RF Exposure Info

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                                   MRT Technology (Taiwan) Co., Ltd            Report No.: 1904TW8201-U3
                                   Phone: +886-3-3288388                       Report Version:        1.0
                                   Fax:   +886-3-3288918                       Issue Date:     2019-05-22

            RF Exposure Evaluation Declaration

FCC ID:                          2AS8DSC1

IC:                              25026-SC1

APPLICANT:                       Sequent AG

Application Type:                Certification
Product:                         Hybrid Watch
Model No.:                       SC1

FCC Rule Part(s):                Part 2.1093 (Portable)
IC Standard:                     RSS 102 (issue5)
Test Procedure(s):               KDB 447498 D01v06
Test Date:                       May 6 ~ 13, 2019

 Reviewed By                 :

                                   ( Paddy Chen )

 Approved By                 :

                                    ( Chenz Ker )
The test results relate only to the samples tested.
The test results shown in the test report are traceable to the national/international standards through the
calibration of the equipment and evaluated measurement uncertainty herein.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of MRT Technology (Taiwan)
Co., Ltd.
 FCC ID: 2AS8DSC1/ IC: 25026-SC1                                                          Page Number: 1 of 6

                                                        Report No.: 1904TW8201-U3

                                  Revision History

   Report No.         Version          Description      Issue Date        Note

 1904TW8201-U3          1.0           Original Report   2019-05-22

FCC ID: 2AS8DSC1/ IC: 25026-SC1                              Page Number: 2 of 6

                                                           Report No.: 1904TW8201-U3

1.1. Equipment Description

Product Name           Hybrid Watch
FCC ID                 2AS8DSC1
IC                     25026-SC1
Model No.              SC1


Supports Radios Spec. Bluetooth V4.2
Bluetooth Specification V4.2 LE
Operating Frequency    2402~2480MHz

Type of modulation     GFSK

1.2. Antenna Description

No.            Manufacturer                Part No.     Antenna Type      Peak Gain
  1   RIMON TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD        WAN3216F245C0X      Chip            1.75dBi

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                                                                  Report No.: 1904TW8201-U3

2.    RF Exposure Evaluation
2.1. FCC Limits

According to FCC KDB 447498 Section 4.3 - General SAR test exclusion guidance

For 100 MHz to 6 GHz and test separation distances ≤ 50 mm, the 1-g and 10-g SAR test
exclusion thresholds are determined by the following:

[(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW) / (min. test separation distance,
mm)] · [√f(GHz)] ≤ 3.0 for 1-g SAR, and ≤ 7.5 for 10-g extremity SAR,


1. f(GHz) is the RF channel transmit frequency in GHz
2. Power and distance are rounded to the nearest mW and mm before calculation
3. The result is rounded to one decimal place for comparison
4.The values 3.0 and 7.5 are referred to as numeric thresholds in step b) below

The test exclusions are applicable only when the minimum test separation distance is ≤ 50
mm, and for transmission frequencies between 100 MHz and 6 GHz. When the minimum
test separation distance is < 5 mm, a distance of 5 mm according to 4.1 f) is applied to
determine SAR test exclusion.

2.2. IC Limits
Output power level shall be the higher of the maximum conducted or equivalent
isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) source-based, time-averaged output power. For
controlled use devices where the 8 W/kg for 1 gram of tissue applies, the exemption limits
for routine evaluation in Table 1 are multiplied by a factor of 5. For limb-worn devices
where the 10 gram value applies, the exemption limits for routine evaluation in Table 1 are
multiplied by a factor of 2.5. If the operating frequency of the device is between two
frequencies located in Table 1, linear interpolation shall be applied for the applicable
separation distance. For test separation distance less than 5 mm, the exemption limits for
a separation distance of 5 mm can be applied to determine if a routine evaluation is

FCC ID: 2AS8DSC1/ IC: 25026-SC1                                        Page Number: 4 of 6

                                                                       Report No.: 1904TW8201-U3

                                             Exemption Limits (mW)
  Frequency     At separation     At separation   At separation   At separation    At separation
    (MHz)        distance of       distance of     distance of     distance of      distance of
                   ≤5 mm             10 mm           15 mm           20 mm            25 mm
     300           71 mW            101 mW          132 mW           162 mW          193 mW
     450           52 mW             70 mW           88 mW           106 mW          123 mW
     835           17 mW             30 mW           42 mW           55 mW            67 mW
     1900           7 mW             10 mW           18 mW           34 mW            60 mW
     2450           4 mW             7 mW            15 mW           30 mW            52 mW
     3500           2 mW             6 mW            16 mW           32 mW            55 mW
     5800           1 mW             6 mW            15 mW           27 mW            41 mW
                At separation     At separation   At separation   At separation    At separation
                 distance of       distance of     distance of     distance of      distance of
                   30 mm             35 mm           40 mm           45 mm           ≥50 mm
     ≤300         223 mW            254 mW          284 mW           315 mW          345 mW
     450          141 mW            159 mW          177 mW           195 mW          213 mW
     835           80 mW             92 mW          105 mW           117 mW          130 mW
     1900          99 mW            153 mW          225 mW           316 mW          431 mW
     2450          83 mW            123 mW          173 mW           235 mW          309 mW
     3500          86 mW            124 mW          170 mW           225 mW          290 mW
     5800          56 mW             71 mW           85 mW           97 mW           106 mW

Table 1: SAR evaluation – Exemption limits for routine evaluation based on frequency and
separation distance.

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                                                                   Report No.: 1904TW8201-U3

2.3. Test Result of RF Exposure Evaluation

                                               FCC                                IC
                         Average             Extremity                        Extremity
           Frequency               Output                Antenna
                         Output              SAR Test                EIRP     SAR Test
   Mode       Band                 Power                   Gain
                          Power              Exclusion               (mW)     Exclusion
              (MHz)                (mW)                    (dBi)
                          (dBm)              Threshold                        Threshold
                                               (mW)                              (mW)

    BLE    2402~2480      -11.50   0.071       23.81       1.75      0.106        10

    So, this device can complies the SAR test exclusion.

                                           The End

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Document Created: 2019-06-12 09:15:11
Document Modified: 2019-06-12 09:15:11

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