Antenna spec.


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                    承                    認                            書

       CUSTOMER :
    DESCRIPTION : Chip Antenna 3216 L Ant 2.45G Type 02,04,06
         VERSION : V3.3
      ISSUE DATE : 2016/09/14

                                        客 戶 承 認
                                    CUSTOMER APPROVED

                                        工    程      部
                                        R&D CENTER
                           承 認             確 認                     製 作
                         APPROVAL        CHECKED                  DRAWN
                            Ray             Jason                    Eric

                                                 Hong Kong
富廷科技股份有限公司                                       RIMON TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
RIMON TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                       香港九龍旺角彌敦道 582-592 號信和中心 804 室
114 台北市內湖區內湖路 2 段 352 號 4 樓之 6                   RM804, Sino Centre., 582-592 Nathan Rd., Kln, Hong Kong
4F-6, No.352, Sec. 2, Neihu Rd.,
Neihu District,Taipei 114, Taiwan
電話: +886-2-2796-2568
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3216 Chip antenna
For Bluetooth / WLAN Applications

       P/N:       WAN3216F245C02

                     Dimension (mm)
              L        3.23 ± 0.20
           W           1.66 ± 0.20
              T        0.45 ± 0.20

       RIMON TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.     2/11

   Part Number Information

    WAN 3216                      F          245            C             0X
        A            B            C            D             E            F

    A         Product Series                         Antenna
    B        Dimension L x W                  3.2X1.6mm (+‐0.2mm)
    C            Material                        High K material
    D       Working Frequency                     2.4 ~ 2.5GHz
    E         Feeding mode                    PIFA & Single Feeding
    F         Antenna type                 0X=02,04,06 / Type=02,04,06

1. Electrical Specification
            Part Number                         WAN3216F245C04
         Central Frequency                                 2450                     MHz
              Bandwidth                                120 (Min.)                   MHz
             Return Loss                               ‐6.5 (Max)                   dB
              Peak Gain                                    1.05                     dBi
             Impedance                                      50                      Ohm
     Operating Temperature                              ‐40~+85                      ℃
          Maximum Power                                      4                       W
  Resistance to Soldering Heats                      10 ( @ 260℃)                   sec.

             Polarization                                        Linear
        Azimuth Beamwidth                                Omni‐directional
             Termination                                Ni / Au (Leadless)

  Remark : Bandwidth & Peak Gain was measured under evaluation board of next page

                         RIMON TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                        3/11

2. Recommended PCB Pattern

   Evaluation Board Dimension

      2nd Evaluation Board Dimension

   Suggested Matching Circuit

                 RIMON TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.   4/11

         Layout Dimensions in Clearance area( Size=5.9*5.0mm)

50 ohm transmission Line

  Matching    Circuit
                            FootPrint    (Unit : mm)

            2nd Layout Dimensions in Clearance area( Size=8.0*3.0mm)

                         RIMON TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                     5/11

3. Measurement Results

   Return Loss

                 RIMON TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.   6/11

Radiation Pattern


   Z                Y

                    Efficiency   Peak Gain      Directivity

    2450MHz          85.65%      1.75 dBi        2.89 dBi

                    Chamber Coordinate System

               RIMON TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                     7/11

4.Reliability and Test Condictions
 ITEM            REQUIREMENTS                                         TEST CONDITION
 Solderability   1. Wetting shall exceed 90% coverage                 Pre‐heating temperature:150℃/60sec.
                 2. No visible mechanical damage                      Solder temperature:230±5℃
                           TEMP (℃)
                            230℃                          4±1 sec.    Flux for lead free: rosin



 Solder heat     1. No visible mechanical damage                      Pre‐heating temperature:150℃/60sec.
 Resistance      2. Central Freq. change :within ± 6%                 Solder temperature:260±5℃
                          TEMP (℃)                                    Duration:10±0.5sec.
                                                        10±0.5 sec.
                           260℃                                       Flux for lead free: rosin



 Component       1. No visible mechanical damage                      The device should be reflow
 Adhesion                                                             soldered(230±5℃ for 10sec.) to a tinned
 (Push test)
                                                                      copper substrate A dynometer force
                                                                      gauge should be applied the side of the
                                                                      component. The device must with-ST-F
                                                                      0.5 Kg without failure of the termination
                                                                      attached to component.
 Component       1. No visible mechanical damage                      Insert 10cm wire into the remaining open
 Adhesion                                                             eye bend ,the ends of even wire lengths
 (Pull test)                                                          upward and wind together.
                                                                      Terminal shall not be remarkably
 Thermal shock   1. No visible mechanical damage                      +85℃=>30±3min
                 2. Central Freq. change :within ±6%
                                                                      Test cycle:10 cycles
                  Phase       Temperature(℃)       Time(min)
                                                                      The chip shall be stabilized at normal
                  1           +85±5℃               30±3               condition for 2~3 hours before
                  2           Room                 Within             measuring.
                              Temperature          3sec
                  3           -40±2℃               30±3
                  4           Room                 Within
                              Temperature          3sec
 Resistance to   1. No visible mechanical damage                      Temperature: 85±5℃
 High                                                                 Duration: 1000±12hrs
                 2. Central Freq. change :within ±6%
 Temperature                                                          The chip shall be stabilized at normal
                 3. No disconnection or short circuit.
                                                                      condition for 2~3 hours before
 Resistance to   1. No visible mechanical damage                      Temperature:-40±5℃
 Low                                                                  Duration: 1000±12hrs
                 2. Central Freq. change :within ±6%
 Temperature                                                          The chip shall be stabilized at normal
                 3. No disconnection or short circuit.
                                                                      condition for 2~3 hours before
 Humidity        1. No visible mechanical damage                      Temperature: 40±2℃
                 2. Central Freq. change :within ±6%                  Humidity: 90% to 95% RH
                                                                      Duration: 1000±12hrs
                 3. No disconnection or short circuit.
                                                                      The chip shall be stabilized at normal
                                                                      condition for 2~3 hours before

                                     RIMON TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                   8/11

5.Soldering and Mounting

 Mildly activated rosin fluxes are preferred. The minimum amount of solder can
 lead to damage from the stresses caused by the difference in coefficients of
 expansion between solder, chip and substrate. The terminations are suitable
 for all wave and re-flow soldering systems. If hand soldering cannot be
 avoided, the preferred technique is the utilization of hot air soldering tools.

 Recommended temperature profiles for re-flow soldering in Figure 1.

 Products attachment with a soldering iron is discouraged due to the inherent
 process control limitations. In the event that a soldering iron must be
 employed the following precautions are recommended.

 ‧Preheat circuit and products to 150℃

 ‧Never contact the ceramic with the iron tip

 ‧Use a 20 watt soldering iron with tip diameter of 1.0mm

 ‧280℃ tip temperature (max)

 ‧1.0mm tip diameter (max)

 ‧Limit soldering time to 3 sec.

                     RIMON TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                    9/11

6.Packaging Information

     Tape Specification:

                  P0                         P2


                                                      P                      A0

       W           Ao       Bo     Ko        P       F        E        D       Po         P2       t
       8.0        1.77     3.51   1.04      4.00   3.50     1.75     1.50     4.00       2.00    0.25
      ±0.30       ±0.05   ±0.10   ±0.10    ±0.05   ±0.05   ±0.10     ±0.10    ±0.10     ±0.05    ±0.05

     Reel Specification: (7’’, Φ180 mm)

Tape Width(mm) A(mm) B(mm)                         C(mm)       D(mm) Chip/Reel(pcs)

              8            9.0±0.5        60±2     13.5±0.5        178±2              3000

                            RIMON TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                   10/11

7.Storage and Transportation Information

 Storage Conditions

   To maintain the solderability of terminal electrodes:

   1. Temperature and humidity conditions: -10~ 40℃ and 30~70% RH.

   2. Recommended products should be used within 6 months from the time of

   3. The packaging material should be kept where no chlorine or sulfur exists
      in the air.

 Transportation Conditions

   1. Products should be handled with care to avoid damage or contamination
      from perspiration and skin oils.

   2. The use of tweezers or vacuum pick up is strongly recommended for
      individual components.

   3. Bulk handling should ensure that abrasion and mechanical shock are

                     RIMON TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                  11/11

Document Created: 2016-11-07 14:30:36
Document Modified: 2016-11-07 14:30:36

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