387

            40                                                    13,560,251                    251

            50                                                    13,560,361                    361

                                                                                 Tested by: Hyung—Kwon, Oh / Assistant Manager

It should not be reproduced exceptin full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                    EMC—003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43—14, Jinsaegol—gil, Chowol—eup, Gwangju—si, Gyeonggi—do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82—31—799—9500, FAX: 82—31—799—9599)

       Nua!                                                   Page 18 of 20                            Report No.: OT—190—RWD—038


6.5.1 Operating environment
Temperature                                 24.3 °C

Relative humidity                           43.9 % RH.

6.5.2 Test set—up
An external DC power supply was connected to the input of the EUT. The voltage of EUT set to 115 % of the nominal

value and then was reduced to 85 % of nominal voltage. The output frequency was recorded at each step.

6.5.3 Test data
—. Test Date                    : September 24, 2019 ~ October 15, 2019

—. Result                       : PASSED

      Voltage (Vde)             Carrier Freq. (Hz)           Measured Freq. (Hz)           Margin (Hz)                   Limit (Hz)

       345(115 %)                                                  13,560,359                    359

       3.00(100 %)                    13,560,000                   13,560,425                    425                     + 1 356.00

        2.55(85 %)                                                 13,560,241                    241

                                                                                 Tested by: Hyung—Kwon, Oh / Assistant Manager

It should not be reproduced exceptin full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                    EMC—003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43—14, Jinsaegol—gil, Chowol—eup, Gwangju—si, Gyeonggi—do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82—31—799—9500, FAX: 82—31—799—9599)

                                                               Page 19 of 20                           Report No.: OT-19O-RWD-038


Meter readings are compared to the specification limit correcting for antenna and cable losses.

                                              +    Meter reading                     (dBμV)
                                              -   Amplifier Gain                     (dB)
                                              +    Cable Loss                        (dB)
                                              -   Antenna Factor                     (dB/m)
                                              =    Corrected Result                  (dBμV/m)

                                              Margin (dB)
                                                   Specification Limit               (dBuV/m)
                                              -    Corrected Result                  (dBuV/m)
                                              =    dB Relative to Spec               (± dB)

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

                                                               Page 20 of 20                           Report No.: OT-19O-RWD-038


 No.        EQUIPMENTS                    MFR.                MODEL               SER. NO.        LAST CAL             DUE CAL       USE

  1.                                        R/S                 ESCI                101012        Oct. 22, 2018        One Year        -
  2.          Test receiver                 R/S                  ESR                101470        Oct. 22, 2018        One Year       
  3.                                        R/S                 ESPI                101278        Oct. 20, 2018        One Year       
  4.       Spectrum analyzer                R/S                FSV30                101372        Jul. 24, 2019        One Year       
  5.            Amplifier                                       310N                312544       Mar. 18, 2019         One Year       
  6.            Amplifier                                       310N                312545       Mar. 18, 2019         One Year        -
         TRILOG Broadband
  7.                                  Schwarzbeck           VULB9163               9163-255       Jun. 05, 2018        Two Year       
         TRILOG Broadband
  8.                                  Schwarzbeck           VULB9163               9163-419      Aug. 09, 2018         Two Year        -
  9.           Controller             Innco System            CO3000                                   N/A                 N/A        
                                                                                  9109-1867      Mar. 27, 2019         One Year        -
                                          EMCO                 3825/2
                                                                                  9109-1869      Mar. 19, 2019         One Year       
 10.              LISN
                                      Schwarzbeck           NNLK8121                  804         Oct. 22, 2018        One Year       
                                      Schwarzbeck           NSLK8128               8128-216      Mar. 20, 2019         One Year       
 11.           Turn Table             Innco System            DT3000                930611             N/A                 N/A        
 12.        Antenna Master            Innco System          MA4000-EP           MA4000/332             N/A                 N/A         -
 13.        Antenna Master            Innco System        MA-4000XPET           MA4000/509             N/A                 N/A        
 14.         Loop Antenna             Schwarzbeck           FMZB 1513              1513-235       May 13, 2018         Two Year       
 15.      Frequency Counter                 HP                53152A             US39270295       Jul. 25, 2019        One Year       
          Environmental Test
 16.                                      ESPEC               PSL-2KP             14009407        Feb. 22, 2019        One Year       
 17.       DC Power Supply                Protek            PWS-3003D              4020409        Jul. 24, 2019        One Year

It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of ONETECH Corp.                                   EMC-003 (Rev.2)
ONETECH Corp.: 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12735, Korea (TEL: 82-31-799-9500, FAX: 82-31-799-9599)

Document Created: 2019-10-31 00:53:41
Document Modified: 2019-10-31 00:53:41

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